Tag Archive for: kings

Prophetic Word For Year 2023: Breaking the Neck of the Enemy

“As I watched, this horn was waging war against the holy people and defeating them, until the Ancient of Days came and pronounced judgment in favor of the holy people of the Most High, and the time came when they possessed the kingdom.” Daniel 7:21-22

… and the time came when they possessed the kingdom. It is time to release the kingdom of God. The kingdom of God is different from the Church. The Church executes the kingdom of God, but the Church is not the whole kingdom of God.

God is not THE KING if he is not king over everything. It is time to release the kingdom of God everywhere through the Church, his holy people, and because the Church of Jesus Christ is not very well trained and open to the concept of the kingdom, many denominations will find it hard to step into this prophetic word because they ONLY knew the CHURCH and many of us are narrow-minded about authority and the spreading of the kingdom. We don’t think like kings and definitely not like the KING of kings and the Lord of lords. Yet his holy people, you and me are made kings in him!

This is the year when the authority of King Jesus given to the Church will start to break the neck of the enemy on so many levels, your individual life, and corporately! Halleluiah.

In the book of Revelation, we read that when the cup of incense of the prayers of the saints, his holy ones, was full, God released fire as a downpouring at once. We also know the story of the widow who knocked persistently at the door of an unjust judge and after a WHILE, justice was served to her when she felt “defeated” (Daniel 7:21-22), weakened, and at her lowest. Glory to God!

That’s exactly what is being played now.

“As I watched, this horn was waging war against the holy people and defeating them, until the Ancient of Days came and pronounced judgment in favor of the holy people of the Most High, and the time came when they possessed the kingdom.” Daniel 7:21-22


The Most High, the Ancient of Days & the Holy Ones are 3 important keys to understanding and stepping into this prophecy:

I love the name of God here “the Most High”. That’s KINGDOM! The Ancient of Days came and pronounced judgment in favor of the holy people of the Most High.

The kingdom is always in high places or it is not a kingdom. In this season, the holy people of God shall know the Lord as the Most High. You will think in terms of high places from now on. The Most High will disciple you and shift your paradigms from small thinking, from just a church meeting to kingdom, to high places where the Most High is enthroned. The devil thinks this way and if you look around, he has his grip on the high places and positions and has exposure everywhere. Will you dare to step into higher places and plug the banner of the Most High on the top of your career, business, education, entertainment, politics, and on?

The second important word is “the Ancient of Days”. The Ancient of Days pronounced the judgment. Why the Ancient of Days? Because God is the highest wisdom, he is WISDOM and the devil established his kingdom with his demonic wisdom and sneaked in everywhere with his deceptive wisdom that seemed to be irresistible for a while AND WEAKENED AND DEFEATED THE HOLY PEOPLE OF THE MOST HIGH for a while. The church was overwhelmed and felt lacking the wisdom to override this demonic deceptive wisdom in the high places UNTIL the Ancient of Days stepped in and pronounced judgment!

God who is the highest WISDOM will release strategies to his holy people that will JUDGE the lowest levels of that demonic deceptive wisdom. God will give you a mouth and wisdom to shut the mouths of lions, the mouths of all the enemies. It is a war between doctrines!

“Who through faith subdued kingdoms, wrought righteousness, obtained promises, stopped the mouths of lions. Quenched the violence of fire, escaped the edge of the sword, out of weakness were made strong, waxed valiant in fight, turned to flight the armies of the aliens.” Hebrews 11:33-34

Finally, the third important word in this verse is “his holy people”. Only the consecrated unto the Lord will possess the kingdom and break the neck of the enemy!

Joshua told the people, “Consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the LORD will do amazing things among you.” Joshua 3:5

Blessed New Year to you in Jesus' name

Tony Francis

UPDATE: Hours after I wrote this prophetic word that Holy Spirit gave me for the year 2023, it was greatly confirmed by Apostle Patricia King and Prophet Bobby Conner when they released their own prophetic words for the year 2023. I am greatly humbled and encouraged! I am not considering myself in the stature of those two great spiritual leaders, but I rejoice greatly to be entrusted with such a weighty word. I will leave to you the reference links to their prophetic words if you want to check them and allow your faith to skyrocket. When the Lord confirms his word many times, it means he is establishing it. Halleluiah! Glory to God.

