Tag Archive for: angels

Children of God Are Heirs

“Hearken, my beloved brethren, Hath not God chosen the poor of this world rich in faith and heirs of the kingdom which He hath promised to them that love Him?” (James 2;5)

What Is Heir?
a) An heir is a child of the owner of a property or title
b) One who inherits, (Inheritor)

How Can One Become An Heir?
John 3:1-5 says “Ye must be born again”, to become an Heir of the kingdom.
Nicodemus, a highly placed and influential man came to Jesus and desperately wanted to know how to become an heir, Jesus told him the way to become an heir is to be “born again”

Also in John 14:6, Jesus told His disciples, especially when Thomas sought to know the way, Jesus said to him, “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life; no one cometh unto the Father but by Me”

You become an heir when you accept Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior. Make Him the Master and TOTAL RULER of your life. Once you do this, you become a child of God.

What Is There To inherit OR What Are We Heirs Of?
1) We Are Heirs of God’s Promises
Heb 6:17 says “Wherein God, willing more abundantly to shew unto the heirs of promise the immutability of His counsel, confirmed it by an oath”
Our God is unchangeable and trustworthy, so are His promises. It is only a man who can change and with his promises. God does not. When God promised Abraham a son, He took an oath in His own Name. The oath (which was the promise), was as good as God’s Name and His Name is as good as His divine nature. It never changes, “Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, and today, and forever”. (Hebrew 13:8).

2) We Are Heirs Of Injustice
“By faith Noah, being warned of God of things not seen as yet, moved with fear, prepared an ark to the saving of his house, by the which he condemned the world, and became heir of the righteousness which is by faith”. (Hebrew 11:7).
Like Noah, you would experience rejection from your neighbors and friends, because with your new life in Christ, you would be different from your neighbors and friends.

Just like Noah’s obedience to God’s command to build a boat on a dry land made him look strange to his neighbors, so also will your obedience to God’s Word in your new life (belief) in Christ will make look strange to your neighbors, friends and even some family members. As you obey God’s Word, you will undoubtedly be positively “different”. Our obedience in Christ will make the unbelievers’ disobedience stand out.

Inspite of all the rejection and name calling Noah might have gone through in the hands of his neighbors, God gave him all the necessary strength and resources to complete the assignment. So also will God give you all-round help you need to complete the assignment He has committed or will commit into your hands, in Jesus’ Name.

3) We Are Heirs Of Salvation
“Are they not all ministering Spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation?” (Hebrew 1:14).
As heirs, angels will serve you and me. Angels are our Father’s messengers, spirit beings, created by our Father and are under His authority. As children of God, what belongs to Him (our Father), also belongs to us. They will be subject to us.

4) We Are Heirs Of The Kingdom Of God
The Bible tells us in James 2:5, where we took our reading from, about the “poor” and those whose simple values are despised by much of our affluent society. James thinks that perhaps the “poor” people prefer:
• serving to managing
• human relations to financial security
• peace to power
• This does not necessarily imply that the poor will go to heave and the rich to hell. No!
• The truth is that poor people are usually more aware of their powerlessness. Therefore, it is often easier for them to acknowledge their need for salvation.
• Pride is one of the greatest barriers to salvation for the rich
• Bitterness can often bars the way of salvation for the poor

For the rich, kick pride out of your and for the poor, have nothing to do with bitterness. You both should accept true salvation which only Jesus Christ can give, before you know kit, you will be sinking into your inheritance, the Kingdom of God.

5) We Are Heirs Of God And Co-Heirs With Christ
Romans 8:17 tells us that “And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint –heirs with Christ: If so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together”
To live like Jesus lived means serving others, giving up one’s rights, resisting pressures to conform to the world- this comes with a big price. There is nothing we can compare to the greatest price He paid to save us and even the treasure that is laid up for us as heirs of God and joint-heirs with Christ.

6) WE Are Co-Heirs Of The Grace of Life
“Likewise, ye husbands, dwell with them according to knowledge, giving honor unto the wife, as unto the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life, that your prayers be not hindered” (1 Peter 3:7).
Our prayers may be hindered if we are not considerate and respectful of our wives or spouses, because, as children of God, a living relationship with God depends on our right relationship with others. In Matthew 5:23-24, Jesus admonishes us to reconcile our differences with our neighbors before we come to worship. The same principle applies to families too. If you use your position to mistreat your wife or husband your relationship with God will suffer. Until you ask for mercy, your sonship is in doubt as well as being heir and you might therefore miss the grace of life. That should not our portion, in Jesus’ Name.

