Tag Archive for: secrets

Speak with Confidence, Lead with Love: How Jesus Modeled Prophetic Ministry!

Jesus Christ, the author and finisher of our faith, demonstrated what it means to walk in the Spirit. Today, let’s explore how to prophesy like Jesus and learn from His example!

Recently, I shared the Word of the Lord for the Church, drawing insights from Luke chapter 19. Here, we find a profound exchange between Jesus, our Rabbi, and His disciples, revealing His unique approach to prophecy and words of knowledge. Are you eager to grow in the prophetic and be used by the Lord?

Here’s the story:

“After Jesus had said this, he went on ahead, going up to Jerusalem. As he approached Bethphage and Bethany at the hill called the Mount of Olives, he sent two of his disciples, saying to them, ‘Go to the village ahead of you, and as you enter it, you will find a colt tied there, which no one has ever ridden. Untie it and bring it here. If anyone asks you, ‘Why are you untying it?’ say, ‘The Lord needs it.’' Those who were sent ahead went and found it just as he had told them. As they were untying the colt, its owners asked them, ‘Why are you untying the colt?' They replied, ‘The Lord needs it.' They brought it to Jesus, threw their cloaks on the colt, and put Jesus on it.” (Luke 19:28-35)

In this passage, Jesus prophesies with great detail, telling His disciples they would find a colt that had never been ridden. His words are bold, accurate, and carry divine authority. Notice that Jesus doesn’t waver or couch His statement with “I think” or “I feel.” He speaks with the full assurance of faith, setting an example for us in prophetic boldness. When we’re in the Spirit, we may experience moments of such assurance where we just know what to declare—and we say it confidently.

Jesus was well aware of the scriptural prophecy that He would enter Jerusalem on a colt, fulfilling His Father’s will. But beyond this knowledge, He discerns the precise timing and place, giving details only the Spirit could reveal. When the Holy Spirit moves us to declare something, it’s crucial to speak with clarity, neither watering down the message nor adding unnecessary embellishments. God is glorified not just by what we say, but by how we say it. Many times in my ministry, I’ve experienced this same Spirit-led certainty, where I knew with boldness that the Holy Spirit was speaking.

In a shift within the passage, Jesus models what I call “prophetic interactivity.” He instructs His disciples to say, “If anyone asks you, ‘Why are you untying it?’ say, ‘The Lord needs it.’” Jesus, knowing full well the owner would ask, could have said, “When they ask you…” Instead, He uses “if anyone asks.” Why? Because Jesus respects human free will, even in prophetic scenarios.

This subtle distinction teaches us something important about the prophetic: it respects people’s freedom to respond. Jesus declared with authority that the disciples would find a colt. However, when it came to the owner’s interaction, He instructed them with wisdom, leaving room for the owner’s decision. Even though Jesus likely knew the owner would agree, He didn’t override free will, emphasizing that the prophetic should be respectful and not impose on someone’s conviction.

But how can we be sure Jesus knew the owner would agree? Consider His instructions—He tells His disciples to untie the colt upon entering the village, implying confidence that permission would be granted. Yet, He still guides them to respond conditionally, saying, “If anyone asks…” Jesus, while confident in the outcome, leaves space for respectful engagement.

Incredible, right? Now, take these principles and apply them. Let’s walk in prophetic wisdom, boldness, and respect for free will, just as Jesus did.

God bless you
Tony Francis

Activating Abundance Now Through This Creative Technique – “Fatherhood”

I want to let you in on another personal creative writing from my “Abundance Journal” and the blessing topic was about being transformed into Fatherhood.

If you've spent time around me and the ministry, you're likely aware that I'm a man of activation. I enjoy empowering others to realize their God-given potential, particularly in the prophetic realm. I've always been a practical believer in my walk with the Lord. I seek to understand spiritual concepts and experience my inheritance in Christ in practical, tangible ways. God delights in us when we embrace what His only begotten Son sacrificed for.

One of the activation techniques I've adopted is what I call “My Abundance Journal.” I select a blessing topic and creatively write about it. I'll share my process and encourage you to engage in it during your private time. Essentially, this journaling exercise involves journeying with the Holy Spirit to amplify your blessings in your imagination, stretching your mindset to its maximum capacity, much like physical exercise builds muscles. The excerpt you're about to read touches on one of the many topics I've explored: My fatherhood transformation!

