Tag Archive for: prophet

The Unexpected Spiritual Exposure from a Cheese Drop

You might be wondering about the title of this article and what it pertains to.

Today, I contacted a delivery service to buy some cheese for me to use in making sandwiches. I put the unopened cheese package in the fridge, planning to use it tomorrow. Later, when I went to the fridge to get something else, the cheese package fell to the floor because my sister had already opened it. I didn't expect the cheese to be consumed today, nor did I expect it to fall onto the dirty kitchen floor and be ruined.

I was angry!

In my perfectly natural and justified anger, I found myself shifting towards wrath. Pay close attention here as I explain how to discern the spirit realm. Let's call it “The Spirit Realm Made Simple!” As I mentioned, I moved from human anger to wrath, and it was a subtle, smooth transition. If you aren't sensitive to the Holy Spirit, the ways of the spirit realm, and the devices of our adversary, the devil, you might not even notice this shift. In my wrathful state, I began imagining all sorts of accusatory scenarios against the goodness of the Lord. I thought things like, “Lord, you know I prefer living alone, but you’re keeping me here with my mom and sister,” and made inner vows like, “I will never get married. I hate living with people who steal my peace and interrupt my quiet time.” These thoughts escalated to even considering quitting the ministry, which felt like a threat to God.

I asked myself, “What is this all about?” and then I asked the Holy Spirit. It was odd to be overwhelmed with such wicked and ugly thoughts. I told the Holy Spirit, “This isn’t me. It’s a privilege to serve you and your people.” I realized these thoughts were likely familiar spirits using my mind to create these negative thoughts and make me believe they were mine. I was relieved, thank God.

Here’s what happened: earlier in the day, the Holy Spirit had elevated me to new and deeper levels of power in words of knowledge and the prophetic, and I was excited about it. The devil, who spies on us—especially those in ministry—targeted me because this new level threatens him by making Jesus more real to people through my ministry. He saw me ordering cheese, possibly inspired my sister to open the package, and positioned it so that it would fall when I opened the fridge. The devil was watching my every move. When the cheese fell, my anger was a natural response. But then the devil overlapped those emotions with demonic wrath, making the transition so smooth that I didn’t notice. His schemes don’t always involve big falls after grand events; sometimes, it’s the small things that ruin the garden. Catch those little foxes!

How do you discern the spirit realm at work within you? Your mind is the battlefield. Pay attention! It’s like giving yourself an out-of-body experience to observe and process what’s happening without emotional involvement. I stopped and asked the Holy Spirit why I was in a rage instead of just angry. Why was I having such accusatory thoughts against the Lord’s goodness? Usually, you can expose the devil when your thoughts suddenly rise to accuse Jesus in a surprising, impulsive way. Or if you have nagging urges to do something terrible, like hurting someone, attempting suicide, or watching pornography, know that a demonic influence is active.

Familiar spirits can take people out and make them do their wicked will. How often have you adopted sick identities because familiar thoughts tormented you until you believed them? How many TikTokers have done dark things online because the devil kept telling them to in their thoughts, feelings, and imagination until they believed it was them?

Not every thought or feeling that comes to you is yours.

How many times have you felt depressed, oppressed, or possessed and started medicating while God was calling you to intercession, not depression? Many intercessors become mentally ill because they can't figure out that what they are sensing isn't theirs.

The cheese wasn’t wicked 🙂 but it caught the demonic rats today!

You won’t make it in life or your daily activities if you don’t grow in discernment. The spiritual realm can overwhelm you.

It’s time to learn the ways of God, man, and the devil. Stop just playing church, enjoying worship, and listening to sermonettes, and go home.

God bless you
Tony Francis

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Beyond Imagination: Faith That Sees, Constant Strategy, and Breeding Wealth!

Jacob worked for his uncle Laban for many years, taking care of his flocks (SEE Genesis 30:25-43). After a long time, Jacob wanted to return to his homeland. But before he left, he made a deal with Laban: Jacob would continue to work for him, but in return, he wanted all the speckled, spotted, and dark-colored sheep and goats as his wages. Laban agreed, thinking these types of animals were less common.