Watch Patricia King's prophetic word for 2023

Watch Prophet Bobby Conner's prophetic word for 2023

  • As you start a new beginning in the Lord, I would like to invite you to join my private WhatsApp group “Ask Holy Spirit” for prophetic activations, if you are interested in growing in the prophetic this year. Click here to learn more.
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  • Thank you for your love, prayers, and support. We are reaching many around the world and touching many lives for his glory. We couldn’t make it without God and your partnership. If you feel led by the Lord to sow generously beginning of this year, click here to make your donation.

Divine stream (and the prophetic timing for Africa)

Divine Stream

Genesis 2:10; And a river went out of Eden to water the garden; and from thence it was parted, and became into four heads.
Revelation 22:1; And he shewed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb.

There is a Divine stream that flowed forth from Eden to water the garden, we will come to discover that this stream is central to the move of God in the earth, at the time of Genesis the source of this river was not mentioned and if we were to remain here in our study, we will not see that it has an eternal source from which it flowed from. Journeying to the book of the unveilings, even the Revelation of Jesus Christ to John His servant, we can see that this stream flows right from the throne of God into the earth as captured in chapter 22vs1. When you follow the stream in Genesis to its fountain head, there you will find the throne of God and of the Lamb.
This Divine stream is nothing other than the issuing forth of the Spirit from the throne of God and of the Lamb into all the earth. It is the release of the very triune God as life through the out flow of His spirit, also, it is worthy of note that in the economy of the Godhead in carrying out His purpose, the spirit is perpetually proceeding forth from the father and the son, he is the clear crystal sea that flows from the throne and yet, one with the throne. He flows in the direction of God's move in the earth to enhance its accomplishment and as of the time of Genesis 2, the move of God in the earth was concentrated in the garden which is eastward of Eden, there we find the spirit. He flows in the direction of the move of God in the earth, the temple in Isaiah, God sought a move and we find the flow of the spirit facilitating the administration of the Angels for the move of God.
Even today where ever the work of God is there, you find the release of the spirit, his torrent flows to enhance God’s work and to bring His eternal will to pass, when the activities of the spirit becomes heightened in a given space to supply fresh grace, it is an evidence of God’s move. He perpetually flows in the direction of God’s move to promote its accomplishment.
Genesis 2:10-14; And a river went out of Eden to water the garden; and from thence it was parted, and became into four heads. The name of the first is Pison: that is it which compasseth the whole land of Havilah, where there is gold; And the gold of that land is good: there is bdellium and the onyx stone. And the name of the second river is Gihon: the same is it that compasseth the whole land of Ethiopia. And the name of the third river is Hiddekel: that is it which goeth toward the east of Assyria. And the fourth river is Euphrates.
Revelation 21:6 And he said unto me, It is done. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. I will give unto him that is athirst of the fountain of the water of life freely.
From our scriptures above, we see that this stream having a single source, flowed into different lands yet the same stream. Even today, this single stream from the throne flows into the continents of the world from Asia to America to Africa to Europe and to Australia; we also come to discover that this stream has some strange abilities, unlike every other natural stream so much so that, to wherever it flows into, it has the divine capacity to release life, a land and even a man remains dead until he has met the with Spirit, only the Holy Spirit of God has the power to impart life to a man, he animates the work of Christ in power and grace to a people who previously walked in darkness; secondly, we also discovered that as the stream flows it reveals the treasures of the land, the precious stones of the land were buried beneath ground.These potentials remained hidden until the stream flowed into them. It is worthy of note that every people or group has a potential to be relevant in the economy of God but will remain barren until they come into the flow of the river, only within its torrent can true relevance in the light of divine ordination be discovered; thirdly, we know that common to every pure stream is its ability to quench thirst. Our current world is in great need of reality, only in the river can human thirst for reality be quenched. Instead of giving men too many principles and laws that may help but a little, it is most expedient we bring them into the flow of the stream, there can their thirst for reality be truly satisfied.