God is boundless! We're born into a culture of limitations, scarcity, and poverty mentality. Your feet won't take you where your mind hasn't already visited before.

In this activation, the key is to break down mental barriers and expand your beliefs through creative writing and imagination. While it might be challenging for some, it promises great blessings. Understand that this creative writing exercise is meant to stretch your mindset and perspective; it's not necessarily a prophecy that will come to pass. Approach it with a spirit of enjoyment and fun, and remember, as much as you exaggerate, you'll never surpass God's abundance and goodness for us. We may fall short, but we can still attempt to scratch the surface! Stretching your borders, start by stretching your mindset and belief system, let's activate…

Below is not a vision or a prophecy, it is a creative writing with the Holy Spirit to unlock abundance in a certain area of a blessing!

Immersed in Infinite Fatherhood:

Not a long time ago, I came back home and to my surprise, I found a very strange-looking key resting on my sofa in the living room. It is not my key, I said. For some moments I tried to think hard if somebody visited me recently and left the key there. No one, none! For months now I had no visitations. That made the moment so weird and odd to me and a little bit frightening.

I approached to behold the key closely, it was so surprising to me, I don’t think there is a key like it on earth in form and power that is emanating from. That key was in the form of the letter F. I can’t describe to you the amount of power, security, dominion, love, and joy emanating from that F-form letter key. Do I grab it? I thought to myself. I was hesitant not because of fear but because somehow, I knew I would journey into something big through that key.

Then I reached out suddenly and quickly without thinking anymore because I didn’t want to waste any more time. I want to step into this!

THE key visited my house for a reason. Boldness came over me and I grabbed it in both hands. I wanted it. What is this key all about? Where is the door anyway for this key? Who would provide a supernatural key to me without the door? As I overwhelmed myself with all those reasonable thoughts because of my desperation to use the key, suddenly an Angel appeared to me in the room and in the middle of his stomach I saw an opening for the F key I was holding in my hands. The Angel said nothing, I just knew that I could insert my key into the Angel. I knew that because I saw in my imagination that I was approaching the Angel and doing this. This is how I know what to do!

I am a tough man, strong, bold, manly inside and in my appearance but my heart was beating as I was approaching this opportunity.

I stretched my hand to put the key inside and at some point, the energy hovering on the opening attracted the key and sucked it in. Instantly, I saw myself in a big womb then I realized it was not a womb but a BOSOM!

A huge, gigantic bosom. I felt like I was sitting in an unlimited energy field of strength, affirmations, love, correction, intimacy, and creativity. For a reason, I wasn’t consumed by that bosom. As humans, we put words to our experiences, so that bosom for me felt like FATHER’s lap but infinitely multiplied. I could stay here all day, not all day, but forever! It became my chair of comfort!

The longer I sat in the Father’s bosom, the longer I was filled with its substance and then I started seeing the faces of people that I didn’t know but I felt they were all my children and I am responsible for them.

What? I am 38, not married, and don’t know what fatherhood means, what is going on?

That F key was FATHERHOOD's presence. When I began to understand FATHERHOOD and that blessed bosom, I started getting mysteries, secrets, and downloads about the universe and everything about it. FATHERHOOD originates everything!

Then I felt like a huge thunderous sound wave was coming toward me like a train. We hear the train coming from afar! That sound felt like that… and BOOM it hit my core.

I thought I was going to hear a sentence in my language, but it was more an energy language that filled my being and I heard it and understood it as much as I could. I was empowered at that moment to manifest FATHERHOOD energy and heart.

I was never the same, everything changed in me even in my physical appearance. OMG!

Fatherhood looks like something.

Super Dad
Tony Francis

Let me know in the comments below your opinion about this activation and if you have tried it. Also, I want you to watch my new 1-hour video course “As you go up, glory comes down”: Learn more

Prophetic Word For Year 5784/2024: Kingdom Era & Gates of Glory

Three years ago we stepped into a whole new decade on God’s calendar when we entered the biblical year 5780. 80 According to messianic Jews and some Christian gentiles who study the times and seasons say it refers to the word PEY which means THE MOUTH. We all know and experienced the huge worldwide attacks on our mouths and breaths when COVID-19 hit in 2020/5780.

