Tag Archive for: calling

Prophetic Word for the month of Sivan 5783 June 2023

We just stepped into a new biblical Hebraic month, the month of SIVAN – JUNE and it is my birthday month (haha). I was born on June 7th, 1984 and the letter associated with the month of Sivan is Zayin which counts 7 too. I love number 7! I pray you will have a blessed month under the canopy of God's presence, blessings & APPOINTMENTS in Jesus' name.

I was praying for you, those who visit my website, and on my mailing list and this is what I believe the Holy Spirit wants to say to you about this new month.

You can study yourself about the month of Sivan 5783 and even ask the Lord to give you specific words for this month but I am highlighting to you here what I feel the Lord wants to zero on and remember we prophesy in PART! So do your homework.

The corridor of this month that you are going to walk through is filled with roses and flowers on both sides. Once it was a desert for you, thorns and hardship and NOW you stepped into a realm of time where it is flowery! I see those laid flowers around you as blessings from the Lord and I see the blessing of HEALING highlighted to you in this month, among other blessings.

Those blessings are calling your name and if you don't take it personally and get serious about it, you may be missing them. God wants you to walk in blessings, “However you look, great blessings”. I feel like titling it the MONTH OF BLESSINGS & UNPRECEDENTED BLESSINGS! Some of you will receive their promotions in SIVAN-JUNE, a long-awaited desire. I feel the Holy Spirit highlighting Joseph in the Old Testament. God wants you to receive the blessings that were on his life, yes you can because in Christ you are grated and the blessings of our forefathers are down passed to us. LORD, I AM CLAIMING THOSE BLESSINGS RIGHT NOW IN JESUS' MIGHTY NAME!

Breakthrough, strength, and power will be the hovering banner over you this time. Power will be released with your spoken words so be careful to speak life and be under the submission of the Holy Spirit. It is going to be a great month in the presence of the Lord Yeshua, Jesus. Amen!

What is the Lord talking to you about this month? Feel free to mention it in the comment section below the bottom of the page. I will be reading your revelations and others will too.

Thank you for being part of this tribe, thank God for your love, faithfulness, and support and I thank God for the privilege and honor he gives me when I serve you in one way or another. You are not a number my friend, I value you and I bless you in Jesus' name.

Feel free to request a prophetic ministry, and check my digital store and my online Christian store for beautiful apparel & accessories (use the coupon code for a discount).

If you feel led to sow into this prophetic ministry at the beginning of this new month or anytime it will be a great blessing that will help us advance the word of God. Also if you feel like wishing me a happy birthday by sowing a blessing, feel free to do that and mention in the comment section after checkout that your donation is a birthday gift to Tony Francis. 

God bless you


When You Doubt God

I believe doubting God is the highest form of temptation because He is your source of everything as a Christian, and now you are not sure about this good source you relied on many times. When I sin, I can come to the Lord and ask Him to forgive me, deliver me, and heal me. But when I doubt Him, I may struggle to come to Him for help. I have succeeded many times while in doubt to come to the Lord's presence and commune with Him until He restores my faith in His goodness once again, but often when I doubt, I feel disconnected, unable to approach Him! It depends on the level of spiritual warfare at that moment, I believe. Can you relate to this?

We remember together that doubting God's goodness and authority severed our relationship with Him and took us out of the garden of life, blessings, and calling. It was when Satan asked Eve: “Did God really say?”

Doubt is a powerful form of warfare, do not underestimate it. Jesus Christ was tempted by the devil with the “If you are” statements and He conquered them by the power of the Holy Spirit, and you can too. Once again, you may do this and that and still come to the Lord for repentance, correction, and prayer, but what if you are now doubting your source? Can you see it with me? Are you going through tough times of questioning the Lord and His promises? Are you coming into a subtle agreement with the enemy's doubtful statements? God is not angry at you or me, yet He delights when we trust Him fully, but He knows it is a journey and He is with us and for us.

