The Gift of Prophecy
The best way I can present to you a clear explanation of the “Gift of Prophecy” is by what I am doing right now. I am writing this word to you under divine inspiration. I am writing this by the Holy Spirit! I trust him with every word I am birthing here for you. So what is the gift of prophecy?
According to Strong’s concordance, it is to utter forth, declare, a thing which can only be known by divine revelation, AND read this beautiful one, to prophesy is to break forth under sudden impulse in lofty discourse or praise of the divine counsels. When I read that I felt my heart leaping with glorious joy and excitement. That “SUDDEN IMPULSE” is key here because God’s kicking thoughts feel like that, also the demonic realm and your own desires too! So how do you discern your “Sudden Impulse” prophetic words are from the Holy Spirit and not from another realm? I am glad you asked.
Well, let’s read again the definition of “Prophesy”. It is to break forth under sudden impulse in lofty discourse or praise of the divine counsels. The devil WILL NOT give you an urge or a prompting to break forth in a lofty discourse or praise of the divine counsels. Please understand my heart, I am not trying to make prophesying simple to you because it is a journey with the Holy Spirit and we walk in responsibility and the fear of the Lord in that. But at the same time, I can’t hide the plain and clear definition of the word “Prophesy”.
God is purifying the streams of our hearts continuously. As the Lord said to the Prophet Jeremiah “If you take out the precious from the vile, You shall be as My mouth” Jeremiah 15:19. This is what the word tells us to do in the new testament as well, to take what is good from a prophecy and reject the bad. We save the baby and throw the bathwater. Some individuals and denominations throw the baby/babies with the bathwater because they don’t want any mess. They are too holy or busy discerning and extracting the precious to save it. Don’t do that!
I prophesy your next level in the gift of prophecy in Jesus' mighty name. May the fire of the Lord consume the mixture in you and me and make you as gold to birth forth the pure word of the Lord. Jesus is so BEAUTIFUL and we can’t deform him because we are not willing to cooperate with the Holy Spirit for a personal change and transformation. It is worth the cost!
God’s eyes are looking to and fro looking for vessels that are always ready to be purified to be more fruitful. Those willing hearts will go places in God, will do exploits in his name, and will finish their race at the pinnacle of glory.
You are this vessel and I hear you saying to the Lord, I am your maiden, do unto me according to your perfect will.
Tony Francis