I tell you the truth, the devil's war is always against the Church of Jesus Christ on the earth and he is not very much concerned about others who are not in Christ and have no authority over him. The Church of Yeshua threatens the devil so badly and he has no problem shutting down the whole earth if he can just to try to annihilate the Church in every season of power and glory. Let's remember that wicked laws for a whole nation were erected just to resist one person in the Old Testament and that was the prophet Daniel. What about Elisha the prophet when a whole ferocious well-equipped army strategized against him to come his way, arrest him, and kill him because he kept exposing their secrets and war tactics to the King of Israel? Don't be surprised my brothers and sisters when I tell you that, let's know our bible really well and our defeated foe we are resisting in the name of the Lord.

PEY, the mouth should mean a lot to the enemy that we saw him paralyzing all nations for the sake of it. Why? Why all that attack over the mouth, the words of authority, the breath of God in the Church, the sons and daughters of glory? Not only do we see the enemy trying to shut our mouths literally with masks but also we see the rise of oppression and persecution over the Christian voices in media especially and all kinds of other platforms. We also see the overwhelming release of demonic voices in the form of agendas, activities, and movies on big famous media altars. What's going on? It is surely a war, a huge war against the VOICE in the earth. Who will own the voice of dominion? The Light or darkness?

In 2023, the Lord gave me a huge weighty prophetic word that was confirmed by highly esteemed prophetic and apostolic voices in the body of Christ. As soon as I released that prophetic word, the next day and in hours, I saw the confirmations and I was amazed at how God confirms his word when he wants to establish it.

I am not going to paste the prophetic word of 2023/5783 here, I will refer it to you if you want to read it again because it is powerful and it is not the end of it BECAUSE we build on those words, from glory to glory. You can click here to read it!

I can tell you one thing only about that word: God works in cycles and I have discovered that things shift when it is 3 (3 months, 3 years, etc.). In 2023, Three years after 2020, the Lord gave this word to us:

“As I watched, this horn was waging war against the holy people and defeating them, until the Ancient of Days came and pronounced judgment in favor of the holy people of the Most High, and the time came when they possessed the kingdom.” Daniel 7:21-22 (Read full word here)

The word of the Lord for 2023 was that God is moving us from the Church age to the Kingdom age where his people will be like Joseph in high secular places. Also, it was the year when the Ancient of Days started rising and pronouncing judgment in favor of the holy people of the Most High, and the time came when they possessed the Kingdom.

September 15th, 2023 we step into a whole new biblical year in the Lord 5784. We are still in the decade of the 80s (PEY, MOUTH, BREATH, VOICE) and we still have 6 years to wrap the PEY decade. But I believe that something shifted in 2023/5783 after 3 years cycle of heavy warfare the earth didn't see before on that scale and I believe from now on we will see Daniel 7:21-22 coming to pass more and more in Jesus' name. It is the day for the new wine!

What is the Holy Spirit saying about the biblical year 5784/2024? 

First of all, I want you to know what I am going to share with you here comes from the Holy Spirit who led me to research some things closely and heard from him directly without further knowledge of Hebrew mysteries. Following the Holy Spirit is marvelous and amazing to me and you will know why as you continue reading!

Remember we are building on the prophetic word of 2023/5783, so let's keep the context strong and together. Many prophets said that Psalm 23 was for the year 2023/5783 and I also got my own personal witness and conviction from the Lord about it. Actually, I wrote a whole book (that I was not planning but God has it in mind) and it is based on Psalm 23 “My Cup Overflows” – A devotional, prayers, and decrees for your increase! When we stepped in January 2023, the Holy Spirit mandated me to write it, and I did it by his grace and released it in a week, yep It was supernaturally made, praise God! It is God's heart for his people to be prepared for increase and the inspired chapters given to me by the Holy Spirit deal with specific areas of life to help us experience the GOD increase in them. (You can learn more about it here)

Now, after mentioning all this I can share with you what I believe the Holy Spirit is revealing to us about 5784/2024 because God is all about anointing us to know times and seasons to align with him, be aware and watchful, and advance his purposes in his light!

Holy Spirit told me to research the Hebrew pictogram of the number 4 in 5784, and that is the letter dalet which means “DOOR, ENTRANCE”. When I got to know the meaning of it, I felt the Holy Spirit reminding me of PSALM 24, which I was just reading last night. Isn't it awesome how God orchestrates things and prepares them for us ahead of time? Halleluiah.

