Tag Archive for: character

Prophetic Word to End Strong Year 2022

For some of you to read a prophetic word about ending a year may be a little surprising because many of us are used to reading prophecies about the beginnings. But in our relationships with our Lord Yeshua, Jesus Christ, we should submit all of our timelines to him, to his Lordship, whether it is a beginning of a thing, the center of it, or the closure!

Jesus Christ is the author and finisher of our faith! As believers, we live by faith and not by time and for me, the author and the finisher mean the beginning and the end. God wants to perfect your faith, bring it to fullness, and crown your year with strong endings because we go from glory to GLORY and the latter glory should be greater than the former.

We should be way excited about a prophetic word for an ending, and ask joyfully how our faith is going to be perfected by him who started it. After all, Jesus is the ALPHA and the OMEGA and we prophesy with him his glorious beginnings and his more glorious endings. Can you imagine spending all of your efforts building toward a goal and it fades away at the end because you didn't know how to wrap up strong? All of your costly investments will be lost and the regret will be major.

From this perspective, I am prophesying to YOU your glorious ending and closure of this season. Consider it as weighty as reading a word for beginnings. This is what I believe the Holy Spirit is saying:

Many of you have GONE through great spiritual warfare and I sense so much pertains to your relationship with your families. You've really suffered a bad mouth, false accusations, robbery of your inheritance, hatred, unforgiveness, and the feelings of loneliness and coldness you felt when you went through all that injustice. Many of you stood your ground strong, kept on the track of righteousness, suffered righteously and some had it all and there is no judgment, only grace and grace abundantly. You all learned hard lessons, how frail mankind is and how naive we can be in the things of love!

The best thing to do at the end of this season is to forgive and forget in the presence of the Lord because time doesn't heal, Jesus does! The Spirit says that if you don't throw those 2 pieces of baggage of unforgiveness and unforgetfulness, your ship in 2023 will be not of a forceful beginning and sailing but of slow motion and dragging. You may be saying what's happening, I prayed about my new year, did this and that! Hear me please, if you don't throw those 2 weighty experiences not much will happen.

We know well the story of Joseph in the Old Testament. No promotion happens without forgiveness and forgetfulness! Joseph was promoted by Pharoah for his wisdom and gift but he was promoted by God for forgetting and forgiving the deep hurt of his family! A new year or a season is about a promotion, a new level should be and you need both YOUR GIFTS/ANOINTINGS and your CHARACTER!

Not many will send you a prophetic word like that but this is the bitter truth medicine that will set us for good for his GLORY! Beloved, don't be deceived … This is how you end your year STRONG in the Lord, and in those couple of days, I hear the Spirit saying many of you will have major breakthroughs and will look like your SUPRISE INTERVENTION. I see you really ADVANCING in Jesus' name. Amen

God bless you

Happy End of the Year

Tony Francis


“The WhatsApp Year Prophetic Word” Limited Offer is about to end in 3 days, December 31. If you've received this ministry that's great as it is one-time sowing because it covers your whole year 2023/5783. But if you want to gift that to a loved one, kindly pass them the link or purchase it for them and mention their name. The offer is a minimum of 50$ sowing, then it goes back to the original price in January.

Click here to request “The WhatsApp Year Prophetic Word” for yourself if you haven't received it yet or sow to someone else: 

If you feel led to sow into this ministry at the end of this year, you can do this on the donation page and you will receive a private link to join my private Facebook group for prophetic mentoring, activations, and more. God bless you!

Survival Tips When Pushed To The Edge

They harass, taunt, belittle and berate.  It is not just a small group but a whole gang of people.  You were just surfacing for air.  You rose above your circumstances and boldly spoke the truth about your purpose and identity in Christ.  “Who do you think you are,” they respond.  They glare in anger.  It wasn’t enough to use words.  They got up and rushed at you.  They put obstacles in your way, tried to discredit you and push you back into the suffocating existence you escaped.  Jesus was there.  He went to his hometown and without an ounce of uncertainty declared his purpose.  His purpose proclaimed his identity as the Son of God.

The account reads this way:

23 Then he said, “You will undoubtedly quote me this proverb: ‘Physician, heal yourself’—meaning, ‘Do miracles here in your hometown like those you did in Capernaum.’ 24 But I tell you the truth, no prophet is accepted in his own hometown.

28 When they heard this, the people in the synagogue were furious. 29 Jumping up, they mobbed him and forced him to the edge of the hill on which the town was built. They intended to push him over the cliff, 30 but he passed right through the crowd and went on his way.

