February 28, 2025: An Epic Divine Shift in the Prophetic Is Coming!

A prophetic explosion is coming, and the signs are undeniable! On February 28, 2025, a divine shift will take place—confirmed not only through Tony Francis’ Checkdate ministry but also echoed by trusted prophetic voices worldwide. Ministries everywhere are declaring a tsunami of prophecy, an outpouring of divine insight that will usher you in a new era of revelation and authority. Jezebel’s grip is ending, the Church is rising powerfully and everyone will be talking about Jesus! Are you ready to step into this powerful outpouring of the Holy Spirit?

I am excited to share a powerful revelation that God has given me for the church and the whole earth. This word has been confirmed in multiple ways, making it undeniable that we are stepping into a significant shift in the prophetic realm.

First, I encourage you to share this message with your friends, church, and intercessory groups. We need prayer covering for what God is doing, and your participation is crucial. Also, if you haven’t subscribed to my YouTube channel yet, I invite you to do so to stay updated on prophetic teachings and insights.

The Checkdate Ministry: Prophetic Alerts for Strategic Intercession

For those unfamiliar with the Checkdate Ministry, it is a prophetic initiative I launched several months ago. Each month, I position myself before the Holy Spirit to receive divine and demonic dates for intercession and prophetic alerts. Just as the prophet Elisha received insights from the Lord about enemy plans (2 Kings 6), we are called to hear from God and act accordingly.

This ministry provides timely revelations to prepare, intercede, and align with Heaven’s agenda. You can learn more about it and receive these alerts directly on your mobile device.

A Divine Alert for February 28, 2025

As I sought the Lord for the Checkdate of February, He gave me a striking prophetic word for February 28, 2025:

“The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit—this is a day of gathering, discussion, and divine meetings. Angels are surrounding and taking notes. A scribal anointing will come upon many, leading to an explosion in the prophetic. This marks a new ERA of prophetic richness like never before. Jezebel is being removed.”

This word is profound, and I believe it marks the beginning of a huge fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon the prophetic movement worldwide.

Divine Confirmation: A Tsunami of Prophecy

Shortly after I released this word, I started noticing a massive surge in teachings and discussions on prophecy from major ministries across the globe. Many well-respected voices in the prophetic community suddenly emphasized the gift of prophecy and how to hear God’s voice!

Then, a video surfaced from Destiny Image, featuring Larry Sparks and other prophetic leaders, declaring: “A big tsunami in the prophetic is coming!” This confirmed what I had received—a divine explosion of the prophetic is upon us.

Why This Matters for You

This shift in the prophetic is not just for well-known prophets—it is for you! If you have been faithful in stewarding the prophetic, God is about to entrust you with more. Now is the perfect time to step in if you are beginning. The Lord is inviting you to participate in this move and become a prophetic voice in your sphere of influence.

The whole earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of God (Habakkuk 2:14). This will be a season of great proclamations, miracles, signs, and wonders. But with great moves of God also comes persecution. However, as believers, we count it a privilege to stand for righteousness.

Catch the Wave and Invest in Your Growth

I urge you to take this seriously. Do not dismiss this as just another prophetic word. Instead, seek the Lord and ask how you can align with what He is doing. Jesus Himself warned against missing the time of our visitation (Luke 19:44).

Stay connected with prophetic voices, study the scriptures, and invest in your spiritual growth. If you desire to develop in the prophetic, we offer mentoring opportunities through our ministry.

The Removal of Jezebel and the Rise of God’s Prophets

One of the most powerful aspects of this word is the removal of the Jezebel spirit. This demonic force has long opposed prophetic voices through intimidation, control, and deception. However, God is raising up bold and fearless prophets who will not bow to fear or compromise. The gates are open for the King of Glory to come in! This is the time to arise, step into your calling, and release the power of God in your life and community.

Lord, we say yes and amen to Your will and to what is coming to the earth. We welcome this wave of life and prophecy, for the spirit of prophecy is the testimony of Jesus. We declare that Jezebel’s stronghold is being broken, and Your prophetic voices are arising with boldness and love. Let Your kingdom come and Your will be done! Amen.

  • Do you want to join our community of prophetic people activating the prophetic every day on WhatsApp? Learn More!
  • Want to learn more about the Checkdate Ministry and join our fired-up community of intercessors? Make history with us: Learn More!
  • This article is taken from Tony Francis' YouTube video you can watch here: Watch Now!

God bless you
Tony Francis

Are You Under An Open Heaven?

We often hear the term ‘open heavens,' but if you are in Christ, you already live under an open heaven. It cannot be more open than it already is! However, even though you are in Christ and under an open heaven at all times, this reality isn’t automatically manifested. The Bible is filled with promises, covenants, and blessings—but are we receiving everything? Your faith is crucial because it connects you to glory.

You are under an open heaven, but faith makes it tangible. It’s not about asking God to open the heavens; they are already open. You need to connect by faith to the breakthrough that is available to you. In John 7, Jesus says, ‘If you believe in me, as the Scriptures say, out of your belly rivers of living water will flow.' The rivers are already inside you. The key is allowing them to flow. This release happens when you activate your faith and connect to the realities of heaven—to the King, His kingdom, His covenant, His blessings, and His provision.

