Tag Archive for: spiritual

Changing your Focus Can Change Your Life

I'm reminded lately of the Power of Gratitude and spending Quiet Reflection Time and the impact it can have in our lives! In our fast-paced world, it's easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Between work, family obligations, and endless to-do lists, finding moments of peace and reflection can feel like a daunting task. However, incorporating practices such as gratitude journaling and quiet time spent listening to God (not just praying to ask for requests) can significantly transform our mindsets and spiritual journeys.

Gratitude journaling has gained popularity for a good reason. Not only does it remind us of what is meaningful in our lives, but it also helps shift our focus from what we lack to what we abundantly have. As Cheryl Shepherd from Balanced WorkLife recently discussed, keeping a gratitude journal serves as a constant reminder of our values and what truly matters in life.


Reflecting on gratitude helps anchor our minds in positivity and faith. When we write down what we're thankful for, we begin to see the world through a different lens. Suddenly, mundane moments are filled with grace, and we start to appreciate the little blessings that often go unnoticed.

Start by setting aside a few minutes each day (preferably before bed each night) to jot down three things you're grateful for. It could be as simple as a kind word from a friend, a beautiful sunset, or a moment of laughter with a loved one. Over time, this practice will create a tapestry of God's goodness woven into your everyday experiences. Then write down what you three goal or “big wins” will be for tomorrow. This will set a road map for what you want to achieve and what we think about is what we automatically move towards. 

In addition to gratitude journaling, spending quiet time with God is crucial for spiritual growth and inner peace. Cheryl Shepherd highlights the significance of resting in God's presence and surrendering control over our lives.

[2] In these moments of stillness, we can hear His voice more clearly and receive His guidance for our paths.

Set aside a specific time each day for this sacred practice. It could be in the morning before the rush begins, or in the evening when everything settles down. Find a quiet corner, free from distractions, and simply be still. Use this time to pray, meditate on scripture, or simply listen. God often speaks in a gentle whisper, and it is in these quiet moments that we can truly tune into His heart.

Combining gratitude and quiet time can create a powerful spiritual practice. As you reflect on what you're grateful for, take a moment to thank God for each blessing. This will not only deepen your sense of gratitude but also enhance your connection with Him.

Cheryl emphasizes replacing negative thoughts with positive affirmations, grounded in scripture and prayer, to combat anxiety and fear.

[3] Use your quiet time to reflect on God's promises and let them wash over you, renewing your mind and spirit.

Incorporating gratitude and quiet time into your daily routine can lead to profound changes in your outlook and spiritual life. As you consistently practice these disciplines, you'll find that your heart becomes more attuned to God's goodness and guidance.

Start today and watch as your life transforms with each moment of thankfulness and stillness before the Lord.

Cheryl Shepherd

[1]: Source: Balanced WorkLife Cheryl Shepherd , February6, 2024.
[2]: Source: Cheryl Shepherd's reflections, February 7, 2024.
[3]: Source: Full Circle Moments Discussion on positive self-talk and spiritual growth, February 5, 2024.

Open Heaven & Breakthrough

Breakthroughs have timing; you may not know the hour sometimes, but you can discern the season. A pregnant woman, for example, can't believe for her baby's delivery breakthrough before the 9th month, or she will be delusional and may tap into hurt on all levels. No matter how hard her pregnancy is or how anticipating, she can't skip the growth and the process of her most precious child.

“Do I bring to the moment of birth and not give delivery?” says the Lord. “Do I close up the womb when I bring to delivery?” says your God.” Isaiah 66:9.

It is the same God who gives you strength to be productive and the SAME GOD who gives you pushing power. God wants to complete the cycle of your blessing; he is for you! No pregnant woman knows the day or the hour of her delivery, but she knows the season and lives all around that breakthrough moment she is awaiting and laboring for a long time.

“Ask the Lord for rain in the springtime; it is the Lord who sends the thunderstorms. He gives showers of rain to all people, and plants of the field to everyone.” Zechariah 10:1.

Ask for rain in the time of rain! You can't ask for rain when it is not the right time for an outpouring. Whatever this outpouring you are waiting for, a breakthrough in your business, finances, relationships, health, ministry, etc., God will reveal to you the season of your breakthrough. I know that because he wants you to be aware and alert so you won't miss the day of your visitation and have everything go in vain. He wants you to be fruitful; he is your helper, comforter, guide, and strength.

“Now as He drew near, He saw the city and wept over it, saying, ‘If you had known, even you, especially in this your day, the things that make for your peace! But now they are hidden from your eyes. For days will come upon you when your enemies will build an embankment around you, surround you and close you in on every side, and level you, and your children within you, to the ground; and they will not leave in you one stone upon another, because you did not know the time of your visitation.'” Luke 19: 41-44.

