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Unveiling the Mazzaroth: The Biblical Meaning Behind the Constellations

Have you ever looked up at the stars and wondered if they hold a message for you? What if the constellations aren’t about astrology but actually tell God’s story and yours? This Bible-based article shows how the stars, from Virgo announcing Christ’s birth to Leo proclaiming His victory, reveal God’s plan. But Satan has brought deception, twisting the stars into tools for astrology and false guidance, hiding their true purpose. Discover the Mazzaroth, the story God wrote with His own finger and breathed into creation, hidden in plain sight to strengthen your faith and reveal His purpose for your life.

The Bible tells us, “The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of His hands” (Psalm 19:1). Yet, many people are unaware of how the stars reveal God’s plans. The Mazzaroth, the Hebrew word for constellations, gives us insights into God’s story of salvation, His design for Israel, and His purposes for humanity.

What Is the Mazzaroth?

The Mazzaroth is mentioned in Job 38:31-33, where God asks Job, “Can you bind the chains of the Pleiades or loosen Orion’s belt? Can you bring forth the constellations (Mazzaroth) in their seasons?” This shows that God placed the stars with a purpose. They are not random but part of His divine design.

Many people associate the constellations with astrology, but the Bible’s perspective is very different. The constellations are not for predicting fortunes; instead, they reveal God’s redemption plan. Each one symbolizes a piece of God’s story, from creation to Christ’s victory.

The Story of the Mazzaroth

The Mazzaroth tells a story that begins with a promise of salvation and ends with Christ’s reign as King. Here’s the order of the constellations and their biblical meanings:

  1. Virgo (The Virgin) 👩 – Represents the virgin birth of Jesus (Isaiah 7:14).
  2. Libra (The Scales) ⚖️ – Symbolizes justice and the need for atonement through Jesus (Romans 3:23-26).
  3. Scorpio (The Scorpion) 🦂 – Shows Satan’s defeat by Jesus (Genesis 3:15).
  4. Sagittarius (The Archer) 🏹 – Points to Jesus as the victorious Redeemer (Psalm 45:4-5).
  5. Capricorn (The Goat) 🐐 – Represents Jesus as the sacrificial Lamb (Leviticus 16:15).
  6. Aquarius (The Water Bearer) 🌊 – Symbolizes the outpouring of the Holy Spirit (John 7:38-39).
  7. Pisces (The Fish) 🐟 – Represents believers and the growth of the Church (Matthew 4:19).
  8. Aries (The Ram) 🐏 – Highlights Jesus as the Lamb who takes away sin (John 1:29).
  9. Taurus (The Bull) 🐂 – Signifies Christ’s return in strength and judgment (Revelation 19:11-16).
  10. Gemini (The Twins) 👯‍♂️ – Reflects Jesus’ dual nature as God and man (Philippians 2:6-8).
  11. Cancer (The Crab) 🦀 – Represents the gathering of God’s people into His kingdom (John 14:2-3).
  12. Leo (The Lion) 🦁 – Points to Jesus as the Lion of Judah, reigning forever (Revelation 5:5).

The Tribes of Israel and the Mazzaroth

Each of Israel’s twelve tribes is linked to a constellation. When God promised Abraham descendants as numerous as the stars (Genesis 15:5), it symbolized His covenant with the tribes of Israel. Here is how the tribes align with the Mazzaroth, starting with Nisan, the first month of the Hebrew calendar:

  1. GadNisan (March-April), Aries (The Ram) – Known for strength and courage.
  2. EphraimIyar (April-May), Taurus (The Bull) – Represents fruitfulness and leadership.
  3. ZebulunSivan (May-June), Gemini (The Twins) – Associated with trade and living by the sea.
  4. IssacharTammuz (June-July), Cancer (The Crab) – Known for wisdom and understanding.
  5. JudahAv (July-August), Leo (The Lion) – Symbolizes kingship and praise.
  6. NaphtaliElul (August-September), Virgo (The Virgin) – Swift and eloquent.
  7. DanTishrei (September-October), Libra (The Scales) – Represents judgment and discernment.
  8. AsherCheshvan (October-November), Scorpio (The Scorpion) – Blessed with abundance.
  9. ManassehKislev (November-December), Sagittarius (The Archer) – Reflects blessings and triumph.
  10. BenjaminTevet (December-January), Capricorn (The Goat) – Known for bravery and protection.
  11. ReubenShevat (January-February), Aquarius (The Water Bearer) – Represents renewal and repentance.
  12. SimeonAdar (February-March), Pisces (The Fish) – Reflects zeal and passion.

What We Learn Today

The Mazzaroth reminds us of God’s design and His plan for salvation. Genesis 1:14 tells us that the stars are for signs and seasons. They point to key moments, like the star of Bethlehem announcing Jesus’ birth (Matthew 2:2).