I break the presence of doubt in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, and I curse the root, the landing strip, the foothold, the space, the opening, the question, the experience, the seeds, or whatever it was that made you come under doubting the goodness and the loving-kindness of the Lord for you. Amen!

If you want to doubt the Lord, doubt in His presence, do it with Him, be real, and ask your questions, but don't cut away the source because at the end of the day, it is only God that you have and you don't want to lose that. God is not intimidated by your doubts or questions.

Come before Him and conquer this temptation of doubt in His power because everyone may go through it.

Glory to God
Tony Francis

Why has the devil refused to flee?

I woke up with so much in my head to put down but this was laid in my heart. I pray it ministers peace and truth to you in Jesus mighty name. Amen

Reading from the Epistle of James 4:7-10; 7 Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. 8 Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded. 9 Lament and mourn and weep. Let your laughter be turned into mourning and your joy into dejection. 10 Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will exalt you.

‘Submit yourselves therefore to God’. One may ask, how do I submit myself to God? I have come across many people who have little or no knowledge of God, and so many who are struggling to balance Jesus and God. The point is, Jesus is God! ‘I and my father are one,’ he said. There’s no distinction.

So we can ‘Submit’ to God’ in so many ways: 

  1.     In prayer: When we pray we submit to God, it shows our total dependence on Him. Knowing that there’s nothing we can do for ourselves brings us to our knees to pray. If we can do all things, there would be no need for God.
  2.     In obedience to His Word and in embracing his love for us.
  3.   In Faith: by exercising our faith in God we submit to His Will, Plan and Purpose for us. In Jeremiah 29:11 For surely I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans for your welfare and not for harm, to give you a future with hope. 

And so many other ways through which we can submit to God then ‘Resist the devil, and he will flee from you’.

To most of us it seems the devil is strong headed because we expect him to flee whenever we resist him without first of all submitting ourselves to God; which is why we are still struggling with that addiction and sin. We cannot stop it on our own.

If you want to achieve results, you must follow the instructions or procedures given. The only result to be achieved when you neglect to do what is required of you is failure. The devil does not flee because of your physique or because you have resisted him, he flees because you have submitted to the highest authority Jesus Christ who is the head of all principalities and powers.

In Colossians 2: 13-15 13 And when you were dead in trespasses and the uncircumcision of your flesh, God made you alive together with him, when he forgave us all our trespasses, 14 erasing the record that stood against us with its legal demands. He set this aside, nailing it to the cross. 15 He disarmed the rulers and authorities and made a public example of them, triumphing over them in it.

Through the death of Jesus Christ on the cross our sins were forgiven, and he erased the record that stood against us, with its legal demands. In Jesus the law and the prophets were fulfilled. And Jesus made a public show of the devil and his henchmen.

By nailing our sins to the cross; Jesus destroyed the legal right Satan had to hold us captive, rendering him powerless over us because we are no longer slaves to sin.

Now in verse 8 of James 4; 8 Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded. This is a call for intimacy; God is calling us back to himself, like he always does. A father that runs after us, who forfeits the 99 and runs after 1 me! Because he wants all of us to be safe.

God’s desire for a relationship with us is just for our own good. It doesn’t add or reduce or change who He is, He is God all by Himself and He doesn’t need us to be the God He is.

God is our source even when we fail to acknowledge it. In the book of Acts 17:28 For ‘In him we live and move and have our being;. Outside of God, that wolf in sheep's clothing, the thief will steal and devour us.

He goes on to say ‘Cleanse your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded. Double-minded are people of wavering mind, unstable and insincere. There is a need for us to repent of our sins so that the devil will have no legal right over us. Not only that! Remember our God is a Holy God, and whosoever that must come to him must be Holy. Another hard task Uh! When God established all these things it seems He doesn’t really need us around him because no one is holy. But it’s not about us it’s about Him.

To be purified and holy is to embrace the finished work of Jesus Christ on the cross. In 2 Corinthians 5:21 ‘For our sake God made the one who knew no sin to be sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God’.  Now when God looks at us he sees His righteousness in us, and can have fellowship with us through His Spirit. In this, is the total submission to God and He will exalt you.

