What Makes The Ministry of Intercession Powerful?

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Understanding the Heart of Intercession

Hebrews 2 provides deep insight into the ministry of intercession. It tells us that Jesus, as our High Priest, went through sufferings and temptations. Through this, He cultivated mercy and faithfulness, making Him fully qualified to intercede for us and secure our salvation.

Many people believe that intercession is simply about praying the right words, reciting scriptures, or making faith-filled declarations. While these elements are important, they are not the foundation of true intercession. The essence of intercession is not just in the words you speak but in the depth of your heart and the compassion that has been formed through suffering.

The True Foundation of Intercession

To be truly effective in intercession, you must be immersed in the principles found in Hebrews 2. Jesus endured suffering and trials, which cultivated deep mercy and faithfulness within Him. Because He went through the full spectrum of human pain, He can now empathize with us in our struggles. Scripture tells us that He was tempted in every way, yet without sin. This means we can never say to God, “You don’t understand what I’m going through.” He does understand—He has experienced it all.

Intercession is not just about having a well-crafted prayer book or unwavering faith. The primary ingredient is compassion, which is developed through personal experiences of suffering and wilderness seasons. If you want to make a significant impact through your intercession—whether for a person, a family, a city, or an entire nation—you need to prioritize the formation of your heart. Compassion must come before faith-filled prayers, declarations, and wisdom in knowing how to pray.

Does God Cause Suffering?

It’s crucial to clarify that God does not initiate pain. His original design for creation was perfect—there was no sin, suffering, or lack. Pain entered the world because humanity surrendered its authority, allowing sin and suffering to take root. However, while God does not cause pain, He can use it for His purposes. If you surrender your trials to Him, He will cultivate in you a deep sense of compassion and faithfulness, equipping you to intercede effectively for others.

The Power of Suffering in Intercession

When you endure hardship—whether it's sickness, a broken relationship, financial struggles, or the loss of a loved one—God can use those experiences to birth powerful intercession within you. This principle is evident in Scripture.

1 Corinthians 13 emphasizes that love is the greatest virtue. Even if you have faith strong enough to move mountains, it means nothing without love. True intercession is fueled by love and compassion that have been refined through personal suffering.

Consider Elijah in the New Testament. It says he was a man like us, experiencing suffering, yet he prayed fervently, and his prayers made a difference. His agony over Israel’s spiritual state propelled him into powerful intercession. Likewise, your brokenness over a soul, a nation, or any situation will drive you to pray with passion and authority.

Do You Have to Suffer to Be an Effective Intercessor?

If you are not currently going through hardship, that is a blessing! God does not desire suffering for His children. However, we live in a fallen world where everyone faces challenges at some point. If you are experiencing trials, know that God can use them to deepen your compassion and anoint you for intercession.

That said, even if you have not endured extreme suffering, you can still be a powerful intercessor. Romans 5:5 tells us that the love of God is poured into our hearts by the Holy Spirit. You can ask God to fill you with His compassion for people before you even begin to pray for them. Before seeking words for intercession, ask God how He feels about the person or situation. When you tap into God’s heart, you will pray with greater accuracy, power, and effectiveness.

Prophetic Intercession: Love and Revelation

Many times, before I prophesy over someone, I first ask God how He feels about them. When I do this, I am able to speak words that deeply touch and transform their lives. Love fuels revelation, and you cannot love without also prophesying, praying, or taking action. Faith works through love, and intercession becomes powerful when rooted in divine compassion.

If you have experienced significant pain, God is not letting it go to waste. He is using it to shape you into a powerful intercessor, a spiritual priest who will stand in the gap for others. Your pain will become a weapon against the enemy, setting captives free and bringing light into the darkest places.

I pray this message blesses you. If this resonates with you, share your thoughts and revelations in the comments. If you know someone going through hardships, share this message with them—it could give them hope and purpose in their struggles.

Taken from Tony Francis' video you can watch on his YouTube channel here. Watch Now!

God bless you
Tony Francis

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