To be separated from Love

When I think about High things, I think about:

  1. God – the Highest of high things
  2. Principalities  and Rulers of the Kingdom of Darkness

Principalities and dark spirituals forces are pulled down in the authority of the name Jesus. God can never be pulled down. If the authority and power lie in the name Yahweh, can He ever be cast out by His own name ?! Who is higher than High? Yet, He came off His throne to redeem mankind.

It's one thing to be pulled down (against one's will) but it's another to use one's will to submit to a livelihood of humility unto death for the sake of saving a treasured creation that came from dust.

Dust. We stopped being merely dust the moment he breathed life into us because, at that point, we became an extension of Himself; a God that can never die. If He can never die, then all the extensions of His spirit in mankind would return unto Himself. It is impossible to let mankind perish with his very spirit of eternal love, remaining in them. He could have taken His spirit away from man due to sin, but He chose to remain in us, in fellowship.  He chose love, and love always desires relationship and companionship. God desires to save all vessels who desire to house Him. We are so precious to Him that He promises an incorruptible and imperishable nature that will not allow separation from love; His very essence.  To allow one to reject Him in favor of their will, would mean HIM extricating Himself from them. Dividing body from soul and spirit. A death far worse than just the flesh

You cannot live without God for He is life itself.


Transparency to the Extent of Vulnerability

This thought of becoming transparent has been coming to mind for a couple of days. It may sound hardcore but it’s very simple! If I had to rephrase it, it simply says: we need to become childlike, not childish!!

A child is open, innocent, trusts blindly, humble in nature, teachable, explorative, creative, inquisitive, joyful, playful, and not afraid to let out its true feelings & needs !! You get the real deal with a child, hence you see people melt when they are around a baby or a toddler.

Yeshua said: “Let the children come to Me and don’t stop them! For the kingdom of heaven is like these little children” his disciples were trying to shush the children!! That is such a graceful move of Yeshua, to have children play around and would not be disturbed by their chitchat!!

Most of the time, we as adults want kids to be in a separate room if we are having a meeting !! On the contrary, have we tried having them alongside and not be disturbed or irritated!! It’s a kind of challenge or a discipline we need to practice!! To not get ticked by immaturity or innocence!! That’s a journey I’m on .. and I feel it’s a long way to grow!! Try it!! Mothers have great patience!! Hats off to them!!

If only we could become like children, willing to trust our Heavenly Father completely to the extent that we would not be afraid to be silly, that would be another level of maturity! I say that because it’s a test to have blind faith in His plans towards us rather than trying to control everything around us. What do you think?

Thoughts are welcome



I Know My Plans for You: My Heavenly Calendar

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11  

Just like a good father who plans activities for his family on certain days to go out together, bond, and have fun, God is like that. He is YOUR GOOD FATHER in Christ Jesus. He has good things on his agenda for you already planned, blessings in store, waiting to be unlocked in the context of a relationship with him.

“For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.” Ephesians 2:10  

Knowing all this, and that God is Lord over my time, I started the practice of downloading God’s agenda for me. Little did I know that I’ve set myself up for ongoing amazements, surprises, and of discovering more and more the reality of the Lord and that He is Emmanuel, who indeed is God with me.

I printed the monthly calendars on an A4 size then I got home, excited to fill in the blanks with the God substance! I took the monthly calendar paper that just started, lifted a prayer asking God to rule and reign over it, and fill each day and hour with his goodness.

I asked the Lord to give me a title and verse for that month and so He did. Then I continued in prayer and looked at the blank days of that month before my eyes, and asked the Lord to highlight the days marked on his agenda for me. Slowly I began scanning each section and I marked the days I felt Holy Spirit was hovering on. After finishing my spiritual scanning, I stopped on each highlighted day and asked the Lord to give me a title for that day. He was faithful to download his headlines to me for each coming highlighted day that month.

That created a great expectation in me to see the fulfillment and the download of His goodness into His marked days. The days that weren’t highlighted didn’t mean they didn’t belong to the Lord. It is just that there are some specific days where the FATHER has planned something special for me.

“How precious are your thoughts about me, O God. They cannot be numbered! I can’t even count them; they outnumber the grains of sand! And when I wake up, you are still with me!” Psalms 139:17-18

If I write all my testimonies, the surprises, and the fulfillment of God’s agenda for me each month, I don’t think I will be able to keep this devotion short. But one of the remarkable things that happened to me that I can tell you about and I can't forget is this incident:

I live an hour away from my family, and it is rare for my mother to visit me and if she does, it must be on a weekend. On a Monday, Mom called me.  She said she was passing by. I was surprised, and I told her, “Sure, it is always joyful to see you.” That Monday afternoon, Mama came, cleaned my little house, filled my fridge with all kinds of foods that last for a month, brought some accessories and decorated my rooms, and gave me money. I felt FULL on so many levels. I was so filled with gratitude to God and to her.

After she left back to our small hometown where she lives, the night fell and I spent some time with the Lord before going to bed, as I usually do. I forgot that day to check my calendar to see if that Monday was highlighted by the Lord. I grabbed the calendar, looked at the day, and to my shock I’d written at the beginning of that month this little title for that Monday: “MAMA’s BLESSINGS”. OMG! … I went crazy!

Happy downloading of God’s agenda for yourself!

Tony Francis

Becoming Doves 🕊

God is soo good in the bad times and in the good!!

The story goes such that a great flood came upon the earth, people were completely wicked to the extent that they didn't know the difference between man and alien, in other words, the two became one. They were engrossed in demonic rituals and unruly worship of entities that fell from heaven !!

God in His mercy wanted to save mankind, which had pure DNA!! Hence He selected Noah and Noah’s family who were the remnant of all mankind!! God was good to protect His own creation from the grips of satan.

Deception is very subtle, it seeps in inch by inch like a murderer who ropes in his victims. No one knows who the culprit is until the mystery is unlocked!!

Yeshua said you need to be wise like serpents & harmless as doves!! He will train us, but you need to be willing to learn from His footsteps!!

Sit at the feet of Yeshua, & when He reveals the mysteries of heaven; every deception will come to light!! Seek God & He will bestow abundance of His goodness!!

Become a dove

