Tag Archive for: prayers

Is God Your Favorite Episode? Drawing Near to Him (James 4:8)

Do you have an appointment with God, or do you only call on Him when it’s convenient? Is your prayer life unscheduled, your scripture reading sporadic? You reach out to God when you’re in need, but have you noticed He’s been calling you all along, while you remain too busy for Him? And yet, we spend endless hours flipping through social media, all the while rejecting any opportunity to meet with God. How can you expect Him to meet your needs when you constantly reject His call?

God desires our hearts. He wants us to have regular, consistent meetings with Him. He values those set times, placing them on His divine calendar, prepared to meet us when we show up. In those moments, He’s ready to respond to the prayers from our previous meetings. Think about how you prioritize your favorite TV show, sports match, or series—how you adjust your schedule just to make sure you don’t miss it, finding excuses to skip Sunday services while you never fall sick when those episodes are on air. I remember when I watched Joana la Virgen—it was a show I never wanted to miss. My heart was so glued to it that I would rush home from wherever I was just to catch every episode, or even find a place with electricity if there was a power outage. Today, I do the same with Chelsea’s EPL matches—I don’t want to miss a single one. What are you so addicted to that you can’t bear missing it, even going back to watch the replay? Let’s be honest—replays aren’t as thrilling because we already know the outcome.

This is the level of devotion God desires from us—the same energy and dedication we give to our favorite shows or activities. He wants us to schedule regular meetings with Him, setting aside specific times for prayer and devotion. In those moments, the Holy Spirit reviews the “minutes” of your last meeting, and Jesus executes the action plans on God’s behalf. They come prepared with revelations, blessings, and answers just for you. But if your meetings with God are inconsistent and haphazard—showing up one day and missing the next—then God may also respond to your needs sporadically, as if He, too, is working without an appointment.

God expects us to love Him with all our hearts, as Deuteronomy 6:4-5 says: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.” When we give Him our full devotion, He draws nearer to us.

If your prayers are “as and when,” God will meet you “as and when.”
If your scripture reading is “as and when,” He’ll respond “as and when.”

Why can’t Christians have consistent, scheduled devotion like our Muslim brothers and sisters? Why do we only pray when we’re desperate, instead of making it a daily priority, like our favorite TV shows? Shouldn’t our time with God be like that telenovela we never want to miss? Even if we miss an episode, we rush to watch the replay before the next one. We avoid distractions when we’re glued to a football match; how frustrated we get when we miss a crucial moment and the replay isn’t shown! Just like how you call your boyfriend/girlfriend first thing in the morning or want to hear his/her voice before bed, God desires that kind of intentionality and devotion.

As James 4:8 says, “Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you.” When we approach God with faithfulness and consistency, He responds with the same faithfulness, revealing His heart and fulfilling our needs.


Lord, help me prioritize time with You as eagerly as I do my favorite activities. Draw me closer and make our meetings a daily joy. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

The Ministry of Intercession in the End Times

“The Spirit and the bride say, ‘Come!' And let the one who hears say, ‘Come!' Let the one who is thirsty come, and let the one who wishes take the free gift of the water of life.” Revelation 22:17 (NIV)

The Bible ends with this verse!

I understand the Spirit and the Bride saying “Come” as the ministry of intercession! It is a heart cry, a prayer asking for the Kingdom of Jesus to come. As we approach the end of this dispensation, prayer, and intercession will be restored and increased to greater levels. It's no wonder that we are seeing houses of worship rising worldwide. There is a growing recruitment of intercessors, driven by the urgent need for intercession because the days are dark!

Are you feeling a deep stirring within you for intercession?

I have personally experienced an accelerated upgrade in intercession. The Spirit within me, as the Bride of Christ, is praying fervently for people and nations. These are often quick prayers, but they are weighty, anointed by the Spirit, and reaching the throne of Grace and Mercy. I find myself interceding for various matters, even while doing the dishes. I hear names—sometimes unfamiliar names—and feel prompted about future events, then quickly partner with the Holy Spirit in prayer. It is increasing! Are you experiencing the same escalation?