Let's read Psalm 24:

“The earth is the Lord's, and all its fullness, The world and those who dwell therein. For He has founded it upon the seas, And established it upon the waters. Who may ascend into the hill of the Lord? Or who may stand in His holy place? He who has clean hands and a pure heart, Who has not lifted up his soul to an idol, Nor sworn deceitfully. He shall receive blessing from the Lord, And righteousness from the God of his salvation. This is Jacob, the generation of those who seek Him, Who seek Your face. Lift up your heads, O you gates! And be lifted up, you everlasting doors! And the King of glory shall come in. Who is this King of glory? The Lord strong and mighty, The Lord mighty in battle. Lift up your heads, O you gates! Lift up, you everlasting doors! And the King of glory shall come in. Who is this King of glory? The Lord of hosts, He is the King of glory. Selah.” NKJV

Yes, you saw correctly the word gate/door mentioned many times in Psalm 24. How did the gate lift up and open for the King of Glory to come in? Through the VOICE command. The PEY, the mouth, and voice declarations, the decade of 80. Hey, It gets better! The Holy Spirit then told me to sum the total of 5784 (5+7+8+4) and to my amazement, it is the number 24. God first told me about Psalm 24 in my heart after knowing that 4 means a DOOR/ENTRANCE and then he told me to sum 5784 which is 24. I don't know about you but Holy Spirit to me is addictive!

While I was doing some research I read this: “Messianic scholars believe that these symbolic meanings of the number 4 are relevant to the messianic age. They believe that the number 4 will play a role in the events that lead up to the coming of the Messiah and the establishment of his kingdom.” Also, dalet is linked to a meaningful name of God which is “The True Judge”. Do you remember the word for 2023? The Ancient of Days judging for the saints and overturning laws and empowering them to move from Church to Kingdom in the world and the marketplace? We will see this happening in 5784, in the 4 corners of the earth, a worldwide revival in Jesus' name.

I believe God will place his people in high places using their COMMANDING VOICE (Psalm 24) to open the gates for the Kingdom of the Lord Jesus Christ to be established on the earth. Like every other prophetic promise we receive, we need to battle for it! “There is a wide-open door for a great work here, although many oppose me.” 1 Corinthians 16:9

If this is not an exciting day for the Church to be alive, I don't know what else is exciting!

Lord make us part of your GREAT move in Jesus' mighty name. Amen!

Get ready folks and share the good news.

Happy New Year and blessed Rosh Hashanah to you!

Tony Francis

If this blesses you and minister to you, consider sowing your seed where you are fed. Click here to make a donation of any amount you feel led to give!

Also, you can request a personal prophetic word that covers this new year 5784/2024. Request “The Year Prophetic Word” by Email or WhatsApp. Click here.

Authority and protection [Audio]

In this episode, you will learn secrets to advance the kingdom of God powerfully. Are you ready? #authority #protection #psalm91 #kingdomauthority

Related Resources For Your Growth:

– Derek Prince’s book “They Shall Expel Demons”. You can get it here: https://amzn.to/3KzGlCs

– Kenneth Hagin’s Book “The Believer’s Authority”. You can get it here: https://amzn.to/3tLtdUP

Let me know in the comment section below how this now prophetic word has blessed you, to pray and agree with you in Jesus' name.

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The Narrow Gate

Years ago, when I was new in the faith, I was just born again, the Lord connected me with a blessed spiritual prophetess from another country. She became my everything, like a newborn to his mother. Every night I log into the internet waiting for her to come online to speak to my life, mentor me, pray and prophesy for me. Faithfully, Kris, that sweet lady, would come online every night just for ME. I know the importance of being mothered because of her and another sweet sister too.

I was and still am like a baby bird with a wide-open mouth because of my hunger waiting to be fed in the Lord. Kris taught me great and wonderful secrets, revelations, mysteries, the word of God, and the ways of the Holy Spirit. Not only did she teach me, but she trained me to walk in the supernatural.

I already was open to the supernatural because before Christ I went after the new age, so I was ready! I loved those moments of praying and prophesying at the end of each chat night with Kris. I would wait on the edge of my seat waiting for Kris to start manifesting the Holy Spirit and my faith would rise when I hear her saying whoo haa ohhh hmmm, because I knew she was about to prophesy to me and then graciously she would allow me to prophesy over her and after a while, she knew I was graced in the prophetic. I treasure those sacred moments; Jesus was taking care of me. It was about him; he was behind all that. I am forever thankful for his loving kindness, halleluiah.

