Tag Archive for: healing

Dreams of Comfort for the Brokenhearted

By Cheryl Shepherd

Have you ever received a dream that you knew was from God for the purpose of providing comfort during a particularly desperate time? If you’re a skeptic, based on my studies in Psychology and Sociology,  I certainly would have agreed before my mind was changed by a very incredible dream.

I was recently reminded, while listening to a story told by evangelist Perry Stone, of how drastically my mind was changed.

Perry spoke of a dream he had about a child that he and his wife had lost lost due to a miscarriage and that reminded me of my own similar experience. In his dream he had a very vivid picture of this precious little girl waiting to meet him in heaven.

What was especially touching about this story was the fact that years later, he came across someone who had painted a picture of this beautiful little girl, matching the little girl in his dream in complete detail down to the ragged stuffed animal she clung to! There were many more facets of the story that were certainly miraculous and reminded me of a time that brought to life a scripture that has become very dear to me. Psalms 34:18 says, the Lord is near to the brokenhearted; He saves those crushed in spirit.

Twenty-one years ago I lost my son Billy’s identical twin brother Brandon, due to a rare condition called twin to twin transfusion syndrome.

While I can’t begin to imagine the grief experienced by a mother who has to say goodbye to a child at any age, the impact of this loss for me was a profound one in a different way, yet devastating just as any mother knows who has experienced never being able to meet or hold her unborn child.

At that time there was very little known about twin to twin transfusion syndrome or TTTS. It was explained to me that this was a rare condition that occurs only in identical twins that share the same placenta and transfuse blood through shared blood vessels.

While the prognosis was ironically slightly better for Brandon than Billy, they explained that there was no cure. While I could try to remove amniotic fluid to “buy some time”, (having done this immediately caused me to go into a premature labor), ultimately there was a 10 to 15% chance at best of either of the twins surviving.

At the time of my diagnosis of this rare condition I was about 5 months along and the prognosis for both twins was clearly very bleak. So much so in fact, it was strongly recommended that I abort both babies and “try again later for a healthy pregnancy”. This was not an option for me, so my husband and I returned home from the hospital feeling completely devastated and totally lost!

After crying out to God, I was contacted by a friend who told me about an experimental surgery that was being performed by only one surgeon in the world at that time. He was a surgeon from Venezuela who had developed a surgery that he was performing in Tampa, Florida. We were on the next plane to Tampa for this experimental laser fetal surgery.

The surgery itself went well however Brandon ultimately did not make it.

While this loss was was devastating, what was even more difficult was looking in the closet and seeing all of the twin outfits hanging side-by-side; wondering how I could ever possibly find the strength to take one of each of these outfits out of the closet to discard.

Even more difficult proved to be the required weekly ultrasounds. It was torture Putting on a happy face each week while we watched Billy growing and developing while seeing the lifeless little form of Brandon become smaller and smaller, slowing shrinking away along with all of the dreams of what life should have held for these precious twin boys.

The remainder of the pregnancy became a blur of anger, resentment, pleading, and bargaining with God for a miracle, followed by utter devastation as I reminded myself it was too late for a miracle! 

As Brandon became smaller in the weekly ultrasounds the void in my heart became larger and more encompassing. One day I couldn’t seem to keep from crying all day, I remember my husband sternly saying to me you have to stop this!! You have to be strong for Billy!! You can’t just keep mourning the loss of Brandon you have a healthy baby to think about!

I knew he was right and the guilt I felt was overwhelming! I didn’t know how to stop grieving! I knew I should be celebrating the precious healthy miracle I was carrying inside of me but how could I betray Brandon like that?

At that moment I cried out to God from a place of complete brokenness and asked Him to take away my grief and allow me to experience the joy of this precious miracle He had given me.

This is the moment I knew without a doubt that God was with me and His heart was broken along with mine! I could feel his arms of love around me; comforting me. 

I fell into a deep sleep and I had a dream that I know now, was a glimpse into heaven and the heavenly nursery of unborn babies that Perry Stone talked about in his video.

