Tag Archive for: cross

Kent Mattox Prophecy For 5785 and 2025: Entering a Season of Abundance & Wealth Transfer

The Sound of Abundance

This head of the year carries a theme of “battling for the high places,” but I believe the Holy Spirit is highlighting a specific high place: the high place of abundance. Let me share a scripture with you:

“Then Elijah said to Ahab, ‘Go up, eat and drink, for there is a sound of abundance of rain.'” (1 Kings 18:41)

It's striking that Elijah, the same prophet who declared a drought, now proclaims an abundance of rain. We've been through a season of preparation, a time of tightening our belts, as Chuck prophesied. I remember that word clearly; it coincided with the Lord speaking to me personally about a new season of resourcing.

This time of limitation, of learning to make do, has been essential. Deuteronomy 8:16-18 reminds us that God led Israel through the wilderness to humble and test them for their ultimate good. He provided manna, just enough to sustain them.

I believe the Church has been in a similar wilderness, a time of testing and refining. But the greatest test is yet to come: the test of abundance. The Lord showed me this clearly. It's easy to stay faithful in lack; abundance brings its own set of challenges.

Emerging from the Wilderness

We are emerging from this wilderness season into a place of overflowing provision. Years ago, the Lord spoke to me about discipline. I initially misunderstood, thinking I was being corrected for past mistakes. But the Lord clarified:

“Discipline is not necessary for what you've done in the past that's wrong. Actually, discipline is for preparation for the future of what you're going to do.”

It's like resistance training; it prepares us for greater strength and endurance. We have been in a season of spiritual resistance training, preparing us for the abundance that is coming.

This abundance will manifest in many ways: increased influence, greater anointing and power, and overflowing resources to accomplish God's will. We may have felt limited, but God is bringing us out into a wide-open space of provision.

Breaking Free from Limitation

I want to share a personal testimony about how this shift has been unfolding in my own life. We recently completed a 14-year building project here at Wordalive International Outreach. It was a long and challenging journey, and we ended up with a significant amount of debt.

Rumors circulated that we had built outside of God's will. While I knew in my heart we had followed His leading, the financial burden weighed heavily on me. I cried out to the Lord, asking for clarity and direction. His response was profound:

“I put you in debt so that I could limit you and discipline you so that you only do what I want you to do. Because if you had plenty of resources in this season, you would do a lot of things that may appear good, but would not be my plan or my will.”

He was limiting me to keep me focused on His perfect plan. He reminded me of Joseph, whose feet were bound in fetters while the word of the Lord tried him. This season of limitation was a time of testing and refining.

The Lord then led me to Psalm 66:12:

“For you, O God, have tested us; you have refined us as silver is refined. You brought us into the net; you laid affliction on our backs; you have caused men to ride over our heads; we went through fire and water, but you brought us out to a wealthy place.”

This verse resonated deeply. We have been tested and tried, but God is bringing us out into a place of abundance. He then gave me further revelation about the phrase “men riding over our heads.” He said, “That's debt. That's limited resources.”

But now, He is lifting our heads! Psalm 3 declares, “But you, O Lord, are a shield for me, my glory, and the lifter of my head.” And Psalm 27:6 proclaims, “And now my head shall be lifted up above my enemies all around me.”

This is a season of elevation and victory! Deuteronomy 28:12 promises, “The Lord will open to you His good treasure, the heavens, to give the rain to your land in its season, and to bless all the work of your hand. You shall lend to many nations, but you shall not borrow.”

Declaring Abundance

I believe we have crossed a threshold into a new era of abundance. It's time to shift our mindset from scarcity to overflowing provision. 2 Corinthians 9:8 assures us that God is able to make all grace abound toward us, that we, always having all sufficiency in all things, may have an abundance for every good work.

This isn't just about having enough; it's about having more than enough to be a blessing to others. I see a wealth transfer coming, where the wealth of the wicked is released into the hands of the righteous. God will birth businesses and release creative ideas that will generate wealth and expand His Kingdom globally.

As we step into 5785, let's declare together that we will be the head and not the tail, above only and not beneath. Let's sow seeds of first fruits, believing for a harvest of abundance. Let's pray for debts to be canceled and for God to resource us beyond our wildest dreams.

The sound of abundance is filling the air. This is the time to ask for rain! Let's embrace this new season with faith and expectancy, knowing that God is ready to pour out His blessings upon us.

By Kent Mattox

Note: Kent Mattox didn't submit this article to our website. We saw a video of him and wanted to feature his confirming prophetic word for 5785 that the Lord gave Tony Francis, too. You can read it here: “Prophetic Word For Year 5785/2025: Witchcraft Control & Wealth Transfer” Read more

The Bedrock of Belief: Why Faith is Essential in Christianity

Christianity, at its core, is a religion built on faith. It's the foundation upon which all other aspects of Christian belief and practice rest. But what exactly is faith, and why is it so essential for Christians?