Isaiah 53 states, ‘Who has believed our report? And to whom has the arm of the Lord been revealed?' If you don’t believe God’s report, you won’t see His mighty arm in action. Faith is essential. Instead of exhausting yourself praying, ‘Lord, open the heavens,' shift your perspective. Instead, ask, ‘Lord, stir my faith.' Paul told Timothy to stir the gift within him. The gift is already given, the blessings are already given. Ephesians 1 declares that we are already blessed with every spiritual blessing. You are not going to be blessed—you are blessed. You are healed. It is already finished in Christ.

Faith is a matter of trust. Is your mind renewed, or are you exhausting yourself because of a wrong perspective? You need a clear understanding of who you are in the Lord. Enter into His rest by faith. Everything He has done for you is accessed through faith. Just as salvation is by grace through faith, so are all the other blessings. You don’t earn them; you simply believe and receive them.

Instead of striving with a wrong perspective, start meditating on what you already have in Christ. Isn’t it more beautiful and restful to realize that? Instead of praying, ‘Lord, open the heavens,' shift to thanksgiving: ‘Lord, thank You for the open heavens. Thank You that in Christ, I am under an open heaven. Thank You for every blessing You have given me. Thank You for Your provision. Thank You for taking care of me.' This posture shifts everything. You will feel the breakthrough.

You might say, ‘But Tony, I have been in faith, doing everything, yet I still don’t see the results.' Faith remains the same, no matter the delay or struggle. We all experience moments where we don’t see immediate results, but faith and trust always stand firm. Faith is endurance. Jesus illustrated this in the parable of the persistent widow who kept asking the unjust judge for justice. Though the judge did not act out of love, he eventually granted her request. Jesus then said, ‘How much more will God bring justice for His chosen ones who cry out to Him day and night?' However, He also asked, ‘When the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on the earth?'

This parable teaches us that faith begins with knowing that God is good and just. If you don’t know His nature, you won’t pray according to His will. Acknowledging His goodness is the starting point, but endurance is what sustains faith. Will you continue to believe in God’s goodness every day, even in the midst of sickness, pain, or lack? Faith is not a one-time emotional high—it requires endurance. God does not change His nature; He is always good.

Christ has already opened the heavens for you. Meditate on this truth and let your faith connect to it with ease. Imagine if I handed you a cup of water when you were thirsty. You wouldn’t struggle to receive it; you would simply take it and drink. Some breakthroughs happen instantly, while others require endurance, but all are received through faith. Trust is what allows you to take hold of what has already been given.

Stay in faith and believe!

Share with someone you love.

God bless you
Tony Francis

Taken from Tony Francis' YouTube video you can watch here: Watch Now! 

What Makes The Ministry of Intercession Powerful?

Understanding the Heart of Intercession

Hebrews 2 provides deep insight into the ministry of intercession. It tells us that Jesus, as our High Priest, went through sufferings and temptations. Through this, He cultivated mercy and faithfulness, making Him fully qualified to intercede for us and secure our salvation.

Many people believe that intercession is simply about praying the right words, reciting scriptures, or making faith-filled declarations. While these elements are important, they are not the foundation of true intercession. The essence of intercession is not just in the words you speak but in the depth of your heart and the compassion that has been formed through suffering.

The True Foundation of Intercession

To be truly effective in intercession, you must be immersed in the principles found in Hebrews 2. Jesus endured suffering and trials, which cultivated deep mercy and faithfulness within Him. Because He went through the full spectrum of human pain, He can now empathize with us in our struggles. Scripture tells us that He was tempted in every way, yet without sin. This means we can never say to God, “You don’t understand what I’m going through.” He does understand—He has experienced it all.

Intercession is not just about having a well-crafted prayer book or unwavering faith. The primary ingredient is compassion, which is developed through personal experiences of suffering and wilderness seasons. If you want to make a significant impact through your intercession—whether for a person, a family, a city, or an entire nation—you need to prioritize the formation of your heart. Compassion must come before faith-filled prayers, declarations, and wisdom in knowing how to pray.

Does God Cause Suffering?

It’s crucial to clarify that God does not initiate pain. His original design for creation was perfect—there was no sin, suffering, or lack. Pain entered the world because humanity surrendered its authority, allowing sin and suffering to take root. However, while God does not cause pain, He can use it for His purposes. If you surrender your trials to Him, He will cultivate in you a deep sense of compassion and faithfulness, equipping you to intercede effectively for others.

The Power of Suffering in Intercession

When you endure hardship—whether it's sickness, a broken relationship, financial struggles, or the loss of a loved one—God can use those experiences to birth powerful intercession within you. This principle is evident in Scripture.

1 Corinthians 13 emphasizes that love is the greatest virtue. Even if you have faith strong enough to move mountains, it means nothing without love. True intercession is fueled by love and compassion that have been refined through personal suffering.

Consider Elijah in the New Testament. It says he was a man like us, experiencing suffering, yet he prayed fervently, and his prayers made a difference. His agony over Israel’s spiritual state propelled him into powerful intercession. Likewise, your brokenness over a soul, a nation, or any situation will drive you to pray with passion and authority.

Do You Have to Suffer to Be an Effective Intercessor?

If you are not currently going through hardship, that is a blessing! God does not desire suffering for His children. However, we live in a fallen world where everyone faces challenges at some point. If you are experiencing trials, know that God can use them to deepen your compassion and anoint you for intercession.