One day, I opened my email to find out Kris has sent me an attached word document with a VERY long prophetic word. I was so happy, excited, and thrilled because it was a generous banquet. I knew it was going to be a weighty email and a life-changing one! Today I don’t remember her prophetic words in that email, the only thing I remember was the last sentence of her last paragraph. Kris told me by the Spirit of the Lord: Tony, you are called to humility! Those words witnessed greatly in my spirit, defined me, and stayed with me till this very day and will continue to.

I knew later that everything I went through in my life was because of the opposite of the spirit of humility. In spiritual warfare, if you are aiming for a real breakthrough, the root of the attack and the landing strip must be revealed. Jesus is your light AND salvation, he will reveal to you and save you!

I tell you today what the Holy Spirit spoke to my heart years ago through mama Kris: “You are called to HUMILITY.”

Tony Francis

Prophetic Word for the month of MAY/IYAR 2022

Welcome to May/Iyar 2022. As I positioned myself to hear from the Holy Spirit about his will and intentions, stored blessings and assignments for us in this month, this is what I feel sharing with you in the glorious name of Jesus Christ, who is the King over time and each month of the year. I want you to know that in Christ, time is your servant; it works for you now and not against you. Time is a blessing! God hides his blessings in time, feasts, and seasons, and it all points to him because, for lovers, an appointment is for dating and meeting. It is not about the appointment itself.

In May/Iyar, I sense God is about to give a mass deliverance from demonic oppression and attacks. Not just one or two or three but groups of people will be visited by the freeing presence of the Lord.

Many will be delivered from the oppression of the spirit of witchcraft and control. You will even feel free from worldly systems! Halleluiah.

The world’s system is to serve you and not to put you in bondage and total dependence on it. God is your source and in him your ultimate trust. Many were afraid of leaving their jobs even though Holy Spirit blessed them to make this move and you will be graced and able to do it because you will be free from the controlling spirit of witchcraft that the systems invoked on you as it did on many by telling them through many ways, YOU CAN’T MAKE IT WITHOUT US. (LIARS)

Receive this amazing freedom that the Lord Jesus Christ is releasing, attract it by faith, embrace it, and thank him for it!

You are made for divine freedom and everything that is lesser is not your portion and is a low life.

In this month of May/Iyar 2022, you are BLESSED with FREEDOM in Jesus' mighty name.

Tony Francis

If you want to sow for your financial freedom, you can give by clicking on the button below. I'm believing for you!

A couple of days ago, we had an amazing 2 hours and 20 minutes prophetic Zoom call where I shared with many about the secrets of time, my experience with God's calendar, the word of the Lord in the month of May 2022 about the world events, Q&A, prophetic words to those who have their birthday in May and activation at the end on how to hear from the Holy Spirit for this month. It was awesome and powerful and I give Jesus all the glory. You can get to watch the replay here by video or audio:


A Real Prophet: The Great Rewards of Welcoming Prophets & the Prophetic Today AUDIOBOOK

Are you called to the prophetic ministry? Do you love hearing the voice of God? God wants to use you! With your family, friends, the lost ones, and the Church. I can relate to you! Discover in my audiobook “A Real prophet”: The importance of a prophetic vessel, the great blessings of the prophetic anointing, how to walk in the supernatural, the devil's secrets against it, how to prepare & grow in your calling.

A Real Prophet: The Great Rewards of Welcoming Prophets & the Prophetic Today eBook

Are you called to the prophetic ministry? Do you love hearing the voice of God? God wants to use you! With your family, friends, the lost ones, and the Church. I can relate to you! Discover in my Book “A Real prophet”: The importance of a prophetic vessel, the great blessings of the prophetic anointing, how to walk in the supernatural, the devil's secrets against it, how to prepare & grow in your calling.

How to Read the Word of God?

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” John 1:1 

I am not a theologian to help you read the word of God. It is always amazing to consult professionals who put so much effort into studying a matter. Theologians do an effort to research and study the word of God and are of great help to us. But also experience is a very good master that helps you extract some guidelines and methods. 

