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Unveiling the Mazzaroth: The Biblical Meaning Behind the Constellations

Have you ever looked up at the stars and wondered if they hold a message for you? What if the constellations aren’t about astrology but actually tell God’s story and yours? This Bible-based article shows how the stars, from Virgo announcing Christ’s birth to Leo proclaiming His victory, reveal God’s plan. But Satan has brought deception, twisting the stars into tools for astrology and false guidance, hiding their true purpose. Discover the Mazzaroth, the story God wrote with His own finger and breathed into creation, hidden in plain sight to strengthen your faith and reveal His purpose for your life.

The Bible tells us, “The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of His hands” (Psalm 19:1). Yet, many people are unaware of how the stars reveal God’s plans. The Mazzaroth, the Hebrew word for constellations, gives us insights into God’s story of salvation, His design for Israel, and His purposes for humanity.

What Is the Mazzaroth?

The Mazzaroth is mentioned in Job 38:31-33, where God asks Job, “Can you bind the chains of the Pleiades or loosen Orion’s belt? Can you bring forth the constellations (Mazzaroth) in their seasons?” This shows that God placed the stars with a purpose. They are not random but part of His divine design.

Many people associate the constellations with astrology, but the Bible’s perspective is very different. The constellations are not for predicting fortunes; instead, they reveal God’s redemption plan. Each one symbolizes a piece of God’s story, from creation to Christ’s victory.

The Story of the Mazzaroth

The Mazzaroth tells a story that begins with a promise of salvation and ends with Christ’s reign as King. Here’s the order of the constellations and their biblical meanings:

  1. Virgo (The Virgin) 👩 – Represents the virgin birth of Jesus (Isaiah 7:14).
  2. Libra (The Scales) ⚖️ – Symbolizes justice and the need for atonement through Jesus (Romans 3:23-26).
  3. Scorpio (The Scorpion) 🦂 – Shows Satan’s defeat by Jesus (Genesis 3:15).
  4. Sagittarius (The Archer) 🏹 – Points to Jesus as the victorious Redeemer (Psalm 45:4-5).
  5. Capricorn (The Goat) 🐐 – Represents Jesus as the sacrificial Lamb (Leviticus 16:15).
  6. Aquarius (The Water Bearer) 🌊 – Symbolizes the outpouring of the Holy Spirit (John 7:38-39).
  7. Pisces (The Fish) 🐟 – Represents believers and the growth of the Church (Matthew 4:19).
  8. Aries (The Ram) 🐏 – Highlights Jesus as the Lamb who takes away sin (John 1:29).
  9. Taurus (The Bull) 🐂 – Signifies Christ’s return in strength and judgment (Revelation 19:11-16).
  10. Gemini (The Twins) 👯‍♂️ – Reflects Jesus’ dual nature as God and man (Philippians 2:6-8).
  11. Cancer (The Crab) 🦀 – Represents the gathering of God’s people into His kingdom (John 14:2-3).
  12. Leo (The Lion) 🦁 – Points to Jesus as the Lion of Judah, reigning forever (Revelation 5:5).

The Tribes of Israel and the Mazzaroth

Each of Israel’s twelve tribes is linked to a constellation. When God promised Abraham descendants as numerous as the stars (Genesis 15:5), it symbolized His covenant with the tribes of Israel. Here is how the tribes align with the Mazzaroth, starting with Nisan, the first month of the Hebrew calendar:

  1. GadNisan (March-April), Aries (The Ram) – Known for strength and courage.
  2. EphraimIyar (April-May), Taurus (The Bull) – Represents fruitfulness and leadership.
  3. ZebulunSivan (May-June), Gemini (The Twins) – Associated with trade and living by the sea.
  4. IssacharTammuz (June-July), Cancer (The Crab) – Known for wisdom and understanding.
  5. JudahAv (July-August), Leo (The Lion) – Symbolizes kingship and praise.
  6. NaphtaliElul (August-September), Virgo (The Virgin) – Swift and eloquent.
  7. DanTishrei (September-October), Libra (The Scales) – Represents judgment and discernment.
  8. AsherCheshvan (October-November), Scorpio (The Scorpion) – Blessed with abundance.
  9. ManassehKislev (November-December), Sagittarius (The Archer) – Reflects blessings and triumph.
  10. BenjaminTevet (December-January), Capricorn (The Goat) – Known for bravery and protection.
  11. ReubenShevat (January-February), Aquarius (The Water Bearer) – Represents renewal and repentance.
  12. SimeonAdar (February-March), Pisces (The Fish) – Reflects zeal and passion.