The High Priest, Compassion Himself, visited Abraham to invite him to intercede for Sodom and Gomorrah. We often perceive God as rushing toward destruction, but He makes every effort to save us. Abraham responded to this divine invitation to intercede with Jehovah, and so will the Bride respond to the nudges of the Spirit. We will gain insight, change lives, and witness the impact of God’s loving kindness and mercy.

You are part of His end-times activity.

I even see, in the spirit, a vision of incense grains sticking to your lips. You are His royal priest, positioned with the Lord, and He is waiting for you to make a difference in your generation and in generations to come because your prayers have a ripple effect that doesn't fade.

God in your prayer life is the X-factor, and no one can surpass Him, just as Nebuchadnezzar declared: “Heaven has dominion.”

It’s time to awaken to your identity and position in Christ as the most authoritative being on earth. It’s time to send and release missiles of glory, power, deliverance, altar-breaking, healing, love, joy, peace, righteousness, sanity to kings, protection, and more.

That's why we invite you by the Spirit to be part of your prayer team, create one maybe at your home, and join our NEWLY launched prophetic intercession ministry called: “The Checkdate”.

God bless you,
Tony Francis

You Can Workout Without Pain!

The blessing of Adonai is what makes people rich, and He doesn't mix sorrow with it. – Proverbs 10:22.

How was life before the fall? It was like Proverbs 10:22. In the Garden of Eden, Adam lived in a realm of life, and blessing, and never knew toil.

Adam only labored for ONE thing, which was the highest pleasure of toiling for something or SOMEONE; he sought the Lord and walked with Him daily. Adam's mindset was never conditioned to worry about provision because he never awoke in lack, and he never knew it until the fall. It's like when a person is born into a wealthy family and is served with everything night and day. I know it's a simple example compared to Adam's glorious life, but it helps you see a glimpse of his lifestyle!

It was God's original design for you and me because we WERE in Adam, remember? Thank God for our Savior, Jesus Christ, who LABORED again, righteous labor in the GARDEN of Gethsemane, and sweated blood so He could restore us to the BLESSING of life and the mindset of His riches in glory. Those who follow the Lord and are part of His Kingdom should awaken to this truth because they are restored to it, and they should walk in the light of this revelation and the manifestation of this inheritance! Knowing it doesn't mean walking in it because faith secures it for you!

Don't read what I'm not saying, please. God is not inviting you and me to a life of passivity or laziness and opening our mouths wide to be fed by a mama bird. Jesus exhorts us to work as long as it is day!

“Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always ABOUNDING in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord.” – 1 Corinthians 15:58

So if we are restored in Christ, to what exactly did God restore us?

In Christ, the Lord restored you to the blessing that ENRICHES you WITHOUT toiling!

“The blessing of Adonai is what makes people rich, and He doesn't mix sorrow with it.” – Proverbs 10:22

The Holy Spirit breathed mightily on this verse to me not a very long time ago, and it felt like a portal of blessings and EASE opened up for me that I never experienced before. I started believing it, taking God at His word, and praying this verse A LOT, believe me, a LOT. It's part of my daily prayers, and it's manifesting in wild ways for me. One of those ways is my health!

A year ago, the Lord led me to know about intermittent fasting and poured joy, excitement, and grace into me for this. I am enjoying every bit of it and NEVER felt a day I was fasting. It has been more than a year now. I'm not here to list the benefits of IF; you can look it up for yourself. I'm here to testify that the EASE of doing it is crazy. I am fasting for almost 18+ hours every day without feeling like I am doing it; it is His blessing that is enriching me WITHOUT TOILING! You know those moments when you say without a shadow of a doubt, IT IS THE LORD! This is that.

Also, recently, out of nowhere and without planning it, suddenly on my birthday, I had this urge to go outdoors and start walking. You need to know I AM NOT someone who is FOR sports and to respond to this prompting had to be the LORD. I obeyed by faith, and it was a prompting filled with joy and not a religious spirit. It has been a week now that I have been walking daily, and believe me when I tell you THERE IS NO TINY SORROW OR TOILING WITH IT. God's grace is joy-filled!

