Prophetic Word for the month of AUGUST/AV 2022

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In the blessed book of Revelation, we see our Lord Jesus Christ holding in his hand the stars. Regardless of the meaning of those stars, we know that God is the creator of the heavens and earth and he holds everything in the word of his power. He is the Lord over everything and over time. We know the times and seasons not by studying those elements but by looking at Jesus because all revelations come from him. Creation leads us to the Lord. A passenger is definitely aware of the car but his focus is on the driver and the road, and this is how we relate properly and in balance to time elements and the Lord of time. Months serve God’s purposes and they are simply containers for his blessings, just like you and we say blessed are those who come in the name of the Lord. Amen!

I sense so strongly from the Lord that many in the month of August 2022 will be moving to new houses/places. Why? Because you are a territorial spiritual being and your move has a deeper meaning than just “a simple move” to somewhere else. As you obey and move to the new, you will prosper, this is what Holy Spirit is affirming and confirming to you in the name of Jesus.

I also see in the spirit many of your husbands will start preaching/prophesying, I don’t know if this is related to the move or not, but it could be that the Holy Spirit will anoint and empower your husband to start preaching because that new place triggers a new gift and ministry. Halleluiah … I sense your neighbors will be so happy and blessed by you! They have been waiting for you to show up and for this time to come to pass.

I also sense that you will be pregnant, also I am not sure if this is related to the move or not, but you will be able to get pregnant, it seems like you are prospering and multiplying in the land of the new.

God’s blessings are all over you this month, he is opening doors for you on so many levels and you are sensitive to obey and follow the nudges of the Holy Spirit.

I also see that it is a month of confrontations with Satan because you are plundering his house. The devil always fights the feet of authority, the sole of advancements, those who have territorial authority and plans, and guess what? The Lord of Hosts will be with you and you will follow his divine orders and see his victory and banner!

For some, I see the new school of your children in this new place and I see the blessing of the Lord over it, your children will be in God’s favor in the eyes of their principles, they will be distinguished among many and their grades will score high, they even will lead and serve there and will impact others’ lives. Are not you proud of your lads already? Halleluiah.

Why is the Lord revealing all this to you in this monthly prophetic word? Because he wants you to MOVE, he really wants this, so move! You are blessed. Amen

Tony Francis

Feel free to sow financially at the beginning of August 2022. Let’s believe for your children’s prosperity in this new season in Jesus’ name! Thanks for blessing and supporting Healed Nations’ ministries!

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