Tag Archive for: results

There Is No Going Around, We Must Go Through!

I had an interesting conversation the other day with my niece and namesake Cheryl (who we call Tulla.)We were talking about life and the things that happen to get us “tied up”, by our own mistakes, sometimes by adverse results of other’s choices and sometimes just by events that happen that are out of our control but still they have the same affect of making us stuck in life.

Tulla and I both love to crochet, (although she is much better at it than I am), her mom (my sister) Diane taught me when I was round 13 years old.

So in our conversation I thought the analogy of yarn seemed to be fitting as I compared our lives to a long strand of yarn, stretching from one end to another. Along the way, there are the inevitable knots that occur, sometimes just one; usually from trying to go too fast or not paying close enough attention to our stitches, but those are easy to fix. Other times there can become a cluster of knots that seem to come from out of nowhere and these are not so easy to fix as they often seem to take on a life of their own, and can be more than frustrating.

We both laughed as we identified with the fact that we could spend hours, even days, trying to loosen, unravel and untie this mess and sometimes the harder we would work at unraveling it, the more the knotted mess would mysteriously grow. The point I was making was that the beginning and the end are distinct and no matter how many knots occur along the way we still end up where God had intended us to be, sometimes despite the knots and sometimes because of them. This reminded me of one of my favorite scriptures in the bible Genesis 50:20, “what was intended for evil, (or to harm me) God will use for good.”

Tulla then said something that really struck us both “yes, and there is only one way to fix the knot, you have to go back through the way you came” there is no other way!” Exactly! I replied!

I sat in silence for a second as I thought about the depth of what she had just said and then she followed up with something we had heard her mom say countless times “there is no way around; only through” referring to going through difficult situations and problems in life. This felt like a very profound moment, almost as if we had uncovered the answer to some mysterious riddle.

I’ve continued to contemplate this and realized that as we journey along the path of life, our disobedience and mistakes can cause knots along the way, tangling up the yarn and diverting us from God's intended path…momentarily. But rest assured there is nothing that takes God by surprise!

When we find ourselves off course, entangled in the mess of our choices or mistakes, it is essential to recognize that we need to go back the way we came. This is what I refer to as “Full Circle Moments” in life where we are given grace and wisdom to untangle our mess.

Just as we patiently and carefully untangle a knot in a ball of yarn, we must retrace our steps, seeking forgiveness, making amends, and realigning ourselves with God's will.

Sometimes, untangling the knots requires humility, as we acknowledge our mistakes and take responsibility for our actions. It may involve seeking forgiveness from others or making difficult decisions to rectify the consequences of our disobedience. Just as we gently pull and separate the strands of yarn to untangle a knot, we must be willing to address the issues that caused the entanglement in our lives.

As we untangle the knots, we gradually find ourselves back on the right path, where we were meant to be. It is a process that requires patience, perseverance, and a willingness to learn from our mistakes. We may need to seek guidance from God's Word, prayer, and wise counsel to navigate through the complexities of untangling our lives.

Ultimately, as we untangle the knots and realign ourselves with God's will, we begin to experience the freedom, peace, and purpose that come from being in the right place once the course correction has taken place. We discover that God's grace is sufficient to redeem our mistakes and turn them into opportunities for growth and transformation.

Just as the untangled yarn becomes a smooth, unbroken strand, our lives can be restored and aligned with God's perfect plan. The journey of untangling the knots reminds us of God's faithfulness, His willingness to guide us back on track, and His ability to use even our disobedience and mistakes for our ultimate good.

I am praying that we will all embrace the process of untangling the knots, trusting that God's loving hands are at work, leading us back to the center of His will, where we can experience His abundant blessings and fulfill the purpose He has for our lives.

Why do we not receive when we ask despite the assurance in Matthew 7:7?

I want to take you through the scripture in Matthew 7:7-11 but before then, I want you to take note of the previous chapters, chapter 5 and 6. In Chapter 5 Jesus taught the crowd what is known as ‘the beatitudes’ how to live right or the right attitude of a child of God. What I call Jesus' way.