What We Learn Today

The Mazzaroth reminds us of God’s design and His plan for salvation. Genesis 1:14 tells us that the stars are for signs and seasons. They point to key moments, like the star of Bethlehem announcing Jesus’ birth (Matthew 2:2).

Understanding the Mazzaroth helps us see God’s story in the heavens. For example, Virgo reminds us of Mary’s role in Christ’s birth, and Scorpio reflects Jesus’ victory over Satan. These constellations reinforce the Bible’s message of hope and redemption.

How to Explore Further

Here’s how you can dive deeper into the Mazzaroth:

  1. Read the Bible: Study passages like Job 9:9 and Psalm 19:1-4.
  2. Learn Symbolism: Research how the constellations connect to biblical themes.
  3. Pray: Ask God for understanding of His message in creation.
  4. Stay Focused: Avoid secular zodiac interpretations and focus on biblical truths.

The Mazzaroth is not just an ancient idea; it shows God’s creativity, sovereignty, and love. Studying the constellations allows us to see His glory and understand our place in His plan. The stars remind us of His promises and invite us to trust Him.

As we look to the heavens, let’s marvel at the Creator who placed each star. The Mazzaroth reveals His wisdom and draws us closer to His heart.

God bless you
Tony Francis

The Falling of the Dragon

“Then God said, ‘Let’s make human beings in our image, making them reflective of us—God! They’re to be in charge of everything: fish in the ocean, birds in the sky, livestock on the land, and all the wild things crawling around. They’re to be in charge of Earth and everything that breathes and moves across it.' ” Genesis 1:26

It's a no-brainer that when God created Adam, he would rule over the animals in nature, so why do we read this verse in Genesis 1:26 as plainly as we do? I believe it conveys more than a simple meaning. Yes, mankind rules over creation; we have authority over it, but I understand from the context of the text in Genesis that God is highlighting authority.

God has authority over darkness, the enemy, and his companions. God is not interested in having authority over the natural beasts of the forests. Jesus came to destroy the devil and his works by the anointing of the Holy Spirit!

In the Garden of Eden, the first Adam was surrounded by beasts, the talking snake, and he was deceived by it and cast out of the garden. The second Adam, Jesus Christ, was tempted in the wilderness, not a garden, and was surrounded by beasts, the spiritual demonic forces, for forty nights and days.

He cast the devil out and ushered in the Kingdom of God. We are talking about spiritual beasts, ferocious beings, dragons, and violent entities that don't rest night and day until they occupy high places—the “birds of the sky” and the “creeping creatures of the land”. But in Christ, you are to rule over all realms! If you don't, you are not operating in the image of God, who is authority! Do you remember the parable of the mustard seed that became a huge tree, and then birds came to land over it? Those birds refer to demons that come to oppress your fruitfulness and mess with you to steal the glory of God from your life. Do you understand that? Authority is everything!

Psalm 2 tells us that the One who sits on the throne laughs at the enemies because he has authority; he is authority, and the one who is and has authority is always happy! Why? Because nothing can defeat him. Are you on the throne? Yes, you are. The word of God tells us we are seated in Christ in heavenly places far above powers and principalities. But is your authority active? That's the question. You can be an inactive king or an active one. You choose!

“So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. God blessed them and said to them, ‘Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground.'” Genesis 1:27-28

After we read the commissioning of authority for Adam in verse 26, God revealed something HUGE to us in verses 27 and 28. Without authority, you can't be fruitful, blessed, effective, ever-increasing, and multiplying, first! The enemy knows that and he does his best to blind you from this revelation and veil it.

If you are not aware of this, if you don't understand and get the finger of God, the Holy Spirit, to be active to cast away the beasts, the dragon, and the demonic entities, you will get nowhere! Christ's authority is the answer, your answer. Everything will remain the same in your life until you ascend in power and authority.

