The New Breed

John the Apostle addressed in different parts of his epistles the dangerous gnostic ideology that basically preach that the flesh is evil and only the spirit is good, thus Jesus didn’t come in the flesh. Gnosticism is not my subject here, I want to show you how that sect focused on the spirit realm only not understanding deeply God’s heart to redeem what was corrupted and lost by sin. On Earth as it is in Heaven!

The Lord Jesus Christ is God’s plan of salvation for everything that was baptized in death after the fall of mankind. God is the God of spirits and flesh. When he created us, it was very good! Sin corrupted everything and we allowed it through Adam’s light stewardship of the creation. Sin is bad, not the flesh! God provided the answer, the antidote, the solution, the way out through his only begotten Son Jesus Christ.

We are all born in sin, inheriting the sinful Adamic nature. The Bible says in Romans 5:12-17

“12 Therefore, just as sin entered the world through one man, and death through sin, and in this way death came to all people, because all sinned— 13 for before the law was given, sin was in the world. But sin is not counted where there is no law. 14 Nevertheless, death reigned from the time of Adam to the time of Moses, even over those who did not sin by breaking a command, as did Adam, who is a pattern of the one to come. 15 But the gift is not like the trespass. For if the many died by the trespass of the one man, how much more did God’s grace and the gift that came by the grace of the one man, Jesus Christ, overflow to the many! 16 And the gift is not like the result of the one man’s sin: The judgment followed one sin and brought condemnation, but the gift followed many trespasses and brought justification. 17 For if, by the trespass of the one man, death reigned through that one man, how much more will those who receive God’s abundant provision of grace and of the gift of righteousness reign in life through the one man, Jesus Christ!”

What is righteousness? It is making things RIGHT again (RIGHTesouness). Many Christians are not Gnostics as they believe in the incarnation of Jesus Christ but focusing only on the spirit realm and believing that this corrupted flesh is beyond repair till we die, is pretty close to deception. We read in the verse “How much more will those who RECEIVE God’s abundant provision of grace and of the gift of righteousness reign in life through the one man, Jesus Christ!” Where do you REIGN? HERE and now we understand why it is so hard to RECEIVE correction, adjustment, and righteousness to what sin corrupted in us, it is a battle, for we war to reign! The huge provision was given to us by Jesus, the battle is now on the receiving end and the devil wins this by inspiring us with deceiving doctrines. Like for example, why do you need to repair your cursed inherited DNA, one day God will fix everything and will EVEN give you a glorious body in Heaven, but hey don’t worry, the Lord will give you grace as you battle sickness, diseases, and curses. Is not this so subtle and sneaky like a snake? I wonder how many of our inheritances in Christ have we lost to that kind of thinking. The delayed victory!

God’s DNA overrides your DNA if you are born again and the gift of righteousness of Jesus Christ lives in you! Just as you received your eternal salvation from hell and condemnation by faith, you can allow God’s correcting power to come over your DNA and bring redemption to what is needed. You don’t need to die at age 51 because your dad or mom died at that age from a certain disease! If sin preprogrammed your death in your own genes, God has programmed LIFE to you. Only a higher authority can override a lower authority. Life trumps death!

Yes, not many will be able to receive this truth and live their miraculous nature because “righteousness needs to reign in this life” and that’s a battle and not many are determined to be heroes in the faith!

For believers who broke in Jesus’ name the curse of sin in your bloodline, outlived your ancestors, or lived healed and healthy and separate from the sickness/curse history in your family, congratulations! You changed the report by faith. “I have believed that I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living”.

Is this possible for you? Yes, only if you believe.