When your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, that is the fulfillment of this scripture: 1 John 4:4  ‘Little children, you are from God and have conquered them, for the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world. That is the deal!!! Only when you submit yourself to God, will you resist the devil and he flees from you.

I pray that this message will bless your life and ignite the desire to draw near to God in you. From henceforth may you begin to desire only that which will bring glory to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen.

Never Give Up

Someone pronounced death over you and your circumstances.  “Give up, give in, stop trying, stop hoping, you can see that there is no way out for you.”  They told you your desire will never be fulfilled.  That is what they told Jairus.  He had been waiting as patiently as possible, given the circumstances.  Let’s face it.  In dire emergencies like this it is hard to keep your composure.  His daughter was so sick she was literally at death’s door.  He needed Jesus to work one of those miracles.  But, others had needs just as dire as his own.  Jesus agreed to come and help his daughter but the stops to help those others were delaying their journey.  His mind began to race, “What if we do not arrive in time, can Jesus help if she dies?” His thoughts were interrupted by a man calling his name.  As Jairus turned to look he recognized one of his workers.  The man reported that his daughter already died, it was too late.  He felt as if the breath had been knocked out of him.  Just as his world started to spin he heard Jesus say, “do not be afraid, only believe.”

Outside voices were trying to sink Jairus into despair.   To make matters worse, Jesus was interrupted while his daughter’s life was hanging in the balance.  I can only imagine his inner voice screaming anxiously.  Can you relate?  You know God began to work on your behalf but then there was silence.  A moment of apparent inactivity.  It looked like God moved on.  You can see him working in other situations, for other people.  All the while your situation seems like it is getting worse.  But, Jesus wants you to know something.  This is what he said to Jairus: “Don’t be afraid. Just have faith, and she will be healed.” (Luke 8:50).

There is a really important point to be made by Jesus’ reassurance.  He did not say “don’t worry I have the power to raise the dead.”  Jesus did not confirm the report of death because he had already begun working on the situation.  When you thought he stopped moving on your behalf you were tricked by the appearance of things.  God tells us to walk by faith and not by sight.  There is more to you and your life’s journey than you are currently perceiving.  Your circumstances do not have the final say.  He is sovereign over all things.  When you trust his authority and love he can make your experience a billboard for his character and power.

There is no work that God starts but fails to complete.  He said he will finish the work he started in you.  So do not be discouraged.  In the words of David: “Take charge! Take heart! Don’t be anxious or get discouraged. God, my God, is with you in this; he won’t walk off and leave you in the lurch. He’s at your side until every last detail is completed for conducting the worship of God” (1Chronicles 28:20 The Message Bible).  David was talking to his son about a job he had to do.  You have a job to do also.  Renew your mind as many times as it takes. Repeat what Jesus said to Jairus. Keep rehearsing it, “don’t be afraid, just have faith.”  God will fulfill his purpose in your life!  Things are not always what they seem.  Don’t be afraid, only believe.

You Are Called to Write

There is power in writing! If Jesus is the WORD of God and he is, then writing is the very next thing that serves the WORD. From the beginning, we see how much God gave the ministry of writing importance! We read that in the bible over and over. Even God himself came down and wrote the commandments on two tablets for Moses. There is power in writing because the dynamics of it imply it. Writing is a form of establishing, pressing upon with authority, it releases boldness because you are not afraid of taking what is invisible and birthing it into the visible. (Chew on this one)

There is a tribe of scribes founded by God, legislating for him all the time. God is looking at this tribe and found your face among them. He is calling you to write! Write his glory. Writing is a spiritual warfare that's why you feel the resistance to stepping into this ministry. I understand that but you are a warrior as well in Christ Jesus and you are made to battle. Your pen will be your forged sword and you will create substance in the realm of the spirit as you move your pen and let your sword dance by the wind of the Spirit.

