Tag Archive for: touch

Hello, May 2022: Prophetic Zoom Event with Tony Francis

Speaker: Tony Francis
Type: Online ZOOM Event (video replay available + audio)
Date & Time: Saturday April 30, 2022 at 10 pm GMT
Price: Any amount you feel led to pay a minimum of $5
Time: 2 hours 20 minutes

Prophetic Power Zoom Event with Tony Francis

Speaker: Tony Francis
Type: Online ZOOM Event (video replay available + audio)
Date & Time: April, Sunday 17th, 2022 at 10 pm GMT
Price: Free
Time: 2 hours and 20 minutes

Kathryn Kuhlman: The Greatest Power in the World Free Audiobook

As you listen to this audiobook, you will learn how to receive the Holy Spirit's phenomenal power in your own life, and as a result, your life will be changed forever. Instead of feeling defeated, you will experience joyful victory in every area of your life. As you learn what Ms. Kuhlman knew on a personal basis, you will be filled with the power of the Holy Spirit—the greatest power in the world.

Untouched the Grace of Clarity

He was surrounded and there was no way out. The number of those against him seemed uncountable. They released a round of fire. It came in like a swarm and he had no place to hide. There was nothing he could use to shield himself. It looked like the end. His body was riddled with holes. Death slowly and voraciously seemed to steal away his life. Through a miraculous act of God he was spared. Every step was hard but with each one he learned more about who he was and that he was created for a purpose. He stepped outside. This time he was more than recovered. He was different. He was new. Without a second of breathing time he saw the approach. They surrounded him again. For once, he was not afraid. The sound of weapons being launched filled the silence. He was without natural cover, just like the first time he faced their attack. There was nowhere to hide and no one to protect him. He stood his ground and stared at the assault as it approached. With one wave of his hand he stopped the fire in mid-air. It was as if he had frozen time. He took a moment to consider what had happened. He knew something this time that he had not known before. He knew who he was.

We all are under fire of some kind in our daily experiences. It may be the fire of slander, gossip, the threat of abuse, maltreatment or some other form of being denied. am a devoted Christian writer, lyricist, editor, single parent and social justice advocate. This site is dedicated to encouraging others through words that comfort, inspire and transform. The truth is that fire does not have any power to consume us. When we know who we are in Christ there is no weapon that can defeat us. We have an eternal connection to the source of life and truth. It gives sight to the blind, strength to the weak and hope to the hopeless.

I encourage you today to consider the fire that you are facing in light of who you are. The bible says it this way:

31-39 So, what do you think? With God on our side like this, how can we lose? If God didn’t hesitate to put everything on the line for us, embracing our condition and exposing himself to the worst by sending his own Son, is there anything else he wouldn’t gladly and freely do for us? And who would dare tangle with God by messing with one of God’s chosen? Who would dare even to point a finger? The One who died for us—who was raised to life for us!—is in the presence of God at this very moment sticking up for us. Do you think anyone is going to be able to drive a wedge between us and Christ’s love for us? There is no way! Not trouble, not hard times, not hatred, not hunger, not homelessness, not bullying threats, not backstabbing, not even the worst sins listed in


They kill us in cold blood because they hate you. We’re sitting ducks; they pick us off one by one.

None of this fazes us because Jesus loves us. I’m absolutely convinced that nothing—nothing living or dead, angelic or demonic, today or tomorrow, high or low, thinkable or unthinkable—absolutely nothing can get between us and God’s love because of the way that Jesus our Master has embraced us.

Breaking Demonic Altars

The only altar Yahweh wants to have us establish in our lives is his own altar. Altars are the only ancient spiritual transaction method linking realms together. God established this system and the devil knows it very well, do you know it? Are you aware of it?

As the umbilical cord to a baby, so is an altar to you. What are you connected to? Are you an entrance for the heavenly or hell?

Not many know about the transactions that happen through altars thus they are defeated or positioned for defeat. God wants you to know about this and you are reading this word today!

The first altar made in the spiritual realm was “the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world” (Rev 13:8). I can almost touch the reality of it thinking about it. The LAMB ALTAR, Jesus Christ, the Son of God was the first holiest altar ever established by God and through that protocol, he licensed himself to enter our world “In the fullness of time” in his incarnation. You see my friend, altars are first built spiritually then at a certain point in your timeline you will see the manifestation of it.

