Tag Archive for: mantle

Pride VS Humility: What is the Difference?

I can't forget Rick Joyner's book “The Final Quest.” When I read it many years ago, I was glad it marked the beginning of my walk with the Lord. It significantly impacted my life, taught me a lot, and stirred questions and hunger in many aspects. Rick recounts numerous visionary encounters with the Lord, the spirit realms, angels, and demons in his book.

One particular encounter that astonished me was about the army of pride. Here's a passage that underscores the power of humility and being clothed in the grace of Yeshua:

“I was pondering how I was learning as much by descending the mountain as I had by climbing it when the noise from the battlefield drew my attention. By now there were thousands of the mighty warriors who had crossed the plain to attack the remnant of the enemy horde. The enemy was fleeing in all directions, except for the one division, Pride. Completely undetected, it had marched right up to the rear of the advancing warriors, and was about to release a hail of arrows. It was then that I noticed the mighty warriors had no armor on their backsides. They were totally exposed and vulnerable to what was about to hit them.

Wisdom then remarked, “You have taught that there was no armor for the backside, which meant that you were vulnerable if you ran from the enemy. However, you never saw how advancing in pride also made you vulnerable.”

I could only nod in acknowledgment. It was too late to do anything, and it was almost unbearable to watch, but Wisdom said that I must. I knew that the kingdom of God was about to suffer a major defeat. I had felt sorrow before, but I had never felt this kind of sorrow.

To my amazement, when the arrows of pride struck the warriors they did not even notice. However, the enemy kept shooting. The warriors were bleeding and getting weaker fast, but they would not acknowledge it. Soon they were too weak to hold up their shields and swords; they cast them down, declaring that they no longer needed them. They started taking off their armor, saying it was not needed anymore either.

Then another enemy division appeared and moved up swiftly. It was called Strong Delusion. Its members released a hail of arrows and they all seemed to hit their mark. Just a few of the demons of delusion, who were all small and seemingly weak, led away this once great army of glorious warriors. They were taken to different prison camps, each named after a different doctrine of demons. I was astounded at how this great company of the righteous had been so easily defeated, and they still did not even know what had hit them.

I blurted out. “How could those who were so strong, who have been all the way to the top of the mountain, who have seen the Lord as they have, be so vulnerable?”

“Pride is the hardest enemy to see, and it always sneaks up behind you,” Wisdom lamented. “In some ways, those who have been to the greatest heights are in the greatest danger of falling. You must always remember that in this life you can fall at any time from any level.”

“Take heed when you think you stand, lest you fall,” I replied. “How awesome these Scriptures seem to me now.”

“When you think you are the least vulnerable to falling is in fact when you are the most vulnerable. Most men fall immediately after a great victory,” Wisdom lamented.

“How can we keep from being attacked like this?” I asked.

“Stay close to me, inquire of the Lord before making major decisions, and keep that mantle on. Then the enemy will not be able to easily blind side you as he did those.”

I looked at my mantle. It looked so plain and insignificant. I felt that it made me look more like a homeless person than a warrior. Wisdom responded as if I had been speaking out loud.

“The Lord is closer to the homeless than to kings. You only have true strength to the degree that you walk in the grace of God, and ‘He gives His grace to the humble.' No evil weapon can penetrate this mantle, because nothing can overpower His grace. As long as you wear this mantle you are safe from this kind of attack.”

I then started to look up to see how many warriors were still on the mountain. I was shocked to see how few there were. I noticed, however, that they all had on the same mantle of humility. “How did that happen?” I inquired.

“When they saw the battle you just witnessed, they all came to me for help, and I gave them their mantles,” Wisdom replied.

“But I thought you were with me that whole time?”

“I am with all who go forth to do the will of My Father,” Wisdom answered.

“You're the Lord!” I cried.

“Yes,” He answered. “I told you that I would never leave you or forsake you. I am with all of My warriors just as I am with you. I will be to you whatever you need to accomplish My will, and you have needed wisdom.” Then He vanished.