7) We, As Over comers, Will Inherit The Earth
Revelation 21:7 puts it this way: “He that overcometh shall inherit all things, and I will be his God, and he shall be my son”
• Those who overcome “endure to the end” (Mark 13:13)
• Over comers will receive the blessings that God promised;
a) eating from the tree of life – Revelation 2:7
b) escaping from the lake of fire (the 2nd death) – Revelation 2:11
c) receiving a new name – Revelation 2:7
d) having authority or power over the nations – Revelation 2:26
e) being included in the Book of Life – Revelation 3:5
f) being a pillar in God’s Spiritual temple – Revelation 3:12
g) sitting with Christ on His Throne – Revelation 3:21

All those who can endure the testing of evil and remain faithful will be rewarded by God.
You can only become an heir if you are a child of the owner. TODAY is an opportunity for you to be the child of the Father, Owner of inheritance, by accepting Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior. Ask Jesus Christ to forgive your sins and be the Master and Ruler of your life henceforth. Now look for a Bible believing church in your neighborhood to attend and grow in the Word of God. If you believe that you are already an heir of the Kingdom of God, please always tell others about Jesus Christ, the Father and Owner of inheritance.

Divine stream (and the prophetic timing for Africa)

Divine Stream

Genesis 2:10; And a river went out of Eden to water the garden; and from thence it was parted, and became into four heads.
Revelation 22:1; And he shewed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb.

There is a Divine stream that flowed forth from Eden to water the garden, we will come to discover that this stream is central to the move of God in the earth, at the time of Genesis the source of this river was not mentioned and if we were to remain here in our study, we will not see that it has an eternal source from which it flowed from. Journeying to the book of the unveilings, even the Revelation of Jesus Christ to John His servant, we can see that this stream flows right from the throne of God into the earth as captured in chapter 22vs1. When you follow the stream in Genesis to its fountain head, there you will find the throne of God and of the Lamb.
This Divine stream is nothing other than the issuing forth of the Spirit from the throne of God and of the Lamb into all the earth. It is the release of the very triune God as life through the out flow of His spirit, also, it is worthy of note that in the economy of the Godhead in carrying out His purpose, the spirit is perpetually proceeding forth from the father and the son, he is the clear crystal sea that flows from the throne and yet, one with the throne. He flows in the direction of God's move in the earth to enhance its accomplishment and as of the time of Genesis 2, the move of God in the earth was concentrated in the garden which is eastward of Eden, there we find the spirit. He flows in the direction of the move of God in the earth, the temple in Isaiah, God sought a move and we find the flow of the spirit facilitating the administration of the Angels for the move of God.
Even today where ever the work of God is there, you find the release of the spirit, his torrent flows to enhance God’s work and to bring His eternal will to pass, when the activities of the spirit becomes heightened in a given space to supply fresh grace, it is an evidence of God’s move. He perpetually flows in the direction of God’s move to promote its accomplishment.
Genesis 2:10-14; And a river went out of Eden to water the garden; and from thence it was parted, and became into four heads. The name of the first is Pison: that is it which compasseth the whole land of Havilah, where there is gold; And the gold of that land is good: there is bdellium and the onyx stone. And the name of the second river is Gihon: the same is it that compasseth the whole land of Ethiopia. And the name of the third river is Hiddekel: that is it which goeth toward the east of Assyria. And the fourth river is Euphrates.
Revelation 21:6 And he said unto me, It is done. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. I will give unto him that is athirst of the fountain of the water of life freely.
From our scriptures above, we see that this stream having a single source, flowed into different lands yet the same stream. Even today, this single stream from the throne flows into the continents of the world from Asia to America to Africa to Europe and to Australia; we also come to discover that this stream has some strange abilities, unlike every other natural stream so much so that, to wherever it flows into, it has the divine capacity to release life, a land and even a man remains dead until he has met the with Spirit, only the Holy Spirit of God has the power to impart life to a man, he animates the work of Christ in power and grace to a people who previously walked in darkness; secondly, we also discovered that as the stream flows it reveals the treasures of the land, the precious stones of the land were buried beneath ground.These potentials remained hidden until the stream flowed into them. It is worthy of note that every people or group has a potential to be relevant in the economy of God but will remain barren until they come into the flow of the river, only within its torrent can true relevance in the light of divine ordination be discovered; thirdly, we know that common to every pure stream is its ability to quench thirst. Our current world is in great need of reality, only in the river can human thirst for reality be quenched. Instead of giving men too many principles and laws that may help but a little, it is most expedient we bring them into the flow of the stream, there can their thirst for reality be truly satisfied.
Again we see the flowing all through scriptures, the same stream in Genesis is the same that flows up into the book of Revelations, we must discern the movement in every book and chapter of the bible, so as to remain in the current of the spirit, he is the Divine stream of God's Eternal Purpose. The same stream that inspired the building of the tabernacle in the old testament, has in the new testament made us the tabernacle of God, the same that inspired the consecration of the firstborn sons and priests to God has made us now both members of the corporate son of God and priests unto Himself, the same that inspired the prophets of old hath in these last days fulfilled them, even concerning Christ, even concerning Israel, and also the nations, we must see that his speaking throughout all scriptures is one not two, scriptures testifies about scriptures that it was given by the inspiration of the divine stream even the Spirit. Many haven't seen that, though the Bible is a library of books, there is but one single string connecting them all from beginning to the end, this string, is God's eternal purpose. God is seeking to achieve one thing, just a single purpose not two, that is, to gain a household of people bearing his image and expressing his authority, this purpose is centered in Christ, this is what the spirit testifies about all through the bible. He is moving from Genesis to Revelation in the direction of God's eternal purpose to see to its accomplishments; first in the eternity past to His hovering in Genesis 1, secondly, with the fathers from Adam to Abraham, thirdly, with Israel as a nation; working through the prophets, judges and kings, fourthly, today in the church the spirit is moving, fifthly, in the millennial age where the kingdom of the heavens will be visible for a thousand years and sixthly, into the New Jerusalem. We should be able to discern the flow of the stream in the direction of God's eternal purpose in every book of the Bible, only then can we become one with the river.
Ezekiel 47:1; Afterward he brought me again unto the door of the house; and, behold, waters issued out from under the threshold of the house eastward: for the forefront of the house stood toward the east, and the waters came down from under from the right side of the house, at the south side of the altar.
In Ezekiel, we see that the stream flows from the temple, signifying the divine fellowship of the body.There is a fellowship we share in the body of Christ, it is the fellowship of the spirit not of flesh, the same oneness we share in God through the spirit in regeneration, should be the same oneness that is expressed in the communal fellowship of the body but sadly, this is not so today, saints neither give place to the spirit in their lives nor even to the spirit's flow in the body life. He is mostly locked out from our community. We must see that the body of Christ is something divine and mystical yet real and tangible expressed through of our community life, it is not limited to space and time, yet expressed through them.I must repeat our oneness is not of anything flesh in a pattern of dress code or an encrypted way of speaking it is of the spirit, Paul calls it the bound of the spirit connecting the believers universally together and cannot be broken. This same spirit seeks to make the believers within a community, grow into one mind. We should in all things give place to the Spirit, for when we allow flesh come in, what it would produce will be bitter water of strive, envy, immorality and accommodating false doctrines and apostles. Brethren we must allow the spirit dominate in our fellowship, only then can this pure stream increase into the temple from threshold of brotherhood and communal life, it then over flows into all the earth, bringing life and healing to the nations.
The stream in the temple signifies the divine fellowship of the body, if this divine stream of the body which is our fellowship as brethren increases, we have the more tendencies to release life to the world. The Bible says where ever the river flows, to it brings life, only in accurate fellowship can life be produced; before we say or do anything in the body, we must ask does the spirit permits it? The grounds of accurate fellowship must be secured (Ezekiel 47:9). In the land of Goshen in Egypt, we see how death was stopped through the fellowshipping together as a family, breaking bread and eating meat in the camp of the Israelites, as they took the blood from the meat of fellowship and placed on their door post, God instructed the Israelites to have a feast as families in their houses while death plagued the world around, they enjoyed life (Exo). Accurate fellowship is our defense and relevance as the Church of Jesus, we must allow the river of true brotherhood flow, it flowed in the church in Acts 13, prompting the church's sending forth of Paul and Barnabas.

Again in the book of Acts, we see the divine flow of the stream as the Spirit, in the upper room a sound came from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind. If we trace the fountain head, the source remains the throne. The experiences we enjoy in the body are not earthly, they have their source from the throne of God, if we remain in the flow of the river, we will become more one with the throne. When we go into some gatherings of the Lord's people, you feel the dryness in the atmosphere, they have locked the Lord out of their meetings, it all then ends in frustrations and shallow level experiences. We must trace the river back to the throne, we must desire the out pouring of the river of God, only when He is out poured upon us, then we can know the mind of He who sits on the throne. The seeking saints should desire the release of the spirit upon them at all times, he is the divine seal upon the Lord’s work Acts 2:2.

Dear saints we must follow the current of the stream to meet the Father and the Lamb at His throne, there he is revealed.

From Acts, we can see that the Divine stream moves in the direction of God's Divine work and purpose, where ever the present move of God's work is, there you can find the stream and it moves throughout the ages. It flowed from Jerusalem, to Antioch, it then turned to the west, it flowed to Asia, through to Macedonia (that is Europe).
Note, that there is no end to the book of Acts, this is because, that stream still flows even today. It flowed through Europe in the 1600s and stirred up the Martin Luther reformation from the degradation that occurred in the church at Rome, it flowed through Azusa street, sparking the Pentecostal revival through William Seymour.
In the twentieth century it flowed through Asia, stirring up our beloved brother Watchman nee for the Lord's recovery work in his body.

Today we see this stream in Africa, yes AFRICA, there is a concentration of the Lord's move now in this continent, there is a particular emphasis of Heaven over this continent to make her the gaze of the nation, the truth is, God remains the Governor amongst the nation and is not restricted in his move amongst them but we see a unique flow issuing forth from Africa, her treasures consistent with her prophetic heritages are now being rediscovered to bring the attraction of the nations to her, the signs are in the clouds, the divine river now seeks to flood the heart of the young once again to desire God, even the God of Jacob. A new kind of grace is now being released affecting the texture of ministry on ground, the gross economic distress is only but a pointer to reveal to us of satan’s interest to cripple a land with great natural endowment but we see a river flowing to restore our heritage of people mapped out by God, this move will we bring Africa out of obscurity and make her a spot light amongst the community of Nations.
Oh Africa awake, for the river even the spirit now flows through your lands, the once dark continent shall become the bearer of light even the Shekinah glory!
The flowing of the stream captures the current flow of the move of God. If you haven't discerned the current of the stream you are out of the flow of God's move; in your nation you must discern where the river is moving towards, because where the river is, there the move of God for his work is.