I've developed a new anointed video course unpacked from Psalm 24 that will revolutionize the way you will live and will position you for heights, blessings, and possessions. I want you to learn about your authority and how it brings the Glory on earth as it is in heaven. With this new 1-hour video course, I am offering you a package of 10+ hours of videos and my downloadable eBooks, all of them, and a personal prophetic word for a sowing to the ministry that is ridiculous. Learn about THIS deal here:

I can't wait to see you join.

God bless you,
Tony Francis

Blessed with Open Heavens + Decrees & Prayer

The LORD will open to you His good treasure, the heavens, to give the rain to your land in its season, and to bless all the work of your hand. You shall lend to many nations, but you shall not borrow. Deuteronomy 28: 12

We discover from this beautiful verse that the heavens are God’s good treasures. Rich treasures are of no benefit to you if they are closed but the good news is THE LORD will open it to you and he did in Christ.

You have access all the time to come boldly to the throne of grace to obtain mercy and grace in times of need. Times of need are here on earth, so you need to access Heaven now.

Jesus said: “Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal; but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. Matthew 6: 19-21

We know that earth is also a treasure but surrounded by dangers every day and is not secure like Heaven. Jesus is inviting you to lay UP for yourselves treasures in heaven where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break and steal it.

We understand from Ephesians 1:13 that God has blessed us.

“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ,”

In this verse, God is sending you the map location of your treasures. Let’s unfold this:

1-   The blessed God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ who is blessed HAS blessed you. God is the initiator of your blessings and he already released it to you (HAS is past tense). Know that you will not be blessed, you are already!

2-   How much did God bless you with? “With every spiritual blessing”. He gave you his Son and with him everything! You are crazily rich (YES SAY IT). A spiritual blessing yet invisible is real. It is important to know the hidden form of your blessings to know what and how to download it.

3-   Where are your blessings hidden? “In the heavenly places in Christ”. They are in high places, in the God realm, hidden in a person, not in a box in heaven! Christ is your treasure, your portion and in him, there is everything you need.

Now that you know your treasure is in Christ who is in the heavenly places, you pray it down on Earth as it is in Heaven or your blessings will be forever floating in the spiritual realm. If you see it you can have it.

That’s why the Spirit of revelation is so important to know the things God has given to you. God gave you the Holy Spirit for a reason, not for a season! He is the revealer.

To wrap this up, God blessed you with every spiritual blessing in heavenly places in Christ. But Jesus also said you can lay up treasures in Heaven, in the spirit realm.

As a steward, are you increasing your skills for the Kingdom of Heaven? Are you laying up souls in the kingdom? You can deposit things and people in your heavenly bank account for the glory of God. It is both ways! Hallelujah

“And when he observed him, he was afraid, and said, “What is it, lord?” So he said to him, “Your prayers and your alms have come up for a memorial before God.” Acts 10: 4

Christianaire Decrees & Prayer:

In Christ:

  • I am Blessed among all
  • I am Blessed in the City
  • I am Blessed in the Country
  • I am Blessed with Fertility & Fruitfulness
  • I am Blessed with Provision
  • I am Blessed in Locations
  • I am Blessed with Victory
  • I am Blessed at Work
  • I am Blessed in Identity
  • I am Blessed with Abundance
  • I am Blessed with Open Heavens
  • I am Blessed with Intimacy with God

Heavenly Father, thank you for the revelations you showed me in this book, I ask you to breathe on these seeds, help me walk it out gloriously to experience and live the quality of life you want me to live.

Bless me today with abundance as you did to Jabez because he prayed, believed and positioned himself to receive and you made him great. He started small but you made him great because no one stays insignificant when you touch him.

Touch me now, stretch me and fill me with every good thing you have in store for me, you bless me and make me a blessing for your glory.

Lord, you are my greatest blessing and as your priest, you are my portion forever! AMEN

Tony Francis

This post was taken from my book “Blessed in Christ”- How to live like a Christianaire. I felt today I need to share with you this specific portion that you are blessed with open heaven and I wanted to release those decrees and prayer over you. If you want to read the rest of my book feel free to visit any of those resources below. Also available on Amazon!

“Ask Holy Spirit” WhatsApp Group For Prophetic Activations

Join “Ask Holy Spirit” WhatsApp group for creative prophetic activations daily to grow in the prophetic like never before!

