Tag Archive for: marriage

I Have Never Sinned, Can You Believe It?

Have you ever thought about the cross of Jesus? Have you considered what He really did for you? I've always struggled to fully grasp, both simply and deeply, how the blood of Yeshua wiped away my sins and atoned for them. I sing songs about the blood, read scriptures about it, and thank Him for redeeming me, but I've never fully grasped the enormous, life-changing mystery of the Son of God's sacrifice for me and for you!

How do you understand the atonement of sins? What does it really mean for God, you, and the enemy? Does the shedding of Jesus' blood for me mean that I have never sinned? JUSTIFIED, JUST IF I'D NEVER sinned before God and men? Or does it mean I sinned, but God forgave me of my past and is not recording it anymore for my judgment because Jesus took it and paid the price for me? Which scenario is the right one? In Christ, and before God, did I sin or never live a defective life?

To simplify it for you and give you the answer before revealing a huge, life-changing revelation, approach, perspective, and activation: YES, I sinned, and Christ died to redeem me.

I am a sinner, and I need a Savior, just as you do! Now that I have received Christ's wonderful, surreal yet down-to-earth redemption, I have become a new creation, a righteous being who never fell into sin from the beginning. WOW! (We can celebrate right here).

Let me illustrate it with this example and then do an activation with you that is a SHOCKER to your flesh, which is always at war with the spirit.

When a judge stamps a paper to declare someone who was guilty now clean, it means the judge has officially erased the person's criminal record through a process called expungement. This decision makes it as though the crime never happened, allowing the person to move forward without the past conviction affecting their future opportunities, like employment or housing.

This is too much to grasp, right? I know but it is real yet earthly still. Continue reading because what is coming is greater than that and let's invite the Holy Spirit to help us taste God's unfathomable love for us in Christ Jesus.

In Christ, you never sinned before God! Don't freak out now; you can keep thanking God and you should for Jesus, who saved you from your sinful nature. YES, you can and should tell others your testimony of how Christ transferred you from darkness to light and transformed you. I am not telling you to forsake this awesome part of redemption. We will always be grateful and worship the Lord for this INTELLIGENT TECHNOLOGY that no eyes have seen, ears have heard, or hearts grasped what God prepared for those He loves. No one ever saw this coming, not even the devil. It is not a GOD move if you can perceive it or the devil.

What am I really saying here in the presence of the Lord? I am locked in the realm of thanking the Lord for being my Savior, yet I have come to a place where I am more focused on my righteousness in Christ than my transition from sin.

Many Christians dwell on the cross only and never lock focus with their newly restored nature of righteousness. The cross of Jesus was the door, the entrance to a relationship with God through this righteous nature in Christ Jesus, but many remain at the door. Imagine if I invited you to visit my mansion (I don't live in one and I love small houses) and you remained at my beautiful big gate, thanking me for the invite, contemplating the gold ornament, the bigness of it, etc. Would you be considered sane? The cross was the door and we will forever BE THANKFUL for the entrance, yet it is the inside realm of righteousness that you must awaken to that will revolutionize the way you live before God and men. In Christ right now, you never sinned. You were never a sinner! Jesus became sin so that you may become His righteousness. What part of YOU ARE RIGHTEOUS can't you understand?

It grieves the Lord when you stay at the door and never get acquainted with the inside realms of righteousness that many Christians are not awake to.

In Christ now, you were never GAY! You were never a PROSTITUTE! You never cheated on your wife, and you never killed that neighbor. Look, I understand this is too much to grasp, and it doesn't make sense, and if it does, then it is not a GOD technology. You may tell me, “But Tony, I do feel like I am gay (since this is the greatest now), and I engaged in homosexual experiences with men. The sensation was real, the images, the feelings, the sounds, the touch… I can't get it that in Christ, I was never gay because I was, believe me.”

Thanks for asking! haha. I will answer this one:

You were gay before Christ, indeed, and Christ did save you not just from being gay; actually, He saved you from something bigger and greater, which is a sinful nature. After being saved and entering the door (Christ's Sacrifice), Heaven stamps you as NEVER GUILTY! Can you understand the power of that or what? I sense the power of the Holy Spirit writing this, and I know He is greatly delighted that I am unpacking it for you because it changed my life!!!

NOW, IN CHRIST, you are not considered GAY anymore, and you can't renew your mind if you can't establish your identity first as clean. What do I mean? Glad you asked, again. The Bible exhorts us to CONSIDER OURSELVES DEAD TO SIN and alive to Christ and righteousness. In simpler terms, you should never think again of those past things, and you can SANELY and BOLDLY rehearse day and night: I WAS NEVER GAY, I never went through it, I never did this or that, you name it for yourself, whatever you engaged in before.