End of Passage.

Pride made Lucifer fall from the glory and humility elevated us to be God Almighty's royal Sons and Daughters. Humility did that because we received the Lord's unmerited grace for salvation! Never forget that.

We don't worship humility; we worship JESUS always, and he makes us humble!

God bless you
Tony Francis

A Theological Reimagining Of Altruism

The concept of altruism was first introduced by A. Comte which remained problematic despite a number of analyses. The crucial question as to what the relationship is between the good for other and good for oneself as a classic question of the relationship between altruism and egoism. This classic question has led many theologians and philosophers to envisage whether altruism is only a one-way act of giving from the side of one associated with a one-way act of taking from the side of another, and whether this the end of the act or it is reciprocity. However, this classical question has unattained philosophical and logical answer. In light with this classical question, has provoked me to explore it more from a theological dimension. The theme embarks us to revision which is existing, that is the concept of altruism to be re-visioned. The term re- visioning is the act of doing some revision, in other words the act or process of revising, which simply implies it is the process of revisioning what is existing. To revision altruism it requires to move beyond from the existing or transcend from the existing position, which is the concept of Kenosis therefore theologising this helps us to reimagine altruism theologically. self-interess

Transcending antails surpassing one's personal desire, needs, and concerns to prioritize the well- being of others or strive for a higher purpose The concept commonly associated with altruism compassion, and soffiessness, in religious and philosophical traditions, the notion of transcending self- interest considered to be a noble and virtuous pursuit, reflecting a commitment to the welfare of others and an acknowledgment of Interconnectediness and mutual responsibility. It can also be perceived as a spintual practice that fosters personal growth and a deeper understanding of the human experience.

To transcend self-interest, individuals must develop empathy and compassion towards others comprehending By and empathizing with the needs and emotions of others, individuals can make choices that henefit the broader community rather than solely focusing themselves, Acting in the best interest of others, even wihen there is no immediate personal gain, can lead to greater fulfilment and satisfaction. By engaging in community service and offering assistance to these in need,own self-interest and play a role in creating a more harmonious society. To explore it further the below two important aspects helps us to explore the theme with different theological dimension.

1 Theological Praxis

The practical implementation of theological beliefs and principles in real life scenarios is referred to as theological praxis, it encompasses the active implementation of faith, whereby individuals actualize their religious convictions through concrete actions and behaviours. Theological praxis serves as a way to embody and express one's faith in a concrete and meaningful manner. The application of theological praxis has the potential to serve as a potentinstrumentin envisioning and revitalizing altruism. it offers a structure through which Individuals can comprehend the underlying significance and Intentionality of benevolent actions and empathy. Through anchoring altruistic conduct in theological precepts and ethics, Individuals are able to nurture a more profound and limpactful approach to altruism that is firmly grounded in their spiritual ideologies and beliefs. in the realm of reimagining selflessness, theological praxis encompasses the integration of theological perspectives on selflessness into one's actions and interactions with others. This may involve employing religious teachings or ethical principles to guide and inform selfless behaviour, actively engaging in acts of service or charity as a means of living out one's faith, and reflecting on how theological beliefs shape and influence one's approach to selflessness. Revisioning altruism through theological praxis goes beyond mere discussion or theoretical contemplation. It necessitates active engagement withaltruism In practical ways to explore how it can be reimagined, redefined, expanded, or improved upon. This may involve the implementation of new strategies to promote altruism, questioning existing norms or assumptions about altruistic behaviour or non-altruistic behaviour, and actively seeking opportunities to test and refine these ideas through practical action. James Cone while describing Black theology states no Christian theology could exist if it does not inentify with the bumiliated ad abused” therefore we nid to put our discussion lectures and teachings in praxis all teachings and lects must not be confined to ou lassrooms, seminars and urch but extend to the sorty, to the marginalized immunities, abused beings, numiliated Individuals and communities. Hence our theology must be in praxis, therefore, theological praxis in the context of revisioning altruism emphasize the importance of actively engaging with and applying the thoughts, ideas and approaches to altruism in order to create positive change and promote a more effective and meaningful practice of altruistic behaviour


De-othering is the concept that highlights the importance of acknowledging and respecting the humanity and dignity of individuals who have been marginalized, stereotyped, or dehumanized. This concept involves breaking down the barriers that separate different groups and communities and so called “us” and “them”. These barriers and divisions are broken byde-othering which recognizes the common humanity that unites all individuals. In the context of revisioning altruism, de-othering holds utmost significance as it paves the way for fostering a more comprehensive and empathetic approach towards assisting others. By breaking the walls that separate individuals on the grounds of dissimilarities like race, ethnicity, religion, gender, or socio-economic status, people can nurture a profound understanding and bond with those who require aid.

2 De-othering

De-othering involves seeing beyond superficial differences and recognizing the inherent worth and dignity of every individual. It requires actively listening to so called others' stories, experiences, and perspectives, and working to dismantle stereotypes and prejudices that may hinder genuine understanding and compassion. By de-othering, Individuals can foster a more inclusive and equitable approach to helping others, rooted in a genuine recognition of shared humanity and a commitment to justice and solidarity. This process can lead to more meaningful and sustainable forms of support and empowerment for those in need, as well as contribute to building a more compassionate and just society. To reimagine altruism, de-othering provides space to look for commonality that underpin Christian theology such as love, compassion, justice, and forgiveness, towards those who are marginalized, and subjugated on the various ground day to day.


The theological relmagining of altruism through the lens of transcending self-interest offers a profound exploration of the interconnectedness between individual well-being and the welfare of others. This re-visioning, prompted by the theme “Re-visioning Altruism, urges a shift from conventional perspectives and calls for a deeper understanding rooted In theological dimensions. The concept of theological praxis emphasizes the practical Implementation of altruistic beliefs, guiding Individuals to embody selflessness in tangible ways. By integrating theological principles into actions and engaging with altruism actively, Individuals can create a more impactful and meaningful approach, grounded in spiritual ideologies. Furthermore, the notion of de othering is crucial in breaking down societal barriers, fostering empathy, and recognizing the shared humanity that unites us all. By acknowledging the dignity of marginalized Individuais and actively dismantling stereotypes, a more inclusive and compassionate approach to altruism can be cultivated, contributing to a just and equitable society. The theological reimagining of altruism Invites Individuals to go beyond theoretical contemplation and actively engage with altruistic practices. It advocates fora transformative journey that transcends self- interest, integrates theological principles into everyday actions, and promotes a more inclusive and compassionate society. In this pursuit, theology becomes a lived experience, extending beyond classrooms and churches to actively contribute to positive change in the wider community.

Sanjay Anand Raj G J

Prophetic Word for the month of Heshvan 5783 /November 2022

As I was praying about this month I felt the Holy Spirit highlighting humility. This is going to be a month full of breakthroughs because of the wheels of humility in action. I sense that it has been your cry recently for the Lord to bring more humility to your heart and as a result not only will the Lord do that in you but will also cause great and many breakthroughs too. Just as Solomon cried in his dream for wisdom in his encounter with the Lord, he was granted that AND the Lord added riches, victory, and other blessings to him.

In this month you will be fortified in humility and it is so beautiful. I see the crown of humility covering you and I see the low places in your thoughts, mindset, and paradigm taking place. God is making the high places in your thoughts low and the hills as mountains and then you will see the glory of the Lord. Jesus knows how to humble you and it is by his Spirit.

The Holy Spirit is your helper, he will fill you with humility and grace. I see you wearing the mantle/robe/presence of humility on you and it is a long one that covers you all. You are hidden in God. Pride exposes you, and ejects your parts outside of God's presence and protection and we don't want that. I am also looking right now in the spirit at your eyes and I see how beautiful they are because of Yeshua's humility in them that you see things and perspectives through it, and discern things sharply. You will never be the same, and it is a powerful month for you.

Receive this word, get under the authority of what the Lord is doing now, grow in humility, and manifest breakthroughs for his glory. After that, what used to trigger you and take you down will lose its grip on you because you have died to it. Healing occurs when you die to self and it is by the Spirit says the Spirit of God.

Tony Francis

Feel free to sow the beginning of this month to support this ministry. I am believing that as you sow generously you will break through into writing and finalizing your project from A to Z in Jesus' name and your writing will carry the presence of God and his truth that will influence others' lives.

Are you serious? [Audio]

God will test you before he entrusts you with spiritual inheritance. Be encouraged in this episode. #mantles

Let me know in the comment section below how this now prophetic word has blessed you, to pray and agree with you in Jesus' name.

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Prophetic Word for the month of OCTOBER/TISHREI 2022

This is what I sense I received from the Holy Spirit in my prayer for October/Tishrei 2022. I pray this prophetic word blesses you mightily in Jesus' name and releases the will of God who is Lord over times and seasons. Thank you for reading this word by faith and not as an entertaining word, because your faith that connects to the revealed will of God will make the whole difference for you and position you to see his glory.

I hear in my spirit these words “THE BEGINNING OF MINISTRIES”. The Lord is showing me that many of you have been prepared through A LOT. “The horse is prepared for the battle but the victory comes from the Lord”, Halleluiah! You've been prepared and you know that. I see in the spirit now the passage in the bible that talks about Jesus standing in the Jordan River and the Spirit/the Anointing coming on him as a dove. It was the Lord's anointing time and the beginning of his earthly ministry! What a precious moment that changed the course of humanity.

You too are standing under this same BLESSING in the heavenly realms, it is time, YOUR time. I see you are being mantled and God is launching you for whatever he has in store for you. You are not called to be a superstar but a servant just like Yeshua. You will love it, feel satisfaction beyond words and you will know without a shadow of a doubt that you wouldn't be happier if you haven't stepped into your calling and ministry.

It is time says the Lord. Let God anoint you, announce you and promote you for servanthood to carry his glory to where he is calling you. It is a holy time, and I believe you will not miss it and you will be in the right place at the right time just like Jesus was in the Jordan River and God will establish your commissioning and the beginning of your ministry/ministries. You were created for such a time as this and you will make a difference and an impact. Embrace it!

I felt sharing with you this mp3 audio of 30 minutes where Kathryn Kuhlman shares about the beginning of her healing ministry. It is priceless but you can download it for a minimum of $1. Click here if you are interested:

Tony Francis

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  • If you feel you carry a prophetic word or a Christian devotion and you want a platform to release it, I offer you this opportunity for FREE because I want to encourage prophetic voices to emerge and be visible. Click here to submit your word


  • Thank you for your generous donation to my ministry Healed Nations. I am believing with everyone sowing this month and partnering with me that the LORD will send you the right people and connections to empower you and serve with you as you launch into ministry.

4 Daughters Who Prophesy

“Leaving the next day, we reached Caesarea and stayed at the house of Philip the evangelist, one of the Seven. He had four unmarried daughters who prophesied.” Act 21: 8-9

I am restoring the prophetic mantle over this young generation back again. For this shall be the generation that will seek the face of the God of Jacob (Psalms 24:6) and will proclaim him gloriously, says God Almighty! And I know many are reading this timely word not by accident as I have drawn them into this lifetime invitation.

Do you want to be part of this prophetic army that God is rising in this hour? Your response will determine how Heaven will reply. Many are called to a prophetic intercession that they will not pray to God but let God pray through them in a perfect unity with them.

Many are called to be prophetic evangelists and will shout out the good news as if Jesus is walking our streets once again. Many are called to be prophetic worshipers as if Jesus himself is adoring the Father from their hearts, lips and musical gifts (Hebrews 2:12). Many are called to be prophetic writers as if the Holy Spirit is birthing heavenly and anointed books through them.

But ALL are called to be prophetic in their characters and walk as if they no more live but Jesus lives in them and through them. Once again the world is going to be reintroduced powerfully to the real Jesus to encounter him in his full glory and God will do it through you!

Through you, Jesus will be in the marketplace, in schools, in universities, in business fields, in churches, and all kinds of secular places of authority. 2000 years ago, people had to travel for days and months to meet Jesus and it was worth it but today and because of your prophetic character, where Jesus uses your mind to think, your tongue to speak, your eyes to see, your ears to hear, and your emotions to feel, people will meet him … Everywhere!

Pull down the prophetic mantle from God as soon as you finish reading because this is the prophetic word of the Lord for YOU! Amen

Declare with me: Everything in me prophesies the King of Glory!

You can also watch this blog as a Vlog (Video Blog). Click here to watch it: 4 Daughters Who Prophesy …

Please share this devotion with your friends below on social media.

Glory to God
Tony Francis

A Terrifying Beauty

Jesus Christ the King is the most excellent of men and his lips are so beautiful anointed with favor and grace, his words and teachings  are pleasant, full of authority and he is so blessed there is no curse in him. That’s why the bride in Song of Solomon 1:2 passionately said: “Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth– for your love is more delightful than wine.” His kisses awaits you, are you hungry for them? His prophetic word for you is filled with love that brings ecstasy stronger than wine making you a love drunkard and one of his love captives. You are totally dismantled of your power and resistance in the bosom of his love for you; you can’t resist him when he wraps his strong and gentle arms around you and when he looks at you, you are fully captured!

Jesus is a mighty ferocious warrior girded with a sword and clothed with splendor and majesty. When he wars in a battle he always wins, he loves to fight for truth, humility and righteousness because it is his very nature. His arrows pierce the enemies’ hearts and the nations fall beneath his feet. He reigns forever in justice, what a beautiful kingdom to be part of! You are a citizen of such a kingdom and king and if not you are invited to become part! Jesus is so joyful and happy there is no depression in his presence, only fullness of joy!

All his robes are fragranced with amazing perfume, “Pleasing is the fragrance of your perfumes; your name is like perfume poured out. No wonder the maidens love you!” Song of Solomon 1:3. Jesus loves to listen to music. People who surround him are all royalty, kings, queens, princes and princesses and you!  Everybody wants to be around him for their values come directly from him! In his presence you are highly favored and precious! Everyone looks at him and waits carefully for him to speak and weight every word he says and every gesture he makes. His facial expressions are so heavenly and you can’t but gaze and gaze upon him night and day! He is so beautiful in his holiness! Everything he does is so beautiful! Love beautifies. In his presence everyone ushers to pour out their gifts, sacrifices and praises for him with so much delight. The pain of giving is eased for his sake. When you give him you don’t add value to him but to you. The wise men showered him with expensive gifts when he was born!

This royal husband delights in your beauty; honor him, for he is your lord. You were made to encounter his terrifying beauty continually … you were made to become like him!

This devotion is mostly paraphrased from Psalm 45

Glory to God
Tony Francis

Elisha’s Double Anointing

By Barbie Breathitt

Christlikeness From the Life of Elisha: Tests and Double Mantle

Tests and a Double Mantle

After Elijah trained his servant Elisha to look and see, listen and hear, and prophesy the word of the Lord, it was time for him to return to Heaven. The heavenly chariot of God carried Elijah away from Elisha into the spiritual expanse of Heaven's eternity outside of time. Elisha was told by Elijah, “If you see me when I am taken from you, [you will receive a double portion of my spirit]…”

Elisha had to pass many tests and persevere in order to walk in Elijah's double mantle (see 2 Kings 2:1-18). Elijah asked Elisha to stay in Gilgal, the place of cutting, circumcision, and the rolling away of reproach, but he refused. This is a picture for us that when God removes our past failures and reproach, we must walk through the gates of authority into the new place with God; and so Elijah then moved on to Bethel, the place or house of God, the gates of Heaven. Bethel was a place where people went to seek counsel from God. Elisha followed Elijah to Bethel to learn how to obtain God's counsel.

We must follow the leading of the Holy Spirit to the next place of testing to progress spiritually. We cannot remain complacent or stagnant; the river of God always flows.

Next, the sons of the prophets came to Elisha in Bethel and said, “Do you know that the Lord will take away your master from over you today?' And Elisha said, “Yes I know; be still!” Elijah told Elisha to remain in Bethel while he went on to Jericho. But Elisha said, “I will not leave you” (2 Kings 2:3 NASB).

The sons of the prophets in Jericho, a place of fragrance and warfare, had also been shown that Elijah was going to be taken away from Elisha that day.

From Jericho, Elijah and Elisha traveled on to Jordan, a place of flowing down or descending, where fifty men of the sons of the prophets stood opposite them at the Jordan River. Elijah took his mantle, folded it together, and struck the waters of the Jordan, which divided, allowing both prophets to cross over on dry ground.

When they had crossed over, Elijah said to Elisha, “Ask what I shall do for you before I am taken from you.” And Elisha said, “Please, let a double portion of your spirit be upon me.” He said, “You have asked a hard thing. Nevertheless, if you see me when I am taken from you, it shall be so for you; but if not, it shall not be so.” As they were going along and talking, behold, there appeared a chariot of fire and horses of fire which separated the two of them. And Elijah went up by a whirlwind to Heaven. Elisha saw it [the chariot] and cried out, “My father, my father, the chariots of Israel and its horsemen!” And he saw Elijah no more. Then he took hold of his own clothes and tore them in two pieces. 2 Kings 2:9-12 NASB

However, Elijah did not hand his mantle onto Elisha; Elisha had to pick it up after Elijah was taken into Heaven.

What Was the Significance of Elijah's Mantle For Elisha?

The word mantle in Hebrew is addereth; its root word being adar, which is also the word for the last month on the Hebrew calendar. The month of Adar is the best time to remove any personal barriers to holiness, thus it is a time to create the potential for the greatest joy. Adar is the final month of the year, i.e. it completes the year, and hence it is a time of completion.The root meaning of adar is glorious, splendid, marvelous, and mighty. In a noun form it is rendered as a cloak or mantle.

He also took up the mantle of Elijah that fell from him and returned and stood by the bank of the Jordan. He took the mantle of Elijah that fell from him and struck the waters and said, “Where is the Lord, the God of Elijah?” And when he also had struck the waters, they were divided here and there; and Elisha crossed over. 2 Kings 2:13-14 NASB

Jewish traditions indicate that the mantle that fell from Elijah was a tallith or prayer shawl. The tallith of a prophet or master teacher would have dark purple-blue threads in the corner tassel. People believed that the purple thread contained miracle power. This is why the woman with the issue of blood wanted to touch the hem of Jesus' tallith or garment. When she was healed, Jesus said, “Who touched Me?…I felt virtue leave Me.” Then He told her, “Your faith has made you whole,” not a purple thread (see Matthew 9:20-22 and Luke 8:43-48).

Elijah's tallith, mantle, or “adar” symbolized that Elisha had removed any barriers to his relationship with God. He was no longer the servant but now stepped into the place of the prophet he had served. Elijah's mantle was a doorway to God's power. Elijah told Elisha that if he saw him taken, he would have his desire to carry on the prophetic ministry with a double portion of his spirit.

The mantle is a symbol of joy and completion. Elijah left his mantle as a sign that he had completed his assignment. Elisha picked up Elijah's mantle indicating the start of a new year; he was picking up where Elijah left off and beginning his own ministry as a prophet. Elijah's mantle was a symbol of an agreement of power and authority between Elijah and God. Elisha's picking up Elijah's mantle symbolized that he was entering into the same agreement with God. When Elisha used Elijah's mantle to part the Jordan River, God established His agreement or covenant with Elisha.

What The Double Portion Looks Like

Everyone is at a different level of hearing and seeing in their spiritual understanding. Elisha had walked and been personally trained by Elijah for years. He had been tested and tried in spiritual disciplines. The sons of the prophets had been through training as well, yet they did not possess the level of seeing that Elisha had developed. Elisha saw the chariot of fire and the horses come to separate him from Elijah. He cried out, “My father, my father, the chariots of Israel and its horsemen!” (2 Kings 2:12 NASB).

The sons of the prophets only saw the whirlwind the chariot created. The sons of the prophets were left wondering if Elijah had been translated to Heaven or if he had possibly been transported to another geographic location. They had to search for three days in the natural to come into peace. Elisha knew Elijah had been taken to Heaven because he saw beyond the natural into the invisible realm of the Spirit.

Now when the sons of the prophets who were at Jericho opposite him saw him, they said, “The spirit of Elijah rests on Elisha.” And they came to meet him and bowed themselves to the ground before him. They said to him, “Behold now, there are with your servants fifty strong men, please let them go and search for your master; perhaps the Spirit of the Lord has taken him up and cast him on some mountain or into some valley.” And he said, “You shall not send.” But when they urged him until he was ashamed, he said, “Send.” They sent therefore fifty men; and they searched three days but did not find him. They returned to him while he was staying at Jericho; and he said to them, “Did I not say to you, ‘Do not go'?” 2 Kings 2:15-18 NASB

The New Testament shares an example of the audible voice of God speaking from Heaven when Jesus foretold of His death. Some that stood by didn't hear anything. Others who were present in the crowd heard God's voice manifested in thunder, while still others thought it was an angel.

So the crowd of people who stood by and heard it were saying that it had thundered; others were saying, “An angel has spoken to Him.” Jesus answered and said, “This voice has not come for My sake, but for your sakes.” John 12:29-30 NASB

The names of both Elijah (meaning “the Lord is my God” or spiritual champion) and Elisha (meaning “God will save me” or protected) carries the record of what they represent, but not necessarily how they saw, if they are thought to be seers. Elijah's name means God is Jehovah or YHVH is my God. He functioned as the Father's recorder on earth.

In the case of God's servant Elijah, the chariot was a trans-dimensional carrier of God's servant. The chariot of God transported Elijah out of time into the eternal realm where Elijah had always existed in heavenly places. When the fullness of time came, God reached down to retrieve the recording of Himself He had placed within Elijah.

Elijah came to restore all things back to God. He was called to turn the hearts of the Fathers back to the sons, and to turn the sons' hearts back to the fathers', to make ready a people for God lest God curse the earth (see Malachi 4). Elijah's anointing was to restore righteousness and protect the earthly realm from being struck with a curse caused by sin.

Elisha's name means “GOD is salvation” or “My God is salvation.” He functioned under a double portion of Elijah's spirit.

Walk Like the Prophet Elisha

Elisha's eyes saw beyond the veil of the natural into the supernatural realm where God's army of fiery angels and chariots reside. His eyes were not limited by situations or hard facts. He knew to look beyond the natural to see God's provision. He trusted more in the realm of faith than what seemed to appear in the natural.

When fear blinded Elisha's servant, the prophet's prayer was able to open the attendant's spiritually blind eyes to see the coexisting spiritual realms of angels. Knowing that there are more for us than against us brings a peace beyond our present understanding.

Prayer delivers us from fear. Prayer opens our eyes to see God's ever-present answer, while at the same time prophetic decree will blind our enemies and place them at our mercy. For God to trust us at this level, it requires us to develop greater levels of obedience of compassion. God wants to trust us with the lives of our enemies. God tests and tries us until He knows that we will not execute our own judgment or harm people in any way.

When God delivers our enemies into our hands, we must return good for evil, blessing for cursing, and lovingkindness for abuse. The Lord is the only one who should ever move in judgment. He said, “Vengeance is Mine.” We have no right to be vengeful. It is God's place to vindicate us.

We are called to love our enemies, to be kind to those who persecute, use, and abuse our kindness. We should lead our enemies to salvation, and their eyes will be opened to God's saving word, loving spirit, and grace. It is time to love like God loves; see like God sees; obey what God's Word says, and then do what God does.

Now when the attendant of the man of God had risen early and gone out, behold, an army with horses and chariots was circling the city. And his servant said to him, “Alas, my master! What shall we do?” So he answered, “Do not fear, for those who are with us are more than those who are with them.” Then Elisha prayed and said, “O Lord, I pray, open his eyes that he may see.” And the Lord opened the servant's eyes and he saw; and behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha. 2 Kings 6:15-17 NASB

When Elisha's enemies came down off the mountain to pursue him, Elisha prayed. We should follow his example. Elisha's prayers struck his enemies with blindness. This removed the enemy's power and control. They were forced into a vulnerable place, wandering in darkness and confusion. The army had come to do the prophet great harm, but God protected him. The prophet placed his trust in God. In this new state of total dependence and humiliation, the enemy had to trust and blindly follow Elisha to Samaria. Elisha said, “Follow me and I will bring you to the man whom you seek” (2 Kings 6:19 NASB). (Photo courtesy: Global Recordings Network)

When they came down to him, Elisha prayed to the Lord and said, “Strike this people with blindness, I pray.” So He struck them with blindness according to the word of Elisha. Then Elisha said to them, “This is not the way, nor is this the city; follow me and I will bring you to the man whom you seek.” And he brought them to Samaria. 2 Kings 6:18-19 NASB

Elisha's enemies had to walk through the process of trusting the one they were sent to destroy. Once they arrived at the promised location, Elisha prayed that God would reopen their blind eyes. Their vision was restored. New vision was given in the midst of their enemies.

When they had come into Samaria, Elisha said, “O Lord, open the eyes of these men, that they may see.” So the Lord opened their eyes and they saw; and behold, they were in the midst of Samaria. 2 Kings 6:20 NASB

Many of us have been wounded by an enemy or betrayed by a close friend, but we are to respond to them with God's lovingkindness and compassion.

Then the king of Israel when he saw them, said to Elisha, “My father, shall I kill them? Shall I kill them?” He answered, “You shall not kill them. Would you kill those you have taken captive with your sword and with your bow?…2 Kings 6:21-22 NASB

Elisha told the King of Israel to respond according to the greatness of God's loving-kindness, to make his enemies the objects of compassion in the presence of all their captors. Elisha encouraged the king to feed the Arameans, to provide for and care for his enemies instead of killing them. The king prepared a feast for the enemy soldiers and they ate to their fill.

“…Set bread and water before them, that they may eat and drink and go to their master.” So he prepared a great feast for them; and when they had eaten and drunk he sent them away, and they went to their master. And the marauding bands of Arameans did not come again into the land of Israel. 2 Kings 6:22-23 NASB

Elisha's mercy triumphed over judgment. Great grace leads us to victory. The King of Israel's enemies were delivered into his hands. The King was eager to execute judgment and destroy his enemies, but the prophet carefully redirected his focus to blessing and not destruction.

Good will always triumph over evil. Love will also bring forth a better result than hate. Never greet your enemy in the same malignant spirit. Never return evil for evil but learn to bless instead of curse. We are not of this world, so we cannot respond in the spirit of this world. God is love so we must respond in the power of His might.

Barbie L. Breathitt Ph.D.
Breath of the Spirit Ministries
Email: Barbie@BreathOfTheSpiritMinistries.com
Website: BreathOfTheSpiritMinistries.com