I am living this verse, or let me say, I am living in the realm of this tangible blessing, and I am so thankful that the Holy Spirit breathed life into it and made it part of my daily routine.

I forgot to tell you that I work out until I feel tired because I don't want to abuse this verse; it says the blessing of the Lord enriches you without pain. You should stop when there is pain, even the slightest feeling of it, or else you are tapping into your effort of MAKING it happen.

Let God rule with His grace in you and through you!

What are the areas you want God's grace, ease, and blessing to land on you? Let's believe with you!

God bless you,
Tony Francis

Share this word with others as your seed.

Blessings and Battles: My 40th Unexpected Birthday Experience

Many of you know by now that on June 7th, 2024, I turned 40. Yay! I just finished a decade and started a new one in the Lord. I wasn’t going to make a big deal out of my birthday, but I felt it was a big deal to end a decade, especially when it was loaded with challenges, sicknesses, and many lessons, and start a fresh new one. God celebrates us daily, monthly, yearly, and decade-wise. He cherishes our time on earth and considers it a valuable asset for His glory. I know a birthday is precious because it reminds us of God creating us, but I always thank the Lord for my second birth 20 years ago! Both are important.

So, my birthday is on June 7th, and this time it fell on a Friday, which is a Sabbath, entering the rest of God. Also, 7 means completion, and turning 40 is meaningful because it is the number of ending a wilderness, and it feels like that. Not only that, the month of Sivan 5784 started on my birthday!

The Lord has been talking to me a lot about rest and entering my promised land, and I couldn't wait for a fresh new beginning in the Lord. As many of you saw, I even created a webpage declaring and prophesying all those goodies. You can still leave me a birthday prayer there and enjoy my gifts for you. (Click here)

Friday came, June 7th arrived, and I NEVER expected that instead of experiencing the goodness of the Lord and the promised rest and freshness, waves of demonic temptations would bombard me. Oh my God, pressure from every side, sexual temptations, oppression, ups and downs, swirling emotions, and even the strong feeling of going back to Egypt, my place of bondage. My soul was in agony, confused, asking the Lord what was going on. I even told Him, “This is not real because I feel like 20 years of being on the potter's wheel feels like a waste.” Wow! What is going on, Lord?

I forgot that a new beginning and new levels are a threat to Satan. Forgot! I, who teaches the Bible and about the ways in the Spirit, was caught off guard. The devil was at the gate of this NEWNESS of Life to abort it and destroy it. To discourage me and compel me to hate it and expect nothing but death, pain, and curses.

Please read this carefully because you will learn something powerful here:

I am a free man. Not that I won't be tempted anymore—everyone will—but it took me years to establish my transformation and freedom in my character and mind, especially in my places of bondage. I greatly appreciate my freedom because sin was never fun and will never be. It was a tormenting cycle! Pleasant to the eye and feelings but deadly when you partake of it. This is how sin works! Remember when we all fell in Eden?

So when you feel a sudden urge to go back to Egypt after years of freedom and enjoying your transformation, KNOW that there is a demonic presence and oppression here because it doesn't make sense why there is this strong stirring in you to do something this strong you forgot about, prayed over with tears for long, went to conferences for freedom, read the books, rebuked the devils, etc. So when it is a sudden urge, discern that there is a demonic activity. But if you are still in your journey toward freedom, know that you still have strongholds and wrong mindsets that are not yet touched by the Lord or renewed. So it is natural to feel frequent desires to sin. Those urges can sometimes be demonic but not necessarily. It is mainly because you are not there yet and your flesh is still active.

This was not the case on my birthday—three days of oppression, entertaining sin, and old behaviors. Sometimes I made it, sometimes I couldn't. I never experienced a level of oppression like that before.

Why am I sharing my vulnerability with you here? Because many of you are and will start a fresh NEW strong beginning for the glory of the Lord, and the devil is at the door, not just the Lord. You need to be aware of this, be watchful in prayer, and seek help, intercession, and a faith community to take out your giants.