The enemy will TRY TO ANNIHILATE the work of the cross by making you sin-focused and not Son-focused.

Jesus took your sinful nature and mine on the cross, and in Him, it was never ours. He paid for it; it doesn't belong to us anymore. Jesus didn't only redeem your nature but your time too because in Christ now you never were or did those things, which means you never lived this lifetime of sin. You had a righteous life from the beginning.

Read this article 1000 times and BEG the Holy Spirit to reveal this dramatic truth to you that Heaven is eager to reveal to mankind night and day. Let me tell you this too before I activate you. If I were the devil and I knew in glimpses that one day you would be a great singer and you would glorify the Lord with this lifestyle, I would have done everything in my power to destroy this from your childhood. I would have convinced you that your voice is bad, you will not match up or improve, others are better, get another career, etc. Say you believed those lies and embraced them and wasted your life derailed from God's original calling and cursed yourself for decades saying I am a bad singer. Guess what? In Christ now, you can say I WAS A GOOD SINGER from the beginning of time and I am seasoned in this gift, but the enemy had me go through this lie experience because I was a potential threat to him if I awoke to that.

Same for you as gay! Your identity, manliness, fatherhood, and mostly authority threatened the devil that he had to create another scenario to derail you. He is a liar! In Christ, you were never gay, and you never lived this experience at all. Until you confess this and align with righteousness and DIE TO SIN, you won't experience this surreal glory yet available.

Each one of you has a story, identify with a sin, so apply what I am teaching you here, and mount to realms you never dreamt of. Next time you say God is good, let it be based on some understanding of what He accomplished for you on the cross. The devil hates the cross!

Let's do an activation here. So I told you in Christ, you are righteous because the bible says so, have a new nature, and time redemption, so rewrite your story in the pen of this truth now (you can type in the comment section). As for me, I will say this:

“I grew up in a godly house, and I have witnessed amazing love, honor, and respect between mom and dad that whet my appetite for godly relationships and surely a marriage and life of commitment. My mom never yelled at me, never ignored me, always there to love on me and comfort me. She always encouraged me and affirmed my identity as a growing boy. She signed me up for activities that built my character and self-esteem and was never controlling of me. She always encouraged me to be bold and serve others. I thank God that I lived in a peaceful home, with no sickness, no disease, no stress or drama. I had a childhood that if told in detail, nobody would believe me. I had a great life growing up. Never miss an opportunity to be served and to serve others. I never went through traumas, no child abuse, no fear, no stress; it was a happy, blessed upbringing.” Amen.

For those who don't get it yet, I lived the opposite, but I am acquainted today that in Christ, I was never guilty because He restored my good nature and lifetime. We lose you as Christians when we move from theory to practicality. Every Christian is excited they are God's righteousness now, but I think many will be offended when they read the practicality of it here.

Go do your activation, believe it, this is not fiction, not at all. “Let it be according to your faith!”

I dare you to share this with your friends and EVEN THEOLOGIANS!

God bless you,
Tony Francis

The Shocking Truths About Porn

Sex is godly; porn is not.

I am not an alien writing to expose the shocking truth about porn; I know what I am talking about. You have suffered from it, and I did, or maybe you are still struggling with it. There is HOPE! What do I mean by sex is godly, and porn is not? Sex is a GOD idea, and he designed it as a means to serve intimacy with couples of covenant, the married people, and for the multiplication of God's love from one generation to another. Porn is the devil's means to pervert all that is holy, pure, and powerful.

For every sound truth doctrine, there is a demonic doctrine to match. Spiritual warfare is about that, creating an opposite doctrine to a godly one. Jesus said about the devil that he is a liar and the father of liars, and he kills humans with a lie. Many things in my life died and got twisted because of demonic lies: my identity, dreams, personality, relationship with the Lord, and every other thing that God meant to be GOOD for me. The devil can't create; he is not a creator, but he can appear as an Angel of light to deceive, to push you away from the truth. You never know if it is a lie because it sounds LIGHT, kind thought, pleasant experience, freedom of choice, acceptance of the rejected, etc. The devil doesn't only present his thoughts as “life-giving” but he raises prophets of the dark to change the wordings of sin to draw you and hook you for example it is not the killing of infants, it is abortion; it is not homosexuality but gay, and the word in Arabic for homosexuality means twisted but was also changed to same-sex attraction; also sex before marriage is not adultery but making love and on. Why do you think the devil invested strongly in changing the wording of all those words? Because it works. “He appears as an Angel of light.”

