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Kent Mattox Prophecy For 5785 and 2025: Entering a Season of Abundance & Wealth Transfer

The Sound of Abundance

This head of the year carries a theme of “battling for the high places,” but I believe the Holy Spirit is highlighting a specific high place: the high place of abundance. Let me share a scripture with you:

“Then Elijah said to Ahab, ‘Go up, eat and drink, for there is a sound of abundance of rain.'” (1 Kings 18:41)

It's striking that Elijah, the same prophet who declared a drought, now proclaims an abundance of rain. We've been through a season of preparation, a time of tightening our belts, as Chuck prophesied. I remember that word clearly; it coincided with the Lord speaking to me personally about a new season of resourcing.

This time of limitation, of learning to make do, has been essential. Deuteronomy 8:16-18 reminds us that God led Israel through the wilderness to humble and test them for their ultimate good. He provided manna, just enough to sustain them.

I believe the Church has been in a similar wilderness, a time of testing and refining. But the greatest test is yet to come: the test of abundance. The Lord showed me this clearly. It's easy to stay faithful in lack; abundance brings its own set of challenges.

Emerging from the Wilderness

We are emerging from this wilderness season into a place of overflowing provision. Years ago, the Lord spoke to me about discipline. I initially misunderstood, thinking I was being corrected for past mistakes. But the Lord clarified:

“Discipline is not necessary for what you've done in the past that's wrong. Actually, discipline is for preparation for the future of what you're going to do.”

It's like resistance training; it prepares us for greater strength and endurance. We have been in a season of spiritual resistance training, preparing us for the abundance that is coming.

This abundance will manifest in many ways: increased influence, greater anointing and power, and overflowing resources to accomplish God's will. We may have felt limited, but God is bringing us out into a wide-open space of provision.

Breaking Free from Limitation

I want to share a personal testimony about how this shift has been unfolding in my own life. We recently completed a 14-year building project here at Wordalive International Outreach. It was a long and challenging journey, and we ended up with a significant amount of debt.

Rumors circulated that we had built outside of God's will. While I knew in my heart we had followed His leading, the financial burden weighed heavily on me. I cried out to the Lord, asking for clarity and direction. His response was profound:

“I put you in debt so that I could limit you and discipline you so that you only do what I want you to do. Because if you had plenty of resources in this season, you would do a lot of things that may appear good, but would not be my plan or my will.”

He was limiting me to keep me focused on His perfect plan. He reminded me of Joseph, whose feet were bound in fetters while the word of the Lord tried him. This season of limitation was a time of testing and refining.

The Lord then led me to Psalm 66:12:

“For you, O God, have tested us; you have refined us as silver is refined. You brought us into the net; you laid affliction on our backs; you have caused men to ride over our heads; we went through fire and water, but you brought us out to a wealthy place.”

This verse resonated deeply. We have been tested and tried, but God is bringing us out into a place of abundance. He then gave me further revelation about the phrase “men riding over our heads.” He said, “That's debt. That's limited resources.”

But now, He is lifting our heads! Psalm 3 declares, “But you, O Lord, are a shield for me, my glory, and the lifter of my head.” And Psalm 27:6 proclaims, “And now my head shall be lifted up above my enemies all around me.”

This is a season of elevation and victory! Deuteronomy 28:12 promises, “The Lord will open to you His good treasure, the heavens, to give the rain to your land in its season, and to bless all the work of your hand. You shall lend to many nations, but you shall not borrow.”

Declaring Abundance

I believe we have crossed a threshold into a new era of abundance. It's time to shift our mindset from scarcity to overflowing provision. 2 Corinthians 9:8 assures us that God is able to make all grace abound toward us, that we, always having all sufficiency in all things, may have an abundance for every good work.

This isn't just about having enough; it's about having more than enough to be a blessing to others. I see a wealth transfer coming, where the wealth of the wicked is released into the hands of the righteous. God will birth businesses and release creative ideas that will generate wealth and expand His Kingdom globally.

As we step into 5785, let's declare together that we will be the head and not the tail, above only and not beneath. Let's sow seeds of first fruits, believing for a harvest of abundance. Let's pray for debts to be canceled and for God to resource us beyond our wildest dreams.

The sound of abundance is filling the air. This is the time to ask for rain! Let's embrace this new season with faith and expectancy, knowing that God is ready to pour out His blessings upon us.

By Kent Mattox

Note: Kent Mattox didn't submit this article to our website. We saw a video of him and wanted to feature his confirming prophetic word for 5785 that the Lord gave Tony Francis, too. You can read it here: “Prophetic Word For Year 5785/2025: Witchcraft Control & Wealth Transfer” Read more

Ring of Fire Eclipse on the Jewish New Year 5785: A Prophetic Sign?