The devil is afraid you answer this eternal call. He will throw some alternatives at you, of course, he will do, and tell you BUT not this one, please. Today, the Spirit is making sure you are not missing your destiny because you will bring so much glory to his name. The Son of God is worthy! God will help you deal with your “buts” because you have some in your tool belt. Be humble, ask the Lord “how is it going to be that and I know no man?”. God will give you answers to start with and he expects you at the end to give him your yes and amen.

He really wants you to step into this!

Tony Francis

Children of God Are Heirs

“Hearken, my beloved brethren, Hath not God chosen the poor of this world rich in faith and heirs of the kingdom which He hath promised to them that love Him?” (James 2;5)

What Is Heir?
a) An heir is a child of the owner of a property or title
b) One who inherits, (Inheritor)

How Can One Become An Heir?
John 3:1-5 says “Ye must be born again”, to become an Heir of the kingdom.
Nicodemus, a highly placed and influential man came to Jesus and desperately wanted to know how to become an heir, Jesus told him the way to become an heir is to be “born again”

Also in John 14:6, Jesus told His disciples, especially when Thomas sought to know the way, Jesus said to him, “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life; no one cometh unto the Father but by Me”

You become an heir when you accept Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior. Make Him the Master and TOTAL RULER of your life. Once you do this, you become a child of God.

What Is There To inherit OR What Are We Heirs Of?
1) We Are Heirs of God’s Promises
Heb 6:17 says “Wherein God, willing more abundantly to shew unto the heirs of promise the immutability of His counsel, confirmed it by an oath”
Our God is unchangeable and trustworthy, so are His promises. It is only a man who can change and with his promises. God does not. When God promised Abraham a son, He took an oath in His own Name. The oath (which was the promise), was as good as God’s Name and His Name is as good as His divine nature. It never changes, “Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, and today, and forever”. (Hebrew 13:8).

2) We Are Heirs Of Injustice
“By faith Noah, being warned of God of things not seen as yet, moved with fear, prepared an ark to the saving of his house, by the which he condemned the world, and became heir of the righteousness which is by faith”. (Hebrew 11:7).
Like Noah, you would experience rejection from your neighbors and friends, because with your new life in Christ, you would be different from your neighbors and friends.

Just like Noah’s obedience to God’s command to build a boat on a dry land made him look strange to his neighbors, so also will your obedience to God’s Word in your new life (belief) in Christ will make look strange to your neighbors, friends and even some family members. As you obey God’s Word, you will undoubtedly be positively “different”. Our obedience in Christ will make the unbelievers’ disobedience stand out.

Inspite of all the rejection and name calling Noah might have gone through in the hands of his neighbors, God gave him all the necessary strength and resources to complete the assignment. So also will God give you all-round help you need to complete the assignment He has committed or will commit into your hands, in Jesus’ Name.

3) We Are Heirs Of Salvation
“Are they not all ministering Spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation?” (Hebrew 1:14).
As heirs, angels will serve you and me. Angels are our Father’s messengers, spirit beings, created by our Father and are under His authority. As children of God, what belongs to Him (our Father), also belongs to us. They will be subject to us.

4) We Are Heirs Of The Kingdom Of God
The Bible tells us in James 2:5, where we took our reading from, about the “poor” and those whose simple values are despised by much of our affluent society. James thinks that perhaps the “poor” people prefer:
• serving to managing
• human relations to financial security
• peace to power
• This does not necessarily imply that the poor will go to heave and the rich to hell. No!
• The truth is that poor people are usually more aware of their powerlessness. Therefore, it is often easier for them to acknowledge their need for salvation.
• Pride is one of the greatest barriers to salvation for the rich
• Bitterness can often bars the way of salvation for the poor

For the rich, kick pride out of your and for the poor, have nothing to do with bitterness. You both should accept true salvation which only Jesus Christ can give, before you know kit, you will be sinking into your inheritance, the Kingdom of God.