I was introduced to porn when I was a teenager. I was pure like a white snowball until my friend from school exposed me to it through the internet. The internet at that time was primitive but it was there and at my house. I remember going through trauma when my friend introduced me to porn websites. I forgave him a long time ago!

Seeing gay activities and lesbians and straight sex was too much for me. It never crossed my mind that there is something like that and that we have the potential to taste those experiences. I felt the shattering of my innocence! I was not transitioned into the subject of sex in my life but was introduced to it instantly and in the most unclean ways. The enemy knows about the power of trauma and how it creates a landing strip for slavery, addictions, and the demonic. I went into denial at first for some time, and after a while, I was drawn to start navigating porn websites on my own at night when everyone in my family slept.

You can't feed a beast without unleashing it to go for a hunt. As I kept feeding myself uncleanness ritually and regularly, I felt the craving and the groaning to be in the experiences I was watching. I wanted all my senses to endure that. So I moved from porn (the doctrine feeding) to boldness (the practice). Real-life fornication was never as ideal and good as the websites. So you become hooked on two realities, and you become addicted to online porn and your ongoing real-life attempts to match the professional porn stars, and you never make it. So you spiral down into disappointments and addictions to the deceiving lying web of porn.

I am not going to teach the spiritual aspects of what happens when you enter into dark unclean covenants with others. You can study the Bible and learn more about that. Nor will I mention why porn hooks us at the psychological level; you can research that too.

Porn and dishonoring your body and the one who made it is all about the spirit of rebellion.

Everything that is not a God covenant is rebellion because God is a God of Covenant. Breaking laws at your job has nothing to do with your detest of your job because they don't honor you or pay you enough, etc it is about the spirit of rebellion finding reasoning and an argument to make sense of it and birth itself. Everything man does is a hidden rebellion at its core. Sex “making love” outside of the marriage covenant is rebellion. You see, it is not just about the devil but also about your untamed rebellious nature. They both work together. Even if there is NO DEVIL feeding it and awakening it with deception, your rebellion will find a way one day to awaken itself.

“For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like a mortal human being and birds and animals and reptiles. Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. They exchanged the truth about God for a lie and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen. Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts.” Romans 1:21-26

“And worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised.” Rebellion is all about self-worship, and the only way to be free from yourself is to fall in love with Jesus and worship him.

The more you grow in his love and worship, all the unclean byproducts of the spirit of rebellion lose their grip on you and fade away. Don't focus on your deliverance; put all your energy and frustration into loving Jesus and worshiping him. This is how you subdue rebellion and shatter self-worship!

Thank you, Jesus, because you found a way out of my porn addiction and adultery by drawing me to a life journey of ongoing ecstatic worship of your glorious love for me. Amen!

For those who are still going through it, I humbly advise you: FIX YOUR WORSHIP, NOT YOUR DESIRES.

God bless you
Tony Francis

The Book of Revelation

In the past I used to approach the book of Revelation with fear, with that feeling of uneasiness, anguish and gloom; trying to find the exact word to convey my exact state. I approached the book of Revelation in lowness of the spirit.

The book of Revelation I must say is one of the books that always send fear to the spines of many; believers and unbelievers alike due to the widely misconception of the book by people who lacked the knowledge of the mysteries of the kingdom of God or for the sole purpose of misleading the ones who have little or no knowledge of the Scripture.

Going through memory lane, the year 2000 was a very scary year and a lot of people thought the world was going to end in the year 2000 (New Millennium). Many sold their properties and gave the proceedings to the poor while many lost their possessions in fear yet we are here 23 years on. But in the positive shade, it helped many to return to Christ but we must not return to Christ for fear of the end time but for his love for us.

Having for the first time in my life read the book of Revelation with an open mind and with the help of the Holy Spirit, I was able to understand in detail the Revelations of the mysteries in every lines, verses and chapters of the book and I thank the Lord that at last the world will be judged for her wickedness.

Oh! How lovely to be at the marriage supper of the lamb! This is all I long for, to behold the beauty and the splendor of his majesty.

To know that there’s a set time for the enemy to be judged and destroyed is consoling. And to join all the prophets and the saints who were long asleep and those slain for the sake of the same testimony which I bear today is glorious and it’s a blessing to my soul.

No wonder the Apostle Paul wrote in Philippians 1:21 ‘for to me, living is Christ and dying is gain. And in Revelation 14:13 “And I heard a voice from heaven saying, Write this.; Blessed are the dead who from now on die in the Lord, ‘Yes says the Spirit, ‘they will rest from their labors, for their deeds follow them.’