Luke 4: 23, 28 New Living Translation (NLT)

The people rejected and berated Jesus.  He responded with a simple truth.  He told them their unwillingness to accept him hindered them from receiving what he had to offer.  That meant they lost the opportunity to be healed, delivered, restored, and strengthened.  They lost everlasting life.  Jesus never denied them his service and never denied his identity.  He stayed true to himself despite their awful actions.  We too have to remain true to who we are.  There is no need to mirror the behavior of our attackers.  The choice to keep your character is what makes the difference between being pushed to the edge and being pushed over it.  Jesus was pushed to the edge by the mob.  They had him right at the cliff.  But he walked through the crowd and headed back to fulfilling his purpose.    So we can train ourselves to be unwavering in our commitment to our purpose.  When pushed to the edge we won’t be shoved over, we will have the strength to walk away.

Prophetic Word for the month of Kislev 5783 / December 2022

Every time I position myself to pray and hear from the Holy Spirit for each month (Hebraic and Gregorian) I get so excited and joyful. It is so powerful to make Jesus the Lord over our time and new beginnings. Two are at the door, the King of Glory and the enemy and when we consecrate ourselves and time for Yeshua, he comes and reigns and the rest is history! Surely goodness and mercy follow you every single day. I encourage you to make it your holy habit and discipline to download God's agenda, align with Heaven and pray for your times and seasons. God wants time to be your servant and not your enemy, he doesn't want you to war with time. If you want to learn more about that, you can read my post “I know My Plans For You”.

Now let's read and hear by faith what God is revealing to us about this month. Are you ready?

The Lord says this month you will feel a difference in your church meetings wherever you do them. My anointing will be present in stronger ways and levels like never before. The reason I am increasing my anointing in your church meetings and gatherings is that many are coming and they need MY deliverance. Entertaining sermons will not help them, they are after the real deal, they want to SEE ME, says the Spirit of the Lord.

It is so important as servants and ministers of the Gospel to prepare for this new level of anointing. Yes God is releasing the anointing in stronger measures BUT as a carrier and a vessel you need to steward it, less the pure will be mixed when coming out of your heart and character pipelines. God wants JESUS and JESUS only to be seen, in a pure form. Humility is key because it is not your power and skills that are changing people's lives but his power and might. Don't lose your mind, you are just a vessel and HE is the treasure.

Prepare yourself well behind the scenes, in deep prayers, in the fire of God, and let Jesus shines through you! It shall be an ever-increasing anointing in Jesus' name.

People will come to see you BURN for the Lord. “I set myself on fire and people come to watch me burn.” John Wesley (John 1)

Jesus told Peter if you love me serve my people. What a precious moment in time to show your love for the Lord and serve his people powerfully. One day you will enjoy the rewards in Heaven! I feel God's excitement this month because he is about to encounter many and show them his SAVING love which goes beyond words. It is power and tangible glory, it is a dark heart turning to the light, it is crossing from death to life, it is BONDING with the Son of the living God. You play an important role in all that and for that, we thank God for you! Halleluiah

If you have a church, if you lead meetings anywhere, feel free to comment below so the readers of this blog can lift you in their prayers. Let God anoint you! I end with those amazing words in the book of Ruth 3:3, wash before the anointing “Therefore wash yourself and anoint yourself, put on your best garment and go down to the threshing floor; but do not make yourself known to the man until he has finished eating and drinking.” Amen

Tony Francis

Feel free to sow the beginning of this month to support this ministry, especially during this Christmas season. Your sowing helps us be a LIGHT to the world. Thank you for your generous donations. We pray over your seed and bless it in Jesus' name. I decree and declare that as you sow this month, your children will experience eternal salvation and will be powerful ministers to the Lord, evangelists waiting to be birthed in Jesus' name. I also sense that as you bless the work of the Lord in your sowing, you will usher into a breakthrough in your health and healing. I am believing for you that you will start a new beginning in your health, stronger than ever. God bless you! Make a Donation Now

Boldness isn’t a character, it’s a spirit [Audio]

Esau the hunter and Jacob the intellectual, sons of Isaac, hold keys to bless your character and relationship with your heavenly Father. Learn more by listening to this episode. #character #bold #hunter #thinker #spiritofboldness

Related Resources For Your Growth:

Gary Chapman’s book “The 5 Loves Languages”. You can get it here: https://amzn.to/3fR8jvt

Let me know in the comment section below how this now prophetic word has blessed you, to pray and agree with you in Jesus' name.