The Lord is so good; he will always announce your breakthrough season. The pregnant woman shows signs of a mature pregnancy and approaching delivery: Lightening, braxton hicks contractions, cervical changes, bloody show, nesting instinct, increased vaginal discharge, water breaking, stronger, more regular contractions, backache, loss of mucus plug, dilation of the cervix.

You can't ignore those expressions and signs unless you are spiritually numb, depressed, or prayerless. I am talking here of course about your spiritual signs for your breakthrough. Has the Lord shown you signs that it is your season of breakthrough and delivery? Ask him, position yourself, and prepare because joy comes in the morning.

It's your moment of great breakthrough and it is NOW in Jesus' name. Amen! I know for myself it is my time; the Lord has been speaking to me A LOT about it. The blessings of the Lord shall transform me from one state to another, elevate me from pit to palace, from hiddenness to glory, and at that time, I will have to reveal to you it is me because you won't recognize me because the Lord has done great and magnificent deeds for me.

By sowing into Healed Nations Ministries, you are sowing into a breakthrough ground. Make a donation!

God bless you
Tony Francis

Let's keep the conversation going, share your precious opinion in the comment section below.

There is Hope For Your Nation

“When Ahab saw Elijah, Ahab said to him, ‘Is this you, the cause of disaster to Israel?' He said, ‘I have not brought disaster to Israel, but you and your father’s house have, because you have abandoned the commandments of the Lord and you have followed the Baals. Now then, send orders and gather to me all Israel at Mount Carmel, together with 450 prophets of Baal and four hundred prophets of the Asherah, who eat at Jezebel’s table.'” – 1 Kings 18:17-19

Elijah proclaimed to King Ahab that there would be neither dew nor rain in Israel except at his word. This declaration came as a consequence of the wickedness and idolatry prevalent in the kingdom under Ahab's rule. Prophet Elijah knows his bible; he read about the severe consequences of forsaking God's worship and falling into idolatry.

“Be careful, or you will be enticed to turn away and worship other gods and bow down to them. Then the Lord’s anger will burn against you, and he will shut up the heavens so that it will not rain and the ground will yield no produce, and you will soon perish from the good land the Lord is giving you.” – Deuteronomy 11:16-17

As long as God remains your source, you remain under his covering and blessings' canopy. It is that simple! God revealed to his people in Deuteronomy 11:16-17 that forsaking him would shut up the heavens and prevent rain, leading to famine, death, and destruction of lives. We understand judgments as bad, but judgment is a good thing because it signals to us where we are spiritually and where we are heading. It is God's mercy for us to notice judgments! We don't even deserve to see his judgments at all. He is a merciful God who always wants to save those who perish. But again, we understand judgment in the wrong way! I will explain to you this before revealing to you the great hope we have to shift our nations back to LIFE and blessings.

I don't see judgment as an event in time when God sees us behaving badly and then he opens the heaven and throws a judgment to teach us a lesson. Most people see God through their lens of anger and misconception of his goodness and wisdom. God's judgments don't work like that in my opinion! I told you earlier, that it is God's mercy for us to reveal judgment to help us navigate back to him and LIFE.

How many lives were saved because their body/health signaled to them something visible that we call symptoms? Maybe someone eats unhealthily all the time but suddenly (it's not sudden, it is an accumulation) that person manifests outward symptoms signaling to him or her that they are doing something wrong inwardly that is unplugging them from life, health, and protection and leading to death, doom, and gloom. THAT WAS A GOOD THING, right? TO SEE IT.

I see God's judgments like that. We are doing something wrong, not according to his nature, word, and will, and then we see the rotten fruits of it and we call it judgment. OH GOD IS JUDGING ME because I did this and that! STOP it silly. God loves you, and it is his mercy that he is revealing to you that you are on the wrong path and he wants you to repent and reroute. Don't you love it when your GPS shows you are going in the wrong direction? If you are sensitive enough and I AM SURE WE ARE ALL SENSITIVE TO OUR GPS, we will respond and engage immediately to correct our paths saving us from all kinds of troubles. No sane person would say, oh wow, my GPS is judging me for going the wrong way, for doing my own will. Your GPS is programmed to help you stay on track, and the signals, voices, and beeps (the judgment) are to help you notice this quickly! Oh judgment is good now that you are seeing it the right way!

God's people lost it, from King Ahab to all the nation, they forsook God and worshiped idols and wrong ideologies. That famine was good! It was an alarming signal trumpeting to the nation that they are no longer connected to blessing. God wants them connected again! That's why he had Elijah proclaim “the judgment” sounding the alarm, giving his people an opportunity to see it as it is and go for repentance to connect back to LIFE because you are made for LIFE, and everything will beep and signal to tell you otherwise.

The judgment reveals to you the wickedness of sin because sin in nature is deceiving and “promises” you a good life. Judgement is God's mercy allowing us to see the truth of the matter.

