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Unveiling the Mazzaroth: The Biblical Meaning Behind the Constellations

Have you ever looked up at the stars and wondered if they hold a message for you? What if the constellations aren’t about astrology but actually tell God’s story and yours? This Bible-based article shows how the stars, from Virgo announcing Christ’s birth to Leo proclaiming His victory, reveal God’s plan. But Satan has brought deception, twisting the stars into tools for astrology and false guidance, hiding their true purpose. Discover the Mazzaroth, the story God wrote with His own finger and breathed into creation, hidden in plain sight to strengthen your faith and reveal His purpose for your life.

The Bible tells us, “The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of His hands” (Psalm 19:1). Yet, many people are unaware of how the stars reveal God’s plans. The Mazzaroth, the Hebrew word for constellations, gives us insights into God’s story of salvation, His design for Israel, and His purposes for humanity.

What Is the Mazzaroth?

The Mazzaroth is mentioned in Job 38:31-33, where God asks Job, “Can you bind the chains of the Pleiades or loosen Orion’s belt? Can you bring forth the constellations (Mazzaroth) in their seasons?” This shows that God placed the stars with a purpose. They are not random but part of His divine design.

Many people associate the constellations with astrology, but the Bible’s perspective is very different. The constellations are not for predicting fortunes; instead, they reveal God’s redemption plan. Each one symbolizes a piece of God’s story, from creation to Christ’s victory.

The Story of the Mazzaroth

The Mazzaroth tells a story that begins with a promise of salvation and ends with Christ’s reign as King. Here’s the order of the constellations and their biblical meanings:

  1. Virgo (The Virgin) 👩 – Represents the virgin birth of Jesus (Isaiah 7:14).
  2. Libra (The Scales) ⚖️ – Symbolizes justice and the need for atonement through Jesus (Romans 3:23-26).
  3. Scorpio (The Scorpion) 🦂 – Shows Satan’s defeat by Jesus (Genesis 3:15).
  4. Sagittarius (The Archer) 🏹 – Points to Jesus as the victorious Redeemer (Psalm 45:4-5).
  5. Capricorn (The Goat) 🐐 – Represents Jesus as the sacrificial Lamb (Leviticus 16:15).
  6. Aquarius (The Water Bearer) 🌊 – Symbolizes the outpouring of the Holy Spirit (John 7:38-39).
  7. Pisces (The Fish) 🐟 – Represents believers and the growth of the Church (Matthew 4:19).
  8. Aries (The Ram) 🐏 – Highlights Jesus as the Lamb who takes away sin (John 1:29).
  9. Taurus (The Bull) 🐂 – Signifies Christ’s return in strength and judgment (Revelation 19:11-16).
  10. Gemini (The Twins) 👯‍♂️ – Reflects Jesus’ dual nature as God and man (Philippians 2:6-8).
  11. Cancer (The Crab) 🦀 – Represents the gathering of God’s people into His kingdom (John 14:2-3).
  12. Leo (The Lion) 🦁 – Points to Jesus as the Lion of Judah, reigning forever (Revelation 5:5).

The Tribes of Israel and the Mazzaroth

Each of Israel’s twelve tribes is linked to a constellation. When God promised Abraham descendants as numerous as the stars (Genesis 15:5), it symbolized His covenant with the tribes of Israel. Here is how the tribes align with the Mazzaroth, starting with Nisan, the first month of the Hebrew calendar:

  1. GadNisan (March-April), Aries (The Ram) – Known for strength and courage.
  2. EphraimIyar (April-May), Taurus (The Bull) – Represents fruitfulness and leadership.
  3. ZebulunSivan (May-June), Gemini (The Twins) – Associated with trade and living by the sea.
  4. IssacharTammuz (June-July), Cancer (The Crab) – Known for wisdom and understanding.
  5. JudahAv (July-August), Leo (The Lion) – Symbolizes kingship and praise.
  6. NaphtaliElul (August-September), Virgo (The Virgin) – Swift and eloquent.
  7. DanTishrei (September-October), Libra (The Scales) – Represents judgment and discernment.
  8. AsherCheshvan (October-November), Scorpio (The Scorpion) – Blessed with abundance.
  9. ManassehKislev (November-December), Sagittarius (The Archer) – Reflects blessings and triumph.
  10. BenjaminTevet (December-January), Capricorn (The Goat) – Known for bravery and protection.
  11. ReubenShevat (January-February), Aquarius (The Water Bearer) – Represents renewal and repentance.
  12. SimeonAdar (February-March), Pisces (The Fish) – Reflects zeal and passion.

What We Learn Today

The Mazzaroth reminds us of God’s design and His plan for salvation. Genesis 1:14 tells us that the stars are for signs and seasons. They point to key moments, like the star of Bethlehem announcing Jesus’ birth (Matthew 2:2).

Understanding the Mazzaroth helps us see God’s story in the heavens. For example, Virgo reminds us of Mary’s role in Christ’s birth, and Scorpio reflects Jesus’ victory over Satan. These constellations reinforce the Bible’s message of hope and redemption.

How to Explore Further

Here’s how you can dive deeper into the Mazzaroth:

  1. Read the Bible: Study passages like Job 9:9 and Psalm 19:1-4.
  2. Learn Symbolism: Research how the constellations connect to biblical themes.
  3. Pray: Ask God for understanding of His message in creation.
  4. Stay Focused: Avoid secular zodiac interpretations and focus on biblical truths.

The Mazzaroth is not just an ancient idea; it shows God’s creativity, sovereignty, and love. Studying the constellations allows us to see His glory and understand our place in His plan. The stars remind us of His promises and invite us to trust Him.

As we look to the heavens, let’s marvel at the Creator who placed each star. The Mazzaroth reveals His wisdom and draws us closer to His heart.

God bless you
Tony Francis

Breaking Generational Curses: Restoring Sanity and Finding Peace in Christ

“For God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.” 2 Timothy 1:7 MKJV

I come from a family where my bloodline is marked by insanity and mental health challenges. Living in such an environment and interacting with loved ones who are confused, unstable, and reliant on medications is an incredibly tormenting, exhausting, and traumatic experience—not only for them but also for you because you love and care for them deeply!

I despise the spirit of insanity, the oppressive demons, and the biological weaknesses that leave someone trapped in a state of delusion. Not every case of insanity is demonically inspired, of course; some are rooted in physical weaknesses or brain structure. But regardless of the cause, it is all painful and ugly. Yet, God can heal it—no matter the root. Insanity is, at its core, confusion. And how can someone be at peace with themselves or others when they are so confused and oppressed? We offer them deep mercy and understanding—but not pity—because our faith is in their victory.

Mercy doesn’t mean we compromise our belief in God’s power to heal, restore, and transform them through His love!

I’ve always been amazed at the story of the demoniac, who was filled with legions and became sane, still, and clothed, sitting at the feet of Jesus. He longed to follow Jesus because he had discovered the true light of life—love, and salvation through Christ.

Insanity is not resting in Jesus. It’s like the demonized man, living a loud, chaotic existence, drawing attention to himself, scaring and controlling others, never finding peace or allowing others to have it. That’s insanity. True peace resides in the house of the Lord.

For a long time, I thought only some of my family members struggled with mental health issues! I categorized it: only those who saw therapists or took medication were affected. It never occurred to me that I might carry the same generational curse, albeit expressed differently. I wasn’t on medication for depression, nor had I ever seen a therapist. On the contrary, I seemed sharp-minded, creative, and productive. But my lifestyle was marked by decisions that were, in hindsight, insane. I had confusion in my character and thought processes.

It took an encounter with the Holy Spirit to open my eyes. I realized I was also affected, though it was hidden in a different form. You cannot heal what you don’t recognize, and it takes God to reveal it so He can heal it.