That said, even if you have not endured extreme suffering, you can still be a powerful intercessor. Romans 5:5 tells us that the love of God is poured into our hearts by the Holy Spirit. You can ask God to fill you with His compassion for people before you even begin to pray for them. Before seeking words for intercession, ask God how He feels about the person or situation. When you tap into God’s heart, you will pray with greater accuracy, power, and effectiveness.

Prophetic Intercession: Love and Revelation

Many times, before I prophesy over someone, I first ask God how He feels about them. When I do this, I am able to speak words that deeply touch and transform their lives. Love fuels revelation, and you cannot love without also prophesying, praying, or taking action. Faith works through love, and intercession becomes powerful when rooted in divine compassion.

If you have experienced significant pain, God is not letting it go to waste. He is using it to shape you into a powerful intercessor, a spiritual priest who will stand in the gap for others. Your pain will become a weapon against the enemy, setting captives free and bringing light into the darkest places.

I pray this message blesses you. If this resonates with you, share your thoughts and revelations in the comments. If you know someone going through hardships, share this message with them—it could give them hope and purpose in their struggles.

Taken from Tony Francis' video you can watch on his YouTube channel here. Watch Now!

God bless you
Tony Francis

Familiar Spirits: What They Are and How the Devil Makes You Believe It’s Your Desire

Life is a spiritual battlefield where familiar spirits work to deceive, planting thoughts and visions that feel intimately personal, making you believe they are your own and that you desire them. With his gifts of discerning spirits and twenty years of faith, Tony Francis shares his personal testimony of recognizing these subtle attacks, exposing their true source, and overcoming them through the power of God’s Word and the presence of the Holy Spirit. His journey reveals how to defeat the enemy’s tactics, hear God’s voice clearly, and walk in unshakable victory. Don’t miss these life-changing insights, including the four voices everyone hears daily, and discover how your breakthrough begins here!

In life's journey, every individual, whether a believer or not, is engaged in a spiritual battle. As the Bible clearly states in Ephesians 6, our struggle is not against flesh and blood but against spiritual forces. To walk in victory, it is crucial to recognize both God's ways and the enemy's strategies.

The Nature of the Enemy

The enemy thrives in darkness. He is the Prince of Darkness, and his operations flourish when concealed. God's light, however, exposes and defeats him. This is why the enemy despises the Word of God—it illuminates our paths and equips us for victory. Unfortunately, many Christians neglect reading the Bible, leaving themselves vulnerable to spiritual attacks.

Over the past two decades, I’ve experienced firsthand the power of living in God’s Word and discerning the spiritual realm. As someone gifted in discerning spirits, I’ve observed how the enemy seeks to overwhelm and tempt us through demonic visitations. Let’s explore this further.

The Four Voices

Every human being, regardless of their spiritual standing, is open to four distinct voices in life:

  1. God’s Voice: From the very beginning, God spoke to humanity, giving direction and wisdom. Even sinners can hear God’s voice, as the Holy Spirit convicts and inspires them. For example, heathen kings in the Old Testament carried out God’s will without even realizing it.
  2. The Enemy’s Voice: The enemy actively seeks to lead people astray. In Genesis, Satan tempted Eve by speaking to her directly. His voice invites us to step out of God’s will, often through subtle and deceptive means.
  3. Your Own Voice: Our personal desires and thoughts play a significant role in our decisions. As humans, we have both a sinful nature and a renewed nature (for believers). This inner conflict makes it essential to discern which part of our voice aligns with God’s will.
  4. The World’s Voice: The world influences us through media, education, culture, and societal norms. These external voices often shape our subconscious, discipling us without our awareness. For instance, advertisements and social media subtly impact our thoughts and behaviors daily.

Discerning the Voices

While recognizing the world’s and our own voices may seem straightforward, distinguishing between God’s voice and the enemy’s voice requires practice and spiritual maturity. This is where the Word of God and prayer become vital tools. By anchoring ourselves in scripture and maintaining a prayerful life, we can sharpen our spiritual discernment.

Familiar Spirits Visitations:

Demonic visitations are not uncommon. The enemy often roams around, seeking whom he may devour. If you are actively serving God and making a difference in His kingdom, you are likely to face more intense spiritual attacks. The enemy’s goal is to lead you into defeat by planting thoughts, visions, and feelings that seem like your own.

For example, a couple of days ago, while minding my own business, I experienced a demonic visitation. It was a quick vision where I saw myself engaging in something sinful. The vision felt real—I saw, heard, and even felt the dynamics of the situation. However, because of my experience and discernment, I recognized that this was not from me but an injection from the enemy.

The enemy is a familiar spirit. He crafts visions and thoughts that feel intimately personal, tricking you into believing they are your own. This is why many people, including scientists, often misinterpret these experiences as being entirely self-originated.

Guarding Against Spiritual Attacks

To overcome demonic visitations, it is essential to:

  1. Take Every Thought Captive: The Bible instructs us to take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ. This means actively monitoring and filtering your thoughts to ensure they align with God’s Word.
  2. Stay Anchored in the Word: The Word of God is our ultimate defense. It not only exposes the enemy’s tactics but also strengthens and guards us.
  3. Discern the Source: Not every thought, feeling, or vision originates from you. Learn to discern whether it comes from God, the enemy, yourself, or the world.
  4. Rely on God’s Strength: While we must do our part in guarding our minds, it is ultimately God who protects us. As the Bible says, unless the Lord builds the house, the builders labor in vain. Similarly, unless the Lord guards us, our efforts will be insufficient.