Altars may be building up right now in the invisible world without your knowledge and at some point, it enters your world. The devil is not in a rush really, he is more mattered about succeeding than warring randomly. A sickness altar may be building secretly for you and maybe years later cancer shows up. Altars are the protocol, the ancient and only spiritual transaction method between realms, the invisible to the visible. The devil is a professional in the art of building altars in people’s lives, in regions, and the whole world. He knows the protocol, he thinks altars like God.

You can read in the bible the numerous stories and events concerning godly altars and demonic altars. You can learn the secret. In the Old Testament, a powerful and authoritative person has the key of the city, possesses its door of influence, and dominates the GATE.

“When I went to the gate of the city and took my seat in the public square, the young men saw me and stepped aside and the old men rose to their feet; the chief men refrained from speaking and covered their mouths with their hands; the voices of the nobles were hushed, and their tongues stuck to the roof of their mouths. Whoever heard me spoke well of me, and those who saw me commended me” Job 29

It is powerful when you possess the gate but real power is when you are a person of the altar. If you can create an altar first, then you can expect the outcome! What is the concept of an altar? A sacrifice.

  • Animal sacrifice
  • Words sacrifice (Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise—the fruit of lips that openly profess his name.) Hebrews 13:15
  • Fasting
  • All sorts of giving and especially the sacrificial giving

(This is a non-exhaustive list. I am just showing you the sacrifice concept of the altar)

How do you break demonic altars? Mainly by making sure you are building your godly altars that will protect and enforce your domains but since we are not very active in this and since we have a ferocious enemy, altars may be built in our lives and we need to follow Holy Spirit to take them down immediately. If you are lazy in your generation to purge the atmospheres, rest assured these demonic altars would visit your children and the next generations. Altars don’t die, they are broken by Christ’s authority and a Holy Spirit led strategy.

One of the obvious things you are influenced by altars is a strong pattern, whether good or bad, a blessing or a curse. A sickness reoccurrence is a pattern, also being blessed financially continuously is a pattern. Patterns help you recognize the existence of an altar. Let us take a suicidal pattern in a certain city, or region, for example, this is an altar.

I love the story where King David sacrificed hundreds of animals every step of the way while bringing the Ark of the Covenant, the presence of God. What a great blood scene of sacrificing all these animals for the presence of God. A sacrifice determines the presence of a realm/being. David knew the protocol and he excelled in it. When you want the favor of a king you invite to your home, you give it all, from food to the finest clothing, etc.

Jesus is the greatest altar ever, there is no altar that matches him or overtakes and overrides him. You have conquered the devil by the blood of the Lamb. Jesus is God’s extravagance that only pleases Yahweh.

Lord, help us take down intruder altars in Jesus’ name. Amen

Tony Francis

The Latter Day Lukewarm Church

The church God established 2,000 years ago has once again managed to turn themselves into a corporate business structure in these last days, modeled after the world. With a degree in “Church Growth and Marketing” in hand, men have manipulated the church into some type of foreign entity, with goals of exorbitant salaries, lavish furnishings, and services geared towards herding a populous in through their doors so they may continue to fund their man-made plans. This isn't to say that nothing good has ever come from it, or that God can't or doesn't use them, but when man takes the reins of God's church and starts to devise his own plans, it loses the power and direction of the Holy Spirit and settles into nauseating carnality.

This my friends, is an abomination to God and He is about to put an abrupt end to those self serving plans. In fact, He has plans of His own, to replace many of the current leaders in the church with those He has been preparing behind the scenes for literally decades. Many of you who have felt out of touch with mainstream Christianity all of your lives, are now about to enter a time that God has ordained for you. Just when you thought you would never fit in, God is calling you to step out. The radical is about to become the normal. Those to whom God has prepared and filled with His Spirit are about to take center stage and disrupt “business as usual” of what we commonly refer to as mainstream Christianity. Gone will be the programs and ideas that man has invented to draw people into their plans. Sports teams will be funneled back into the secular world where they belong. Denominations will be dissolved. Multi-million dollar facilities that were built without God's approval, will soon be up for sale. Carnal men and women of God who have lavished themselves in a comfortable lifestyle of wealth and luxury, are soon going to find themselves looking for work while God restructures His church.