One night, God gave Jacob a dream. In the dream, Jacob saw male goats mating with the flock, and they were streaked, speckled, and spotted. Then, God spoke to Jacob, revealing that He had seen how Laban had been mistreating him. God reminded Jacob of the vow made at Bethel, where Jacob had earlier seen a vision of a ladder reaching to heaven. God promised to be with Jacob and to bless him.

Following this divine revelation, Jacob knew what he had to do. He took fresh branches from poplar, almond, and plane trees and peeled back the bark to create white stripes. He placed these striped branches in the watering troughs where the animals came to drink.

When the stronger animals came to drink and mate in front of the branches, they gave birth to young that were streaked, speckled, or spotted, just as God had shown Jacob in the dream. This strategy, combined with God's blessing, led to Jacob's great prosperity. His flocks grew rapidly with many speckled and spotted animals. He became very wealthy, with large herds of sheep and goats, many servants, and many camels and donkeys. Meanwhile, Laban’s flocks were left with fewer animals of the desired solid colors.

There is great power in what we focus on. What are you focusing on all the time? Focusing on something creates a craving that leads to action! This is more than a new-age visualization technique; it is greater because this focus includes faith, which transcends mere imagination.

Faith is God's spiritual force; it is the assurance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen. The devil wants you to focus on the forbidden tree, while God wants you to focus on His glory. There is a war for your soul, but you win it by how much you hunger and thirst for righteousness, and you WILL be satisfied.

Stop for a moment and think about this: Haven't you become who you are today because you kept contemplating certain scenarios and associating with certain groups?

Jacob's sheep were strong; they looked at and mated (fellowship) in front of those striped trees and gave birth to their kind. Are you strong in the Lord? Are you close to your vision night and day, looking into it, faithing it, and pushing it forward?

It is indeed true that you become what you continuously focus on. Those addictive TikTok videos, video clips, and Netflix movies are constantly influencing this generation and inviting them into a perverse realm, identities, and experiences by BEHOLDING.

This biblical mystery changed my life and is a great tool that I use, and I have not just changed but transformed into the great identities I desire. It has been a journey. But the most exciting thing is focusing on the glory of Jesus, which He is always inviting us into, so that we may BECOME LIKE HIM. How much do you want to be glory?

2 Corinthians 3:18 (AMP): “And we all, with unveiled face, continually seeing as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are progressively being transformed into His image from [one degree of] glory to [even more] glory, which comes from the Lord, [who is] the Spirit.”

Psalm 115:8 (AMP): “Those who make them (idols) will become like them, Everyone who trusts in them.”

Proverbs 23:7a (AMP): “For as he thinks within himself, so he is.”

God bless you
Tony Francis

Let us prophesy to you the visuals of the Lord and let that word of power transform your life: Request Personal Prophetic Word

What’s Holy Spirit Saying For June 2024? Listen!

Tony Francis, author of Healed Nations Ministries, shares a powerful prophetic word for June 2024! Are you ready to hear what the Holy Spirit has in store for you? Prepare for a life-changing message to ignite your faith and reveal God's heart for the coming month. Prepare to be inspired, challenged, and empowered as you listen to this timely word from Tony Francis. Don't miss this opportunity to align your life with the Holy Spirit's direction and experience breakthroughs in every area. Tune in now and discover the incredible possibilities that await you in June! Share this with others. “Wherever you look, BLESSINGS”.

What God is Saying To You For May 2024? Listen

If this ministry is a blessing to you and you're feeding on it, pray about sowing your best seed this month! Also, pray about joining our WhatsApp prophetic group for daily activations. Learn more!

There is Hope For Your Nation

“When Ahab saw Elijah, Ahab said to him, ‘Is this you, the cause of disaster to Israel?' He said, ‘I have not brought disaster to Israel, but you and your father’s house have, because you have abandoned the commandments of the Lord and you have followed the Baals. Now then, send orders and gather to me all Israel at Mount Carmel, together with 450 prophets of Baal and four hundred prophets of the Asherah, who eat at Jezebel’s table.'” – 1 Kings 18:17-19

Elijah proclaimed to King Ahab that there would be neither dew nor rain in Israel except at his word. This declaration came as a consequence of the wickedness and idolatry prevalent in the kingdom under Ahab's rule. Prophet Elijah knows his bible; he read about the severe consequences of forsaking God's worship and falling into idolatry.