In my dream I looked through a window like you would see in a hospital infant nursery. What I saw brought about a healing that is hard to even put into words. I saw my sister-in-law Betty, who had tragically died years before, in a rocking chair holding Brandon and gently rocking him. When she noticed me there she looked up at me and had the most precious look on her face, I remember it like it was yesterday. 

Betty had been the only person I would trust with babysitting my older children. She had such a love for children beyond anyone I have ever known. I woke up with a clear image of the pure joy and pride Betty had in cuddling my little Brandon – a look that said he will be alright, I will take good care of him until you get here.

While it would be easy to argue that there was something subconscious or psychological that caused this dream, I know better! God came to me in my brokenness and my despair and He gave me a glimpse into heaven that I believe was very real and beyond just a simple dream.

On July 5, 1999 I gave birth to my twin boys. Celebrating my five pound healthy baby boy Billy, while saying my final goodbye to Brandon.

It was amazing to me that I had ever wondered if I would be able to look at my precious new little miracle without feeling this deep sorrow over the loss of the brother who looks exactly like him.  The truth of the matter is, I don’t believe I could have ever done this on my own.

Is God really there for the brokenhearted? You Bet He Is!!! I am living proof of this promise that he has given us all in His Holy word. 

I want you to know that if you are suffering from a loss today, and you feel there is no escape and no way out of your pain, loneliness, and grief, He wants to bring you comfort- all you have to do is cry out to Him. He promises to be there! 

Cheryl Shepherd

2020FullCircle vision@gmail.com

Perry Stones’s story title “The unborn in Heaven” can be found at:


Experiencing Grief

By Cheryl Shepherd

Grief is such a strange thing. It seems to know just how much we can handle of it before we will crumble beneath it’s weight.

It shows up suddenly and ever so quietly leaving a wake of shocking raw emotion, then…dissipates into a million pieces, attached to the memories it came with and returning us once again to our previous state… 






…but little by little, doing the job it came to accomplish – forcing us to heal – forcing us to take one more step forward, toward becoming a shadow of who we were before the loss or perhaps who we are meant to be in spite of it.  

We need strength for embracing these times of complete weakness. 

We must be strong and resilient under these unbearable circumstances. One devastating wave after another; one hopeless day after another – Some days ending in an all encompassing fear that we could have never imagined – yet somehow we are not broken. 

It takes great strength to allow grief to take its time in doing what it came to do. 

It takes courage to take care of yourself while being the rock for those who rely on you, in the midst of the brokenness and sorrow. 

Still, we must hold on to hope and allow healing, no matter how painful and at times seemingly pointless. 


We must forge ahead for ourselves and for those we love. 

If you are reading this and you have suffered a loss, I know you don’t feel strong in this moment but you ARE strong – you ARE resilient and you WILL survive this…even if only to provide a small ray of hope for someone traveling this desolate path; just to say “you are not alone”. 

You must live life as normal as you can in the wake of such turmoil and sadness.  You must get up each day…wash your face – feel the sunshine on your skin – talk to God – yell at God (He understands), cry and though it may be the most empty words you will ever speak…say “thank you Lord for this day and for the the strength you have given me to make it to tomorrow.”

Then, when tomorrow comes …start the process again. It will get easier. 

And when it would appear that all hope is lost – keep fighting and persevere! Remember you are a conquerer in the greatest battle anyone can face! 

You have suffered a great loss and while it’s true, you may no longer be whole and perhaps you feel that you will never be whole again; you are now an unwilling member of a group of warriors;

-wounded from battle but mending;

-hurting but healing; 

-broken yet finding strength; 

-defeated but continuing to fight this battle to its completion…wherever that may lead.

Above all, please remember to ask God for strength when you feel gripped by the reality of how frightening this road ahead may seem. Allow those who create the interwoven fabric of your life, to support you and continue to push you forward through the blinding pain in the midst of these darkest of moments. 

And when grief has finally done it’s job… you will find the ability to 

-grasp a moment to reflect on a memory 

-a moment to appreciate

-and yes; even a moment to laugh. This will bring healing to your soul.                           

May you be fearless in stepping out and living a life worthy of the memory of your dear loved one. 