Let's go back to the opening verse:

“When Ahab saw Elijah, Ahab said to him, ‘Is this you, the cause of disaster to Israel?' He said, ‘I have not brought disaster to Israel, but you and your father’s house have, because you have abandoned the commandments of the Lord and you have followed the Baals. Now then, send orders and gather to me all Israel at Mount Carmel, together with 450 prophets of Baal and four hundred prophets of the Asherah, who eat at Jezebel’s table.'” – 1 Kings 18:17-18

Ahab, the deceived, accused Elijah of causing trouble to Israel by judging them for drought and famine. Elijah was just a spokesman for God; he didn't do it. Elijah was for Israel and not against it; he was a prophet for this reason: to establish truth and bring protection and deliverance. But Ahab lost his mind to deception because he worshipped idols and stopped seeing the truth and who was with him or against him (Romans 1). This happens when we sin; we harden! So Elijah told him it is not me who brought this on Israel but you and your father's house have because you have abandoned the commandments of the Lord and you have followed Baals. Let's also remember that Omri, King Ahab's father, was also a wicked King and followed this path too.

“Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people.” – Proverbs 14:34

So God has a solution to this; he wants to SAVE! We know what happens next on Mount Carmel; the solution was presented to Israel.

God demonstrated himself because of ONE man (the Church owes it to people), and the whole of Israel worshipped God again and forsook Baal and slew their demonic prophets, and rain came back! The economy shifted in a day, and life was preserved. But King Ahab DIDN'T REPENT when we continue reading the story, he stayed in alliance with Jezebel. So why would God lift the curse off of the Land?

Elijah said to Ahab that he and his father's house were the reason they brought disaster to Israel. But on Mount Carmel, we see that only the people of Israel repented and not King Ahab and his household who were in leadership. The problem was with Ahab, and Ahab didn't repent on Mount Carmel. Why would God restore the nation to blessing?

I think I understand two things here. God can bring life to a nation if the leadership aligns with him, but if the leadership remains wicked and doesn't want to repent and change the laws and honor God, the Lord still wants to save and have mercy on the people and the land, so he would visit the people of the nation and deal with them to repent. In this story, ALL ISRAEL on Mount Carmel worshipped Jehovah again, but the King of Israel remained wicked, and God saw that BIG and for their repentance overrode the wickedness of the King and restored the land. “When ALL the people saw this, they fell on their faces; and they said, “The Lord, He is God; the Lord, He is God!”

If kings and queens of your nations are wicked and don't want to repent, the Church can and must invest anyway in the people of the nation by leading them to repentance through crusades, evangelism, etc. disciplining everyone! This path is what I believe the Church is heading toward.

Revival is coming to the land; people will repent, and we will see God blessing and healing the land again.

“Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord.” – Acts 3:19


God bless you
Tony Francis

Let's continue this conversation below in the comment section… What's on your mind?

Powers of Christ Death and Resurrection

Christ’s death has spiritual significance as well as physical significance. Christ’s death and resurrection is being celebrated across the world, especially in Christendom, in the name of Easter, but very few really understood the meaning of His death and resurrection, and it physical and spiritual impart.
Let’s really look at it, is it not absurd to tell a man ‘Christ died for you’, Christ who died by crucifixion more than two thousand years ago and the man probably his lineage has never been born by then. Pray, tell, how do you think it sound? Ridiculous, I suppose!

True, Christ death is for all human beings, living by then and by now, being born into the world by then and by now, and yet to be born. It was not just death on the cross, great power of God was released at his death, powers that completely put to destruction ‘special forces of Satan that were holding them world against God; serving as barriers between Him and man, subjecting the world into occult, sin and death. The Bible said, “From the sixth hour until the ninth hour darkness came over all the land … And when Jesus had cried out again in a loud voice, he gave up his spirit. At that moment the curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom. The earth shook and the rocks split. The tombs broke open and the bodies of many holy people who had died were raised to life. They came out of the tombs, and after Jesus resurrection they went into the holy city and appeared to many people,” (27:45-53, NIV).