The information in this article is based on Perry Gaspard's teachings. Enjoy! 

On October 2nd, 2024, a ‘ring of fire' solar eclipse will grace the remote Pacific Ocean, aligning perfectly with the sunset in Jerusalem as trumpets herald the Jewish New Year, 5785. This celestial event unfolds above the geologically active ‘Pacific Ring of Fire', where 75% of Earth's active volcanoes and 90% of earthquakes occur, hinting at an impending transformation in both physical and spiritual realms.

This is no ordinary fire; it's the supernatural “Esh” (Aleph-Shin-Aleph), the Hebrew word for ‘fire'. The first letter, Aleph, signifies ‘the beginning', while Shin represents ‘fire' and ‘change'. It is the primordial fire, emanating from God, and a harbinger of profound awe and transformation. It embodies the baptism of the Holy Spirit, a complete immersion in the divine fire that purges all impurities, leaving only the resurrected ‘you', yearning for God's presence.

Biblical narratives abound with instances of fire accompanying divine revelations. Abraham's covenant with God was marked by a miraculous torch of fire, etching the symbol of eternity – Olam. Moses encountered the burning bush, a conduit for God's voice, and witnessed the awe-inspiring descent of the Lord upon Mount Sinai amidst fire and thunder. The glory of the Lord was described as “like devouring fire” (Exodus 24), the Hebrew “kof-Aleph-Shin” representing the ‘unlimited first fire' of God's blessing. These encounters with divine fire left an indelible mark on those who witnessed it.

Today's message resonates: it's a season to ascend, to release earthly attachments, and embrace this Holy Fire for protection in the challenging times ahead. Just as Elisha witnessed angelic hosts in chariots of fire surrounding him, we too must awaken to this heavenly reality and cast away fear.

The forthcoming eclipse, an astronomical spectacle, carries a profound message. It passes over Easter Island, or Rapa Nui, home to the enigmatic ‘moai', or ‘walking statues', believed to contain the spirits of ancestral leaders, possibly even remnants of the Nephilim, a giant race born of fallen angels. Some of these moai tower over 30 feet tall and weigh over 100 tons, potentially representing these giants. This suggests divine judgment upon rebellious angels and their offspring, the evil spirits that plague our world.

While this judgment may seem distant, it underscores the fact that God's actions often transcend human comprehension. The eclipse, blocking out 87% of the sun's light, will be visible over a sparsely populated region. This suggests that some of the events in these last days are not solely directed at human beings but also at the principalities and powers in heavenly places. The repercussions of divine intervention in the heavenly realm will manifest as world-altering events.

Isaiah prophesied this judgment upon rebellious nations and their ruling celestial entities. Both will face God's wrath in these last days. As Christ reigns supreme, ushering in a new heavenly reality, our lives must reflect this transformation.

The Feast of Rosh Hashanah embodies this shift. It's a time to cease ‘business as usual', offering sacrifices and surrendering to God's refining fire – the ‘Esh'. It's a chance for a fresh start, marked by the acceptance of offerings yielded to the divine presence. The numerical value of the Hebrew letter ‘Hey' is 5, signifying the year we are stepping into. It represents revelation, awe, and the unveiling of aspects of our lives ready for surrender to God. Leviticus 23 instructs us to offer an “offering made by fire unto the Lord”, or “Isha”, during this time. The Aleph-Shin in “Isha” represents fire, and the Hey represents the revelation and awe of the new year.

The early Church experienced this transformative fire, symbolized by the rushing wind and tongues of fire, empowering them with the Holy Spirit. This is our new reality, attainable through complete surrender to God's presence, where the ring of first fire burns away all but the resurrected, Spirit-filled ‘you'.

This is not a time for complacency. It's a season of seismic change, demanding complete surrender and yielding to the transformative power of God's first fire. Only then can we navigate these extraordinary times, standing firm in the face of the coming events.

It is going to be a good fire for God's people and a bad one for those who are not aligned with the Lord!

Divine Walls of Protection

Daniel 3:13-15 (NKJV)

“Then Nebuchadnezzar, in rage and fury, gave the command to bring Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego. So they brought these men before the king. Nebuchadnezzar spoke, saying to them, ‘Is it true, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego, that you do not serve my gods or worship the gold image which I have set up? Now if you are ready at the time you hear the sound of the horn, flute, harp, lyre, and psaltery, in symphony with all kinds of music, and you fall down and worship the image which I have made, good! But if you do not worship, you shall be cast immediately into the midst of a burning fiery furnace. And who is the god who will deliver you from my hands?’”