Understanding the Mazzaroth helps us see God’s story in the heavens. For example, Virgo reminds us of Mary’s role in Christ’s birth, and Scorpio reflects Jesus’ victory over Satan. These constellations reinforce the Bible’s message of hope and redemption.

How to Explore Further

Here’s how you can dive deeper into the Mazzaroth:

  1. Read the Bible: Study passages like Job 9:9 and Psalm 19:1-4.
  2. Learn Symbolism: Research how the constellations connect to biblical themes.
  3. Pray: Ask God for understanding of His message in creation.
  4. Stay Focused: Avoid secular zodiac interpretations and focus on biblical truths.

The Mazzaroth is not just an ancient idea; it shows God’s creativity, sovereignty, and love. Studying the constellations allows us to see His glory and understand our place in His plan. The stars remind us of His promises and invite us to trust Him.

As we look to the heavens, let’s marvel at the Creator who placed each star. The Mazzaroth reveals His wisdom and draws us closer to His heart.

God bless you
Tony Francis

Kent Mattox Prophecy For 5785 and 2025: Entering a Season of Abundance & Wealth Transfer

The Sound of Abundance

This head of the year carries a theme of “battling for the high places,” but I believe the Holy Spirit is highlighting a specific high place: the high place of abundance. Let me share a scripture with you:

“Then Elijah said to Ahab, ‘Go up, eat and drink, for there is a sound of abundance of rain.'” (1 Kings 18:41)

It's striking that Elijah, the same prophet who declared a drought, now proclaims an abundance of rain. We've been through a season of preparation, a time of tightening our belts, as Chuck prophesied. I remember that word clearly; it coincided with the Lord speaking to me personally about a new season of resourcing.

This time of limitation, of learning to make do, has been essential. Deuteronomy 8:16-18 reminds us that God led Israel through the wilderness to humble and test them for their ultimate good. He provided manna, just enough to sustain them.

I believe the Church has been in a similar wilderness, a time of testing and refining. But the greatest test is yet to come: the test of abundance. The Lord showed me this clearly. It's easy to stay faithful in lack; abundance brings its own set of challenges.

Emerging from the Wilderness

We are emerging from this wilderness season into a place of overflowing provision. Years ago, the Lord spoke to me about discipline. I initially misunderstood, thinking I was being corrected for past mistakes. But the Lord clarified:

“Discipline is not necessary for what you've done in the past that's wrong. Actually, discipline is for preparation for the future of what you're going to do.”

It's like resistance training; it prepares us for greater strength and endurance. We have been in a season of spiritual resistance training, preparing us for the abundance that is coming.

This abundance will manifest in many ways: increased influence, greater anointing and power, and overflowing resources to accomplish God's will. We may have felt limited, but God is bringing us out into a wide-open space of provision.

Breaking Free from Limitation

I want to share a personal testimony about how this shift has been unfolding in my own life. We recently completed a 14-year building project here at Wordalive International Outreach. It was a long and challenging journey, and we ended up with a significant amount of debt.

Rumors circulated that we had built outside of God's will. While I knew in my heart we had followed His leading, the financial burden weighed heavily on me. I cried out to the Lord, asking for clarity and direction. His response was profound:

“I put you in debt so that I could limit you and discipline you so that you only do what I want you to do. Because if you had plenty of resources in this season, you would do a lot of things that may appear good, but would not be my plan or my will.”

He was limiting me to keep me focused on His perfect plan. He reminded me of Joseph, whose feet were bound in fetters while the word of the Lord tried him. This season of limitation was a time of testing and refining.

The Lord then led me to Psalm 66:12:

“For you, O God, have tested us; you have refined us as silver is refined. You brought us into the net; you laid affliction on our backs; you have caused men to ride over our heads; we went through fire and water, but you brought us out to a wealthy place.”

This verse resonated deeply. We have been tested and tried, but God is bringing us out into a place of abundance. He then gave me further revelation about the phrase “men riding over our heads.” He said, “That's debt. That's limited resources.”

But now, He is lifting our heads! Psalm 3 declares, “But you, O Lord, are a shield for me, my glory, and the lifter of my head.” And Psalm 27:6 proclaims, “And now my head shall be lifted up above my enemies all around me.”

This is a season of elevation and victory! Deuteronomy 28:12 promises, “The Lord will open to you His good treasure, the heavens, to give the rain to your land in its season, and to bless all the work of your hand. You shall lend to many nations, but you shall not borrow.”

Declaring Abundance

I believe we have crossed a threshold into a new era of abundance. It's time to shift our mindset from scarcity to overflowing provision. 2 Corinthians 9:8 assures us that God is able to make all grace abound toward us, that we, always having all sufficiency in all things, may have an abundance for every good work.

