Tag Archive for: prophet

Prophetic Word for the month of MAY/IYAR 2022

Welcome to May/Iyar 2022. As I positioned myself to hear from the Holy Spirit about his will and intentions, stored blessings and assignments for us in this month, this is what I feel sharing with you in the glorious name of Jesus Christ, who is the King over time and each month of the year. I want you to know that in Christ, time is your servant; it works for you now and not against you. Time is a blessing! God hides his blessings in time, feasts, and seasons, and it all points to him because, for lovers, an appointment is for dating and meeting. It is not about the appointment itself.

In May/Iyar, I sense God is about to give a mass deliverance from demonic oppression and attacks. Not just one or two or three but groups of people will be visited by the freeing presence of the Lord.

Many will be delivered from the oppression of the spirit of witchcraft and control. You will even feel free from worldly systems! Halleluiah.

The world’s system is to serve you and not to put you in bondage and total dependence on it. God is your source and in him your ultimate trust. Many were afraid of leaving their jobs even though Holy Spirit blessed them to make this move and you will be graced and able to do it because you will be free from the controlling spirit of witchcraft that the systems invoked on you as it did on many by telling them through many ways, YOU CAN’T MAKE IT WITHOUT US. (LIARS)

Receive this amazing freedom that the Lord Jesus Christ is releasing, attract it by faith, embrace it, and thank him for it!

You are made for divine freedom and everything that is lesser is not your portion and is a low life.

In this month of May/Iyar 2022, you are BLESSED with FREEDOM in Jesus' mighty name.

Tony Francis

If you want to sow for your financial freedom, you can give by clicking on the button below. I'm believing for you!

A couple of days ago, we had an amazing 2 hours and 20 minutes prophetic Zoom call where I shared with many about the secrets of time, my experience with God's calendar, the word of the Lord in the month of May 2022 about the world events, Q&A, prophetic words to those who have their birthday in May and activation at the end on how to hear from the Holy Spirit for this month. It was awesome and powerful and I give Jesus all the glory. You can get to watch the replay here by video or audio:


Hello, May 2022: Prophetic Zoom Event with Tony Francis

Speaker: Tony Francis
Type: Online ZOOM Event (video replay available + audio)
Date & Time: Saturday April 30, 2022 at 10 pm GMT
Price: Any amount you feel led to pay a minimum of $5
Time: 2 hours 20 minutes

Prophetic Power ZOOM Event (Witchcraft & the Spirit of Revelation)

I believe we are stepping into a season of purity and greater measures of strength in hearing the voice of God but we need to deal first with the tree of witchcraft. The Holy Spirit will expose witchcraft with biblical and prophetic truths. We will embrace the holiness of Yeshua/Jesus because “The ax is already at the root of the tree” Matthew 3:10

If you desire to step into this new level of purity and prophetic power and join the fierce army of the Lord, get the replay today (video+audio), listen to the teaching, do the burning bush prophetic activation, listen to the Q&A and engage in the angelic commissioning at the end. You will never be the same!

Everyone is invited to access this replay of my ZOOM event for any amount desired (A minimum of $5). God bless!

visit http://healednations.com/prophetic-power-event

or www.healednations.com

Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/tonyfran6/message

Passover Prophetic Word 2022

It was on my heart today to press in for the word of the Lord on this holy Passover. God is holy, his feasts are holy and his voice is holy and I believe God parties with his people on his feasts and he shows himself strong and clear and speaks to them! What an honor as we position ourselves to hear now the words of the Holy Spirit for this Passover 2022!

I see the gathering of eagles and they are flying in a circle in the sky and I saw on their beaks what looks like honey. Eagles represent the prophetic church of God and the honey is on the mouth of each eagle in this vision. God is asking you to SPEAK his sweetness and goodness in this high moment of glory you are in this Passover! I know you can decree his sweetness and goodness anytime and every day but the Holy Spirit is highlighting the IMPORTANCE of aligning with this invitation and releasing your tongue with sweet words. And what is sweeter than God's promises?

Bless the Lord today, let sweetness comes forth because the cross of Yeshua/Jesus and his holy blood has turned the bitter water into sweet water. Are you struggling with a bitter memory, today God wants you to shift this by your decrees under the holy remembrance of his Son's blood! In Christ, you are no more bitter but BETTER!

Have a sweet Passover in Jesus' mighty name. AMEN

Tony Francis
Author of Healed Nations


Prophetic Power Zoom Event with Tony Francis

Speaker: Tony Francis
Type: Online ZOOM Event (video replay available + audio)
Date & Time: April, Sunday 17th, 2022 at 10 pm GMT
Price: Free
Time: 2 hours and 20 minutes

A Real Prophet: The Great Rewards of Welcoming Prophets & the Prophetic Today AUDIOBOOK

Are you called to the prophetic ministry? Do you love hearing the voice of God? God wants to use you! With your family, friends, the lost ones, and the Church. I can relate to you! Discover in my audiobook “A Real prophet”: The importance of a prophetic vessel, the great blessings of the prophetic anointing, how to walk in the supernatural, the devil's secrets against it, how to prepare & grow in your calling.

Prophetic Word for the month of APRIL/NISSAN 2022

As I was praying and positioning myself to hear from the Holy Spirit for this month of April/Nissan 2022 I sensed so strong that in this holy month we are consecrating ourselves afresh unto the Lord, the SEER realm and the VISIONARY anointing is playing grand.

You will be under the blessing of the SEEING Spirit of God but you need your faith to connect to it because the righteous lives by faith!