We all want to enter the promised land, but no one wants to confront the giants. I was focusing on my promised land and forgot giants were waiting for me. But greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world. Even though you go through battles, the final say is the Lord's. Remember that the dragon is WAITING for the woman to give birth to kill the baby(Revelation 12) and tried his best and caused lots of trouble, yet we have read the last chapter and Jesus wins!

Don't feel discouraged because with God things will get better and right on track if you keep pressing in. I am writing you this in the belly of the whale, knowing that any moment now, with your prayers, love, support, and giving, I will experience resurrection life and power because it is my portion and yours in Christ.

God bless you,
Tony Francis

We'd love to hear from you! Share your experiences, new beginnings, and thoughts in the comment section below.

Reach Your Breakthrough

We often seek God for breakthroughs, hoping for new paths, shattered walls, and opened doors. But how do we attain such breakthroughs?

In Numbers 13:17-20, when Moses sent twelve spies to Canaan, he instructed them to spy out the land, its people, strength, population, and the nature of its cities. They returned saying “We came to the land to which you sent us. It flows with milk and honey, and this is its fruit” (Numbers 13:27). Significantly, they said the same words God used to describe the land, indicating God's promise, they were assured that this land was a part of the land that God promised to give them, they were assured that they have God's promise to take this land. Yet, challenges appeared such as tall, strong people, giants, numerous nations, and fortified cities. While ten spies doubted, two reassured that they could claim the land. But Israel followed the majority, missing the promised land. We see an opposition between two thoughts, one focused on tough challenges in the material world, which is facing a stronger opposition, and the other is anchored in God's promise to take the land.

Sometimes, we see an opposition between God's promise and what reality is. Once, during a season of learning about breakthroughs, I faced difficulty entering the Holy of Holies in a worship meeting. This has happened many times before. So, as usual, I sat down and thought, “It looks like I won't be able to enter the Holy of Holies today. Unfortunately, it happens. Maybe next time.” However, the Holy Spirit intervened, telling me God wanted me to enter. Then, I understood God's will and my own, that I desired to be in God's presence and connect with Him.

I asked God: “We both want the same thing, why isn't it happening?” Then I saw in the spirit a big wall between me and God. I got on my knees and I started praying. In my prayer, I poured out my heart to God and I held onto his promise for me, putting my faith in it, it was fighting everything that is against God's promise. This word from the Holy Spirit guided my prayers until a breakthrough happened!! The wall blocking my way broke down!! It reminds me of the Jericho wall. God's people trusted that by following His instructions, He would give them victory. Indeed, when they shouted at the end of God's instructions, the mighty wall of Jericho broke down, and they won the war against a tough enemy because they acted upon God's word. If God says it then I believe it!!

What breakthroughs do you need? Where can you place your faith? Faith is found where the word of God is known, what does God say about it? Hold onto God's word, put your faith in it, and let it guide your prayers. Let it be the reality you believe in!!

Bachir Samaha

Divine Connections For Your Increase

“But to which of the angels has He ever said: “Sit at My right hand, Till I make Your enemies Your footstool”? 14 Are they not all ministering spirits sent forth to minister for those who will inherit salvation?” Hebrews 1:13-14

Divine helpers are not your savior; Jesus is. Heavenly helpers are ministering spirits to help you inherit your salvation, but they are not the source. We need divine connections to receive the God increase!

Divine connections come in three categories. Remember, God is the source, so the list is three categories, not four because I am excluding the source. God will use his Angels, holy people, and sinners as your divine connections to help you move toward increase and glory. We have many encounters in the bible, the sure word of the Lord, about God sending Angels for help, sending holy people, and even using sinners and wicked rulers.

It was a very awkward moment for the prophet Elijah when he received provisional help from God through a black raven.

That was a stretch to Elijah, who knows from the holy scriptures that ravens are unclean animals. Yet God didn’t tell Elijah to eat the raven (uncleanness) because the word of God is clear that we don’t fellowship with darkness. Still, we need to be open and spiritually discerning when God wants to use the wealth of the sinners to transfer it to the righteous ones. A religious mindset would have canceled the raven’s possibility because a religious spirit is extreme in its behavior and rituals. But again, God didn’t change his mind about unclean people and doesn’t want you to come under their yoke because there is no fellowship between light and darkness. So don’t eat the raven; receive it when God commands it to bless you.