If Jesus was a CEO

Jesus runs the universe in his perfect wisdom and authority and preserves everything by the power of his word. It is wide and abstract for us to grasp and understand God’s position as the ruler of the world because we don’t understand its mechanics. But it is easier for us to catch this concept if the ruler of the universe becomes a CEO of a company. His first position is an unlimited authority and reign over the universe, his second position is about a limited authority and reign over a certain domain. But sometimes if we can understand the small picture we can have a glimpse of the bigger one! Earth is a shadow of Heaven!

The first day came! Jesus woke up in the morning, spent his time with his heavenly Father in prayer as usual then put his clothes on and got ready not to go to Jerusalem, Nazareth, any small village or a synagogue to preach, heal and cast out demons, but this time he went to his own registered company somewhere in the city! The Son of God has his own company now and he can’t wait to reach his office to salute his dear employees and get the business done to bring more glory to his heavenly Father in the business field.

What could his goals be? Will he run his company the same way other CEOs do? Who is going to hire to be on his team? Who will be his right hand assistant? He surely can’t fail, success is guaranteed! After all he never failed healing someone and never failed resurrecting the dead, he will surely never fail running his new business! How is he going to run his company? The world is waiting and watching closely to see Jesus in his new position as chief executive officer CEO.

His employees are the luckiest ones because they were given the chance to watch the Son of God running a business for the first time, not a spiritual ministry! Many launched their social media apps to tweet, post and broadcast the first activities of Jesus on his first day at work! And for the first time these employees will hashtag proudly things like #ILoveMyCEO #HisWordsAreMyCommandments #Obedience #WantToMakeHimHappy #MyCEOIsAlwaysRight …

You may think I went too far in my imagination about the Lord. After all he can’t occupy this position, he is a spiritual leader! But my dear friend, this Jesus living in you wants to take over and live through you whatever your position is! You could be the first one to give Jesus the opportunity to run your business on his terms! It is going to be so exciting and of course … supernatural!

Glory to God
Tony Francis

You can also watch this blog as a Vlog (Video Blog). Click here to watch it: If Jesus was a CEO

Getting Ready For Marriage

What is it about marriage that almost everyone wants to experience? Is it the routine of humanity since the dawn of time? Or there is really an ecstatic taste for such an experience that no one wants to miss? I don’t know if you are single or engaged but in case you are single this devotion will stir you for marriage and if you are already in the golden cage, posture yourself for one of the greatest experiences that God fashioned for you.

The idea of marriage is perfect, awesome and exciting, not agreeing with this? Well go check all the wedding photos and videos, everyone is smiling and seems to be happy. Marriage ought not to be celebrated big time out loud once by the couple, celebration is the big entrance that should lead you to other party doors that await you to discover or create. Sounds so perfect and too good to be true? You can’t believe it because of the kind of marriages you are seeing around you in this fallen world? Let me remind you that God is good and his concepts, designs and lifestyles for you are so good, but we ruin it. I believe if you connect back to him as couples and surrender your marriage to him, you will relive the glorious experience again or soon you will if you are still single.

God wants to heal you and your marriage and he wants to put a banner of love above it all the time. This should be your atmosphere and ceiling to live under, not division, unforgiveness, dishonor and cold love. Do you remember when you surrendered your life to Jesus and got saved? Still remember the excitement that day you marked on your calendar? Everything you surrender to God shall be saved, so does your marriage my friend.

Please share this devotion with your friends below on social media.

Glory to God
Tony Francis

Is God Upset With You?

By Wayne Sutton

“… But You are God, ready to pardon, gracious and merciful, slow to anger, abundant in kindness …” (Nehemiah 9:17)

I invite you to read the above verse very slowly…

Ready to pardon.
Gracious and merciful.
Slow to anger.
Abundant in kindness.


I ask you to consider how you perceive your God? As I look at the above verse it reminds some of just how loving our creator is, and how he moves with compassion towards his people.

Are you participating in sinful or rebellious activities? He is ready to pardon.

Have you been rebellious for quite a long time? He is slow to anger.