Right after he established his teachings from chapter 5 through chapter 6 and in verse 7 of chapter 7 he said “Ask, and it will be given to you, search, and you will find, knock, and the door will be opened for you.
The question is “why did Jesus take them through those teachings of beatitudes before telling them to ask, search and knock? Because it’s assumed that they must have gotten the lesson “we must have learnt the lesson and now we can ask right”. But it’s unfortunate that wasn’t the case, we don’t just care about the lesson we want results. One of the reasons people go after miracles, signs and wonders today. They don’t want to know about God and they care less about building a relationship with God either. Just jump and grab!

Not because you have been given the privilege to ask so you ask the head of John the Baptist… you ask for the life of your neighbour whom you regard as an enemy or you go to God with a list of your wants with an expectation to receive from God, I’m sorry there’s nothing for you!
On the ground of that privilege given to us to ask, we are expected to ask in accordance with the Will of God for us which was the reason for the teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ that we may know the Will of God for us and His precept.

In verse 9 and 10, Jesus gave practical examples of the things we can ask for among others. “9 Is there anyone among you who, if your child asks for bread, will give a stone? Food is essential and that is why God hasn’t for once failed to provide food for His children even in the wilderness, even when we fail to ask He knows we are in need of food.
In verse “10 Or if the child asks for a fish, will give a snake?” God knows all that we need and has not failed to provide for us. The case is that some of us don’t know the difference between need and want so it feels like God does not honour His Word. His Word is forever settled in heaven and will always accomplish the purpose of which it was sent.

When we fail to learn the lesson and ask wrongly, it’s entirely our fault and not God’s fault. If you bring charges against God you will be in the wrong… Jeremiah 12:1. Because God is a righteous God!!! When we learn to live right with one another, forgive those who offend us…Our heavenly father will never deny us anything good. Amen!

Why has the devil refused to flee?

I woke up with so much in my head to put down but this was laid in my heart. I pray it ministers peace and truth to you in Jesus mighty name. Amen

Reading from the Epistle of James 4:7-10; 7 Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. 8 Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded. 9 Lament and mourn and weep. Let your laughter be turned into mourning and your joy into dejection. 10 Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will exalt you.

‘Submit yourselves therefore to God’. One may ask, how do I submit myself to God? I have come across many people who have little or no knowledge of God, and so many who are struggling to balance Jesus and God. The point is, Jesus is God! ‘I and my father are one,’ he said. There’s no distinction.

So we can ‘Submit’ to God’ in so many ways: 

  1.     In prayer: When we pray we submit to God, it shows our total dependence on Him. Knowing that there’s nothing we can do for ourselves brings us to our knees to pray. If we can do all things, there would be no need for God.
  2.     In obedience to His Word and in embracing his love for us.
  3.   In Faith: by exercising our faith in God we submit to His Will, Plan and Purpose for us. In Jeremiah 29:11 For surely I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans for your welfare and not for harm, to give you a future with hope. 

And so many other ways through which we can submit to God then ‘Resist the devil, and he will flee from you’.

To most of us it seems the devil is strong headed because we expect him to flee whenever we resist him without first of all submitting ourselves to God; which is why we are still struggling with that addiction and sin. We cannot stop it on our own.

If you want to achieve results, you must follow the instructions or procedures given. The only result to be achieved when you neglect to do what is required of you is failure. The devil does not flee because of your physique or because you have resisted him, he flees because you have submitted to the highest authority Jesus Christ who is the head of all principalities and powers.

In Colossians 2: 13-15 13 And when you were dead in trespasses and the uncircumcision of your flesh, God made you alive together with him, when he forgave us all our trespasses, 14 erasing the record that stood against us with its legal demands. He set this aside, nailing it to the cross. 15 He disarmed the rulers and authorities and made a public example of them, triumphing over them in it.

Through the death of Jesus Christ on the cross our sins were forgiven, and he erased the record that stood against us, with its legal demands. In Jesus the law and the prophets were fulfilled. And Jesus made a public show of the devil and his henchmen.

By nailing our sins to the cross; Jesus destroyed the legal right Satan had to hold us captive, rendering him powerless over us because we are no longer slaves to sin.

Now in verse 8 of James 4; 8 Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded. This is a call for intimacy; God is calling us back to himself, like he always does. A father that runs after us, who forfeits the 99 and runs after 1 me! Because he wants all of us to be safe.