The book of Revelation has blessed my life like every other book of the Bible. Although it’s the last book of the Bible, it’s the beginning of the new life in Christ. It brings an end to this fallen world and ushers hope for the new heaven and the new earth, it is soul refreshing.

It reveals the mysteries of the kingdom of God in its splendor and majesty and exalts God as the righteous judge He is.  And that which was revealed to the Apostle John but instructed not to be written, I am sure is our little surprise package when we see Him face to face.

In the beginning chapters, our Lord Jesus forewarned the Seven Churches in Asia and also encouraged them. He applauded their good works and exposed their sins and urged them to repent, reminding them of the glory that awaits those that conquered.

It’s a wonderful feeling of safety to know that you have been saved from damnation by the blood of the lamb; your name is boldly written in the book of life and there’s nothing in this world that can pluck you from his hand… In John 17: 12 Jesus prayed ‘While I was with them, I protected them in your name that you have given me. I guarded them, and not one of them was lost except the one destined to be lost, so that the scripture might be fulfilled.

If our hope is of this world we are of all men most miserable’ Apostle Paul wrote. We have hope that transcends beyond time and season; our hope is in the Son. I encourage believers to have a clearer view of our inheritance in Christ. It’s awesome to know that there’s nothing on earth to be compared to the glory that awaits us in heaven and this alone encourages us to stand trials and temptations, it ushers the boldness to gladly lay down our necks for the sword; this was the strength of the Prophets and the Apostles those who were slain for the sake of the gospel.

At the face of death you see Christ standing before you to welcome you home into the joy, the peace, the fulfillment that life denied you of: that you’ll long to die.

The book of Revelation is reassuring, soul refreshing, consoling and comforting. No true believer would be scared or afraid of the end time, when God will pour out the cup of His wrath to the nations of the world because we have been redeemed by the blood of the lamb.

Having this understanding, I earnestly pray for God's judgment to be nearer because the blood of the slain saints are eagerly waiting for the holy vengeance of God and God in His mercy and grace have set an appointed time, waiting for more of His children to return home. If you have not, please make that decision now.

Lastly, the book of Revelation ignites the zeal for evangelism, to bring many to the saving knowledge of Christ like never before so that we all will be saved in the perilous time and to draw God’s judgment on the devil and death very near.

The expression of God's throne and the kingdom of heaven is more than minds can imagine and I can’t wait to behold it. I pray for the grace to hold on and to continue in His love till my last breath to sing Hallelujah with the hosts of heaven.

No true believer ought to be terrified by the words of the visions except they are not on the right standing and now is the time to make things right, tomorrow maybe too late.

Jesus said to the Seven Churches, I see and know your works, and I am coming with my reward. In chapter 22:14 ‘Blessed are those who wash their robes, so that they will have the right to the tree of life and may enter the city by gates.

I pray that the light of righteousness will shine upon you now and forever. Amen.

Prophetic Word for the month of Tevet 5783 / January 2023

As I was praying and seeking the Lord like Habakkuk standing on his tower to see what the holy Lord wants to say to us for the month of Tevet / January 2023 that just started on December 25th, 2022, I heard him saying:

You have waited long and here IT IS, the month you've been waiting for! Believe me, as I say to you these words through my servant, it is INDEED the month you've been waiting for. Why? Because I am a just God, I hear your cry and your persisting faith knocking on my court's door.

This month will be so weighty in glory for you, my sons and daughters, because I am unleashing and loosing great promotions to you in your life areas but first and foremost, in your heart's attitude!

In this month, many of your legal issues and lawsuits will be solved and I hear the Lord saying CASE CLOSED. You've been dragging and dragging with so many issues and I saw strong the release of your faith for the impossible and I was delighting in those aromas behind the scene. In this month, many prodigals I AM SENDING HOME, treat them well when they arrive, and restore them back to me. In this month, many of you who are teachers will be promoted not only with a higher income but also with BONUSES, and I see the Lord winking his eye. In this month, many of you will start your awaited ministries because you sense and feel the green light of the Lord giving you peace to launch and greatly launch in Jesus' name. In this month, many of you shall walk in my miracles and some of you will be the miracle and an open book for others to know there is a living God. You shouldn't have been living AND HERE YOU ARE!

In this month, many of you will gain strength and will RUN their race, it is time to compete with the horses and it will be a time of acceleration AND restoration with this supernatural running. I can't wait to see you shooting off! In this month, many of you will receive downloads about romance, marriage, relationships, and dating. I am POKING you, says the Lord.

Enjoy my goodness!