The devil constantly throws a challenge at sons of God because he knows he cannot directly take hold of them. ( 1 Peter 5:8). He recognizes that the Lord’s protection covers His children. The devil's strategy is to lure believers out of their divine protection and into his zone of attack. This is akin to how Nebuchadnezzar challenged Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego to bow to his gods in order to force them out their protection into his stronghold of attack.

Believers are shielded in God's house of protection, with the devil only able to challenge from outside. (Ephesians 6:11) He attempts to entice us to step out of our preserve. Unable to breach our stronghold, the devil resorts to throwing stones at us. It is only the weak who attacks you by standing afar and throw stones at you. These stones come in the form of sickness, financial troubles, hopelessness, pain.etc Ephesians 6:11

To counter these attacks, Christians must build taller walls of protection through prayer. Prayer is the key to strengthening our defenses. Just as the devil threw a challenge at Job through his wife and friends to curse God and be free and endured stones of sickness and loss of properties and children, he remained steadfast in his faith. Job 2:9-10

Joseph also faced the devil's challenge and was thrown into prison. (Genesis 39:20-21) Even Jesus faced the devil’s tests. Despite these trials, they all emerged victorious.

Challenges and stones are part of the Christian battle. By building stronger walls of prayer, we can overcome these trials. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego did not succumb to Nebuchadnezzar's challenge and were saved from the fiery furnace by God.

Whatever stones the devil throws at you—whether they be trials, sickness, or despair—remember that God is with you. Just as He was with Joseph, Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, Abed-Nego, and Jesus, He will protect you and ensure that the devil does not prevail

Stay strong in your faith and continue to build your walls of protection through prayer.


Heavenly Father,

We thank You for Your divine protection and unending grace. As we face the challenges and trials of life, we ask for Your strength to uphold us and keep us within the safety of Your walls. Help us to remain steadfast in our faith, to build our spiritual defenses through prayer, and to trust in Your protection against every attack of the enemy. Empower us to overcome every trial, knowing that with You by our side, we are shielded and secure.

In Jesus’ name, we pray,


Rexford Moses

Are You Living Your Name?

I asked my dad how he came up with my name, Rexford. He told me that while working on a ship, he met a white man who treated him with such kindness that he didn’t know how to repay him. So, when I was born, he named me Rexford, which means Reigning King, in honor of that man.

Growing up, I’ve always felt that my name has shaped my life. Wherever I go, I seem to be recognized and regarded as relevant, a reflection of the name I carry.

The Power of a Name

When choosing names for our children, we often expect the name to have a profound influence on their lives. Many times, we draw inspiration from family members or mentors we hold in high esteem. In my family, one of my uncles is so revered for his humility and devotion to God that many parents, even outside our family, have named their children after him.

Some people take their search for names even further, looking to presidents, pastors, kings, or influential entrepreneurs for inspiration. In the African context, it's common for parents to name their children after their own parents. However, this tradition can lead to tension when expectations are not met, sometimes causing strained relationships, and in extreme cases, even disownment. I know of a family where this very issue led to serious conflict.

Names and Their Meanings

In the Bible, names carried significant meaning, often reflecting a person’s destiny:

  • Abraham means “Father of many nations.”
  • Moses means “Drawn out.”
  • Jesus, a name central to Christianity, means “Yahweh saves” or “God saves.”

Names in biblical times were powerful indicators of a person’s role and purpose. A name not only provides personal identity, but it also holds emotional significance and impacts social interaction.

The Burden of Sinful Names

Before Jesus Christ came, humanity lived under the burden of sin. Sin was deeply ingrained in our identities, passed down through generations. This meant that bearing a name like Rexford implied a connection to this sinful lineage—sinful Rexford.

In those days, priests offered sacrifices—lambs, for instance—to appease God and seek forgiveness. At times, sinners faced severe consequences, such as the earth swallowing them or divine punishment, as seen in the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah.

The Redemption of Names

However, with the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, everything changed. Through His death and resurrection, Jesus took away the sins of the world. Now, those of us with names like Rexford can bear them without the weight of sin. Forgiveness is available to anyone who confesses their sins and seeks redemption.

As 2 Corinthians 5:17 says: “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.” This verse speaks of the transformative power of being in Christ. We undergo a spiritual rebirth, shedding our old sinful selves and embracing a new identity in Christ. We are no longer bound by the chains of sin but are renewed and redeemed by God’s grace. This transformation is so profound that we are given a new name—Christian. We can now be called Christlike Rexford or Christlike Kofi.

The name Jesus wasn’t randomly chosen; it was divinely given, signifying His mission to save humanity and reconcile us with God.