“Be careful, or you will be enticed to turn away and worship other gods and bow down to them. Then the Lord’s anger will burn against you, and he will shut up the heavens so that it will not rain and the ground will yield no produce, and you will soon perish from the good land the Lord is giving you.” – Deuteronomy 11:16-17

As long as God remains your source, you remain under his covering and blessings' canopy. It is that simple! God revealed to his people in Deuteronomy 11:16-17 that forsaking him would shut up the heavens and prevent rain, leading to famine, death, and destruction of lives. We understand judgments as bad, but judgment is a good thing because it signals to us where we are spiritually and where we are heading. It is God's mercy for us to notice judgments! We don't even deserve to see his judgments at all. He is a merciful God who always wants to save those who perish. But again, we understand judgment in the wrong way! I will explain to you this before revealing to you the great hope we have to shift our nations back to LIFE and blessings.

I don't see judgment as an event in time when God sees us behaving badly and then he opens the heaven and throws a judgment to teach us a lesson. Most people see God through their lens of anger and misconception of his goodness and wisdom. God's judgments don't work like that in my opinion! I told you earlier, that it is God's mercy for us to reveal judgment to help us navigate back to him and LIFE.

How many lives were saved because their body/health signaled to them something visible that we call symptoms? Maybe someone eats unhealthily all the time but suddenly (it's not sudden, it is an accumulation) that person manifests outward symptoms signaling to him or her that they are doing something wrong inwardly that is unplugging them from life, health, and protection and leading to death, doom, and gloom. THAT WAS A GOOD THING, right? TO SEE IT.

I see God's judgments like that. We are doing something wrong, not according to his nature, word, and will, and then we see the rotten fruits of it and we call it judgment. OH GOD IS JUDGING ME because I did this and that! STOP it silly. God loves you, and it is his mercy that he is revealing to you that you are on the wrong path and he wants you to repent and reroute. Don't you love it when your GPS shows you are going in the wrong direction? If you are sensitive enough and I AM SURE WE ARE ALL SENSITIVE TO OUR GPS, we will respond and engage immediately to correct our paths saving us from all kinds of troubles. No sane person would say, oh wow, my GPS is judging me for going the wrong way, for doing my own will. Your GPS is programmed to help you stay on track, and the signals, voices, and beeps (the judgment) are to help you notice this quickly! Oh judgment is good now that you are seeing it the right way!

God's people lost it, from King Ahab to all the nation, they forsook God and worshiped idols and wrong ideologies. That famine was good! It was an alarming signal trumpeting to the nation that they are no longer connected to blessing. God wants them connected again! That's why he had Elijah proclaim “the judgment” sounding the alarm, giving his people an opportunity to see it as it is and go for repentance to connect back to LIFE because you are made for LIFE, and everything will beep and signal to tell you otherwise.

The judgment reveals to you the wickedness of sin because sin in nature is deceiving and “promises” you a good life. Judgement is God's mercy allowing us to see the truth of the matter.

Let's go back to the opening verse:

“When Ahab saw Elijah, Ahab said to him, ‘Is this you, the cause of disaster to Israel?' He said, ‘I have not brought disaster to Israel, but you and your father’s house have, because you have abandoned the commandments of the Lord and you have followed the Baals. Now then, send orders and gather to me all Israel at Mount Carmel, together with 450 prophets of Baal and four hundred prophets of the Asherah, who eat at Jezebel’s table.'” – 1 Kings 18:17-18

Ahab, the deceived, accused Elijah of causing trouble to Israel by judging them for drought and famine. Elijah was just a spokesman for God; he didn't do it. Elijah was for Israel and not against it; he was a prophet for this reason: to establish truth and bring protection and deliverance. But Ahab lost his mind to deception because he worshipped idols and stopped seeing the truth and who was with him or against him (Romans 1). This happens when we sin; we harden! So Elijah told him it is not me who brought this on Israel but you and your father's house have because you have abandoned the commandments of the Lord and you have followed Baals. Let's also remember that Omri, King Ahab's father, was also a wicked King and followed this path too.

“Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people.” – Proverbs 14:34

So God has a solution to this; he wants to SAVE! We know what happens next on Mount Carmel; the solution was presented to Israel.

God demonstrated himself because of ONE man (the Church owes it to people), and the whole of Israel worshipped God again and forsook Baal and slew their demonic prophets, and rain came back! The economy shifted in a day, and life was preserved. But King Ahab DIDN'T REPENT when we continue reading the story, he stayed in alliance with Jezebel. So why would God lift the curse off of the Land?

Elijah said to Ahab that he and his father's house were the reason they brought disaster to Israel. But on Mount Carmel, we see that only the people of Israel repented and not King Ahab and his household who were in leadership. The problem was with Ahab, and Ahab didn't repent on Mount Carmel. Why would God restore the nation to blessing?

I think I understand two things here. God can bring life to a nation if the leadership aligns with him, but if the leadership remains wicked and doesn't want to repent and change the laws and honor God, the Lord still wants to save and have mercy on the people and the land, so he would visit the people of the nation and deal with them to repent. In this story, ALL ISRAEL on Mount Carmel worshipped Jehovah again, but the King of Israel remained wicked, and God saw that BIG and for their repentance overrode the wickedness of the King and restored the land. “When ALL the people saw this, they fell on their faces; and they said, “The Lord, He is God; the Lord, He is God!”

If kings and queens of your nations are wicked and don't want to repent, the Church can and must invest anyway in the people of the nation by leading them to repentance through crusades, evangelism, etc. disciplining everyone! This path is what I believe the Church is heading toward.

Revival is coming to the land; people will repent, and we will see God blessing and healing the land again.

“Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord.” – Acts 3:19


God bless you
Tony Francis

Let's continue this conversation below in the comment section… What's on your mind?

April 8th, 2024: Great Days Are Coming For America, Canada and Mexico!

“Come, I will show you the bride, the wife of the Lamb.” Revelation 21:9.

On Monday, April 8th, 2024, God will reveal and announce the authority of his Church through the solar eclipse to the nations of America, Mexico, and Canada. It is a very exciting day to live in! Let me unpack it for you…

Biblical prophecy, especially New Testament prophecy, should always be seen through the eyes and the spirit of redemption. In my opinion, if it is not approached with this perspective, it will not be read in a purely divine way. The spirit of prophecy is the testimony of Jesus, and the meaning of the name Jesus is GOD SAVES! So not only should prophetic words bring redemption and salvation, but also anything else God brings to the table, such as the heavenly SIGN of this solar eclipse!

The sun is often referred to or seen as the Lord who is the light of the world and the moon as his Church/the Bride of Jesus Christ, with any person positioned under him reflecting his glory. “He was not that Light, but was sent to bear witness of that Light.” John 1:8

In a solar eclipse, the moon blocks or aligns with the sun and the earth, and the moon is seen as the Church, as I already mentioned to you. The Church doesn’t block God at all; she lives to reveal him to the nations. The heavenly event tomorrow in the skies will show the moon being embraced by the majesty of the SUN/SON, endorsing her and pushing her forth to the nations of the earth, specifically America, Canada, & Mexico as his ambassador.

What is going on here prophetically?

Of course, I highly encourage you to watch the videos going viral online and the many prophetic intakes and insights; it's beautiful if we take the good from those prophecies and reject what is bad. But we prophesy in part, so here is my part that I believe will add more blessing and weight to this.

But before, I want to interject a truth and a revelation here that is very important and always saves me from pride. Every time you hear an anointed preacher or prophet canceling others or belittling them to convey a message to his audience and you that he is the only one speaking the truth, raise your red flags because there is a spirit of pride here, and when there is pride, purity is compromised.

I watched a famous prophet yesterday saying this on his YouTube video “with a strong tone and manner,” so I rebuked him in a comment, telling him, “You are operating in the ELIJAH SYNDROME MINDSET.” What is that? IT IS WHEN ELIJAH, IN PRIDE, CANCELED EVERY OTHER MOUTHPIECE, TELLING THE LORD RUDELY, “I AM THE ONLY LEFT FOR YOU. NO ONE IS WORSHIPING YOU ANYMORE AND SPEAKING THE TRUTH, AS I DO.” Really Elijah? God replied. I have kept 7000 for me. Let's always remember this story.