It is going to be a painful process, though a necessary one. Many will blame God for the reorganization, and some will fall away from the faith as a result, consequences of a Christian life not built upon the proper foundation. The process that is about to occur is no doubt going to be a difficult one, but God knows what He is doing and when He is finished, a different church is going to emerge. A church where unity shall be restored and where true discipleship is evidenced by those walking in power and a boldness unlike anything we have seen in our lifetime. Though despised by many, they shall go forth throughout the earth as radical, relentless, uncompromising, and unshakable disciples of Christ whom God has raised up to prepare the way for the coming of the Son of Man…

Jeff Allen

The Heart is a Deceiver

My thoughts for today…
For much of my life, I’ve heard the expression “Follow your heart.” I’m guessing many of you have heard that same thing through the years. We have used that as a touchstone, a guiding light in the confusion of our lives. “What is your heart telling you?”, we ask when our friends are facing what may be a life-changing decision. “Listen to your heart – it always knows best.”
Famous people are often quoted on their insight into what the heart means to us, aside from its lifegiving job of getting blood around our body, that is.
Benjamin Franklin: “The heart of a fool is in his mouth, but the mouth of a wise man is in his heart.”
William Shakespeare: “Go to your bosom; knock there, and ask your heart what it doth know…”
Edward George Earle Bulwer-Lytton: “A good heart is better than all the heads in the world.”
Blaise Pascal: “The heart has reasons that reason cannot know.”
So, that’s what we do. When we are faced with decisions, we ask our heart. And, we listen to whatever we think it is telling us.
But, have we been led astray? The Bible tells us, “The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?” (Isaiah 17:9)
So, which is it? Are we to follow our heart or not?
Perhaps that is why we are told in Ezekiel that the Father says, “I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh.” (Ezekiel 36:26), because He, our Creator, knows the malignancy that can exist in our hearts.
The answer is clear. The Bible also tells us “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” (Matthew 6:21), so it becomes imperative that, instead of trusting some internal organ, we trust in God and in His Word. Instead of looking inside for answers, we go to Him and seek His will.
In these times, and with the challenges we are soon to be facing (if we’re not already), it is crucial that we “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.” (Proverbs 3:5-6)
So, instead of following your heart today, I would ask each of you instead to “…guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.” (Proverbs 4:23)

Susan Mouw

The Release of GREAT Finances, Discerning Times & Seasons

There is a time for everything under heaven and now is the time SET by God to release empowerment for kingdom advancement. Finances are one of the avenues and tools used by God to help advancing his kingdom. Faith and obedience remain the number one stream for kingdom advancement because the just lives by faith and not by sight.

Why do I believe it’s time for the release of GREAT finances? Because many of God’s sons and daughters matured through the years and are now ready to receive that which God intended to release in Jesus' name. It is an exciting day, not because we will see kingdom millionaires & billionaires like never before but because we will see the chariot of God’s kingdom advancing so strong!

What do you do when you discern times and seasons? You position yourself to receive and partner with God for what he is doing. If you feel the WITNESS for this word and want to engage with it, open up and let Holy Spirit touch you and deposit in you his empowerment.

Remember, GREAT finances are given for a reason and you need to be a good steward of it. Let everything praise the LORD, even printed papers that have an assigned value, money.

“that there were no needy persons among them. For from time to time those who owned land or houses sold them, brought the money from the sales and put it at the apostles’ feet, and it was distributed to anyone who had need.” Acts 4

Enlarge your bank account, money is coming alongside to help you manifest your kingdom vision. Glory to God! AMEN

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  • Purchase & download my eBook: “Blessed in Christ” how to live like a Christianaire Click here.

Tony Francis

The seasons have changed!

By Cheryl Shepherd

This past season has been a whirlwind of ups and downs, wrongs and rights, perhaps a search for a deeper meaning or just prayers for the strength to hold on and navigate the stormy waters! 

Through all of the confusion of this past season, I won’t pretend to understand the purpose or meaning of it all,  but what has become clear is the many things that seem to have overshadowed the former peace and security we once enjoyed as a nation. 