Closely observe this passage, “…he gave up his spirit. At that moment the curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom. The earth shook and the rocks split. The tombs broke open and the bodies of many holy people who had died were raised to life.” If the death of Christ wrought such physical events, then think of what transpired in the spiritual realm at His death. Each of these has meaning, for people with understanding mind to comprehend. At His death, or the power of God that was released at his death, wrought great destruction to the powers of darkness in the celestial realms. Special forces (demons and evil spirits) of Satan the devil that enslaved the world (even though the world was ignorant of this, for this transcended far beyond the physical and natural world), serving as barriers between God Almighty and human being living by then and being born into the world by then, fell to destructive power of Christ death; as the barriers were broken. The temple curtain torn, a spiritual significant that the door to God Almighty is now open widely for every human being to come to Him with no barrier (except barriers made by humans themselves who loves sin and its vain pleasure than God and Christ). Hades and Death (the most dreadful and one of the most powerful plane in the kingdom of forces of darkness on earth and in heavenly places) lost their overwhelming powers as Christ death freed the dead that has fallen to their powers (few saints actually, with spiritual significant that death has no more hold on the saints of God, those redeemed by Christ through their willingness to come to God through Christ the only True Way). From the time of Christ death onward to our presence days and far into the future, every human beings living in the world and being born in the world is no longer under the powers of these ‘special evil forces’ (except through human-created medium through sins and evil practices) – this is part of the source of the saying that ‘Christ died for you and I’ even after more than two thousand years his crucifixion took place.

Christ Himself did not remained dead for ever, he resurrected from the dead. The scripture accounted that, “In the end of the sabbath, as it began to dawn toward the first day of the week, came Mary Magdalene and the other Mary to see the sepulchre. And, behold, there was a great earthquake: for the angel of the Lord descended from heaven, and came and rolled back the stone from the door, and sat upon it. His countenance was like lightning, and his raiment white as snow: And for fear of him the keepers did shake, and became as dead men. And the angel answered and said unto the women, Fear not ye: for I know that ye seek Jesus, which was crucified. He is not here: for he is risen, as he said. Come, see the place where the Lord lay And they departed quickly from the sepulchre with fear and great joy; and did run to bring his disciples word. And as they went to tell his disciples, behold, Jesus met them, saying, All hail. And they came and held him by the feet, and worshipped him. Then said Jesus unto them, Be not afraid: go tell my brethren that they go into Galilee, and there shall they see me,” Matthew 28:1-10. Glory be to God in the Highest, Christ Himself, whose death freed the dead saints from the powers of Hades and Death, did not remained dead for ever – He broke the power of death over him!

His resurrection completed the total defeat of Satan and his forces of darkness, now there is no other name than that of Jesus Christ that one can be saved from the wrath of God Almighty coming furiously upon the sinful world. Christ Jesus is the True Way, a burden bearer and a friend of all sinners who is ever ready to share in our sorrows, problems, pains and affliction. May God the Father be praised forever for giving His only Son Jesus Christ, who has redeemed mankind back to Him; reconciling the gap sin and its powers had wrought between Him and humankind.

Samuel Akinola

A Theological Reimagining Of Altruism

The concept of altruism was first introduced by A. Comte which remained problematic despite a number of analyses. The crucial question as to what the relationship is between the good for other and good for oneself as a classic question of the relationship between altruism and egoism. This classic question has led many theologians and philosophers to envisage whether altruism is only a one-way act of giving from the side of one associated with a one-way act of taking from the side of another, and whether this the end of the act or it is reciprocity. However, this classical question has unattained philosophical and logical answer. In light with this classical question, has provoked me to explore it more from a theological dimension. The theme embarks us to revision which is existing, that is the concept of altruism to be re-visioned. The term re- visioning is the act of doing some revision, in other words the act or process of revising, which simply implies it is the process of revisioning what is existing. To revision altruism it requires to move beyond from the existing or transcend from the existing position, which is the concept of Kenosis therefore theologising this helps us to reimagine altruism theologically. self-interess

Transcending antails surpassing one's personal desire, needs, and concerns to prioritize the well- being of others or strive for a higher purpose The concept commonly associated with altruism compassion, and soffiessness, in religious and philosophical traditions, the notion of transcending self- interest considered to be a noble and virtuous pursuit, reflecting a commitment to the welfare of others and an acknowledgment of Interconnectediness and mutual responsibility. It can also be perceived as a spintual practice that fosters personal growth and a deeper understanding of the human experience.

To transcend self-interest, individuals must develop empathy and compassion towards others comprehending By and empathizing with the needs and emotions of others, individuals can make choices that henefit the broader community rather than solely focusing themselves, Acting in the best interest of others, even wihen there is no immediate personal gain, can lead to greater fulfilment and satisfaction. By engaging in community service and offering assistance to these in need,own self-interest and play a role in creating a more harmonious society. To explore it further the below two important aspects helps us to explore the theme with different theological dimension.