Every time we operate in this mindset, we are definitely in pride, and we should cry over it for repentance. Pride is so ugly, man! The thought that I am the most important, the one and only, and all those garbage terms is gross. We are nothing! Just sinners saved by grace and lavished by his mercy forever and it is a humbling privilege to be used of the Lord. Always remember you prophesy in part; THIS KEEPS YOU HUMBLE! You don’t and can’t see it all. We need each other, we are family, one glorious body of Christ!

I just wanted to say all this. Wow, now I feel good and relieved having said it. I HATE PRIDE!

So back to the heavenly sign on April 8th, 2024, what is going on prophetically?

I believe the Lord is announcing a new weighty season of promotion for his Church, letting every eye see her authority and importance and that she is being embraced, endorsed, and placed in the bosom of the divine and pushed forth to the nations of America, Mexico, and Canada! The sign tomorrow is for those nations; it is God’s prophetic word and heavenly marker to them, in those big regions, the voice of the Church will be louder, higher, and seen like never before! Amen.

From the year 2023 until this moment, all around the globe, including myself, we have been discerning from the Holy Spirit that it is time for the Church to transition to the Kingdom age and take over the mountains of influence. You are part of THIS! You are for such a time as THIS! The world is not ending; Jesus is coming through his Church first.

Tomorrow, we start the Kingdom Age where the Church starts to rule over the nations and mobilize them for the glory of God.

Check those below related important featured resources:
Prophetic word 2023
Prophetic word 2024
New video course: “As You Go Up, Glory Comes Down”

God bless you
Tony Francis

Prophetic Word: Rule & Reign in April 2024 by Tony Francis

What is the Holy Spirit saying for you in April 2024? Listen to this exciting and powerful word by Tony Francis. 

Prophetic Word For Purim 5784

Purim is a joyous Jewish holiday commemorating the survival of the Jewish people in ancient Persia from a plot devised by the evil Haman to destroy them. The story, found in the Book of Esther, centers around Queen Esther, her cousin Mordecai, and King Ahasuerus. Purim in 2024 will be celebrated from the evening of Saturday, March 23rd, to the evening of Sunday, March 24th.

I encourage you to read the story of Esther and how God intervened because His people in high places partnered with Him. The reason we read it now is not only to refresh our memories with the story, but mainly because God is releasing the same blessings again. The spirit of prophecy is the testimony of Jesus, and when we read a testimony, we position ourselves to receive the same authority of those blessings because there is no time in the spirit!

As I was praying for this holiday and connecting with the Holy Spirit to release His word for us, I believe He highlighted to me significantly the release of His favor FOR salvation. We know that Esther was highly favored for a reason, and not for the sake of the favor itself, or it becomes idolatry if it is not purpose-driven for the glory of God. God is preparing His table of favor for you right now to smear you with it, and you can expect doors of salvation to open up for the King of Glory to enter mightily.

Are you ready for some favor and to leap into salvation? I sense God is giving me here a word of knowledge for someone going through cancer, and God is about to bring this to an end for you. You are a minister of the Gospel, and you will live and not die in Jesus' name. He loves you, and never forgot about you, and it is your time for salvation because cancer is God's enemy, and it will be hanged on its gallows. What the enemy meant for evil, God will turn it for good! You're coming out in power. You're just getting started! Amen. (Feel free to email us back or leave a comment below if this word resonates with you, whether about the word of knowledge or the entire word here).

I also want to remind you that in moments like this, it is a significant time in the spirit, and sowing seeds is especially fruitful now. If the Lord is leading you to sow $500, that's your confirmation right here! (I don't usually do this, but I felt compelled to mention it). However, you can give any amount that the Spirit leads you to sow.

God bless you
Tony Francis

Activating Abundance Now Through This Creative Technique – “Fatherhood”

I want to let you in on another personal creative writing from my “Abundance Journal” and the blessing topic was about being transformed into Fatherhood.