Do you need healing in your emotions or in your body? God is abundant in kindness! Today, slow down to reread a simple verse that displays the love and kindness of our heavenly father! He is waiting for you!

Go to http://www.thesecondadam.com/newsletter.html for your free newsletter and resources!

3 Stages Of Marriage – Marriage Therapy Made Easy!

By Wayne Sutton

Marriage is a wonderful thing. Well, at least it should be wonderful. In our Phone Counseling and Life Coaching business we all too often see marriage issues leading to separation, divorce, and even at times violence. Our hope and prayer is that we can lead people to an awareness of where they are in the marriage, and begin a process of reconstruction or rebuilding the relationship. But, that is jumping ahead. So, let's look at the three levels of marriage closely.

The Romance Stage

First, this is often called the “Romance” stage – as two people have captured one another's heart and attention. This period can and usually includes the dating and engagement period. The romance stage is all too often a “time of blindness” where we unconsciously ignore the negative and focus solely on the attractiveness of one another. This stage, unless affected by other past relationships or other deep issues, is usually fun-loving and care free. It is also usually easy to discuss “toxic issues” such as sex, money, and family. This romance stage almost always transforms into the second stage of relationships, which I refer to as the “Reality” stage.

The Reality Stage

Reality, this is the tricky area. Reality is time when the honeymoon period is over, and the true self emerges. We all too often see the other person “as we choose to see them” during the romance stage, and then the way they truly are during the reality stage. Worse, many times we perceive the person through our own perceptions, based upon the filters of past relationships and personal history. This is where we must take a self-analysis of our walk and expectations from both ourselves and those we bring into our life.

The Rebuilding Stage

Polarity between the couple can show the major differences, and if not careful can lead to resentment. Resentment is like a cancer of the soul, and this can bring jabbing words of pain or distancing from the couples. This is sadly the reality stage that almost everyone walks in, yet few are willing to leave. This stage can bring the emotional ups and downs for years or even decades. This up and down lifestyle is either tolerated and the person lives in a life of stress, or they end up in divorce.

There is hope however for nearly every marriage. The key to healing a marriage is learning to walk in the stage of “Rebuilding”. Rebuilding may be quick and easy, or it can be a lifelong experience. However, even the process can be rewarding as you go through the journey. Let the journey be an experience, and let love grow through the process.

How do you rebuild? Sometimes it is simple as self-evaluation and applying grace through the rocky times, and at other times it may include using a marriage counselor or therapist. Most situations can be healed through proper time and loving support. Where are you on the three stages of life? Are you ready to rebuild and get back to the romance stage?

Wayne Sutton

Has your soul become much discouraged because of the way?

By Katie Souza

“The people journeyed from Mount Hor by way of the Red Sea to compass the land of Edom, and the soul of the people was much discouraged because of the way.” -Numbers 21:4

How many of you have become much discouraged because of the way? Have you been praying for your children to get off of drugs, but you are still getting phone calls from jail? Did you just lose your job and now you’re close to losing your home? Maybe you have been battling with sickness, or perhaps your marriage is on the rocks and the daily battle has caused your soul to be much discouraged because of the way.

This is a dangerous place to be. Look at what happened to the Israelites. The tiresome journey wounded their soul, then they began sinning out of those wounds. They spoke against God and against Moses by saying, “Wherefore have you brought us up out of Egypt to die in this wilderness? There’s no bread here, there’s no water here, and our soul is loathing this light bread.” They were so wounded by their journey that they began to complain, criticize, and speak against God and Moses. They were so wounded by the journey, even their souls loathed the manna. They were actually complaining about the supernatural provision that arrived at their front door every morning.

Many times wounds in our soul will tempt us to sin by grumbling and complaining. Unfortunately, this can leave us wide open for an enemy attack. When the Israelites complained, God sent fiery snakes to bite them and many of them died! This all started because they let their souls get much discouraged because of the way.

How many of you know that when you get wounded, you start talking smack? You get angry, judge, criticize, and gossip about people. You start speaking negatively about your situation. You let yourself become overwhelmed, tired and depressed. The longer that goes on, the more it attracts demonic attacks, then those fiery snakes start really snapping at you. Next thing you know, everything gets ten times worse! A relationship totally falls apart, you get very sick, or even goes totally broke and lose it all! Unfortunately, it all started when you let the journey causes your soul to get much discouraged because of the way.