The enemy’s tactics are often quick and overwhelming. For instance, during Jesus’ temptation in the wilderness, the devil showed Him all the kingdoms of the world in a single moment (See Luke 4:5). This demonstrates how swiftly the enemy can act. Recognizing these sudden and overwhelming attacks is key to resisting them.

Every day, you are open to these four voices. The question is: will you listen to the voice of the Good Shepherd, or will you be swayed by the stranger? Jesus assures us that His sheep hear His voice and follow Him.

By staying vigilant, discerning the source of your thoughts, and immersing yourself in God’s Word, you can walk in victory. Remember, not every thought, feeling, or vision is yours. The spirit realm is active, but you have the authority in Christ to overcome.

If this message resonates with you, share it with others. Let’s create a snowball effect of victory, equipping and encouraging one another to stand firm in the freedom Christ has given us. God bless you, and may His light guide you always.

God bless you
Tony Francis

Taken from Tony Francis' mentoring video that you can watch on YouTube: Watch Now!

Learn more about how to hear God's voice and how to prophesy in the “In the Prophet's Shoes” digital course. Click here

I Was Crazy and Didn’t Know It: My Testimony, Prophetic Insights, and Prayers for Mental Wholeness

In this article, Tony Francis dives deep into the complexities of mental health, sharing personal insights and revelations. He uncovers two distinct aspects of mental struggles, one familiar to most and the other a surprising blind spot that transformed his understanding. Today, he is fully recovered supernaturally and wants to share his heart with you.

Mental health is something we all face at some point, either in our own lives or through someone we care about. Let’s take some time to unpack this together. I want to share what mental health struggles can look like, insights I’ve gained, and a piece of my own journey—the battles I’ve fought and the incredible healing I’ve experienced through God’s love. If you’re here seeking answers, encouragement, or just a reminder that you’re not alone, this is for you.

What comes to mind when we think of mental health? Depression, anxiety, overthinking, medications? These are often the first things people associate with it. It can feel like being stuck in quicksand, unable to function, and sometimes even feeling unsafe in your own mind. Life loses its spark, and everything feels overwhelming.

But here’s the truth: no matter how heavy it feels, there’s hope. God’s power can move mountains, and He can bring light into the darkest situations. If you know someone who’s struggling, be there for them. Pray for them, love them, remind them that they’re not alone. Your support might be the lifeline they need.

Mental health isn’t just about what’s happening physically or emotionally. There’s a spiritual side to it, too. God’s power works alongside practical care. Think about Jesus. He didn’t just heal people’s bodies—He restored their souls. That’s what we’re called to do, too. Whether someone’s struggles come from their body, their mind, or their spirit, God’s healing is complete and powerful.

Sometimes mental health struggles aren’t obvious. Confusion, for instance, is a huge battle. You might feel unsure about who you are, what to do, or where you belong. I’ve been there—so stuck I couldn’t make decisions. It wasn’t until the Holy Spirit opened my eyes that I realized this was a mental struggle. And let me tell you, the clarity and peace that God brings are incredible. If you’re feeling stuck, know that God can lead you out of that maze.

Mental health challenges often run in families. Maybe you’ve seen patterns of depression, reliance on medication, or emotional instability in your own family. I’ve seen it in mine, and it’s hard. But here’s the thing: God is bigger than any generational curse. He can break those chains and bring healing to you and your entire family. Imagine being the one who starts a new legacy—a legacy of freedom and wholeness.

Jesus often asked this question, and it’s such a powerful one. Healing isn’t just about the physical—it’s about being ready to embrace the life He offers. Whether you’re dealing with trauma, disappointment, or something passed down through generations, Jesus is here, ready to heal and restore. The story of the man who waited 38 years for healing reminds us that it’s never too late for a fresh start.

Some mental struggles go beyond emotions or biology. Spiritual oppression, even witchcraft, can weigh people down with foggy, heavy mental states. But the name of Jesus is more powerful than anything trying to hold us back. He brings freedom, clarity, and peace. If you’re feeling trapped, know that those chains can be broken right now.

God’s plan for us is simple: peace, clarity, and wholeness. For some, healing happens in an instant. For others, it’s a journey. I’ve walked that journey, and let me tell you, it’s worth it. Every step brings you closer to the life God has for you. Don’t give up. Keep moving forward. Healing and restoration are waiting for you.

I have to tell you this from my heart. Today, I’m in a place of wholeness and peace, and it’s so beautiful. Honestly, I never thought I’d get here. Years ago, it felt impossible. But with Jesus, nothing is impossible. I look at my life now and I’m so grateful. No amount of money could buy the peace and healing God has given me. It’s priceless. If you’re struggling, hold on. Your day of healing is coming. There’s nothing to compare to this feeling of complete peace and wholeness—it’s a gift from God, and I thank Him every day for it.

Lord, thank You for Your love and for touching our minds and hearts. We declare an end to trauma, confusion, and generational struggles in Jesus’ name. Fill us with Your peace, clarity, and wholeness. Thank You for the price You paid on the cross to set us free. We receive Your healing today, and we praise You for the new beginnings You’re bringing into our lives. In Jesus’ mighty name, Amen.