The Bible offers several definitions and metaphors for faith. In Hebrews 11:1, it's described as “the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.” Faith allows us to believe in things that cannot be proven with absolute certainty, yet hold them as true with unwavering conviction. It's a trust in God's character and promises, even when we can't fully understand them.

Here are some key reasons why faith is essential in Christianity:

Faith is the foundation of our relationship with God: The Bible tells us in Ephesians 2:8-9 that “For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; not of works, so that no one can boast.” Salvation, the act of being saved from sin and its consequences, is a gift from God received through faith. We cannot earn it through good works or perfect behaviour. Our faith is a demonstration of our trust and dependence on God's grace.

Faith allows us to believe in the unseen: Christianity is centered on the belief in God, a being we cannot see with our physical eyes. We believe in Jesus Christ, God's son who came to earth, died on the cross, and rose again. These are all foundational tenets of the faith that cannot be empirically proven. Yet, through faith, we accept them as true based on the scriptures and the impact they have on our lives.

Faith provides hope and comfort: Life is full of challenges and uncertainties. Faith allows us to trust that God is in control, even when we don't understand what's happening. Romans 8:28 assures us that “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” This verse doesn't promise an absence of difficulty, but it offers hope that God will use even the challenging times for our good.

Faith is the key to spiritual growth: The Bible encourages us to grow in our faith. Hebrews 11:6 says, “And without faith it is impossible to please him, for whoever would draw near to God must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who seek him.” Just as a plant needs water and sunlight to flourish, our faith needs to be nurtured through prayer, studying the Bible, and fellowship with other believers.

Faith inspires us to live a Christ-like life: James 2:17-18 tells us that “So also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead. But someone will say, “You have faith and I have works.” Show me your faith apart from your works, and I will show you my faith by my works.” True faith isn't just mental assent; it translates into action. Our faith compels us to love others, serve our communities, and live according to the teachings of Jesus.

In conclusion, faith is the bedrock of Christian belief. It's the cornerstone of our relationship with God, allows us to believe in the unseen, provides hope and comfort, and inspires us to live a meaningful life. While doubts and questions may arise, Christians strive to cultivate a faith that is unwavering, a faith that allows them to fully embrace the promises and transformative power of their religion.

Alan Raju John

I Have Never Sinned, Can You Believe It?

Have you ever thought about the cross of Jesus? Have you considered what He really did for you? I've always struggled to fully grasp, both simply and deeply, how the blood of Yeshua wiped away my sins and atoned for them. I sing songs about the blood, read scriptures about it, and thank Him for redeeming me, but I've never fully grasped the enormous, life-changing mystery of the Son of God's sacrifice for me and for you!

How do you understand the atonement of sins? What does it really mean for God, you, and the enemy? Does the shedding of Jesus' blood for me mean that I have never sinned? JUSTIFIED, JUST IF I'D NEVER sinned before God and men? Or does it mean I sinned, but God forgave me of my past and is not recording it anymore for my judgment because Jesus took it and paid the price for me? Which scenario is the right one? In Christ, and before God, did I sin or never live a defective life?

To simplify it for you and give you the answer before revealing a huge, life-changing revelation, approach, perspective, and activation: YES, I sinned, and Christ died to redeem me.

I am a sinner, and I need a Savior, just as you do! Now that I have received Christ's wonderful, surreal yet down-to-earth redemption, I have become a new creation, a righteous being who never fell into sin from the beginning. WOW! (We can celebrate right here).

Let me illustrate it with this example and then do an activation with you that is a SHOCKER to your flesh, which is always at war with the spirit.

When a judge stamps a paper to declare someone who was guilty now clean, it means the judge has officially erased the person's criminal record through a process called expungement. This decision makes it as though the crime never happened, allowing the person to move forward without the past conviction affecting their future opportunities, like employment or housing.

This is too much to grasp, right? I know but it is real yet earthly still. Continue reading because what is coming is greater than that and let's invite the Holy Spirit to help us taste God's unfathomable love for us in Christ Jesus.

In Christ, you never sinned before God! Don't freak out now; you can keep thanking God and you should for Jesus, who saved you from your sinful nature. YES, you can and should tell others your testimony of how Christ transferred you from darkness to light and transformed you. I am not telling you to forsake this awesome part of redemption. We will always be grateful and worship the Lord for this INTELLIGENT TECHNOLOGY that no eyes have seen, ears have heard, or hearts grasped what God prepared for those He loves. No one ever saw this coming, not even the devil. It is not a GOD move if you can perceive it or the devil.

What am I really saying here in the presence of the Lord? I am locked in the realm of thanking the Lord for being my Savior, yet I have come to a place where I am more focused on my righteousness in Christ than my transition from sin.