What is the first thing we do to get our soul healed? We repent for allowing ourselves to get wounded through the crises, then we also repent for any bitter thing we let come out of our mouth because of it. That is what the Israelites did. They went to Moses and said, “We’ve sinned, we’ve spoken against the Lord and against you. Pray to the Lord that he will take away the serpents from us.” So they started the healing process by repenting.

Then the Lord told Moses to make a serpent and put it on a pole then have everyone that was bitten look upon it because then they would live. In John 3, Jesus said, “Just as Moses lifted up the snake in the desert, so the Son of Man must be lifted up so that everyone who believes in him may have eternal life.” The serpent represented Jesus so they were instructed to look to Him for their healing. The Scripture says when they did they would “live.” One of the meanings of that word is “to prosper.” The Bible says we are prospered and brought into health even as our soul prospers. When they looked to Christ, they got healed in their bodies but also in their souls, which happened to be their problem in the first place. Their souls had become much discouraged because of the way, but when they repented, when they looked to the healing power of Christ, they prospered in their health, even as their soul prospered!

Sit down today and get quiet. Take time to repent and forgive any sin that was involved in your soul getting discouraged during your journey. Then, do what I did after the TV shoot. Look to Jesus and decree that his Dunamis power is making you excellent of soul! Keep it up until you experience a real shift, then watch the flow of blessing enter into your life and turn your circumstances around!

For information and resources on Soul Healing please visit www.expectedendministries.com today!

4 Keys to Healing the Sick

By Dr. Stuart Pattico

The supernatural is to be normal in the believer’s life.  We are to be hearing God’s voice, receiving prophetic revelation, and doing wonders through the Holy Spirit’s power.  Jesus said that we would “lay hands on the sick, and they will recover” (Mark 16:17-18). So how can we begin to operate in this healing power?  Well, let’s look at four keys that I share when teaching others to move in this area:


1. Depend on the power of the Holy Spirit

It’s easy to think that Jesus was able to heal the sick because He was God.  Whilst He always remained 100% God, He also became 100% Man, and all the miracles that He did, He did as a Man dependent on the power of the Holy Spirit.  That’s why He said: “the Son can do nothing of Himself” (John 5:19).  Jesus didn’t heal anyone in His own power; He depended on the Holy Spirit.

The good news is that the power of the Holy Spirit is available to you too! (Acts 1:8).  So right now, put out your hands and say “Holy Spirit, release Your healing anointing on me!”

Typically, when ministering to the sick, I ask the Holy Spirit to come upon the sick area.  After all, He is the Healer.  I simply say, “Holy Spirit, come on this area…”.

2. Realise that God loves people and wants them to be well

Have you noticed that Jesus never refused to heal anyone?  Jesus healed everyone who came to Him.  Acts 10:38 explicitly states that He went about “healing all who were oppressed by the devil”.  Why did He do this?  Well, He knew that God loves people and wants them to be well.  Imagine that someone you love wasn’t well and you had the power to instantly cure him or her.  Wouldn’t you heal them?  Of course you would. You would do that simply because you love them.  Well, God is Perfect Love (1 John 4:16), and He heals people because He loves them!  When you minister to the sick, know that you are ministering God’s perfect love to people and never doubt that He wants that person to be well!

3. Realise that sickness and disease can hear you

On one occasion, Jesus was hungry.  He went to a fig tree hoping to find some fruit but found none. He said to it: “Let no fruit grow on you ever again”, and the fig tree immediately withered away (Matthew 21:18-19).  Now, what was Jesus doing speaking to a tree?  The answer is simple: He knew that it could hear Him!  Again, it is easy to think that the tree could hear Him because He was the Son of God.  But Jesus then said to His disciples:

“Assuredly, I say to you, if you have faith and do not doubt, you will not only do what was done to the fig tree, but also if you say to this mountain, ‘Be removed and be cast into the sea,’ it will be done.” (Matthew 21:21)

Wow!  We can do exactly what Jesus did to the fig tree.  We can speak to things and they will obey us.  It’s important to realise that sickness and disease can hear us when we speak to it.  We can command it “out” and it must leave.  It can hear us!  Be bold, and say to the sickness “Out! In Jesus name!”