I hear the sound of abundance of rain

Nobody really appreciates water after extreme thirst than the one who experienced the cruelty and hotness of a desert. Maybe you have experienced a dry season in your health, business, connections and even your relationship with God. It feels dry, so dry and it is a very unpleasant feeling and experience! It is a fade, pale and lifeless scene. It smells like death and sucks all your energy and passion for living! Why? Because God created you to live in the blessing.

You tried to help yourself to get out of this situation. You used some available tools you know about and even created solutions because you were desperate for change. I am glad for you if it worked. But if you tried everything and still are in your dry season … Let me introduce you to the atmosphere changer and the rain dropper!

You may have tried to manipulate your life’s weather artificially and got few drops of blessings on you. You may have also boasted with the achievements you made with your effort and still are drunk with your success. If you can celebrate what your human power achieved so far, how much more would you get ecstatic, thrilled enough if God himself changed your atmospheres, and commanded the clouds of blessings to locate you and spill it all on you?

What man hardly achieves will end and is definitely temporary but if Jesus brought the changes to you, they will last because it comes out of an eternal God who lives forever and wants you remaining in fruitfulness. I believe with all my being if you exchange your power and trials with his, giving him space, and welcoming him into your situation you will be amazed!

Glory to God
Tony Francis

Recruiting Angels

Have you worked with some professional employees on your team that amazed you and took your business to a higher level? Working with gifted people is amazing it creates in you excitement to be around them daily. Although your team is highly gifted they will go nowhere without your leading. You are the boss, you are in charge and you see the wide vision of your life. Your highly gifted team will stay gifted but unfruitful if you don’t orchestrate the symphony. Your authority empowers your team and ignites the fire in them. Your team will do nothing without you arranging the tasks and creating an action plan for each one of them.

This is a close example to introduce you to your team of Angels that are eager to be recruited by you. They know that Christ has given you the authority on earth as it is in heaven and they can do nothing on their own without you binding and loosing and operating in your authority. Your home servant will do nothing unless you command him, right? Although it will be nice of him if he does something never been told to do. But it is mostly not the case! Scriptures are full of keys and insights to teach you how to activate your powerful team of Angels. I am not discussing here those keys although I may do it in another devotion, I just want to make you aware of your invisible team of support and great help that are waiting to join forces with you to bring heaven on earth daily. You don’t worship your team when they bring you success, you just appreciate them more, same with Angels.

Why miss the chance anymore for being greatly empowered? Today open up spiritually to see this long queue of unemployed Angels that are waiting long enough to be recruited by you!

Glory to God
Tony Francis

Long Lasting Success

Have you recently plugged your mobile in the charger and after some time it notified you with a green tick that the battery is successfully charged?
It is a happy scene because now you can use your smart phone powered up! I always make sure not to unplug my phone quickly until I am sure the battery is full. I want it to last long! Do you want your success to last long? Yes you do that’s why you are reading this secret tip! Before I tell you how your success can last long, you need to have success first! How to gain success?

God’s word reveals in Psalm 1 “He whose delight is in the law of the Lord, and who meditates on his law day and night. That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither, whatever they do PROSPERS.” Before applying this truth, you need to stop walking in the ways of the wicked, stop standing in the ways that sinners take and stop siting in the company of mockers. Turn away from all this, and connect yourself to success, to the word of God that never fails. God’s word never returns void unto him but always succeed for whatever it is sent to do. Jesus, the word of God, said in John 15: “You are already clean because of the word I have spoken to you. Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me.” Success doesn’t come from you but from connecting yourself to him, to his word and to REMAIN in it if you want a last longing one. Adam & Eve were successful and blessed in the Garden until the moment their relationship broke with God. If you are a backslider, I have good news for you, you can RECONNECT! What are you connecting yourself to? Don’t you know that you are connected directly to your thought life? Then make sure you connect your thought life to God’s thoughts to see success and fruitfulness!

When it comes to the word of God, learn these 3 powerful tools: Walk, Stand and Sit. Walking is like reading his word without stopping, standing is when you stop because you feel a certain word, a verse or an idea touching your heart, sitting is to meditate on it and suck all the glory and the nutrition out of it for your personal life and growth.

Glory to God
Tony Francis