What’s the Holy Spirit Saying for January 2025?
Hear what the Holy Spirit is revealing to us for January 2025! Have a joyful and powerful start in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
Hear what the Holy Spirit is revealing to us for January 2025! Have a joyful and powerful start in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
Daniel 3:13-15 (NKJV)
“Then Nebuchadnezzar, in rage and fury, gave the command to bring Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego. So they brought these men before the king. Nebuchadnezzar spoke, saying to them, ‘Is it true, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego, that you do not serve my gods or worship the gold image which I have set up? Now if you are ready at the time you hear the sound of the horn, flute, harp, lyre, and psaltery, in symphony with all kinds of music, and you fall down and worship the image which I have made, good! But if you do not worship, you shall be cast immediately into the midst of a burning fiery furnace. And who is the god who will deliver you from my hands?’”
The devil constantly throws a challenge at sons of God because he knows he cannot directly take hold of them. ( 1 Peter 5:8). He recognizes that the Lord’s protection covers His children. The devil's strategy is to lure believers out of their divine protection and into his zone of attack. This is akin to how Nebuchadnezzar challenged Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego to bow to his gods in order to force them out their protection into his stronghold of attack.
Believers are shielded in God's house of protection, with the devil only able to challenge from outside. (Ephesians 6:11) He attempts to entice us to step out of our preserve. Unable to breach our stronghold, the devil resorts to throwing stones at us. It is only the weak who attacks you by standing afar and throw stones at you. These stones come in the form of sickness, financial troubles, hopelessness, pain.etc Ephesians 6:11
To counter these attacks, Christians must build taller walls of protection through prayer. Prayer is the key to strengthening our defenses. Just as the devil threw a challenge at Job through his wife and friends to curse God and be free and endured stones of sickness and loss of properties and children, he remained steadfast in his faith. Job 2:9-10
Joseph also faced the devil's challenge and was thrown into prison. (Genesis 39:20-21) Even Jesus faced the devil’s tests. Despite these trials, they all emerged victorious.
Challenges and stones are part of the Christian battle. By building stronger walls of prayer, we can overcome these trials. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego did not succumb to Nebuchadnezzar's challenge and were saved from the fiery furnace by God.
Whatever stones the devil throws at you—whether they be trials, sickness, or despair—remember that God is with you. Just as He was with Joseph, Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, Abed-Nego, and Jesus, He will protect you and ensure that the devil does not prevail
Stay strong in your faith and continue to build your walls of protection through prayer.
Heavenly Father,
We thank You for Your divine protection and unending grace. As we face the challenges and trials of life, we ask for Your strength to uphold us and keep us within the safety of Your walls. Help us to remain steadfast in our faith, to build our spiritual defenses through prayer, and to trust in Your protection against every attack of the enemy. Empower us to overcome every trial, knowing that with You by our side, we are shielded and secure.
In Jesus’ name, we pray,
Rexford Moses
I asked my dad how he came up with my name, Rexford. He told me that while working on a ship, he met a white man who treated him with such kindness that he didn’t know how to repay him. So, when I was born, he named me Rexford, which means Reigning King, in honor of that man.
Growing up, I’ve always felt that my name has shaped my life. Wherever I go, I seem to be recognized and regarded as relevant, a reflection of the name I carry.
The Power of a Name
When choosing names for our children, we often expect the name to have a profound influence on their lives. Many times, we draw inspiration from family members or mentors we hold in high esteem. In my family, one of my uncles is so revered for his humility and devotion to God that many parents, even outside our family, have named their children after him.
Some people take their search for names even further, looking to presidents, pastors, kings, or influential entrepreneurs for inspiration. In the African context, it's common for parents to name their children after their own parents. However, this tradition can lead to tension when expectations are not met, sometimes causing strained relationships, and in extreme cases, even disownment. I know of a family where this very issue led to serious conflict.
