Blinded From the God Increase?


“The heart is deceitful above all things, And desperately wicked; Who can know it?” Jeremiah 17: 9

God gave the whole world his only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, to save us from sin and eternal hell and reconcile us to him and his glory. This great salvation was given thousands of years ago. It is rich and great; nothing tops it or can be compared to it.

Everyone is forgiven because God’s justice was satisfied and met by the Lamb of God, Jesus Christ. Therefore, everyone is forgiven, but not everyone is saved.

“For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast.” Ephesians 2:8-9

You have been saved by grace BUT THROUGH FAITH. You need to know, believe, and receive it to secure eternal life.

Many don’t receive this God increase, this immense holy salvation, because they don’t SEE themselves fitting in the category of needing salvation.

Everyone has their demonic doctrine and reasoning that BLINDS them to the fact that they need salvation. This blind spot of not needing salvation robbed that one of receiving this God increase. It is available but was lost for them!

Do you have a blind spot? I know you are thinking, come on, Tony, it is a blind spot. How can I see it? The one who sees you sees it. You can search your heart in God’s presence. I know it is not easy because most of us resist the exposure of a blind spot for some reason, mostly pride, but if we want to break free and deal with it to be in the faith, we need to do this step. You will be incredibly blessed when you humble yourself and have your eyes open to that blind spot causing you not to see the divine abundance available to you by your heavenly Father in Christ in Jesus!


Father, I am so excited about this one! Please open my eyes by the anointing because Jesus, the anointed one, makes the blind see. I don’t want to be blinded anymore to your glory and goodness. Whatever it costs, do it unto me, touch my eyes, and expose the blind spot(s) today. Amen.


God sees my blind spots and reveals them to me by his Spirit. Therefore, I will never walk blindly because the sun of righteousness rises for me with healing in its wings.

This chapter “Blind Spot” is taken from Tony Francis' new book “My Cup Overflows”- Devotional, Prayers & Decrees For Your Increase. Available in hardcover and digital formats. 

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