Never Give Up
Someone pronounced death over you and your circumstances. “Give up, give in, stop trying, stop hoping, you can see that there is no way out for you.” They told you your desire will never be fulfilled. That is what they told Jairus. He had been waiting as patiently as possible, given the circumstances. Let’s face it. In dire emergencies like this it is hard to keep your composure. His daughter was so sick she was literally at death’s door. He needed Jesus to work one of those miracles. But, others had needs just as dire as his own. Jesus agreed to come and help his daughter but the stops to help those others were delaying their journey. His mind began to race, “What if we do not arrive in time, can Jesus help if she dies?” His thoughts were interrupted by a man calling his name. As Jairus turned to look he recognized one of his workers. The man reported that his daughter already died, it was too late. He felt as if the breath had been knocked out of him. Just as his world started to spin he heard Jesus say, “do not be afraid, only believe.”
Outside voices were trying to sink Jairus into despair. To make matters worse, Jesus was interrupted while his daughter’s life was hanging in the balance. I can only imagine his inner voice screaming anxiously. Can you relate? You know God began to work on your behalf but then there was silence. A moment of apparent inactivity. It looked like God moved on. You can see him working in other situations, for other people. All the while your situation seems like it is getting worse. But, Jesus wants you to know something. This is what he said to Jairus: “Don’t be afraid. Just have faith, and she will be healed.” (Luke 8:50).
There is a really important point to be made by Jesus’ reassurance. He did not say “don’t worry I have the power to raise the dead.” Jesus did not confirm the report of death because he had already begun working on the situation. When you thought he stopped moving on your behalf you were tricked by the appearance of things. God tells us to walk by faith and not by sight. There is more to you and your life’s journey than you are currently perceiving. Your circumstances do not have the final say. He is sovereign over all things. When you trust his authority and love he can make your experience a billboard for his character and power.
There is no work that God starts but fails to complete. He said he will finish the work he started in you. So do not be discouraged. In the words of David: “Take charge! Take heart! Don’t be anxious or get discouraged. God, my God, is with you in this; he won’t walk off and leave you in the lurch. He’s at your side until every last detail is completed for conducting the worship of God” (1Chronicles 28:20 The Message Bible). David was talking to his son about a job he had to do. You have a job to do also. Renew your mind as many times as it takes. Repeat what Jesus said to Jairus. Keep rehearsing it, “don’t be afraid, just have faith.” God will fulfill his purpose in your life! Things are not always what they seem. Don’t be afraid, only believe.