How many Christians today operate in a zealous heart and spirit and put a big X over sinners? Not only do they not fellowship with them, but they ignore them like they don’t exist anymore.

I will boldly tell you this because it is based on the bible; many zealous, good-hearted people have missed the opportunity and the possibility to have a God increase through those strange divine connections. Those unclean people are not divine; they are divine connections!

God wants to increase you. You are in the world but not of it. Keep your eyes on Jesus and discern his ways, when, and how he moves in your life. Is God telling you to have and keep some ravens in the network of your friendship?

God is God, and we are not.


Father, you are the source of my blessings and increase. I thank you for every resource you use and may use in my life to help me touch and attain my blessings. I honor you and your ways in Jesus’ name and thank you for your divine connections and helpers. Forgive me for not being flexible in this area; fill me with the understanding I need about this lest I miss the God increase you are sending my way. Every knee shall bow down to the name of Jesus, proclaiming he is Lord for the glory of God. Even the ravens are subject to your command, and who am I to refuse your wisdom? Amen.


I welcome my divine connections and do kingdom business with them in God's wisdom and the Holy Spirit's leading. I increase because I honor God’s ways by receiving the help I need in every season of my life.

This chapter “Divine Connections” is taken from my latest book/ebook “My Cup Overflows”, Devotional, Prayers & Decrees For Your Increase. Learn more

God bless you
Tony Francis

You Are a Power House of Prayer

Prayer, prayer, prayer … you've read the book, watched the sermons, taken the course, and done it all. No matter how much you invest in prayer, it remains not much compared to the huge unfathomable revelations on the power of prayer and God's continuous invite to immerse yourself. Why prayer? I believe simply because in the dynamic of praying you release faith in God which is THE requirement and surrender your will to his, where miracles happen!

I am not writing to spill an exhaustive teaching on prayer but because it is the will of the Holy Spirit in this devotion to breathe on this topic again. One of the greatest things you need to know about prayer is that it is your identity way before it is a performance or an expression. You are a royal priesthood. Jesus, Yeshua, said, “My Father's house is a house of prayer and not a den of thieves.” You are the temple of the Holy Spirit; you are a house filled with dormant incense that awakens and burns under the hot coals of your faith. “The prayer of the righteous avails much in power.” James 5:16

If a history of prayer birthed to our world the MESSIAH, our salvation, and then a 10-day prayer meeting in the upper room birthed the CHURCH, I think this should tell you and me greatly about the power of partnering with the Lord in prayer. Whether it is a one-day prayer or standing on the promises to build momentum for accumulative prayers for your bowl to tip (See Revelation 5), prayer remains the entrance of the divine to our world. Even Satanists know this, imitating God's priestly model for a black church.

It is a fresh start for all of us now; don't be distracted by many things. If you need to eliminate everything and KEEP just ONE thing, lock in prayer. I always say and live this saying, “Pray more, work less.” Why? Because when you travail in prayer, God will do the rest through you and for you. You will feel and see the hand of the Lord moving, as Kathryn Kuhlman used to say, “Drawing on the invisible supernatural power of God.” Prayer doesn't only express faith and surrender to the Lord but also humility because you are declaring before God that you need Him for everything, and then grace which is God's power is released with humility.

The Holy Spirit in you is a praying Spirit, and He has one goal and focus: connecting your spirit man with your great high priest in Heaven, Yeshua, and releasing perfect prayers through you to bring down God's perfect will, life, and blessings. I believe you are a prayer giant for His glory and the world depends on it! Amen.

Tony Francis

Prophetic Word For Year 5784/2024: Kingdom Era & Gates of Glory

Three years ago we stepped into a whole new decade on God’s calendar when we entered the biblical year 5780. 80 According to messianic Jews and some Christian gentiles who study the times and seasons say it refers to the word PEY which means THE MOUTH. We all know and experienced the huge worldwide attacks on our mouths and breaths when COVID-19 hit in 2020/5780.

