Tag Archive for: good news

Fish & Soul Party

“The Son of Man, on the other hand, feasts and drinks, and you say, ‘He's a glutton and a drunkard, and a friend of tax collectors and other sinners!” Luke 7:34

If there is a man who knows how to party hard, it is Jesus! It was his reputation after all, everywhere at all times. When people looks at you coming they may say here comes the businessman, or here comes the funny one, there she comes hyperactive woman. But for Jesus it was different, here comes the “Party Man”!

The reason Jesus partied hard is not for the sake of the thrill of it although he loves joy, he is JOY. But he never missed an invitation not for the party itself but for who was there. Jesus is so interested in the attendees. He loves them! He visited those parties, engaged with the atmosphere totally, and interacted with others without sin. He was excited yet he remained focused on why he is visiting. He was there to tell all those seasoned attendees who were experts in parties, drinks, dancing, good food that your parties SUCK! Actually, he never said that openly, but it was, comparing to THE PARTY he was preparing for them, for YOU, the wedding of the LAMB!

The gospel of Jesus is THE good news for you that there is a greater party than the ones you are throwing every night and day in this world. In his party, you are not just an attendee served well but you are his own bride. If you are betrothed to Jesus and you are his bride, you have the chance to choose from now the flowers on the table, the music to play, the kind of food to serve. It is a mutual wedding, a mix of your taste with his.

If you really want to upgrade your party life, if you want to increase the dose, marry this happy guy as I did.

P.S: by the way, make sure to fill the banquets with fish, Jesus loves it. See you there!

Tony Francis
Glory to God

4 Daughters Who Prophesy

“Leaving the next day, we reached Caesarea and stayed at the house of Philip the evangelist, one of the Seven. He had four unmarried daughters who prophesied.” Act 21: 8-9

I am restoring the prophetic mantle over this young generation back again. For this shall be the generation that will seek the face of the God of Jacob (Psalms 24:6) and will proclaim him gloriously, says God Almighty! And I know many are reading this timely word not by accident as I have drawn them into this lifetime invitation.

Do you want to be part of this prophetic army that God is rising in this hour? Your response will determine how Heaven will reply. Many are called to a prophetic intercession that they will not pray to God but let God pray through them in a perfect unity with them.

Many are called to be prophetic evangelists and will shout out the good news as if Jesus is walking our streets once again. Many are called to be prophetic worshipers as if Jesus himself is adoring the Father from their hearts, lips and musical gifts (Hebrews 2:12). Many are called to be prophetic writers as if the Holy Spirit is birthing heavenly and anointed books through them.

But ALL are called to be prophetic in their characters and walk as if they no more live but Jesus lives in them and through them. Once again the world is going to be reintroduced powerfully to the real Jesus to encounter him in his full glory and God will do it through you!

Through you, Jesus will be in the marketplace, in schools, in universities, in business fields, in churches, and all kinds of secular places of authority. 2000 years ago, people had to travel for days and months to meet Jesus and it was worth it but today and because of your prophetic character, where Jesus uses your mind to think, your tongue to speak, your eyes to see, your ears to hear, and your emotions to feel, people will meet him … Everywhere!

Pull down the prophetic mantle from God as soon as you finish reading because this is the prophetic word of the Lord for YOU! Amen

Declare with me: Everything in me prophesies the King of Glory!

You can also watch this blog as a Vlog (Video Blog). Click here to watch it: 4 Daughters Who Prophesy …

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Glory to God
Tony Francis

Long Lasting Success

Have you recently plugged your mobile in the charger and after some time it notified you with a green tick that the battery is successfully charged?
It is a happy scene because now you can use your smart phone powered up! I always make sure not to unplug my phone quickly until I am sure the battery is full. I want it to last long! Do you want your success to last long? Yes you do that’s why you are reading this secret tip! Before I tell you how your success can last long, you need to have success first! How to gain success?