Names and Their Meanings
In the Bible, names carried significant meaning, often reflecting a person’s destiny:
Names in biblical times were powerful indicators of a person’s role and purpose. A name not only provides personal identity, but it also holds emotional significance and impacts social interaction.
The Burden of Sinful Names
Before Jesus Christ came, humanity lived under the burden of sin. Sin was deeply ingrained in our identities, passed down through generations. This meant that bearing a name like Rexford implied a connection to this sinful lineage—sinful Rexford.
In those days, priests offered sacrifices—lambs, for instance—to appease God and seek forgiveness. At times, sinners faced severe consequences, such as the earth swallowing them or divine punishment, as seen in the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah.
The Redemption of Names
However, with the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, everything changed. Through His death and resurrection, Jesus took away the sins of the world. Now, those of us with names like Rexford can bear them without the weight of sin. Forgiveness is available to anyone who confesses their sins and seeks redemption.
As 2 Corinthians 5:17 says: “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.” This verse speaks of the transformative power of being in Christ. We undergo a spiritual rebirth, shedding our old sinful selves and embracing a new identity in Christ. We are no longer bound by the chains of sin but are renewed and redeemed by God’s grace. This transformation is so profound that we are given a new name—Christian. We can now be called Christlike Rexford or Christlike Kofi.
The name Jesus wasn’t randomly chosen; it was divinely given, signifying His mission to save humanity and reconcile us with God.
Living Up to Your Name
This resonates with the Pentecostal song: “Hw3 Wabrabo so yie, ne din dawoso”, which translates to “Be mindful of your lifestyle because His name is on you.” As Christians, we are called to live a life that reflects the character and teachings of Christ. When we live contrary to these principles, we undermine the credibility of our identity as Christians.
Your name matters. It carries weight, meaning, and responsibility. So, I ask: Are you living by your name?
Rexford Moses
“On the eighth day, when it was time to circumcise the child, he was named Jesus, the name the angel had given him before he was conceived.” – Luke 2:21
I am not an expert on abortion, nor a Christian counselor in this matter, but I do have my own opinions and beliefs, which align with the Word of God. God is pro-life and commands us not to kill. However, when we decide on something—such as taking a life—we often engage in philosophical arguments, attempting to justify our actions. We create self-deceptive justifications that trap us in situations we mistakenly label as freedom and compassion.
Abortion is the act of ending the life of a human being who cannot defend themselves. In today’s world, we hear countless arguments trying to justify the termination of a conceived child. Many oppose late-term abortions because the baby is fully developed, while some accept early-term abortions, believing that the child is not yet clearly formed. However, whether it’s an early or late-term abortion, it remains an act of killing—a crime.
In Luke 2:21, the Lord named His Son Jesus BEFORE He was even conceived!!! To God, the unconceived child is already an existing being. He sees beyond the early days of conception or late-term development; He views a child as an existing entity even before conception. Now, isn't that something?
Consider the story of the prophet Jeremiah too:
“The word of the LORD came to me, saying, ‘Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.'” – Jeremiah 1:4-5
Shall I say it again? “Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you!” Who forms the baby in the womb? God. “Before I formed you.” When you abort a baby, you are interrupting this miracle in progress. You are interfering with God as He forms a life inside the womb! Can you imagine entering the workshop of an artist, destroying the painting he just started creating, and convincing him to be comforted because his artwork is just in the beginning of it? You would be in jail. No one accepts that under any justification, it is still a destruction. Now what about lives, human beings, who are more than a piece of art in a workshop?
God regarded both Jesus and Jeremiah as existing beings even before they were conceived. Not only that, He had a destiny and calling planned for each of them! Isn’t that incredible?
So, if you are still attempting to reason or rationalize that abortion is not an act of killing at any phase of conception, remember that, in God's eyes, it goes beyond conception itself!
Stop deceiving yourself: “You shall not kill.”