This isn't just about having enough; it's about having more than enough to be a blessing to others. I see a wealth transfer coming, where the wealth of the wicked is released into the hands of the righteous. God will birth businesses and release creative ideas that will generate wealth and expand His Kingdom globally.

As we step into 5785, let's declare together that we will be the head and not the tail, above only and not beneath. Let's sow seeds of first fruits, believing for a harvest of abundance. Let's pray for debts to be canceled and for God to resource us beyond our wildest dreams.

The sound of abundance is filling the air. This is the time to ask for rain! Let's embrace this new season with faith and expectancy, knowing that God is ready to pour out His blessings upon us.

By Kent Mattox

Note: Kent Mattox didn't submit this article to our website. We saw a video of him and wanted to feature his confirming prophetic word for 5785 that the Lord gave Tony Francis, too. You can read it here: “Prophetic Word For Year 5785/2025: Witchcraft Control & Wealth Transfer” Read more

Divine Walls of Protection

Daniel 3:13-15 (NKJV)

“Then Nebuchadnezzar, in rage and fury, gave the command to bring Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego. So they brought these men before the king. Nebuchadnezzar spoke, saying to them, ‘Is it true, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego, that you do not serve my gods or worship the gold image which I have set up? Now if you are ready at the time you hear the sound of the horn, flute, harp, lyre, and psaltery, in symphony with all kinds of music, and you fall down and worship the image which I have made, good! But if you do not worship, you shall be cast immediately into the midst of a burning fiery furnace. And who is the god who will deliver you from my hands?’”


The devil constantly throws a challenge at sons of God because he knows he cannot directly take hold of them. ( 1 Peter 5:8). He recognizes that the Lord’s protection covers His children. The devil's strategy is to lure believers out of their divine protection and into his zone of attack. This is akin to how Nebuchadnezzar challenged Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego to bow to his gods in order to force them out their protection into his stronghold of attack.

Believers are shielded in God's house of protection, with the devil only able to challenge from outside. (Ephesians 6:11) He attempts to entice us to step out of our preserve. Unable to breach our stronghold, the devil resorts to throwing stones at us. It is only the weak who attacks you by standing afar and throw stones at you. These stones come in the form of sickness, financial troubles, hopelessness, pain.etc Ephesians 6:11

To counter these attacks, Christians must build taller walls of protection through prayer. Prayer is the key to strengthening our defenses. Just as the devil threw a challenge at Job through his wife and friends to curse God and be free and endured stones of sickness and loss of properties and children, he remained steadfast in his faith. Job 2:9-10

Joseph also faced the devil's challenge and was thrown into prison. (Genesis 39:20-21) Even Jesus faced the devil’s tests. Despite these trials, they all emerged victorious.

Challenges and stones are part of the Christian battle. By building stronger walls of prayer, we can overcome these trials. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego did not succumb to Nebuchadnezzar's challenge and were saved from the fiery furnace by God.

Whatever stones the devil throws at you—whether they be trials, sickness, or despair—remember that God is with you. Just as He was with Joseph, Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, Abed-Nego, and Jesus, He will protect you and ensure that the devil does not prevail

Stay strong in your faith and continue to build your walls of protection through prayer.


Heavenly Father,

We thank You for Your divine protection and unending grace. As we face the challenges and trials of life, we ask for Your strength to uphold us and keep us within the safety of Your walls. Help us to remain steadfast in our faith, to build our spiritual defenses through prayer, and to trust in Your protection against every attack of the enemy. Empower us to overcome every trial, knowing that with You by our side, we are shielded and secure.

In Jesus’ name, we pray,


Rexford Moses

Divine Weight Loss Made Simple

We all have struggled with weight gain at some point in our lives, some a little, others a lot. Fat is an enemy that all humanity is waging war against. We have even forged all kinds of weapons against Fat, but sometimes it seems that Fat believes in God and I imagine it decreeing: “No weapon formed against me shall prosper.” It is funny, right? but not really, because many feel that weight gain is this impossible giant to defeat and fat is more stubborn than hell.

Some were discouraged in their journey of beating fat and being restored to health, strength, and perfect shape, yielding to depression and the giving-up spirit because they DECREED a lifetime decree: IT DOESN'T WORK! God understands your disappointment, and suffering and He is compassionate toward you, but let me also be truthful here: if that was or is your decree, congrats, you trapped yourself in death cycles and whatever you believe for will be enforced and manifest in your life and body.

Not long ago, I had some friends visiting me and we were eating. I had some chips on my table (don't try this at home, haha), and a sister in the Lord ate a tiny amount, and immediately made a death statement after eating the chips: “The chips I ate will be fat now and will work itself to give me some weight gain.” I told her something that renewed her mind of faith and remained with her to this very day. She even reminds me of this beautiful aha moment for her. I told her, “What you declared is a death statement. Why condition your body to believe this will work against you?” Besides the fact that we should consider LIFE decisions in our eating and in everything we do, let's be pro-life for our bodies.