I’m grateful to say I’ve been fully restored after all these years, and I continue to stand in faith for my household, because, as it is written: “I shall be saved with my household” and “I and my household will SERVE the Lord.”

Jesus is still in the business of bringing new beginnings, working miracles, displaying His love, and delivering those oppressed by the enemy. (Acts 10:38)

This too shall pass.

God bless you,
Tony Francis

Speak with Confidence, Lead with Love: How Jesus Modeled Prophetic Ministry!

Jesus Christ, the author and finisher of our faith, demonstrated what it means to walk in the Spirit. Today, let’s explore how to prophesy like Jesus and learn from His example!

Recently, I shared the Word of the Lord for the Church, drawing insights from Luke chapter 19. Here, we find a profound exchange between Jesus, our Rabbi, and His disciples, revealing His unique approach to prophecy and words of knowledge. Are you eager to grow in the prophetic and be used by the Lord?

Here’s the story:

“After Jesus had said this, he went on ahead, going up to Jerusalem. As he approached Bethphage and Bethany at the hill called the Mount of Olives, he sent two of his disciples, saying to them, ‘Go to the village ahead of you, and as you enter it, you will find a colt tied there, which no one has ever ridden. Untie it and bring it here. If anyone asks you, ‘Why are you untying it?’ say, ‘The Lord needs it.’' Those who were sent ahead went and found it just as he had told them. As they were untying the colt, its owners asked them, ‘Why are you untying the colt?' They replied, ‘The Lord needs it.' They brought it to Jesus, threw their cloaks on the colt, and put Jesus on it.” (Luke 19:28-35)

In this passage, Jesus prophesies with great detail, telling His disciples they would find a colt that had never been ridden. His words are bold, accurate, and carry divine authority. Notice that Jesus doesn’t waver or couch His statement with “I think” or “I feel.” He speaks with the full assurance of faith, setting an example for us in prophetic boldness. When we’re in the Spirit, we may experience moments of such assurance where we just know what to declare—and we say it confidently.

Jesus was well aware of the scriptural prophecy that He would enter Jerusalem on a colt, fulfilling His Father’s will. But beyond this knowledge, He discerns the precise timing and place, giving details only the Spirit could reveal. When the Holy Spirit moves us to declare something, it’s crucial to speak with clarity, neither watering down the message nor adding unnecessary embellishments. God is glorified not just by what we say, but by how we say it. Many times in my ministry, I’ve experienced this same Spirit-led certainty, where I knew with boldness that the Holy Spirit was speaking.

In a shift within the passage, Jesus models what I call “prophetic interactivity.” He instructs His disciples to say, “If anyone asks you, ‘Why are you untying it?’ say, ‘The Lord needs it.’” Jesus, knowing full well the owner would ask, could have said, “When they ask you…” Instead, He uses “if anyone asks.” Why? Because Jesus respects human free will, even in prophetic scenarios.

This subtle distinction teaches us something important about the prophetic: it respects people’s freedom to respond. Jesus declared with authority that the disciples would find a colt. However, when it came to the owner’s interaction, He instructed them with wisdom, leaving room for the owner’s decision. Even though Jesus likely knew the owner would agree, He didn’t override free will, emphasizing that the prophetic should be respectful and not impose on someone’s conviction.

But how can we be sure Jesus knew the owner would agree? Consider His instructions—He tells His disciples to untie the colt upon entering the village, implying confidence that permission would be granted. Yet, He still guides them to respond conditionally, saying, “If anyone asks…” Jesus, while confident in the outcome, leaves space for respectful engagement.

Incredible, right? Now, take these principles and apply them. Let’s walk in prophetic wisdom, boldness, and respect for free will, just as Jesus did.

