Tag Archive for: spiritual

Kathryn Kuhlman: Gifts of the Holy Spirit eBook

Gifts of the Holy Spirit eBook by Kathryn Kuhlman is a timeless classic that blessed millions of believers and unlocked them in the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Through miss Kuhlman's simple, short, deep, and powerful way of teaching and writing, you will understand this subject from someone who truly was a vessel of the Holy Spirit and lived in the glory realm.

Blessed with Open Heavens + Decrees & Prayer

The LORD will open to you His good treasure, the heavens, to give the rain to your land in its season, and to bless all the work of your hand. You shall lend to many nations, but you shall not borrow. Deuteronomy 28: 12

We discover from this beautiful verse that the heavens are God’s good treasures. Rich treasures are of no benefit to you if they are closed but the good news is THE LORD will open it to you and he did in Christ.

You have access all the time to come boldly to the throne of grace to obtain mercy and grace in times of need. Times of need are here on earth, so you need to access Heaven now.

Jesus said: “Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal; but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. Matthew 6: 19-21

We know that earth is also a treasure but surrounded by dangers every day and is not secure like Heaven. Jesus is inviting you to lay UP for yourselves treasures in heaven where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break and steal it.

We understand from Ephesians 1:13 that God has blessed us.

“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ,”

In this verse, God is sending you the map location of your treasures. Let’s unfold this:

1-   The blessed God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ who is blessed HAS blessed you. God is the initiator of your blessings and he already released it to you (HAS is past tense). Know that you will not be blessed, you are already!

2-   How much did God bless you with? “With every spiritual blessing”. He gave you his Son and with him everything! You are crazily rich (YES SAY IT). A spiritual blessing yet invisible is real. It is important to know the hidden form of your blessings to know what and how to download it.

3-   Where are your blessings hidden? “In the heavenly places in Christ”. They are in high places, in the God realm, hidden in a person, not in a box in heaven! Christ is your treasure, your portion and in him, there is everything you need.

Now that you know your treasure is in Christ who is in the heavenly places, you pray it down on Earth as it is in Heaven or your blessings will be forever floating in the spiritual realm. If you see it you can have it.

That’s why the Spirit of revelation is so important to know the things God has given to you. God gave you the Holy Spirit for a reason, not for a season! He is the revealer.

To wrap this up, God blessed you with every spiritual blessing in heavenly places in Christ. But Jesus also said you can lay up treasures in Heaven, in the spirit realm.

As a steward, are you increasing your skills for the Kingdom of Heaven? Are you laying up souls in the kingdom? You can deposit things and people in your heavenly bank account for the glory of God. It is both ways! Hallelujah

“And when he observed him, he was afraid, and said, “What is it, lord?” So he said to him, “Your prayers and your alms have come up for a memorial before God.” Acts 10: 4

Christianaire Decrees & Prayer:

In Christ:

  • I am Blessed among all
  • I am Blessed in the City
  • I am Blessed in the Country
  • I am Blessed with Fertility & Fruitfulness
  • I am Blessed with Provision
  • I am Blessed in Locations
  • I am Blessed with Victory
  • I am Blessed at Work
  • I am Blessed in Identity
  • I am Blessed with Abundance
  • I am Blessed with Open Heavens
  • I am Blessed with Intimacy with God

Heavenly Father, thank you for the revelations you showed me in this book, I ask you to breathe on these seeds, help me walk it out gloriously to experience and live the quality of life you want me to live.

Bless me today with abundance as you did to Jabez because he prayed, believed and positioned himself to receive and you made him great. He started small but you made him great because no one stays insignificant when you touch him.

Touch me now, stretch me and fill me with every good thing you have in store for me, you bless me and make me a blessing for your glory.

Lord, you are my greatest blessing and as your priest, you are my portion forever! AMEN

Tony Francis

This post was taken from my book “Blessed in Christ”- How to live like a Christianaire. I felt today I need to share with you this specific portion that you are blessed with open heaven and I wanted to release those decrees and prayer over you. If you want to read the rest of my book feel free to visit any of those resources below. Also available on Amazon!

“Ask Holy Spirit” WhatsApp Group For Prophetic Activations

Join “Ask Holy Spirit” WhatsApp group for creative prophetic activations daily to grow in the prophetic like never before!

The Store of God’s Blessings

Bless the Lord, O my soul; And all that is within me, bless His holy name! 2 Bless the Lord, O my soul, And forget not all His benefits: 3 Who forgives all your iniquities, Who heals all your diseases, 4 Who redeems your life from destruction, Who crowns you with loving-kindness and tender mercies, 5 Who satisfies your mouth with good things, So that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s. Psalm 103

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ. Ephesians 1

Christ is your blessings’ address, search no more. God’s blessings are abundant to you because Christ is the greatest store of the heavenly Father.