If you've spent time around me and the ministry, you're likely aware that I'm a man of activation. I enjoy empowering others to realize their God-given potential, particularly in the prophetic realm. I've always been a practical believer in my walk with the Lord. I seek to understand spiritual concepts and experience my inheritance in Christ in practical, tangible ways. God delights in us when we embrace what His only begotten Son sacrificed for.

One of the activation techniques I've adopted is what I call “My Abundance Journal.” I select a blessing topic and creatively write about it. I'll share my process and encourage you to engage in it during your private time. Essentially, this journaling exercise involves journeying with the Holy Spirit to amplify your blessings in your imagination, stretching your mindset to its maximum capacity, much like physical exercise builds muscles. The excerpt you're about to read touches on one of the many topics I've explored: My fatherhood transformation!

God is boundless! We're born into a culture of limitations, scarcity, and poverty mentality. Your feet won't take you where your mind hasn't already visited before.

In this activation, the key is to break down mental barriers and expand your beliefs through creative writing and imagination. While it might be challenging for some, it promises great blessings. Understand that this creative writing exercise is meant to stretch your mindset and perspective; it's not necessarily a prophecy that will come to pass. Approach it with a spirit of enjoyment and fun, and remember, as much as you exaggerate, you'll never surpass God's abundance and goodness for us. We may fall short, but we can still attempt to scratch the surface! Stretching your borders, start by stretching your mindset and belief system, let's activate…

Below is not a vision or a prophecy, it is a creative writing with the Holy Spirit to unlock abundance in a certain area of a blessing!

Immersed in Infinite Fatherhood:

Not a long time ago, I came back home and to my surprise, I found a very strange-looking key resting on my sofa in the living room. It is not my key, I said. For some moments I tried to think hard if somebody visited me recently and left the key there. No one, none! For months now I had no visitations. That made the moment so weird and odd to me and a little bit frightening.

I approached to behold the key closely, it was so surprising to me, I don’t think there is a key like it on earth in form and power that is emanating from. That key was in the form of the letter F. I can’t describe to you the amount of power, security, dominion, love, and joy emanating from that F-form letter key. Do I grab it? I thought to myself. I was hesitant not because of fear but because somehow, I knew I would journey into something big through that key.

Then I reached out suddenly and quickly without thinking anymore because I didn’t want to waste any more time. I want to step into this!

THE key visited my house for a reason. Boldness came over me and I grabbed it in both hands. I wanted it. What is this key all about? Where is the door anyway for this key? Who would provide a supernatural key to me without the door? As I overwhelmed myself with all those reasonable thoughts because of my desperation to use the key, suddenly an Angel appeared to me in the room and in the middle of his stomach I saw an opening for the F key I was holding in my hands. The Angel said nothing, I just knew that I could insert my key into the Angel. I knew that because I saw in my imagination that I was approaching the Angel and doing this. This is how I know what to do!

I am a tough man, strong, bold, manly inside and in my appearance but my heart was beating as I was approaching this opportunity.

I stretched my hand to put the key inside and at some point, the energy hovering on the opening attracted the key and sucked it in. Instantly, I saw myself in a big womb then I realized it was not a womb but a BOSOM!

A huge, gigantic bosom. I felt like I was sitting in an unlimited energy field of strength, affirmations, love, correction, intimacy, and creativity. For a reason, I wasn’t consumed by that bosom. As humans, we put words to our experiences, so that bosom for me felt like FATHER’s lap but infinitely multiplied. I could stay here all day, not all day, but forever! It became my chair of comfort!

The longer I sat in the Father’s bosom, the longer I was filled with its substance and then I started seeing the faces of people that I didn’t know but I felt they were all my children and I am responsible for them.

What? I am 38, not married, and don’t know what fatherhood means, what is going on?

That F key was FATHERHOOD's presence. When I began to understand FATHERHOOD and that blessed bosom, I started getting mysteries, secrets, and downloads about the universe and everything about it. FATHERHOOD originates everything!

Then I felt like a huge thunderous sound wave was coming toward me like a train. We hear the train coming from afar! That sound felt like that… and BOOM it hit my core.