I tell you the truth, the devil's war is always against the Church of Jesus Christ on the earth and he is not very much concerned about others who are not in Christ and have no authority over him. The Church of Yeshua threatens the devil so badly and he has no problem shutting down the whole earth if he can just to try to annihilate the Church in every season of power and glory. Let's remember that wicked laws for a whole nation were erected just to resist one person in the Old Testament and that was the prophet Daniel. What about Elisha the prophet when a whole ferocious well-equipped army strategized against him to come his way, arrest him, and kill him because he kept exposing their secrets and war tactics to the King of Israel? Don't be surprised my brothers and sisters when I tell you that, let's know our bible really well and our defeated foe we are resisting in the name of the Lord.

PEY, the mouth should mean a lot to the enemy that we saw him paralyzing all nations for the sake of it. Why? Why all that attack over the mouth, the words of authority, the breath of God in the Church, the sons and daughters of glory? Not only do we see the enemy trying to shut our mouths literally with masks but also we see the rise of oppression and persecution over the Christian voices in media especially and all kinds of other platforms. We also see the overwhelming release of demonic voices in the form of agendas, activities, and movies on big famous media altars. What's going on? It is surely a war, a huge war against the VOICE in the earth. Who will own the voice of dominion? The Light or darkness?

In 2023, the Lord gave me a huge weighty prophetic word that was confirmed by highly esteemed prophetic and apostolic voices in the body of Christ. As soon as I released that prophetic word, the next day and in hours, I saw the confirmations and I was amazed at how God confirms his word when he wants to establish it.

I am not going to paste the prophetic word of 2023/5783 here, I will refer it to you if you want to read it again because it is powerful and it is not the end of it BECAUSE we build on those words, from glory to glory. You can click here to read it!

I can tell you one thing only about that word: God works in cycles and I have discovered that things shift when it is 3 (3 months, 3 years, etc.). In 2023, Three years after 2020, the Lord gave this word to us:

“As I watched, this horn was waging war against the holy people and defeating them, until the Ancient of Days came and pronounced judgment in favor of the holy people of the Most High, and the time came when they possessed the kingdom.” Daniel 7:21-22 (Read full word here)

The word of the Lord for 2023 was that God is moving us from the Church age to the Kingdom age where his people will be like Joseph in high secular places. Also, it was the year when the Ancient of Days started rising and pronouncing judgment in favor of the holy people of the Most High, and the time came when they possessed the Kingdom.

September 15th, 2023 we step into a whole new biblical year in the Lord 5784. We are still in the decade of the 80s (PEY, MOUTH, BREATH, VOICE) and we still have 6 years to wrap the PEY decade. But I believe that something shifted in 2023/5783 after 3 years cycle of heavy warfare the earth didn't see before on that scale and I believe from now on we will see Daniel 7:21-22 coming to pass more and more in Jesus' name. It is the day for the new wine!

What is the Holy Spirit saying about the biblical year 5784/2024? 

First of all, I want you to know what I am going to share with you here comes from the Holy Spirit who led me to research some things closely and heard from him directly without further knowledge of Hebrew mysteries. Following the Holy Spirit is marvelous and amazing to me and you will know why as you continue reading!

Remember we are building on the prophetic word of 2023/5783, so let's keep the context strong and together. Many prophets said that Psalm 23 was for the year 2023/5783 and I also got my own personal witness and conviction from the Lord about it. Actually, I wrote a whole book (that I was not planning but God has it in mind) and it is based on Psalm 23 “My Cup Overflows” – A devotional, prayers, and decrees for your increase! When we stepped in January 2023, the Holy Spirit mandated me to write it, and I did it by his grace and released it in a week, yep It was supernaturally made, praise God! It is God's heart for his people to be prepared for increase and the inspired chapters given to me by the Holy Spirit deal with specific areas of life to help us experience the GOD increase in them. (You can learn more about it here)

Now, after mentioning all this I can share with you what I believe the Holy Spirit is revealing to us about 5784/2024 because God is all about anointing us to know times and seasons to align with him, be aware and watchful, and advance his purposes in his light!