Living Up to Your Name

This resonates with the Pentecostal song: “Hw3 Wabrabo so yie, ne din dawoso”, which translates to “Be mindful of your lifestyle because His name is on you.” As Christians, we are called to live a life that reflects the character and teachings of Christ. When we live contrary to these principles, we undermine the credibility of our identity as Christians.

  • You can’t be a Christian and live like an unbeliever.
  • You can’t live under the notion that it’s “normal” to fornicate or commit adultery.
  • It’s not normal to have multiple women.
  • You can’t be part of those who manipulate figures, overstate invoices, or engage in corruption.
  • When the boys boast about their sexual conquests, you can’t be part of it.
  • You can’t be part of those who pocket office items or engage in unethical behavior.
  • When the girls head out to inappropriate parties, you can’t join in.

Your name matters. It carries weight, meaning, and responsibility. So, I ask: Are you living by your name?

Rexford Moses

Prophetic Word For Year 5785/2025: Witchcraft Control & Wealth Transfer

On Wednesday, October 2nd, 2024, we start a new biblical year with the Lord, 5785.

I want to remind you that 5784 (2024) was marked as a “Kingdom Era” and the “Gates of Glory.” 5784 focused on the power of our voices in spiritual warfare to open doors of blessing and invite God's presence, as highlighted in Psalm 24. We were encouraged to be vigilant in our faith declarations to experience a new phase of revival and Kingdom authority. (Link to article). I experienced new gates of glory in my attitude, the fruit of the Spirit, and a new authority in my personal life and ministry. Have you?

As for 5785/2025, this is what I believe the Holy Spirit is showing me. The reason God reveals these things to us is that He is the Spirit of Truth, who reveals things to come to help us discern times and seasons and do something about it for His glory and to serve the earth better. I mention this because some approach prophetic words like horoscopes or in a psychic mode, thereby contaminating what is holy.

We prophesy in part, and this is what I see coming:

In 5785/2025, the spirit of control will continue escalating. It is beyond what we see and whom we blame! People are just vessels to an invisible will or wills. We think we are in control, and we are to some extent, yet the spiritual realm is involved all the time, with the Kingdom of God and the kingdom of darkness at hand. So, it goes beyond governments, laws, or platforms of authority; it is a spirit of control, which is witchcraft.

From the beginning of time, there has been God, who partners with man through his FREE WILL and faith, and there is the devil, who oppresses and forces things upon us, which is the nature of the spirit of witchcraft. To illustrate this, let me explain what witchcraft is by nature. (Watch my free masterclass on witchcraft)

Witchcraft in its highest form is a force that blocks truth or the knowledge of God's truth by oppressing man's free will and subduing it to agree with it to allow it into the earth.

When someone goes to a witch or psychic asking them to put a spell on someone to MAKE THEM fall in love, this is witchcraft. Where is that person's free will? Now demons are involved to oppress this person against their free will. That person can still choose, but they are now under oppression, feeling they have no other choice but to love. The one casting the spell is also deceived and foolish. I would never want someone to be forced to love me; that isn't true love! True love is a communication of one's free will, like JESUS, who freely loves us and invites us to love Him back willingly!

After explaining a bit about the spirit of control and witchcraft, let's go back to the word of the Lord for 5785/2025.

The spirit of control will escalate!!! You can call it government, laws, technology, etc., but it is a spiritual war. Control is exercised by threatening a person's assets and provisions. Lebanon went through this and is still experiencing it! No Lebanese can access their funds in the banks. This is not due to a legal restriction or protecting our economy from an instant crash upon withdrawal; it is witchcraft in action—it is illegal and unjust!

This year, we will witness an escalation of this controlling spirit and the unlocking of more depths and hierarchies of these spirits of control. Where is the good news? Glad you asked. It is in the title of this word: “Wealth Transfer.”

It is a year for wealth transfer! But it will be established after a battle. God commanded the Egyptians to give back and more to His people everything they needed to leave slavery and worship Him in the wilderness. I'd rather worship the Lord in a wilderness with less than be a slave in Babel.

God wants to release wealth to His people, but He has at the top of His list those who are ready to worship Him with these assets and treasures. You may receive some too, because He loves you! But God wants to entrust His worshipers with wealth to advance His Kingdom on earth.

Those not in covenant with God will experience the suffering and oppression of the spirit of control. Let's also remember (BECAUSE WE WON'T FORGET, though we forgive) how they forced everyone to take the COVID-19 vaccines (I didn't). Control is the mark of the beast! That was not a preventive approach or precaution to save humanity though we thank them for their love, care, and efforts; but it was a spirit of control/witchcraft. That was witchcraft in the health area. This year, it could manifest in other realms and areas too! Be watchful.