I understand the “compassionate” justifications, like suggesting a woman should abort the baby if it is the result of rape. We all feel compassion and sorrow for raped women, but aborting a baby is still an act of killing—a crime.
Instead of taking a shortcut and acting out of anger on an innocent being who is now in the process of being formed and is not at fault, we need to seek deeper solutions. I am not here to provide those solutions, but perhaps you can share some ideas in the comments below.
For instance, what if the government funded the upbringing of this child and covered all the expenses? What if the child could be given up for adoption at birth? What if the baby could be transferred to the womb of a woman who longs for a child? IF WE ARE COMMITTED TO NOT KILLING, WE CAN DEFINITELY THINK OF SOMETHING THAT CAN EASE THE SITUATION AND SAVE THESE PRECIOUS BABIES THAT ARE FULLY FORMED BEFORE GOD EVEN BEFORE CONCEPTION.
Feel free to share this article with your church, a friend who may be misled, or even a politician still debating when to legalize the killing of a baby.
Leave your comment below or maybe your prayer!
God bless you,
Tony Francis
Do you have an appointment with God, or do you only call on Him when it’s convenient? Is your prayer life unscheduled, your scripture reading sporadic? You reach out to God when you’re in need, but have you noticed He’s been calling you all along, while you remain too busy for Him? And yet, we spend endless hours flipping through social media, all the while rejecting any opportunity to meet with God. How can you expect Him to meet your needs when you constantly reject His call?
God desires our hearts. He wants us to have regular, consistent meetings with Him. He values those set times, placing them on His divine calendar, prepared to meet us when we show up. In those moments, He’s ready to respond to the prayers from our previous meetings. Think about how you prioritize your favorite TV show, sports match, or series—how you adjust your schedule just to make sure you don’t miss it, finding excuses to skip Sunday services while you never fall sick when those episodes are on air. I remember when I watched Joana la Virgen—it was a show I never wanted to miss. My heart was so glued to it that I would rush home from wherever I was just to catch every episode, or even find a place with electricity if there was a power outage. Today, I do the same with Chelsea’s EPL matches—I don’t want to miss a single one. What are you so addicted to that you can’t bear missing it, even going back to watch the replay? Let’s be honest—replays aren’t as thrilling because we already know the outcome.
This is the level of devotion God desires from us—the same energy and dedication we give to our favorite shows or activities. He wants us to schedule regular meetings with Him, setting aside specific times for prayer and devotion. In those moments, the Holy Spirit reviews the “minutes” of your last meeting, and Jesus executes the action plans on God’s behalf. They come prepared with revelations, blessings, and answers just for you. But if your meetings with God are inconsistent and haphazard—showing up one day and missing the next—then God may also respond to your needs sporadically, as if He, too, is working without an appointment.
God expects us to love Him with all our hearts, as Deuteronomy 6:4-5 says: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.” When we give Him our full devotion, He draws nearer to us.
If your prayers are “as and when,” God will meet you “as and when.”
If your scripture reading is “as and when,” He’ll respond “as and when.”
Why can’t Christians have consistent, scheduled devotion like our Muslim brothers and sisters? Why do we only pray when we’re desperate, instead of making it a daily priority, like our favorite TV shows? Shouldn’t our time with God be like that telenovela we never want to miss? Even if we miss an episode, we rush to watch the replay before the next one. We avoid distractions when we’re glued to a football match; how frustrated we get when we miss a crucial moment and the replay isn’t shown! Just like how you call your boyfriend/girlfriend first thing in the morning or want to hear his/her voice before bed, God desires that kind of intentionality and devotion.
As James 4:8 says, “Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you.” When we approach God with faithfulness and consistency, He responds with the same faithfulness, revealing His heart and fulfilling our needs.
Lord, help me prioritize time with You as eagerly as I do my favorite activities. Draw me closer and make our meetings a daily joy. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
“The Spirit and the bride say, ‘Come!' And let the one who hears say, ‘Come!' Let the one who is thirsty come, and let the one who wishes take the free gift of the water of life.” Revelation 22:17 (NIV)
The Bible ends with this verse!
I understand the Spirit and the Bride saying “Come” as the ministry of intercession! It is a heart cry, a prayer asking for the Kingdom of Jesus to come. As we approach the end of this dispensation, prayer, and intercession will be restored and increased to greater levels. It's no wonder that we are seeing houses of worship rising worldwide. There is a growing recruitment of intercessors, driven by the urgent need for intercession because the days are dark!
Are you feeling a deep stirring within you for intercession?
I have personally experienced an accelerated upgrade in intercession. The Spirit within me, as the Bride of Christ, is praying fervently for people and nations. These are often quick prayers, but they are weighty, anointed by the Spirit, and reaching the throne of Grace and Mercy. I find myself interceding for various matters, even while doing the dishes. I hear names—sometimes unfamiliar names—and feel prompted about future events, then quickly partner with the Holy Spirit in prayer. It is increasing! Are you experiencing the same escalation?
The High Priest, Compassion Himself, visited Abraham to invite him to intercede for Sodom and Gomorrah. We often perceive God as rushing toward destruction, but He makes every effort to save us. Abraham responded to this divine invitation to intercede with Jehovah, and so will the Bride respond to the nudges of the Spirit. We will gain insight, change lives, and witness the impact of God’s loving kindness and mercy.
You are part of His end-times activity.
I even see, in the spirit, a vision of incense grains sticking to your lips. You are His royal priest, positioned with the Lord, and He is waiting for you to make a difference in your generation and in generations to come because your prayers have a ripple effect that doesn't fade.
God in your prayer life is the X-factor, and no one can surpass Him, just as Nebuchadnezzar declared: “Heaven has dominion.”
It’s time to awaken to your identity and position in Christ as the most authoritative being on earth. It’s time to send and release missiles of glory, power, deliverance, altar-breaking, healing, love, joy, peace, righteousness, sanity to kings, protection, and more.
That's why we invite you by the Spirit to be part of your prayer team, create one maybe at your home, and join our NEWLY launched prophetic intercession ministry called: “The Checkdate”.
God bless you,
Tony Francis
In the book of Acts, The Bereans were described as being of more noble character than those in Thessalonica for they received the message with great eagerness and examined the scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true. They did not have the search tools we have today so they were really thorough, but this is not the same as just believing what is taught to you blindly. The Bereans were trouble but it is an attitude that we need today.
So let's examine what the Bible says about itself and see if we have believed our teachers ahead of what is actually written.
In John 1.1 it says
1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was with God in the beginning. 3 Through him all things were made; without him, nothing was made that has been made. 4 In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. 5 The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.
It is clear from this that the Word of God is Jesus You get into deep problems if you take this to mean the Bible. The Bible is not God, it did not create anything. If you make the Bible into a 4th representation of God, in addition to the Father, Son, and holy spirit. Then, I guess you'd be a quadratarian rather than a trinitarian,
In verse 14 it goes on to say that the word became flesh and dwelt among us.
The Bible did not become flesh and dwell among us. The Word is an important title for Jesus because it says so much about who he is.
So, clearly there are people who believe that this is referring to the Bible but it cannot be. So the question is are there other verses that some might think are about the Bible but are really about Jesus and what is at stake if we believe that. Try reading the Bible and each time you read the words Word or Word of God try asking the question is this referring to Jesus or to the Bible.
Luke refers to servants of the word, when referring to followers of Jesus
he goes on to say that the people gathered around him were listening to the word of God.
John says that the people he was speaking to were studying the scriptures diligently but the Word did not dwell in them which suggests that the Word is different to the scriptures. it also means that there was a difference to how the beareans examined the scriptures to how these people studied them.
In Ephesians 6.17 It states that we should take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the spirit which is the word of God. If the Word of God is Jesus then he fights for us against the enemy, If the Bible is the sword of the spirit then we fight for ourselves with our knowledge and use of the scriptures, I know which one I'd prefer
In Hebrews 4.12, it says that the word of God is living and active and sharper than any double edged sword. Now we know that Jesus is living and active and sharper than any double edged sword but is that really true of the Bible. Without effecting it's importance or it's truth it is not living and active but Jesus certainly is.
In 1 Peter 1.23 Peter refers to the living and enduring word of God, again this is referring to Jesus.
In 2 Peter 3.5, Peter says that the heaven's came into being by God's word, we know from John 1 that Jesus was there, but the Bible was not there.
In Revelation 19.13 it says his name is the Word of God, He is not the Bible.
There are over a hundred references in the Old Testament to the word of God appearing to somebody or coming to somebody. This should not be surprising if he is living and active, if he was there in the beginning
you would expect him to appear in the Old Testament. He talked to the Pharisees about the scriptures referring to him but they couldn't find him.
These were the pharasees who loved the scriptures but they were the only people Jesus met who made him angry.
So what's at stake if we apply the characteristics of Jesus to the Bible.
I think we risk keeping people from the real Jesus, they have a relationship with a book and not with the real Word of God, and the letter kills but the spirit gives life. That's not to take away from the importance of the Bible because it tells us and teaches us about Jesus and we don't have anything else but we have to test everything by the word of God. If you test Jesus by the Bible he stands up because of every word written about him in both testaments. However, if you test the Bible by the word of God you risk finding the God of the Pharisees instead of Jesus himself. Perhaps we would not spend as much energy and time talking about things Jesus never spoke about. Perhaps we would be a better reflection of him and Perhaps that would draw more people to him
Genesis 15.1, 15.4
! Samuel 3, 15.10
2. Samuel 30-32, 24.11
1 Kings 6. 11, 13.1, 13.2, 13.5, 13.9, 13.17, 13.18, 13.20, 16.1, 16.7
17.2, 17.8, 18.1,18.31 19.9, 21.17, 21.28, 22.38,
2 Kings 3.12, 20.4,
1 Chronicles 17.3,
Psalms 18.30, 33.4, 33.6
Isiah 38.4,
jerimiah 1.2, 1.4, 1.11, 1.13, 2.1, 13.3, 13.8, 16.1, 18.5, 20.9
24.4, 25.1, 25.3, 28.12, 29.20, 32.6, 32.26, 33.1, 33.19, 33.23, 34.8,
34.12, 35.12, 36.27, 37.6, 39.15, 40.1, 42.7, 43.8,
Ezekiel 1.3, 3.16, 6.1, 7.1, 11.14, 12.1, 12.8, 12.17, 12.21, 12.26, 13.1,
14.2, 14.12, 15.1, 16.1, 17.1, 17.11, 18.1. 20.2, 20.45, 21.1, 21.8, 21.18,
22.1, 22.17, 22.23, 23.1, 24.1, 24.15, 24.20, 25.1, 26.1, 27.1, 28.1, 28.11, 28.20, 29.1, 29.17, 30.1, 30.20, 31.1, 32.1, 32.17, 33.1, 33.2, 33.23, 34.1, 35.1, 36.16, 37.15, 38.1,
Jonah 1.1, 3.1,
Haggai 1.3, 2.1, 2.10, 2.20,
Zechariah 1.1, 1.7, 4.8, 6.9, 7.1, 7.4, 7.8, 8.1, 8.18,
Luke 3.2
Richard Collins
Have you ever thought about the cross of Jesus? Have you considered what He really did for you? I've always struggled to fully grasp, both simply and deeply, how the blood of Yeshua wiped away my sins and atoned for them. I sing songs about the blood, read scriptures about it, and thank Him for redeeming me, but I've never fully grasped the enormous, life-changing mystery of the Son of God's sacrifice for me and for you!
How do you understand the atonement of sins? What does it really mean for God, you, and the enemy? Does the shedding of Jesus' blood for me mean that I have never sinned? JUSTIFIED, JUST IF I'D NEVER sinned before God and men? Or does it mean I sinned, but God forgave me of my past and is not recording it anymore for my judgment because Jesus took it and paid the price for me? Which scenario is the right one? In Christ, and before God, did I sin or never live a defective life?
To simplify it for you and give you the answer before revealing a huge, life-changing revelation, approach, perspective, and activation: YES, I sinned, and Christ died to redeem me.
I am a sinner, and I need a Savior, just as you do! Now that I have received Christ's wonderful, surreal yet down-to-earth redemption, I have become a new creation, a righteous being who never fell into sin from the beginning. WOW! (We can celebrate right here).
Let me illustrate it with this example and then do an activation with you that is a SHOCKER to your flesh, which is always at war with the spirit.
When a judge stamps a paper to declare someone who was guilty now clean, it means the judge has officially erased the person's criminal record through a process called expungement. This decision makes it as though the crime never happened, allowing the person to move forward without the past conviction affecting their future opportunities, like employment or housing.
This is too much to grasp, right? I know but it is real yet earthly still. Continue reading because what is coming is greater than that and let's invite the Holy Spirit to help us taste God's unfathomable love for us in Christ Jesus.
In Christ, you never sinned before God! Don't freak out now; you can keep thanking God and you should for Jesus, who saved you from your sinful nature. YES, you can and should tell others your testimony of how Christ transferred you from darkness to light and transformed you. I am not telling you to forsake this awesome part of redemption. We will always be grateful and worship the Lord for this INTELLIGENT TECHNOLOGY that no eyes have seen, ears have heard, or hearts grasped what God prepared for those He loves. No one ever saw this coming, not even the devil. It is not a GOD move if you can perceive it or the devil.
What am I really saying here in the presence of the Lord? I am locked in the realm of thanking the Lord for being my Savior, yet I have come to a place where I am more focused on my righteousness in Christ than my transition from sin.
Many Christians dwell on the cross only and never lock focus with their newly restored nature of righteousness. The cross of Jesus was the door, the entrance to a relationship with God through this righteous nature in Christ Jesus, but many remain at the door. Imagine if I invited you to visit my mansion (I don't live in one and I love small houses) and you remained at my beautiful big gate, thanking me for the invite, contemplating the gold ornament, the bigness of it, etc. Would you be considered sane? The cross was the door and we will forever BE THANKFUL for the entrance, yet it is the inside realm of righteousness that you must awaken to that will revolutionize the way you live before God and men. In Christ right now, you never sinned. You were never a sinner! Jesus became sin so that you may become His righteousness. What part of YOU ARE RIGHTEOUS can't you understand?
It grieves the Lord when you stay at the door and never get acquainted with the inside realms of righteousness that many Christians are not awake to.
In Christ now, you were never GAY! You were never a PROSTITUTE! You never cheated on your wife, and you never killed that neighbor. Look, I understand this is too much to grasp, and it doesn't make sense, and if it does, then it is not a GOD technology. You may tell me, “But Tony, I do feel like I am gay (since this is the greatest now), and I engaged in homosexual experiences with men. The sensation was real, the images, the feelings, the sounds, the touch… I can't get it that in Christ, I was never gay because I was, believe me.”
Thanks for asking! haha. I will answer this one:
You were gay before Christ, indeed, and Christ did save you not just from being gay; actually, He saved you from something bigger and greater, which is a sinful nature. After being saved and entering the door (Christ's Sacrifice), Heaven stamps you as NEVER GUILTY! Can you understand the power of that or what? I sense the power of the Holy Spirit writing this, and I know He is greatly delighted that I am unpacking it for you because it changed my life!!!