I thought I was going to hear a sentence in my language, but it was more an energy language that filled my being and I heard it and understood it as much as I could. I was empowered at that moment to manifest FATHERHOOD energy and heart.

I was never the same, everything changed in me even in my physical appearance. OMG!

Fatherhood looks like something.

Super Dad
Tony Francis

Let me know in the comments below your opinion about this activation and if you have tried it. Also, I want you to watch my new 1-hour video course “As you go up, glory comes down”: Learn more

Activating Abundance Now Through This Creative Technique – “Finances”

If you've spent time around me and the ministry, you're likely aware that I'm a man of activation. I enjoy empowering others to realize their God-given potential, particularly in the prophetic realm. I've always been a practical believer in my walk with the Lord. I seek to understand spiritual concepts and experience my inheritance in Christ in practical, tangible ways. God delights in us when we embrace what His only begotten Son sacrificed for.

One of the activation techniques I've adopted is what I call “My Abundance Journal.” I select a blessing topic and creatively write about it. I'll share my process and encourage you to engage in it during your private time. Essentially, this journaling exercise involves journeying with the Holy Spirit to amplify your blessings in your imagination, stretching your mindset to its maximum capacity, much like physical exercise builds muscles. The excerpt you're about to read touches on one of the many topics I've explored: financial blessings.

God is boundless! We're born into a culture of limitations, scarcity, and poverty mentality. Your feet won't take you where your mind hasn't already visited before.

In this activation, the key is to break down mental barriers and expand your beliefs through creative writing and imagination. While it might be challenging for some, it promises great blessings. Understand that this creative writing exercise is meant to stretch your mindset and perspective; it's not necessarily a prophecy that will come to pass. Approach it with a spirit of enjoyment and fun, and remember, as much as you exaggerate, you'll never surpass God's abundance and goodness for us. We may fall short, but we can still attempt to scratch the surface! Stretching your borders, start by stretching your mindset and belief system, let's activate…

Crazy Wealth Overnight:

Before my father died, he summoned us in his presence to reveal his last will and tell us what he was leaving for us as heritage and inheritance. He sat with each member of my family alone, and then it was my turn. I felt a mix of excitement and sadness; my dad was my greatest inheritance, but I knew he couldn't stay here anymore. His inheritance would mean so much to me because it reminded me of him—an extension of his love and a reminder that he entrusted me with it all.

He sat behind his office desk as I entered his all-black leathered room. His smile held so much love and hope, and I returned it. There was a folder on his deluxe desk, and I knew it contained everything for me. I sat before him, and he asked if I understood what would happen in that session. I nodded gently.

Growing up, I was born into a middle-class family, never experiencing extreme poverty but also unfamiliar with vast wealth or abundance. Dad, after taking a sip of his tea, began reading from the legal paper. His emotions poured through his words, touching me deeply. However, my shock came when he revealed my inheritance. I had expected perhaps some land or property, but it was much more than that.

Dad had bequeathed me everything that belonged to him, instantly making me wealthy. At a time when I was finishing college and about to embark on my business journey, this newfound security filled me with hope for the future. With talent, energy, and high expectations, I aimed to serve my community with creativity, seeing myself as a solutionist.

After tearfully thanking him, Dad stood up, his gaze fixed not on the paper but on me. He approached, sat before me, and revealed there was more. My three deceased uncles, each living in different countries, had left us all their assets, totaling more than $5.6 billion dollars. The news was overwhelming, breathtaking, and filled me with gratitude.

As a child, I had sensed something significant awaited me, but this surpassed all expectations. The magnitude of $5.6 billion dollars was beyond comprehension. Waves of realization washed over me, leaving me energized and hopeful for the future. Dad had taken care to distribute our wealth wisely, ensuring it would enrich not only our lives but the lives of others through projects and investments. The wealth awaiting me was immense, yet I vowed to use it to make life beautiful for my family, myself, and everyone around me.

The Wealthy Man
Tony Francis

Let me know in the comments below your opinion about this activation and if you have tried it. Also, I want you to watch my new 1-hour video course “As you go up, glory comes down”: Learn more