“In the beginning was the Word”, the opening verse is simple yet deep. The word of God teaches us about the Word of God and how to do life with him. We see the importance of the word of God with the word “in the beginning”. God wants to show us what’s most important in the world. Reading the word of God starts by realizing that it is the beginning of the world and our world. Nothing happens without it, I mean nothing good happens without it. “Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.” Hebrews 11:3

“and the Word was with God”, the second person of the Trinity is in a relationship with the first person of the Trinity. The Word was WITH God! We understand here the psychology of the Word, the second person of the Trinity. Jesus loves relationships! The best way to read the word of God is in the context of a relationship with him. Are you in a consistent relationship with the Lord? Do you read God’s word because you are one with him or for other use? What is the motive force behind your reading? You can read it as a historian, or a doctor, someone looking for truth, someone who needs to be saved, maybe someone who needs a good promise? It is all good. But the best way is to be WITH him as he is WITH God. Jesus, the Word of God, opens up in the safety of a covenant relationship with you. Only a friend can entrust you with his deepest secrets, only a father can extend you an inheritance, etc. “No longer do I call you slaves, for the slave does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, because all things that I have heard from My Father I have made known to you.” John 15:15

“and the Word was God”, the attitude of worship, reverence, and submission are key to read and unlock the word of God. The Word was God! Approaching the word of God from this position opens up the portals of revelations over your life! “My flesh trembles in fear of you; I stand in awe of your laws.” Psalms 119:120

Acknowledging the importance, being in a relationship, and a heart of worship are some avenues that will bless the reading of the word of God in your life. Be in a good stand with the author of the bible and he will talk to you nonstop! 

Tony Francis

Creating Your Day From The Glory Realm

You are God’s utmost creation clothed with his restored authority to you in Christ. The raw truth is that God gave you dominion over the earth and his creation. Any other lesser mentality than this is not a “more than a conqueror” mindset. Humanity has regressed from a position of dominion to a slavery mindset. But there is no such thing in Christ, is Jesus full of authority and dominion to serve? Then this is who you are. You serve from dominion!

Let me do a quick MRI test to help you check if your mindset beliefs are in dominion position or not. Try to answer this question for yourself: “Do you believe that time is your servant or you are serving time?” You may tell me well we are all locked in time, it was forced on us and we can do nothing about it.

You will be amazed when you are done reading the revelations here. You will change your mind!

God created everything to serve you. Sun, moon, stars, trees, animals, etc. Read in Genesis 1 how all these serve you, including TIME. Jesus on the cross also redeemed the time by restoring to you the true revelation concerning it by giving you the Spirit of truth.

In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was formless and empty, and darkness covered the deep waters. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the surface of the waters.

Then God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. And God saw that the light was good. Then he separated the light from the darkness. God called the light “day” and the darkness “night.”

And evening passed and morning came, marking the FIRST DAY.

I was in a reverent awe when I discovered that before God released LIGHT in the universe and over the earth, there was no sense of time. What triggered the universal time clock to launch is LIGHT. God counted day 1 after he released LIGHT. The sense of time begun!

Genesis 1:14 Then God created the other LIGHTS. On day four, sun moon and stars were created. So what was the first light released on day 1 if not the sun? Are you ready? Fasten your seat belt and read this:

And the city has no need of sun or moon, for the GLORY of GOD illuminates the city, and the Lamb is its light. The nations will walk in its light, and the kings of the world will enter the city in all their glory. Revelation 21

Did you see it with me? The GLORY OF GOD illuminated the entire universe, the light of the Lamb Jesus Christ. That was the first LIGHT.

In the beginning, the Word already existed. The Word was with God, and the Word was God. He existed in the beginning with God. God created everything through him, and nothing was created except through him. The Word gave life to everything that was created, and his life brought light to everyone. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness can never extinguish it. John 1

God created everything from the glory light of Jesus. For God, time really begins when you create things with him from the glory realm. He counts with you day 1, 2, 3, etc. if you bring forth his will from this realm. If you create from the temporary realm of time and submit to it, things will not last long. But if you create from the light of his glory, things are eternal. Eternity is time nonending, but it is time. There are days and seasons in knowing God throughout eternity.

Remember God counted day 1 after releasing the light of his glory and divide it from the darkness.

You have spent your life fighting the darkness, yelling at it and trying to manage, organize and arrange chaos. No wonder why you feel exhausted! God didn’t rebuke darkness he released light and transformed what was supposed to be out of his will to become a piece of art. Are not night and day now a beautiful masterpiece? But darkness alone was terror before the light came to be!

God created sun, moon, and stars to illuminate the earth. Again he didn’t rebuke darkness he conquered it with creative things! What are the things you can create with God from the realm of his eternal time that will bring change, revolution, and art to your life and others?

Dream with God, decree it and it shall be. You are a difference! You are the light of the world.

Time, bow down to me in Jesus name! You are no more king, I am. I changed my mind.

Tony Francis
Glory to God