1 Theological Praxis

The practical implementation of theological beliefs and principles in real life scenarios is referred to as theological praxis, it encompasses the active implementation of faith, whereby individuals actualize their religious convictions through concrete actions and behaviours. Theological praxis serves as a way to embody and express one's faith in a concrete and meaningful manner. The application of theological praxis has the potential to serve as a potentinstrumentin envisioning and revitalizing altruism. it offers a structure through which Individuals can comprehend the underlying significance and Intentionality of benevolent actions and empathy. Through anchoring altruistic conduct in theological precepts and ethics, Individuals are able to nurture a more profound and limpactful approach to altruism that is firmly grounded in their spiritual ideologies and beliefs. in the realm of reimagining selflessness, theological praxis encompasses the integration of theological perspectives on selflessness into one's actions and interactions with others. This may involve employing religious teachings or ethical principles to guide and inform selfless behaviour, actively engaging in acts of service or charity as a means of living out one's faith, and reflecting on how theological beliefs shape and influence one's approach to selflessness. Revisioning altruism through theological praxis goes beyond mere discussion or theoretical contemplation. It necessitates active engagement withaltruism In practical ways to explore how it can be reimagined, redefined, expanded, or improved upon. This may involve the implementation of new strategies to promote altruism, questioning existing norms or assumptions about altruistic behaviour or non-altruistic behaviour, and actively seeking opportunities to test and refine these ideas through practical action. James Cone while describing Black theology states no Christian theology could exist if it does not inentify with the bumiliated ad abused” therefore we nid to put our discussion lectures and teachings in praxis all teachings and lects must not be confined to ou lassrooms, seminars and urch but extend to the sorty, to the marginalized immunities, abused beings, numiliated Individuals and communities. Hence our theology must be in praxis, therefore, theological praxis in the context of revisioning altruism emphasize the importance of actively engaging with and applying the thoughts, ideas and approaches to altruism in order to create positive change and promote a more effective and meaningful practice of altruistic behaviour


De-othering is the concept that highlights the importance of acknowledging and respecting the humanity and dignity of individuals who have been marginalized, stereotyped, or dehumanized. This concept involves breaking down the barriers that separate different groups and communities and so called “us” and “them”. These barriers and divisions are broken byde-othering which recognizes the common humanity that unites all individuals. In the context of revisioning altruism, de-othering holds utmost significance as it paves the way for fostering a more comprehensive and empathetic approach towards assisting others. By breaking the walls that separate individuals on the grounds of dissimilarities like race, ethnicity, religion, gender, or socio-economic status, people can nurture a profound understanding and bond with those who require aid.

2 De-othering

De-othering involves seeing beyond superficial differences and recognizing the inherent worth and dignity of every individual. It requires actively listening to so called others' stories, experiences, and perspectives, and working to dismantle stereotypes and prejudices that may hinder genuine understanding and compassion. By de-othering, Individuals can foster a more inclusive and equitable approach to helping others, rooted in a genuine recognition of shared humanity and a commitment to justice and solidarity. This process can lead to more meaningful and sustainable forms of support and empowerment for those in need, as well as contribute to building a more compassionate and just society. To reimagine altruism, de-othering provides space to look for commonality that underpin Christian theology such as love, compassion, justice, and forgiveness, towards those who are marginalized, and subjugated on the various ground day to day.


The theological relmagining of altruism through the lens of transcending self-interest offers a profound exploration of the interconnectedness between individual well-being and the welfare of others. This re-visioning, prompted by the theme “Re-visioning Altruism, urges a shift from conventional perspectives and calls for a deeper understanding rooted In theological dimensions. The concept of theological praxis emphasizes the practical Implementation of altruistic beliefs, guiding Individuals to embody selflessness in tangible ways. By integrating theological principles into actions and engaging with altruism actively, Individuals can create a more impactful and meaningful approach, grounded in spiritual ideologies. Furthermore, the notion of de othering is crucial in breaking down societal barriers, fostering empathy, and recognizing the shared humanity that unites us all. By acknowledging the dignity of marginalized Individuais and actively dismantling stereotypes, a more inclusive and compassionate approach to altruism can be cultivated, contributing to a just and equitable society. The theological reimagining of altruism Invites Individuals to go beyond theoretical contemplation and actively engage with altruistic practices. It advocates fora transformative journey that transcends self- interest, integrates theological principles into everyday actions, and promotes a more inclusive and compassionate society. In this pursuit, theology becomes a lived experience, extending beyond classrooms and churches to actively contribute to positive change in the wider community.

Sanjay Anand Raj G J

Activating Abundance Now Through This Creative Technique – “Fatherhood”

I want to let you in on another personal creative writing from my “Abundance Journal” and the blessing topic was about being transformed into Fatherhood.

If you've spent time around me and the ministry, you're likely aware that I'm a man of activation. I enjoy empowering others to realize their God-given potential, particularly in the prophetic realm. I've always been a practical believer in my walk with the Lord. I seek to understand spiritual concepts and experience my inheritance in Christ in practical, tangible ways. God delights in us when we embrace what His only begotten Son sacrificed for.

One of the activation techniques I've adopted is what I call “My Abundance Journal.” I select a blessing topic and creatively write about it. I'll share my process and encourage you to engage in it during your private time. Essentially, this journaling exercise involves journeying with the Holy Spirit to amplify your blessings in your imagination, stretching your mindset to its maximum capacity, much like physical exercise builds muscles. The excerpt you're about to read touches on one of the many topics I've explored: My fatherhood transformation!

