Life In Your DNA
Death was never God's plan for mankind, but we know from the Bible that death entered our world because of sin. God provided the solution, the antidote for death, through Jesus Christ's sacrifice that brings redemption to us when we receive him. God is LIFE! You will never find a place in the Bible where God announces he is DEATH or causes it. The Lord is the author of life and he came to give you life abundantly. (See John 10)
Why it is important to have the right belief in God? Because if you don't, you will take anything you face in this life as part of it and its design. BUT not everything in this life was designed by God. Again, death was never God's will for us and will never be. God provided the solution, and he works things for our good. He remembers mercy in the judgment.
Many things in this life have become natural and part of our daily beliefs. Your beliefs, whether good or bad, will always fuel your faith. If you believe anti-aging for example is God's design, you will not see it as your enemy, thus you will befriend the idea, embrace it, and never fight it or push against it by the power of LIFE that resides within you by the Holy Spirit. Yes, you will grow old, but who said you need to age? Did you know that aging in science is considered a disease and many parties and labs are working to cure it? Thank God for that and I love breakthrough technologies, but as for you and me, we first have God as our source for everything, before anything else that is made available to us.
I am believing, and it is my firm belief, that I will grow old but won't age because I know God, his nature, and his word. God loves it when you discover this revelation and seek after it. God can't deny his nature, will, and word. So knowing him as the LIFE GIVER, and seeking him to provide life for you in every shape and form, will be met by him. He is faithful to his nature and word and will never fail you.
Have you ever thought about why mankind hates and fights ferociously disease, anti-aging, and some things too? Simply because God has put eternity in the heart of everyone and WE KNOW deep inside that death is not made for us, nor our spirits, souls, and bodies. Death is an enemy of God and an enemy of YOURS. Can you recognize it? Because if you don't, you will partake of it like every other person who is familiar with it. I believe you are aware that death is your enemy and that LIFE is your portion in your core.
God bless you
Tony Francis