God’s desire for a relationship with us is just for our own good. It doesn’t add or reduce or change who He is, He is God all by Himself and He doesn’t need us to be the God He is.

God is our source even when we fail to acknowledge it. In the book of Acts 17:28 For ‘In him we live and move and have our being;. Outside of God, that wolf in sheep's clothing, the thief will steal and devour us.

He goes on to say ‘Cleanse your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded. Double-minded are people of wavering mind, unstable and insincere. There is a need for us to repent of our sins so that the devil will have no legal right over us. Not only that! Remember our God is a Holy God, and whosoever that must come to him must be Holy. Another hard task Uh! When God established all these things it seems He doesn’t really need us around him because no one is holy. But it’s not about us it’s about Him.

To be purified and holy is to embrace the finished work of Jesus Christ on the cross. In 2 Corinthians 5:21 ‘For our sake God made the one who knew no sin to be sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God’.  Now when God looks at us he sees His righteousness in us, and can have fellowship with us through His Spirit. In this, is the total submission to God and He will exalt you.

When your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, that is the fulfillment of this scripture: 1 John 4:4  ‘Little children, you are from God and have conquered them, for the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world. That is the deal!!! Only when you submit yourself to God, will you resist the devil and he flees from you.

I pray that this message will bless your life and ignite the desire to draw near to God in you. From henceforth may you begin to desire only that which will bring glory to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen.

Process Before Manifestation

I have observed that a large proportion of people in this generation attempt to manifest results in diverse aspects of life without following due process. This made me realize how much we have neglected the fact that Jehovah is a God of processes. We often assume that as Christians, having God permits us to ignore or neglect key life principles.

Jesus, despite being the Son of God, came into the world and subjected himself to training and preparation before he became the Saviour of the world (Luke 2:46-52). If Jesus had to subject himself to training to become the Messiah, why shouldn’t we follow His example? As Christians, we should not aspire to jump straight into glory, power, and success ill-prepared. Can a baby born today begin to run immediately? Definitely not!

Skipping processes is akin to skipping classes required to equip and prepare you for your life’s purpose. A seed planted in the ground today will not begin to produce fruits immediately; it takes time to grow and mature. It is the will of God for all to manifest; however, it must be done in due season.

By Toniacendra Mmasinachi Uchegbu.

Finding Peace by Removing your Goliath

I had a very interesting dream recently, about a happy puppy that picked up a large egg and carried it to his master. Wagging his tail in energetic anticipation, he dropped the egg at his masters feet.  What happened next was surprising. The egg cracked open and scorpions came out, stinging the puppy!

I asked “what should he do??”  I then watched in amazement as the dog curled up and went to sleep at the foot of his master, resting peacefully.

I then heard his master say “rest now until I give you a new command, then your actions will be from me and you will know it is my command by the peace that I give you.”

I knew immediately upon waking, that the dream had significance.

No doubt my horrible fear of stepping on a scorpion growing up in Arizona, where they frequently show up in desert homes crossed my mind, however I knew there was more to this dream.

While walking into my kitchen a couple of days later you will never guess what happened! Exactly… I stepped on a Scorpion!! What was really amazing is that after screaming loud enough for the whole neighborhood to hear and catapulting onto my kitchen counter, it occurred to me…why wasn’t I feeling any pain of it’s sting! How was that possible?

When I looked at the place where I was stung, I realized that there was a huge callous formed where the scorpion’s stinger met my foot. This was because of numerous painful blisters I had received from new hiking boots I had broken in on some treacherous hikes.

What a strange analogy I know, but sometimes God has to go outside of the norm to get His message to sink in with me. As you can imagine this scenario really got my attention!

I couldn’t stop thinking about my dream and this strange incident that followed.

I finally came to understand that the dog in this dream represented me and the egg represented all of my good intensions in trying to handle things on my own; frequently jumping ahead of God’s plan instead of waiting for wisdom and direction. While my intentions were good, the results were never as good. “The wrong thing at the right time, is still the wrong thing” as a dear friend once told me.

