Tag Archive for: supernatural

Are you ready for a great outpouring of the Holy Spirit? [Audio]

Join Elizabeth Tiam Fook, Francisco Arboleda, Terry Cuthbertson, Patricia King, Ben & Jodie Hughes, Robert Hotchkin, and Tony Francis as we talk about the outpouring of the Holy Spirit that’s upon us! (aired May 19, 2021)

#HolySpirit #Revival #MediaRevival #PatriciaKing #ElizabethTiamFook #TerryCuthbertson #BenHughes #JodieHughes #RobertHotchkin #TonyFrancis

Related Resources For Your Growth:

“Tongues: God’s Provision for Dynamic Growth and Supernatural” book by Patricia King. You can find it here: https://amzn.to/3I8HWwZ

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What is the Holy Spirit saying about the biblical year 5783?

I sense the delight of Yeshua in my heart for what is coming.

I even see the Lord in a vision right now flipping the calendar himself and turning it to welcome the new. I see a remnant from his people in his presence who were purged and went through so much. You are among those remnants and God is going to do exploits through you!

I see the Lord speaking with each one of his remnants in specific ways, it is like he is giving each one a specific and unique mandate for this year. I am now taken in the spirit to the instance in the bible where the roof or the ceiling was torn by faith-filled people to lower down their friend in need of a miracle. Those remnants are not just faith-filled believers, what qualifies them is the violence they have in their faith for Jesus, an aggressive faith-filled believer. Great faith & exploits will mark this year. As the world is heading toward extremism in almost everything, so shall kingdom people but not all will respond, just the remnant.

As I was looking at the year 5783, I realized that it has three odd numbers and one even and that ONE even number felt ODD to me because it stands alone. I felt the Holy Spirit is highlighting that we will see in this year the ODD, the unusual, the strange, miracles, signs, and wonders in the hands of the remnant, the violent in faith. You will be a sign for Yahweh this year. God is not calling strange people or promoting weirdness but the supernatural and the ODD will be so visible through his people. This also makes sense to me, and I can witness it even in the natural because aren’t we seeing ODD laws, a new breed of sexual beings, etc.?

In the year 5783, the anointing of the Holy Spirit is so rich, so present, and so available like never before because it is the anointing that breaks the yoke of bondage and nowadays not only individuals are oppressed and demonically possessed but also whole nations. God’s anointing is richly available for you to serve the earth that is groaning for FREEDOM. This year will be marked by the anointing of the Holy Spirit! Halleluiah.

I am now in the spirit standing before the throne of God and I am allowed to hear strange, big prayers, prayers that feel so new to heaven because the needs on the earth changed, and what we are dealing with nowadays is extreme, very extreme. A new level in intercession and intercessors will emerge and will allow the Spirit to pray through them what this era really needs. Those intercessors will not be intimidated by their big, new, and strange prayers because they know the Holy Spirit, follow him and know he is the one in charge of them.

Wow! I see crusades, crusades, and crusades, and even more, crusades happening in this coming year and forth. The Lord is also inviting his people to finance the kingdom, that’s why we will see the appearance of wealthy people who became abundant, it is an abundance with a purpose! Money will speak for eternity because it is used for the glory of the Lord. If you feel like going for a new business, go for it as the anointing is available for you this year and you will be among those who will bless and finance the advancement of the Kingdom of God.

I see the Holy Spirit moving among the children, like a children’s revival.


Tony Francis

  • If you are interested in requesting your YEARLY prophetic word, it is now available. On September 25, 2022, we enter 5783, the biblical year. Click here to learn more!


  • If you feel you carry a prophetic word for the body of Christ for the year 5783 and you want a platform to release it, I offer you this opportunity for free because I want to encourage prophetic voices to emerge and be visible. Click here to submit your word


  • Thank you for your generous donation to my ministry Healed Nations. Your empowerment will help me advance the Kingdom of Jesus worldwide because I am embracing this year a violent faith, the odd, and the exploits for his glory. Also, I am believing that those who will SOW that the rich anointing of the Lord will come on them this year.