God can’t wait to bless you as it says in Isaiah 30:18 “Yet the LORD longs to be gracious to you; therefore he will rise up to show you compassion. For the LORD is a God of justice. Blessed are all who wait for him!” As soon as the prodigal son came back to his senses and to a relationship with his father, he was met with blessings innumerable. He was overwhelmed by his father’s compassion, goodness, and restoration. God really did more than the prodigal thought of and asked for. That prodigal son was expecting some blessings, maybe, but it exceeded his expectations!

This is God’s heart for you. In Christ, you are restored into the garden of the trees of blessings. I see you walking among those blessings trees, inquiring of the Lord about them.

The next time you are reading your bible it is not going to be religious, it is going to be a walk among those trees of blessings. Things will be alive to you, a real substance, a Kingdom at hand to stretch for a pick, eat and be satisfied.

Tony Francis

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Hello, May 2022: Prophetic Zoom Event with Tony Francis

Speaker: Tony Francis
Type: Online ZOOM Event (video replay available + audio)
Date & Time: Saturday April 30, 2022 at 10 pm GMT
Price: Any amount you feel led to pay a minimum of $5
Time: 2 hours 20 minutes

Anger: Understanding Your Burning Bush

That’s it, get good and angry! Get angry enough to set and stand for your boundaries.

Anger is a God given emotion that has both purpose and power. When you feel anger understand it is a signal meant to draw your attention to a problem. Your anger works in the same way that God used the burning bush to get Moses to tune in. The tendency is to mistake the signal that anger gives for the actual message. I confess, injustice makes me angry. If I focus on injustice I get angrier. However, that does nothing to address the problem.

It only offsets my emotional and spiritual balance and distorts my thinking. When I am angry I have to avoid rehearsing the problem. My feeling is the right response but it is not intended to be the focal point. It should be a catalyst that pushes me to seek resolution. Just like burning bush it should grab not consume my attention. Uncovering the message behind the attention grabber requires that I consider the problem in light of God’s power and promise. When I do that anger fulfills its purpose and I fulfill mine in the situation. It takes discipline to resist the urge to dwell on the injustice. Remember, there is no benefit to that approach. It actually keeps us from productively moving toward resolution. That truth alone is motivation to stay on track.

Kathryn Kuhlman: The Greatest Power in the World Free Audiobook

As you listen to this audiobook, you will learn how to receive the Holy Spirit's phenomenal power in your own life, and as a result, your life will be changed forever. Instead of feeling defeated, you will experience joyful victory in every area of your life. As you learn what Ms. Kuhlman knew on a personal basis, you will be filled with the power of the Holy Spirit—the greatest power in the world.

Breaking Demonic Altars

The only altar Yahweh wants to have us establish in our lives is his own altar. Altars are the only ancient spiritual transaction method linking realms together. God established this system and the devil knows it very well, do you know it? Are you aware of it?

As the umbilical cord to a baby, so is an altar to you. What are you connected to? Are you an entrance for the heavenly or hell?

Not many know about the transactions that happen through altars thus they are defeated or positioned for defeat. God wants you to know about this and you are reading this word today!

The first altar made in the spiritual realm was “the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world” (Rev 13:8). I can almost touch the reality of it thinking about it. The LAMB ALTAR, Jesus Christ, the Son of God was the first holiest altar ever established by God and through that protocol, he licensed himself to enter our world “In the fullness of time” in his incarnation. You see my friend, altars are first built spiritually then at a certain point in your timeline you will see the manifestation of it.

Altars may be building up right now in the invisible world without your knowledge and at some point, it enters your world. The devil is not in a rush really, he is more mattered about succeeding than warring randomly. A sickness altar may be building secretly for you and maybe years later cancer shows up. Altars are the protocol, the ancient and only spiritual transaction method between realms, the invisible to the visible. The devil is a professional in the art of building altars in people’s lives, in regions, and the whole world. He knows the protocol, he thinks altars like God.

You can read in the bible the numerous stories and events concerning godly altars and demonic altars. You can learn the secret. In the Old Testament, a powerful and authoritative person has the key of the city, possesses its door of influence, and dominates the GATE.

“When I went to the gate of the city and took my seat in the public square, the young men saw me and stepped aside and the old men rose to their feet; the chief men refrained from speaking and covered their mouths with their hands; the voices of the nobles were hushed, and their tongues stuck to the roof of their mouths. Whoever heard me spoke well of me, and those who saw me commended me” Job 29

It is powerful when you possess the gate but real power is when you are a person of the altar. If you can create an altar first, then you can expect the outcome! What is the concept of an altar? A sacrifice.