Let’s pray: Father God, thank you for the power of your righteousness you gave me through your Son Jesus. Help me understand the unending possibility of its wonder-working power, teach me how to apply it by faith, and let me be among those who change bad reports. You say I am blessed, and your blessing looks like something. Amen

Glory to God
Tony Francis

Dream Interpretation 101

God is all about communicating with you. Our value is found in His communication with us! Can you imagine the God of the universe, your creator, and your heavenly Father in Christ lowering Himself to speak to us in languages that bring life to us and more bonding with Him? Wow, this whets my appetite and ignites passion in me to position myself to hear Him daily. This phrase “God spoke to me” will never be familiar and lifeless to me! I will always be excited about my encounters with Him, cherish and steward them, and I pray the same for you!

If you are a Christian and part of this amazing, thrilling spiritual journey and walk with the Lord, you should know by now that God speaks to you in different ways, and dreams are one of His common ways! Why does God speak to us in our dreams? I don’t know. It could be because He adores intimacy, quiet time with us when we are not bombarded by life’s distractions. I love all of His communicational expressions with me because it is about Him and not the means itself He uses to speak to me through. Years ago, I was awakened to the avenue of dreams and was excited to learn how to unlock His love messages for me that He codes them in my own personal and unique language. So, I read the book, prayed for His visitations in my dreams, and got bunches of them (I am not a daily dreamer though), and they were awesome.

I believe the Lord wants to speak to you in your dreams, and He wants you to know what He is speaking to you about. Prophet Daniel understood this once and for all. It is God who gives the dream, and it is God who gives the interpretation of the dream. Yes, we can use Christian books, and ask others to help interpret for us, but it is HIM who reveals it. I found it sometimes weird when believers run to ask others to interpret their dreams without first praying about it and trying to get the meaning from this intimate God who longs for a relationship with them. God knows you better than anyone else! Honor Him by going to Him first to have Him clarify the meaning of your dreams (of course, not every dream is from Him, and I will tell you more about it).

Many say to me that they try to do this sincerely and wholeheartedly and go to the Lord first, but they don’t feel they understand the meaning. Try more, and spend a longer time with Him. Maybe He wants to draw you closer to Him first because it is about Him before anything else. Even though you may feel blank, at least you honored Him, bonded with Him, gave Him a thrill of closeness, and pleased Him with your faith. Many times, I prayed about certain dreams I received myself and felt blank, but it felt so good that I communed with God and thanked Him for His visitations. And when I feel frustrated for not receiving the interpretation, I end my session by saying to the Lord, “I am not aware of the meaning yet, but I receive the meaning by faith.” Then my understanding catches up sooner or later.

I will not share with you the categories of dreams. You can learn more from experts like John Paul Jackson and others, but I will tell you one thing for sure. You may have a healing dream, deliverance dream, prophetic dream, futuristic dream, intercessory dream, etc. I want to focus on the steps of how you interpret your dreams and sometimes others. Are you excited? I learned those steps by myself, and they work for me. You may have a different recipe, and that’s okay!

When receiving a dream:

1- Ask the Lord, “Is this dream from you or not?” Discerning the spirits is important, and recognizing the source is a must. Even if your dream was from your soul or the demonic realm, God may have a say about that if you ask him. But usually, I focus on clarifying if a dream is from God or not, as it is not worth spending my time digging deeper otherwise.

2- When God confirms to me that it is a divine dream, I then ask him if this dream is a message for me or those I saw. Most of the time, those dreams will be about you, but some of them are not, and clarifying the audience at this point is important before getting the interpretation. Even when the Lord tells me this dream is about me and for me, I partner with him creatively and tell him, “Awesome, I will get what you are saying to me, BUT Lord, can I also receive a word from this dream to those people you used in my dream?” Sometimes the Lord likes this and responds in my direction. It is a double win because I love serving others.

3- When I know this dream is about me, I tell the Lord my dream. It is a way of remembering it out loud and processing it with him. Dreams can be confusing sometimes, and many get distracted by the accessories around the dream and lose the real message. Why? Because sometimes people focus on getting a meaning for every single thing, and they could have meanings, but sometimes they don’t. Do you remember the parable of the man who sold everything he had just to purchase the PEARL in a land filled with dirt, snakes, and scorpions? Focus on the pearl in your dream while being aware of the things around it, no problem! This should be your focus: to find Jesus when you are walking on the water. Having said that, I begin to follow the Holy Spirit to allow him to highlight to me the focus of my dream.