Not only have these efforts not been helpful (despite my good intentions) but because of my impatience, they have ended up hurting me.
After humbly repenting for jumping ahead of God’s plan in thinking I knew better, I opened my bible, and turned to Jeremiah 6:14. “They have healed also the hurt of the daughter of my people, saying, peace, peace; when there is no peace.”

I then understood the meaning behind the real scorpion that I stepped on!  I realized that the scars from the battles I’ve fought are there to protect me against the enemy’s sting just as the callous formed from my painful blisters protected me from the poisonous venom of the scorpion.

I have lost so many family members and friends,  many in the most tragic of deaths. However the analogy came to mind where it says in scripture “death where is your sting? “

My horrific lifelong fear has not only been disempowered, but it has now been replaced with a new courage that comes from the lesson I have learned in this strange story.

I have found a new peace that only God can give.

I also realized that this dream not only applies to me but also many others, including many church leaders who have shared similar stories.

We are all going through a time of restlessness, confusion, chaos and loss. Just as I have experienced, many are seeking after God’s provision without necessarily having His direction or having experienced  His peace in the process.

This is not just futile but it can be very dangerous!

I once heard my pastor say “A peace-keeper ignores his Goliath but a peace-MAKER REMOVES him!!!”

This is where we are today!!

Is it possible to engage in the battle that we are called to in this time, yet still do so with an underlying peace? That seems contradictory doesn’t it?
It’s not only possible but it’s imperative!! We can ask for His peace when there is no peace! This is how we will know we are walking by His spirit and not in our own flesh. Doing so with a responsibility to face our Goliath & REMOVE him!
We must understand that being at peace doesn’t mean being passive.

NOW is not a time of passivity!! It is time for us to lock arms and stand for what we know to be true and REMOVE our Goliath!

A shalom that truly passes all understanding in a time where chaos and fear abound, will then go before you and surround you!

So what is your Goliath today?

What is holding you back from removing your fear and stepping into a place of Shalom and removing your Goliath once and for all?

These days are certainly not for the faint of heart. We are in a battle that requires courage, perseverance and to constantly seek God’s wisdom to navigate these treacherous waters.

I pray that you will stand strong today and allow the Holy Spirit to guide you, using your wounds as a protection against the enemy’s plans for destruction in your life and in our nation!

Release your faith with courage and be in peace!

Genesis 50:20 You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.

Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

Blessings and Shalom

3 Things Every Christian Must Know During COVID-19

By Robert Hotchkin

We are in the midst of some really interesting and challenging times.  There is all sorts of information, theory, confusion, opinion and conjecture swirling about in regards to this COVID-19 CCP Coronavirus pandemic.

Some voices are shouting that the virus is a man-made conspiracy meant to “thin the herd” with a bio-weapon.  Other voices are barking that it is a natural occurrence and evidence that the earth is trying to “shake off” humanity so it can rebalance its ecosystem.  Then there are voices screaming that this is the judgment of a wrathful God.  And others blaring that it is all a scam – just a deep state power grab and suppression of civil rights.

On top of all that, we also have a cacophony of opinions about the best way to deal with the virus.  Some say masks and gloves help.  Others say they have little or no effect.  There are those who claim ventilators are part of the solution.  Others say, no, ventilators might actually work to weaken the lungs.  And then we probably don’t even have room to get into all the conjecture, theories and arguments about the best drug treatments and vaccine approaches.

What are we to listen to?  What can we trust?  What are we to believe?

As is always the case for Christians, the best person to listen to is Jesus.  He actually taught into this very type of situation more than 2,000 years ago in Matthew 16:13-20.

Remember the story?  He and the disciples are coming into the region of Caesarea Philippi.  As they do, Jesus asks His followers what the report of the world is about Him.  The disciples tell Him that some sources say He is John the Baptist, while other voices are declaring he is Elijah, and then there are those who say He is Jeremiah, and still more proclaiming that He is one of the other prophets.

Jesus gives no heed to any of that.  He doesn’t even address all the theories and opinions being blared out by His day’s version of CNN, MSNBC and Fox.  Instead, He asks them, “Who do you say that I am?”

