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Children of God Are Heirs

“Hearken, my beloved brethren, Hath not God chosen the poor of this world rich in faith and heirs of the kingdom which He hath promised to them that love Him?” (James 2;5)

What Is Heir?
a) An heir is a child of the owner of a property or title
b) One who inherits, (Inheritor)

How Can One Become An Heir?
John 3:1-5 says “Ye must be born again”, to become an Heir of the kingdom.
Nicodemus, a highly placed and influential man came to Jesus and desperately wanted to know how to become an heir, Jesus told him the way to become an heir is to be “born again”

Also in John 14:6, Jesus told His disciples, especially when Thomas sought to know the way, Jesus said to him, “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life; no one cometh unto the Father but by Me”

You become an heir when you accept Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior. Make Him the Master and TOTAL RULER of your life. Once you do this, you become a child of God.

What Is There To inherit OR What Are We Heirs Of?
1) We Are Heirs of God’s Promises
Heb 6:17 says “Wherein God, willing more abundantly to shew unto the heirs of promise the immutability of His counsel, confirmed it by an oath”
Our God is unchangeable and trustworthy, so are His promises. It is only a man who can change and with his promises. God does not. When God promised Abraham a son, He took an oath in His own Name. The oath (which was the promise), was as good as God’s Name and His Name is as good as His divine nature. It never changes, “Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, and today, and forever”. (Hebrew 13:8).

2) We Are Heirs Of Injustice
“By faith Noah, being warned of God of things not seen as yet, moved with fear, prepared an ark to the saving of his house, by the which he condemned the world, and became heir of the righteousness which is by faith”. (Hebrew 11:7).
Like Noah, you would experience rejection from your neighbors and friends, because with your new life in Christ, you would be different from your neighbors and friends.

Just like Noah’s obedience to God’s command to build a boat on a dry land made him look strange to his neighbors, so also will your obedience to God’s Word in your new life (belief) in Christ will make look strange to your neighbors, friends and even some family members. As you obey God’s Word, you will undoubtedly be positively “different”. Our obedience in Christ will make the unbelievers’ disobedience stand out.

Inspite of all the rejection and name calling Noah might have gone through in the hands of his neighbors, God gave him all the necessary strength and resources to complete the assignment. So also will God give you all-round help you need to complete the assignment He has committed or will commit into your hands, in Jesus’ Name.

3) We Are Heirs Of Salvation
“Are they not all ministering Spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation?” (Hebrew 1:14).
As heirs, angels will serve you and me. Angels are our Father’s messengers, spirit beings, created by our Father and are under His authority. As children of God, what belongs to Him (our Father), also belongs to us. They will be subject to us.

4) We Are Heirs Of The Kingdom Of God
The Bible tells us in James 2:5, where we took our reading from, about the “poor” and those whose simple values are despised by much of our affluent society. James thinks that perhaps the “poor” people prefer:
• serving to managing
• human relations to financial security
• peace to power
• This does not necessarily imply that the poor will go to heave and the rich to hell. No!
• The truth is that poor people are usually more aware of their powerlessness. Therefore, it is often easier for them to acknowledge their need for salvation.
• Pride is one of the greatest barriers to salvation for the rich
• Bitterness can often bars the way of salvation for the poor

For the rich, kick pride out of your and for the poor, have nothing to do with bitterness. You both should accept true salvation which only Jesus Christ can give, before you know kit, you will be sinking into your inheritance, the Kingdom of God.

5) We Are Heirs Of God And Co-Heirs With Christ
Romans 8:17 tells us that “And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint –heirs with Christ: If so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together”
To live like Jesus lived means serving others, giving up one’s rights, resisting pressures to conform to the world- this comes with a big price. There is nothing we can compare to the greatest price He paid to save us and even the treasure that is laid up for us as heirs of God and joint-heirs with Christ.

6) WE Are Co-Heirs Of The Grace of Life
“Likewise, ye husbands, dwell with them according to knowledge, giving honor unto the wife, as unto the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life, that your prayers be not hindered” (1 Peter 3:7).
Our prayers may be hindered if we are not considerate and respectful of our wives or spouses, because, as children of God, a living relationship with God depends on our right relationship with others. In Matthew 5:23-24, Jesus admonishes us to reconcile our differences with our neighbors before we come to worship. The same principle applies to families too. If you use your position to mistreat your wife or husband your relationship with God will suffer. Until you ask for mercy, your sonship is in doubt as well as being heir and you might therefore miss the grace of life. That should not our portion, in Jesus’ Name.