Many Christians dwell on the cross only and never lock focus with their newly restored nature of righteousness. The cross of Jesus was the door, the entrance to a relationship with God through this righteous nature in Christ Jesus, but many remain at the door. Imagine if I invited you to visit my mansion (I don't live in one and I love small houses) and you remained at my beautiful big gate, thanking me for the invite, contemplating the gold ornament, the bigness of it, etc. Would you be considered sane? The cross was the door and we will forever BE THANKFUL for the entrance, yet it is the inside realm of righteousness that you must awaken to that will revolutionize the way you live before God and men. In Christ right now, you never sinned. You were never a sinner! Jesus became sin so that you may become His righteousness. What part of YOU ARE RIGHTEOUS can't you understand?

It grieves the Lord when you stay at the door and never get acquainted with the inside realms of righteousness that many Christians are not awake to.

In Christ now, you were never GAY! You were never a PROSTITUTE! You never cheated on your wife, and you never killed that neighbor. Look, I understand this is too much to grasp, and it doesn't make sense, and if it does, then it is not a GOD technology. You may tell me, “But Tony, I do feel like I am gay (since this is the greatest now), and I engaged in homosexual experiences with men. The sensation was real, the images, the feelings, the sounds, the touch… I can't get it that in Christ, I was never gay because I was, believe me.”

Thanks for asking! haha. I will answer this one:

You were gay before Christ, indeed, and Christ did save you not just from being gay; actually, He saved you from something bigger and greater, which is a sinful nature. After being saved and entering the door (Christ's Sacrifice), Heaven stamps you as NEVER GUILTY! Can you understand the power of that or what? I sense the power of the Holy Spirit writing this, and I know He is greatly delighted that I am unpacking it for you because it changed my life!!!

NOW, IN CHRIST, you are not considered GAY anymore, and you can't renew your mind if you can't establish your identity first as clean. What do I mean? Glad you asked, again. The Bible exhorts us to CONSIDER OURSELVES DEAD TO SIN and alive to Christ and righteousness. In simpler terms, you should never think again of those past things, and you can SANELY and BOLDLY rehearse day and night: I WAS NEVER GAY, I never went through it, I never did this or that, you name it for yourself, whatever you engaged in before.

The enemy will TRY TO ANNIHILATE the work of the cross by making you sin-focused and not Son-focused.

Jesus took your sinful nature and mine on the cross, and in Him, it was never ours. He paid for it; it doesn't belong to us anymore. Jesus didn't only redeem your nature but your time too because in Christ now you never were or did those things, which means you never lived this lifetime of sin. You had a righteous life from the beginning.

Read this article 1000 times and BEG the Holy Spirit to reveal this dramatic truth to you that Heaven is eager to reveal to mankind night and day. Let me tell you this too before I activate you. If I were the devil and I knew in glimpses that one day you would be a great singer and you would glorify the Lord with this lifestyle, I would have done everything in my power to destroy this from your childhood. I would have convinced you that your voice is bad, you will not match up or improve, others are better, get another career, etc. Say you believed those lies and embraced them and wasted your life derailed from God's original calling and cursed yourself for decades saying I am a bad singer. Guess what? In Christ now, you can say I WAS A GOOD SINGER from the beginning of time and I am seasoned in this gift, but the enemy had me go through this lie experience because I was a potential threat to him if I awoke to that.

Same for you as gay! Your identity, manliness, fatherhood, and mostly authority threatened the devil that he had to create another scenario to derail you. He is a liar! In Christ, you were never gay, and you never lived this experience at all. Until you confess this and align with righteousness and DIE TO SIN, you won't experience this surreal glory yet available.

Each one of you has a story, identify with a sin, so apply what I am teaching you here, and mount to realms you never dreamt of. Next time you say God is good, let it be based on some understanding of what He accomplished for you on the cross. The devil hates the cross!

Let's do an activation here. So I told you in Christ, you are righteous because the bible says so, have a new nature, and time redemption, so rewrite your story in the pen of this truth now (you can type in the comment section). As for me, I will say this:

“I grew up in a godly house, and I have witnessed amazing love, honor, and respect between mom and dad that whet my appetite for godly relationships and surely a marriage and life of commitment. My mom never yelled at me, never ignored me, always there to love on me and comfort me. She always encouraged me and affirmed my identity as a growing boy. She signed me up for activities that built my character and self-esteem and was never controlling of me. She always encouraged me to be bold and serve others. I thank God that I lived in a peaceful home, with no sickness, no disease, no stress or drama. I had a childhood that if told in detail, nobody would believe me. I had a great life growing up. Never miss an opportunity to be served and to serve others. I never went through traumas, no child abuse, no fear, no stress; it was a happy, blessed upbringing.” Amen.

For those who don't get it yet, I lived the opposite, but I am acquainted today that in Christ, I was never guilty because He restored my good nature and lifetime. We lose you as Christians when we move from theory to practicality. Every Christian is excited they are God's righteousness now, but I think many will be offended when they read the practicality of it here.

Go do your activation, believe it, this is not fiction, not at all. “Let it be according to your faith!”

I dare you to share this with your friends and EVEN THEOLOGIANS!

God bless you,
Tony Francis

Pride VS Humility: What is the Difference?