God is boundless! We're born into a culture of limitations, scarcity, and poverty mentality. Your feet won't take you where your mind hasn't already visited before.

In this activation, the key is to break down mental barriers and expand your beliefs through creative writing and imagination. While it might be challenging for some, it promises great blessings. Understand that this creative writing exercise is meant to stretch your mindset and perspective; it's not necessarily a prophecy that will come to pass. Approach it with a spirit of enjoyment and fun, and remember, as much as you exaggerate, you'll never surpass God's abundance and goodness for us. We may fall short, but we can still attempt to scratch the surface! Stretching your borders, start by stretching your mindset and belief system, let's activate…

Below is not a vision or a prophecy, it is a creative writing with the Holy Spirit to unlock abundance in a certain area of a blessing!

Immersed in Infinite Fatherhood:

Not a long time ago, I came back home and to my surprise, I found a very strange-looking key resting on my sofa in the living room. It is not my key, I said. For some moments I tried to think hard if somebody visited me recently and left the key there. No one, none! For months now I had no visitations. That made the moment so weird and odd to me and a little bit frightening.

I approached to behold the key closely, it was so surprising to me, I don’t think there is a key like it on earth in form and power that is emanating from. That key was in the form of the letter F. I can’t describe to you the amount of power, security, dominion, love, and joy emanating from that F-form letter key. Do I grab it? I thought to myself. I was hesitant not because of fear but because somehow, I knew I would journey into something big through that key.

Then I reached out suddenly and quickly without thinking anymore because I didn’t want to waste any more time. I want to step into this!

THE key visited my house for a reason. Boldness came over me and I grabbed it in both hands. I wanted it. What is this key all about? Where is the door anyway for this key? Who would provide a supernatural key to me without the door? As I overwhelmed myself with all those reasonable thoughts because of my desperation to use the key, suddenly an Angel appeared to me in the room and in the middle of his stomach I saw an opening for the F key I was holding in my hands. The Angel said nothing, I just knew that I could insert my key into the Angel. I knew that because I saw in my imagination that I was approaching the Angel and doing this. This is how I know what to do!

I am a tough man, strong, bold, manly inside and in my appearance but my heart was beating as I was approaching this opportunity.

I stretched my hand to put the key inside and at some point, the energy hovering on the opening attracted the key and sucked it in. Instantly, I saw myself in a big womb then I realized it was not a womb but a BOSOM!

A huge, gigantic bosom. I felt like I was sitting in an unlimited energy field of strength, affirmations, love, correction, intimacy, and creativity. For a reason, I wasn’t consumed by that bosom. As humans, we put words to our experiences, so that bosom for me felt like FATHER’s lap but infinitely multiplied. I could stay here all day, not all day, but forever! It became my chair of comfort!

The longer I sat in the Father’s bosom, the longer I was filled with its substance and then I started seeing the faces of people that I didn’t know but I felt they were all my children and I am responsible for them.

What? I am 38, not married, and don’t know what fatherhood means, what is going on?

That F key was FATHERHOOD's presence. When I began to understand FATHERHOOD and that blessed bosom, I started getting mysteries, secrets, and downloads about the universe and everything about it. FATHERHOOD originates everything!

Then I felt like a huge thunderous sound wave was coming toward me like a train. We hear the train coming from afar! That sound felt like that… and BOOM it hit my core.

I thought I was going to hear a sentence in my language, but it was more an energy language that filled my being and I heard it and understood it as much as I could. I was empowered at that moment to manifest FATHERHOOD energy and heart.

I was never the same, everything changed in me even in my physical appearance. OMG!

Fatherhood looks like something.

Super Dad
Tony Francis

Let me know in the comments below your opinion about this activation and if you have tried it. Also, I want you to watch my new 1-hour video course “As you go up, glory comes down”: Learn more

Activating Abundance Now Through This Creative Technique – “Finances”

If you've spent time around me and the ministry, you're likely aware that I'm a man of activation. I enjoy empowering others to realize their God-given potential, particularly in the prophetic realm. I've always been a practical believer in my walk with the Lord. I seek to understand spiritual concepts and experience my inheritance in Christ in practical, tangible ways. God delights in us when we embrace what His only begotten Son sacrificed for.

One of the activation techniques I've adopted is what I call “My Abundance Journal.” I select a blessing topic and creatively write about it. I'll share my process and encourage you to engage in it during your private time. Essentially, this journaling exercise involves journeying with the Holy Spirit to amplify your blessings in your imagination, stretching your mindset to its maximum capacity, much like physical exercise builds muscles. The excerpt you're about to read touches on one of the many topics I've explored: financial blessings.