If you belong to the Lord, He is your economy, and you are not under the oppression of the spirit of witchcraft. God will even use you to break this oppression off of others. So, let's say you are a Christian banker: be just, even if it costs you, for God will bless you back! Freedom is costly, and serving others in the goodness of the Lord is too!

You can pray about this prophetic word and position yourself now to take authority over what is coming, not out of fear, but out of faith and discernment of times and seasons. You can mark your soul, body, health, assets, family, house, cars, job, etc., as the Lord's and not for the spirit of control.

God is greater, and His glory on you shall be seen in the coming gross darkness. Let’s escalate in His glorious freedom as we advance in the end times and keep reaching out to a dying world crying for the Savior. Preach, Church!

We appreciate your sowing into us for this year. You never go wrong by sowing intentionally to the Lord and this ministry, declaring that you honor the Lord with your finances, and that money is not an idol for you; it is not your source—God is. Thanks for your generous sowing! You can sow prophetically too and have fun creatively by playing with numbers 57.85, 578.5, 20.25, or 202.5 or more.

Yes, I want to sow now!

You can also request the year prophetic word for 5785/2025 or your birthday year too, and we will pray for you and send you the word of the Lord.

Yes, Prophesy For Me Please.

Happy Blessed New Year in the Lord, y’all!
Tony Francis

Sinning: A Mix of Godly Desires and Demonic Influence

Sinning is never godly, but the motivations behind it can be a mix of godly desires, demonic influence, and human nature. In this article, I will explain the spiritual dynamics that drive a person toward sin.

A First Narrative (A Biblical Story): Jacob & Esau

In Genesis 25 through 27, we read that the story of Jacob and Esau is a biblical narrative about twin brothers who competed for their father Isaac's blessing! Before their birth, the Lord revealed to their mother, Rebekah, that they would be twins, and the older brother would serve the younger. Esau, the firstborn, was a skilled hunter, while Jacob was a quiet man who preferred to stay indoors.

Near the end of his life, Isaac desired to bestow his blessing upon his firstborn son, Esau. However, Esau, unaware of the Lord's prophecy, despised his birthright and sold it to Jacob in exchange for a bowl of lentil stew. Later, when Isaac was preparing to give the blessing, Rebekah, knowing that Esau was not the intended recipient, disguised Jacob as Esau and helped him deceive Isaac. Jacob received the blessing, which included promises of land, prosperity, and God's favor. Esau was furious when he discovered the deception and vowed to kill Jacob.

Observation and discernment:

At the root of Jacob's motivation to deceive his father Isaac and his brother Esau was a genuine pure desire, influenced by an old prophecy. Jacob was given more honor regarding the birthright than his brother Esau. That is the godly part in the process. Jacob was indeed aligned with God's will, but the means of receiving this great blessing were wicked. Jacob deceived his father Isaac and his brother Esau. Deception is a demonic spirit that partnered with Jacob's sinful mindset to attain and obtain something godly. Sinning is partly motivated by godly desires and partly influenced by dark forces. Mix a truth with a lie and you get the recipe for deception! 

Rebekah and Jacob had another option besides deception and dividing the family. They could have gone to the Lord regarding the prophecy and asked Him for the right, godly way to receive it. Yet, they partnered with darkness to achieve something good.

People are driven every day to behave in the same way. Most, at their core, desire something good, but they partner with the demonic and their sinful nature to attain it.


A Second Narrative: 

A man who looks at other men and feels drawn to observe them is often labeled as gay or perverted by the devil and society. I remember growing up with a strong interest in observing men—how they carried themselves, their appearance, their beards, their presence, how they interacted with women, how they drove or played sports like basketball. I would look at them online (back when the internet was primitive) and in my daily life. I was a young man in the making! At that time, no one explained to me that it was a healthy and godly drive to be drawn to my “tribe” of men because I was meant to be part of them. Instead, I became vulnerable to lying spirits, which took advantage of my lack of truth, clarity, and foundation, labeling me as a pervert. And for a time, I believed it, like many other young boys do today.

Why do so many boys and girls fall into confusion and sexual bondage? It's because no one teaches them that sinning can be a mixture of godly desire and demonic influence. They seek connection with their peers, which is a godly desire, but they do it in the wrong way. They pursue something good through dark means because they are deceived and unable to discern the mix of truth and lies.

My life’s mission is to stand on the mountaintop and shout to an entire generation: You are starting with a godly desire in your heart, but you don’t need to partner with deception to reach it. God, who begins a good work in you, can bring it to completion!