As we grasp for understanding of the meaning behind it all,  I can’t help but feel the heavy weight of the shadow of darkness that has permeated our society.  A darkness that no one has escaped and has touched everyone on some level. 

I woke up this morning with a strong message to SAY GOODBYE!

Say goodbye to the past in preparation of a new and better tomorrow! Better, not in that it will be perfect or the same as the past but in preparation for what lies ahead! 

To everything there is a season and any attempt to hold onto summer in an effort to prevent the fall from coming is futile. I know because I’ve tried! 

Fall has come and there is no way to turn back time and go back to the fun and frivolousness of summer. But with the changing of the new season brings new experiences, new growth and a strength that can only come from completely letting go. Moving into and embracing the change instead of trying to hold onto the previous season is key to the fulfillment of our new journey. 

My husband and I were driving around a curvy narrow lake road when we came upon a baby doe wobbly on his feet, he must have been new born with his beautiful white spots reminding me of the stories of Bambi I loved as a child.  

It became disturbingly apparent that this little guy had no where to go as our car moved quickly toward him. There was only a tall fence between him and the car, and we knew he could never jump that high with his wobbly new legs. 

As we braced for the inevitable impact, my husband and I were in utter shock when we saw him go under the fence through a very small opening, no doubt I thought, called by his wise mother on the other side. 

We each have our own individual path. You may feel like during this season yours has come to an abrupt stop or you have hit a proverbial wall,  however I encourage you to look a bit further beyond this barrier…Is it impenetrable? 

I promise you, whatever barrier has been put before you, your Heavenly father has made a way through, around, below or above and He is calling you to follow His voice! Are you listening? 

Sometimes his voice is hard to hear through all of the chaos and confusion surrounding us, but he promises to guide you through his Holy Spirit if you just take time to listen. 

Quiet yourself and prepare for your new season! … Be still and know that I am God! Ps 143:8

It is with this that I say my final goodbye to this season. 

I embrace the inevitable change that the new season brings with it! 

I release and reject the soul wounds, strongholds and generational curses used by the enemy to keep me from moving forward in the assignment that has been given to me. 

I decree and declare God’s promise over everyone who reads this! 

My prayer for you is that you will join me in this “Goodbye Proclamation” and stand in unity together against the enemy’s plan to have ANY dominion in this new season!

Thus says the Lord, who makes a way in the sea and a path through the mighty waters, Who brings forth the chariot and horse, the army and the power. They shall lie down together, they shall not rise; They are extinguished, they are quenched like a wick.

Do not remember the former things,

Nor consider the things of old.

Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert. 

For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it? I will make a pathway through the wilderness. I will create rivers in the dry wasteland. NLT

[Isa 43:15-19]

Let’s move into this new season without fear, sadness, regret or remorse but with an acceptance of what was, a complete faith in the deliverance and release of any barriers keeping us from moving forward, and an excited anticipation of a new hope for what is to come!

May God richly bless you and your loved ones in this NEW Season! 

Dreams of Comfort for the Brokenhearted

By Cheryl Shepherd

Have you ever received a dream that you knew was from God for the purpose of providing comfort during a particularly desperate time? If you’re a skeptic, based on my studies in Psychology and Sociology,  I certainly would have agreed before my mind was changed by a very incredible dream.

I was recently reminded, while listening to a story told by evangelist Perry Stone, of how drastically my mind was changed.

Perry spoke of a dream he had about a child that he and his wife had lost lost due to a miscarriage and that reminded me of my own similar experience. In his dream he had a very vivid picture of this precious little girl waiting to meet him in heaven.

What was especially touching about this story was the fact that years later, he came across someone who had painted a picture of this beautiful little girl, matching the little girl in his dream in complete detail down to the ragged stuffed animal she clung to! There were many more facets of the story that were certainly miraculous and reminded me of a time that brought to life a scripture that has become very dear to me. Psalms 34:18 says, the Lord is near to the brokenhearted; He saves those crushed in spirit.

Twenty-one years ago I lost my son Billy’s identical twin brother Brandon, due to a rare condition called twin to twin transfusion syndrome.

While I can’t begin to imagine the grief experienced by a mother who has to say goodbye to a child at any age, the impact of this loss for me was a profound one in a different way, yet devastating just as any mother knows who has experienced never being able to meet or hold her unborn child.