¹ Flow forth, flow forth, even from thy throne,
Let your divine stream upon us yet pour.
That the souls of those who thirst will leap for joy,
And our obscurity from reality shall in thee drawn.

² Our fellowship is dry and brotherhood lost
Our hands are weary from work
For the labors of the fields are great
Flow forth, flow forth, even from thy throne
Let your divine stream upon us yet pour.

³ How great is your move amongst the nations,
Affecting every tongue, harvesting every race;
May we in your move be relevant,
Flow forth, flow forth, even from thy throne,
Let your divine stream upon us yet pour.

⁴ How great is your economy oh God,
You are uniquely one yet you are triune
Flowing into us for an everlasting union,
Flow forth, flow forth, even from thy throne,
Let your divine stream upon us yet pour.



Thank you!
This article is a product of the teaching ministry of
Daniel zadok, he is governed by the recovery
vision of God in His body for this age, which is for
converts to become disciples full of God and the
precise knowledge of His new testament
economy unto conformity to the image of Christ.

He believes in the Holy Apostolic Faith passed
down to us through the first Apostolic Fathers,
upon which the church should be Modelled after
and the individual maturity of the believers upon
this foundation will birth the true victorious

Contact: Ajahdaniel09@gmail.com

Thursday of Completion: Prophetic Zoom Event with Tony Francis

Speaker: Tony Francis
Type: Online ZOOM Event (video audio replay available)
Date & Time: Thursday July 7th, 2022 at 11 pm Beirut Time
Price: Any amount you feel led to pay a minimum of $7
Time: 2 hours 30 minutes

Prophetic Word for the month of JULY/TAMMUZ 2022

I am so excited to share with you what I felt I received from the Holy Spirit for the month of July/Tammuz 2022 that we are entering into. I am so excited because I know with God it is going to BE GOOD. Have you held to a book before where it is so good chapter by chapter that you can't let go of it until you have completed it? This is how a year rolls with our heavenly Father, it is so good chapter by chapter, from glory to glory, that we can't but LOOK INTO what he is saying, titling, arranging, and organizing for us now and then. July is another chapter of his goodness that I can't wait to jump into to do life with him under the umbrella of this holy timing and divine appointments! Glory to God.

“July, July, you are going to serve my purposes for my people, says the Lord.”

July is a month of great achievements, where things you left cooking for a while are about to be served deliciously. Many of you have felt the frustration of building things up, organizing, investing, planning, and expecting, and now is the time for your pleasant satisfaction because it is going to be served well. I actually sense in the spirit that God has assigned eloquent and elegant Angels of presentations. Doesn't look bad when you have a very well-prepared expensive meal but ends up with a bad presentation or outlook? Not many will be drawn to it, right?. God's BEST presentation will be the topping of what you've been building up recently. He will beautify your efforts, brand them with glory and cause his beauty to do the marketing for you and appeal others to it. It is going to be so good and awesome! Halleluiah.

July is a month for achievements, closed deals, finalizations, and grand beginnings. You are going to shine this month, believe this prophetic word, connect to it and you will see it come to pass. God is on the move, he has blessed your assignments and projects, the core and the skin, the inside and the outside are so beautiful in him, and YOU are going to sell, and sail. Amen!

Tony Francis

Feel free to sow at the beginning of July 2022 and as you sow your seed, thank God for his FAVOR hovering over you like a banner in this month, propelling you to ACHIEVE in Jesus' name! I am believing with you! Thanks for blessing and supporting Healed Nations' ministries! God bless you.

Thursday of Completion Zoom Event

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Request Prophecy, My Heavenly Calendar, Dream Interpretation & 101 Prophetic Activation

Request a personal prophetic word from the Lord by email or WhatsApp. The Now Word, The Month Word, the Friend Word, the Couple Word, the Yearly Word, Your Heavenly Calendar, Dream Interpretation & 101 Mini Activation and Mentoring. Read our encouraging testimonies how people are blessed after receiving this ministry. Learn more about this and get yours today!

The Angel & the Trumpet of Humility

Thursday 4 April 2019, I was spending some intimate time in prayer with my Lord Jesus at night as I usually do. These are my best moments ever when everyone is sleeping in the neighborhood and when it is quiet, I connect to Heaven. While I was praying, I mentioned by the Spirit of the Lord this prayer “the breakthroughs of Humility” and when I uttered this prophetic prayer, something happened. I saw in a vision an Angel in my room standing to my right blowing a trumpet. I kept myself engaged in this vision to receive what the Lord is doing and why he sent this Angel.

As we know from Hebrews 1:14, Angels are God’s spirit ministers sent to serve us in our inheritance. How often do you hear a faint thought from God or a vision and you ignore it? Well, if you engage with it long enough you will get understanding and open up to receive what God meant to give you. In the book of Acts 10, Peter kept thinking of the vision of the heavenly basket then the scripture says: “The Holy Spirit spoke to him”.

Thank God, I didn’t ignore this angelic ministry. I looked back at his trumpet and saw engraved on it the word “HUMILITY”. I stepped by faith and stood where the Angel was standing in my room. When I did that and stood in the Angel, the spirit of prophecy fell on me and started prophesying over myself great powerful words about me being transformed into humility more and more. I don’t remember all the words I spoke by the Spirit, I remember things like: “I will think humility, speak humility, look like humility … then I commanded PRIDE BOW DOWN, etc.”

The next day the Lord used me mightily ministering to others and prophesying great stuff over them. No wonder God released his power through me the next day after he secured and established me in humility the night before!

I am sending my prophetic experience to the whole church to release the activity and ministry of this angel for you because I feel doing this. May you experience the increase of Christ’s humility in your life … because great things are coming your way and God wants you to position yourself well for power & love on the cornerstone of humility! AMEN

Toni Francis

You can also watch this blog as a Vlog (Video Blog). Click here to watch it: The Angel & the Trumpet of Humility

Recruiting Angels

Have you worked with some professional employees on your team that amazed you and took your business to a higher level? Working with gifted people is amazing it creates in you excitement to be around them daily. Although your team is highly gifted they will go nowhere without your leading. You are the boss, you are in charge and you see the wide vision of your life. Your highly gifted team will stay gifted but unfruitful if you don’t orchestrate the symphony. Your authority empowers your team and ignites the fire in them. Your team will do nothing without you arranging the tasks and creating an action plan for each one of them.

This is a close example to introduce you to your team of Angels that are eager to be recruited by you. They know that Christ has given you the authority on earth as it is in heaven and they can do nothing on their own without you binding and loosing and operating in your authority. Your home servant will do nothing unless you command him, right? Although it will be nice of him if he does something never been told to do. But it is mostly not the case! Scriptures are full of keys and insights to teach you how to activate your powerful team of Angels. I am not discussing here those keys although I may do it in another devotion, I just want to make you aware of your invisible team of support and great help that are waiting to join forces with you to bring heaven on earth daily. You don’t worship your team when they bring you success, you just appreciate them more, same with Angels.

Why miss the chance anymore for being greatly empowered? Today open up spiritually to see this long queue of unemployed Angels that are waiting long enough to be recruited by you!

Glory to God
Tony Francis

Elisha’s Double Anointing

By Barbie Breathitt

Christlikeness From the Life of Elisha: Tests and Double Mantle

Tests and a Double Mantle

After Elijah trained his servant Elisha to look and see, listen and hear, and prophesy the word of the Lord, it was time for him to return to Heaven. The heavenly chariot of God carried Elijah away from Elisha into the spiritual expanse of Heaven's eternity outside of time. Elisha was told by Elijah, “If you see me when I am taken from you, [you will receive a double portion of my spirit]…”

Elisha had to pass many tests and persevere in order to walk in Elijah's double mantle (see 2 Kings 2:1-18). Elijah asked Elisha to stay in Gilgal, the place of cutting, circumcision, and the rolling away of reproach, but he refused. This is a picture for us that when God removes our past failures and reproach, we must walk through the gates of authority into the new place with God; and so Elijah then moved on to Bethel, the place or house of God, the gates of Heaven. Bethel was a place where people went to seek counsel from God. Elisha followed Elijah to Bethel to learn how to obtain God's counsel.

We must follow the leading of the Holy Spirit to the next place of testing to progress spiritually. We cannot remain complacent or stagnant; the river of God always flows.

Next, the sons of the prophets came to Elisha in Bethel and said, “Do you know that the Lord will take away your master from over you today?' And Elisha said, “Yes I know; be still!” Elijah told Elisha to remain in Bethel while he went on to Jericho. But Elisha said, “I will not leave you” (2 Kings 2:3 NASB).

The sons of the prophets in Jericho, a place of fragrance and warfare, had also been shown that Elijah was going to be taken away from Elisha that day.

From Jericho, Elijah and Elisha traveled on to Jordan, a place of flowing down or descending, where fifty men of the sons of the prophets stood opposite them at the Jordan River. Elijah took his mantle, folded it together, and struck the waters of the Jordan, which divided, allowing both prophets to cross over on dry ground.

When they had crossed over, Elijah said to Elisha, “Ask what I shall do for you before I am taken from you.” And Elisha said, “Please, let a double portion of your spirit be upon me.” He said, “You have asked a hard thing. Nevertheless, if you see me when I am taken from you, it shall be so for you; but if not, it shall not be so.” As they were going along and talking, behold, there appeared a chariot of fire and horses of fire which separated the two of them. And Elijah went up by a whirlwind to Heaven. Elisha saw it [the chariot] and cried out, “My father, my father, the chariots of Israel and its horsemen!” And he saw Elijah no more. Then he took hold of his own clothes and tore them in two pieces. 2 Kings 2:9-12 NASB

However, Elijah did not hand his mantle onto Elisha; Elisha had to pick it up after Elijah was taken into Heaven.

What Was the Significance of Elijah's Mantle For Elisha?

The word mantle in Hebrew is addereth; its root word being adar, which is also the word for the last month on the Hebrew calendar. The month of Adar is the best time to remove any personal barriers to holiness, thus it is a time to create the potential for the greatest joy. Adar is the final month of the year, i.e. it completes the year, and hence it is a time of completion.The root meaning of adar is glorious, splendid, marvelous, and mighty. In a noun form it is rendered as a cloak or mantle.

He also took up the mantle of Elijah that fell from him and returned and stood by the bank of the Jordan. He took the mantle of Elijah that fell from him and struck the waters and said, “Where is the Lord, the God of Elijah?” And when he also had struck the waters, they were divided here and there; and Elisha crossed over. 2 Kings 2:13-14 NASB

Jewish traditions indicate that the mantle that fell from Elijah was a tallith or prayer shawl. The tallith of a prophet or master teacher would have dark purple-blue threads in the corner tassel. People believed that the purple thread contained miracle power. This is why the woman with the issue of blood wanted to touch the hem of Jesus' tallith or garment. When she was healed, Jesus said, “Who touched Me?…I felt virtue leave Me.” Then He told her, “Your faith has made you whole,” not a purple thread (see Matthew 9:20-22 and Luke 8:43-48).

Elijah's tallith, mantle, or “adar” symbolized that Elisha had removed any barriers to his relationship with God. He was no longer the servant but now stepped into the place of the prophet he had served. Elijah's mantle was a doorway to God's power. Elijah told Elisha that if he saw him taken, he would have his desire to carry on the prophetic ministry with a double portion of his spirit.

The mantle is a symbol of joy and completion. Elijah left his mantle as a sign that he had completed his assignment. Elisha picked up Elijah's mantle indicating the start of a new year; he was picking up where Elijah left off and beginning his own ministry as a prophet. Elijah's mantle was a symbol of an agreement of power and authority between Elijah and God. Elisha's picking up Elijah's mantle symbolized that he was entering into the same agreement with God. When Elisha used Elijah's mantle to part the Jordan River, God established His agreement or covenant with Elisha.

What The Double Portion Looks Like

Everyone is at a different level of hearing and seeing in their spiritual understanding. Elisha had walked and been personally trained by Elijah for years. He had been tested and tried in spiritual disciplines. The sons of the prophets had been through training as well, yet they did not possess the level of seeing that Elisha had developed. Elisha saw the chariot of fire and the horses come to separate him from Elijah. He cried out, “My father, my father, the chariots of Israel and its horsemen!” (2 Kings 2:12 NASB).

The sons of the prophets only saw the whirlwind the chariot created. The sons of the prophets were left wondering if Elijah had been translated to Heaven or if he had possibly been transported to another geographic location. They had to search for three days in the natural to come into peace. Elisha knew Elijah had been taken to Heaven because he saw beyond the natural into the invisible realm of the Spirit.

Now when the sons of the prophets who were at Jericho opposite him saw him, they said, “The spirit of Elijah rests on Elisha.” And they came to meet him and bowed themselves to the ground before him. They said to him, “Behold now, there are with your servants fifty strong men, please let them go and search for your master; perhaps the Spirit of the Lord has taken him up and cast him on some mountain or into some valley.” And he said, “You shall not send.” But when they urged him until he was ashamed, he said, “Send.” They sent therefore fifty men; and they searched three days but did not find him. They returned to him while he was staying at Jericho; and he said to them, “Did I not say to you, ‘Do not go'?” 2 Kings 2:15-18 NASB

The New Testament shares an example of the audible voice of God speaking from Heaven when Jesus foretold of His death. Some that stood by didn't hear anything. Others who were present in the crowd heard God's voice manifested in thunder, while still others thought it was an angel.

So the crowd of people who stood by and heard it were saying that it had thundered; others were saying, “An angel has spoken to Him.” Jesus answered and said, “This voice has not come for My sake, but for your sakes.” John 12:29-30 NASB

The names of both Elijah (meaning “the Lord is my God” or spiritual champion) and Elisha (meaning “God will save me” or protected) carries the record of what they represent, but not necessarily how they saw, if they are thought to be seers. Elijah's name means God is Jehovah or YHVH is my God. He functioned as the Father's recorder on earth.

In the case of God's servant Elijah, the chariot was a trans-dimensional carrier of God's servant. The chariot of God transported Elijah out of time into the eternal realm where Elijah had always existed in heavenly places. When the fullness of time came, God reached down to retrieve the recording of Himself He had placed within Elijah.

Elijah came to restore all things back to God. He was called to turn the hearts of the Fathers back to the sons, and to turn the sons' hearts back to the fathers', to make ready a people for God lest God curse the earth (see Malachi 4). Elijah's anointing was to restore righteousness and protect the earthly realm from being struck with a curse caused by sin.

Elisha's name means “GOD is salvation” or “My God is salvation.” He functioned under a double portion of Elijah's spirit.

Walk Like the Prophet Elisha

Elisha's eyes saw beyond the veil of the natural into the supernatural realm where God's army of fiery angels and chariots reside. His eyes were not limited by situations or hard facts. He knew to look beyond the natural to see God's provision. He trusted more in the realm of faith than what seemed to appear in the natural.

When fear blinded Elisha's servant, the prophet's prayer was able to open the attendant's spiritually blind eyes to see the coexisting spiritual realms of angels. Knowing that there are more for us than against us brings a peace beyond our present understanding.

Prayer delivers us from fear. Prayer opens our eyes to see God's ever-present answer, while at the same time prophetic decree will blind our enemies and place them at our mercy. For God to trust us at this level, it requires us to develop greater levels of obedience of compassion. God wants to trust us with the lives of our enemies. God tests and tries us until He knows that we will not execute our own judgment or harm people in any way.

When God delivers our enemies into our hands, we must return good for evil, blessing for cursing, and lovingkindness for abuse. The Lord is the only one who should ever move in judgment. He said, “Vengeance is Mine.” We have no right to be vengeful. It is God's place to vindicate us.

We are called to love our enemies, to be kind to those who persecute, use, and abuse our kindness. We should lead our enemies to salvation, and their eyes will be opened to God's saving word, loving spirit, and grace. It is time to love like God loves; see like God sees; obey what God's Word says, and then do what God does.

Now when the attendant of the man of God had risen early and gone out, behold, an army with horses and chariots was circling the city. And his servant said to him, “Alas, my master! What shall we do?” So he answered, “Do not fear, for those who are with us are more than those who are with them.” Then Elisha prayed and said, “O Lord, I pray, open his eyes that he may see.” And the Lord opened the servant's eyes and he saw; and behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha. 2 Kings 6:15-17 NASB

When Elisha's enemies came down off the mountain to pursue him, Elisha prayed. We should follow his example. Elisha's prayers struck his enemies with blindness. This removed the enemy's power and control. They were forced into a vulnerable place, wandering in darkness and confusion. The army had come to do the prophet great harm, but God protected him. The prophet placed his trust in God. In this new state of total dependence and humiliation, the enemy had to trust and blindly follow Elisha to Samaria. Elisha said, “Follow me and I will bring you to the man whom you seek” (2 Kings 6:19 NASB). (Photo courtesy: Global Recordings Network)

When they came down to him, Elisha prayed to the Lord and said, “Strike this people with blindness, I pray.” So He struck them with blindness according to the word of Elisha. Then Elisha said to them, “This is not the way, nor is this the city; follow me and I will bring you to the man whom you seek.” And he brought them to Samaria. 2 Kings 6:18-19 NASB

Elisha's enemies had to walk through the process of trusting the one they were sent to destroy. Once they arrived at the promised location, Elisha prayed that God would reopen their blind eyes. Their vision was restored. New vision was given in the midst of their enemies.

When they had come into Samaria, Elisha said, “O Lord, open the eyes of these men, that they may see.” So the Lord opened their eyes and they saw; and behold, they were in the midst of Samaria. 2 Kings 6:20 NASB

Many of us have been wounded by an enemy or betrayed by a close friend, but we are to respond to them with God's lovingkindness and compassion.

Then the king of Israel when he saw them, said to Elisha, “My father, shall I kill them? Shall I kill them?” He answered, “You shall not kill them. Would you kill those you have taken captive with your sword and with your bow?…2 Kings 6:21-22 NASB

Elisha told the King of Israel to respond according to the greatness of God's loving-kindness, to make his enemies the objects of compassion in the presence of all their captors. Elisha encouraged the king to feed the Arameans, to provide for and care for his enemies instead of killing them. The king prepared a feast for the enemy soldiers and they ate to their fill.

“…Set bread and water before them, that they may eat and drink and go to their master.” So he prepared a great feast for them; and when they had eaten and drunk he sent them away, and they went to their master. And the marauding bands of Arameans did not come again into the land of Israel. 2 Kings 6:22-23 NASB

Elisha's mercy triumphed over judgment. Great grace leads us to victory. The King of Israel's enemies were delivered into his hands. The King was eager to execute judgment and destroy his enemies, but the prophet carefully redirected his focus to blessing and not destruction.

Good will always triumph over evil. Love will also bring forth a better result than hate. Never greet your enemy in the same malignant spirit. Never return evil for evil but learn to bless instead of curse. We are not of this world, so we cannot respond in the spirit of this world. God is love so we must respond in the power of His might.