I can't forget Rick Joyner's book “The Final Quest.” When I read it many years ago, I was glad it marked the beginning of my walk with the Lord. It significantly impacted my life, taught me a lot, and stirred questions and hunger in many aspects. Rick recounts numerous visionary encounters with the Lord, the spirit realms, angels, and demons in his book.

One particular encounter that astonished me was about the army of pride. Here's a passage that underscores the power of humility and being clothed in the grace of Yeshua:

“I was pondering how I was learning as much by descending the mountain as I had by climbing it when the noise from the battlefield drew my attention. By now there were thousands of the mighty warriors who had crossed the plain to attack the remnant of the enemy horde. The enemy was fleeing in all directions, except for the one division, Pride. Completely undetected, it had marched right up to the rear of the advancing warriors, and was about to release a hail of arrows. It was then that I noticed the mighty warriors had no armor on their backsides. They were totally exposed and vulnerable to what was about to hit them.

Wisdom then remarked, “You have taught that there was no armor for the backside, which meant that you were vulnerable if you ran from the enemy. However, you never saw how advancing in pride also made you vulnerable.”

I could only nod in acknowledgment. It was too late to do anything, and it was almost unbearable to watch, but Wisdom said that I must. I knew that the kingdom of God was about to suffer a major defeat. I had felt sorrow before, but I had never felt this kind of sorrow.

To my amazement, when the arrows of pride struck the warriors they did not even notice. However, the enemy kept shooting. The warriors were bleeding and getting weaker fast, but they would not acknowledge it. Soon they were too weak to hold up their shields and swords; they cast them down, declaring that they no longer needed them. They started taking off their armor, saying it was not needed anymore either.

Then another enemy division appeared and moved up swiftly. It was called Strong Delusion. Its members released a hail of arrows and they all seemed to hit their mark. Just a few of the demons of delusion, who were all small and seemingly weak, led away this once great army of glorious warriors. They were taken to different prison camps, each named after a different doctrine of demons. I was astounded at how this great company of the righteous had been so easily defeated, and they still did not even know what had hit them.

I blurted out. “How could those who were so strong, who have been all the way to the top of the mountain, who have seen the Lord as they have, be so vulnerable?”

“Pride is the hardest enemy to see, and it always sneaks up behind you,” Wisdom lamented. “In some ways, those who have been to the greatest heights are in the greatest danger of falling. You must always remember that in this life you can fall at any time from any level.”

“Take heed when you think you stand, lest you fall,” I replied. “How awesome these Scriptures seem to me now.”

“When you think you are the least vulnerable to falling is in fact when you are the most vulnerable. Most men fall immediately after a great victory,” Wisdom lamented.

“How can we keep from being attacked like this?” I asked.

“Stay close to me, inquire of the Lord before making major decisions, and keep that mantle on. Then the enemy will not be able to easily blind side you as he did those.”

I looked at my mantle. It looked so plain and insignificant. I felt that it made me look more like a homeless person than a warrior. Wisdom responded as if I had been speaking out loud.

“The Lord is closer to the homeless than to kings. You only have true strength to the degree that you walk in the grace of God, and ‘He gives His grace to the humble.' No evil weapon can penetrate this mantle, because nothing can overpower His grace. As long as you wear this mantle you are safe from this kind of attack.”

I then started to look up to see how many warriors were still on the mountain. I was shocked to see how few there were. I noticed, however, that they all had on the same mantle of humility. “How did that happen?” I inquired.

“When they saw the battle you just witnessed, they all came to me for help, and I gave them their mantles,” Wisdom replied.

“But I thought you were with me that whole time?”

“I am with all who go forth to do the will of My Father,” Wisdom answered.

“You're the Lord!” I cried.

“Yes,” He answered. “I told you that I would never leave you or forsake you. I am with all of My warriors just as I am with you. I will be to you whatever you need to accomplish My will, and you have needed wisdom.” Then He vanished.

End of Passage.

Pride made Lucifer fall from the glory and humility elevated us to be God Almighty's royal Sons and Daughters. Humility did that because we received the Lord's unmerited grace for salvation! Never forget that.

We don't worship humility; we worship JESUS always, and he makes us humble!

God bless you
Tony Francis

Powers of Christ Death and Resurrection

Christ’s death has spiritual significance as well as physical significance. Christ’s death and resurrection is being celebrated across the world, especially in Christendom, in the name of Easter, but very few really understood the meaning of His death and resurrection, and it physical and spiritual impart.
Let’s really look at it, is it not absurd to tell a man ‘Christ died for you’, Christ who died by crucifixion more than two thousand years ago and the man probably his lineage has never been born by then. Pray, tell, how do you think it sound? Ridiculous, I suppose!

True, Christ death is for all human beings, living by then and by now, being born into the world by then and by now, and yet to be born. It was not just death on the cross, great power of God was released at his death, powers that completely put to destruction ‘special forces of Satan that were holding them world against God; serving as barriers between Him and man, subjecting the world into occult, sin and death. The Bible said, “From the sixth hour until the ninth hour darkness came over all the land … And when Jesus had cried out again in a loud voice, he gave up his spirit. At that moment the curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom. The earth shook and the rocks split. The tombs broke open and the bodies of many holy people who had died were raised to life. They came out of the tombs, and after Jesus resurrection they went into the holy city and appeared to many people,” (27:45-53, NIV).