At that time there was very little known about twin to twin transfusion syndrome or TTTS. It was explained to me that this was a rare condition that occurs only in identical twins that share the same placenta and transfuse blood through shared blood vessels.

While the prognosis was ironically slightly better for Brandon than Billy, they explained that there was no cure. While I could try to remove amniotic fluid to “buy some time”, (having done this immediately caused me to go into a premature labor), ultimately there was a 10 to 15% chance at best of either of the twins surviving.

At the time of my diagnosis of this rare condition I was about 5 months along and the prognosis for both twins was clearly very bleak. So much so in fact, it was strongly recommended that I abort both babies and “try again later for a healthy pregnancy”. This was not an option for me, so my husband and I returned home from the hospital feeling completely devastated and totally lost!

After crying out to God, I was contacted by a friend who told me about an experimental surgery that was being performed by only one surgeon in the world at that time. He was a surgeon from Venezuela who had developed a surgery that he was performing in Tampa, Florida. We were on the next plane to Tampa for this experimental laser fetal surgery.

The surgery itself went well however Brandon ultimately did not make it.

While this loss was was devastating, what was even more difficult was looking in the closet and seeing all of the twin outfits hanging side-by-side; wondering how I could ever possibly find the strength to take one of each of these outfits out of the closet to discard.

Even more difficult proved to be the required weekly ultrasounds. It was torture Putting on a happy face each week while we watched Billy growing and developing while seeing the lifeless little form of Brandon become smaller and smaller, slowing shrinking away along with all of the dreams of what life should have held for these precious twin boys.

The remainder of the pregnancy became a blur of anger, resentment, pleading, and bargaining with God for a miracle, followed by utter devastation as I reminded myself it was too late for a miracle! 

As Brandon became smaller in the weekly ultrasounds the void in my heart became larger and more encompassing. One day I couldn’t seem to keep from crying all day, I remember my husband sternly saying to me you have to stop this!! You have to be strong for Billy!! You can’t just keep mourning the loss of Brandon you have a healthy baby to think about!

I knew he was right and the guilt I felt was overwhelming! I didn’t know how to stop grieving! I knew I should be celebrating the precious healthy miracle I was carrying inside of me but how could I betray Brandon like that?

At that moment I cried out to God from a place of complete brokenness and asked Him to take away my grief and allow me to experience the joy of this precious miracle He had given me.

This is the moment I knew without a doubt that God was with me and His heart was broken along with mine! I could feel his arms of love around me; comforting me. 

I fell into a deep sleep and I had a dream that I know now, was a glimpse into heaven and the heavenly nursery of unborn babies that Perry Stone talked about in his video.

In my dream I looked through a window like you would see in a hospital infant nursery. What I saw brought about a healing that is hard to even put into words. I saw my sister-in-law Betty, who had tragically died years before, in a rocking chair holding Brandon and gently rocking him. When she noticed me there she looked up at me and had the most precious look on her face, I remember it like it was yesterday. 

Betty had been the only person I would trust with babysitting my older children. She had such a love for children beyond anyone I have ever known. I woke up with a clear image of the pure joy and pride Betty had in cuddling my little Brandon – a look that said he will be alright, I will take good care of him until you get here.

While it would be easy to argue that there was something subconscious or psychological that caused this dream, I know better! God came to me in my brokenness and my despair and He gave me a glimpse into heaven that I believe was very real and beyond just a simple dream.

On July 5, 1999 I gave birth to my twin boys. Celebrating my five pound healthy baby boy Billy, while saying my final goodbye to Brandon.

It was amazing to me that I had ever wondered if I would be able to look at my precious new little miracle without feeling this deep sorrow over the loss of the brother who looks exactly like him.  The truth of the matter is, I don’t believe I could have ever done this on my own.

Is God really there for the brokenhearted? You Bet He Is!!! I am living proof of this promise that he has given us all in His Holy word. 

I want you to know that if you are suffering from a loss today, and you feel there is no escape and no way out of your pain, loneliness, and grief, He wants to bring you comfort- all you have to do is cry out to Him. He promises to be there! 

Cheryl Shepherd

2020FullCircle vision@gmail.com

Perry Stones’s story title “The unborn in Heaven” can be found at:
