Your Personal Prophetic Word For Year 5783/2023 – Successful Registration
Request your personal prophetic word for the year 5783/2023. Learn more about this ministry.
Request your personal prophetic word for the year 5783/2023. Learn more about this ministry.
I’m not an expert in healing others’ traumas but the Lord can. Trauma is a big life-altering event that can happen in someone’s life, your life, and my life. The American psychological association defines trauma this way: “Trauma is an emotional response to a terrible event like an accident, rape, or natural disaster. Immediately after the event, shock and denial are typical. Longer-term reactions include unpredictable emotions, flashbacks, strained relationships, and even physical symptoms like headaches or nausea.”
Traumas that happen to us have different levels, weak, mild and extreme. Every level causes a crack in our souls, no doubt, it may be faint or a vivid split but those cracks are painful because we are created by God to be and remain whole.
When we go through a painful experience or a good one, all of our three layers are touched, the physical, the soul, and the spirit. I want you to always think that you are one being and what happens to you affects you totally on all levels. Science or psychology may not always reveal this to you for many reasons. Many scientists don’t believe a man has a spirit, they identify your soul, your emotions, thoughts, and will, and of course the obvious which is your physical. But knowing in part and offering solutions and remedies without fully seeing the whole picture may and will cause you more damage because they are considering this and forsaking the other. We thank God for experts but we trust in the Lord to complete the full picture and bring the fullness of wholeness that we long for.
You’ve read how psychology defines trauma, but how does the Holy Spirit see trauma?
Trauma is a spirit, a wicked strategy from the devil well planned for, organized, and customized for each individual and saved for a certain time to be released in someone’s life when things line up to cause the ultimate knocking damage to make it permanent and impossible to reverse and heal from and to cause the shattered entity to deviate from discovering the Lord and who he is in him and to keep that one ions away from his divine destiny. The devil wants the pain to define you! God wants wholeness to be your identity.
You may be thinking, Tony you’ve gone too far, why are you taking trauma to the spiritual level? Honestly, because it originates there. I totally understand we live in a fallen world and imperfect people cause damage and accidents and that’s totally right and true. But when it comes to trauma the devil is involved because trauma is so violent same as his killing nature. The devil is always after BIG events in your life, he is not really after small things and accidents like a slight cut or a scratch on your skin when you peel an apple, or a headache, etc. The devil wants a violent pain to take over you, define you and alter your relationship with the Lord and your destiny. Trauma is one of his big tools. You will be amazed at the responses we get if I ask you to share a traumatic event you’ve gone through. Almost everyone was subject to it and right now the devil is scheduling one for your children.
You can never heal from something you don’t know the full truth about and its roots. You will be locked in cycles of despair and failures and not go anywhere if you treat the symptoms but do not curse the roots. I pray the Spirit of the Lord enlightens you as you read this in Jesus’ name because it is not a coincidence that you are reading about trauma today and how to heal from it.
Trauma is spiritual, no more talking about it.
Now that you know its origin, you can position yourself to discover the real and true healing for it. Let me interject this here before I proceed with my topic on trauma.
The Bible, for example, lists homosexuality as a sin that Christ died for. Why would Christ die if psychology can treat it for those who don’t want this lifestyle? It is because only the power of Jesus can break sin because sin is spiritual, now after that is done and well received, that struggling person can proceed for help from Christian counselors and even some other treatments. Trauma is spiritual and only God’s power and anointing can deal with it. The Lord can locate it for you, deal with it, set you free and bring you back to wholeness that leads you to a better relationship with the Lord and embracing your God-given destiny.
A healed trauma that doesn’t lead you to God and your destiny is not trauma. It was something else you were dealing with.
I remember when I was little, with no built walls of protection in me, no prayer coverings, knew nothing about God, the word was not in me, I was subject to extreme shattering traumas, word abuse and physical ones too, which established excruciating pain in me and I became locked in the constant struggle inside. Part of me was strongly trying to get rid of that trauma but I couldn’t help getting it out. After years of struggle, I surrendered myself to the pain of trauma and let it define me because I found no way out even though I searched for and encountered all kinds of natural healing and resources available in this fallen world but it made me worse and stole my time because little did I know what I was going through was spiritual and it takes the power of Jesus Christ to break those invisible shackles. Long story short, that’s exactly what happened when I met Christ and gave him my life and my pieces. He made me whole and I can’t tell you how TASTY this feeling is. I dwell in wholeness, not in perfection, there is a difference between being whole and perfect.
After God restored me from those traumatic areas in my life, I discovered that my relationship with him deepened and I embraced more of my calling and who I am in him. Others today are greatly blessed by me because I WAS FOUND.
The prince of Peace, Jesus Christ, will take you shattered and gives you peace. You will be WHOLE again and that my friend is a traumatic event to the devil. Amen!
Tony Francis
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In the blessed book of Revelation, we see our Lord Jesus Christ holding in his hand the stars. Regardless of the meaning of those stars, we know that God is the creator of the heavens and earth and he holds everything in the word of his power. He is the Lord over everything and over time. We know the times and seasons not by studying those elements but by looking at Jesus because all revelations come from him. Creation leads us to the Lord. A passenger is definitely aware of the car but his focus is on the driver and the road, and this is how we relate properly and in balance to time elements and the Lord of time. Months serve God’s purposes and they are simply containers for his blessings, just like you and we say blessed are those who come in the name of the Lord. Amen!
I sense so strongly from the Lord that many in the month of August 2022 will be moving to new houses/places. Why? Because you are a territorial spiritual being and your move has a deeper meaning than just “a simple move” to somewhere else. As you obey and move to the new, you will prosper, this is what Holy Spirit is affirming and confirming to you in the name of Jesus.
I also see in the spirit many of your husbands will start preaching/prophesying, I don’t know if this is related to the move or not, but it could be that the Holy Spirit will anoint and empower your husband to start preaching because that new place triggers a new gift and ministry. Halleluiah … I sense your neighbors will be so happy and blessed by you! They have been waiting for you to show up and for this time to come to pass.
I also sense that you will be pregnant, also I am not sure if this is related to the move or not, but you will be able to get pregnant, it seems like you are prospering and multiplying in the land of the new.
God’s blessings are all over you this month, he is opening doors for you on so many levels and you are sensitive to obey and follow the nudges of the Holy Spirit.
I also see that it is a month of confrontations with Satan because you are plundering his house. The devil always fights the feet of authority, the sole of advancements, those who have territorial authority and plans, and guess what? The Lord of Hosts will be with you and you will follow his divine orders and see his victory and banner!
For some, I see the new school of your children in this new place and I see the blessing of the Lord over it, your children will be in God’s favor in the eyes of their principles, they will be distinguished among many and their grades will score high, they even will lead and serve there and will impact others’ lives. Are not you proud of your lads already? Halleluiah.
Why is the Lord revealing all this to you in this monthly prophetic word? Because he wants you to MOVE, he really wants this, so move! You are blessed. Amen
Tony Francis
Feel free to sow financially at the beginning of August 2022. Let's believe for your children's prosperity in this new season in Jesus' name! Thanks for blessing and supporting Healed Nations' ministries!
Speaker: Tony Francis
Type: Live Zoom Class (video + audio replay available)
Date & Time: Saturday July 23rd, 2022 at 9 pm GMT
Price: Minimum of $10
Duration: 2 Hours 43 Minutes
God is a supernatural God, he was, he is and he will ever be. The supernatural may be new to some believers but this is who they are in Christ, supernatural followers!
It is important to know that how you see the Lord is how he manifests to you and through you.
The word of God urges us to “Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ” 2 Corinthians 10:5. Why? Because there is a war to veil the knowledge of God in every aspect and area because once God's face is revealed you will believe and see his glory. For generations many believed that eternal salvation is earned, you do good, give your land to the church, etc. Unfortunately, that is wrong and many died in this deception because they couldn’t see Jesus Christ as the savior and that his eternal life is a FREE gift we can’t earn or work for. There was a war and still in this area for many! I am not under this war anymore, I believe Jesus as is, the Son of God, the Savior of the world, he died for my sins, forgave me, I gave him my life and I received eternal life from now. The devil has lost this war with me, which is a big one.
I can’t list to you the numerous battles, the arguments and imaginations that rose and still rising to veil and block the knowledge of God. Many are struggling to see Jesus as the healer, many can’t see him as the provider, or the Hope of Glory, etc. But when you break through and see God as he is, he will manifest to you and through you the way you see him according to your faith.
Can you see God as a supernatural God? Is it hard for you to see him this way? Remember, you are in a battle NOT to see him like that because once you engage you will see the glory of the supernatural manifestations of God and the devil doesn’t want that for you.
It is a day of the supernatural, Christ is this day, in him, there is no darkness, only light. God wants to deal with your wrong perceptions and touch the way you see him in this area because he wants you to know him as supernatural and he wants you to see his supernatural activity. He wants to express his love to you through supernatural means because it is all about his love for you and not the supernatural itself.
You will overcome the lies of the enemy in the name of Jesus. You will see the Lord and put a demand on his supernatural facet and expressions. He has so much in store, you can't bankrupt him. God wants you to believe he is and he will be a rewarder to those who diligently seek him, Hebrews 11:6.