7) We, As Over comers, Will Inherit The Earth
Revelation 21:7 puts it this way: “He that overcometh shall inherit all things, and I will be his God, and he shall be my son”
• Those who overcome “endure to the end” (Mark 13:13)
• Over comers will receive the blessings that God promised;
a) eating from the tree of life – Revelation 2:7
b) escaping from the lake of fire (the 2nd death) – Revelation 2:11
c) receiving a new name – Revelation 2:7
d) having authority or power over the nations – Revelation 2:26
e) being included in the Book of Life – Revelation 3:5
f) being a pillar in God’s Spiritual temple – Revelation 3:12
g) sitting with Christ on His Throne – Revelation 3:21

All those who can endure the testing of evil and remain faithful will be rewarded by God.
You can only become an heir if you are a child of the owner. TODAY is an opportunity for you to be the child of the Father, Owner of inheritance, by accepting Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior. Ask Jesus Christ to forgive your sins and be the Master and Ruler of your life henceforth. Now look for a Bible believing church in your neighborhood to attend and grow in the Word of God. If you believe that you are already an heir of the Kingdom of God, please always tell others about Jesus Christ, the Father and Owner of inheritance.

True Help Can Only Come From Above

“Verily, verily, I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in my name, He will give it to you.” (John 16:23)

If God does not help a man, nobody else can. Don’t be angry with your parents or siblings or friends when they are unable to render you help, promised or not. They might sincerely want to help you, but due to some situations beyond their control, they find themselves unable to. The truth is that if they themselves have not been helped by God, the True Helper, who lives above, they just won’t be able to render you that much-needed help.

The Only True  Helper has your blueprint, not only does He know the appropriate kind of help you need, but also knows how, where, and when to give you such help “until your joy is full” (John 16:24), if you ask Him.

Your Only True Helper says “…I have come that they might have life and that they might have it more abundantly.” (John 10:10b). That is why He alone is your True Helper, to help you with spiritual productivity and purposeful life.

However, you can only “ask” for the help of the Father, the Only True Helper by having a personal relationship with His Son, Jesus Christ. For example, the woman with the issue of blood for 12 years in Mark 5:25-34, only touched the hem of Jesus’ garment and she received her healing instantly because she believed and had a living faith in Jesus.

TODAY, establish a personal relationship with Jesus, invite Him into your life by saying this prayer: Lord Jesus, I accept You into my life today as my personal Lord and Savior. Forgive me of all my sins, come and be the Master and Ruler of my life.

Congratulations! Now look for a Bible believing church in your neighborhood where you can grow in the Word of God. If you already have Jesus Christ in your life, please make sure you hold tenaciously to Him, tell others about Him and your True Help will always show up.

God bless you.


Open up your gift [Audio]

How I journeyed in the gift of prophecy so far! #giftofprophecy #spiritualgifts

Related Resources For Your Growth:

– Growing in the prophetic by Mike Bickle. You can find it here: https://amzn.to/3fskjU3

– Thus saith the Lord? By John Bevere. You can find it here: https://amzn.to/3AcQHDK

Let me know in the comment section below how this now prophetic word has blessed you, to pray and agree with you in Jesus' name.

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Unmasking the spiritual warfare [Audio]

What’s wrong with me and the world? #lies #enemy #satan #victory #kingdomdream #life #truth

Related Resources For Your Growth:

Prophetess Cindy Jacob’s book “Possessing the Gates of the Enemy”. You can get it here: https://amzn.to/3qDFgBT

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Are you serious? [Audio]

God will test you before he entrusts you with spiritual inheritance. Be encouraged in this episode. #mantles

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The Narrow Gate

Years ago, when I was new in the faith, I was just born again, the Lord connected me with a blessed spiritual prophetess from another country. She became my everything, like a newborn to his mother. Every night I log into the internet waiting for her to come online to speak to my life, mentor me, pray and prophesy for me. Faithfully, Kris, that sweet lady, would come online every night just for ME. I know the importance of being mothered because of her and another sweet sister too.

I was and still am like a baby bird with a wide-open mouth because of my hunger waiting to be fed in the Lord. Kris taught me great and wonderful secrets, revelations, mysteries, the word of God, and the ways of the Holy Spirit. Not only did she teach me, but she trained me to walk in the supernatural.

I already was open to the supernatural because before Christ I went after the new age, so I was ready! I loved those moments of praying and prophesying at the end of each chat night with Kris. I would wait on the edge of my seat waiting for Kris to start manifesting the Holy Spirit and my faith would rise when I hear her saying whoo haa ohhh hmmm, because I knew she was about to prophesy to me and then graciously she would allow me to prophesy over her and after a while, she knew I was graced in the prophetic. I treasure those sacred moments; Jesus was taking care of me. It was about him; he was behind all that. I am forever thankful for his loving kindness, halleluiah.