Healing is for you. Freedom is for you. Share this message with someone who needs it. Let’s walk this journey together, hand in hand, as we move toward the wholeness and restoration God has for us. Remember: today is the start of something beautiful for you and your family.

God bless you
Tony Francis

This article is made from his video you can watch on Tony's YouTube channel: Watch Video Now

Leave us your prayer request below. Tony has authority over mental health issues!

A Redemptive View of African American Struggles and Their Purpose Revealed

Why did the Black community endure such immense struggles throughout history? In this compelling article, Tony Francis delves into the deeper, spiritual reasons behind their hardships, revealing a powerful perspective on their divine purpose! Discover how truth, redemptive view, and understanding can honor their legacy and inspire a path forward.

Throughout history, many groups have endured targeted violence and genocide. The Armenian Genocide (1915–1917) saw 1.5 million Armenians killed in the Ottoman Empire. The Holocaust (1941–1945) claimed 6 million Jewish lives under Nazi rule. Other atrocities include the Rwandan Genocide (1994), with 800,000 Tutsis massacred, and the Cambodian Genocide (1975–1979), where 2 million people died under the Khmer Rouge. In Sudan, the Darfur Genocide (2003–present) has targeted non-Arab ethnic groups. Additionally, the Herero and Namaqua Genocide (1904–1908) in German South-West Africa, the Yazidi Genocide (2014) by ISIS, and the enslavement of Africans during the transatlantic slave trade are stark reminders of human suffering.

In this article, I focus on the atrocities against the Black community in America.

We cannot fully understand events without viewing them through a spiritual lens. Ephesians 6 reminds us that our battles are not against flesh and blood!

Africans were brought to America through the transatlantic slave trade to fulfill the demand for cheap labor in agriculture, particularly for crops like tobacco, sugar, and cotton. They were forcibly captured, dehumanized, and enslaved, driven by racist ideologies that justified their exploitation.

African Americans endured immense hardships throughout history. During slavery (1619–1865), they faced brutal physical abuse, forced labor, dehumanization, and family separations. After emancipation, during the Reconstruction Era (1865–1877), they were subjected to economic exploitation, racial violence, and voter suppression. The Jim Crow Era (1877–1965) brought segregation, lynching, and systemic racism, while the Civil Rights Era (1950s–1960s) met resistance to desegregation and civil rights advocacy. Even today, African Americans face challenges like mass incarceration, economic inequality, and racial profiling, reflecting the ongoing struggle for justice and equality.

The Bible tells us of the Jews who endured over 400 years of slavery in Egypt, targeted by Satan due to their destiny as the lineage of the Savior, Jesus Christ which is the highest of calls. Similarly, Satan targets tribes and communities with great destinies to twist and destroy their purpose! This pattern of spiritual warfare reveals how significant these groups are in God’s plan. Hatred fuels such atrocities, but it also highlights the enemy's fear of their divine calling.

While the Jews’ destiny was salvation through Christ, what about the Black community in America?

I believe African Americans are called to huge servanthood, mirroring Christ, who came to serve, not to be served:

“For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many.” Mark 10:45

Servanthood is divine, but the enemy corrupted it into SLAVERY. If the black community doesn't heal right, they can't wholly and fully connect to their original design. The enemy traumatizes you to hate your pure gifts and callings!

The Black community thrives in service, demonstrating extraordinary zeal, strength, and humility. The enemy sought to tarnish destinies through oppression, mockery, and injustice!

Jesus taught that true greatness comes through servanthood. African Americans are marked for greatness, authority, and promotion by God, and their suffering stems from the enemy’s attempt to distort their glorious calling which is SERVANTHOOD TO MAKE OTHERS GREAT JUST LIKE JESUS.

So, how do we redeem what black people went through? By connecting to the truth of the matter that:

African Americans were never slaves, they were beautiful servants, fulfilling their destiny and contributing to the greatness of America for God’s glory.

If you are a Black person, remember: you were always a servant of God, never a slave! Teach this truth, model it, and open portals of humility in your community through the destiny you've always been living knowingly and sometimes forcefully.

God desires to redeem us all. When we see through redemptive eyes, we discover the truth, and the truth sets us free!

In this life everyone needs someone TO BE GREAT! I need you, you need me.

God bless you
Tony Francis

The Life-Giving Joy of the Lord: Biblical Secrets to Divine Health, Healing, and Anti-Aging!

What if there was a free, daily anti-aging practice no one is talking about? One that has been right in front of us all along? Psalm 16:8–11 unveils this life-giving secret: divine joy. This transformative practice holds the key to renewed vitality, health, and radiance that begins from within. Could this timeless wisdom be the everyday secret to lasting renewal?

A Biblical Fountain of Youth

In our pursuit of health and longevity, the Bible offers profound insights into a lifestyle rooted in divine joy, peace, and faith. Psalm 16:8–11 (NIV) provides a roadmap for living in divine health and vitality, revealing truths that are both ancient and relevant today.

Stability: The Foundation of Health

Psalm 16:8 declares:
“I keep my eyes always on the Lord. With him at my right hand, I will not be shaken.”

This verse emphasizes the power of a steadfast relationship with God. Anxiety, fear, and stress—when left unchecked—are known to harm physical health, accelerating aging and weakening immunity. Research confirms that chronic stress can lead to conditions such as cardiovascular disease and premature aging.