The Narrow Gate

Years ago, when I was new in the faith, I was just born again, the Lord connected me with a blessed spiritual prophetess from another country. She became my everything, like a newborn to his mother. Every night I log into the internet waiting for her to come online to speak to my life, mentor me, pray and prophesy for me. Faithfully, Kris, that sweet lady, would come online every night just for ME. I know the importance of being mothered because of her and another sweet sister too.

I was and still am like a baby bird with a wide-open mouth because of my hunger waiting to be fed in the Lord. Kris taught me great and wonderful secrets, revelations, mysteries, the word of God, and the ways of the Holy Spirit. Not only did she teach me, but she trained me to walk in the supernatural.

I already was open to the supernatural because before Christ I went after the new age, so I was ready! I loved those moments of praying and prophesying at the end of each chat night with Kris. I would wait on the edge of my seat waiting for Kris to start manifesting the Holy Spirit and my faith would rise when I hear her saying whoo haa ohhh hmmm, because I knew she was about to prophesy to me and then graciously she would allow me to prophesy over her and after a while, she knew I was graced in the prophetic. I treasure those sacred moments; Jesus was taking care of me. It was about him; he was behind all that. I am forever thankful for his loving kindness, halleluiah.

One day, I opened my email to find out Kris has sent me an attached word document with a VERY long prophetic word. I was so happy, excited, and thrilled because it was a generous banquet. I knew it was going to be a weighty email and a life-changing one! Today I don’t remember her prophetic words in that email, the only thing I remember was the last sentence of her last paragraph. Kris told me by the Spirit of the Lord: Tony, you are called to humility! Those words witnessed greatly in my spirit, defined me, and stayed with me till this very day and will continue to.

I knew later that everything I went through in my life was because of the opposite of the spirit of humility. In spiritual warfare, if you are aiming for a real breakthrough, the root of the attack and the landing strip must be revealed. Jesus is your light AND salvation, he will reveal to you and save you!

I tell you today what the Holy Spirit spoke to my heart years ago through mama Kris: “You are called to HUMILITY.”

Tony Francis

Day of the Supernatural

God is a supernatural God, he was, he is and he will ever be. The supernatural may be new to some believers but this is who they are in Christ, supernatural followers!

It is important to know that how you see the Lord is how he manifests to you and through you.

The word of God urges us to “Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ” 2 Corinthians 10:5. Why? Because there is a war to veil the knowledge of God in every aspect and area because once God's face is revealed you will believe and see his glory. For generations many believed that eternal salvation is earned, you do good, give your land to the church, etc. Unfortunately, that is wrong and many died in this deception because they couldn’t see Jesus Christ as the savior and that his eternal life is a FREE gift we can’t earn or work for. There was a war and still in this area for many! I am not under this war anymore, I believe Jesus as is, the Son of God, the Savior of the world, he died for my sins, forgave me, I gave him my life and I received eternal life from now. The devil has lost this war with me, which is a big one.

I can’t list to you the numerous battles, the arguments and imaginations that rose and still rising to veil and block the knowledge of God. Many are struggling to see Jesus as the healer, many can’t see him as the provider, or the Hope of Glory, etc. But when you break through and see God as he is, he will manifest to you and through you the way you see him according to your faith.

Can you see God as a supernatural God? Is it hard for you to see him this way? Remember, you are in a battle NOT to see him like that because once you engage you will see the glory of the supernatural manifestations of God and the devil doesn’t want that for you.

It is a day of the supernatural, Christ is this day, in him, there is no darkness, only light. God wants to deal with your wrong perceptions and touch the way you see him in this area because he wants you to know him as supernatural and he wants you to see his supernatural activity. He wants to express his love to you through supernatural means because it is all about his love for you and not the supernatural itself.

You will overcome the lies of the enemy in the name of Jesus. You will see the Lord and put a demand on his supernatural facet and expressions. He has so much in store, you can't bankrupt him. God wants you to believe he is and he will be a rewarder to those who diligently seek him, Hebrews 11:6.

Yes, it is important how you see the Lord, very important that’s why sound theology, doctrine, and teachings are to be the foundation, the kickstart of your encounters with supernatural Yahweh. Are you under the right anointed teachings? Does your church forthtell raw truths about who God truly is? Through what lens do you look at the Lord? It is time to remove the old unbiblical lens and behold the glory of the Son of God, he is supernatural, it is a day of the supernatural!