Again we see the flowing all through scriptures, the same stream in Genesis is the same that flows up into the book of Revelations, we must discern the movement in every book and chapter of the bible, so as to remain in the current of the spirit, he is the Divine stream of God's Eternal Purpose. The same stream that inspired the building of the tabernacle in the old testament, has in the new testament made us the tabernacle of God, the same that inspired the consecration of the firstborn sons and priests to God has made us now both members of the corporate son of God and priests unto Himself, the same that inspired the prophets of old hath in these last days fulfilled them, even concerning Christ, even concerning Israel, and also the nations, we must see that his speaking throughout all scriptures is one not two, scriptures testifies about scriptures that it was given by the inspiration of the divine stream even the Spirit. Many haven't seen that, though the Bible is a library of books, there is but one single string connecting them all from beginning to the end, this string, is God's eternal purpose. God is seeking to achieve one thing, just a single purpose not two, that is, to gain a household of people bearing his image and expressing his authority, this purpose is centered in Christ, this is what the spirit testifies about all through the bible. He is moving from Genesis to Revelation in the direction of God's eternal purpose to see to its accomplishments; first in the eternity past to His hovering in Genesis 1, secondly, with the fathers from Adam to Abraham, thirdly, with Israel as a nation; working through the prophets, judges and kings, fourthly, today in the church the spirit is moving, fifthly, in the millennial age where the kingdom of the heavens will be visible for a thousand years and sixthly, into the New Jerusalem. We should be able to discern the flow of the stream in the direction of God's eternal purpose in every book of the Bible, only then can we become one with the river.
Ezekiel 47:1; Afterward he brought me again unto the door of the house; and, behold, waters issued out from under the threshold of the house eastward: for the forefront of the house stood toward the east, and the waters came down from under from the right side of the house, at the south side of the altar.
In Ezekiel, we see that the stream flows from the temple, signifying the divine fellowship of the body.There is a fellowship we share in the body of Christ, it is the fellowship of the spirit not of flesh, the same oneness we share in God through the spirit in regeneration, should be the same oneness that is expressed in the communal fellowship of the body but sadly, this is not so today, saints neither give place to the spirit in their lives nor even to the spirit's flow in the body life. He is mostly locked out from our community. We must see that the body of Christ is something divine and mystical yet real and tangible expressed through of our community life, it is not limited to space and time, yet expressed through them.I must repeat our oneness is not of anything flesh in a pattern of dress code or an encrypted way of speaking it is of the spirit, Paul calls it the bound of the spirit connecting the believers universally together and cannot be broken. This same spirit seeks to make the believers within a community, grow into one mind. We should in all things give place to the Spirit, for when we allow flesh come in, what it would produce will be bitter water of strive, envy, immorality and accommodating false doctrines and apostles. Brethren we must allow the spirit dominate in our fellowship, only then can this pure stream increase into the temple from threshold of brotherhood and communal life, it then over flows into all the earth, bringing life and healing to the nations.
The stream in the temple signifies the divine fellowship of the body, if this divine stream of the body which is our fellowship as brethren increases, we have the more tendencies to release life to the world. The Bible says where ever the river flows, to it brings life, only in accurate fellowship can life be produced; before we say or do anything in the body, we must ask does the spirit permits it? The grounds of accurate fellowship must be secured (Ezekiel 47:9). In the land of Goshen in Egypt, we see how death was stopped through the fellowshipping together as a family, breaking bread and eating meat in the camp of the Israelites, as they took the blood from the meat of fellowship and placed on their door post, God instructed the Israelites to have a feast as families in their houses while death plagued the world around, they enjoyed life (Exo). Accurate fellowship is our defense and relevance as the Church of Jesus, we must allow the river of true brotherhood flow, it flowed in the church in Acts 13, prompting the church's sending forth of Paul and Barnabas.

Again in the book of Acts, we see the divine flow of the stream as the Spirit, in the upper room a sound came from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind. If we trace the fountain head, the source remains the throne. The experiences we enjoy in the body are not earthly, they have their source from the throne of God, if we remain in the flow of the river, we will become more one with the throne. When we go into some gatherings of the Lord's people, you feel the dryness in the atmosphere, they have locked the Lord out of their meetings, it all then ends in frustrations and shallow level experiences. We must trace the river back to the throne, we must desire the out pouring of the river of God, only when He is out poured upon us, then we can know the mind of He who sits on the throne. The seeking saints should desire the release of the spirit upon them at all times, he is the divine seal upon the Lord’s work Acts 2:2.