4- After that, I receive the meaning of it most of the time and ask the Lord to clarify how to receive this dream in my understanding because remember, your spirit already hosted it, and now you are catching up with your understanding to be fruitful and aware of invisible things. I may ask the Lord, “Do I pray about it? Or just receive it simply? Maybe ask intercessors to pray for me in this direction?” Don’t just get the meaning of your dream; ask the Holy Spirit what to do with it because you want the fullness in your session with him and his visitation to you. (RIA: Revelation, Interpretation & Activation)

I pray these keys help some of you unlock your dream life in Jesus’ name. Remember, it is about the Lord and being intimate with him! If you have frequent dreams you want to interpret in a prophetic community, pray about joining my private WhatsApp group. Click here to learn more! God bless you. Also, you can check the separate “Dream Interpretation” ministry available if you don’t want to join the WhatsApp group. Click here to learn more and submit your dream today.

Glory to God

Tony Francis

When You Doubt God

I believe doubting God is the highest form of temptation because He is your source of everything as a Christian, and now you are not sure about this good source you relied on many times. When I sin, I can come to the Lord and ask Him to forgive me, deliver me, and heal me. But when I doubt Him, I may struggle to come to Him for help. I have succeeded many times while in doubt to come to the Lord’s presence and commune with Him until He restores my faith in His goodness once again, but often when I doubt, I feel disconnected, unable to approach Him! It depends on the level of spiritual warfare at that moment, I believe. Can you relate to this?

We remember together that doubting God’s goodness and authority severed our relationship with Him and took us out of the garden of life, blessings, and calling. It was when Satan asked Eve: “Did God really say?”

Doubt is a powerful form of warfare, do not underestimate it. Jesus Christ was tempted by the devil with the “If you are” statements and He conquered them by the power of the Holy Spirit, and you can too. Once again, you may do this and that and still come to the Lord for repentance, correction, and prayer, but what if you are now doubting your source? Can you see it with me? Are you going through tough times of questioning the Lord and His promises? Are you coming into a subtle agreement with the enemy’s doubtful statements? God is not angry at you or me, yet He delights when we trust Him fully, but He knows it is a journey and He is with us and for us.

I break the presence of doubt in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, and I curse the root, the landing strip, the foothold, the space, the opening, the question, the experience, the seeds, or whatever it was that made you come under doubting the goodness and the loving-kindness of the Lord for you. Amen!

If you want to doubt the Lord, doubt in His presence, do it with Him, be real, and ask your questions, but don’t cut away the source because at the end of the day, it is only God that you have and you don’t want to lose that. God is not intimidated by your doubts or questions.

Come before Him and conquer this temptation of doubt in His power because everyone may go through it.

Glory to God
Tony Francis

Blinded From the God Increase?

“The heart is deceitful above all things, And desperately wicked; Who can know it?” Jeremiah 17: 9

God gave the whole world his only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, to save us from sin and eternal hell and reconcile us to him and his glory. This great salvation was given thousands of years ago. It is rich and great; nothing tops it or can be compared to it.

Everyone is forgiven because God’s justice was satisfied and met by the Lamb of God, Jesus Christ. Therefore, everyone is forgiven, but not everyone is saved.

“For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast.” Ephesians 2:8-9

You have been saved by grace BUT THROUGH FAITH. You need to know, believe, and receive it to secure eternal life.

Many don’t receive this God increase, this immense holy salvation, because they don’t SEE themselves fitting in the category of needing salvation.

Everyone has their demonic doctrine and reasoning that BLINDS them to the fact that they need salvation. This blind spot of not needing salvation robbed that one of receiving this God increase. It is available but was lost for them!