Instead, focusing on the Lord brings stability and peace. Jesus assures us in John 14:27:
“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.”

This divine peace acts as a powerful antidote to stress, paving the way for better health and longer life.

The Joy-Health Connection

Psalm 16:9 continues:
“Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices; my body also will rest secure.”

This verse highlights a connection between joy and physical well-being. Modern science agrees: joy and positive emotions release endorphins, boost immunity, and reduce inflammation. Proverbs 17:22 echoes this wisdom:
“A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.”

By rejoicing in faith and speaking words of joy, we activate a powerful cycle of healing and restoration. Joyful living has been linked to increased longevity, reduced illness, and greater overall vitality.

Anti-Aging Through Spiritual Alignment

Psalm 16:10 reminds us:
“Because you will not abandon me to the realm of the dead, nor will you let your faithful one see decay.”

This verse transcends the natural aging process, suggesting that a life rooted in joy and spiritual connection can reverse the effects of aging. Similarly, Isaiah 40:31 promises renewal:
“But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.”

When we align with God’s principles, this renewal manifests physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

Science Supports the Supernatural

Modern research underscores the Bible’s timeless wisdom. Studies show that joyful individuals experience:

  • Lower rates of chronic illness
  • Improved cardiovascular health
  • Stronger immune systems

Laughter therapy, a growing field, has demonstrated that laughter reduces blood pressure, pain, and stress while enhancing overall well-being. Even the testimony of Norman Cousins, who famously recovered from a debilitating disease using joy and laughter, confirms this truth.

Divine Joy: A Supernatural Force

While earthly joy is beneficial, the joy of the Lord is supernatural. This joy, a fruit of the Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:22–23), surpasses any human emotion. It sustains us in trials, rejuvenates our spirit, and strengthens our bodies.

Nehemiah 8:10 proclaims:
“The joy of the Lord is your strength.”

When we immerse ourselves in His presence, we experience fullness of joy (Psalm 16:11). This divine joy energizes our cells, brightens our countenance, and infuses us with vitality.

A Divine Formula for Radiance

Psalm 16:9 offers a transformative anti-aging formula:

  1. Gladness of Heart: Cultivate joy by focusing on God’s promises.
  2. Tongue Rejoicing: Speak words of faith, hope, and gratitude.
  3. Rest Secure: Trust in His presence for inner peace and renewal.

When we align our hearts and words with God’s truth, our overall health flourishes. Our faces shine with vitality, and even our cells resonate with the life-giving power of joy.

Radiate God’s Joy

This free, daily anti-aging practice is within your reach. Embrace the joy of the Lord as your strength. Let His peace guard your heart, His promises fill your soul, and His joy rejuvenate your body.

Start today. Experience the life-changing power of Psalm 16:8–11 and radiate divine vitality for years to come.

God bless you,
Tony Francis

Are You Ready To Start Mentoring Others?

Mentorship is more than guidance; it is a divine calling to empower others and ignite their God-given potential. This article dives into the mentoring anointing, offering biblical insights, practical strategies, and inspiring examples to help you step into your role as a mentor. Discover how to nurture growth, lead with purpose, and leave a lasting spiritual legacy through the power of mentorship. Just as Jesus told Peter, ‘If you love me, feed my sheep' (John 21:17), mentorship is a profound expression of love and obedience, calling us to guide and care for those entrusted to us! Learn more.

Mentorship is a transformative relationship that fosters growth and empowerment for both mentees and mentors. Whether you’re seeking guidance or offering it, mentorship is a powerful key to unlocking hidden potential and inspiring meaningful progress. This article explores two critical aspects of mentorship: how to become an exceptional mentee and how to embrace the rewarding role of mentoring others.

Becoming a Great Mentee: The First Step to Growth

As a mentee, your success hinges on your attitude and willingness to engage fully in the mentorship process. Here’s how to maximize your growth:

1. Be Clear About Your Goals

Define your objectives. Are you aiming for career advancement, skill development, or spiritual growth? Clear goals help create a focused and productive relationship.

2. Stay Open to Feedback

Approach feedback with a teachable mindset. Proverbs 9:9 reminds us:
“Instruct the wise and they will be wiser still.”
Constructive feedback refines your skills and expands your perspective.

3. Commit to Action

Growth requires action. Reflect on your mentor’s guidance and implement it deliberately. Remember, knowledge without action won’t lead to transformation.

4. Show Appreciation

Express gratitude regularly for your mentor’s time, insights, and encouragement. This fosters a positive, lasting connection.

Example Story: From Mentee to Master

Mark, a software developer, sought to transition into AI research. With guidance from a senior colleague, he tackled practical assignments and honed his skills. His mentor’s support led Mark to a breakthrough opportunity in AI research. Now, Mark mentors others, completing the mentorship cycle.

Embracing the Role of a Mentor: Sharing Your Journey

Mentoring is more than sharing advice—it’s about empowering others. If you’ve gained knowledge or experience, you’re equipped to guide someone seeking growth in that area. Here’s how to succeed as a mentor:

Key Attributes of a Great Mentor

  1. Authenticity and Humility
    Be genuine and approachable to create a safe space for growth.
  2. Empathy and Encouragement
    Recognize potential in your mentees and inspire them when they doubt themselves.
  3. Adaptability and Growth
    Stay updated with relevant skills, including digital tools, to connect effectively.
  4. Patience and Perseverance
    Galatians 6:9 reminds us:
    “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest.”