Closely observe this passage, “…he gave up his spirit. At that moment the curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom. The earth shook and the rocks split. The tombs broke open and the bodies of many holy people who had died were raised to life.” If the death of Christ wrought such physical events, then think of what transpired in the spiritual realm at His death. Each of these has meaning, for people with understanding mind to comprehend. At His death, or the power of God that was released at his death, wrought great destruction to the powers of darkness in the celestial realms. Special forces (demons and evil spirits) of Satan the devil that enslaved the world (even though the world was ignorant of this, for this transcended far beyond the physical and natural world), serving as barriers between God Almighty and human being living by then and being born into the world by then, fell to destructive power of Christ death; as the barriers were broken. The temple curtain torn, a spiritual significant that the door to God Almighty is now open widely for every human being to come to Him with no barrier (except barriers made by humans themselves who loves sin and its vain pleasure than God and Christ). Hades and Death (the most dreadful and one of the most powerful plane in the kingdom of forces of darkness on earth and in heavenly places) lost their overwhelming powers as Christ death freed the dead that has fallen to their powers (few saints actually, with spiritual significant that death has no more hold on the saints of God, those redeemed by Christ through their willingness to come to God through Christ the only True Way). From the time of Christ death onward to our presence days and far into the future, every human beings living in the world and being born in the world is no longer under the powers of these ‘special evil forces’ (except through human-created medium through sins and evil practices) – this is part of the source of the saying that ‘Christ died for you and I’ even after more than two thousand years his crucifixion took place.

Christ Himself did not remained dead for ever, he resurrected from the dead. The scripture accounted that, “In the end of the sabbath, as it began to dawn toward the first day of the week, came Mary Magdalene and the other Mary to see the sepulchre. And, behold, there was a great earthquake: for the angel of the Lord descended from heaven, and came and rolled back the stone from the door, and sat upon it. His countenance was like lightning, and his raiment white as snow: And for fear of him the keepers did shake, and became as dead men. And the angel answered and said unto the women, Fear not ye: for I know that ye seek Jesus, which was crucified. He is not here: for he is risen, as he said. Come, see the place where the Lord lay And they departed quickly from the sepulchre with fear and great joy; and did run to bring his disciples word. And as they went to tell his disciples, behold, Jesus met them, saying, All hail. And they came and held him by the feet, and worshipped him. Then said Jesus unto them, Be not afraid: go tell my brethren that they go into Galilee, and there shall they see me,” Matthew 28:1-10. Glory be to God in the Highest, Christ Himself, whose death freed the dead saints from the powers of Hades and Death, did not remained dead for ever – He broke the power of death over him!

His resurrection completed the total defeat of Satan and his forces of darkness, now there is no other name than that of Jesus Christ that one can be saved from the wrath of God Almighty coming furiously upon the sinful world. Christ Jesus is the True Way, a burden bearer and a friend of all sinners who is ever ready to share in our sorrows, problems, pains and affliction. May God the Father be praised forever for giving His only Son Jesus Christ, who has redeemed mankind back to Him; reconciling the gap sin and its powers had wrought between Him and humankind.

Samuel Akinola

Divine Surrender

I've been learning lately about surrendering to God. It's a weird place where I am right now, but what God is telling me to do is to surrender to Him. When thoughts in my mind are overwhelming, God is saying, “Surrender. Put your will at the cross and take mine.”

A week ago, the Lord told me, “My will and your will can co-exist, but it will limit what you get from me. The less of you in you and the more you surrender the rest to me, the more I'll be in you.” If you want to live with the fullness of grace, you'll have to give up anything that stands in your way to achieve that. So, if you want to go this far, well, you have to give up your own will to God.

God is way bigger than you can ever imagine. The visions He wants to give you are much greater than what your eyes can see. The same goes for the dreams He wants to give you, for the glory He wants to manifest in your life. So, if you depend on yourself, you'll fall short. Surrender your eyes, your mind, your whole self: body, soul, and spirit.

They always say to expand the limits of your expectations when it comes to God. But what's the difference between putting an infinite God in a small tent or in a gigantic temple? Nothing. He still doesn't fit; He's INFINITE. So don't expand anything; break those limits down! Expect God to break the limits of your expectations, for He's so good!

But as the Scriptures say, “No one has ever seen, no one has ever heard, no one has ever imagined what God has prepared for those who love him.” (1 Corinthians 2:9). So, does this mean that I shouldn't expect anything? Of course not, but know what to expect. Expect the result and not the way He'll do it. Expect that your financial needs will be fulfilled, not that someone will give you money. If the Holy Spirit leads you to expect a certain way, do it. But if not, then don't.