God bless you
Tony Francis

The Gospel in it’s simplicity

The call to spread the gospel is a fundamental responsibility of every Christian. The Apostle Paul poignantly raises critical questions in Romans 10:14-15: *“How then will they call on Him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in Him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching?”* These inquiries emphasize the urgency of our mission. The Great Commission, as recorded in Matthew 28:19, commands us to go and make disciples of all nations, highlighting that sharing the gospel is not merely an option but a divine mandate we must obey. Yet, in today’s world, we encounter a troubling trend where various gospels proliferate, often overshadowing the true message of redemption that Christ preached.

In our contemporary context, many individuals present their own versions of the gospel, often focusing on prosperity, material possessions, and fulfilling the desires of the masses. This so-called prosperity gospel diverts attention from the core message of Christ and creates a distorted view of salvation. The urgency to understand the true gospel has never been more pressing, as we must return to the foundational truths that Christ preached to both the Jews and Gentiles—truths that emphasize the necessity of repentance and redemption.

To present the gospel simply, we must first acknowledge the fundamental problem of sin, which disrupted the perfect relationship between humanity and God. From the moment Adam and Eve disobeyed God in the Garden of Eden, as recorded in Genesis, sin entered the world, leaving humanity in a state of depravity. This separation from God highlights that man, inherently sinful, cannot save himself. Romans 3:23 states, *“For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,”* underscoring our collective need for salvation. The reality is stark: without divine intervention, humanity faces eternal condemnation and the wrath of God.

Yet, amidst this dire situation, we find the profound love and mercy of God. Lamentations 3:22-23 reminds us that *“The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; His mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness.”* God, in His justice and mercy, does not abandon us in our sin but actively seeks to reconcile us to Himself. This reconciliation came at a tremendous cost: the sacrifice of His only Son, Jesus Christ. As Paul explains in Romans 5:8, *“But God shows His love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”* Through this act of unparalleled love, our transgressions were laid upon Christ, who bore the punishment we deserved.

In this divine exchange, God provided a means for humanity to be justified and made righteous. The blood of Jesus washed away our sins, restoring the broken relationship between God and man. Through faith in Christ, we receive forgiveness and a renewed standing before God. This restoration emphasizes that God invites us to respond with urgency; we must acknowledge our sinfulness and place our faith in Jesus, believing in His resurrection. Romans 10:9 states, *“If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.”*

In conclusion, presenting the gospel in its simplicity is a call to communicate the profound truths of sin, redemption, and reconciliation. It challenges us to strip away the distractions of modern interpretations and return to the heart of Christ’s message. As we embrace the Great Commission, let us not be swayed by the myriad of gospels that seek to dilute the truth but instead proclaim the authentic gospel of redemption. This is our sacred calling: to share the good news of Jesus Christ with a world desperately in need of hope and salvation. Let us remain faithful to our mission, trusting that through our obedience, many will hear and respond to the life-changing message of the gospel.

By Wilson Loidimu Lenantare
Karatina, Nyeri

What’s the Holy Spirit Saying for October 2024?

It is a time for escalated peace! Listen to what the Lord says for October 2024 and share it with your loved ones! We also encourage you to read the word of the Lord for 5785 / 2025 as the new biblical year starts on Wednesday, October 2nd, 2024. Click here to read!

Is God Your Favorite Episode? Drawing Near to Him (James 4:8)

Do you have an appointment with God, or do you only call on Him when it’s convenient? Is your prayer life unscheduled, your scripture reading sporadic? You reach out to God when you’re in need, but have you noticed He’s been calling you all along, while you remain too busy for Him? And yet, we spend endless hours flipping through social media, all the while rejecting any opportunity to meet with God. How can you expect Him to meet your needs when you constantly reject His call?

God desires our hearts. He wants us to have regular, consistent meetings with Him. He values those set times, placing them on His divine calendar, prepared to meet us when we show up. In those moments, He’s ready to respond to the prayers from our previous meetings. Think about how you prioritize your favorite TV show, sports match, or series—how you adjust your schedule just to make sure you don’t miss it, finding excuses to skip Sunday services while you never fall sick when those episodes are on air. I remember when I watched Joana la Virgen—it was a show I never wanted to miss. My heart was so glued to it that I would rush home from wherever I was just to catch every episode, or even find a place with electricity if there was a power outage. Today, I do the same with Chelsea’s EPL matches—I don’t want to miss a single one. What are you so addicted to that you can’t bear missing it, even going back to watch the replay? Let’s be honest—replays aren’t as thrilling because we already know the outcome.