Do you have a blind spot? I know you are thinking, come on, Tony, it is a blind spot. How can I see it? The one who sees you sees it. You can search your heart in God’s presence. I know it is not easy because most of us resist the exposure of a blind spot for some reason, mostly pride, but if we want to break free and deal with it to be in the faith, we need to do this step. You will be incredibly blessed when you humble yourself and have your eyes open to that blind spot causing you not to see the divine abundance available to you by your heavenly Father in Christ in Jesus!


Father, I am so excited about this one! Please open my eyes by the anointing because Jesus, the anointed one, makes the blind see. I don’t want to be blinded anymore to your glory and goodness. Whatever it costs, do it unto me, touch my eyes, and expose the blind spot(s) today. Amen.


God sees my blind spots and reveals them to me by his Spirit. Therefore, I will never walk blindly because the sun of righteousness rises for me with healing in its wings.

This chapter “Blind Spot” is taken from Tony Francis’ new book “My Cup Overflows”- Devotional, Prayers & Decrees For Your Increase. Available in hardcover and digital formats. 

The Gift of Prophecy

The best way I can present to you a clear explanation of the “Gift of Prophecy” is by what I am doing right now. I am writing this word to you under divine inspiration. I am writing this by the Holy Spirit! I trust him with every word I am birthing here for you. So what is the gift of prophecy?

According to Strong’s concordance, it is to utter forth, declare, a thing which can only be known by divine revelation, AND read this beautiful one, to prophesy is to break forth under sudden impulse in lofty discourse or praise of the divine counsels. When I read that I felt my heart leaping with glorious joy and excitement. That “SUDDEN IMPULSE” is key here because God’s kicking thoughts feel like that, also the demonic realm and your own desires too! So how do you discern your “Sudden Impulse” prophetic words are from the Holy Spirit and not from another realm? I am glad you asked.

Well, let’s read again the definition of “Prophesy”. It is to break forth under sudden impulse in lofty discourse or praise of the divine counsels. The devil WILL NOT give you an urge or a prompting to break forth in a lofty discourse or praise of the divine counsels. Please understand my heart, I am not trying to make prophesying simple to you because it is a journey with the Holy Spirit and we walk in responsibility and the fear of the Lord in that. But at the same time, I can’t hide the plain and clear definition of the word “Prophesy”.

God is purifying the streams of our hearts continuously. As the Lord said to the Prophet Jeremiah “If you take out the precious from the vile, You shall be as My mouth” Jeremiah 15:19. This is what the word tells us to do in the new testament as well, to take what is good from a prophecy and reject the bad. We save the baby and throw the bathwater. Some individuals and denominations throw the baby/babies with the bathwater because they don’t want any mess. They are too holy or busy discerning and extracting the precious to save it. Don’t do that!

I prophesy your next level in the gift of prophecy in Jesus’ mighty name. May the fire of the Lord consume the mixture in you and me and make you as gold to birth forth the pure word of the Lord. Jesus is so BEAUTIFUL and we can’t deform him because we are not willing to cooperate with the Holy Spirit for a personal change and transformation. It is worth the cost!

God’s eyes are looking to and fro looking for vessels that are always ready to be purified to be more fruitful. Those willing hearts will go places in God, will do exploits in his name, and will finish their race at the pinnacle of glory.

You are this vessel and I hear you saying to the Lord, I am your maiden, do unto me according to your perfect will.

Tony Francis

You Are Called to Write

There is power in writing! If Jesus is the WORD of God and he is, then writing is the very next thing that serves the WORD. From the beginning, we see how much God gave the ministry of writing importance! We read that in the bible over and over. Even God himself came down and wrote the commandments on two tablets for Moses. There is power in writing because the dynamics of it imply it. Writing is a form of establishing, pressing upon with authority, it releases boldness because you are not afraid of taking what is invisible and birthing it into the visible. (Chew on this one)

There is a tribe of scribes founded by God, legislating for him all the time. God is looking at this tribe and found your face among them. He is calling you to write! Write his glory. Writing is a spiritual warfare that’s why you feel the resistance to stepping into this ministry. I understand that but you are a warrior as well in Christ Jesus and you are made to battle. Your pen will be your forged sword and you will create substance in the realm of the spirit as you move your pen and let your sword dance by the wind of the Spirit.