I know what I am saying doesn't make sense to you because God's mercy doesn't make sense either. Mercy means God sparing you an expected outcome and a bad report for your mistakes. We deserve hell, but God's mercy annihilated that because we believed in Jesus. Am I encouraging you to be reckless and stupid in your life choices? Not at all, but I invite you to consider life statements for your shortcomings when you make them.

Don't decree your death sentence with your statements and belief systems. Be pro-life for yourself and live in the mercy realm of God as you keep maturing in life choices and quality decisions.

“They (YOU) will pick up serpents with their hands; and if they drink any deadly poison, it will not hurt them; they will lay their hands on the sick, and they will recover.” Mark 16:18 (ESV)

Make the devil mad today and lock yourself in cycles of life instead of death, judgment, and decay!

All the worldly people think if they eat bad, they feel and look bad, and Christians have the same report, sadly. Don't think like sinners because you have privileges they don't have! God is always spilling mercy over you and making things right for you if you know how to connect with this supernatural covenant by faith.

A couple of days ago, I laid my hands on my belly and inside, it felt like a big mountain to me, literally, haha. God's word says that the last enemy to defeat is death, and I felt that the last part of my weight loss would be for my belly because this is the doctrine I grew up with—that belly fat is the hardest and most stubborn. Then the Holy Spirit spoke to me and said, “This is the easy part for me and it will go faster than the other fat distributed in other parts of your body.” It seems God likes to work with the odds first, right? That Holy Spirit moment renewed my mind and faith.

Jesus is releasing mercy to you and me night and day because, in this world, we face death a lot, even with a little bit of chips we eat. We need His mercy, His life to break into our death systems and activities. God's grace doesn't encourage us to SIN but to be more holy, remember that. I have to clarify this because maybe some of you still don't get it and think I am encouraging you to go for bad habits.

This is not what I am saying here, just don't partner with death decrees even if you wronged yourself. This is what I am saying because you have the tools to go for life and stay in life!

Some things in life, like chips or fries, are obvious poison, right? But we are partaking of death from the water faucet maybe, or the air we breathe, or the ORGANIC vegetables we THINK are life-giving for us. We need God's mercy for both the obvious poisons (“chips”) we eat AND for what we consider healthy and life-giving. Of course, be mature and avoid what you know is bad. God loves it when we show responsibility according to the measure of knowledge we receive. It is healthy to steward our revelations to be entrusted with more, BUT always depend on God's mercy for life and not necessarily on the good or the bad you do.


God bless you,
Tony Francis

Share this word with your community and your opinion in the comments below.

Activating Abundance Now Through This Creative Technique – “Fatherhood”

I want to let you in on another personal creative writing from my “Abundance Journal” and the blessing topic was about being transformed into Fatherhood.

If you've spent time around me and the ministry, you're likely aware that I'm a man of activation. I enjoy empowering others to realize their God-given potential, particularly in the prophetic realm. I've always been a practical believer in my walk with the Lord. I seek to understand spiritual concepts and experience my inheritance in Christ in practical, tangible ways. God delights in us when we embrace what His only begotten Son sacrificed for.

One of the activation techniques I've adopted is what I call “My Abundance Journal.” I select a blessing topic and creatively write about it. I'll share my process and encourage you to engage in it during your private time. Essentially, this journaling exercise involves journeying with the Holy Spirit to amplify your blessings in your imagination, stretching your mindset to its maximum capacity, much like physical exercise builds muscles. The excerpt you're about to read touches on one of the many topics I've explored: My fatherhood transformation!

God is boundless! We're born into a culture of limitations, scarcity, and poverty mentality. Your feet won't take you where your mind hasn't already visited before.

In this activation, the key is to break down mental barriers and expand your beliefs through creative writing and imagination. While it might be challenging for some, it promises great blessings. Understand that this creative writing exercise is meant to stretch your mindset and perspective; it's not necessarily a prophecy that will come to pass. Approach it with a spirit of enjoyment and fun, and remember, as much as you exaggerate, you'll never surpass God's abundance and goodness for us. We may fall short, but we can still attempt to scratch the surface! Stretching your borders, start by stretching your mindset and belief system, let's activate…

Below is not a vision or a prophecy, it is a creative writing with the Holy Spirit to unlock abundance in a certain area of a blessing!

Immersed in Infinite Fatherhood:

Not a long time ago, I came back home and to my surprise, I found a very strange-looking key resting on my sofa in the living room. It is not my key, I said. For some moments I tried to think hard if somebody visited me recently and left the key there. No one, none! For months now I had no visitations. That made the moment so weird and odd to me and a little bit frightening.