Here's one way to surrender to God: surrender your body to the Holy Spirit. When you're worshiping God, ask the Holy Spirit to guide your body moves and start moving your body as He guides you. For me, when I do this activation while dancing, I don't know what the next move is, but when the time comes, I feel what I should do, or I see myself in the spirit doing it before actually doing it. The Holy Spirit may guide you in many other ways.

Surrender your mouth by speaking in tongues, and you can also, while praying in a known language, ask the Holy Spirit to lead you in your prayer and pray. But this time, same as dancing, you don't know what the next sentence or idea is, but when its time comes, you'll feel or see or you'll just know what to pray.

You can also surrender your eyes and your whole self! Surrendering your body to God is amazing, but what's more important is surrendering your way of thinking and your will to God. Your will at even daily choices! The closer you are to Him, the more you'll be able to surrender yourself to Him, especially your will.

Bachir Samaha

Fill The Space

By Francisco Arboleda

Recently, while completing some tasks at home, I suddenly felt the presence of the Lord. It came so quickly and heavily that I had to stop and lean into His presence. I heard the Lord say, “Fill the space.”

Immediately, I put down what I was doing and went into a private room where I could begin to pray.

The Lord continued, “My mandates are not optional, they are my orders for my people; if you don’t fill the space someone else will.”

That word provoked me and brought the fear of the Lord with it. The thought of the enemy filling spaces that the children of the Lord leave open is troubling, to say the least.

I believe the Lord is bringing His people into a revelation of His authority like we have not seen before, and through this word, and others like it in the days to come, the Body of Christ will have an opportunity to engage with the Holy Spirit to activate the Lord’s mandates across the earth.

We are in challenging times in our nations. But as we choose to seek God above all else, the Bible promises that the whole earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord.

In this hour, it is of critical importance to remember the authority we have in Him… AND how to use that authority. It’s not for selfish gain. Remember, what the Lord gives, He gives for the benefit of all people.

I want to share some key insights so that you can engage with this word today.

“Fill The Earth”

In Genesis 1:28, we are told that “God blessed them and said to them, ‘Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it….’” Fill the earth is another way to say fill the space that He has entrusted to us.

A key word in this text is “be.” He wants us to “be”-come what He has mandated. We do this through the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

The Lord will help us to “be” a multiplier of Kingdom authority on the earth.

So here is your question to ponder with Him this month: Where can you partner with the Holy Spirit to become a Kingdom multiplier and fill the space(s) He has entrusted to you?

Ask the Holy Spirit where you may have the opportunity to increase.

Part of understanding authority is to realize that, as believers, we are to steward the blessings of the Lord. Can the Lord trust you with the blessings of heaven?

When the Lord told “man” (male and female) to fill the earth and subdue it (i.e., rule and reign on His behalf), Adam and Eve had not done a thing to earn that authority, but they did have the opportunity within their relationship with God to grow in their ability to steward all He had blessed them with.

It is the same for us today.

You do not need to “earn” the authority God has given to you in the spaces (realms, spheres, territories, and assignments) to which He has called and entrusted you. But it is time for us to steward the things He has given us so that we can begin to see the increase.

Hint: It’s more about your willingness to learn than what you already know.

We are Set Under the Authority of Jesus

In Luke 7:8-9 the Roman officer says, “For I too am a man set under authority, with soldiers under me: and I say to one, ‘Go,’ and he goes; and to another, ‘Come,’ and he comes; and to my servant, ‘Do this,’ and he does it.’” When Jesus heard these things, He marveled at him, and turning to the crowd that followed Him, said, “I tell you, not even in Israel have I found such faith.”

Can you imagine Jesus saying this about you? I believe He wants to. According to the Bible, God’s entire plan is to use those who believe in Him to show others how it should be.

We are to be an example to the world around us and in this story, we see Jesus pointing out exactly that.

I love what the centurion says, “For I too am a man set under authority.” There are a lot of places we can go in the area of authority, according to this teaching. But what I see on display here is the humility shown by this man. With Kingdom authority, a Christ-like humility is required. Remember, Jesus came to serve and not be served and yet was given all authority. He came down from heaven to display the mercy of our heavenly Father, and in obedience, took our place on the cross so that we might be saved.

In the case of the centurion, others responded to his authority, which was given to him by a superior authority. He also obeyed his superiors and carried out their orders. This earned him promotion within the ranks.

Similarly, Jesus is our Superior Authority, and the more we submit to Him, the more authority we carry into the world for the benefit of others.

Fill Your Space

Lastly, in the story of David and Goliath, the enemy is viciously taunting God’s people through Goliath, who is filling the space with mocking and taunts of defeat. The enemy was filling the space intended for the army of the Lord… God’s people cowered on the sidelines instead of defending their territory (space).

But all it took was one “David” to arise on behalf of God’s plans and purposes! Just one, who was willing to fill the space with truth, boldness, and confidence in the Lord. Just one, who was willing to step out into the “impossible” to take back the space and see the enemy defeated.