When Simon Peter responds that Jesus is the Messiah, the Lord says something truly profound that speaks into the very situation we are facing with the swirl of COVID-19 news, media, theory, information and conspiracy:


“Blessed are you, Simon Bar-Jonah, for flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but My Father who is in heaven. And I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it.” (Matthew 16:17-18 NKJV emphasis added)


Jesus is giving Simon Peter kudos for being able to “hear” past the noise of all the voices and opinions and conjecture and agenda and politics of the world, and instead tune into what heaven is speaking and revealing about the situation.  Jesus is showing His disciples then, and all of us now, that the key to thriving and even being blessed in challenging times is to focus on heavenly truth as opposed to earthly debate.  When we do this, He reveals, we will be established in truth, built upon the rock, and empowered as His church and Body. The result will be that nothing of hell will be able to prevail in the earth no matter how well fortified those demonic strongholds seem to be.

So, with that in mind, let’s look at three key heavenly truths that are critical for every Christian to know, and live from, right now. 

 [1]  WHO GOD IS

Who do you say God is during this pandemic?  In seasons of great challenge and need, what you believe about God is huge.  The Lord is the same yesterday, today and forever (see Hebrews 13:8).  That means we should not allow our temporary circumstances to impact our revelation of who God is and what God is like.  Just the opposite.  We should allow our revelation of who God always is, and what He is always like, to impact our circumstances.  No matter what is going on in the ever-changing happenings in the earth, the one thing we can count on is that God is the Lord and He does not change (see Malachi 3:6).  That means that God is still God.  He is still healer.  He is still deliverer.  He is still provider.  He is still protector.  He is still good, and He is still well able to bring about the very best results in this current set of circumstances.  COVID-19 has not changed who God is to you, for you, or with you.


There is a reason you did not go home to heaven as soon as you got saved.  It’s because you have a key role to play for the Kingdom here in the earth.  When you said yes to Jesus as your Lord and Savior, you were not only forgiven of your sins and restored to relationship with your Heavenly Father for all eternity.  You were also restored to the plan He has had since Day Six – to have children made in His image who operate in His deputized authority and Holy Spirit power as His dominion stewards in the earth.  You want to know what God’s plan is to deal with COVID-19?  Look in the Word (see Genesis 1:26-28).  Then look in the mirror.  It’s you!  He knows it (see Luke 10:19).  He needs you to know it.  So that you start operating in the power and authority He has given you to heal the sick, raise the dead, feed the hungry, bring peace to the panicked, send forth His never-failing Word in intercession, pray for our leaders, and basically arise and shine because there is darkness in the earth that needs dealt with (see Matthew 10:1, 8; Matthew 14:16; Isaiah 55:11; 1 Timothy 2:1-4; Isaiah 60:1-1, and John 14:12)!


2 Peter 1:3 is a great scripture to be meditating on right now.  It reminds you that by God’s great and divine power, He has blessed you with everything pertaining to life and godliness.  Did you catch that?  EVERYTHING.  Isn’t that amazing?!  Whatever you need for everyday life – He has blessed you with it.  Whatever you need to put God on display through your life – He has blessed you with it.  Not will bless you with it one day in the sweet by-and-by if you are good.  But has blessed you with it here and now because He is amazing.  So no need to panic.  No need to fear.  No need to hoard.  You have it.  And He will lead you into all of it (see Psalm 23:1-3).  This will allow you to look, sound and act differently than the rest of the world right now.  To be at peace when others are anxious.  To be confident when others are shaken.  To be a source of blessing, encouragement, wisdom, solutions, love, compassion, joy and much, much more when others are feeling bereft.  As you look and sound different from the rest of the world, the world will eventually take notice and ask why.  That’s when you get to share with them the greatest thing you have been blessed with – Jesus!

Don’t let the WHO, Fox News, CNN, MSNBC, YouTube, your next-door neighbors, or anyone or anything else tell you what is true right now.  Let the Word of the Lord speak to you.  Let eternal truth remind you.  Let your Heavenly Father and His Holy Spirit edify, encourage and empower you.  Let them remind you who God is, who you are, and all that you have been blessed with in Christ Jesus.  Because when you do, COVID-19 will not stand.  And neither will anything else hell tries to send at you.