Yes, it is important how you see the Lord, very important that’s why sound theology, doctrine, and teachings are to be the foundation, the kickstart of your encounters with supernatural Yahweh. Are you under the right anointed teachings? Does your church forthtell raw truths about who God truly is? Through what lens do you look at the Lord? It is time to remove the old unbiblical lens and behold the glory of the Son of God, he is supernatural, it is a day of the supernatural!
God is counting on you to believe him as supernatural, he wants his people to pioneer in this belief and manifest him. The world is looking, searching, trying different unclean things and are groaning for the manifestations of your glory, Romans 8.
Thank you for reading.
Tony Francis
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Speaker: Tony Francis
Type: Online ZOOM Event (video audio replay available)
Date & Time: Thursday July 7th, 2022 at 11 pm Beirut Time
Price: Any amount you feel led to pay a minimum of $7
Time: 2 hours 30 minutes
Speaker: Tony Francis
Type: Online ZOOM Event (audio replay available)
Date & Time: Thursday July 7th, 2022 at 11 pm Beirut time
Your breakthrough lies beyond the lies of the devil.
This is not another devotion you are reading; it is a deliverance word because it is God’s heart for you to be set free, totally free. Christ gave Lazarus life but what is life wrapped in cloth? It doesn’t last.
Lazarus would have choked back to death in the cloth of bondage on his face and body, preventing him from breathing and moving forward. Do you feel like that? That’s why Jesus screamed out loud to his disciples: “UNTIE HIM”. Jesus is indeed the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End, he starts a good work in you and finishes it.
You are alive in Christ when you received him. The process of untying starts and continues for every believer after the new birth experience. Are you wrapped up with lies? Hear Jesus’s authority screaming over you: “Untie him”. Why is it important to receive your divine freedom? I will tell you why and I pray you will never forget this revelation all your life.
Lazarus was raised from the dead, what a powerful miracle of resurrection that everyone saw with their naked eyes, and to this day it is still reported in the bible for every generation. Go back in time with me, look at Lazarus being raised to life gloriously, but wrapped in death cloth still. Can you see him? Yes, but he is like a silhouette, can’t really tell who this living man is until he is unwrapped, untied, and set free.
Being free from lies and bondage shows your identity, and reveals who you are clearly to the world. God wants to give you life AND UNVEIL you.
You are not just given the life of Christ but you became Christlike! The devil will fight like hell to keep your image buried behind lies and bondage because once you are free, you are revealed, and Christ is revealed through you and the world will come to know him.
“For the creation waits in eager expectation for the children of God to be revealed. For the creation was subjected to frustration, not by its own choice, but by the will of the one who subjected it, in hope that the creation itself will be liberated from its bondage to decay and brought into the freedom and glory of the children of God.” Romans 8:19-21
Tony Francis
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I am so excited to share with you what I felt I received from the Holy Spirit for the month of July/Tammuz 2022 that we are entering into. I am so excited because I know with God it is going to BE GOOD. Have you held to a book before where it is so good chapter by chapter that you can't let go of it until you have completed it? This is how a year rolls with our heavenly Father, it is so good chapter by chapter, from glory to glory, that we can't but LOOK INTO what he is saying, titling, arranging, and organizing for us now and then. July is another chapter of his goodness that I can't wait to jump into to do life with him under the umbrella of this holy timing and divine appointments! Glory to God.
“July, July, you are going to serve my purposes for my people, says the Lord.”
July is a month of great achievements, where things you left cooking for a while are about to be served deliciously. Many of you have felt the frustration of building things up, organizing, investing, planning, and expecting, and now is the time for your pleasant satisfaction because it is going to be served well. I actually sense in the spirit that God has assigned eloquent and elegant Angels of presentations. Doesn't look bad when you have a very well-prepared expensive meal but ends up with a bad presentation or outlook? Not many will be drawn to it, right?. God's BEST presentation will be the topping of what you've been building up recently. He will beautify your efforts, brand them with glory and cause his beauty to do the marketing for you and appeal others to it. It is going to be so good and awesome! Halleluiah.
July is a month for achievements, closed deals, finalizations, and grand beginnings. You are going to shine this month, believe this prophetic word, connect to it and you will see it come to pass. God is on the move, he has blessed your assignments and projects, the core and the skin, the inside and the outside are so beautiful in him, and YOU are going to sell, and sail. Amen!
Tony Francis
Feel free to sow at the beginning of July 2022 and as you sow your seed, thank God for his FAVOR hovering over you like a banner in this month, propelling you to ACHIEVE in Jesus' name! I am believing with you! Thanks for blessing and supporting Healed Nations' ministries! God bless you.
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