The devil is afraid you answer this eternal call. He will throw some alternatives at you, of course, he will do, and tell you BUT not this one, please. Today, the Spirit is making sure you are not missing your destiny because you will bring so much glory to his name. The Son of God is worthy! God will help you deal with your “buts” because you have some in your tool belt. Be humble, ask the Lord “how is it going to be that and I know no man?”. God will give you answers to start with and he expects you at the end to give him your yes and amen.

He really wants you to step into this!

Tony Francis

Keys to Step into Abundance

Jesus promised us abundant life here on earth before we go to heaven. “The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more ABUNDANTLY.” John 10:10. There is no lack in God. He is EL-SHADDAI, the God of more than enough, your God and my God.

“For the one whom God has sent speaks the words of God, for God gives the Spirit without limit.” John 3:34.

The Holy Spirit is not a lacking Spirit, he is a river, a “Spirit without limit”. Abundance is the nature of God, who he is way before keys and principles. Many are taught biblically how to live a prosperous life but those keys and techniques don’t work for those believers because it is about a core belief in God as the God of abundance! Until you come to that place of belief about the abundant nature of God and his will for you, you won’t be able to release your faith even if you used all the techniques.

Having this firm belief about God, my God, the Holy Spirit activated me in revelations and biblical keys to stir the blessings I have been given in Christ in the heavenly places (See Ephesians 1). Oh, I fell in love with those keys, and I know you will too.

The biblical key that I am about to share with you turned out to be a creative activation that became my daily practice almost. It is addictive and powerful.

God, the great I AM, appeared to Abram and promised him to become a father of many nations. God cut that promise to Abram who became AbraHam and that by itself is powerful.

God in his tender mercies doesn’t only promise us great blessings, callings, and destinies but he teaches us, works with us, and helps us cultivate faith in his promises. We need God from the beginning to the end. God visited Jeremiah, not only to reveal to him his destiny as a prophet but also to work with his weaknesses, and doubts. God also went further to train Jeremiah by activating him in the seer anointing by asking him what do you see? God was teaching Jeremiah to prophesy. Isn’t God so awesome and so good? He is a Father like no other, halleluiah, he wants to see YOU succeed.

After the God of covenant cut that glorious promise to Abraham, having Messiah in mind, he didn’t stop there but activated Abram in many ways to build his faith.

Jesus said, I will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. Jesus is your promise maker AND your faith builder. He never leaves you nor forsakes you! (I can cry here and just erupt in worship).

God turned the name of Abram to Abraham, and the faith activations started! Now Abraham is locked in his thinking about the promise (I am a father of many nations). Each time Abraham heard his community calling his new name, faith would arise and keep building in his heart. Do you see this beautiful activation? It was God’s idea.

God didn’t stop at changing the name of Abram, but he connected Abraham’s faith to the stars in the vast sky, a huge limitless scene, a visual. This is how your offspring will be, God said to Abraham! (Gen 15). Now every time someone calls Abraham by name faith rises in him and every time Abraham looked at the stars each night faith was established.

God surrounded Abraham with activations to keep him in the faith! Are you living like that? Protecting your faith, building it constantly? There is a journey to your promise. Today the 12 tribes of Israel are displayed in the sky because of Abraham’s faith. We see them in the constellations, and they reveal the glory of the Messiah. God fulfilled his promise to Abraham, but it was after activating him in faith every single moment in many ways.

I’ve learned from the Holy Spirit that connecting a given promise to a visual builds my faith which leads to glory and manifestations. There is nothing more powerful than seeing it. If you see it, you can have it but first, make sure it is within your inheritance in Christ.