David learned to “fill the space” in the pastures and as an errand boy and worshipper. He came to know, love, and trust God in all things.

When you love God above everything – His ways, His commandments, His statutes – you discover how to let Him fill the space of your heart and mind. From there, we can then partner with Him to fill any space, realm, or territory on the earth.

It’s time to see an increase in the authority of the Lord in His people.

Are you ready to fill the space?

Are you ready to be a David? Are you willing to trust the Lord in all your ways? Are you willing to allow the authority of the Lord to grow in you as you move in obedience toward His mandates?

If so, join me in this prayer:

Lord, thank You for Your Word and Your promises… and that since creation, it was always part of Your plan that we would walk in the Kingdom authority You have given to us. Lord, help me to fill the spaces of my life with Your presence. I look to Your promises to follow You and lead others in the way we should go. I look to Your Word as orders for my life; I know You love me, and You’ll lead me where I should go. In Jesus’ name, help me to walk in Your authority and fill the spaces. Amen!

Francisco Arboleda

Francisco Arboleda is a key member of the Patricia King Ministries family.  He was hand-picked by Patricia to serve as the Pastor of Shiloh Fellowship – a church with both a global and local outreach. He has the heart of a true shepherd, caring for and covering every member of the congregation.  He is walking in his calling, and living his dream. His passion is to help others do the same.

5 Life Lessons From Colossians

Lesson 1: Chapter 1 – Christ is everything.

Colossians 1:17-20, “And he is before all things, and in him all things hold together. And he is the head of the body, the church. He is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in everything he might be preeminent. For in him all the fullness of God was pleased to dwell, and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether on earth or in heaven, making peace by the blood of his cross.”

It's easy to get overwhelmed in this world with which we live. It seems like there are competing philosophies and views about almost everything. But the words in the above passage hold amazing and transforming words. Jesus Christ means everything and as his followers we need to reflect that.

Lesson 2: Chapter 2 – Live in Christ.

Colossians 2:6-10 – “Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him, rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving. See to it that no one takes you captive by philosophy and empty deceit, according to human tradition, according to the elemental spirits of the world, and not according to Christ. For in him the whole fullness of deity dwells bodily, and you have been filled in him, who is the head of all rule and authority.”

Being a Christian means more than just assenting to a creed, or a particular moment in faith, or a public confession. We are to live in Christ.

Our lives are established and experienced in a daily commitment to follow the way of Jesus. He alone is the authority of our lives and he directs our path. Worldly “religion” and philosophy have no place in the lives of believers.

Lesson 3: Chapter 3 – Set your mind on Christ.

Colossians 3:1-3, “If then you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth.”

I don't want to be misinformed or uninformed so I try to keep up with the news reports of what's going on around me. However, in today's world that can still happen if you watch the news. We can get overwhelmed, confused, and at times thrown in despair. Too much of this world's information can take our minds off of things from above. Focusing on Christ, his mission, his priorities and his values helps us get things right.

Lesson 4: Chapter 4 – Walk wisely as witnesses for Christ.

Colossians 4:2-6, “Continue steadfastly in prayer, being watchful in it with thanksgiving. At the same time, pray also for us, that God may open to us a door for the word, to declare the mystery of Christ, on account of which I am in prison— that I may make it clear, which is how I ought to speak.
Walk in wisdom toward outsiders, making the best use of the time. Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer each person.”

I’ve seen two extremes in witnessing. Many say, “I don’t have the gift of evangelism and I’m not good at talking with people, so I’ll just live the Christian life, be an example.” That's a good start, but if that's all you do you’re going to have to live the Christian life better than Jesus because he not only lived the life (perfectly), he also spoke to sinners about salvation.

On the other hand, some Christians come across as what I call “throat crammers for Jesus.” These are the types who work in telemarketing and love it or just stand on a street corner screaming that everyone's going to hell. They have no problem accosting total strangers and shoving their message down the person's throat. And then the person who gets accosted makes sure they never go near another religious fanatic again. And unfortunately, those who are “silent” witnesses gain another excuse for why they don’t talk to others about Christ: They don’t want to be like those rude, insensitive “throat crammers for Jesus.”

There are two things here: First, there is the content of the gospel itself; then, there is how we share and discuss that content.

The Lord doesn’t want us to be “silent witnesses” or “throat crammers for Jesus.” He wants us to be wise witnesses who live godly lives and who take advantage of every opportunity to talk graciously to lost people about the Savior.

When Paul says that we are to walk with wisdom toward outsiders, he means that we are to live in line with God’s Word so that those who are not Christians will see the beauty of our lives and relationships that reflect Jesus Christ. They ought to be able to see the fruit of the Spirit in us, which should draw them to the Savior.

It should be noted that Paul asked for prayer so that when God opened the door, he would SPEAK the gospel. He was confined in prison, but he was still looking for ways to both live as an example of the gospel AND speak the gospel. That should be our mindset as well.

