You Are a Power House of Prayer

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Prayer, prayer, prayer … you've read the book, watched the sermons, taken the course, and done it all. No matter how much you invest in prayer, it remains not much compared to the huge unfathomable revelations on the power of prayer and God's continuous invite to immerse yourself. Why prayer? I believe simply because in the dynamic of praying you release faith in God which is THE requirement and surrender your will to his, where miracles happen!

I am not writing to spill an exhaustive teaching on prayer but because it is the will of the Holy Spirit in this devotion to breathe on this topic again. One of the greatest things you need to know about prayer is that it is your identity way before it is a performance or an expression. You are a royal priesthood. Jesus, Yeshua, said, “My Father's house is a house of prayer and not a den of thieves.” You are the temple of the Holy Spirit; you are a house filled with dormant incense that awakens and burns under the hot coals of your faith. “The prayer of the righteous avails much in power.” James 5:16

If a history of prayer birthed to our world the MESSIAH, our salvation, and then a 10-day prayer meeting in the upper room birthed the CHURCH, I think this should tell you and me greatly about the power of partnering with the Lord in prayer. Whether it is a one-day prayer or standing on the promises to build momentum for accumulative prayers for your bowl to tip (See Revelation 5), prayer remains the entrance of the divine to our world. Even Satanists know this, imitating God's priestly model for a black church.

It is a fresh start for all of us now; don't be distracted by many things. If you need to eliminate everything and KEEP just ONE thing, lock in prayer. I always say and live this saying, “Pray more, work less.” Why? Because when you travail in prayer, God will do the rest through you and for you. You will feel and see the hand of the Lord moving, as Kathryn Kuhlman used to say, “Drawing on the invisible supernatural power of God.” Prayer doesn't only express faith and surrender to the Lord but also humility because you are declaring before God that you need Him for everything, and then grace which is God's power is released with humility.

The Holy Spirit in you is a praying Spirit, and He has one goal and focus: connecting your spirit man with your great high priest in Heaven, Yeshua, and releasing perfect prayers through you to bring down God's perfect will, life, and blessings. I believe you are a prayer giant for His glory and the world depends on it! Amen.

Tony Francis

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