Whilst it’s not wrong to ask God to do something, often people beg God to heal someone, when God wants them to realise that they can command the sickness to leave.  However, it’s important that when we speak to sickness we do so with faith, believing that what we are saying is happening (Mark 11:23).

4. Realise that God wants people to participate in their healing

There was a man who had a withered hand.  Jesus said to him, “Stretch out your hand” and he was healed (Matthew 12:13).  Notice that Jesus told the man to do something – “stretch out your hand”.

God wants people to participate in their healing.  When I minister to the sick, if they have a measurable symptom, after commanding the sickness “Out! In Jesus name”, I immediately get them to test their condition.  Because I have said it in faith, I fully expect them to say, “the pain has gone!”

Their participation also means that he or she has faith (Matthew 9:22, 29).  So encourage them to agree with you that they will be healed right there and then.  But don’t make people feel bad if they lack faith, instead encourage them

Brining it all together, here is one way that you may wish to minister to the sick.  It’s not about a formula; people have different approaches.  What matters is the result. But here’s an approach you may wish to use:

  1. Stimulate their faith by asking what they believe will happen when you minister to them. Encourage them to agree with you that they will be healed.
  1. Ask the Holy Spirit to come on the affected area.  If appropriate, with their permission, lay hands on that area.  Do not lay hands on that area if it is not appropriate to do so, or if they do not wish you to.
  1. Speak to that area and say to the sickness / pain, “Out! In Jesus’ name”, believing that what you are saying is happening there and then.
  1. Get the person to immediately test their conditions and watch what Jesus does… I believe He will amaze you!

For a full video-teaching on healing the sick, visit http://www.stuartpattico.com/bible-school-healing-the-sick.html .

Dr. Stuart Pattico is a speaker and the author of various books including Praying with Power, End Times: Are You Prepared, The Anointing, You Can Prophesy, and Interpret Your Dreams. Visit www.stuartpattico.com for videos, his free online Bible schoolarticlesbooks and further information.

DISCLAIMER: this article is not intended to replace the advice of a medical professional.  Always consult your GP before stopping any medication.

© 2013 Dr. Stuart Pattico. All rights reserved. No duplication permitted without permission from the author.

Manifestations – What do they mean?

By Kathie Walters

The Holy Spirit always wants to demonstrate what God says. “God confirmed the word with signs following” and in Hebrews chapter 2 it says, “How shall we escape if we neglect such a great salvation – which at first began to be spoken by the Lord and was confirmed unto us by them that heard Him. God ALSO BEARING THEM WITNESS both with signs and wonders and divers miracles and gifts of the Holy Spirit … according to His own will.” Well we know for sure that God wants to do signs and wonders and confirm His own word because it just said so.

I don’t know why some Christians think is it so spiritual to say, “I don’t need signs and wonders.” Well Jesus actually relied on signs and wonders and manifestations. He went out of the way to make sure the Holy Spirit had an opportunity to demonstrate the words He spoke. Jesus said “I am the bread of Life” and fed the 5000. He said “I am the resurrection and the life” and He raised the dead. He said “I am the light of the world” and He opened the eyes of the blind. God always wants to do what He says The Apostle Paul said. “I came not to you in word only but in demonstration of the Spirit and in power (1 Thess).

So God talks to us through in different ways. He talks through the Bible which contains the word of God. He talks to us through the Holy Spirit who brings us life. The Bible was quite dead to me until the Holy Spirit showed up and made it come alive. Then the Holy Spirit started to speak through preachers, and prophets. Remember when Jesus was answering Satan? He said, “Man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.” (Matt 4:4) you don’t just take any scripture and use it – you have to discern what God is saying to you NOW – TODAY. The proceeding word, the word or scripture that is coming to you now, today.