Today it became my practice to focus on a certain blessing and then connect a wild creative visual that has no limits or boundaries just like the stars. I understand how powerful this activation is! It is not about what I write/see, it is about going wild and limitless to stir the blessing behind my practice. My wild creative SKY GRAND visual is just a little spoon to stir a  big blessing, the substance of what I want to manifest.

The secret is to go wild, creative, and BIG to rise your faith. There is something about the HIGH PRAISE, right? Go high, be in the spirit, break the membrane of reasoning, and paralyze doubts. I will clarify even more. Imagine you love someone, and you want to express your love and appreciation. Gift that one a shirt and that person will receive it and acknowledge your love. Gift him two shirts, and now he is so excited. Gift him a closet full of shirts and now that one is speechless, in tears, and is marked by your love. Go big, stir it strong. Let your senses engage in it.

When you write a creative visual, don’t focus much on it because the aim is not to fulfill it, the aim is to stir the blessing desired behind it.

The word in you will produce, that’s why “the birds” come immediately to steal it. What you sow in yourself as words, visuals, and emotions, will build the faith that will lead to glory “if you believe, you shall SEE the glory of God”.  John 11:40

Let’s say you want to stir the blessing of acceptance and approval in your life because you are struggling with rejection. You can write a creative wild limitless visual about how loved you are. Something like that:

“Today I woke up and as usual I turned on my mobile phone and received texts like crazy, almost all my social media apps were full. People were checking on me, tagging me, I was on their minds, and many wanted to arrange an outing with me because they love to hang out with me. It took me hours to answer them all and interact with them. After that, I saw that a group of people who used to bully me when I was a child, wanted to apologize and connect with me again. They love me today and know my worth. I was in tears! I don’t live for approval but what can I do about it, it just follows me, and I can’t stop it because when God blesses me, no man can curse me”.

Did you like this activation? I did. Will your phone be bombarded with messages tomorrow? Probably not but FOR SURE you stirred the blessing of approval, and it is now working and GOD himself will write the best scenario possible about that approval you stirred for him. Fill God’s pen with the ink of your desired blessing and let him do the writing. Trust in the Lord!

Happy activation!

Tony Francis


If you want to learn more, you can listen below to my 40 minutes live stream I did recently on Facebook where I taught about this and activated people in it. God bless you!


If you want to start this practice, you can order my notebook “My Faith Journal” that I designed. Use coupon code DISCOUNT25 on checkout:

Thank you for your generous donations to Healed Nations’ Ministries. God bless you abundantly! 

The Narrow Gate

Years ago, when I was new in the faith, I was just born again, the Lord connected me with a blessed spiritual prophetess from another country. She became my everything, like a newborn to his mother. Every night I log into the internet waiting for her to come online to speak to my life, mentor me, pray and prophesy for me. Faithfully, Kris, that sweet lady, would come online every night just for ME. I know the importance of being mothered because of her and another sweet sister too.

I was and still am like a baby bird with a wide-open mouth because of my hunger waiting to be fed in the Lord. Kris taught me great and wonderful secrets, revelations, mysteries, the word of God, and the ways of the Holy Spirit. Not only did she teach me, but she trained me to walk in the supernatural.

I already was open to the supernatural because before Christ I went after the new age, so I was ready! I loved those moments of praying and prophesying at the end of each chat night with Kris. I would wait on the edge of my seat waiting for Kris to start manifesting the Holy Spirit and my faith would rise when I hear her saying whoo haa ohhh hmmm, because I knew she was about to prophesy to me and then graciously she would allow me to prophesy over her and after a while, she knew I was graced in the prophetic. I treasure those sacred moments; Jesus was taking care of me. It was about him; he was behind all that. I am forever thankful for his loving kindness, halleluiah.