God is boundless! We're born into a culture of limitations, scarcity, and poverty mentality. Your feet won't take you where your mind hasn't already visited before.

In this activation, the key is to break down mental barriers and expand your beliefs through creative writing and imagination. While it might be challenging for some, it promises great blessings. Understand that this creative writing exercise is meant to stretch your mindset and perspective; it's not necessarily a prophecy that will come to pass. Approach it with a spirit of enjoyment and fun, and remember, as much as you exaggerate, you'll never surpass God's abundance and goodness for us. We may fall short, but we can still attempt to scratch the surface! Stretching your borders, start by stretching your mindset and belief system, let's activate…

Crazy Wealth Overnight:

Before my father died, he summoned us in his presence to reveal his last will and tell us what he was leaving for us as heritage and inheritance. He sat with each member of my family alone, and then it was my turn. I felt a mix of excitement and sadness; my dad was my greatest inheritance, but I knew he couldn't stay here anymore. His inheritance would mean so much to me because it reminded me of him—an extension of his love and a reminder that he entrusted me with it all.

He sat behind his office desk as I entered his all-black leathered room. His smile held so much love and hope, and I returned it. There was a folder on his deluxe desk, and I knew it contained everything for me. I sat before him, and he asked if I understood what would happen in that session. I nodded gently.

Growing up, I was born into a middle-class family, never experiencing extreme poverty but also unfamiliar with vast wealth or abundance. Dad, after taking a sip of his tea, began reading from the legal paper. His emotions poured through his words, touching me deeply. However, my shock came when he revealed my inheritance. I had expected perhaps some land or property, but it was much more than that.

Dad had bequeathed me everything that belonged to him, instantly making me wealthy. At a time when I was finishing college and about to embark on my business journey, this newfound security filled me with hope for the future. With talent, energy, and high expectations, I aimed to serve my community with creativity, seeing myself as a solutionist.

After tearfully thanking him, Dad stood up, his gaze fixed not on the paper but on me. He approached, sat before me, and revealed there was more. My three deceased uncles, each living in different countries, had left us all their assets, totaling more than $5.6 billion dollars. The news was overwhelming, breathtaking, and filled me with gratitude.

As a child, I had sensed something significant awaited me, but this surpassed all expectations. The magnitude of $5.6 billion dollars was beyond comprehension. Waves of realization washed over me, leaving me energized and hopeful for the future. Dad had taken care to distribute our wealth wisely, ensuring it would enrich not only our lives but the lives of others through projects and investments. The wealth awaiting me was immense, yet I vowed to use it to make life beautiful for my family, myself, and everyone around me.

The Wealthy Man
Tony Francis

Let me know in the comments below your opinion about this activation and if you have tried it. Also, I want you to watch my new 1-hour video course “As you go up, glory comes down”: Learn more

The Falling of the Dragon

“Then God said, ‘Let’s make human beings in our image, making them reflective of us—God! They’re to be in charge of everything: fish in the ocean, birds in the sky, livestock on the land, and all the wild things crawling around. They’re to be in charge of Earth and everything that breathes and moves across it.' ” Genesis 1:26

It's a no-brainer that when God created Adam, he would rule over the animals in nature, so why do we read this verse in Genesis 1:26 as plainly as we do? I believe it conveys more than a simple meaning. Yes, mankind rules over creation; we have authority over it, but I understand from the context of the text in Genesis that God is highlighting authority.

God has authority over darkness, the enemy, and his companions. God is not interested in having authority over the natural beasts of the forests. Jesus came to destroy the devil and his works by the anointing of the Holy Spirit!

In the Garden of Eden, the first Adam was surrounded by beasts, the talking snake, and he was deceived by it and cast out of the garden. The second Adam, Jesus Christ, was tempted in the wilderness, not a garden, and was surrounded by beasts, the spiritual demonic forces, for forty nights and days.

He cast the devil out and ushered in the Kingdom of God. We are talking about spiritual beasts, ferocious beings, dragons, and violent entities that don't rest night and day until they occupy high places—the “birds of the sky” and the “creeping creatures of the land”. But in Christ, you are to rule over all realms! If you don't, you are not operating in the image of God, who is authority! Do you remember the parable of the mustard seed that became a huge tree, and then birds came to land over it? Those birds refer to demons that come to oppress your fruitfulness and mess with you to steal the glory of God from your life. Do you understand that? Authority is everything!

Psalm 2 tells us that the One who sits on the throne laughs at the enemies because he has authority; he is authority, and the one who is and has authority is always happy! Why? Because nothing can defeat him. Are you on the throne? Yes, you are. The word of God tells us we are seated in Christ in heavenly places far above powers and principalities. But is your authority active? That's the question. You can be an inactive king or an active one. You choose!