It was a revelation that knocked the devil out of his seat when I realized this truth. Wow! Drop the word *DISCERNING* in the comments below. After that Holy Spirit mentoring, I reconciled with myself and my tribe of men, and yes, I am interested in MEN in a healthy, godly way.

If, as a boy or an adult, you’re NOT interested in belonging, something is wrong or you’ve been traumatized. On my phone, you’ll find pictures of men with long beards, strong bodies, and some doing bold activities. I don’t care about anyone’s opinion because I now understand the truth, and I want to help you reach that understanding too.

Why am I writing this article? I don’t have to, but you may be a mother struggling because your children have labeled themselves, or others have labeled them, as gay just because they showed interest in their peers. This article is for you, to help them navigate this season without falling into sin by pursuing godly drives in perverted ways. Let’s teach and disciple an entire generation about this truth. The devil is a liar, and he always mixes truth with lies to create a deceptive prison.

Men desire three types of relationships with other men: Friendship, brotherhood, and fatherhood. People who identify as gay may be seeking these godly connections in a distorted, sexual way, not realizing they can have them in a pure and meaningful form. But this is how they are discipled, they don't know any better.

I have much more to share about discernment because I have learned to master this with the Holy Spirit.

“Don’t stifle the Spirit, and don’t scoff at prophecies. On the other hand, don’t be gullible. Check out everything, and KEEP ONLY what’s good. Throw out anything tainted with evil.” 1 Thessalonians 5:20-22 (MSG)

Drop your thoughts in the comments: Why do you think people fall into watching porn? What is the godly desire behind it that is being pursued through dark means? Let’s activate this conversation below, and I will reply to mentor you in this fun exercise.

God bless you
Tony Francis

The Unexpected Spiritual Exposure from a Cheese Drop

You might be wondering about the title of this article and what it pertains to.

Today, I contacted a delivery service to buy some cheese for me to use in making sandwiches. I put the unopened cheese package in the fridge, planning to use it tomorrow. Later, when I went to the fridge to get something else, the cheese package fell to the floor because my sister had already opened it. I didn't expect the cheese to be consumed today, nor did I expect it to fall onto the dirty kitchen floor and be ruined.

I was angry!

In my perfectly natural and justified anger, I found myself shifting towards wrath. Pay close attention here as I explain how to discern the spirit realm. Let's call it “The Spirit Realm Made Simple!” As I mentioned, I moved from human anger to wrath, and it was a subtle, smooth transition. If you aren't sensitive to the Holy Spirit, the ways of the spirit realm, and the devices of our adversary, the devil, you might not even notice this shift. In my wrathful state, I began imagining all sorts of accusatory scenarios against the goodness of the Lord. I thought things like, “Lord, you know I prefer living alone, but you’re keeping me here with my mom and sister,” and made inner vows like, “I will never get married. I hate living with people who steal my peace and interrupt my quiet time.” These thoughts escalated to even considering quitting the ministry, which felt like a threat to God.

I asked myself, “What is this all about?” and then I asked the Holy Spirit. It was odd to be overwhelmed with such wicked and ugly thoughts. I told the Holy Spirit, “This isn’t me. It’s a privilege to serve you and your people.” I realized these thoughts were likely familiar spirits using my mind to create these negative thoughts and make me believe they were mine. I was relieved, thank God.

Here’s what happened: earlier in the day, the Holy Spirit had elevated me to new and deeper levels of power in words of knowledge and the prophetic, and I was excited about it. The devil, who spies on us—especially those in ministry—targeted me because this new level threatens him by making Jesus more real to people through my ministry. He saw me ordering cheese, possibly inspired my sister to open the package, and positioned it so that it would fall when I opened the fridge. The devil was watching my every move. When the cheese fell, my anger was a natural response. But then the devil overlapped those emotions with demonic wrath, making the transition so smooth that I didn’t notice. His schemes don’t always involve big falls after grand events; sometimes, it’s the small things that ruin the garden. Catch those little foxes!

How do you discern the spirit realm at work within you? Your mind is the battlefield. Pay attention! It’s like giving yourself an out-of-body experience to observe and process what’s happening without emotional involvement. I stopped and asked the Holy Spirit why I was in a rage instead of just angry. Why was I having such accusatory thoughts against the Lord’s goodness? Usually, you can expose the devil when your thoughts suddenly rise to accuse Jesus in a surprising, impulsive way. Or if you have nagging urges to do something terrible, like hurting someone, attempting suicide, or watching pornography, know that a demonic influence is active.

Familiar spirits can take people out and make them do their wicked will. How often have you adopted sick identities because familiar thoughts tormented you until you believed them? How many TikTokers have done dark things online because the devil kept telling them to in their thoughts, feelings, and imagination until they believed it was them?