I approached to behold the key closely, it was so surprising to me, I don’t think there is a key like it on earth in form and power that is emanating from. That key was in the form of the letter F. I can’t describe to you the amount of power, security, dominion, love, and joy emanating from that F-form letter key. Do I grab it? I thought to myself. I was hesitant not because of fear but because somehow, I knew I would journey into something big through that key.

Then I reached out suddenly and quickly without thinking anymore because I didn’t want to waste any more time. I want to step into this!

THE key visited my house for a reason. Boldness came over me and I grabbed it in both hands. I wanted it. What is this key all about? Where is the door anyway for this key? Who would provide a supernatural key to me without the door? As I overwhelmed myself with all those reasonable thoughts because of my desperation to use the key, suddenly an Angel appeared to me in the room and in the middle of his stomach I saw an opening for the F key I was holding in my hands. The Angel said nothing, I just knew that I could insert my key into the Angel. I knew that because I saw in my imagination that I was approaching the Angel and doing this. This is how I know what to do!

I am a tough man, strong, bold, manly inside and in my appearance but my heart was beating as I was approaching this opportunity.

I stretched my hand to put the key inside and at some point, the energy hovering on the opening attracted the key and sucked it in. Instantly, I saw myself in a big womb then I realized it was not a womb but a BOSOM!

A huge, gigantic bosom. I felt like I was sitting in an unlimited energy field of strength, affirmations, love, correction, intimacy, and creativity. For a reason, I wasn’t consumed by that bosom. As humans, we put words to our experiences, so that bosom for me felt like FATHER’s lap but infinitely multiplied. I could stay here all day, not all day, but forever! It became my chair of comfort!

The longer I sat in the Father’s bosom, the longer I was filled with its substance and then I started seeing the faces of people that I didn’t know but I felt they were all my children and I am responsible for them.

What? I am 38, not married, and don’t know what fatherhood means, what is going on?

That F key was FATHERHOOD's presence. When I began to understand FATHERHOOD and that blessed bosom, I started getting mysteries, secrets, and downloads about the universe and everything about it. FATHERHOOD originates everything!

Then I felt like a huge thunderous sound wave was coming toward me like a train. We hear the train coming from afar! That sound felt like that… and BOOM it hit my core.

I thought I was going to hear a sentence in my language, but it was more an energy language that filled my being and I heard it and understood it as much as I could. I was empowered at that moment to manifest FATHERHOOD energy and heart.

I was never the same, everything changed in me even in my physical appearance. OMG!

Fatherhood looks like something.

Super Dad
Tony Francis

Let me know in the comments below your opinion about this activation and if you have tried it. Also, I want you to watch my new 1-hour video course “As you go up, glory comes down”: Learn more

The Word of the Lord For 2024: Birthing & High Hopes in Business

Jesus Christ is the center of times, and everything the heavenly Father does or proclaims is all centered around His glorious Son, Yeshua, because the testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of prophecy. The following prophetic word glorifies one person only and exalts Him on high because He is worthy!

What is God saying for the year 2024? HEALING.

I believe that the Holy Spirit dropped this beautiful one word in my spirit for what is to come and what the earth is stepping into. God is about the business of healing the earth of the many waves, tsunamis, turbulences, shakings, and storms it tolerated.

I feel in my heart the rise of the peace/shalom/wholeness of the Lord as a high and lifted-up banner over the earth, especially in the marketplace. Why the market?

The marketplace, or let’s refer to it as the business mountain, is on God’s heart big time because God loves services. Jesus’s ministry is all about being a servant to others; He said, “I came to serve and not to be served.” There is greatness in serving and being in lowly places to lift others to a better place of quality of life.

This area, the business avenue, suffered from the attempt to shift it from a place of serving to a place of just surviving fueled by fear and selfishness, and thus its original pure purpose becomes contaminated and moves far from servanthood. God wants and will bring healing to that in Jesus’ name!

The Lord will restore lost dreams, and broken businesses in 2024 and beyond. It is going to be like an explosion and the birthing of new hopes, networks, ideas, and companies, to a place of taking the pampering of humans to the next level. I see in the spirit a move of the Holy Spirit in airplanes and airports. God is going to bring such beauty, wisdom, order, renovation, revolution, and rest to the flying experience. Airplanes will indeed soar this year!

God will back you up in your business this year like never before. As you know, 5784 and 2024 are the years of the DOOR, which means entrance, opportunity, and the King of Glory coming in powerfully.