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Tell Me Your Name

He sat there waiting for a sign that he had a catch.  Only this time he had no heart to reel it in.  He felt lost and out of place.  This was something that he had done for years.  He knew it inside out.  It used to be so second nature that it was like breathing.  Only now, it felt like suffocating.

I imagine those were Peter’s thoughts after Jesus’ resurrection.  He betrayed the only one who ever made him feel alive.  Now he did not know how to live.

In John 13 Jesus informs Peter that he will succumb to the fears and ways that he left when he became a fisher of men.  It is astounding that Jesus tells Peter that he will fall but does not strip him of his new identity.  He uses the name that he assigns to Simon.  He calls him Peter, his rock.  I am sure that was a shock to Peter.  Nothing in his actions showed the fortitude and stability of a rock. But Jesus reminds Peter to rise up from his failure after it happens and get back to his purpose.  The act of falling did not overshadow Peter’s identity.  Who he was, was not synonymous with what he did.  Jesus knew that, but Peter had to learn to separate his failure from who he was.  He had to distance himself from what happened.  Is there something that is holding you back from being who God created you to be?  Are there weights that are trying to keep you from rising to the new life God has for you?  God’s forgiveness and restoration is more powerful than anyone’s word or anything that you could do.

After his resurrection, Jesus challenges Peter by asking him to finally lay to death the man he once was and embrace who he had become.

Jesus Reinstates Peter

John 21

15After breakfast Jesus asked Simon Peter, “Simon son of John, do you love me more than these?e

“Yes, Lord,” Peter replied, “you know I love you.”

“Then feed my lambs,” Jesus told him.

16Jesus repeated the question: “Simon son of John, do you love me?”

“Yes, Lord,” Peter said, “you know I love you.”

“Then take care of my sheep,” Jesus said.

17A third time he asked him, “Simon son of John, do you love me?”

Peter was hurt that Jesus asked the question a third time. He said, “Lord, you know everything. You know that I love you.”

Jesus said, “Then feed my sheep.

He challenges him with the acknowledgment of who he was by calling him Simon Peter but questions who he chooses to be in the present?  Jesus showed Peter his true character and potential.  He opened his eyes to his purpose. Peter is asked to face his past and make a choice.   Jesus tells Peter, that love means leaving the past behind and living in the fullness of his new life.  What will you choose today?  You can leave the past in the past and walk in your present with purpose.  Let the light of the world be the beacon that leads you to fulfill God’s purpose in your life.


Prophetic Word for the month of JUNE/SIVAN 2022

Welcome to June/Sivan 2022. This is what I sense Holy Spirit saying to prepare us for this month we are entering in. We first need to remember according to the psalmist “my time is in your hand” which secures everything for us: peace, blessings, healing, prosperity, victory, etc. I decree and declare that you are stepping into another cycle of blessings, not because of the month itself but because you are in Christ. Yes, God sets a certain agenda for each month and season and you need to be aware of it, position yourself, connect by faith, receive and walk in it.

The month of June/Sivan is not a detached month; it is the next building block of what you have been building on in the month of May and before. I sense more weight of glory in the month of June. I see the glory portal open and I am looking into it now, omg! I wish I could photograph this vision for you! It is so rich, filled with wonderful things stored for you. I don’t believe you can download all of this richness in a single month but take whatever you see and whatever you can believe for. Beautiful!

I believe the Lord wants you to focus this month on his GLORY because this is what he wants to release for you. What is glory? It is the person of Yeshua/Jesus, his character, and his inheritance! Halleluiah.

I pray Holy Spirit touches your faith right now and helps you connect to the glory of God. I feel like crying, I am overwhelmed. Oh, the weight of his glory! Jesus loves you and he can’t wait to lavish you this month with his glory in every area.

Focus on his glory and “faith it” and glory is what you will walk in. Jesus is your glory and head lifter! Look up.

Tony Francis

I believe as you sow financially this month of June your ground will breakthrough. I saw it cracking! Feel free to sow any amount desired or led by the Holy Spirit. Please do it by faith! As Paul said, my intention is for you to be blessed as you give. I agree with your seed in Jesus' name. Amen

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Focus or Force

John 6:13 There were only five barley loaves to start with, but twelve baskets were filled with the pieces of bread the people did not eat!  John 6:14 When the people saw this miraculous sign, they exclaimed, “Surely, he is the Prophet we have been expecting!”

John 6:15 Jesus saw that they were ready to take him by force and make him king, so he went higher into the hills alone.

Jesus, once again, had performed a miracle. He recognized and met a deep need. No one had to ask or tell him about it. The truth was he was always looking for opportunities to meet needs because he was selfless. When the people saw what he was capable of they attempted to force him into “selfless” service. There are a few problems with people's mindset and approach. Let's address the issues with their mindset first. Selflessness is born from within rather than imposed by outside forces. They misunderstand the very nature of what they propose.

John 6:14 When the people saw this miraculous sign, they exclaimed, “Surely, he is the Prophet we have been expecting!”

The people learn through miraculous demonstration that Jesus is capable and gifted in ways they did not realize previous to their experience. However, Jesus is not just discovering his abilities or gifts. His knowledge of his gifts compelled him to identify and meet their need. They assume that Jesus has not recognized his purpose and needs their direction to maximize his potential. That could not be further from the truth. His momentary act of service was not intended to be translated into a lifetime of activity. His purpose was greater than the action they observed. In fact, they had only witnessed a minor display of his power. As a result, Jesus pulls away from them and goes where he can breathe and reaffirm his purpose.

John 6:15 Jesus saw that they were ready to take him by force and make him king, so he went higher into the hills alone

The second issue is with the people's approach. They decide they are going to force Jesus to be what they want him to be. They are not interested in his thoughts about his purpose. Their actions are fundamentally driven by a desire to exploit Jesus' gifts under the guise of promoting selflessness. Jesus already demonstrated he was selfless. He met a need without being asked or requesting acknowledgment. His selflessness was not debatable. He is without a doubt the epitomy of selflessness. Manipulators always test to see if they can diminish a target's self-confidence and thereby gain control over them. The people assume he is unaware of his purpose and claim the right to direct his path. They unanimously take the position of authorities in his life and as such are not open to discussion. People with the right intentions are readily open to dialogue. The crowd Jesus faced intended to make Jesus do what they desired. There was no room for inquiry into Jesus' perceptions.

You may have experienced this subtle manipulation. People go even further and launch assaults on your character because you will not be puppeteered. Jesus did not allow himself to be manipulated and neither should you. Hold on to the clarity granted by your knowledge of your purpose. God designed you to fulfill his plan no one else's. Follow Jesus' example. Move to higher ground where people respect you and allow you to breathe. Sometimes, like Jesus, that might mean being alone for a time. Avoid manipulators. Attempts to derail you or tear you down are based on your good character and immeasurable worth. Don't let anyone keep you from your purpose or tarnish your self-perception.

Heroes of Holiness Will Arise!

By Robert Hotchkin

As we come into the new era of this new year, God is inviting His people into something that He’s been very intentionally leading up to for more than two decades.


For well over 20 years now, God has been pouring out a revelation of His Father’s heart along with the tangible reality of His certain love. This has been one of the main messages and manifestations of charismatic Christianity since heaven invaded the earth through the Toronto Outpouring in early 1994.  It has led to a profound revelation of how radically loved and totally accepted we are in the Beloved (see Ephesians 1:6), as well as an epoch of miracles, signs, and wonders as we press into and worship the One who loves us so.  Bodies have been healed.  Souls have been restored.  Angelic feathers and heavenly gemstones have appeared.  The dead have been raised.  Revivals have broken out.  It’s been glorious. 


It has also been building up to something that is strong on God’s heart.  He is inviting you, and all of His people, into right now.


What God Has Been Up To

The heavenly agenda of these past 20+ years goes well beyond our realizing how completely loved and accepted we are in Christ.  God’s desire has been that with this realization, the lies and burdens of religious performance would be torn down so that we could more fully and powerfully step into the reason that we are here.


Have you ever wondered why we don’t go straight to heaven as soon as we get saved? The answer is right there in Genesis 1:26-28.  


Since Day Six, God’s plan has been to have a people in relationship with Him who operate as His agents of impact in the earth, stewarding creation on His behalf and to His glory.  One of the main ways we do this is to realize that we are made in His image (see Genesis 1:26).  Choosing to operate in His character and nature.  Choosing to be holy, for He is holy (see Isaiah 6:3, Revelation 4:8). Not trying to be righteous to earn favor, blessing, or relationship from Him. That’s the doomed, performance-pressure, and striving of religious self-righteousness.  But instead, God desires for us to realize that through the Love Gift of His Son He has made us holy as He is holy.  Not only so that we can be restored to relationship with Him, but from within that relationship we can be champions of righteousness on His behalf – Heroes of Holiness who positively impact all of creation with every righteous decision we make. 


You Are So Much More Powerful than you Realize

We see the proof of all this in Romans 5:18-19 (NLT):


“Adam’s one sin brings condemnation for everyone, but Christ’s one act of righteousness brings a right relationship with God and new life for everyone.  Because one person disobeyed God, many became sinners. But because one other person obeyed God, many will be made righteous.”


When Adam chose to disobey, it was not just him who was made unrighteous.  It allowed unrighteousness to enter the earth and affect all.  When Jesus chose to obey, it was not Him who was made righteous (He already was), it made righteousness available to all.  Decisions made by those in a relationship with God in the earth impact all of creation.  You have the ability to operate in heroic holiness and make a real difference in the world every time you choose to embrace the power and potential of your righteousness in Christ.


The choices you make ripple throughout all creation.  Your decisions not only affect your life, they affect the whole wide world.  Choose sin and darkness, and sin and darkness enter the world.  But, and this is a HUGE BUT, choose to operate in the heroic holiness of who you truly are in Christ, and righteousness ripples throughout the earth. 

Choose love, peace, joy, generosity, fidelity, integrity, patience, faithfulness, mercy, kindness or forgiveness, and they are released out into all the world.


Go and Sin No More

In John 8:1-11, we read the story of the woman who was caught in adultery.  When this sinner encounters Jesus she is transformed.  Not only because she is set free from the power of sin by the mercy of Messiah, but also because she is launched into a revelation of her true identity in Christ that will continually transform her life as well as impact all of creation.  This is why Jesus tells her, “Go and sin no more.” (John 8:11b NKJV).  He is not saying “sin no more” so you will be forgiven.  He already forgave her earlier in verse 11 when He declared that He would not condemn her.  When he invites her to “sin no more,” He is inviting her into a ministry of heroic holiness.  Not to earn mercy forgiveness, favor or blessing – she already has all of that in her born-again relationship with her Savior (see Ephesians 1:3, 2 Peter 1:3).  But to propel her into what has been God’s plan for her since Day Six – to operate as one of His Dominion Stewards in the earth who shatters darkness by choosing to arise and shine as a Hero of Holiness!


Be Holy in All Your Conduct

Look at 1 Peter 1:15-16:


“He who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct, because it is written, ‘Be holy, for I am holy.’”


If we do not understand who God really is and what He is really like, we could easily misconstrue this passage of scripture in 1 Peter.  It is not a command to perform for acceptance.  It is an invitation to step into our true born-again identity of being made in God’s image and being about our Father’s business in the earth at a level of effectiveness and impact we have yet to even come close to fully realizing or even understanding. 


As New Testament believers, 1 Peter 1:15-16 (and the scriptures in Leviticus it echoes back to) are not some religious quid pro quo burden of performance God is laying upon us while saying, “Hey jump through My rule-hoops or I will smite thee!”   No.  This is God reminding us who we really are in Him.  This is God inviting us to step into our true born-again character and nature.  This is God helping us to a global ministry of radical impact in the earth through the decisions we make with our free will to look and sound and act just like our Father in Whose image we are made.  This is how we co-labor with Him as His dominion stewards in the earth!


Keep My Commands

We are in a John 14:15 hour.  God is reminding us that if we love Him we will keep His commands. This is not a demand to prove devotion. Or a stipulation to earn favor and blessing.  This is God helping us step into who we truly are and long to be. This is an opportunity for the fulfillment of purpose, potential, and identity at a level we barely comprehend.


For 20+ years God has been going out of His way to help us see and know and feel that we are totally and completely loved by Him (see John 3:16). Loving God is not a way to get His love, it is the natural response to the certainty of His love (see 1 John 4:19).  Obeying His commands is not an offering or sacrifice for relationship, it is an embracing of powerful identity and purpose within that relationship. 


 Are You Ready to Get Radical?

A company of righteous radicals is arising.  These Heroes of Holiness truly know who they are in Christ.  They know how loved they are.  They know in whose image they are made.  They know all of creation has been longing for them to walk in the power, purpose and passion of their true identity. 


These Heroes of Holiness are waking up to the incredible power they have to impact the world through the decisions they make. They know that when they choose to operate in righteousness, patience, honor, unity mercy, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, forgiveness, love, peace, joy, gentleness, self-control – when they choose to be who they truly are in Christ – these divine attributes ripple throughout all creation.  The Kingdom comes.  His will is done.  Light shatters darkness.  Territory is taken.  Powers and principalities are torn down.  Not with carnal weapons or natural strength, but with weapons that are mighty in God (see 2 Corinthians 10:4), wielded by Heroes of Holiness who are powerfully aware of who they truly are. 


Consecrate Yourself Anew

Do you want to be one of His Heroes of Holiness?  Tell Him today.  Take a Joshua 3:5 moment and consecrate yourself anew, declaring that by His grace and through the leading of His Spirit you will walk in greater and greater fulfillment of who you are truly are in Christ.  He will work wonders in your midst!


Robert Hotchkin

Men on the Frontlines / Robert Hotchkin Ministries

e-mail: [email protected]

website:  www.roberthotchkin.com


Robert Hotchkin is an author, minister, speaker, and media host.  He is the founder of Men on the Frontlines, and one of the core leaders of Patricia King Ministries. He hosts the weekly Heroes Arise broadcast, co-hosts the show Propel with Patricia King, and is a regular guest and co-host of the show Supernatural Life on GodTV.  Robert’s newest book, 31 Decrees of Blessing for Men, is a powerful daily devotional that activates men to walk in all that they have been blessed with as sons of God.

4 Daughters Who Prophesy

“Leaving the next day, we reached Caesarea and stayed at the house of Philip the evangelist, one of the Seven. He had four unmarried daughters who prophesied.” Act 21: 8-9

I am restoring the prophetic mantle over this young generation back again. For this shall be the generation that will seek the face of the God of Jacob (Psalms 24:6) and will proclaim him gloriously, says God Almighty! And I know many are reading this timely word not by accident as I have drawn them into this lifetime invitation.

Do you want to be part of this prophetic army that God is rising in this hour? Your response will determine how Heaven will reply. Many are called to a prophetic intercession that they will not pray to God but let God pray through them in a perfect unity with them.

Many are called to be prophetic evangelists and will shout out the good news as if Jesus is walking our streets once again. Many are called to be prophetic worshipers as if Jesus himself is adoring the Father from their hearts, lips and musical gifts (Hebrews 2:12). Many are called to be prophetic writers as if the Holy Spirit is birthing heavenly and anointed books through them.

But ALL are called to be prophetic in their characters and walk as if they no more live but Jesus lives in them and through them. Once again the world is going to be reintroduced powerfully to the real Jesus to encounter him in his full glory and God will do it through you!

Through you, Jesus will be in the marketplace, in schools, in universities, in business fields, in churches, and all kinds of secular places of authority. 2000 years ago, people had to travel for days and months to meet Jesus and it was worth it but today and because of your prophetic character, where Jesus uses your mind to think, your tongue to speak, your eyes to see, your ears to hear, and your emotions to feel, people will meet him … Everywhere!

Pull down the prophetic mantle from God as soon as you finish reading because this is the prophetic word of the Lord for YOU! Amen

Declare with me: Everything in me prophesies the King of Glory!

You can also watch this blog as a Vlog (Video Blog). Click here to watch it: 4 Daughters Who Prophesy …

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Glory to God
Tony Francis

Marveled at his Faith

Faith is a person, it is Jesus Christ. The Kingdom of God functions and operates on the basis of his character and nature. That’s why faith is important and essential. God doesn’t doubt himself because he knows what he says must be. “so shall My Word be, which goes out of My mouth; it shall not return to Me void, but it shall accomplish what I please, and it shall certainly do what I sent it to do.” Isaiah 55:11. It is the case of any earthly king, do you think that an authoritative king thinks in his heart this way: “I wonder if my commandments will be executed or not.” Kings rule and they know without a shadow of a doubt what they command will be done! From where do they get this confidence, assurance and faith? From their position and authority.

God is the higher authority in the whole universe, his authority fills heaven and earth. He is called the King of kings. Who are the kings he is King over? You and I and everyone who is in Christ. You are made in the image of this King to decree his word into your situation, your nation, your family and over any sickness or disease and everything that is not aligned with his glory. One day, Jesus spoke to a fig tree and told it to wither from the roots. Instantly that tree obeyed and the disciples saw this and marveled at it and told Jesus excitedly about it. After that, Jesus taught his followers, you among them, that they can do the same and greater if they “have faith in God”, Mark 11:22. In Greek, the original language is echō pistis theos, which means: Possess God’s Faith!

Glory to God
Tony Francis

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