5) We Are Heirs Of God And Co-Heirs With Christ
Romans 8:17 tells us that “And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint –heirs with Christ: If so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together”
To live like Jesus lived means serving others, giving up one’s rights, resisting pressures to conform to the world- this comes with a big price. There is nothing we can compare to the greatest price He paid to save us and even the treasure that is laid up for us as heirs of God and joint-heirs with Christ.

6) WE Are Co-Heirs Of The Grace of Life
“Likewise, ye husbands, dwell with them according to knowledge, giving honor unto the wife, as unto the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life, that your prayers be not hindered” (1 Peter 3:7).
Our prayers may be hindered if we are not considerate and respectful of our wives or spouses, because, as children of God, a living relationship with God depends on our right relationship with others. In Matthew 5:23-24, Jesus admonishes us to reconcile our differences with our neighbors before we come to worship. The same principle applies to families too. If you use your position to mistreat your wife or husband your relationship with God will suffer. Until you ask for mercy, your sonship is in doubt as well as being heir and you might therefore miss the grace of life. That should not our portion, in Jesus’ Name.

7) We, As Over comers, Will Inherit The Earth
Revelation 21:7 puts it this way: “He that overcometh shall inherit all things, and I will be his God, and he shall be my son”
• Those who overcome “endure to the end” (Mark 13:13)
• Over comers will receive the blessings that God promised;
a) eating from the tree of life – Revelation 2:7
b) escaping from the lake of fire (the 2nd death) – Revelation 2:11
c) receiving a new name – Revelation 2:7
d) having authority or power over the nations – Revelation 2:26
e) being included in the Book of Life – Revelation 3:5
f) being a pillar in God’s Spiritual temple – Revelation 3:12
g) sitting with Christ on His Throne – Revelation 3:21

All those who can endure the testing of evil and remain faithful will be rewarded by God.
You can only become an heir if you are a child of the owner. TODAY is an opportunity for you to be the child of the Father, Owner of inheritance, by accepting Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior. Ask Jesus Christ to forgive your sins and be the Master and Ruler of your life henceforth. Now look for a Bible believing church in your neighborhood to attend and grow in the Word of God. If you believe that you are already an heir of the Kingdom of God, please always tell others about Jesus Christ, the Father and Owner of inheritance.

Tell Me Your Name

He sat there waiting for a sign that he had a catch.  Only this time he had no heart to reel it in.  He felt lost and out of place.  This was something that he had done for years.  He knew it inside out.  It used to be so second nature that it was like breathing.  Only now, it felt like suffocating.

I imagine those were Peter’s thoughts after Jesus’ resurrection.  He betrayed the only one who ever made him feel alive.  Now he did not know how to live.

In John 13 Jesus informs Peter that he will succumb to the fears and ways that he left when he became a fisher of men.  It is astounding that Jesus tells Peter that he will fall but does not strip him of his new identity.  He uses the name that he assigns to Simon.  He calls him Peter, his rock.  I am sure that was a shock to Peter.  Nothing in his actions showed the fortitude and stability of a rock. But Jesus reminds Peter to rise up from his failure after it happens and get back to his purpose.  The act of falling did not overshadow Peter’s identity.  Who he was, was not synonymous with what he did.  Jesus knew that, but Peter had to learn to separate his failure from who he was.  He had to distance himself from what happened.  Is there something that is holding you back from being who God created you to be?  Are there weights that are trying to keep you from rising to the new life God has for you?  God’s forgiveness and restoration is more powerful than anyone’s word or anything that you could do.

After his resurrection, Jesus challenges Peter by asking him to finally lay to death the man he once was and embrace who he had become.

Jesus Reinstates Peter

John 21

15After breakfast Jesus asked Simon Peter, “Simon son of John, do you love me more than these?e

“Yes, Lord,” Peter replied, “you know I love you.”

“Then feed my lambs,” Jesus told him.

16Jesus repeated the question: “Simon son of John, do you love me?”

“Yes, Lord,” Peter said, “you know I love you.”