If God is urging you to start a certain business or upgrade, I don’t think there are better times than that. Let’s discern times and seasons and walk aligned with what Heaven is doing as illuminated people of God, walking in His wisdom, discernment, understanding, and boldness for the glory of the Lord. It is going to be very exciting; believe me, that you will be standing on your tiptoe thrilled with high hopes and the blessings of the Lord.

I totally see the Lord highlighting the business mountain this year, and He is going to land on it and use His Church in this arena in greater integration because what the Church carries from anointing, creativity, wisdom, favor, love, and values orchestrated by the Spirit of Jesus, no one carries!

God means business this year; let’s shake hands and partner with Him!


Blessed and Happy New Year to you

Tony Francis

You may also be interested in reading this article: 5784/2024 Year of the Kingdom Era Gates of Glory

Prophetic Word For the Month of Kislev 5784 December 2023

The month of Kislev 5784 is HERE!

I pray this prophetic word anoints you with understanding and aligns you with God's will, purposes, and blessings for this month. This is what the Holy Spirit is wanting us to know about the month of Kislev 5784:

Many of you have come from a long tough season of wilderness. You have sown in tears but joy comes in the morning.

I see the Lord standing at the door with a heart in his hands. I see that this is the heart of courage and boldness and Jesus wants to impart it to you. Because after the wilderness, the Kingdom is at hand. We know from the bible how Jesus/Yeshua came out of the wilderness in the power of the Holy Spirit and started establishing his Kingdom all around.

People have seen you at your lowest, many surrounded you and prayed with you and for you. They saw you in the pit, they felt your faithfulness and NOW says the Spirit of God they will see you high and lifted up, promoted and filled with a glorious joy and unspeakable! They will see through you the God of seasons who shifts us and WHO DOESN'T FORGET US IN THE DARK. Joseph was left and forgotten in his dark prison and no ONE remembered him but GOD at the right timing. It is your right timing!

Will you receive courage and boldness today, in this month because God says you will be his powerhouse for this hour and you shall advance his Kingdom with manifestations and love and do exploits for him?

You were kept for such a moment, there is no turning back, no turning back!


God bless you
Tony Francis

If you feel like sowing and giving to the Lord beginning of this month, you can donate here. We thank God for you and appreciate your support because it helps us reach many around the world with the different ministries we have. Don't forget to join our private Facebook group and WhatsApp channel we provide you the links after your donation! Make a donation now!

There Is No Going Around, We Must Go Through!

I had an interesting conversation the other day with my niece and namesake Cheryl (who we call Tulla.)We were talking about life and the things that happen to get us “tied up”, by our own mistakes, sometimes by adverse results of other’s choices and sometimes just by events that happen that are out of our control but still they have the same affect of making us stuck in life.

Tulla and I both love to crochet, (although she is much better at it than I am), her mom (my sister) Diane taught me when I was round 13 years old.

So in our conversation I thought the analogy of yarn seemed to be fitting as I compared our lives to a long strand of yarn, stretching from one end to another. Along the way, there are the inevitable knots that occur, sometimes just one; usually from trying to go too fast or not paying close enough attention to our stitches, but those are easy to fix. Other times there can become a cluster of knots that seem to come from out of nowhere and these are not so easy to fix as they often seem to take on a life of their own, and can be more than frustrating.

We both laughed as we identified with the fact that we could spend hours, even days, trying to loosen, unravel and untie this mess and sometimes the harder we would work at unraveling it, the more the knotted mess would mysteriously grow. The point I was making was that the beginning and the end are distinct and no matter how many knots occur along the way we still end up where God had intended us to be, sometimes despite the knots and sometimes because of them. This reminded me of one of my favorite scriptures in the bible Genesis 50:20, “what was intended for evil, (or to harm me) God will use for good.”

Tulla then said something that really struck us both “yes, and there is only one way to fix the knot, you have to go back through the way you came” there is no other way!” Exactly! I replied!

I sat in silence for a second as I thought about the depth of what she had just said and then she followed up with something we had heard her mom say countless times “there is no way around; only through” referring to going through difficult situations and problems in life. This felt like a very profound moment, almost as if we had uncovered the answer to some mysterious riddle.

I’ve continued to contemplate this and realized that as we journey along the path of life, our disobedience and mistakes can cause knots along the way, tangling up the yarn and diverting us from God's intended path…momentarily. But rest assured there is nothing that takes God by surprise!

When we find ourselves off course, entangled in the mess of our choices or mistakes, it is essential to recognize that we need to go back the way we came. This is what I refer to as “Full Circle Moments” in life where we are given grace and wisdom to untangle our mess.

Just as we patiently and carefully untangle a knot in a ball of yarn, we must retrace our steps, seeking forgiveness, making amends, and realigning ourselves with God's will.