It will be a month where many will birth a heavy vision for the days, months, and years ahead! You will receive downloads in your spirit and you will feel the faith stirring strongly in you to take action and build towards that vision(s) because you are made for it or let me say it is made for you!

I decree you will have a pure heart and seeing because the pure in heart will see God. May the Spirit cleanse your eyes and visions to birth what is in the heart of God for you and your generation in Jesus' name. Amen!

Tony Francis

A Real Prophet: The Great Rewards of Welcoming Prophets & the Prophetic Today eBook

Are you called to the prophetic ministry? Do you love hearing the voice of God? God wants to use you! With your family, friends, the lost ones, and the Church. I can relate to you! Discover in my Book “A Real prophet”: The importance of a prophetic vessel, the great blessings of the prophetic anointing, how to walk in the supernatural, the devil's secrets against it, how to prepare & grow in your calling.

Focus or Force

John 6:13 There were only five barley loaves to start with, but twelve baskets were filled with the pieces of bread the people did not eat!  John 6:14 When the people saw this miraculous sign, they exclaimed, “Surely, he is the Prophet we have been expecting!”

John 6:15 Jesus saw that they were ready to take him by force and make him king, so he went higher into the hills alone.

Jesus, once again, had performed a miracle. He recognized and met a deep need. No one had to ask or tell him about it. The truth was he was always looking for opportunities to meet needs because he was selfless. When the people saw what he was capable of they attempted to force him into “selfless” service. There are a few problems with people's mindset and approach. Let's address the issues with their mindset first. Selflessness is born from within rather than imposed by outside forces. They misunderstand the very nature of what they propose.

John 6:14 When the people saw this miraculous sign, they exclaimed, “Surely, he is the Prophet we have been expecting!”

The people learn through miraculous demonstration that Jesus is capable and gifted in ways they did not realize previous to their experience. However, Jesus is not just discovering his abilities or gifts. His knowledge of his gifts compelled him to identify and meet their need. They assume that Jesus has not recognized his purpose and needs their direction to maximize his potential. That could not be further from the truth. His momentary act of service was not intended to be translated into a lifetime of activity. His purpose was greater than the action they observed. In fact, they had only witnessed a minor display of his power. As a result, Jesus pulls away from them and goes where he can breathe and reaffirm his purpose.

John 6:15 Jesus saw that they were ready to take him by force and make him king, so he went higher into the hills alone

The second issue is with the people's approach. They decide they are going to force Jesus to be what they want him to be. They are not interested in his thoughts about his purpose. Their actions are fundamentally driven by a desire to exploit Jesus' gifts under the guise of promoting selflessness. Jesus already demonstrated he was selfless. He met a need without being asked or requesting acknowledgment. His selflessness was not debatable. He is without a doubt the epitomy of selflessness. Manipulators always test to see if they can diminish a target's self-confidence and thereby gain control over them. The people assume he is unaware of his purpose and claim the right to direct his path. They unanimously take the position of authorities in his life and as such are not open to discussion. People with the right intentions are readily open to dialogue. The crowd Jesus faced intended to make Jesus do what they desired. There was no room for inquiry into Jesus' perceptions.

You may have experienced this subtle manipulation. People go even further and launch assaults on your character because you will not be puppeteered. Jesus did not allow himself to be manipulated and neither should you. Hold on to the clarity granted by your knowledge of your purpose. God designed you to fulfill his plan no one else's. Follow Jesus' example. Move to higher ground where people respect you and allow you to breathe. Sometimes, like Jesus, that might mean being alone for a time. Avoid manipulators. Attempts to derail you or tear you down are based on your good character and immeasurable worth. Don't let anyone keep you from your purpose or tarnish your self-perception.

The FATHER is Rolling His Sleeves

Many think that God the Father is absent in times of trouble. God is invisible but not absent. Don’t think that for one moment, you are making the mistake of your life if you conclude to that. I know your problem is real, for many it is a dark pit and the hurt doesn’t seem to have some mercy on you and stop. You’ve gone through some time where you couldn’t breathe anymore, where your mouth withered and your words emigrated to a foreign land, where you were left alone with your tears in the dark. You’ve questioned God’s authentic promise of being ever-present with you, you felt your bones empty of hope and many fell into a spiritual coma because they can’t make it another day.

I see the FATHER, your heavenly Father, entering your ICU looking like a doctor. He sees you laying there and I see the elements in the room shaking because of the vibration emanating from his being. LIFE is here! I know it is hard to read this prophetic message, it doesn’t seem real to you anymore. But I need to deliver it and be true to what I am seeing, I am commanded by Him to release this word. I see the Father’s hand gently grabbing your hand as you are laying in your spiritual coma, Jesus is standing in front of the Father, on the other side of your bed. Something is about to happen …

I see the heaven opening over you, it looks like a circular portal swirling and you, the Father, and Jesus went up as 3 beams of laser light through that open portal. The room is empty now! What was that? What just happened? If you think I have a good imagination and I am writing a fictional story, reconsider because I am not. I am inside an encounter writing it down FOR YOU.

I see now the tomb of Jesus Christ; it looks like I am back in time. What happened at the tomb of Jesus? The Father came down.

“because you will not abandon me to the realm of the dead, nor will you let your faithful one see decay.” Psalm 16:10

God is releasing right now over many LIFE ROBES, the Spirit of Resurrection and Life. Your name is written on one and he has not forgotten you.

I am back to the room where you were in a coma, I see a nurse freaking and questioning your disappearance.

You are no longer among the dead!

Tony Francis