The Baptism of the Holy Spirit. What it is and Why You Need it?

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Although all Christians are indwelt and sealed by the Holy Spirit at the time we were saved, (Ephesians 1:13) not all Christians are “filled,” or “baptized” with the Holy Spirit. I'm not speaking about water baptism here, so let me explain. There's a big difference in knowing Jesus Christ as your Savior so you can have the assurance of heaven one day, and yielding to Him as LORD in order to receive His power. God is looking for our “total surrender,” to His will and when we ask Christ to be our LORD as well as Savior, we are saying we want to yield completely to Him, which is His desire and will for our lives. (Romans 12:1)

When we confess and renounce all known sin and ask the Lord to fill us with His Holy Spirit, we can then experience His power to successfully live the Christian life. This is what's missing in the life of many believers today, His power, being filled with His Spirit. This will give you the strength and the ability you need to overcome all sin and bondage in your life. It will bring power, joy, and peace into your soul unlike anything you have ever experienced before, and it is available for anyone who truly seeks to follow Christ.

One of the greatest revivals in modern day history was the Asuza Street Revival. (1906-1915) The Baptism of the Holy Spirit was responsible for what occurred there. It is not commonly taught in most churches, so no doubt many of you have never heard of it. I know I hadn't, but when someone shared it with me many years ago, it was a game changer.

So, how do you become “filled” with the Holy Spirit? When you make Jesus Christ your LORD and are willing to “totally surrender” to His will. It is the very reason God created you in the first place, to know Him intimately and be filled with His Spirit. If you have been struggling in your Christian walk, if you lack peace and joy in your life, I encourage you to get alone with God, repent of your “self effort” of trying to live the Christian life, and ask Him to “fill” you with His Holy Spirit. His only requirement? To have a sincere heart and a willingness to follow Christ.

Here is a sample prayer that you can pray: Lord I come to you today seeking to know you better. I thank you for Jesus and that you have given me your Holy Spirit when I was first saved, but now I want to be filled with your Spirit so I may experience your power in my life. I realize I cannot live a Christian life on my own and I need your help. I repent and renounce all my sin to you and I want to make you my Lord, as well as my Savior. Please fill me with your Holy Spirit right now and give me the power I need to follow and obey you. Provide me with your peace and joy and make me the person you created me to be. In Jesus name, amen.

“But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you.” (Acts 1:8)

Jeff Allen

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