Dear saints we must follow the current of the stream to meet the Father and the Lamb at His throne, there he is revealed.

From Acts, we can see that the Divine stream moves in the direction of God's Divine work and purpose, where ever the present move of God's work is, there you can find the stream and it moves throughout the ages. It flowed from Jerusalem, to Antioch, it then turned to the west, it flowed to Asia, through to Macedonia (that is Europe).
Note, that there is no end to the book of Acts, this is because, that stream still flows even today. It flowed through Europe in the 1600s and stirred up the Martin Luther reformation from the degradation that occurred in the church at Rome, it flowed through Azusa street, sparking the Pentecostal revival through William Seymour.
In the twentieth century it flowed through Asia, stirring up our beloved brother Watchman nee for the Lord's recovery work in his body.

Today we see this stream in Africa, yes AFRICA, there is a concentration of the Lord's move now in this continent, there is a particular emphasis of Heaven over this continent to make her the gaze of the nation, the truth is, God remains the Governor amongst the nation and is not restricted in his move amongst them but we see a unique flow issuing forth from Africa, her treasures consistent with her prophetic heritages are now being rediscovered to bring the attraction of the nations to her, the signs are in the clouds, the divine river now seeks to flood the heart of the young once again to desire God, even the God of Jacob. A new kind of grace is now being released affecting the texture of ministry on ground, the gross economic distress is only but a pointer to reveal to us of satan’s interest to cripple a land with great natural endowment but we see a river flowing to restore our heritage of people mapped out by God, this move will we bring Africa out of obscurity and make her a spot light amongst the community of Nations.
Oh Africa awake, for the river even the spirit now flows through your lands, the once dark continent shall become the bearer of light even the Shekinah glory!
The flowing of the stream captures the current flow of the move of God. If you haven't discerned the current of the stream you are out of the flow of God's move; in your nation you must discern where the river is moving towards, because where the river is, there the move of God for his work is.


¹ Flow forth, flow forth, even from thy throne,
Let your divine stream upon us yet pour.
That the souls of those who thirst will leap for joy,
And our obscurity from reality shall in thee drawn.

² Our fellowship is dry and brotherhood lost
Our hands are weary from work
For the labors of the fields are great
Flow forth, flow forth, even from thy throne
Let your divine stream upon us yet pour.

³ How great is your move amongst the nations,
Affecting every tongue, harvesting every race;
May we in your move be relevant,
Flow forth, flow forth, even from thy throne,
Let your divine stream upon us yet pour.

⁴ How great is your economy oh God,
You are uniquely one yet you are triune
Flowing into us for an everlasting union,
Flow forth, flow forth, even from thy throne,
Let your divine stream upon us yet pour.



Thank you!
This article is a product of the teaching ministry of
Daniel zadok, he is governed by the recovery
vision of God in His body for this age, which is for
converts to become disciples full of God and the
precise knowledge of His new testament
economy unto conformity to the image of Christ.

He believes in the Holy Apostolic Faith passed
down to us through the first Apostolic Fathers,
upon which the church should be Modelled after
and the individual maturity of the believers upon
this foundation will birth the true victorious

Contact: Ajahdaniel09@gmail.com

Prophetic Word for the month of SEPTEMBER/ELUL 2022

Father, we praise your holy name and thank you for the month of September/Elul 2022. It is your will for us to know and discern the times and seasons because we are the children of light who lead and serve others. Light is the leader and those who understand your will are filled with your light!

I sense the Lord is going to move in the political realm and on politicians in the month of September. I am reminded of this story in the bible when God didn’t let the king sleep all night (Esther 6) and in the end, the king turned the table on Haman the wicked who got punished.

Not only did the Lord awaken the king but he brought Haman the wicked to his presence. God orchestrated all the details to bless the “forgotten” righteous (Mordecai) and punish the loud ever-present wicked (Haman). God is about to execute some judgment in the month of September. It is a very bad month for the wicked who are assaulting God’s people and planning to kill them.

The Church of Jesus Christ will breathe more freedom when the enemies are judged.

The kings will be awakened by the righteous King of kings and Lord of lords. This is irreversible!