God is counting on you to believe him as supernatural, he wants his people to pioneer in this belief and manifest him. The world is looking, searching, trying different unclean things and are groaning for the manifestations of your glory, Romans 8.

Thank you for reading.

Tony Francis


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Kathryn Kuhlman: Gifts of the Holy Spirit eBook

Gifts of the Holy Spirit eBook by Kathryn Kuhlman is a timeless classic that blessed millions of believers and unlocked them in the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Through miss Kuhlman's simple, short, deep, and powerful way of teaching and writing, you will understand this subject from someone who truly was a vessel of the Holy Spirit and lived in the glory realm.

“Ask Holy Spirit” WhatsApp Group For Prophetic Activations

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A Real Prophet: The Great Rewards of Welcoming Prophets & the Prophetic Today eBook

Are you called to the prophetic ministry? Do you love hearing the voice of God? God wants to use you! With your family, friends, the lost ones, and the Church. I can relate to you! Discover in my Book “A Real prophet”: The importance of a prophetic vessel, the great blessings of the prophetic anointing, how to walk in the supernatural, the devil's secrets against it, how to prepare & grow in your calling.

Where is the Power of God Today?

If Jesus Christ was your pastor, would He hire interpreters for the deaf in His church?   If blind people came to His church, would they leave blind? If those with cancer came to His services, would they still leave with cancer? The church preaches about Christ every week, they preach about His great power, they preach about His great love, they preach about His ability to heal sickness and disease. So where is this great power in the church today? Why are we not seeing great signs and wonders by His followers like the early church did? Do you ever ask yourself these questions? I certainly do.

I believe the reason we are not seeing these great exploits among the majority of believers today is because the majority of believers today are carnal, not spiritual. (1Corinthians 3:1) They are babes in Christ. They have allowed themselves to become so entangled by the cares of this world that they have become unfruitful and powerless. “And these are they which are sown among thorns, such as hear the Word, but the cares of this world, and the deceitfulness of riches, and the lusts of other things entering in, choke the Word, and it becomes unfruitful.” (Mark 4;19)

Now I realize that we all must go through maturing stages in our Christian walk, and to be carnal at some point is natural, but for 20 years or longer? We have those in the body of Christ that have been saved for decades and yet are still babes in Christ. They are simply too lazy or too busy to study their bibles and renew their minds with the Word of God. They never grow spiritually and as a result, have become defeated and ignorant of the authority Christ has given us as believers. Another reason is that many churches are stuck in man-made traditions which quench the Holy Spirit and His power. Still others simply do not believe that the supernatural gifts are operating in the new testament church today. They do not understand spiritual warfare, how to use the authority God has given us in the name of Christ to combat demonic forces that are running rampant in the lives of our loved ones and people throughout our world.

Whatever the reason, this type of carnality and ignorance of God's Word will cause us not to walk in the fullness of the power and authority that He intended. I am thoroughly convinced that the Lord has once again become weary concerning the condition of His church and has issued a change coming. Jesus tells us in the book of Mark, “these signs shall follow them that believe, they shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover.” (Mark 16:17,18) Do you see this happening on a regular basis in the church? I certainly don't. Although I do believe we are about to see the return of great signs and wonders to the church that will play a major part in evangelism in these last days.

If we look back at the evangelistic methods of Christ Himself and the early church, we see where they raised the dead, healed sickness and disease, opened the eyes of the blind, “and many believed.” (Acts 9:40-42) Signs and wonders are to shew forth the power and glory of God, and they were meant to be part of evangelism to bring people into the Kingdom. God isn't just showing off, and our focus isn't to be on signs and wonders, but on the saving of souls. For the last several decades God has been preparing a generation of believers behind the scenes. He's raising up an army of believers who will refuse to compromise their faith, who seek not money or fame, who walk in a power and a boldness unlike anything we have seen in a very long time. They are the ones who will be leading the way in the coming days. So where is the power of God in the church? It's coming, and when it begins to spread throughout this earth like wildfire, there will be no mistaking it.

Jeff Allen