Tag Archive for: glory realm

Ruth Ward Heflin: Glory // Experiencing the Atmosphere of Heaven Free Audiobook

What is the Glory? It is the realm of eternity. It is the revelation of the presence of God. He is Glory! As air is to the atmosphere of the Earth, so glory is the atmosphere of Heaven. Praise…until the spirit of worship comes. Worship…until the glory comes. Then…stand in the glory.

The Reality of Spiritual Substances

God is the God of manifestations, he simply is. He wants to reveal himself to you clearly so you can enjoy his tangible love, goodness, mercy, salvation, protection and all the good things he has in store for you. God’s glory is he who is and what he has and he poured it all over you in Christ! It can’t get any better.

A couple of days ago I met by a divine appointment a group of amazing believers, two sisters and one brother in the Lord. They came from a different country for a few days and I had the privilege and the honor to spend some time with them. We shared lots of God stuff in my country and theirs. We were both so blessed to hear what God is doing among his church and we were celebrating that! One of the dear ladies called Lin opened her heart and shared with us her many amazing precious God encounters and oh boy how blessed and excited I was to hear it. I was amazed and surprised by the simplistic childlike faith she has and how the Lord lands on her kind of faith with signs and wonders! She brought with her many things and photos that backed up her beautiful genuine stories and I had the opportunity to witness it all. She showed my friend and me different colored perfect gemstones (as examined by a gemologist) that fell from heaven on many occasion and each gem has a beautiful story that speaks about our good good heavenly Father. I saw Angel’s feathers’ photos, oil from heaven, heavenly bread with chunks of gold and other cool stuff. I kept wowing with each story and was definitely caught by the thrill of seeing tangibly these good gifts from dad not to mention that I felt the anointing and the presence of God on some items!

Later after they left back to their country, I was thanking God for this opportunity to meet them and pondering the amazing things my ears and my eyes experienced closely. Then as simple as this is, the Holy Spirit interrupted my excitement in his kindness and corrected a major thing in my heart. He prioritized it all to me once and forever.

What I saw was so awesome and with a big YES you must remain open for God’s signs and wonders and we want to see visibly his glory and blessings. I want God to invade all my dimensions, the invisible and the visible. But remember that in Christ, you are a SPIRIT being of light and God wants your thrill to be first in the spiritual because this is who you are FOREVER! The spirit world for you must be your main focus before anything else. You are a spirit, with a soul living in a body. Yes, God loves to see your smile and joy when you receive his gifts in the physical realm but he wants you to be excited to spiritual realities first, to the invisible king and kingdom within you. We tend to think that if it is touchable then it is tangible and we get frustrated if we don’t experience glory in our mortal fleshly senses. But my friend let me adjust you as Holy Spirit did for me if it is spiritual it is also TANGIBLE and more real and remaining (Matthew 6:19-21).

God wants you to believe that what he gives you as spiritual things and substances is tangible and real. The experience of it may be different from the physical and the natural because you are operating in another dimension a supernatural one but it is real and tangible for him so it must be for you! The presence of the invisible Holy Spirit with you is something spiritual and he will never become flesh like Jesus, he will stay your invisible helper. But being invisible doesn’t mean he is not a real person around you. Holy Spirit is real and tangible and not believing this is a dishonor of Jesus’ promise when he said he would send the helper to be with you forever and lead you into all truth and he did.

In Christ, you are a spirit first so making the spiritual your priority is important but press in to see God’s glory in other dimensions as well. We want God to fill everything but first the spiritual.

Final note: After Holy Spirit met me and adjusted my excitement, I lifted my hands to heaven and asked my heavenly dad to give me a gemstone because he is no respecter of men, he favors faith, not people. I was sitting on my bed and I was waiting on him after I requested that from him and it is up to him to give it or not, you can’t force him. Then I saw in a faint image in my mind a blue gemstone dropped on my bed, it was not in the physical realm (the lowest realm) but in the spiritual. So by faith and with so much innocence and simplicity, I stretched my hand to grab it, although, in the seen dimension my hand is empty, yet I believed I was holding a blue gem in the spiritual. BECAUSE I honor the spiritual first and it is tangible for me. I can say I have a gemstone from heaven from a different perspective :} and it is up to you to believe it or not.

Toni Francis

Creating Your Day From The Glory Realm

You are God’s utmost creation clothed with his restored authority to you in Christ. The raw truth is that God gave you dominion over the earth and his creation. Any other lesser mentality than this is not a “more than a conqueror” mindset. Humanity has regressed from a position of dominion to a slavery mindset. But there is no such thing in Christ, is Jesus full of authority and dominion to serve? Then this is who you are. You serve from dominion!

Let me do a quick MRI test to help you check if your mindset beliefs are in dominion position or not. Try to answer this question for yourself: “Do you believe that time is your servant or you are serving time?” You may tell me well we are all locked in time, it was forced on us and we can do nothing about it.

You will be amazed when you are done reading the revelations here. You will change your mind!

God created everything to serve you. Sun, moon, stars, trees, animals, etc. Read in Genesis 1 how all these serve you, including TIME. Jesus on the cross also redeemed the time by restoring to you the true revelation concerning it by giving you the Spirit of truth.

In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was formless and empty, and darkness covered the deep waters. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the surface of the waters.

Then God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. And God saw that the light was good. Then he separated the light from the darkness. God called the light “day” and the darkness “night.”

And evening passed and morning came, marking the FIRST DAY.

I was in a reverent awe when I discovered that before God released LIGHT in the universe and over the earth, there was no sense of time. What triggered the universal time clock to launch is LIGHT. God counted day 1 after he released LIGHT. The sense of time begun!

Genesis 1:14 Then God created the other LIGHTS. On day four, sun moon and stars were created. So what was the first light released on day 1 if not the sun? Are you ready? Fasten your seat belt and read this:

And the city has no need of sun or moon, for the GLORY of GOD illuminates the city, and the Lamb is its light. The nations will walk in its light, and the kings of the world will enter the city in all their glory. Revelation 21

Did you see it with me? The GLORY OF GOD illuminated the entire universe, the light of the Lamb Jesus Christ. That was the first LIGHT.

In the beginning, the Word already existed. The Word was with God, and the Word was God. He existed in the beginning with God. God created everything through him, and nothing was created except through him. The Word gave life to everything that was created, and his life brought light to everyone. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness can never extinguish it. John 1

God created everything from the glory light of Jesus. For God, time really begins when you create things with him from the glory realm. He counts with you day 1, 2, 3, etc. if you bring forth his will from this realm. If you create from the temporary realm of time and submit to it, things will not last long. But if you create from the light of his glory, things are eternal. Eternity is time nonending, but it is time. There are days and seasons in knowing God throughout eternity.

Remember God counted day 1 after releasing the light of his glory and divide it from the darkness.

You have spent your life fighting the darkness, yelling at it and trying to manage, organize and arrange chaos. No wonder why you feel exhausted! God didn’t rebuke darkness he released light and transformed what was supposed to be out of his will to become a piece of art. Are not night and day now a beautiful masterpiece? But darkness alone was terror before the light came to be!

God created sun, moon, and stars to illuminate the earth. Again he didn’t rebuke darkness he conquered it with creative things! What are the things you can create with God from the realm of his eternal time that will bring change, revolution, and art to your life and others?

Dream with God, decree it and it shall be. You are a difference! You are the light of the world.

Time, bow down to me in Jesus name! You are no more king, I am. I changed my mind.

Tony Francis
Glory to God