Holy Spirit told me to research the Hebrew pictogram of the number 4 in 5784, and that is the letter dalet which means “DOOR, ENTRANCE”. When I got to know the meaning of it, I felt the Holy Spirit reminding me of PSALM 24, which I was just reading last night. Isn't it awesome how God orchestrates things and prepares them for us ahead of time? Halleluiah.

Let's read Psalm 24:

“The earth is the Lord's, and all its fullness, The world and those who dwell therein. For He has founded it upon the seas, And established it upon the waters. Who may ascend into the hill of the Lord? Or who may stand in His holy place? He who has clean hands and a pure heart, Who has not lifted up his soul to an idol, Nor sworn deceitfully. He shall receive blessing from the Lord, And righteousness from the God of his salvation. This is Jacob, the generation of those who seek Him, Who seek Your face. Lift up your heads, O you gates! And be lifted up, you everlasting doors! And the King of glory shall come in. Who is this King of glory? The Lord strong and mighty, The Lord mighty in battle. Lift up your heads, O you gates! Lift up, you everlasting doors! And the King of glory shall come in. Who is this King of glory? The Lord of hosts, He is the King of glory. Selah.” NKJV

Yes, you saw correctly the word gate/door mentioned many times in Psalm 24. How did the gate lift up and open for the King of Glory to come in? Through the VOICE command. The PEY, the mouth, and voice declarations, the decade of 80. Hey, It gets better! The Holy Spirit then told me to sum the total of 5784 (5+7+8+4) and to my amazement, it is the number 24. God first told me about Psalm 24 in my heart after knowing that 4 means a DOOR/ENTRANCE and then he told me to sum 5784 which is 24. I don't know about you but Holy Spirit to me is addictive!

While I was doing some research I read this: “Messianic scholars believe that these symbolic meanings of the number 4 are relevant to the messianic age. They believe that the number 4 will play a role in the events that lead up to the coming of the Messiah and the establishment of his kingdom.” Also, dalet is linked to a meaningful name of God which is “The True Judge”. Do you remember the word for 2023? The Ancient of Days judging for the saints and overturning laws and empowering them to move from Church to Kingdom in the world and the marketplace? We will see this happening in 5784, in the 4 corners of the earth, a worldwide revival in Jesus' name.

I believe God will place his people in high places using their COMMANDING VOICE (Psalm 24) to open the gates for the Kingdom of the Lord Jesus Christ to be established on the earth. Like every other prophetic promise we receive, we need to battle for it! “There is a wide-open door for a great work here, although many oppose me.” 1 Corinthians 16:9

If this is not an exciting day for the Church to be alive, I don't know what else is exciting!

Lord make us part of your GREAT move in Jesus' mighty name. Amen!

Get ready folks and share the good news.

Happy New Year and blessed Rosh Hashanah to you!

Tony Francis

If this blesses you and minister to you, consider sowing your seed where you are fed. Click here to make a donation of any amount you feel led to give!

Also, you can request a personal prophetic word that covers this new year 5784/2024. Request “The Year Prophetic Word” by Email or WhatsApp. Click here.

When Your Breakthrough Is Not Coming

One of the greatest and most powerful prayers you can pray to God is: “Lord, Help I'm Stuck!”. How many times when we were children our parents came to rescue us immediately because we cried out to them in our stuck positions and some of those stuck positions were really funny and some parents seized the moment to catch it on camera before saving your day! (Forgive them haha). I know it is not an easy thing at all because I went through stuck moments when it felt like remaining forever. Especially when you are dealing with an everyday pain that is unbearable, that's another story!

When you are in a stuck season, when your breakthrough doesn't feel like coming to pass, when you don't even seem to see that “little hand-sized cloud” this is when you are most vulnerable to the lies of the enemy and to a cycle of questions that some times is tormenting and many are challenged in their faith. Today, would you check with the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Truth, what lies you may be believing in this season? God wants to readjust you into powerful positions of faith again! Without faith, it is impossible to please God. (Hebrews 11:6)

Before the woman of the issue of blood received her breakthrough from the Lord, she had to press in through the bombarding big lies of the enemy. The fiery darts of the enemy were falling on her like rain, she was overwhelmed by those wicked arrows and if she believed just one lie of the bundle of lies offered to her, she would be harmed, injured, discouraged, and disabled from continuing her pressing in toward her long awaiting divine breakthrough.