Tony Francis

In this month, I am believing for those who want to sow to SEE the manifestations of the GOODNESS of the Lord. Feel free to give as the Holy Spirit leads you. Click here or go to the Make a Donation page. God bless you in Jesus' name. Amen!

Back to the Heart of Worship

The Lord has put this on my heart to share.

This last year and a half has been a hard season. It has been a wilderness season to say the least. Before moving to utah, I was involved in ministry, and worship, and was surrounded by such a beautiful group of women and people. In that time we experienced hardship in our marriage. Just months later, We moved to utah being uprooted from everything—every security I felt, and thought was going right in my life-to literally the desert. I experienced every emotion possible. We moved during covid, we weren’t able to go to church for a while, we didn’t have any friends, no family close by-just us and Jesus. I remember saying “oh, I will NEVER homeschool” and Wes saying, “oh, I could NEVER work from home-there is no way it would work with what I do”.  Well, you guessed it-With covid and other circumstances I was being led to homeschool, and yep, Wes started working from home. I remember thinking, alright God, you sure do have a sense of humor. Never say never-write that down! But humor aside, God was showing both of us that our ways are not His ways. There were days where I sobbed, and I wept, longing for connection with a church body, feeling isolated and alone. Absolutely, God was with me, but when your in the thick of it-all I could focus on was me and how I was feeling at the time. God was growing us in ways unimaginable, and certainly ways that I didn’t want to be stretched because it was uncomfortable.

Fast forward, churches opened, we tried one , and we tried another, then we bought a house in a new area, and tried another. It was hard after all we had been through, to not compare it to what we had before. What a unhealthy place that can be when we live our lives looking back not leaving room for God to work in the present. Finally, I came to a place where I let it go. I surrendered that to the Lord, realizing that the more I try to control the situation, the less I am trusting God to work all things according to His purpose, His will, and His plans for MY GOOD and HIS GLORY! And hey, what do you know? A  few weeks later, He lead us to a church where I couldn’t have hand picked it if I tried. This was the hand of the Lord. It reminded me in many ways of the church we were involved in before we moved. Oh how He wants to give us good things, but to trust Him in this process and let go of MY wants, MY control, and rest was such a lesson.  Funny how we always see in hindsight what God was doing-why do you think that is? But, God was still dealing with me, putting His finger on another area. After several weeks of attending, knowing this is where God had led us-My flesh was getting in the way when I saw people in ministry positions that I once was in. I think more so than anything I just missed the connection and involvement. But I knew in my heart I wasn’t supposed to get into ministry/serving right away, because I really just want God to lead me, and not step into a role just because I am familiar with it or want it. (Or have a “title”) So, still struggling with a few things, trying to figure out where I fit in, my purpose, who am I, What does God want me to learn? Then Bible study was soon to start, and the study is on our IDENTITY IN CHRIST. Whew. I just need to gather myself for a moment. 😭 HE KNOWS. I knew-but my flesh!!! I was being fought in even going to the study- with all these things going through my head and He’s gently saying ok Katie, are you ready to give me ALL of you?!? I have stripped you of almost everything you have put your identity in. It’s not your spouse, it’s not your marriage, its not your control, it’s not your kids, your family, your friends, your hobbies, your position in ministry, your home…IT IS ME. WHOLE HEARTEDLY ME. Apart from me you can do nothing! My burden is easy, and my yoke is light!!! Trust ME, walk with ME, Abide with Me. Heck-he even used my kids to speak this into my life-ON A BAD DAY I MIGHT ADD. This journey, this wilderness season has come down to this. Which has been a PROCESS!!! When I am stripped away of everything-what anchors me then? It HAS to be Christ-he is the ONLY firm foundation, and refuge for the poor in spirit, the broken, the lost and the saved. As I was thinking about all this and being stripped away -It reminded me of an old worship song-that I  Ioved-but never really understood or full grasped until now when it says “I am coming back to the heart of worship”

In being completely stripped, it is quiet, just me and the Lord, that is when I can offer him something beautiful in the mess of life-Something that will bless his heart-because he has searched deep into mine-I can come back to worship with a humble heart-where it truly is all about Him, and not of the things I WANT TO MAKE it about. Whew. Man is the Lord ever good to love me(and you) so much-to show me(us) these things. 😭❤️🙌 He is shakin that orange tree and trimming those vines!!!! 😜

Sometimes I think that we can get so wrapped up in someone else’s identity, someone else’s spiritual journey, that we forget when we die WE will be judged for the things that WE have done with Gods word. NOT that persons this, or that. We are to teach, and to train, to pray, to love and to speak truth in love ALWAYS. And no this is not always easy-But, we are to let go, and let God be God. (Daily) Yes, I have let things go, AAANND then taken them back because-well it’s just not happening the way I WANT it to go-which totally defeats the purpose of TRUSTING and ABIDING. But his Grace. His mercy. Oh has it met me more times than I deserve.