Sometimes, untangling the knots requires humility, as we acknowledge our mistakes and take responsibility for our actions. It may involve seeking forgiveness from others or making difficult decisions to rectify the consequences of our disobedience. Just as we gently pull and separate the strands of yarn to untangle a knot, we must be willing to address the issues that caused the entanglement in our lives.

As we untangle the knots, we gradually find ourselves back on the right path, where we were meant to be. It is a process that requires patience, perseverance, and a willingness to learn from our mistakes. We may need to seek guidance from God's Word, prayer, and wise counsel to navigate through the complexities of untangling our lives.

Ultimately, as we untangle the knots and realign ourselves with God's will, we begin to experience the freedom, peace, and purpose that come from being in the right place once the course correction has taken place. We discover that God's grace is sufficient to redeem our mistakes and turn them into opportunities for growth and transformation.

Just as the untangled yarn becomes a smooth, unbroken strand, our lives can be restored and aligned with God's perfect plan. The journey of untangling the knots reminds us of God's faithfulness, His willingness to guide us back on track, and His ability to use even our disobedience and mistakes for our ultimate good.

I am praying that we will all embrace the process of untangling the knots, trusting that God's loving hands are at work, leading us back to the center of His will, where we can experience His abundant blessings and fulfill the purpose He has for our lives.

Prophetic Word For Year 5784/2024: Kingdom Era & Gates of Glory

Three years ago we stepped into a whole new decade on God’s calendar when we entered the biblical year 5780. 80 According to messianic Jews and some Christian gentiles who study the times and seasons say it refers to the word PEY which means THE MOUTH. We all know and experienced the huge worldwide attacks on our mouths and breaths when COVID-19 hit in 2020/5780.

I tell you the truth, the devil's war is always against the Church of Jesus Christ on the earth and he is not very much concerned about others who are not in Christ and have no authority over him. The Church of Yeshua threatens the devil so badly and he has no problem shutting down the whole earth if he can just to try to annihilate the Church in every season of power and glory. Let's remember that wicked laws for a whole nation were erected just to resist one person in the Old Testament and that was the prophet Daniel. What about Elisha the prophet when a whole ferocious well-equipped army strategized against him to come his way, arrest him, and kill him because he kept exposing their secrets and war tactics to the King of Israel? Don't be surprised my brothers and sisters when I tell you that, let's know our bible really well and our defeated foe we are resisting in the name of the Lord.

PEY, the mouth should mean a lot to the enemy that we saw him paralyzing all nations for the sake of it. Why? Why all that attack over the mouth, the words of authority, the breath of God in the Church, the sons and daughters of glory? Not only do we see the enemy trying to shut our mouths literally with masks but also we see the rise of oppression and persecution over the Christian voices in media especially and all kinds of other platforms. We also see the overwhelming release of demonic voices in the form of agendas, activities, and movies on big famous media altars. What's going on? It is surely a war, a huge war against the VOICE in the earth. Who will own the voice of dominion? The Light or darkness?

In 2023, the Lord gave me a huge weighty prophetic word that was confirmed by highly esteemed prophetic and apostolic voices in the body of Christ. As soon as I released that prophetic word, the next day and in hours, I saw the confirmations and I was amazed at how God confirms his word when he wants to establish it.

I am not going to paste the prophetic word of 2023/5783 here, I will refer it to you if you want to read it again because it is powerful and it is not the end of it BECAUSE we build on those words, from glory to glory. You can click here to read it!

I can tell you one thing only about that word: God works in cycles and I have discovered that things shift when it is 3 (3 months, 3 years, etc.). In 2023, Three years after 2020, the Lord gave this word to us:

“As I watched, this horn was waging war against the holy people and defeating them, until the Ancient of Days came and pronounced judgment in favor of the holy people of the Most High, and the time came when they possessed the kingdom.” Daniel 7:21-22 (Read full word here)

The word of the Lord for 2023 was that God is moving us from the Church age to the Kingdom age where his people will be like Joseph in high secular places. Also, it was the year when the Ancient of Days started rising and pronouncing judgment in favor of the holy people of the Most High, and the time came when they possessed the Kingdom.

September 15th, 2023 we step into a whole new biblical year in the Lord 5784. We are still in the decade of the 80s (PEY, MOUTH, BREATH, VOICE) and we still have 6 years to wrap the PEY decade. But I believe that something shifted in 2023/5783 after 3 years cycle of heavy warfare the earth didn't see before on that scale and I believe from now on we will see Daniel 7:21-22 coming to pass more and more in Jesus' name. It is the day for the new wine!

What is the Holy Spirit saying about the biblical year 5784/2024? 

First of all, I want you to know what I am going to share with you here comes from the Holy Spirit who led me to research some things closely and heard from him directly without further knowledge of Hebrew mysteries. Following the Holy Spirit is marvelous and amazing to me and you will know why as you continue reading!