Robert Hotchkin is an author, minister, speaker and media host.  He is the founder of Men on the Frontlines, and one of the core leaders of Patricia King Ministries. He hosts the weekly Heroes Arise broadcast, co-hosts the show Propel with Patricia King, and is a regular guest and co-host of the show Supernatural Life on GodTV.  Robert’s newest book, 31 Decrees of Blessing for Men, is a powerful daily devotional that activates men to walk in all that they have been blessed with as sons of God.

Marveled at his Faith

Faith is a person, it is Jesus Christ. The Kingdom of God functions and operates on the basis of his character and nature. That’s why faith is important and essential. God doesn’t doubt himself because he knows what he says must be. “so shall My Word be, which goes out of My mouth; it shall not return to Me void, but it shall accomplish what I please, and it shall certainly do what I sent it to do.” Isaiah 55:11. It is the case of any earthly king, do you think that an authoritative king thinks in his heart this way: “I wonder if my commandments will be executed or not.” Kings rule and they know without a shadow of a doubt what they command will be done! From where do they get this confidence, assurance and faith? From their position and authority.

God is the higher authority in the whole universe, his authority fills heaven and earth. He is called the King of kings. Who are the kings he is King over? You and I and everyone who is in Christ. You are made in the image of this King to decree his word into your situation, your nation, your family and over any sickness or disease and everything that is not aligned with his glory. One day, Jesus spoke to a fig tree and told it to wither from the roots. Instantly that tree obeyed and the disciples saw this and marveled at it and told Jesus excitedly about it. After that, Jesus taught his followers, you among them, that they can do the same and greater if they “have faith in God”, Mark 11:22. In Greek, the original language is echō pistis theos, which means: Possess God’s Faith!

Glory to God
Tony Francis

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The healing touch of Jesus

“After Jesus left the synagogue with James and John, they went to Simon and Andrew's home. Now Simon's mother-in-law was sick in bed with a high fever. They told Jesus about her right away. So He went to her bedside, took her by the hand, and helped her sit up. Then the fever left her, and she prepared a meal for them. ” Mark 1:29-31

Have you by accident been electrocuted when you were a child playing around? You definitely discovered that plugging your fingers in electricity is bad and later you developed expectancy that touching electricity will get you the same results over and over again. Maybe you were ignorant the first time of such a thing and maybe you are ignorant today of the powerful healing touch of Jesus! I believe that sometimes the Lord treats us with Mercy the first time and heals us but as we experience this we start developing expectancy that if we touch him again his healing power will flow to us as it happened with the woman of the issue of the blood! She touched the hem of his garment expecting in her heart to be healed and she was! Glory to God!

I can imagine Simon’s mother-in-law sitting in her bed with some neighbors around telling her: “Oh did you know that Jesus the Healer is passing by you today because he got the news of your sickness?” hearing this caused her faith & expectancy to leap within her because “faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God” Romans 10:17. Her expectancy continued to rise with each closer step Jesus made toward her house and as the bell rang her expectancy continued to rise and as she heard the voice of the doctor of doctors in the next room asking: “where is she?” her expectancy continued to mount up with wings like eagles as she was waiting on the lord and hoping in him until it reached its pinnacle as soon as Jesus sat beside her and took her by hand and healed her!

What’s your bed of sickness? What’s giving you a high fever? What’s robbing your strength & health? Is it a physical disease? Is it a mental or emotional torment? Is it a spiritual sin? The name of your sickness doesn’t really matter because the name of Jesus is above every name (Philippians 2:9-11) and it doesn’t matter how bad your disease is because Jesus healed all your diseases (Psalms 103:3). Jesus the Healer is visiting you today through this word you are reading because he longs to show you compassion as you come to him (Isaiah 30:18) actually you are a step away of your healing because he is knocking at the door of your heart. Open the door of expectancy & faith to him and receive your healing NOW! It’s so easy.


Lord, you are so compassionate to heal me and those you touched have experienced your healing power and you are no respecter of man. Today I want to join this cloud of healed witnesses and receive my healing that cost you a very painful price on the cross. As you said when you pray believe that you received and it shall be yours! I decree: It’s finished, my sickness is finished in Jesus mighty name and healing is mine. Amen!

Glory to God
Tony Francis