Barbie L. Breathitt Ph.D.
Breath of the Spirit Ministries
Email: Barbie@BreathOfTheSpiritMinistries.com
Website: BreathOfTheSpiritMinistries.com

The Bride of Christ

“And one of the seven angels who had the seven vials full of the seven last plagues came to me and talked with me, saying, Come here, I will show you the bride, the Lamb's wife.” Revelation 21:9

 What is the deep desire of a father? To see his son married! The wedding of Jesus the only begotten son of God was in the mind of his Father from eternity. This awesome dad of Jesus is obsessed with the idea of getting his son married! He has been thinking about it over and over, this glorious wedding was rolling like a tape in his mind and imagination! The wedding planners and organizations of our days are countless and they do their best to arrange weddings according to each couple’s budget. But if there is one in the universe who really knows how to plan for a wedding it is the heavenly FATHER, he is the expert and there is none like him! Abraham sent his faithful servant to look for a bride to his son Isaac and made him swear not to return empty hands because he so longed to see his son married and he found him one, Rebekah! The other spiritual facet of this story points to the heavenly Father who sent his faithful Holy Spirit to search for a Bride for his son Jesus and he found him one, YOU! “The king's daughter is all glorious within; her clothing is trimmed with gold. She shall be brought to the king in clothing of needlework; the virgins, her companions after her, shall be brought to you. They shall be led with joy and gladness; they shall enter into the King's palace.” Psalms 45:13-15. Oh, how beautiful the bride of the lamb is (Song of Solomon 4:7), how beautiful and holy the perfecting of the saints that the Lord is doing in our hearts preparing us for the wedding!

 Read in Ezekiel 16: 7-14 God’s heart toward his wife, toward you, it will stir your heart with so much passion and love and will connect you to the heart beat of your heavenly groom: “I helped you to thrive like a plant in the field. You grew up and became a beautiful jewel. Your breasts became full, and your body hair grew, but you were still naked. And when I passed by again, I saw that you were old enough for love. So I wrapped my cloak around you to cover your nakedness and declared my marriage vows. I made a covenant with you, says the Sovereign LORD, and you became mine. “Then I bathed you and washed off your blood, and I rubbed fragrant oils into your skin. I gave you expensive clothing of fine linen and silk, beautifully embroidered, and sandals made of fine goatskin leather. I gave you lovely jewelry, bracelets, beautiful necklaces, a ring for your nose, earrings for your ears, and a lovely crown for your head. And so you were adorned with gold and silver. Your clothes were made of fine linen and were beautifully embroidered. You ate the finest foods—choice flour, honey, and olive oil—and became more beautiful than ever. You looked like a queen, and so you were! Your fame soon spread throughout the world because of your beauty. I dressed you in my splendor and perfected your beauty, says the Sovereign LORD.”

 Jesus loves his church in a way we can’t fathom, you can just foretaste a little bit of his extravagant love for you through the revealed word of God. Song of Solomon is such a concentrated love letter between Jesus and his church. The time is approaching, the wedding preparations are coming to an end, and the church is getting ready to be raptured after being captured by his love … Jesus is coming soon!

 P.S: Don’t be among the attendants, become his bride! Receive Jesus now in your heart!

The Devil

His name was Lucifer which means “Carrier of Light” before he became a fallen angel. He was created by God as an archangel anointed for worship & praise, he used to lead the citizens of heaven to worship God what a high privilege. But the very thing he was anointed and gifted with was tempted for! He decided one day to exalt himself to be worshiped as God. He was puffed up with pride and deceived by his own thoughts and he didn't know that if God designed you for something you will not delight in being and doing something else. He was immediately judged in the glory and was cast out of heaven with one third of his angels. In the glory he wanted to be worshiped as God but out of the glory he became darker and more proud and wanted God himself to worship him and this is what we discover when he tempted Jesus to bow down to him.

He is God’s adversary and opponent and he wants to mess with all of his plans and his creations and this is what we see when we look around us today. He is your enemy whether you know it or not and he hates you because you were made in the image and likeness of Jesus who defeated him for you on the cross and gave you back the authority and the victory over him. The scriptures clearly say that people are under the authority of the kingdom of darkness or the kingdom of light. If you gave your life to Jesus you are translated from the kingdom of darkness to the kingdom of light and you are no more subject to the Devil but to Christ although he will stay your enemy but glory to God who made us his sons and his daughters and subjected our enemies to us because we have been given Christ’s authority. This word is not to glorify the Devil whatsoever but to expose him who likes to work in the dark and to open your eyes and redeem your time by shifting your blame on God who is for you to the Devil who is against you. You need to biblically fight the Devil who works behind the scenes to knock you down and prevent you to go on in your spiritual life to glorify Jesus. Be aware of him and his schemes but stay focused all the time on Jesus who is your redeemer, your victory, your protection, your wisdom, your glory and your head lifter. Jesus is wonderful and no one compares to his awesome greatness, glory and power. It’s so ridiculous to compare an ant to an elephant. God is God and the Devil is NOT! Halleluiah

Glory to God
Tony Francis