That is why signs and wonders are important… They are a part of what God does and says and we should pay attention to the manifestations of the Holy Spirit because GOD IS TALKING TO YOU.

Years ago well-meaning churches would preach the gospel message of salvation every Sunday night – even through the congregation of 50 had been saved for 20 years at least. While it was in the Bible it wasn’t the proceeding word to those people. They didn’t stop to listen to what God was saying today. That would have moved them to the next place God had for them. Instead they stayed where they were and “froze” in time.

When God is moving by His Spirit it is in order to demonstrate something or tell you something. The signs and wonders are not meant to entertain us although I must say it can be very entertaining… But we should take note and listen. Many people are smelling the different Aromas in the meetings (and out of the meetings). Each aroma is God speaking to you. I have a great book called “The Spiritual meaning of Aromas, flowers, trees and colors.” Many people have dreams and visions of different flowers, trees, colors etc. – but in all those things GOD IS TALKING. For dream and vision interpretation get a copy of THE DIVINITY CODE…

For example – aroma of strawberries means friendship with God. Apples – The Beloved’s breath smells like sweet apples, Jesus is breathing on you. Peppermint – refreshing and so on. They are in my book.

Signs… If you preach healing – the Holy Spirit will heal people because He will confirm the Word. Sometimes the anointing comes on someone and God uses them for a sign to say something.

One time when my husband David, was ministering in Florida the Holy Spirit was moving on people at the end of the meeting. One man was on the floor unable to move for a long time. He kept trying to get up – you have probably seen the same thing. I saw an angel sitting on the man’s chest. I said to him, “God won’t let you up until you listen to what He says.” After a while he did listen and then the angel got up and then he got up- a bit shaken. He told me later that he thought the power of his mind was as strong as the power of God Well I don’t think he thought that again.

In the same meeting a lady started running backwards. She ran backwards round the church. Then she ran backwards out of the door and across the parking lot. The elders very wisely decided to wait on God the next morning to find out what He was saying. God spoke to them and said, “You are not going forward in this move until you go back for the children.” The church had David come and bring all the children and youth into the revival and into the anointing. Then the whole church moved on in the move of the Spirit.

I got up to speak at a church a while ago… When I opened my mouth to speak it was as if my lips were glued together. I was not able to open my mouth. The Lord spoke to me and said, “My Lips are sealed.” We waited but then someone jumped up and took an offering so we didn’t wait to see what the Lord said by not speaking.

Sometimes when I am preaching my arm or hand or gets stuck – I have to wait until we “get it” before we can move on in the meeting. Tonight while I was speaking in the Gold Coast, Australia my left hand got “stuck.” My arm was slightly raised and my hand as turned downwards. It stayed like that for a couple of minutes while we waited to see what it was all about. Then my hand felt like it was resting on the head of small boy’s head, I could feel his hair under my hand I remember how Jesus blessed the children. In the original translation it means He laid hands on them to anoint them. The children are anointed too – they have the same Holy Spirit as any adult. Read some of my husband, David's material on my website. He has little kids praying for the sick and sees miracles happen all the time.

A pastor friend of mine in the Midwest once got frozen in the spirit in the front of a Dennys restaurant. She was putting her wallet back in her purse and the Holy Spirit came on her she got frozen with her hands half way in her purse. From past experience I know that can be 5 min or 5 hours so I stood by and waited. People came out of the restaurant to pay their bill and saw her. They asked me what she was doing and I told them she was talking to God. Well my friend stayed like that for 55 min and by that time a little crowd had gathered by the seat at the front of Denny’s restaurant. Eventually the anointing lifted and she “came back” so to speak. She noticed the crowd ( about 15 people by then_) I told her they had been there for 55 minutes so she went over and started ministering to them, She got a couple of people healed, and some saved and she prophesied over a few. She became a sign that made them sit there for an hour and wonder. So sometimes YOU get to be the sign and wonder. But God is talking! Listen and watch – don’t let things pass you by. God doesn’t always “speak” to speak. He speaks through signs and wonders and various gifts of the Holy Spirit.