Not every thought or feeling that comes to you is yours.

How many times have you felt depressed, oppressed, or possessed and started medicating while God was calling you to intercession, not depression? Many intercessors become mentally ill because they can't figure out that what they are sensing isn't theirs.

The cheese wasn’t wicked 🙂 but it caught the demonic rats today!

You won’t make it in life or your daily activities if you don’t grow in discernment. The spiritual realm can overwhelm you.

It’s time to learn the ways of God, man, and the devil. Stop just playing church, enjoying worship, and listening to sermonettes, and go home.

God bless you
Tony Francis

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Beyond Imagination: Faith That Sees, Constant Strategy, and Breeding Wealth!

Jacob worked for his uncle Laban for many years, taking care of his flocks (SEE Genesis 30:25-43). After a long time, Jacob wanted to return to his homeland. But before he left, he made a deal with Laban: Jacob would continue to work for him, but in return, he wanted all the speckled, spotted, and dark-colored sheep and goats as his wages. Laban agreed, thinking these types of animals were less common.

One night, God gave Jacob a dream. In the dream, Jacob saw male goats mating with the flock, and they were streaked, speckled, and spotted. Then, God spoke to Jacob, revealing that He had seen how Laban had been mistreating him. God reminded Jacob of the vow made at Bethel, where Jacob had earlier seen a vision of a ladder reaching to heaven. God promised to be with Jacob and to bless him.

Following this divine revelation, Jacob knew what he had to do. He took fresh branches from poplar, almond, and plane trees and peeled back the bark to create white stripes. He placed these striped branches in the watering troughs where the animals came to drink.

When the stronger animals came to drink and mate in front of the branches, they gave birth to young that were streaked, speckled, or spotted, just as God had shown Jacob in the dream. This strategy, combined with God's blessing, led to Jacob's great prosperity. His flocks grew rapidly with many speckled and spotted animals. He became very wealthy, with large herds of sheep and goats, many servants, and many camels and donkeys. Meanwhile, Laban’s flocks were left with fewer animals of the desired solid colors.

There is great power in what we focus on. What are you focusing on all the time? Focusing on something creates a craving that leads to action! This is more than a new-age visualization technique; it is greater because this focus includes faith, which transcends mere imagination.

Faith is God's spiritual force; it is the assurance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen. The devil wants you to focus on the forbidden tree, while God wants you to focus on His glory. There is a war for your soul, but you win it by how much you hunger and thirst for righteousness, and you WILL be satisfied.

Stop for a moment and think about this: Haven't you become who you are today because you kept contemplating certain scenarios and associating with certain groups?

Jacob's sheep were strong; they looked at and mated (fellowship) in front of those striped trees and gave birth to their kind. Are you strong in the Lord? Are you close to your vision night and day, looking into it, faithing it, and pushing it forward?

It is indeed true that you become what you continuously focus on. Those addictive TikTok videos, video clips, and Netflix movies are constantly influencing this generation and inviting them into a perverse realm, identities, and experiences by BEHOLDING.

This biblical mystery changed my life and is a great tool that I use, and I have not just changed but transformed into the great identities I desire. It has been a journey. But the most exciting thing is focusing on the glory of Jesus, which He is always inviting us into, so that we may BECOME LIKE HIM. How much do you want to be glory?

2 Corinthians 3:18 (AMP): “And we all, with unveiled face, continually seeing as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are progressively being transformed into His image from [one degree of] glory to [even more] glory, which comes from the Lord, [who is] the Spirit.”

Psalm 115:8 (AMP): “Those who make them (idols) will become like them, Everyone who trusts in them.”

Proverbs 23:7a (AMP): “For as he thinks within himself, so he is.”

God bless you
Tony Francis

Let us prophesy to you the visuals of the Lord and let that word of power transform your life: Request Personal Prophetic Word

Science vs. Religion: Finding Harmony in a Disparate World

For centuries, the relationship between science and religion has been a topic of intense debate. Some see them as locked in an eternal struggle, with scientific discoveries constantly chipping away at the foundations of faith. Others believe they occupy separate domains – science concerned with the “how” of the universe and religion with the “why.”

Points of Contention: Where Science and Religion Clash

Historically, some of the most heated clashes have occurred when scientific explanations contradict literal interpretations of religious texts. The theory of evolution, for instance, challenges the creation stories found in many religions. Similarly, scientific advancements in areas like cosmology and geology can raise questions about the age of the earth or the origins of humanity, which may contradict some religious beliefs.

These clashes can lead to a sense of disillusionment for those who hold both scientific and religious views. It can feel like a choice must be made between reason and faith, a situation that can be deeply unsettling.