Remember we are building on the prophetic word of 2023/5783, so let's keep the context strong and together. Many prophets said that Psalm 23 was for the year 2023/5783 and I also got my own personal witness and conviction from the Lord about it. Actually, I wrote a whole book (that I was not planning but God has it in mind) and it is based on Psalm 23 “My Cup Overflows” – A devotional, prayers, and decrees for your increase! When we stepped in January 2023, the Holy Spirit mandated me to write it, and I did it by his grace and released it in a week, yep It was supernaturally made, praise God! It is God's heart for his people to be prepared for increase and the inspired chapters given to me by the Holy Spirit deal with specific areas of life to help us experience the GOD increase in them. (You can learn more about it here)

Now, after mentioning all this I can share with you what I believe the Holy Spirit is revealing to us about 5784/2024 because God is all about anointing us to know times and seasons to align with him, be aware and watchful, and advance his purposes in his light!

Holy Spirit told me to research the Hebrew pictogram of the number 4 in 5784, and that is the letter dalet which means “DOOR, ENTRANCE”. When I got to know the meaning of it, I felt the Holy Spirit reminding me of PSALM 24, which I was just reading last night. Isn't it awesome how God orchestrates things and prepares them for us ahead of time? Halleluiah.

Let's read Psalm 24:

“The earth is the Lord's, and all its fullness, The world and those who dwell therein. For He has founded it upon the seas, And established it upon the waters. Who may ascend into the hill of the Lord? Or who may stand in His holy place? He who has clean hands and a pure heart, Who has not lifted up his soul to an idol, Nor sworn deceitfully. He shall receive blessing from the Lord, And righteousness from the God of his salvation. This is Jacob, the generation of those who seek Him, Who seek Your face. Lift up your heads, O you gates! And be lifted up, you everlasting doors! And the King of glory shall come in. Who is this King of glory? The Lord strong and mighty, The Lord mighty in battle. Lift up your heads, O you gates! Lift up, you everlasting doors! And the King of glory shall come in. Who is this King of glory? The Lord of hosts, He is the King of glory. Selah.” NKJV

Yes, you saw correctly the word gate/door mentioned many times in Psalm 24. How did the gate lift up and open for the King of Glory to come in? Through the VOICE command. The PEY, the mouth, and voice declarations, the decade of 80. Hey, It gets better! The Holy Spirit then told me to sum the total of 5784 (5+7+8+4) and to my amazement, it is the number 24. God first told me about Psalm 24 in my heart after knowing that 4 means a DOOR/ENTRANCE and then he told me to sum 5784 which is 24. I don't know about you but Holy Spirit to me is addictive!

While I was doing some research I read this: “Messianic scholars believe that these symbolic meanings of the number 4 are relevant to the messianic age. They believe that the number 4 will play a role in the events that lead up to the coming of the Messiah and the establishment of his kingdom.” Also, dalet is linked to a meaningful name of God which is “The True Judge”. Do you remember the word for 2023? The Ancient of Days judging for the saints and overturning laws and empowering them to move from Church to Kingdom in the world and the marketplace? We will see this happening in 5784, in the 4 corners of the earth, a worldwide revival in Jesus' name.

I believe God will place his people in high places using their COMMANDING VOICE (Psalm 24) to open the gates for the Kingdom of the Lord Jesus Christ to be established on the earth. Like every other prophetic promise we receive, we need to battle for it! “There is a wide-open door for a great work here, although many oppose me.” 1 Corinthians 16:9

If this is not an exciting day for the Church to be alive, I don't know what else is exciting!

Lord make us part of your GREAT move in Jesus' mighty name. Amen!

Get ready folks and share the good news.

Happy New Year and blessed Rosh Hashanah to you!

Tony Francis

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Also, you can request a personal prophetic word that covers this new year 5784/2024. Request “The Year Prophetic Word” by Email or WhatsApp. Click here.

The Blessings from God

The true blessings come from God Almighty through our Lord Jesus Christ. The devil does not bless, he is just a kidnapper who gives you something into your hands today, but tomorrow he comes back to claim your hand! The devil’s blessings are counterfeit; they are different from those springing forth from God in His dwelling place. It is the blessing of the Lord that enriches and is peaceable, adding no sorrow (Proverbs 10:22).

The Word of God does not compel us to take another path to get rich, to become famous, and to amass money by consulting a marabout, a witch doctor, or an occultist. We are supposed to be satisfied with everything God gives us because the devil is a scammer and kidnapper of human lives‼ The devil is there to kill, steal, and destroy. The devil's mission is to destroy every good gift which comes from God. He wants to add a little leaven so that the taste of the food or seed from heaven is corrupted for the glory of the devil. There is joy in the camp of the devil when Christians compete with the world for the things of the world.

Ezra Chipatiso