As I have felt led to share and post this, I feel like it is that last thing the Lord is wanting to rid me of. The looking back and living in the past and all it entails-because what is to come is SO much better, even in a broken world. Friends, you are known, by the ONE who created YOU, YOU are HIS masterpiece-and no matter how hard the season is that you are in-lean into Him. He is there. Trust Him in the process. He is growing you, stretching you, And He is making something beautiful out of YOU. It hurts, I understand-BUT GOD! Maybe your good, and you don’t have these exact struggles-or you struggle with something else-or maybe you have been here and know all to well what I have shared with you. Ask God how He can use you to encourage someone else. He uses our mountain top moments just as much as He uses our valley moments and he will continue to do so. I have been told-when you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change. Maybe you just need to take a step back, find a quiet place, pray and ask God to give you His perspective and His peace in the PROCESS! ❤️❤️💐 hugs!

She Was Caught In The Action

A Jewish woman was caught doing sex outside of marriage in the context of a prostitution lifestyle. I can’t imagine the emotions she went through when they caught her naked in a very intimate intercourse scenario. Maybe that woman went through her day as everyday feeling secure and safe that she will do her thing as usual, get paid and leave home. Little did she know that day was life-changing for her.

The reason she was caught in the action was to test Jesus Christ big time. Facing all the religious leaders and community back then, will Jesus contradict the laws of Moses by sparing her life or will he agree with them and kill the woman?

The case is so clear, she must die, according to them. Jesus, what do you say? They want to catch Jesus in the action too, this time if he breaks the laws, we will kill him too along with the woman!

Jesus was silent for a moment. Pressure and intensity filled the atmospheres. All eyes and ears were toward Jesus. Religion was beholding Jesus not to change into his image but to change Jesus into their image!

… The final verdict was released from Heaven. Jesus heard his Father! It was the same life-giving wisdom that king Solomon operated in to spare the life of a newborn baby and gave him back to his real mother. There was greater than Solomon, WISDOM himself Jesus Christ!

“But when they persisted in asking Him, He straightened up, and said to them, “He who is without sin among you, let him be the first to throw a stone at her.” John 8:7

In this religious crowd, Jesus was the only one without sin among them. He could have stoned her to death easily after his statement to show them all that he is the righteous one, the lamb of God, it was his chance. But it was not about him, it was about saving and redeeming that precious struggling lady. If you had a big life chance opportunity to prove to others that you are so right versus promoting love and life, what do you choose? Knowledge kills but love builds.

“When they heard it, they began to go out one by one, beginning with the older ones, and He was left alone, and the woman, where she was, in the center of the court.” John 8:9

Wow, beginning with the older ones! It is a misconception to think that elders are holier than the youngsters. In this case, the older ones left the place of judgment. It is good that they were aware of being sinners but it is sad that they left quickly back to home with their sin. They too had the chance to repent, be forgiven and redeemed. Yet by holding to their sin, they stoned themselves out of God’s presence and mercy.

“Straightening up, Jesus said to her, “Woman, where are they? Did no one condemn you?” She said, “No one, Lord.” And Jesus said, “I do not condemn you, either. Go. From now on sin no more.” John 8:10-11

That day the Lord gave her another chance. Sinners will be the first to enter the kingdom as Jesus said. Not because they are sinners but because they met the Savior and responded to him. Jesus loves you and wants to redeem you and restore you to a beautiful everlasting relationship with him.  

Toni Francis

You can also watch this blog as a Vlog (Video Blog). Click here to watch it: She was caught in the action

Getting Ready For Marriage

What is it about marriage that almost everyone wants to experience? Is it the routine of humanity since the dawn of time? Or there is really an ecstatic taste for such an experience that no one wants to miss? I don’t know if you are single or engaged but in case you are single this devotion will stir you for marriage and if you are already in the golden cage, posture yourself for one of the greatest experiences that God fashioned for you.

The idea of marriage is perfect, awesome and exciting, not agreeing with this? Well go check all the wedding photos and videos, everyone is smiling and seems to be happy. Marriage ought not to be celebrated big time out loud once by the couple, celebration is the big entrance that should lead you to other party doors that await you to discover or create. Sounds so perfect and too good to be true? You can’t believe it because of the kind of marriages you are seeing around you in this fallen world? Let me remind you that God is good and his concepts, designs and lifestyles for you are so good, but we ruin it. I believe if you connect back to him as couples and surrender your marriage to him, you will relive the glorious experience again or soon you will if you are still single.