Practical Tips for Effective Mentorship

  1. Start with Your “Why”
    Clarify your motivation for mentoring and let it shape your approach.
  2. Choose the Right Medium
    Opt for communication methods like in-person sessions, online meetings, or social media platforms.
  3. Encourage Accountability
    Provide actionable steps, track progress, and celebrate milestones.
  4. Balance Support and Independence
    Empower mentees to find their own solutions instead of offering ready-made answers.

Example Story: Scaling New Heights

Lila, a business coach, mentored a young entrepreneur struggling to grow her online store. Through virtual sessions, Lila taught analytics, marketing optimization, and tracking progress. Within months, sales doubled, thanks to consistent mentorship and the mentee’s proactive efforts.

The Role of Spiritual Mentorship

Spiritual mentorship adds a dimension of faith and purpose to personal growth. John 14:26 reminds us that the Holy Spirit is the ultimate mentor, guiding us into truth. Just as Jesus equipped His disciples (Matthew 28:19–20), spiritual mentorship encourages faith, character, and alignment with God’s mission.

Are You Ready to Be a Mentor?

Take this quick self-assessment to discover your readiness:

  • Have you overcome challenges or developed expertise others might benefit from?
  • Can you listen actively and show empathy without being judgmental?
  • Are you comfortable sharing your experiences, including successes and failures?
  • Do you have the time and emotional resources to invest in a mentoring relationship?
  • Can you adapt your mentoring style to suit individual needs?
  • Are you willing to stay current with tools and trends to connect effectively?
  • Do you celebrate the achievements of others and find joy in their progress?
  • Are you motivated by a genuine desire to see others succeed?

If you answered “yes” to most of these questions, you’re ready to embark on the fulfilling journey of mentorship. Reflect on your strengths and take the first step by offering guidance to someone in need.

Start Your Mentorship Journey Today

Mentorship transforms lives—both for the mentee and the mentor. Whether you’re guiding someone’s professional growth, spiritual walk, or personal development, your influence can have a lasting impact.

As a Christian mentor, let the Holy Spirit guide your words and actions, ensuring your mentorship aligns with God’s purpose and truth.

God bless you in your mentoring journey…
Tony Francis

If you are interested in your prophetic growth, learn more about how you can join our mentoring/activations WhatsApp group here.

Unveiling the Mazzaroth: The Biblical Meaning Behind the Constellations

Have you ever looked up at the stars and wondered if they hold a message for you? What if the constellations aren’t about astrology but actually tell God’s story and yours? This Bible-based article shows how the stars, from Virgo announcing Christ’s birth to Leo proclaiming His victory, reveal God’s plan. But Satan has brought deception, twisting the stars into tools for astrology and false guidance, hiding their true purpose. Discover the Mazzaroth, the story God wrote with His own finger and breathed into creation, hidden in plain sight to strengthen your faith and reveal His purpose for your life.

The Bible tells us, “The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of His hands” (Psalm 19:1). Yet, many people are unaware of how the stars reveal God’s plans. The Mazzaroth, the Hebrew word for constellations, gives us insights into God’s story of salvation, His design for Israel, and His purposes for humanity.

What Is the Mazzaroth?

The Mazzaroth is mentioned in Job 38:31-33, where God asks Job, “Can you bind the chains of the Pleiades or loosen Orion’s belt? Can you bring forth the constellations (Mazzaroth) in their seasons?” This shows that God placed the stars with a purpose. They are not random but part of His divine design.

Many people associate the constellations with astrology, but the Bible’s perspective is very different. The constellations are not for predicting fortunes; instead, they reveal God’s redemption plan. Each one symbolizes a piece of God’s story, from creation to Christ’s victory.

The Story of the Mazzaroth

The Mazzaroth tells a story that begins with a promise of salvation and ends with Christ’s reign as King. Here’s the order of the constellations and their biblical meanings:

  1. Virgo (The Virgin) 👩 – Represents the virgin birth of Jesus (Isaiah 7:14).
  2. Libra (The Scales) ⚖️ – Symbolizes justice and the need for atonement through Jesus (Romans 3:23-26).
  3. Scorpio (The Scorpion) 🦂 – Shows Satan’s defeat by Jesus (Genesis 3:15).
  4. Sagittarius (The Archer) 🏹 – Points to Jesus as the victorious Redeemer (Psalm 45:4-5).
  5. Capricorn (The Goat) 🐐 – Represents Jesus as the sacrificial Lamb (Leviticus 16:15).
  6. Aquarius (The Water Bearer) 🌊 – Symbolizes the outpouring of the Holy Spirit (John 7:38-39).
  7. Pisces (The Fish) 🐟 – Represents believers and the growth of the Church (Matthew 4:19).
  8. Aries (The Ram) 🐏 – Highlights Jesus as the Lamb who takes away sin (John 1:29).
  9. Taurus (The Bull) 🐂 – Signifies Christ’s return in strength and judgment (Revelation 19:11-16).
  10. Gemini (The Twins) 👯‍♂️ – Reflects Jesus’ dual nature as God and man (Philippians 2:6-8).
  11. Cancer (The Crab) 🦀 – Represents the gathering of God’s people into His kingdom (John 14:2-3).
  12. Leo (The Lion) 🦁 – Points to Jesus as the Lion of Judah, reigning forever (Revelation 5:5).