The only thing that kept her going harder than the lies of the enemy is her faith in the goodness of Jesus. I don't know in what situation you are in today, only God knows but I am sure many want to give up on reaching their peace and wholeness in God but don't you do it! It gets darker before dawn!

No one is promised the timing for their breakthrough, it devalues the attempts of faith and God wants to give you the FULL reward of your faith. Jesus didn't receive a tidbit of comfort at the cross because he was after the fullness of our redemption. When I was battling hell in my health years ago for 5 years, I was believing the Lord for my miracle and breakthrough. The only thing I had back then after so many prayers is the peace of God to press in and NOT to go for surgery and I assumed God wanted me to press in for a miracle. The only miracle I got is my perseverance and endurance and my ability to serve God and remain fruitful as much as possible. In the end, God blessed me with a smooth surgery, with no pain but 2 years almost of recovery. Talking about someone learning patience here!

I was so disappointed that God didn't perform a miracle and that I had to go under a knife but after I saw that my years of suffering came to an end, I rejoiced anyway and thanked God he came for me, whether through a miracle or another natural mean blessed by the hand of the Lord, who cares. It looks like I was assuming that if God gave me peace to press in without surgery then he meant a miracle and that's the danger of assumption in the prophetic.

I learned so many lessons, I carved realms of authority in different areas, and I got victories beyond comprehension over my attitude and devils, it was a big battle for me but the plunder is for a lifetime. Thank you, good Lord!

Today, focus on two things only, press in by believing God is good for you, and let him be God. Walk it out with him step by step according to your measure of faith, just like when Abraham followed the Lord to a Land not knowing what he was doing and what is his next step. You may not be given what is to come and how it is going to end but you can have those confident “one step of faith at a time” and at the end it is going to be glorious for you!

Oh by the way I forgot to tell you, my battle was big because I was also fighting for a generation.

Tony Francis

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Prophetic Word for the month of Tammuz 5783 July 2023

June 19th, 2023 we entered a new biblical, divine, Godly, and Hebraic month of Tammuz! It is always exciting to do life with the Lord because guess what? His times and seasons are always for us and always good.

This is what I believe our Heavenly Father is saying in this month:

I see in the spirit the big giant grape held by the mighty spies of Moses back to their place as a foretaste of encouragement from the promised land.

This is what I believe the Holy Spirit is saying to us, in this month of Tammuz 5783 / July 2023 you will be carrying my goodness enlarged after you've been carrying weighty sorrows, trials, and tribulations. People have seen you going through, some mocked your faith, others mocked your God, and the devil with his elevated nose of pride tried to convince you that you are destined for cycles of pain, rejection, hurt, and sicknesses and that you will never see a breakthrough or the dawn of an expected end.

By the authority of the Holy Spirit, the Lord of times and seasons I release you into your answered prayers, your persistent decree of “I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living”. I usher you in Jesus' mighty name, it is God's timing, his perfect will and some of you need thoughts adjustment to get out of “being used to samo-samo” Less you will miss this alignment with God. I understand we can go through long cycles in which we lose hope and we lock ourselves sometimes in a certain perspective that is not of faith and belief. Make sure you are hearing the Lord, your healer, passing by your room of affliction notifying you it is your DAY OUT! Don't stay there.

You might need others to help you carry your enlarged blessings as well, pray this into existence. You are blessed to be a blessing.

Let's pray: Lord, I connect my faith with this word and I align myself with your agenda for me this month and on. Help me be and live in your fullness in Jesus' name! It is my time to shine and be overtaken by your GLORY. I decree it is my new day in God, amen!

If you feel sowing into Healed Nations Ministries this month, feel free to do this below. We pray for our partners, celebrate and honor them, and their love and support!

God bless you

Tony Francis