God wants to heal you and your marriage and he wants to put a banner of love above it all the time. This should be your atmosphere and ceiling to live under, not division, unforgiveness, dishonor and cold love. Do you remember when you surrendered your life to Jesus and got saved? Still remember the excitement that day you marked on your calendar? Everything you surrender to God shall be saved, so does your marriage my friend.

Please share this devotion with your friends below on social media.

Glory to God
Tony Francis

3 Stages Of Marriage – Marriage Therapy Made Easy!

By Wayne Sutton

Marriage is a wonderful thing. Well, at least it should be wonderful. In our Phone Counseling and Life Coaching business we all too often see marriage issues leading to separation, divorce, and even at times violence. Our hope and prayer is that we can lead people to an awareness of where they are in the marriage, and begin a process of reconstruction or rebuilding the relationship. But, that is jumping ahead. So, let's look at the three levels of marriage closely.

The Romance Stage

First, this is often called the “Romance” stage – as two people have captured one another's heart and attention. This period can and usually includes the dating and engagement period. The romance stage is all too often a “time of blindness” where we unconsciously ignore the negative and focus solely on the attractiveness of one another. This stage, unless affected by other past relationships or other deep issues, is usually fun-loving and care free. It is also usually easy to discuss “toxic issues” such as sex, money, and family. This romance stage almost always transforms into the second stage of relationships, which I refer to as the “Reality” stage.

The Reality Stage

Reality, this is the tricky area. Reality is time when the honeymoon period is over, and the true self emerges. We all too often see the other person “as we choose to see them” during the romance stage, and then the way they truly are during the reality stage. Worse, many times we perceive the person through our own perceptions, based upon the filters of past relationships and personal history. This is where we must take a self-analysis of our walk and expectations from both ourselves and those we bring into our life.

The Rebuilding Stage

Polarity between the couple can show the major differences, and if not careful can lead to resentment. Resentment is like a cancer of the soul, and this can bring jabbing words of pain or distancing from the couples. This is sadly the reality stage that almost everyone walks in, yet few are willing to leave. This stage can bring the emotional ups and downs for years or even decades. This up and down lifestyle is either tolerated and the person lives in a life of stress, or they end up in divorce.

There is hope however for nearly every marriage. The key to healing a marriage is learning to walk in the stage of “Rebuilding”. Rebuilding may be quick and easy, or it can be a lifelong experience. However, even the process can be rewarding as you go through the journey. Let the journey be an experience, and let love grow through the process.

How do you rebuild? Sometimes it is simple as self-evaluation and applying grace through the rocky times, and at other times it may include using a marriage counselor or therapist. Most situations can be healed through proper time and loving support. Where are you on the three stages of life? Are you ready to rebuild and get back to the romance stage?

Wayne Sutton

The Bride of Christ

“And one of the seven angels who had the seven vials full of the seven last plagues came to me and talked with me, saying, Come here, I will show you the bride, the Lamb's wife.” Revelation 21:9

 What is the deep desire of a father? To see his son married! The wedding of Jesus the only begotten son of God was in the mind of his Father from eternity. This awesome dad of Jesus is obsessed with the idea of getting his son married! He has been thinking about it over and over, this glorious wedding was rolling like a tape in his mind and imagination! The wedding planners and organizations of our days are countless and they do their best to arrange weddings according to each couple’s budget. But if there is one in the universe who really knows how to plan for a wedding it is the heavenly FATHER, he is the expert and there is none like him! Abraham sent his faithful servant to look for a bride to his son Isaac and made him swear not to return empty hands because he so longed to see his son married and he found him one, Rebekah! The other spiritual facet of this story points to the heavenly Father who sent his faithful Holy Spirit to search for a Bride for his son Jesus and he found him one, YOU! “The king's daughter is all glorious within; her clothing is trimmed with gold. She shall be brought to the king in clothing of needlework; the virgins, her companions after her, shall be brought to you. They shall be led with joy and gladness; they shall enter into the King's palace.” Psalms 45:13-15. Oh, how beautiful the bride of the lamb is (Song of Solomon 4:7), how beautiful and holy the perfecting of the saints that the Lord is doing in our hearts preparing us for the wedding!