God’s word reveals in Psalm 1 “He whose delight is in the law of the Lord, and who meditates on his law day and night. That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither, whatever they do PROSPERS.” Before applying this truth, you need to stop walking in the ways of the wicked, stop standing in the ways that sinners take and stop siting in the company of mockers. Turn away from all this, and connect yourself to success, to the word of God that never fails. God’s word never returns void unto him but always succeed for whatever it is sent to do. Jesus, the word of God, said in John 15: “You are already clean because of the word I have spoken to you. Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me.” Success doesn’t come from you but from connecting yourself to him, to his word and to REMAIN in it if you want a last longing one. Adam & Eve were successful and blessed in the Garden until the moment their relationship broke with God. If you are a backslider, I have good news for you, you can RECONNECT! What are you connecting yourself to? Don’t you know that you are connected directly to your thought life? Then make sure you connect your thought life to God’s thoughts to see success and fruitfulness!

When it comes to the word of God, learn these 3 powerful tools: Walk, Stand and Sit. Walking is like reading his word without stopping, standing is when you stop because you feel a certain word, a verse or an idea touching your heart, sitting is to meditate on it and suck all the glory and the nutrition out of it for your personal life and growth.

Glory to God
Tony Francis

An Amazing Experience

By Joe Tannous

One night I was walking home and while walking I was in conversation with the Lord. I asked: “Lord, let me see sin, the way you see it”. Directly after I finished my request, I heard the Lord saying in my spirit: ” Joe do you know what sin did?” and I know when the Lord ask me a question means that I don't know the answer very well, so I replied: “tell me Lord”. “Sin limited me” He replied:” and every time you fall into sin, it's limiting you.” I said: “Lord how did sin limit you, you are God.” “Joe, what do Philippians 2:7-8 say about me?” He replied. I knew these so I replied: “rather, he made himself nothing, by taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness, and being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to death, even death on a cross”. He replied: “now you know how it limited me. it made me a human, I, God, became a man because of sin” when He said that, I began to cry on the streets, I don't know what people thought about me, and I don't really care, but His words penetrates my heart like a bullet, oh God my sin limited you, because of my sin you became a man, you took a limited flesh…

But I didn't understand the fullness of His words back then, until few days that I understood. Just see that with me, Jesus was a spiritual being, He is God the Son, and God is spirit, so The Father is spirit, the Son is spirit and the Holy Spirit is Spirit, but Jesus because of our sin, made Himself nothing, the Son, left His nature as a spiritual being, and took a flesh, a limited flesh, no longer a spirit, but a flesh, came to earth, born as a human, lived as a human, died as a human, God became a man, God died like a man dies because of my sin and your sin. but the good news is found in verses 9, 10, 11 of that epistle, ” therefore God [the Father] also highly exalted him and given Him the name which above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those in heaven, and of those on earth, and of those under the earth, and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father”. (The emphasis is mine) the Father exalted Jesus, Hallelujah! That was His reward for leaving His spiritual being, and now He will always have a flesh, for ever and ever, just like you and me. Sin made Jesus a limited flesh, sin limited God, and so it's limiting you.


4 Keys to Healing the Sick

By Dr. Stuart Pattico

The supernatural is to be normal in the believer’s life.  We are to be hearing God’s voice, receiving prophetic revelation, and doing wonders through the Holy Spirit’s power.  Jesus said that we would “lay hands on the sick, and they will recover” (Mark 16:17-18). So how can we begin to operate in this healing power?  Well, let’s look at four keys that I share when teaching others to move in this area:


1. Depend on the power of the Holy Spirit

It’s easy to think that Jesus was able to heal the sick because He was God.  Whilst He always remained 100% God, He also became 100% Man, and all the miracles that He did, He did as a Man dependent on the power of the Holy Spirit.  That’s why He said: “the Son can do nothing of Himself” (John 5:19).  Jesus didn’t heal anyone in His own power; He depended on the Holy Spirit.

The good news is that the power of the Holy Spirit is available to you too! (Acts 1:8).  So right now, put out your hands and say “Holy Spirit, release Your healing anointing on me!”