  • Animal sacrifice
  • Words sacrifice (Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise—the fruit of lips that openly profess his name.) Hebrews 13:15
  • Fasting
  • All sorts of giving and especially the sacrificial giving

(This is a non-exhaustive list. I am just showing you the sacrifice concept of the altar)

How do you break demonic altars? Mainly by making sure you are building your godly altars that will protect and enforce your domains but since we are not very active in this and since we have a ferocious enemy, altars may be built in our lives and we need to follow Holy Spirit to take them down immediately. If you are lazy in your generation to purge the atmospheres, rest assured these demonic altars would visit your children and the next generations. Altars don’t die, they are broken by Christ’s authority and a Holy Spirit led strategy.

One of the obvious things you are influenced by altars is a strong pattern, whether good or bad, a blessing or a curse. A sickness reoccurrence is a pattern, also being blessed financially continuously is a pattern. Patterns help you recognize the existence of an altar. Let us take a suicidal pattern in a certain city, or region, for example, this is an altar.

I love the story where King David sacrificed hundreds of animals every step of the way while bringing the Ark of the Covenant, the presence of God. What a great blood scene of sacrificing all these animals for the presence of God. A sacrifice determines the presence of a realm/being. David knew the protocol and he excelled in it. When you want the favor of a king you invite to your home, you give it all, from food to the finest clothing, etc.

Jesus is the greatest altar ever, there is no altar that matches him or overtakes and overrides him. You have conquered the devil by the blood of the Lamb. Jesus is God’s extravagance that only pleases Yahweh.

Lord, help us take down intruder altars in Jesus’ name. Amen

Tony Francis

Back to the Heart of Worship

The Lord has put this on my heart to share.

This last year and a half has been a hard season. It has been a wilderness season to say the least. Before moving to utah, I was involved in ministry, and worship, and was surrounded by such a beautiful group of women and people. In that time we experienced hardship in our marriage. Just months later, We moved to utah being uprooted from everything—every security I felt, and thought was going right in my life-to literally the desert. I experienced every emotion possible. We moved during covid, we weren’t able to go to church for a while, we didn’t have any friends, no family close by-just us and Jesus. I remember saying “oh, I will NEVER homeschool” and Wes saying, “oh, I could NEVER work from home-there is no way it would work with what I do”.  Well, you guessed it-With covid and other circumstances I was being led to homeschool, and yep, Wes started working from home. I remember thinking, alright God, you sure do have a sense of humor. Never say never-write that down! But humor aside, God was showing both of us that our ways are not His ways. There were days where I sobbed, and I wept, longing for connection with a church body, feeling isolated and alone. Absolutely, God was with me, but when your in the thick of it-all I could focus on was me and how I was feeling at the time. God was growing us in ways unimaginable, and certainly ways that I didn’t want to be stretched because it was uncomfortable.

Fast forward, churches opened, we tried one , and we tried another, then we bought a house in a new area, and tried another. It was hard after all we had been through, to not compare it to what we had before. What a unhealthy place that can be when we live our lives looking back not leaving room for God to work in the present. Finally, I came to a place where I let it go. I surrendered that to the Lord, realizing that the more I try to control the situation, the less I am trusting God to work all things according to His purpose, His will, and His plans for MY GOOD and HIS GLORY! And hey, what do you know? A  few weeks later, He lead us to a church where I couldn’t have hand picked it if I tried. This was the hand of the Lord. It reminded me in many ways of the church we were involved in before we moved. Oh how He wants to give us good things, but to trust Him in this process and let go of MY wants, MY control, and rest was such a lesson.  Funny how we always see in hindsight what God was doing-why do you think that is? But, God was still dealing with me, putting His finger on another area. After several weeks of attending, knowing this is where God had led us-My flesh was getting in the way when I saw people in ministry positions that I once was in. I think more so than anything I just missed the connection and involvement. But I knew in my heart I wasn’t supposed to get into ministry/serving right away, because I really just want God to lead me, and not step into a role just because I am familiar with it or want it. (Or have a “title”) So, still struggling with a few things, trying to figure out where I fit in, my purpose, who am I, What does God want me to learn? Then Bible study was soon to start, and the study is on our IDENTITY IN CHRIST. Whew. I just need to gather myself for a moment. 😭 HE KNOWS. I knew-but my flesh!!! I was being fought in even going to the study- with all these things going through my head and He’s gently saying ok Katie, are you ready to give me ALL of you?!? I have stripped you of almost everything you have put your identity in. It’s not your spouse, it’s not your marriage, its not your control, it’s not your kids, your family, your friends, your hobbies, your position in ministry, your home…IT IS ME. WHOLE HEARTEDLY ME. Apart from me you can do nothing! My burden is easy, and my yoke is light!!! Trust ME, walk with ME, Abide with Me. Heck-he even used my kids to speak this into my life-ON A BAD DAY I MIGHT ADD. This journey, this wilderness season has come down to this. Which has been a PROCESS!!! When I am stripped away of everything-what anchors me then? It HAS to be Christ-he is the ONLY firm foundation, and refuge for the poor in spirit, the broken, the lost and the saved. As I was thinking about all this and being stripped away -It reminded me of an old worship song-that I  Ioved-but never really understood or full grasped until now when it says “I am coming back to the heart of worship”