 Read in Ezekiel 16: 7-14 God’s heart toward his wife, toward you, it will stir your heart with so much passion and love and will connect you to the heart beat of your heavenly groom: “I helped you to thrive like a plant in the field. You grew up and became a beautiful jewel. Your breasts became full, and your body hair grew, but you were still naked. And when I passed by again, I saw that you were old enough for love. So I wrapped my cloak around you to cover your nakedness and declared my marriage vows. I made a covenant with you, says the Sovereign LORD, and you became mine. “Then I bathed you and washed off your blood, and I rubbed fragrant oils into your skin. I gave you expensive clothing of fine linen and silk, beautifully embroidered, and sandals made of fine goatskin leather. I gave you lovely jewelry, bracelets, beautiful necklaces, a ring for your nose, earrings for your ears, and a lovely crown for your head. And so you were adorned with gold and silver. Your clothes were made of fine linen and were beautifully embroidered. You ate the finest foods—choice flour, honey, and olive oil—and became more beautiful than ever. You looked like a queen, and so you were! Your fame soon spread throughout the world because of your beauty. I dressed you in my splendor and perfected your beauty, says the Sovereign LORD.”

 Jesus loves his church in a way we can’t fathom, you can just foretaste a little bit of his extravagant love for you through the revealed word of God. Song of Solomon is such a concentrated love letter between Jesus and his church. The time is approaching, the wedding preparations are coming to an end, and the church is getting ready to be raptured after being captured by his love … Jesus is coming soon!

 P.S: Don’t be among the attendants, become his bride! Receive Jesus now in your heart!

Has your soul become much discouraged because of the way?

By Katie Souza

“The people journeyed from Mount Hor by way of the Red Sea to compass the land of Edom, and the soul of the people was much discouraged because of the way.” -Numbers 21:4

How many of you have become much discouraged because of the way? Have you been praying for your children to get off of drugs, but you are still getting phone calls from jail? Did you just lose your job and now you’re close to losing your home? Maybe you have been battling with sickness, or perhaps your marriage is on the rocks and the daily battle has caused your soul to be much discouraged because of the way.

This is a dangerous place to be. Look at what happened to the Israelites. The tiresome journey wounded their soul, then they began sinning out of those wounds. They spoke against God and against Moses by saying, “Wherefore have you brought us up out of Egypt to die in this wilderness? There’s no bread here, there’s no water here, and our soul is loathing this light bread.” They were so wounded by their journey that they began to complain, criticize, and speak against God and Moses. They were so wounded by the journey, even their souls loathed the manna. They were actually complaining about the supernatural provision that arrived at their front door every morning.

Many times wounds in our soul will tempt us to sin by grumbling and complaining. Unfortunately, this can leave us wide open for an enemy attack. When the Israelites complained, God sent fiery snakes to bite them and many of them died! This all started because they let their souls get much discouraged because of the way.

How many of you know that when you get wounded, you start talking smack? You get angry, judge, criticize, and gossip about people. You start speaking negatively about your situation. You let yourself become overwhelmed, tired and depressed. The longer that goes on, the more it attracts demonic attacks, then those fiery snakes start really snapping at you. Next thing you know, everything gets ten times worse! A relationship totally falls apart, you get very sick, or even goes totally broke and lose it all! Unfortunately, it all started when you let the journey causes your soul to get much discouraged because of the way.

What is the first thing we do to get our soul healed? We repent for allowing ourselves to get wounded through the crises, then we also repent for any bitter thing we let come out of our mouth because of it. That is what the Israelites did. They went to Moses and said, “We’ve sinned, we’ve spoken against the Lord and against you. Pray to the Lord that he will take away the serpents from us.” So they started the healing process by repenting.

Then the Lord told Moses to make a serpent and put it on a pole then have everyone that was bitten look upon it because then they would live. In John 3, Jesus said, “Just as Moses lifted up the snake in the desert, so the Son of Man must be lifted up so that everyone who believes in him may have eternal life.” The serpent represented Jesus so they were instructed to look to Him for their healing. The Scripture says when they did they would “live.” One of the meanings of that word is “to prosper.” The Bible says we are prospered and brought into health even as our soul prospers. When they looked to Christ, they got healed in their bodies but also in their souls, which happened to be their problem in the first place. Their souls had become much discouraged because of the way, but when they repented, when they looked to the healing power of Christ, they prospered in their health, even as their soul prospered!

Sit down today and get quiet. Take time to repent and forgive any sin that was involved in your soul getting discouraged during your journey. Then, do what I did after the TV shoot. Look to Jesus and decree that his Dunamis power is making you excellent of soul! Keep it up until you experience a real shift, then watch the flow of blessing enter into your life and turn your circumstances around!

For information and resources on Soul Healing please visit www.expectedendministries.com today!