Kathie and David Walters

Jesus Loves Fish

This word isn’t for deep theologians unless you are ready to be stretched by its simplicity. I’ve always read my bible trying to extract the deep spiritual meanings of contents but it’s so rare that I read it with simplicity. I believe that a balanced way of reading the bible is to behold it in a deep & a simple way at the same time. Some things in the life of Jesus are really simple that doesn’t require a deep super spiritual interpretation but though it’s simple, it’s also deep because it reveals something about him.

I’ve never dreamed of writing such a word but you know lots of unexpected things happen with you when you hang out with Holy Spirit. I call it a creative prophetic word, and this creativity proceeds from God. Not a long time ago I was praying to know God in details because he knows me in details, I want to know his likes and his dislikes and there’s no one better than God to introduce God to you. It was funny when Holy Spirit told me: “Jesus Loves Fish”. After hearing that, my first response was to make this statement spiritual but in vain, because it is simple, Jesus Loves Fish and enough. Now after hearing this, I read all the scriptures concerning Jesus & Fish and boy, it was there all the time. Jesus indeed loves fish; I mean he really loves fish.

Paparazzi Camera

Let’s follow Jesus through the scriptures to catch him practicing his hobby of Fish and take him by surprise. Jesus was known by many things: his mercy, his healings, his deliverances, his prophetic words, his authority, his teachings, his love for people, his great miracles, his walking on water, his multiplications of bread & fish, his prayer life, and many other radical things … but do you know Jesus in the simple things he loves to do? Like loving fish for example?

1- Jesus multiplied Fish many times to feed people (Mathew 14, 15)
2- Jesus multiplied Fish for Peter’s business (Luke 5)
3- Jesus likened his disciples to be fishers of men (Mathew 4:19)
4- Fish Love Jesus, Wherever Jesus is Fish follow him. (John 21)
5- Jesus knows where Fish are exactly! (John 21:6)
6- Jesus provided his & Peter’s taxes out of a Fish (Mathew 17:27)
7- John the beloved knew Jesus after his resurrection by the abundance of Fish (John 21:7)
8- Jesus prepared a nice meal of Fish & Bread for breakfast to his disciples after his resurrection (John 21:9)
9- Jesus counted the Fish; I mean it really takes time to count 153 BIG Fish. He loves numbering it (John 21:11)
10- Jesus told parables using Fish to illustrate his ideas (Mathew 7)
11- Now, this is so funny. After his resurrection, Jesus appeared to his disciples and while they didn’t believe it, he asked them: “Do you have anything to eat?” … what do you think they gave him to eat? Of course, FISH, after all these years they have learned that their master loves Fish. Jesus took it and ate it in their presence, I think by this he proved to them he was Jesus! Now, they believe! (Luke 24) … His sudden apparition didn’t convince them, but eating fish did! Sometimes it takes simple things to make you believe.

Jesus loves you more than Fish

This simple truth of knowing that Jesus loves Fish can lead us into deeper truths about him. I am sure you know that Jesus loves you more than Fish. Jesus’ love isn’t like human love. We love things in a selfish way, sometimes we mess others in the name of Love. A man ruins a girl by committing adultery to her and titles this LOVE. Jesus’ Love is pure, perfect and not self-centered, it always bless & edify others! (1 Corinthians 13). What does Jesus do with the things he loves? His love for Fish & what he did with Fish is nothing compared to what he will do with you & for you, for his Love to you is far greater than his love for Fish:

1- Jesus will feed you the things he loves
2- Jesus will multiply the things you love according to his will
3- Jesus will make you the way he wants you to be
4- Wherever Jesus is, there you are
5- Jesus knows where you are exactly
6- Jesus hid you & hid treasures in you that he will draw out from you in time
7- Jesus reveals himself to you by the things he loves
8- Jesus will serve you the things he loves, He gives you his Glory
9- Jesus didn’t only number your hair, but you count to him
10- Jesus will make your lifetime story a great inspiration to many
11- Jesus will only be satisfied by the things he loves, he will ask you for fruit

2000 years passed & I still love Fish, now you know what to do when you invite me for dinner!

Glory to God
Tony Francis