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Prophetic Word for the month of Elul 5783 September 2023

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Hey everyone, we just entered the biblical month of Elul 5783 / September 2023. Not only each day God's mercies are renewed to us but every single month and every single year and after a set of years too, like 7 years, 50 years, etc. The Lord in his great compassion waits to show you his great mercy, are you receiving it? Are you aligning with him, and his timing by faith to be under the canopy of his authority and be overtaken by his goodness and glory?

This is not just another prophetic word about what the Holy Spirit is saying to us for this month, it is not a fortune cookie at all. We honor God and fear his word and timing because he loves us greatly and wants us in the blessing zone. LIFE to you in Jesus' name.

I was praying for you about the new month of Elul 5783 / September 2023 and this is what I believe I received from the Holy Spirit and I pray it will bless your socks off in Jesus' mighty name. I believe it is going to be a TURNAROUND month, yeah yeah I know you've been seeing this word a lot and believing for it for a while but it is important to know that you've been breaking through, you've been progressing, EVERY TIME YOU PRAY something happens and you are closer. But in this month because it is also preparing us for a new BIBLICAL hebraic godly year 5784 in the midst of September, God is about to wrap things up for you BIG time because he doesn't want you to drag to a new whole season in him. I've learned that there is something called “THE FINISHING ANOINTING” and you can believe for it this very month and expect it. I sense I will hear a lot from you good testimonies about that.

The word of God tells us that in the time of rain ask for rain and since we are ending a year, you can ask the Lord to bring this big final turnaround as you start a new dawn with him. You are under this blessing in this month, you can press in and believe for it or just let it go. But now that you knew about it, that's why we discern times and seasons, benefit from what is available in the heavenlies and pull the divine TURNAROUND down over your life and those long challenges, relationships, finances, sicknesses, ministries, etc.

The month of Elul is your month of TURNAROUND! Do you believe it? Amen.

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God bless you

Tony Francis

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