The Tribes of Israel and the Mazzaroth

Each of Israel’s twelve tribes is linked to a constellation. When God promised Abraham descendants as numerous as the stars (Genesis 15:5), it symbolized His covenant with the tribes of Israel. Here is how the tribes align with the Mazzaroth, starting with Nisan, the first month of the Hebrew calendar:

  1. GadNisan (March-April), Aries (The Ram) – Known for strength and courage.
  2. EphraimIyar (April-May), Taurus (The Bull) – Represents fruitfulness and leadership.
  3. ZebulunSivan (May-June), Gemini (The Twins) – Associated with trade and living by the sea.
  4. IssacharTammuz (June-July), Cancer (The Crab) – Known for wisdom and understanding.
  5. JudahAv (July-August), Leo (The Lion) – Symbolizes kingship and praise.
  6. NaphtaliElul (August-September), Virgo (The Virgin) – Swift and eloquent.
  7. DanTishrei (September-October), Libra (The Scales) – Represents judgment and discernment.
  8. AsherCheshvan (October-November), Scorpio (The Scorpion) – Blessed with abundance.
  9. ManassehKislev (November-December), Sagittarius (The Archer) – Reflects blessings and triumph.
  10. BenjaminTevet (December-January), Capricorn (The Goat) – Known for bravery and protection.
  11. ReubenShevat (January-February), Aquarius (The Water Bearer) – Represents renewal and repentance.
  12. SimeonAdar (February-March), Pisces (The Fish) – Reflects zeal and passion.

What We Learn Today

The Mazzaroth reminds us of God’s design and His plan for salvation. Genesis 1:14 tells us that the stars are for signs and seasons. They point to key moments, like the star of Bethlehem announcing Jesus’ birth (Matthew 2:2).

Understanding the Mazzaroth helps us see God’s story in the heavens. For example, Virgo reminds us of Mary’s role in Christ’s birth, and Scorpio reflects Jesus’ victory over Satan. These constellations reinforce the Bible’s message of hope and redemption.

How to Explore Further

Here’s how you can dive deeper into the Mazzaroth:

  1. Read the Bible: Study passages like Job 9:9 and Psalm 19:1-4.
  2. Learn Symbolism: Research how the constellations connect to biblical themes.
  3. Pray: Ask God for understanding of His message in creation.
  4. Stay Focused: Avoid secular zodiac interpretations and focus on biblical truths.

The Mazzaroth is not just an ancient idea; it shows God’s creativity, sovereignty, and love. Studying the constellations allows us to see His glory and understand our place in His plan. The stars remind us of His promises and invite us to trust Him.

As we look to the heavens, let’s marvel at the Creator who placed each star. The Mazzaroth reveals His wisdom and draws us closer to His heart.

God bless you
Tony Francis

Breaking Generational Curses: Restoring Sanity and Finding Peace in Christ

“For God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.” 2 Timothy 1:7 MKJV

I come from a family where my bloodline is marked by insanity and mental health challenges. Living in such an environment and interacting with loved ones who are confused, unstable, and reliant on medications is an incredibly tormenting, exhausting, and traumatic experience—not only for them but also for you because you love and care for them deeply!

I despise the spirit of insanity, the oppressive demons, and the biological weaknesses that leave someone trapped in a state of delusion. Not every case of insanity is demonically inspired, of course; some are rooted in physical weaknesses or brain structure. But regardless of the cause, it is all painful and ugly. Yet, God can heal it—no matter the root. Insanity is, at its core, confusion. And how can someone be at peace with themselves or others when they are so confused and oppressed? We offer them deep mercy and understanding—but not pity—because our faith is in their victory.

Mercy doesn’t mean we compromise our belief in God’s power to heal, restore, and transform them through His love!

I’ve always been amazed at the story of the demoniac, who was filled with legions and became sane, still, and clothed, sitting at the feet of Jesus. He longed to follow Jesus because he had discovered the true light of life—love, and salvation through Christ.

Insanity is not resting in Jesus. It’s like the demonized man, living a loud, chaotic existence, drawing attention to himself, scaring and controlling others, never finding peace or allowing others to have it. That’s insanity. True peace resides in the house of the Lord.

For a long time, I thought only some of my family members struggled with mental health issues! I categorized it: only those who saw therapists or took medication were affected. It never occurred to me that I might carry the same generational curse, albeit expressed differently. I wasn’t on medication for depression, nor had I ever seen a therapist. On the contrary, I seemed sharp-minded, creative, and productive. But my lifestyle was marked by decisions that were, in hindsight, insane. I had confusion in my character and thought processes.

It took an encounter with the Holy Spirit to open my eyes. I realized I was also affected, though it was hidden in a different form. You cannot heal what you don’t recognize, and it takes God to reveal it so He can heal it.

I’m grateful to say I’ve been fully restored after all these years, and I continue to stand in faith for my household, because, as it is written: “I shall be saved with my household” and “I and my household will SERVE the Lord.”

Jesus is still in the business of bringing new beginnings, working miracles, displaying His love, and delivering those oppressed by the enemy. (Acts 10:38)

This too shall pass.

God bless you,
Tony Francis