Jeff Hagan

The Falling of the Dragon

“Then God said, ‘Let’s make human beings in our image, making them reflective of us—God! They’re to be in charge of everything: fish in the ocean, birds in the sky, livestock on the land, and all the wild things crawling around. They’re to be in charge of Earth and everything that breathes and moves across it.' ” Genesis 1:26

It's a no-brainer that when God created Adam, he would rule over the animals in nature, so why do we read this verse in Genesis 1:26 as plainly as we do? I believe it conveys more than a simple meaning. Yes, mankind rules over creation; we have authority over it, but I understand from the context of the text in Genesis that God is highlighting authority.

God has authority over darkness, the enemy, and his companions. God is not interested in having authority over the natural beasts of the forests. Jesus came to destroy the devil and his works by the anointing of the Holy Spirit!

In the Garden of Eden, the first Adam was surrounded by beasts, the talking snake, and he was deceived by it and cast out of the garden. The second Adam, Jesus Christ, was tempted in the wilderness, not a garden, and was surrounded by beasts, the spiritual demonic forces, for forty nights and days.

He cast the devil out and ushered in the Kingdom of God. We are talking about spiritual beasts, ferocious beings, dragons, and violent entities that don't rest night and day until they occupy high places—the “birds of the sky” and the “creeping creatures of the land”. But in Christ, you are to rule over all realms! If you don't, you are not operating in the image of God, who is authority! Do you remember the parable of the mustard seed that became a huge tree, and then birds came to land over it? Those birds refer to demons that come to oppress your fruitfulness and mess with you to steal the glory of God from your life. Do you understand that? Authority is everything!

Psalm 2 tells us that the One who sits on the throne laughs at the enemies because he has authority; he is authority, and the one who is and has authority is always happy! Why? Because nothing can defeat him. Are you on the throne? Yes, you are. The word of God tells us we are seated in Christ in heavenly places far above powers and principalities. But is your authority active? That's the question. You can be an inactive king or an active one. You choose!

“So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. God blessed them and said to them, ‘Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground.'” Genesis 1:27-28

After we read the commissioning of authority for Adam in verse 26, God revealed something HUGE to us in verses 27 and 28. Without authority, you can't be fruitful, blessed, effective, ever-increasing, and multiplying, first! The enemy knows that and he does his best to blind you from this revelation and veil it.

If you are not aware of this, if you don't understand and get the finger of God, the Holy Spirit, to be active to cast away the beasts, the dragon, and the demonic entities, you will get nowhere! Christ's authority is the answer, your answer. Everything will remain the same in your life until you ascend in power and authority.

I've developed a new anointed video course unpacked from Psalm 24 that will revolutionize the way you will live and will position you for heights, blessings, and possessions. I want you to learn about your authority and how it brings the Glory on earth as it is in heaven. With this new 1-hour video course, I am offering you a package of 10+ hours of videos and my downloadable eBooks, all of them, and a personal prophetic word for a sowing to the ministry that is ridiculous. Learn about THIS deal here:

I can't wait to see you join.

God bless you,
Tony Francis

A Farewell Bathed in Roses & Predictions: The Supernatural Death of Kathryn Kuhlman

On February 20th, 1976, a hush fell over the 800-bed hospital as the lights flickered out. Moments earlier, Kathryn Kuhlman, a renowned evangelist, had passed away. While her declining health suggested an irregular heartbeat leading to a flatline, her heart inexplicably stopped, leaving everyone stunned.

A stark contrast to the fading life outside, Kathryn's body emanated a warmth that surprised the new, unbelieving nurse tending to her. But the true wonder unfolded next. The air, thick with the fragrance of millions of roses, enveloped not just the room but the entire floor. No roses were present, yet the heavenly scent bloomed from within.

The aroma's journey didn't stop there. It permeated the entire hospital, defying the sterility of medical floors and wafting across the street into the adjoining building. Nurses and patients alike were left in awe, unable to explain the fragrance's origin.

As the head nurse arrived to record the official time of death, 1:13 am, she reprimanded the new nurse for allowing roses on the ICU floor, unaware of the invisible bouquet filling the air. The scent wasn't confined to one room or floor; it had miraculously claimed four stories of the hospital and stretched beyond, leaving no doubt about its source.

Back in Kathryn's room, the new nurse, overwhelmed by the tangible presence of the Holy Spirit, struggled to stand. The weight of glory, as she described it, was palpable. Later, checking the previous nurse's notes, they found a chilling revelation: Kathryn's final words and a request scribbled in haste.

“I shall die on February 20th at 1:13 am. Please have only roses at my funeral.”

Deeply moved, the young nurse, once skeptical, found herself overcome with tears. In that moment, she experienced a profound shift, touched by the undeniable presence of the Holy Spirit.

Kathryn Kuhlman's passing wasn't a somber farewell, but a glorious departure. Her legacy, intertwined with the fragrance of roses, continues to inspire even today, a testament to the extraordinary power of faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and the mysteries that lie beyond our understanding.

Full testimony video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vEjjJK8q388&t

God bless you
Tony Francis