This is the level of devotion God desires from us—the same energy and dedication we give to our favorite shows or activities. He wants us to schedule regular meetings with Him, setting aside specific times for prayer and devotion. In those moments, the Holy Spirit reviews the “minutes” of your last meeting, and Jesus executes the action plans on God’s behalf. They come prepared with revelations, blessings, and answers just for you. But if your meetings with God are inconsistent and haphazard—showing up one day and missing the next—then God may also respond to your needs sporadically, as if He, too, is working without an appointment.

God expects us to love Him with all our hearts, as Deuteronomy 6:4-5 says: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.” When we give Him our full devotion, He draws nearer to us.

If your prayers are “as and when,” God will meet you “as and when.”
If your scripture reading is “as and when,” He’ll respond “as and when.”

Why can’t Christians have consistent, scheduled devotion like our Muslim brothers and sisters? Why do we only pray when we’re desperate, instead of making it a daily priority, like our favorite TV shows? Shouldn’t our time with God be like that telenovela we never want to miss? Even if we miss an episode, we rush to watch the replay before the next one. We avoid distractions when we’re glued to a football match; how frustrated we get when we miss a crucial moment and the replay isn’t shown! Just like how you call your boyfriend/girlfriend first thing in the morning or want to hear his/her voice before bed, God desires that kind of intentionality and devotion.

As James 4:8 says, “Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you.” When we approach God with faithfulness and consistency, He responds with the same faithfulness, revealing His heart and fulfilling our needs.


Lord, help me prioritize time with You as eagerly as I do my favorite activities. Draw me closer and make our meetings a daily joy. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Prophetic Word For Year 5785/2025: Witchcraft Control & Wealth Transfer

On Wednesday, October 2nd, 2024, we start a new biblical year with the Lord, 5785.

I want to remind you that 5784 (2024) was marked as a “Kingdom Era” and the “Gates of Glory.” 5784 focused on the power of our voices in spiritual warfare to open doors of blessing and invite God's presence, as highlighted in Psalm 24. We were encouraged to be vigilant in our faith declarations to experience a new phase of revival and Kingdom authority. (Link to article). I experienced new gates of glory in my attitude, the fruit of the Spirit, and a new authority in my personal life and ministry. Have you?

As for 5785/2025, this is what I believe the Holy Spirit is showing me. The reason God reveals these things to us is that He is the Spirit of Truth, who reveals things to come to help us discern times and seasons and do something about it for His glory and to serve the earth better. I mention this because some approach prophetic words like horoscopes or in a psychic mode, thereby contaminating what is holy.

We prophesy in part, and this is what I see coming:

In 5785/2025, the spirit of control will continue escalating. It is beyond what we see and whom we blame! People are just vessels to an invisible will or wills. We think we are in control, and we are to some extent, yet the spiritual realm is involved all the time, with the Kingdom of God and the kingdom of darkness at hand. So, it goes beyond governments, laws, or platforms of authority; it is a spirit of control, which is witchcraft.

From the beginning of time, there has been God, who partners with man through his FREE WILL and faith, and there is the devil, who oppresses and forces things upon us, which is the nature of the spirit of witchcraft. To illustrate this, let me explain what witchcraft is by nature. (Watch my free masterclass on witchcraft)

Witchcraft in its highest form is a force that blocks truth or the knowledge of God's truth by oppressing man's free will and subduing it to agree with it to allow it into the earth.