One day, I opened my email to find out Kris has sent me an attached word document with a VERY long prophetic word. I was so happy, excited, and thrilled because it was a generous banquet. I knew it was going to be a weighty email and a life-changing one! Today I don’t remember her prophetic words in that email, the only thing I remember was the last sentence of her last paragraph. Kris told me by the Spirit of the Lord: Tony, you are called to humility! Those words witnessed greatly in my spirit, defined me, and stayed with me till this very day and will continue to.

I knew later that everything I went through in my life was because of the opposite of the spirit of humility. In spiritual warfare, if you are aiming for a real breakthrough, the root of the attack and the landing strip must be revealed. Jesus is your light AND salvation, he will reveal to you and save you!

I tell you today what the Holy Spirit spoke to my heart years ago through mama Kris: “You are called to HUMILITY.”

Tony Francis

Kathryn Kuhlman: The Greatest Power in the World eBook

No woman in the 20th century demonstrated the restoring and healing power of the holy spirit to more people than Kathryn Kuhlman. She lived what she believed, and what she believed she proclaimed with boldness. “No man or woman need ever be defeated! You are only defeated when you consent to defeat”. To non-Christians sickened with their sins, she offered salvation through Jesus Christ as the first step to an undefeated life. To Christians struggling to overcome spiritual, emotional, and physical obstacles in their lives, she offered hope and courage and pointed them unerringly to the source of power they needed to live undefeated lives: The Holy Spirit.

Healing From Trauma

I’m not an expert in healing others’ traumas but the Lord can. Trauma is a big life-altering event that can happen in someone’s life, your life, and my life. The American psychological association defines trauma this way: “Trauma is an emotional response to a terrible event like an accident, rape, or natural disaster. Immediately after the event, shock and denial are typical. Longer-term reactions include unpredictable emotions, flashbacks, strained relationships, and even physical symptoms like headaches or nausea.”

Traumas that happen to us have different levels, weak, mild and extreme. Every level causes a crack in our souls, no doubt, it may be faint or a vivid split but those cracks are painful because we are created by God to be and remain whole.

When we go through a painful experience or a good one, all of our three layers are touched, the physical, the soul, and the spirit. I want you to always think that you are one being and what happens to you affects you totally on all levels. Science or psychology may not always reveal this to you for many reasons. Many scientists don’t believe a man has a spirit, they identify your soul, your emotions, thoughts, and will, and of course the obvious which is your physical. But knowing in part and offering solutions and remedies without fully seeing the whole picture may and will cause you more damage because they are considering this and forsaking the other. We thank God for experts but we trust in the Lord to complete the full picture and bring the fullness of wholeness that we long for.

You’ve read how psychology defines trauma, but how does the Holy Spirit see trauma?

Trauma is a spirit, a wicked strategy from the devil well planned for, organized, and customized for each individual and saved for a certain time to be released in someone’s life when things line up to cause the ultimate knocking damage to make it permanent and impossible to reverse and heal from and to cause the shattered entity to deviate from discovering the Lord and who he is in him and to keep that one ions away from his divine destiny. The devil wants the pain to define you! God wants wholeness to be your identity.

You may be thinking, Tony you’ve gone too far, why are you taking trauma to the spiritual level? Honestly, because it originates there. I totally understand we live in a fallen world and imperfect people cause damage and accidents and that’s totally right and true. But when it comes to trauma the devil is involved because trauma is so violent same as his killing nature. The devil is always after BIG events in your life, he is not really after small things and accidents like a slight cut or a scratch on your skin when you peel an apple, or a headache, etc. The devil wants a violent pain to take over you, define you and alter your relationship with the Lord and your destiny. Trauma is one of his big tools. You will be amazed at the responses we get if I ask you to share a traumatic event you’ve gone through. Almost everyone was subject to it and right now the devil is scheduling one for your children.

You can never heal from something you don’t know the full truth about and its roots. You will be locked in cycles of despair and failures and not go anywhere if you treat the symptoms but do not curse the roots. I pray the Spirit of the Lord enlightens you as you read this in Jesus’ name because it is not a coincidence that you are reading about trauma today and how to heal from it.

Trauma is spiritual, no more talking about it.

Now that you know its origin, you can position yourself to discover the real and true healing for it. Let me interject this here before I proceed with my topic on trauma.