“Then take care of my sheep,” Jesus said.

17A third time he asked him, “Simon son of John, do you love me?”

Peter was hurt that Jesus asked the question a third time. He said, “Lord, you know everything. You know that I love you.”

Jesus said, “Then feed my sheep.

He challenges him with the acknowledgment of who he was by calling him Simon Peter but questions who he chooses to be in the present?  Jesus showed Peter his true character and potential.  He opened his eyes to his purpose. Peter is asked to face his past and make a choice.   Jesus tells Peter, that love means leaving the past behind and living in the fullness of his new life.  What will you choose today?  You can leave the past in the past and walk in your present with purpose.  Let the light of the world be the beacon that leads you to fulfill God’s purpose in your life.


Prophetic Word for the month of OCTOBER/TISHREI 2022

This is what I sense I received from the Holy Spirit in my prayer for October/Tishrei 2022. I pray this prophetic word blesses you mightily in Jesus' name and releases the will of God who is Lord over times and seasons. Thank you for reading this word by faith and not as an entertaining word, because your faith that connects to the revealed will of God will make the whole difference for you and position you to see his glory.

I hear in my spirit these words “THE BEGINNING OF MINISTRIES”. The Lord is showing me that many of you have been prepared through A LOT. “The horse is prepared for the battle but the victory comes from the Lord”, Halleluiah! You've been prepared and you know that. I see in the spirit now the passage in the bible that talks about Jesus standing in the Jordan River and the Spirit/the Anointing coming on him as a dove. It was the Lord's anointing time and the beginning of his earthly ministry! What a precious moment that changed the course of humanity.

You too are standing under this same BLESSING in the heavenly realms, it is time, YOUR time. I see you are being mantled and God is launching you for whatever he has in store for you. You are not called to be a superstar but a servant just like Yeshua. You will love it, feel satisfaction beyond words and you will know without a shadow of a doubt that you wouldn't be happier if you haven't stepped into your calling and ministry.

It is time says the Lord. Let God anoint you, announce you and promote you for servanthood to carry his glory to where he is calling you. It is a holy time, and I believe you will not miss it and you will be in the right place at the right time just like Jesus was in the Jordan River and God will establish your commissioning and the beginning of your ministry/ministries. You were created for such a time as this and you will make a difference and an impact. Embrace it!

I felt sharing with you this mp3 audio of 30 minutes where Kathryn Kuhlman shares about the beginning of her healing ministry. It is priceless but you can download it for a minimum of $1. Click here if you are interested:

Tony Francis

  • If you are interested in requesting your now prophetic word, monthly word, friend word, or YEARLY prophetic word: Click here to learn more!


  • If you feel you carry a prophetic word or a Christian devotion and you want a platform to release it, I offer you this opportunity for FREE because I want to encourage prophetic voices to emerge and be visible. Click here to submit your word


  • Thank you for your generous donation to my ministry Healed Nations. I am believing with everyone sowing this month and partnering with me that the LORD will send you the right people and connections to empower you and serve with you as you launch into ministry.

What is the Holy Spirit saying about the biblical year 5783?

I sense the delight of Yeshua in my heart for what is coming.

I even see the Lord in a vision right now flipping the calendar himself and turning it to welcome the new. I see a remnant from his people in his presence who were purged and went through so much. You are among those remnants and God is going to do exploits through you!

I see the Lord speaking with each one of his remnants in specific ways, it is like he is giving each one a specific and unique mandate for this year. I am now taken in the spirit to the instance in the bible where the roof or the ceiling was torn by faith-filled people to lower down their friend in need of a miracle. Those remnants are not just faith-filled believers, what qualifies them is the violence they have in their faith for Jesus, an aggressive faith-filled believer. Great faith & exploits will mark this year. As the world is heading toward extremism in almost everything, so shall kingdom people but not all will respond, just the remnant.