NOW, IN CHRIST, you are not considered GAY anymore, and you can't renew your mind if you can't establish your identity first as clean. What do I mean? Glad you asked, again. The Bible exhorts us to CONSIDER OURSELVES DEAD TO SIN and alive to Christ and righteousness. In simpler terms, you should never think again of those past things, and you can SANELY and BOLDLY rehearse day and night: I WAS NEVER GAY, I never went through it, I never did this or that, you name it for yourself, whatever you engaged in before.
The enemy will TRY TO ANNIHILATE the work of the cross by making you sin-focused and not Son-focused.
Jesus took your sinful nature and mine on the cross, and in Him, it was never ours. He paid for it; it doesn't belong to us anymore. Jesus didn't only redeem your nature but your time too because in Christ now you never were or did those things, which means you never lived this lifetime of sin. You had a righteous life from the beginning.
Read this article 1000 times and BEG the Holy Spirit to reveal this dramatic truth to you that Heaven is eager to reveal to mankind night and day. Let me tell you this too before I activate you. If I were the devil and I knew in glimpses that one day you would be a great singer and you would glorify the Lord with this lifestyle, I would have done everything in my power to destroy this from your childhood. I would have convinced you that your voice is bad, you will not match up or improve, others are better, get another career, etc. Say you believed those lies and embraced them and wasted your life derailed from God's original calling and cursed yourself for decades saying I am a bad singer. Guess what? In Christ now, you can say I WAS A GOOD SINGER from the beginning of time and I am seasoned in this gift, but the enemy had me go through this lie experience because I was a potential threat to him if I awoke to that.
Same for you as gay! Your identity, manliness, fatherhood, and mostly authority threatened the devil that he had to create another scenario to derail you. He is a liar! In Christ, you were never gay, and you never lived this experience at all. Until you confess this and align with righteousness and DIE TO SIN, you won't experience this surreal glory yet available.
Each one of you has a story, identify with a sin, so apply what I am teaching you here, and mount to realms you never dreamt of. Next time you say God is good, let it be based on some understanding of what He accomplished for you on the cross. The devil hates the cross!
Let's do an activation here. So I told you in Christ, you are righteous because the bible says so, have a new nature, and time redemption, so rewrite your story in the pen of this truth now (you can type in the comment section). As for me, I will say this:
“I grew up in a godly house, and I have witnessed amazing love, honor, and respect between mom and dad that whet my appetite for godly relationships and surely a marriage and life of commitment. My mom never yelled at me, never ignored me, always there to love on me and comfort me. She always encouraged me and affirmed my identity as a growing boy. She signed me up for activities that built my character and self-esteem and was never controlling of me. She always encouraged me to be bold and serve others. I thank God that I lived in a peaceful home, with no sickness, no disease, no stress or drama. I had a childhood that if told in detail, nobody would believe me. I had a great life growing up. Never miss an opportunity to be served and to serve others. I never went through traumas, no child abuse, no fear, no stress; it was a happy, blessed upbringing.” Amen.
For those who don't get it yet, I lived the opposite, but I am acquainted today that in Christ, I was never guilty because He restored my good nature and lifetime. We lose you as Christians when we move from theory to practicality. Every Christian is excited they are God's righteousness now, but I think many will be offended when they read the practicality of it here.
Go do your activation, believe it, this is not fiction, not at all. “Let it be according to your faith!”
I dare you to share this with your friends and EVEN THEOLOGIANS!
God bless you,
Tony Francis
It always intrigued me when I read in Hebrews 12:16-17 that the Holy Spirit put the careless act of Esau, who sold his birthright for red stew, and sexual immorality in one verse!
“See that no one is sexually immoral, or is godless like Esau, who for a single meal sold his inheritance rights as the oldest son. Afterward, as you know, when he wanted to inherit this blessing, he was rejected. Even though he sought the blessing with tears, he could not change what he had done.” Hebrews 12:16-17 (NIV)
In Genesis 25, Jacob asked his brother to sell him his birthright, and this is the mindset of carelessness and godlessness that Esau was entertaining that cost him everything. Esau said to his brother in response to this meal exchange:
“Look, I am about to die,” Esau said. “What good is the birthright to me?”