God causes the kings of the earth to serve and bless the bride of Christ. We are stepping into recognizable blessings for the righteous and damnation for the oppressors in Jesus’ mighty name. Amen

Tony Francis

I sense many of you will need divine favor with your government. Feel free to sow your monthly financial offering below in the work of the Kingdom and believe that God will bless your seed and shower you with favor with your government, politicians, and the laws. A seed is what connects you to a ground, and Healed Nations is a fertile ground that is believing for you and agreeing in Jesus' name. 

  • Also if you are interested in requesting your yearly prophetic word, it is now available. On September 25, 2022, we enter 5783, the biblical year. Click here to learn more!

Eye Salve To SEE

When you want to see something in the natural, you turn your eyes to it, look at it and you see it. You understand what you saw when your brain processes it. Seeing is an understanding! Now in the spiritual, you see something not necessarily by looking at it but by turning your spirit toward it, by thinking about it, and by giving it your awareness.

Faith is the processor of what you look at in the spirit as the brain is the processor for your earthly eyes.

“By faith we understand that the universe was created by the word of God, so that what is seen did not come from anything visible. Hebrews 11:3”

So in the spirit, you see something by turning your thoughts and awareness to it by faith but it’s the Holy Spirit who breathes life and SHOWS things to come. For example, right now you can do this activation, do you want to see into your future? By faith, turn your thoughts and awareness to this direction and look, wait to get understanding and revelation from Holy Spirit.

You can look by faith at anything, just anything!

What area do you need to look at in the spirit? YOU CAN SEE. And at the end, the greatest thing to look at is Jesus, the glory of God himself. You can see him, you can know him and you can interact with him. You can see your children in the spirit, it’s not spying, don’t be afraid because God will only show you what is allowed for you to see and know. Happy Seeing!

I will end by asking you how did prophet Elisha saw his servant Gehazi from a distance when he met Naaman the Assyrian to take stuff from him in private? Elisha told him “my heart was with you”! 2 Kings 5

Tony Francis

She killed him then he killed her

When Elijah the prophet fled because he got scared of Jezebel's threatening to take his life, he became tired, drained, depressed, and suicidal but it started with fear. Then God met him on the mountain in the cave, and asked him what are you doing here Elijah? He asked him that twice and twice was the same answer.

“I have been very zealous for the LORD, the God of hosts; for the sons of Israel have forsaken Your covenant, torn down Your altars and killed Your prophets with the sword. And I alone am left; and they seek my life, to take it away.” 1 Kings 19:14

“They seek my life”? Was that accurate? Let’s see what happened and why Elijah fled:

“Now Ahab told Jezebel all that Elijah had done, and how he had killed all the prophets with the sword. Then Jezebel sent a messenger to Elijah, saying, “So may the gods do to me and even more, if I do not make your life as the life of one of them by tomorrow about this time.” And he was afraid and arose and ran for his life and came to Beersheba, which belongs to Judah, and left his servant there.” 1 Kings 19:1-3

Elijah answered with pride and wasn't real. He could have told the Lord sincerely; well I am afraid of Jezebel Sir that is why. When we are afraid, we may exaggerate. It was one woman who threatened him but Elijah said: THEY seek my life.

Elijah answered the Lord in a spiritual heroic way: I had to flee and preserve myself and my ministry because I am the only voice left for you O God (and there is none like me. This is my adding). Am I against fleeing to protect our lives? No. But was he led by the Spirit to do that or was he fear-driven? Because sometimes the Spirit leads us to stay and confront and other times to flee. Jesus left immediately on many occasions and attempts to kill him but he was motivated by love and not by fear. Because fear is a sin! And Jesus knew it wasn’t his time to die this way.

In my opinion, God asked Elijah twice to give him an invitation to be real and humble but maybe he couldn't swallow that the MIGHTY Elijah who just had a great conference on the mount Carmel is now running from a woman in authority. He could have been real with God because after all, God knows the heart. Jezebel threatened Elijah to put seeds of fear in him to control him and push him away because Elijah was the real threat to her worship system. If she wanted to kill him she could have taken him by surprise and not give him an appointment “tomorrow about this time”. If she had the chance to kill him, it was before the restoration of God’s people because now Elijah was more empowered.