Typically, when ministering to the sick, I ask the Holy Spirit to come upon the sick area.  After all, He is the Healer.  I simply say, “Holy Spirit, come on this area…”.

2. Realise that God loves people and wants them to be well

Have you noticed that Jesus never refused to heal anyone?  Jesus healed everyone who came to Him.  Acts 10:38 explicitly states that He went about “healing all who were oppressed by the devil”.  Why did He do this?  Well, He knew that God loves people and wants them to be well.  Imagine that someone you love wasn’t well and you had the power to instantly cure him or her.  Wouldn’t you heal them?  Of course you would. You would do that simply because you love them.  Well, God is Perfect Love (1 John 4:16), and He heals people because He loves them!  When you minister to the sick, know that you are ministering God’s perfect love to people and never doubt that He wants that person to be well!

3. Realise that sickness and disease can hear you

On one occasion, Jesus was hungry.  He went to a fig tree hoping to find some fruit but found none. He said to it: “Let no fruit grow on you ever again”, and the fig tree immediately withered away (Matthew 21:18-19).  Now, what was Jesus doing speaking to a tree?  The answer is simple: He knew that it could hear Him!  Again, it is easy to think that the tree could hear Him because He was the Son of God.  But Jesus then said to His disciples:

“Assuredly, I say to you, if you have faith and do not doubt, you will not only do what was done to the fig tree, but also if you say to this mountain, ‘Be removed and be cast into the sea,’ it will be done.” (Matthew 21:21)

Wow!  We can do exactly what Jesus did to the fig tree.  We can speak to things and they will obey us.  It’s important to realise that sickness and disease can hear us when we speak to it.  We can command it “out” and it must leave.  It can hear us!  Be bold, and say to the sickness “Out! In Jesus name!”

Whilst it’s not wrong to ask God to do something, often people beg God to heal someone, when God wants them to realise that they can command the sickness to leave.  However, it’s important that when we speak to sickness we do so with faith, believing that what we are saying is happening (Mark 11:23).

4. Realise that God wants people to participate in their healing

There was a man who had a withered hand.  Jesus said to him, “Stretch out your hand” and he was healed (Matthew 12:13).  Notice that Jesus told the man to do something – “stretch out your hand”.

God wants people to participate in their healing.  When I minister to the sick, if they have a measurable symptom, after commanding the sickness “Out! In Jesus name”, I immediately get them to test their condition.  Because I have said it in faith, I fully expect them to say, “the pain has gone!”

Their participation also means that he or she has faith (Matthew 9:22, 29).  So encourage them to agree with you that they will be healed right there and then.  But don’t make people feel bad if they lack faith, instead encourage them

Brining it all together, here is one way that you may wish to minister to the sick.  It’s not about a formula; people have different approaches.  What matters is the result. But here’s an approach you may wish to use:

  1. Stimulate their faith by asking what they believe will happen when you minister to them. Encourage them to agree with you that they will be healed.
  1. Ask the Holy Spirit to come on the affected area.  If appropriate, with their permission, lay hands on that area.  Do not lay hands on that area if it is not appropriate to do so, or if they do not wish you to.
  1. Speak to that area and say to the sickness / pain, “Out! In Jesus’ name”, believing that what you are saying is happening there and then.
  1. Get the person to immediately test their conditions and watch what Jesus does… I believe He will amaze you!

For a full video-teaching on healing the sick, visit http://www.stuartpattico.com/bible-school-healing-the-sick.html .

Dr. Stuart Pattico is a speaker and the author of various books including Praying with Power, End Times: Are You Prepared, The Anointing, You Can Prophesy, and Interpret Your Dreams. Visit www.stuartpattico.com for videos, his free online Bible schoolarticlesbooks and further information.

DISCLAIMER: this article is not intended to replace the advice of a medical professional.  Always consult your GP before stopping any medication.

© 2013 Dr. Stuart Pattico. All rights reserved. No duplication permitted without permission from the author.