Let's examine closely if this mindset is true or a lie. Was Esau going to die? Not at all, he was just famished and was around a prepared aromatic meal. Plus, Esau is a hunter. It was never the pressure of dying that drove him to sell his birthright; he detested it from the beginning. It meant nothing to him, and an opportunity like that exposed what was already in his heart! But we like to blame God.
Wow, Hebrews 12:16-17 is some verse: “See that no one is sexually immoral or is godless like Esau who for a single meal sold his inheritance rights as the oldest son.”
The Holy Spirit considers sexual immorality the same as carelessness. Porn is an “I don't care” spirit, give me the desires of my heart right now. We also give it excuses: I am stressed, I was abused, those are my hormones, I am dying anyway, everybody is living this lifestyle, God will keep forgiving me because “I'm weak,” you name it. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you name the sinful desires of your heart. Why are you doing what you are doing? For Esau, he detested his birthright; it meant nothing to him from the beginning. When you are tempted sexually, what mindset is legalizing this to you?
Porn is this careless spirit. I don't care if I get naked with a stranger or just see this erotic movie, imagine wrong things, submit my organs to uncleanness, or consider other bodies as cheap and available to me if I want them.
Porn is an “I don't care” spirit. Just one more masturbation, it won't hurt, it is not the end of the world. Just one more one-night stand, I am a man, God understands this. What lie are you entertaining? What are the roots of your carelessness toward God, your own body, and others?
“For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like a mortal human being and birds and animals and reptiles. Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen. Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error. Furthermore, just as they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, so God gave them over to a depraved mind, so that they do what ought not to be done” (Romans 1:21-28).
It is always about an exchange!!!
Esau exchanged the highest glory for a lesser one, filling his stomach, and maybe, as the scripture says, their bellies are their gods. Maybe that was Esau's god! We all face exchanges, especially under pressure; when you are facing them, what is going on really? Are you aware that you are selling the Holy for the unclean, Jesus for 30 pieces of silver?
One more thing that caught my attention reading Romans 1 is that sexual immorality is called lust, but when it is a gay activity, it adds the word shameful lust to it. Shame is added! You are not for shame but for glory in Jesus' name.
I trust the Holy Spirit, who can sanctify you—spirit, soul, and body! You shall know YOUR truth, and it shall set you free.
Porn is an altar of worship; it is where you offer the expensive you cherish most. What are you offering each time you lust? And remember, being tempted with it is not wrong until you embrace the sin. Jesus was tempted with everything without sin. But when you lust and engage in sexual immorality and shameful activities of lust, what are you manifesting? Where your treasure is, there your heart will be!
I've discovered so far in the realm of the soul that freedom is very tied to knowing the truth of the matter. It is not just a prayer away. The Holy Spirit will journey with you to remove the grave clothes you are wearing because you are a son and daughter of life.
Don't give up because today you are in a place of progress, even though it doesn't feel like the fullness of your breakthrough yet. You are advancing. I am trusting God that your body will become a holy living sacrifice for him and nothing else.
You will come to a place of fearing God and knowing and WANTING him and his things more than any other thing in life!
Tell the “I don't care” spirit, I DO CARE! Live worthy.
God bless you,
Tony Francis
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Tony Francis, author of Healed Nations Ministries, shares a powerful prophetic word for June 2024! Are you ready to hear what the Holy Spirit has in store for you? Prepare for a life-changing message to ignite your faith and reveal God's heart for the coming month. Prepare to be inspired, challenged, and empowered as you listen to this timely word from Tony Francis. Don't miss this opportunity to align your life with the Holy Spirit's direction and experience breakthroughs in every area. Tune in now and discover the incredible possibilities that await you in June! Share this with others. “Wherever you look, BLESSINGS”.
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