One day, I opened my email to find out Kris has sent me an attached word document with a VERY long prophetic word. I was so happy, excited, and thrilled because it was a generous banquet. I knew it was going to be a weighty email and a life-changing one! Today I don’t remember her prophetic words in that email, the only thing I remember was the last sentence of her last paragraph. Kris told me by the Spirit of the Lord: Tony, you are called to humility! Those words witnessed greatly in my spirit, defined me, and stayed with me till this very day and will continue to.

I knew later that everything I went through in my life was because of the opposite of the spirit of humility. In spiritual warfare, if you are aiming for a real breakthrough, the root of the attack and the landing strip must be revealed. Jesus is your light AND salvation, he will reveal to you and save you!

I tell you today what the Holy Spirit spoke to my heart years ago through mama Kris: “You are called to HUMILITY.”

Tony Francis

Healing From Trauma

I’m not an expert in healing others’ traumas but the Lord can. Trauma is a big life-altering event that can happen in someone’s life, your life, and my life. The American psychological association defines trauma this way: “Trauma is an emotional response to a terrible event like an accident, rape, or natural disaster. Immediately after the event, shock and denial are typical. Longer-term reactions include unpredictable emotions, flashbacks, strained relationships, and even physical symptoms like headaches or nausea.”

Traumas that happen to us have different levels, weak, mild and extreme. Every level causes a crack in our souls, no doubt, it may be faint or a vivid split but those cracks are painful because we are created by God to be and remain whole.

When we go through a painful experience or a good one, all of our three layers are touched, the physical, the soul, and the spirit. I want you to always think that you are one being and what happens to you affects you totally on all levels. Science or psychology may not always reveal this to you for many reasons. Many scientists don’t believe a man has a spirit, they identify your soul, your emotions, thoughts, and will, and of course the obvious which is your physical. But knowing in part and offering solutions and remedies without fully seeing the whole picture may and will cause you more damage because they are considering this and forsaking the other. We thank God for experts but we trust in the Lord to complete the full picture and bring the fullness of wholeness that we long for.

You’ve read how psychology defines trauma, but how does the Holy Spirit see trauma?

Trauma is a spirit, a wicked strategy from the devil well planned for, organized, and customized for each individual and saved for a certain time to be released in someone’s life when things line up to cause the ultimate knocking damage to make it permanent and impossible to reverse and heal from and to cause the shattered entity to deviate from discovering the Lord and who he is in him and to keep that one ions away from his divine destiny. The devil wants the pain to define you! God wants wholeness to be your identity.

You may be thinking, Tony you’ve gone too far, why are you taking trauma to the spiritual level? Honestly, because it originates there. I totally understand we live in a fallen world and imperfect people cause damage and accidents and that’s totally right and true. But when it comes to trauma the devil is involved because trauma is so violent same as his killing nature. The devil is always after BIG events in your life, he is not really after small things and accidents like a slight cut or a scratch on your skin when you peel an apple, or a headache, etc. The devil wants a violent pain to take over you, define you and alter your relationship with the Lord and your destiny. Trauma is one of his big tools. You will be amazed at the responses we get if I ask you to share a traumatic event you’ve gone through. Almost everyone was subject to it and right now the devil is scheduling one for your children.

You can never heal from something you don’t know the full truth about and its roots. You will be locked in cycles of despair and failures and not go anywhere if you treat the symptoms but do not curse the roots. I pray the Spirit of the Lord enlightens you as you read this in Jesus’ name because it is not a coincidence that you are reading about trauma today and how to heal from it.

Trauma is spiritual, no more talking about it.

Now that you know its origin, you can position yourself to discover the real and true healing for it. Let me interject this here before I proceed with my topic on trauma.

The Bible, for example, lists homosexuality as a sin that Christ died for. Why would Christ die if psychology can treat it for those who don’t want this lifestyle? It is because only the power of Jesus can break sin because sin is spiritual, now after that is done and well received, that struggling person can proceed for help from Christian counselors and even some other treatments. Trauma is spiritual and only God’s power and anointing can deal with it. The Lord can locate it for you, deal with it, set you free and bring you back to wholeness that leads you to a better relationship with the Lord and embracing your God-given destiny.