“So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. God blessed them and said to them, ‘Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground.'” Genesis 1:27-28

After we read the commissioning of authority for Adam in verse 26, God revealed something HUGE to us in verses 27 and 28. Without authority, you can't be fruitful, blessed, effective, ever-increasing, and multiplying, first! The enemy knows that and he does his best to blind you from this revelation and veil it.

If you are not aware of this, if you don't understand and get the finger of God, the Holy Spirit, to be active to cast away the beasts, the dragon, and the demonic entities, you will get nowhere! Christ's authority is the answer, your answer. Everything will remain the same in your life until you ascend in power and authority.

I've developed a new anointed video course unpacked from Psalm 24 that will revolutionize the way you will live and will position you for heights, blessings, and possessions. I want you to learn about your authority and how it brings the Glory on earth as it is in heaven. With this new 1-hour video course, I am offering you a package of 10+ hours of videos and my downloadable eBooks, all of them, and a personal prophetic word for a sowing to the ministry that is ridiculous. Learn about THIS deal here:

I can't wait to see you join.

God bless you,
Tony Francis

Divine Connections For Your Increase

“But to which of the angels has He ever said: “Sit at My right hand, Till I make Your enemies Your footstool”? 14 Are they not all ministering spirits sent forth to minister for those who will inherit salvation?” Hebrews 1:13-14

Divine helpers are not your savior; Jesus is. Heavenly helpers are ministering spirits to help you inherit your salvation, but they are not the source. We need divine connections to receive the God increase!

Divine connections come in three categories. Remember, God is the source, so the list is three categories, not four because I am excluding the source. God will use his Angels, holy people, and sinners as your divine connections to help you move toward increase and glory. We have many encounters in the bible, the sure word of the Lord, about God sending Angels for help, sending holy people, and even using sinners and wicked rulers.

It was a very awkward moment for the prophet Elijah when he received provisional help from God through a black raven.

That was a stretch to Elijah, who knows from the holy scriptures that ravens are unclean animals. Yet God didn’t tell Elijah to eat the raven (uncleanness) because the word of God is clear that we don’t fellowship with darkness. Still, we need to be open and spiritually discerning when God wants to use the wealth of the sinners to transfer it to the righteous ones. A religious mindset would have canceled the raven’s possibility because a religious spirit is extreme in its behavior and rituals. But again, God didn’t change his mind about unclean people and doesn’t want you to come under their yoke because there is no fellowship between light and darkness. So don’t eat the raven; receive it when God commands it to bless you.

How many Christians today operate in a zealous heart and spirit and put a big X over sinners? Not only do they not fellowship with them, but they ignore them like they don’t exist anymore.

I will boldly tell you this because it is based on the bible; many zealous, good-hearted people have missed the opportunity and the possibility to have a God increase through those strange divine connections. Those unclean people are not divine; they are divine connections!

God wants to increase you. You are in the world but not of it. Keep your eyes on Jesus and discern his ways, when, and how he moves in your life. Is God telling you to have and keep some ravens in the network of your friendship?

God is God, and we are not.


Father, you are the source of my blessings and increase. I thank you for every resource you use and may use in my life to help me touch and attain my blessings. I honor you and your ways in Jesus’ name and thank you for your divine connections and helpers. Forgive me for not being flexible in this area; fill me with the understanding I need about this lest I miss the God increase you are sending my way. Every knee shall bow down to the name of Jesus, proclaiming he is Lord for the glory of God. Even the ravens are subject to your command, and who am I to refuse your wisdom? Amen.


I welcome my divine connections and do kingdom business with them in God's wisdom and the Holy Spirit's leading. I increase because I honor God’s ways by receiving the help I need in every season of my life.

This chapter “Divine Connections” is taken from my latest book/ebook “My Cup Overflows”, Devotional, Prayers & Decrees For Your Increase. Learn more

God bless you
Tony Francis

Ascending From Glory To Glory

Psalm 24 marks 2024, a year of ascension for God's people across diverse levels. The humble, by the Lord's hand, shall rise to positions of power, for servanthood and Gospel advancement. I prophesy in Jesus' name, you are among them!

You traversed it all, brother! You dwelled in “caves,” consuming the fare of persecution, tribulation, and preparation. Some, perplexed, asked, “Why?” Some contemplated quitting, doubting God's goodness. BUT by His grace, you persevered and made it, and THIS IS YOUR YEAR!

Your name shall be summoned, demands placed upon you. You will experience spiritual joy serving God and others, yet your heart will remain captivated by the ONE. I see you, friend, adorned in new garments for the new season. As Joseph emerged from his prolonged preparation, embracing forgiveness, his name was called, and they bade him shave and don the new, for the old had passed.

God, through you and in you, in Jesus' name, is about to do something NEW. Amen! … Say YES!

God bless you,

Tony Francis