As I was looking at the year 5783, I realized that it has three odd numbers and one even and that ONE even number felt ODD to me because it stands alone. I felt the Holy Spirit is highlighting that we will see in this year the ODD, the unusual, the strange, miracles, signs, and wonders in the hands of the remnant, the violent in faith. You will be a sign for Yahweh this year. God is not calling strange people or promoting weirdness but the supernatural and the ODD will be so visible through his people. This also makes sense to me, and I can witness it even in the natural because aren’t we seeing ODD laws, a new breed of sexual beings, etc.?

In the year 5783, the anointing of the Holy Spirit is so rich, so present, and so available like never before because it is the anointing that breaks the yoke of bondage and nowadays not only individuals are oppressed and demonically possessed but also whole nations. God’s anointing is richly available for you to serve the earth that is groaning for FREEDOM. This year will be marked by the anointing of the Holy Spirit! Halleluiah.

I am now in the spirit standing before the throne of God and I am allowed to hear strange, big prayers, prayers that feel so new to heaven because the needs on the earth changed, and what we are dealing with nowadays is extreme, very extreme. A new level in intercession and intercessors will emerge and will allow the Spirit to pray through them what this era really needs. Those intercessors will not be intimidated by their big, new, and strange prayers because they know the Holy Spirit, follow him and know he is the one in charge of them.

Wow! I see crusades, crusades, and crusades, and even more, crusades happening in this coming year and forth. The Lord is also inviting his people to finance the kingdom, that’s why we will see the appearance of wealthy people who became abundant, it is an abundance with a purpose! Money will speak for eternity because it is used for the glory of the Lord. If you feel like going for a new business, go for it as the anointing is available for you this year and you will be among those who will bless and finance the advancement of the Kingdom of God.

I see the Holy Spirit moving among the children, like a children’s revival.


Tony Francis

  • If you are interested in requesting your YEARLY prophetic word, it is now available. On September 25, 2022, we enter 5783, the biblical year. Click here to learn more!


  • If you feel you carry a prophetic word for the body of Christ for the year 5783 and you want a platform to release it, I offer you this opportunity for free because I want to encourage prophetic voices to emerge and be visible. Click here to submit your word


  • Thank you for your generous donation to my ministry Healed Nations. Your empowerment will help me advance the Kingdom of Jesus worldwide because I am embracing this year a violent faith, the odd, and the exploits for his glory. Also, I am believing that those who will SOW that the rich anointing of the Lord will come on them this year.

Keys to Step into Abundance

Jesus promised us abundant life here on earth before we go to heaven. “The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more ABUNDANTLY.” John 10:10. There is no lack in God. He is EL-SHADDAI, the God of more than enough, your God and my God.

“For the one whom God has sent speaks the words of God, for God gives the Spirit without limit.” John 3:34.

The Holy Spirit is not a lacking Spirit, he is a river, a “Spirit without limit”. Abundance is the nature of God, who he is way before keys and principles. Many are taught biblically how to live a prosperous life but those keys and techniques don’t work for those believers because it is about a core belief in God as the God of abundance! Until you come to that place of belief about the abundant nature of God and his will for you, you won’t be able to release your faith even if you used all the techniques.

Having this firm belief about God, my God, the Holy Spirit activated me in revelations and biblical keys to stir the blessings I have been given in Christ in the heavenly places (See Ephesians 1). Oh, I fell in love with those keys, and I know you will too.

The biblical key that I am about to share with you turned out to be a creative activation that became my daily practice almost. It is addictive and powerful.

God, the great I AM, appeared to Abram and promised him to become a father of many nations. God cut that promise to Abram who became AbraHam and that by itself is powerful.

God in his tender mercies doesn’t only promise us great blessings, callings, and destinies but he teaches us, works with us, and helps us cultivate faith in his promises. We need God from the beginning to the end. God visited Jeremiah, not only to reveal to him his destiny as a prophet but also to work with his weaknesses, and doubts. God also went further to train Jeremiah by activating him in the seer anointing by asking him what do you see? God was teaching Jeremiah to prophesy. Isn’t God so awesome and so good? He is a Father like no other, halleluiah, he wants to see YOU succeed.