When someone goes to a witch or psychic asking them to put a spell on someone to MAKE THEM fall in love, this is witchcraft. Where is that person's free will? Now demons are involved to oppress this person against their free will. That person can still choose, but they are now under oppression, feeling they have no other choice but to love. The one casting the spell is also deceived and foolish. I would never want someone to be forced to love me; that isn't true love! True love is a communication of one's free will, like JESUS, who freely loves us and invites us to love Him back willingly!

After explaining a bit about the spirit of control and witchcraft, let's go back to the word of the Lord for 5785/2025.

The spirit of control will escalate!!! You can call it government, laws, technology, etc., but it is a spiritual war. Control is exercised by threatening a person's assets and provisions. Lebanon went through this and is still experiencing it! No Lebanese can access their funds in the banks. This is not due to a legal restriction or protecting our economy from an instant crash upon withdrawal; it is witchcraft in action—it is illegal and unjust!

This year, we will witness an escalation of this controlling spirit and the unlocking of more depths and hierarchies of these spirits of control. Where is the good news? Glad you asked. It is in the title of this word: “Wealth Transfer.”

It is a year for wealth transfer! But it will be established after a battle. God commanded the Egyptians to give back and more to His people everything they needed to leave slavery and worship Him in the wilderness. I'd rather worship the Lord in a wilderness with less than be a slave in Babel.

God wants to release wealth to His people, but He has at the top of His list those who are ready to worship Him with these assets and treasures. You may receive some too, because He loves you! But God wants to entrust His worshipers with wealth to advance His Kingdom on earth.

Those not in covenant with God will experience the suffering and oppression of the spirit of control. Let's also remember (BECAUSE WE WON'T FORGET, though we forgive) how they forced everyone to take the COVID-19 vaccines (I didn't). Control is the mark of the beast! That was not a preventive approach or precaution to save humanity though we thank them for their love, care, and efforts; but it was a spirit of control/witchcraft. That was witchcraft in the health area. This year, it could manifest in other realms and areas too! Be watchful.

If you belong to the Lord, He is your economy, and you are not under the oppression of the spirit of witchcraft. God will even use you to break this oppression off of others. So, let's say you are a Christian banker: be just, even if it costs you, for God will bless you back! Freedom is costly, and serving others in the goodness of the Lord is too!

You can pray about this prophetic word and position yourself now to take authority over what is coming, not out of fear, but out of faith and discernment of times and seasons. You can mark your soul, body, health, assets, family, house, cars, job, etc., as the Lord's and not for the spirit of control.

God is greater, and His glory on you shall be seen in the coming gross darkness. Let’s escalate in His glorious freedom as we advance in the end times and keep reaching out to a dying world crying for the Savior. Preach, Church!

We appreciate your sowing into us for this year. You never go wrong by sowing intentionally to the Lord and this ministry, declaring that you honor the Lord with your finances, and that money is not an idol for you; it is not your source—God is. Thanks for your generous sowing! You can sow prophetically too and have fun creatively by playing with numbers 57.85, 578.5, 20.25, or 202.5 or more.

Yes, I want to sow now!

You can also request the year prophetic word for 5785/2025 or your birthday year too, and we will pray for you and send you the word of the Lord.

Yes, Prophesy For Me Please.

Happy Blessed New Year in the Lord, y’all!
Tony Francis

The Ministry of Intercession in the End Times

“The Spirit and the bride say, ‘Come!' And let the one who hears say, ‘Come!' Let the one who is thirsty come, and let the one who wishes take the free gift of the water of life.” Revelation 22:17 (NIV)

The Bible ends with this verse!

I understand the Spirit and the Bride saying “Come” as the ministry of intercession! It is a heart cry, a prayer asking for the Kingdom of Jesus to come. As we approach the end of this dispensation, prayer, and intercession will be restored and increased to greater levels. It's no wonder that we are seeing houses of worship rising worldwide. There is a growing recruitment of intercessors, driven by the urgent need for intercession because the days are dark!

Are you feeling a deep stirring within you for intercession?

