Beyond Imagination: Faith That Sees, Constant Strategy, and Breeding Wealth!

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Jacob worked for his uncle Laban for many years, taking care of his flocks (SEE Genesis 30:25-43). After a long time, Jacob wanted to return to his homeland. But before he left, he made a deal with Laban: Jacob would continue to work for him, but in return, he wanted all the speckled, spotted, and dark-colored sheep and goats as his wages. Laban agreed, thinking these types of animals were less common.

One night, God gave Jacob a dream. In the dream, Jacob saw male goats mating with the flock, and they were streaked, speckled, and spotted. Then, God spoke to Jacob, revealing that He had seen how Laban had been mistreating him. God reminded Jacob of the vow made at Bethel, where Jacob had earlier seen a vision of a ladder reaching to heaven. God promised to be with Jacob and to bless him.

Following this divine revelation, Jacob knew what he had to do. He took fresh branches from poplar, almond, and plane trees and peeled back the bark to create white stripes. He placed these striped branches in the watering troughs where the animals came to drink.

When the stronger animals came to drink and mate in front of the branches, they gave birth to young that were streaked, speckled, or spotted, just as God had shown Jacob in the dream. This strategy, combined with God's blessing, led to Jacob's great prosperity. His flocks grew rapidly with many speckled and spotted animals. He became very wealthy, with large herds of sheep and goats, many servants, and many camels and donkeys. Meanwhile, Laban’s flocks were left with fewer animals of the desired solid colors.

There is great power in what we focus on. What are you focusing on all the time? Focusing on something creates a craving that leads to action! This is more than a new-age visualization technique; it is greater because this focus includes faith, which transcends mere imagination.

Faith is God's spiritual force; it is the assurance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen. The devil wants you to focus on the forbidden tree, while God wants you to focus on His glory. There is a war for your soul, but you win it by how much you hunger and thirst for righteousness, and you WILL be satisfied.

Stop for a moment and think about this: Haven't you become who you are today because you kept contemplating certain scenarios and associating with certain groups?

Jacob's sheep were strong; they looked at and mated (fellowship) in front of those striped trees and gave birth to their kind. Are you strong in the Lord? Are you close to your vision night and day, looking into it, faithing it, and pushing it forward?

It is indeed true that you become what you continuously focus on. Those addictive TikTok videos, video clips, and Netflix movies are constantly influencing this generation and inviting them into a perverse realm, identities, and experiences by BEHOLDING.

This biblical mystery changed my life and is a great tool that I use, and I have not just changed but transformed into the great identities I desire. It has been a journey. But the most exciting thing is focusing on the glory of Jesus, which He is always inviting us into, so that we may BECOME LIKE HIM. How much do you want to be glory?

2 Corinthians 3:18 (AMP): “And we all, with unveiled face, continually seeing as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are progressively being transformed into His image from [one degree of] glory to [even more] glory, which comes from the Lord, [who is] the Spirit.”

Psalm 115:8 (AMP): “Those who make them (idols) will become like them, Everyone who trusts in them.”

Proverbs 23:7a (AMP): “For as he thinks within himself, so he is.”

God bless you
Tony Francis

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