After the God of covenant cut that glorious promise to Abraham, having Messiah in mind, he didn’t stop there but activated Abram in many ways to build his faith.

Jesus said, I will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. Jesus is your promise maker AND your faith builder. He never leaves you nor forsakes you! (I can cry here and just erupt in worship).

God turned the name of Abram to Abraham, and the faith activations started! Now Abraham is locked in his thinking about the promise (I am a father of many nations). Each time Abraham heard his community calling his new name, faith would arise and keep building in his heart. Do you see this beautiful activation? It was God’s idea.

God didn’t stop at changing the name of Abram, but he connected Abraham’s faith to the stars in the vast sky, a huge limitless scene, a visual. This is how your offspring will be, God said to Abraham! (Gen 15). Now every time someone calls Abraham by name faith rises in him and every time Abraham looked at the stars each night faith was established.

God surrounded Abraham with activations to keep him in the faith! Are you living like that? Protecting your faith, building it constantly? There is a journey to your promise. Today the 12 tribes of Israel are displayed in the sky because of Abraham’s faith. We see them in the constellations, and they reveal the glory of the Messiah. God fulfilled his promise to Abraham, but it was after activating him in faith every single moment in many ways.

I’ve learned from the Holy Spirit that connecting a given promise to a visual builds my faith which leads to glory and manifestations. There is nothing more powerful than seeing it. If you see it, you can have it but first, make sure it is within your inheritance in Christ.

Today it became my practice to focus on a certain blessing and then connect a wild creative visual that has no limits or boundaries just like the stars. I understand how powerful this activation is! It is not about what I write/see, it is about going wild and limitless to stir the blessing behind my practice. My wild creative SKY GRAND visual is just a little spoon to stir a  big blessing, the substance of what I want to manifest.

The secret is to go wild, creative, and BIG to rise your faith. There is something about the HIGH PRAISE, right? Go high, be in the spirit, break the membrane of reasoning, and paralyze doubts. I will clarify even more. Imagine you love someone, and you want to express your love and appreciation. Gift that one a shirt and that person will receive it and acknowledge your love. Gift him two shirts, and now he is so excited. Gift him a closet full of shirts and now that one is speechless, in tears, and is marked by your love. Go big, stir it strong. Let your senses engage in it.

When you write a creative visual, don’t focus much on it because the aim is not to fulfill it, the aim is to stir the blessing desired behind it.

The word in you will produce, that’s why “the birds” come immediately to steal it. What you sow in yourself as words, visuals, and emotions, will build the faith that will lead to glory “if you believe, you shall SEE the glory of God”.  John 11:40

Let’s say you want to stir the blessing of acceptance and approval in your life because you are struggling with rejection. You can write a creative wild limitless visual about how loved you are. Something like that:

“Today I woke up and as usual I turned on my mobile phone and received texts like crazy, almost all my social media apps were full. People were checking on me, tagging me, I was on their minds, and many wanted to arrange an outing with me because they love to hang out with me. It took me hours to answer them all and interact with them. After that, I saw that a group of people who used to bully me when I was a child, wanted to apologize and connect with me again. They love me today and know my worth. I was in tears! I don’t live for approval but what can I do about it, it just follows me, and I can’t stop it because when God blesses me, no man can curse me”.

Did you like this activation? I did. Will your phone be bombarded with messages tomorrow? Probably not but FOR SURE you stirred the blessing of approval, and it is now working and GOD himself will write the best scenario possible about that approval you stirred for him. Fill God’s pen with the ink of your desired blessing and let him do the writing. Trust in the Lord!

Happy activation!

Tony Francis


If you want to learn more, you can listen below to my 40 minutes live stream I did recently on Facebook where I taught about this and activated people in it. God bless you!


If you want to start this practice, you can order my notebook “My Faith Journal” that I designed. Use coupon code DISCOUNT25 on checkout:

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