The seasons have changed!

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By Cheryl Shepherd

This past season has been a whirlwind of ups and downs, wrongs and rights, perhaps a search for a deeper meaning or just prayers for the strength to hold on and navigate the stormy waters! 

Through all of the confusion of this past season, I won’t pretend to understand the purpose or meaning of it all,  but what has become clear is the many things that seem to have overshadowed the former peace and security we once enjoyed as a nation. 

As we grasp for understanding of the meaning behind it all,  I can’t help but feel the heavy weight of the shadow of darkness that has permeated our society.  A darkness that no one has escaped and has touched everyone on some level. 

I woke up this morning with a strong message to SAY GOODBYE!

Say goodbye to the past in preparation of a new and better tomorrow! Better, not in that it will be perfect or the same as the past but in preparation for what lies ahead! 

To everything there is a season and any attempt to hold onto summer in an effort to prevent the fall from coming is futile. I know because I’ve tried! 

Fall has come and there is no way to turn back time and go back to the fun and frivolousness of summer. But with the changing of the new season brings new experiences, new growth and a strength that can only come from completely letting go. Moving into and embracing the change instead of trying to hold onto the previous season is key to the fulfillment of our new journey. 

My husband and I were driving around a curvy narrow lake road when we came upon a baby doe wobbly on his feet, he must have been new born with his beautiful white spots reminding me of the stories of Bambi I loved as a child.  

It became disturbingly apparent that this little guy had no where to go as our car moved quickly toward him. There was only a tall fence between him and the car, and we knew he could never jump that high with his wobbly new legs. 

As we braced for the inevitable impact, my husband and I were in utter shock when we saw him go under the fence through a very small opening, no doubt I thought, called by his wise mother on the other side. 

We each have our own individual path. You may feel like during this season yours has come to an abrupt stop or you have hit a proverbial wall,  however I encourage you to look a bit further beyond this barrier…Is it impenetrable? 

I promise you, whatever barrier has been put before you, your Heavenly father has made a way through, around, below or above and He is calling you to follow His voice! Are you listening? 

Sometimes his voice is hard to hear through all of the chaos and confusion surrounding us, but he promises to guide you through his Holy Spirit if you just take time to listen. 

Quiet yourself and prepare for your new season! … Be still and know that I am God! Ps 143:8

It is with this that I say my final goodbye to this season. 

I embrace the inevitable change that the new season brings with it! 

I release and reject the soul wounds, strongholds and generational curses used by the enemy to keep me from moving forward in the assignment that has been given to me. 

I decree and declare God’s promise over everyone who reads this! 

My prayer for you is that you will join me in this “Goodbye Proclamation” and stand in unity together against the enemy’s plan to have ANY dominion in this new season!

Thus says the Lord, who makes a way in the sea and a path through the mighty waters, Who brings forth the chariot and horse, the army and the power. They shall lie down together, they shall not rise; They are extinguished, they are quenched like a wick.

Do not remember the former things,

Nor consider the things of old.

Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert. 

For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it? I will make a pathway through the wilderness. I will create rivers in the dry wasteland. NLT

[Isa 43:15-19]

Let’s move into this new season without fear, sadness, regret or remorse but with an acceptance of what was, a complete faith in the deliverance and release of any barriers keeping us from moving forward, and an excited anticipation of a new hope for what is to come!

May God richly bless you and your loved ones in this NEW Season! 

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