Finding Common Ground: Why Science and Religion Can Coexist

Despite these potential conflicts, there are compelling reasons to believe that science and religion can coexist peacefully, even complement each other. Here are some key points to consider:

  • Different Domains of Inquiry: As mentioned earlier, science and religion often address fundamentally different questions. Science seeks to understand the natural world through observation, experimentation, and evidence-based reasoning. Religion, on the other hand, focuses on questions of meaning, purpose, morality, and the existence of the divine. These are not inherently contradictory pursuits.

  • A Universe Full of Wonder: Scientific discoveries can inspire a sense of awe and wonder at the universe's complexity and beauty. This sense of wonder is often a cornerstone of religious experience as well.

  • Science as a Tool: Many religious individuals see science as a powerful tool for understanding God's creation. Scientific advancements have allowed us to care for the sick, protect the environment, and improve our quality of life. These advancements can be seen as expressions of humankind's capacity for good, a capacity some attribute to a divine source.

  • Faith as a Guide: Science can explain much about the universe, but it cannot answer all our questions. Religious faith can provide comfort, purpose, and a moral compass in a world that can sometimes feel overwhelming.

Reconciling Faith with Science: Approaches to Harmony

There are several approaches that individuals can take to reconcile their scientific and religious beliefs:

  • Non-Literal Interpretations: Many religious scholars advocate for non-literal interpretations of sacred texts, allowing for the incorporation of scientific discoveries.

  • Focus on the Core Message: Rather than getting hung up on specific details, some believers focus on the core ethical and spiritual messages of their religion.

  • Theology and Science: A growing field known as theology and science seeks to find common ground between religious and scientific perspectives.

The Importance of Open Dialogue

Ultimately, fostering open dialogue between science and religion is crucial. Scientists and religious leaders can work together to bridge the gap, promoting understanding and mutual respect. Individuals can also engage in their own exploration, reading about both science and religion and reflecting on how these two aspects of human experience can inform their worldview.

A Universe with Room for Both

Science and religion need not be seen as adversaries. They can be seen as complementary aspects of our human quest for understanding. Embracing the wonder of scientific discovery alongside the depth of religious faith allows for a richer and more meaningful experience of the world around us.

Alan Raju John

The Bedrock of Belief: Why Faith is Essential in Christianity

Christianity, at its core, is a religion built on faith. It's the foundation upon which all other aspects of Christian belief and practice rest. But what exactly is faith, and why is it so essential for Christians?

The Bible offers several definitions and metaphors for faith. In Hebrews 11:1, it's described as “the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.” Faith allows us to believe in things that cannot be proven with absolute certainty, yet hold them as true with unwavering conviction. It's a trust in God's character and promises, even when we can't fully understand them.

Here are some key reasons why faith is essential in Christianity:

Faith is the foundation of our relationship with God: The Bible tells us in Ephesians 2:8-9 that “For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; not of works, so that no one can boast.” Salvation, the act of being saved from sin and its consequences, is a gift from God received through faith. We cannot earn it through good works or perfect behaviour. Our faith is a demonstration of our trust and dependence on God's grace.

Faith allows us to believe in the unseen: Christianity is centered on the belief in God, a being we cannot see with our physical eyes. We believe in Jesus Christ, God's son who came to earth, died on the cross, and rose again. These are all foundational tenets of the faith that cannot be empirically proven. Yet, through faith, we accept them as true based on the scriptures and the impact they have on our lives.

Faith provides hope and comfort: Life is full of challenges and uncertainties. Faith allows us to trust that God is in control, even when we don't understand what's happening. Romans 8:28 assures us that “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” This verse doesn't promise an absence of difficulty, but it offers hope that God will use even the challenging times for our good.

Faith is the key to spiritual growth: The Bible encourages us to grow in our faith. Hebrews 11:6 says, “And without faith it is impossible to please him, for whoever would draw near to God must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who seek him.” Just as a plant needs water and sunlight to flourish, our faith needs to be nurtured through prayer, studying the Bible, and fellowship with other believers.

Faith inspires us to live a Christ-like life: James 2:17-18 tells us that “So also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead. But someone will say, “You have faith and I have works.” Show me your faith apart from your works, and I will show you my faith by my works.” True faith isn't just mental assent; it translates into action. Our faith compels us to love others, serve our communities, and live according to the teachings of Jesus.

In conclusion, faith is the bedrock of Christian belief. It's the cornerstone of our relationship with God, allows us to believe in the unseen, provides hope and comfort, and inspires us to live a meaningful life. While doubts and questions may arise, Christians strive to cultivate a faith that is unwavering, a faith that allows them to fully embrace the promises and transformative power of their religion.

Alan Raju John