The Bible, for example, lists homosexuality as a sin that Christ died for. Why would Christ die if psychology can treat it for those who don’t want this lifestyle? It is because only the power of Jesus can break sin because sin is spiritual, now after that is done and well received, that struggling person can proceed for help from Christian counselors and even some other treatments. Trauma is spiritual and only God’s power and anointing can deal with it. The Lord can locate it for you, deal with it, set you free and bring you back to wholeness that leads you to a better relationship with the Lord and embracing your God-given destiny.

A healed trauma that doesn’t lead you to God and your destiny is not trauma. It was something else you were dealing with.

I remember when I was little, with no built walls of protection in me, no prayer coverings, knew nothing about God, the word was not in me, I was subject to extreme shattering traumas, word abuse and physical ones too, which established excruciating pain in me and I became locked in the constant struggle inside. Part of me was strongly trying to get rid of that trauma but I couldn’t help getting it out. After years of struggle, I surrendered myself to the pain of trauma and let it define me because I found no way out even though I searched for and encountered all kinds of natural healing and resources available in this fallen world but it made me worse and stole my time because little did I know what I was going through was spiritual and it takes the power of Jesus Christ to break those invisible shackles. Long story short, that’s exactly what happened when I met Christ and gave him my life and my pieces. He made me whole and I can’t tell you how TASTY this feeling is. I dwell in wholeness, not in perfection, there is a difference between being whole and perfect.

After God restored me from those traumatic areas in my life, I discovered that my relationship with him deepened and I embraced more of my calling and who I am in him. Others today are greatly blessed by me because I WAS FOUND.

The prince of Peace, Jesus Christ, will take you shattered and gives you peace. You will be WHOLE again and that my friend is a traumatic event to the devil. Amen!

Tony Francis


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Prophetic Word for the month of AUGUST/AV 2022

In the blessed book of Revelation, we see our Lord Jesus Christ holding in his hand the stars. Regardless of the meaning of those stars, we know that God is the creator of the heavens and earth and he holds everything in the word of his power. He is the Lord over everything and over time. We know the times and seasons not by studying those elements but by looking at Jesus because all revelations come from him. Creation leads us to the Lord. A passenger is definitely aware of the car but his focus is on the driver and the road, and this is how we relate properly and in balance to time elements and the Lord of time. Months serve God’s purposes and they are simply containers for his blessings, just like you and we say blessed are those who come in the name of the Lord. Amen!

I sense so strongly from the Lord that many in the month of August 2022 will be moving to new houses/places. Why? Because you are a territorial spiritual being and your move has a deeper meaning than just “a simple move” to somewhere else. As you obey and move to the new, you will prosper, this is what Holy Spirit is affirming and confirming to you in the name of Jesus.

I also see in the spirit many of your husbands will start preaching/prophesying, I don’t know if this is related to the move or not, but it could be that the Holy Spirit will anoint and empower your husband to start preaching because that new place triggers a new gift and ministry. Halleluiah … I sense your neighbors will be so happy and blessed by you! They have been waiting for you to show up and for this time to come to pass.

I also sense that you will be pregnant, also I am not sure if this is related to the move or not, but you will be able to get pregnant, it seems like you are prospering and multiplying in the land of the new.

God’s blessings are all over you this month, he is opening doors for you on so many levels and you are sensitive to obey and follow the nudges of the Holy Spirit.

I also see that it is a month of confrontations with Satan because you are plundering his house. The devil always fights the feet of authority, the sole of advancements, those who have territorial authority and plans, and guess what? The Lord of Hosts will be with you and you will follow his divine orders and see his victory and banner!

For some, I see the new school of your children in this new place and I see the blessing of the Lord over it, your children will be in God’s favor in the eyes of their principles, they will be distinguished among many and their grades will score high, they even will lead and serve there and will impact others’ lives. Are not you proud of your lads already? Halleluiah.

Why is the Lord revealing all this to you in this monthly prophetic word? Because he wants you to MOVE, he really wants this, so move! You are blessed. Amen

Tony Francis

Feel free to sow financially at the beginning of August 2022. Let's believe for your children's prosperity in this new season in Jesus' name! Thanks for blessing and supporting Healed Nations' ministries!

Kathryn Kuhlman: Gifts of the Holy Spirit – Free Audiobook

Gifts of the Holy Spirit audiobook by Kathryn Kuhlman is a timeless classic that blessed millions of believers and unlocked them in the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Through miss Kuhlman's simple, short, deep, and powerful way of teaching and writing, you will understand this subject from someone who truly was a vessel of the Holy Spirit and lived in the glory realm.