“Answer me, O LORD, answer me, that this people may know that You, O LORD, are God, and that You have turned their heart back again.” Then the fire of the LORD fell and consumed the burnt offering and the wood and the stones and the dust, and licked up the water that was in the trench. all the people saw it, they fell on their faces; and they said, “The LORD, He is God; the LORD, He is God.” 1 Kings 37-39

Sadly, Elijah kept hanging to pride on Horeb's mountain while God offered him invitations to humble himself and be real before him in that cave conversation. Elijah insisted that he was the man for the hour alone and that God’s power only works through him but God told him he kept 7000 for him. After that, we see that Elijah’s ministry came to a closing chapter and that he was only allowed to anoint others for continuity. The same thing happened with Moses when he beat the rock twice; his ministry ended after that act of disobedience fueled by pride that was disguised as anger. Then Joshua was appointed next!

On the other hand, David the king after committing adultery with Bathsheba and killing her husband, was humble, real, and repenting when Prophet Nathan confronted him with the word of the Lord and his ministry continued and his relationship with the Lord. We read him repenting in Psalms 51!

It’s true that Jezebel only threatened to kill Elijah but actually she did kill his influence and ministry at the end because Elijah swallowed the bait of fear mixed with pride and because he didn’t find the place of humility in the presence of the Lord, the Lord resisted the proud. But the good news is that Elijah also killed Jezebel and her ministry because he left a prophecy of judgment from the Lord against her that was after her even after he was taken to heaven.

“Of Jezebel also has the LORD spoken, saying, ‘The dogs will eat Jezebel in the district of Jezreel.'” 1 Kings 21: 23

How many times have we answered the Lord in pride when he was extending to us invitations to be real and humble?

“Pride goes before destruction, And a haughty spirit before stumbling.” Proverbs 16:18 

“Before destruction the heart of man is haughty, But humility goes before honor.” Proverbs 18:12 

“But He gives a greater grace. Therefore it says, “GOD IS OPPOSED TO THE PROUD, BUT GIVES GRACE TO THE HUMBLE.” James 4:6

Tony Francis

The Narrow Path

“I am the living One. I died, but look—I am alive forever and ever! And I hold the keys of death and the grave.” Revelation 1: 18

The very thing you overcome, you possess its gates! Jesus conquered death and the grave for you and today he lives forever and ever and holds the keys! Keys speak of authority, the one who owns the house has its keys! You are the master, the owner because you own the house! When you overcome depression by the graceful workings of the Holy Spirit in your heart and life, then you hold the keys to joy forever and ever. You own JOY!

The narrow path is not attractive nor appealing for anyone to go through. We want the easy way and I am not saying that God doesn’t offer easy opportunities for us but going through the narrow path where you drink the cup of suffering will make you sit next to Jesus! I have good news to tell you, the hell you are going through or you went through before wasn’t meant for your destruction but a stairway to your permanent promotion, a serious preparation to give you the keys of that very thing and make you owner over it.

Authority derives from the word author and you don’t have authority over what you don’t write with the sweating ink of your sufferings! Let me ask you this: what did you overcome so far? What are you overcoming right now? Reading this devotion will open your eyes to read well your future and to position you to receive the documents of ownership God is signing for you!

You are the master, you are the owner, you have and you will get the keys and then you can offer others help the way Jesus did with John the beloved where she showed him the keys of death and grave to tap into what he conquered for him. Winning your battles are not only yours but others as well!

Toni Francis

I highly recommend you watching this message of T.D Jakes on “Serum Solutions”! Click here to watch it

Creating Your Day From The Glory Realm

You are God’s utmost creation clothed with his restored authority to you in Christ. The raw truth is that God gave you dominion over the earth and his creation. Any other lesser mentality than this is not a “more than a conqueror” mindset. Humanity has regressed from a position of dominion to a slavery mindset. But there is no such thing in Christ, is Jesus full of authority and dominion to serve? Then this is who you are. You serve from dominion!

Let me do a quick MRI test to help you check if your mindset beliefs are in dominion position or not. Try to answer this question for yourself: “Do you believe that time is your servant or you are serving time?” You may tell me well we are all locked in time, it was forced on us and we can do nothing about it.

You will be amazed when you are done reading the revelations here. You will change your mind!

God created everything to serve you. Sun, moon, stars, trees, animals, etc. Read in Genesis 1 how all these serve you, including TIME. Jesus on the cross also redeemed the time by restoring to you the true revelation concerning it by giving you the Spirit of truth.