A healed trauma that doesn’t lead you to God and your destiny is not trauma. It was something else you were dealing with.

I remember when I was little, with no built walls of protection in me, no prayer coverings, knew nothing about God, the word was not in me, I was subject to extreme shattering traumas, word abuse and physical ones too, which established excruciating pain in me and I became locked in the constant struggle inside. Part of me was strongly trying to get rid of that trauma but I couldn’t help getting it out. After years of struggle, I surrendered myself to the pain of trauma and let it define me because I found no way out even though I searched for and encountered all kinds of natural healing and resources available in this fallen world but it made me worse and stole my time because little did I know what I was going through was spiritual and it takes the power of Jesus Christ to break those invisible shackles. Long story short, that’s exactly what happened when I met Christ and gave him my life and my pieces. He made me whole and I can’t tell you how TASTY this feeling is. I dwell in wholeness, not in perfection, there is a difference between being whole and perfect.

After God restored me from those traumatic areas in my life, I discovered that my relationship with him deepened and I embraced more of my calling and who I am in him. Others today are greatly blessed by me because I WAS FOUND.

The prince of Peace, Jesus Christ, will take you shattered and gives you peace. You will be WHOLE again and that my friend is a traumatic event to the devil. Amen!

Tony Francis


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Day of the Supernatural

God is a supernatural God, he was, he is and he will ever be. The supernatural may be new to some believers but this is who they are in Christ, supernatural followers!

It is important to know that how you see the Lord is how he manifests to you and through you.

The word of God urges us to “Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ” 2 Corinthians 10:5. Why? Because there is a war to veil the knowledge of God in every aspect and area because once God’s face is revealed you will believe and see his glory. For generations many believed that eternal salvation is earned, you do good, give your land to the church, etc. Unfortunately, that is wrong and many died in this deception because they couldn’t see Jesus Christ as the savior and that his eternal life is a FREE gift we can’t earn or work for. There was a war and still in this area for many! I am not under this war anymore, I believe Jesus as is, the Son of God, the Savior of the world, he died for my sins, forgave me, I gave him my life and I received eternal life from now. The devil has lost this war with me, which is a big one.

I can’t list to you the numerous battles, the arguments and imaginations that rose and still rising to veil and block the knowledge of God. Many are struggling to see Jesus as the healer, many can’t see him as the provider, or the Hope of Glory, etc. But when you break through and see God as he is, he will manifest to you and through you the way you see him according to your faith.

Can you see God as a supernatural God? Is it hard for you to see him this way? Remember, you are in a battle NOT to see him like that because once you engage you will see the glory of the supernatural manifestations of God and the devil doesn’t want that for you.

It is a day of the supernatural, Christ is this day, in him, there is no darkness, only light. God wants to deal with your wrong perceptions and touch the way you see him in this area because he wants you to know him as supernatural and he wants you to see his supernatural activity. He wants to express his love to you through supernatural means because it is all about his love for you and not the supernatural itself.

You will overcome the lies of the enemy in the name of Jesus. You will see the Lord and put a demand on his supernatural facet and expressions. He has so much in store, you can’t bankrupt him. God wants you to believe he is and he will be a rewarder to those who diligently seek him, Hebrews 11:6.

Yes, it is important how you see the Lord, very important that’s why sound theology, doctrine, and teachings are to be the foundation, the kickstart of your encounters with supernatural Yahweh. Are you under the right anointed teachings? Does your church forthtell raw truths about who God truly is? Through what lens do you look at the Lord? It is time to remove the old unbiblical lens and behold the glory of the Son of God, he is supernatural, it is a day of the supernatural!

God is counting on you to believe him as supernatural, he wants his people to pioneer in this belief and manifest him. The world is looking, searching, trying different unclean things and are groaning for the manifestations of your glory, Romans 8.

Thank you for reading.

Tony Francis


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