In being completely stripped, it is quiet, just me and the Lord, that is when I can offer him something beautiful in the mess of life-Something that will bless his heart-because he has searched deep into mine-I can come back to worship with a humble heart-where it truly is all about Him, and not of the things I WANT TO MAKE it about. Whew. Man is the Lord ever good to love me(and you) so much-to show me(us) these things. 😭❤️🙌 He is shakin that orange tree and trimming those vines!!!! 😜

Sometimes I think that we can get so wrapped up in someone else’s identity, someone else’s spiritual journey, that we forget when we die WE will be judged for the things that WE have done with Gods word. NOT that persons this, or that. We are to teach, and to train, to pray, to love and to speak truth in love ALWAYS. And no this is not always easy-But, we are to let go, and let God be God. (Daily) Yes, I have let things go, AAANND then taken them back because-well it’s just not happening the way I WANT it to go-which totally defeats the purpose of TRUSTING and ABIDING. But his Grace. His mercy. Oh has it met me more times than I deserve.

As I have felt led to share and post this, I feel like it is that last thing the Lord is wanting to rid me of. The looking back and living in the past and all it entails-because what is to come is SO much better, even in a broken world. Friends, you are known, by the ONE who created YOU, YOU are HIS masterpiece-and no matter how hard the season is that you are in-lean into Him. He is there. Trust Him in the process. He is growing you, stretching you, And He is making something beautiful out of YOU. It hurts, I understand-BUT GOD! Maybe your good, and you don’t have these exact struggles-or you struggle with something else-or maybe you have been here and know all to well what I have shared with you. Ask God how He can use you to encourage someone else. He uses our mountain top moments just as much as He uses our valley moments and he will continue to do so. I have been told-when you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change. Maybe you just need to take a step back, find a quiet place, pray and ask God to give you His perspective and His peace in the PROCESS! ❤️❤️💐 hugs!

The FATHER is Rolling His Sleeves

Many think that God the Father is absent in times of trouble. God is invisible but not absent. Don’t think that for one moment, you are making the mistake of your life if you conclude to that. I know your problem is real, for many it is a dark pit and the hurt doesn’t seem to have some mercy on you and stop. You’ve gone through some time where you couldn’t breathe anymore, where your mouth withered and your words emigrated to a foreign land, where you were left alone with your tears in the dark. You’ve questioned God’s authentic promise of being ever-present with you, you felt your bones empty of hope and many fell into a spiritual coma because they can’t make it another day.

I see the FATHER, your heavenly Father, entering your ICU looking like a doctor. He sees you laying there and I see the elements in the room shaking because of the vibration emanating from his being. LIFE is here! I know it is hard to read this prophetic message, it doesn’t seem real to you anymore. But I need to deliver it and be true to what I am seeing, I am commanded by Him to release this word. I see the Father’s hand gently grabbing your hand as you are laying in your spiritual coma, Jesus is standing in front of the Father, on the other side of your bed. Something is about to happen …

I see the heaven opening over you, it looks like a circular portal swirling and you, the Father, and Jesus went up as 3 beams of laser light through that open portal. The room is empty now! What was that? What just happened? If you think I have a good imagination and I am writing a fictional story, reconsider because I am not. I am inside an encounter writing it down FOR YOU.

I see now the tomb of Jesus Christ; it looks like I am back in time. What happened at the tomb of Jesus? The Father came down.

“because you will not abandon me to the realm of the dead, nor will you let your faithful one see decay.” Psalm 16:10

God is releasing right now over many LIFE ROBES, the Spirit of Resurrection and Life. Your name is written on one and he has not forgotten you.

I am back to the room where you were in a coma, I see a nurse freaking and questioning your disappearance.

You are no longer among the dead!

Tony Francis