In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was formless and empty, and darkness covered the deep waters. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the surface of the waters.

Then God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. And God saw that the light was good. Then he separated the light from the darkness. God called the light “day” and the darkness “night.”

And evening passed and morning came, marking the FIRST DAY.

I was in a reverent awe when I discovered that before God released LIGHT in the universe and over the earth, there was no sense of time. What triggered the universal time clock to launch is LIGHT. God counted day 1 after he released LIGHT. The sense of time begun!

Genesis 1:14 Then God created the other LIGHTS. On day four, sun moon and stars were created. So what was the first light released on day 1 if not the sun? Are you ready? Fasten your seat belt and read this:

And the city has no need of sun or moon, for the GLORY of GOD illuminates the city, and the Lamb is its light. The nations will walk in its light, and the kings of the world will enter the city in all their glory. Revelation 21

Did you see it with me? The GLORY OF GOD illuminated the entire universe, the light of the Lamb Jesus Christ. That was the first LIGHT.

In the beginning, the Word already existed. The Word was with God, and the Word was God. He existed in the beginning with God. God created everything through him, and nothing was created except through him. The Word gave life to everything that was created, and his life brought light to everyone. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness can never extinguish it. John 1

God created everything from the glory light of Jesus. For God, time really begins when you create things with him from the glory realm. He counts with you day 1, 2, 3, etc. if you bring forth his will from this realm. If you create from the temporary realm of time and submit to it, things will not last long. But if you create from the light of his glory, things are eternal. Eternity is time nonending, but it is time. There are days and seasons in knowing God throughout eternity.

Remember God counted day 1 after releasing the light of his glory and divide it from the darkness.

You have spent your life fighting the darkness, yelling at it and trying to manage, organize and arrange chaos. No wonder why you feel exhausted! God didn’t rebuke darkness he released light and transformed what was supposed to be out of his will to become a piece of art. Are not night and day now a beautiful masterpiece? But darkness alone was terror before the light came to be!

God created sun, moon, and stars to illuminate the earth. Again he didn’t rebuke darkness he conquered it with creative things! What are the things you can create with God from the realm of his eternal time that will bring change, revolution, and art to your life and others?

Dream with God, decree it and it shall be. You are a difference! You are the light of the world.

Time, bow down to me in Jesus name! You are no more king, I am. I changed my mind.

Tony Francis
Glory to God

When the Prophetic Knocks on Your Door!


“And the day came when Elisha passed over to Shunem. And a great woman was there. And she laid hold on him to eat bread. And it happened, as often as he passed by, he turned in there to eat bread. And she said to her husband, Behold now, I see that this is a holy man of God who passes by us continually. Please, let us make a little room on the wall.

And let us set a bed for him there, and a table, and a stool, and a lampstand. And when he comes to us, he shall turn in there. And the day came when he came in there, and he turned into the room and lay there.” (2 kings 4: 8-11).

The prophetic can pass by you to stay or to leave, you choose! This book can be another book you read or a life-transforming message.

Do you have a little room in your heart for a prophet, the holy man of God? Do you have a place for the prophetic in your church? Build one!

Invest in stretching your territory to make room for the prophetic anointing because you will be blessed. This woman was rich not only because of her wealth but because she discerned a greater wealth and attracted it by honoring and welcoming the prophet.

You may say, I am rich, I am satisfied, so I don't need a prophet to pass by me. This woman didn't think this way, although she was rich, she was poor in other areas, she was barren, and money couldn’t give her a child.

She didn’t know by investing in the prophetic and sowing seeds of honor that she was opening the gates of heaven over her and making a room for life in her womb not only on the wall of her house.

There is always what we call the rewards of honoring a prophet. After she had built a room for Elisha, he wanted to bless her.

“And he said, what then is to be done for her? And Gehazi answered, truly, she has no child, and her husband is old” (2 Kings 4:14).

Elisha could have said what can I do to a wealthy woman? It’s me who needs her help. Had he thought this way, he would have hindered her blessing and turned off his gifts. But Elisha, who was wealthier because he was rich in the Lord and had access to things this woman didn’t have, he prophesied a son to her.

A prophet enriches your life when you think you have it all, even when your bank account is full.