I have personally experienced an accelerated upgrade in intercession. The Spirit within me, as the Bride of Christ, is praying fervently for people and nations. These are often quick prayers, but they are weighty, anointed by the Spirit, and reaching the throne of Grace and Mercy. I find myself interceding for various matters, even while doing the dishes. I hear names—sometimes unfamiliar names—and feel prompted about future events, then quickly partner with the Holy Spirit in prayer. It is increasing! Are you experiencing the same escalation?

The High Priest, Compassion Himself, visited Abraham to invite him to intercede for Sodom and Gomorrah. We often perceive God as rushing toward destruction, but He makes every effort to save us. Abraham responded to this divine invitation to intercede with Jehovah, and so will the Bride respond to the nudges of the Spirit. We will gain insight, change lives, and witness the impact of God’s loving kindness and mercy.

You are part of His end-times activity.

I even see, in the spirit, a vision of incense grains sticking to your lips. You are His royal priest, positioned with the Lord, and He is waiting for you to make a difference in your generation and in generations to come because your prayers have a ripple effect that doesn't fade.

God in your prayer life is the X-factor, and no one can surpass Him, just as Nebuchadnezzar declared: “Heaven has dominion.”

It’s time to awaken to your identity and position in Christ as the most authoritative being on earth. It’s time to send and release missiles of glory, power, deliverance, altar-breaking, healing, love, joy, peace, righteousness, sanity to kings, protection, and more.

That's why we invite you by the Spirit to be part of your prayer team, create one maybe at your home, and join our NEWLY launched prophetic intercession ministry called: “The Checkdate”.

God bless you,
Tony Francis

What’s Holy Spirit Saying to us for September 2024?

Are you feeling stressed or overwhelmed? This month's prophetic word from Tony Francis is for you! September 2024 is a time for renewal and breaking free from mental strongholds. In this prophetic word, you'll discover how God is dealing with the enemies of your mental health, why September is a powerful month for overcoming anxiety, depression, and negative thought patterns, and a beautiful vision of sanity and peace being released. You'll also learn to claim your breakthrough and share your testimony. Don't wait—listen now and be encouraged by God's love, power, and sound mind for you. P.S. You can send your healing testimonies at contact.healednations.com.

What is the Holy Spirit Saying to the United States of America?

Long before Jesus Christ resurrected Lazarus from the dead after four days, Jesus was already a friend of Lazarus, and nothing could take away that bond. This is the same kind of relationship between the Lord and America. America's death, decay, chaos, and confusion cannot sever the realm of friendship between her and Jesus. Your friendship remains!

“For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 8:38-39 (NIV)

The relationship between America and the Lord is very special; not many are called friends of Jesus. Friends have benefits and special favors, you know. A covenant in friendship is different from other kinds of relationships. Take, for example, David and Jonathan in the Old Testament.

America will indulge in the benefits of her friendship with Yeshua! This is not a fleeting friendship; it has been there for a long, long time. Jesus holds on to these kinds of relationships.

I strongly sense that the Lord will wipe away the shame from America—its culture, its people, and the Church of America. Shame is on Jesus' table now; it is His priority! I can't be a friend to someone and bring shame to them—I refuse that. I aim to glorify my friends, the dear ones. Yeshua is the Glory and the Lifter of America's head!

As the USA turns back to Jesus, glory will begin to be restored to her. Like Nebuchadnezzar, who was gloriously restored after years of shame and being dethroned, the Word of God says that Nebuchadnezzar's latter days were greater than the former, and God moved mightily after He restored him because he looked up and acknowledged the God of Heaven. (See Daniel 4:34-37)

Will you look up again, America, to Jesus? Your greatness in servanthood began on the Rock of Ages, and God wants to restore that. I see a great fiery move of the Holy Spirit among the young people in America, and this move is beyond anything compared to Azusa and beyond.

Glory to every sector, area, and system in America, God's friend!

God bless you,
Tony Francis

Feel free to pray for America in the comments below and share your prophetic revelations!