There are always things you don’t see or hear that God prepared for you to release in your life. Just make a little room for him! Your honoring seed triggers the prophetic anointing and puts a demand on it.

Your wealth may be in your pocket like that woman, but the wealth of a prophet is in his mouth.

The seed of welcoming him, building him a room and blessing him with meals of hospitality triggered heaven to answer back. You can’t sow into heaven without triggering it to responding to touch your life.

I am not limiting your seeds to money only; it is not about what you give it is in the heart of honoring.

It may be money, room, a place to rest in, or maybe inviting a prophet to your church, etc.

In a nutshell, welcoming a prophet is the greatest form of honor you can give him whatever the expression of your giving is.

You can’t welcome a prophet and not embrace the supernatural. You step into a realm you’ve never walked in before when you touch a prophet’s life. Are you ready for some supernatural experiences to take place in your life?


Marveled at his Faith

Faith is a person, it is Jesus Christ. The Kingdom of God functions and operates on the basis of his character and nature. That’s why faith is important and essential. God doesn’t doubt himself because he knows what he says must be. “so shall My Word be, which goes out of My mouth; it shall not return to Me void, but it shall accomplish what I please, and it shall certainly do what I sent it to do.” Isaiah 55:11. It is the case of any earthly king, do you think that an authoritative king thinks in his heart this way: “I wonder if my commandments will be executed or not.” Kings rule and they know without a shadow of a doubt what they command will be done! From where do they get this confidence, assurance and faith? From their position and authority.

God is the higher authority in the whole universe, his authority fills heaven and earth. He is called the King of kings. Who are the kings he is King over? You and I and everyone who is in Christ. You are made in the image of this King to decree his word into your situation, your nation, your family and over any sickness or disease and everything that is not aligned with his glory. One day, Jesus spoke to a fig tree and told it to wither from the roots. Instantly that tree obeyed and the disciples saw this and marveled at it and told Jesus excitedly about it. After that, Jesus taught his followers, you among them, that they can do the same and greater if they “have faith in God”, Mark 11:22. In Greek, the original language is echō pistis theos, which means: Possess God’s Faith!

Glory to God
Tony Francis

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A Terrifying Beauty

Jesus Christ the King is the most excellent of men and his lips are so beautiful anointed with favor and grace, his words and teachings  are pleasant, full of authority and he is so blessed there is no curse in him. That’s why the bride in Song of Solomon 1:2 passionately said: “Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth– for your love is more delightful than wine.” His kisses awaits you, are you hungry for them? His prophetic word for you is filled with love that brings ecstasy stronger than wine making you a love drunkard and one of his love captives. You are totally dismantled of your power and resistance in the bosom of his love for you; you can’t resist him when he wraps his strong and gentle arms around you and when he looks at you, you are fully captured!

Jesus is a mighty ferocious warrior girded with a sword and clothed with splendor and majesty. When he wars in a battle he always wins, he loves to fight for truth, humility and righteousness because it is his very nature. His arrows pierce the enemies’ hearts and the nations fall beneath his feet. He reigns forever in justice, what a beautiful kingdom to be part of! You are a citizen of such a kingdom and king and if not you are invited to become part! Jesus is so joyful and happy there is no depression in his presence, only fullness of joy!

All his robes are fragranced with amazing perfume, “Pleasing is the fragrance of your perfumes; your name is like perfume poured out. No wonder the maidens love you!” Song of Solomon 1:3. Jesus loves to listen to music. People who surround him are all royalty, kings, queens, princes and princesses and you!  Everybody wants to be around him for their values come directly from him! In his presence you are highly favored and precious! Everyone looks at him and waits carefully for him to speak and weight every word he says and every gesture he makes. His facial expressions are so heavenly and you can’t but gaze and gaze upon him night and day! He is so beautiful in his holiness! Everything he does is so beautiful! Love beautifies. In his presence everyone ushers to pour out their gifts, sacrifices and praises for him with so much delight. The pain of giving is eased for his sake. When you give him you don’t add value to him but to you. The wise men showered him with expensive gifts when he was born!

This royal husband delights in your beauty; honor him, for he is your lord. You were made to encounter his terrifying beauty continually … you were made to become like him!

This devotion is mostly paraphrased from Psalm 45

Glory to God
Tony Francis