Tag Archive for: die

A Real Prophet: The Great Rewards of Welcoming Prophets & the Prophetic Today AUDIOBOOK

Are you called to the prophetic ministry? Do you love hearing the voice of God? God wants to use you! With your family, friends, the lost ones, and the Church. I can relate to you! Discover in my audiobook “A Real prophet”: The importance of a prophetic vessel, the great blessings of the prophetic anointing, how to walk in the supernatural, the devil's secrets against it, how to prepare & grow in your calling.

A Real Prophet: The Great Rewards of Welcoming Prophets & the Prophetic Today eBook

Are you called to the prophetic ministry? Do you love hearing the voice of God? God wants to use you! With your family, friends, the lost ones, and the Church. I can relate to you! Discover in my Book “A Real prophet”: The importance of a prophetic vessel, the great blessings of the prophetic anointing, how to walk in the supernatural, the devil's secrets against it, how to prepare & grow in your calling.

Blessed in Christ: How to Live Like a Christianaire eBook

Discover in my eBook how to unlock your rich inheritance and live like a Christianaire“.
“I love this book and I definitely am committed to living as a “Christianaire” after reading it. You will be blessed and filled with faith. I was!” – Patricia King, Author, Television Host. (Endorsement)
God knows the plans he has for you, plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Do you know it?

Untouched the Grace of Clarity

He was surrounded and there was no way out. The number of those against him seemed uncountable. They released a round of fire. It came in like a swarm and he had no place to hide. There was nothing he could use to shield himself. It looked like the end. His body was riddled with holes. Death slowly and voraciously seemed to steal away his life. Through a miraculous act of God he was spared. Every step was hard but with each one he learned more about who he was and that he was created for a purpose. He stepped outside. This time he was more than recovered. He was different. He was new. Without a second of breathing time he saw the approach. They surrounded him again. For once, he was not afraid. The sound of weapons being launched filled the silence. He was without natural cover, just like the first time he faced their attack. There was nowhere to hide and no one to protect him. He stood his ground and stared at the assault as it approached. With one wave of his hand he stopped the fire in mid-air. It was as if he had frozen time. He took a moment to consider what had happened. He knew something this time that he had not known before. He knew who he was.

We all are under fire of some kind in our daily experiences. It may be the fire of slander, gossip, the threat of abuse, maltreatment or some other form of being denied. am a devoted Christian writer, lyricist, editor, single parent and social justice advocate. This site is dedicated to encouraging others through words that comfort, inspire and transform. The truth is that fire does not have any power to consume us. When we know who we are in Christ there is no weapon that can defeat us. We have an eternal connection to the source of life and truth. It gives sight to the blind, strength to the weak and hope to the hopeless.

I encourage you today to consider the fire that you are facing in light of who you are. The bible says it this way:

31-39 So, what do you think? With God on our side like this, how can we lose? If God didn’t hesitate to put everything on the line for us, embracing our condition and exposing himself to the worst by sending his own Son, is there anything else he wouldn’t gladly and freely do for us? And who would dare tangle with God by messing with one of God’s chosen? Who would dare even to point a finger? The One who died for us—who was raised to life for us!—is in the presence of God at this very moment sticking up for us. Do you think anyone is going to be able to drive a wedge between us and Christ’s love for us? There is no way! Not trouble, not hard times, not hatred, not hunger, not homelessness, not bullying threats, not backstabbing, not even the worst sins listed in


They kill us in cold blood because they hate you. We’re sitting ducks; they pick us off one by one.

None of this fazes us because Jesus loves us. I’m absolutely convinced that nothing—nothing living or dead, angelic or demonic, today or tomorrow, high or low, thinkable or unthinkable—absolutely nothing can get between us and God’s love because of the way that Jesus our Master has embraced us.

Breaking Demonic Altars

The only altar Yahweh wants to have us establish in our lives is his own altar. Altars are the only ancient spiritual transaction method linking realms together. God established this system and the devil knows it very well, do you know it? Are you aware of it?

As the umbilical cord to a baby, so is an altar to you. What are you connected to? Are you an entrance for the heavenly or hell?

Not many know about the transactions that happen through altars thus they are defeated or positioned for defeat. God wants you to know about this and you are reading this word today!

The first altar made in the spiritual realm was “the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world” (Rev 13:8). I can almost touch the reality of it thinking about it. The LAMB ALTAR, Jesus Christ, the Son of God was the first holiest altar ever established by God and through that protocol, he licensed himself to enter our world “In the fullness of time” in his incarnation. You see my friend, altars are first built spiritually then at a certain point in your timeline you will see the manifestation of it.

Altars may be building up right now in the invisible world without your knowledge and at some point, it enters your world. The devil is not in a rush really, he is more mattered about succeeding than warring randomly. A sickness altar may be building secretly for you and maybe years later cancer shows up. Altars are the protocol, the ancient and only spiritual transaction method between realms, the invisible to the visible. The devil is a professional in the art of building altars in people’s lives, in regions, and the whole world. He knows the protocol, he thinks altars like God.

You can read in the bible the numerous stories and events concerning godly altars and demonic altars. You can learn the secret. In the Old Testament, a powerful and authoritative person has the key of the city, possesses its door of influence, and dominates the GATE.

“When I went to the gate of the city and took my seat in the public square, the young men saw me and stepped aside and the old men rose to their feet; the chief men refrained from speaking and covered their mouths with their hands; the voices of the nobles were hushed, and their tongues stuck to the roof of their mouths. Whoever heard me spoke well of me, and those who saw me commended me” Job 29

It is powerful when you possess the gate but real power is when you are a person of the altar. If you can create an altar first, then you can expect the outcome! What is the concept of an altar? A sacrifice.

  • Animal sacrifice
  • Words sacrifice (Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise—the fruit of lips that openly profess his name.) Hebrews 13:15
  • Fasting
  • All sorts of giving and especially the sacrificial giving

(This is a non-exhaustive list. I am just showing you the sacrifice concept of the altar)

How do you break demonic altars? Mainly by making sure you are building your godly altars that will protect and enforce your domains but since we are not very active in this and since we have a ferocious enemy, altars may be built in our lives and we need to follow Holy Spirit to take them down immediately. If you are lazy in your generation to purge the atmospheres, rest assured these demonic altars would visit your children and the next generations. Altars don’t die, they are broken by Christ’s authority and a Holy Spirit led strategy.

One of the obvious things you are influenced by altars is a strong pattern, whether good or bad, a blessing or a curse. A sickness reoccurrence is a pattern, also being blessed financially continuously is a pattern. Patterns help you recognize the existence of an altar. Let us take a suicidal pattern in a certain city, or region, for example, this is an altar.

I love the story where King David sacrificed hundreds of animals every step of the way while bringing the Ark of the Covenant, the presence of God. What a great blood scene of sacrificing all these animals for the presence of God. A sacrifice determines the presence of a realm/being. David knew the protocol and he excelled in it. When you want the favor of a king you invite to your home, you give it all, from food to the finest clothing, etc.

Jesus is the greatest altar ever, there is no altar that matches him or overtakes and overrides him. You have conquered the devil by the blood of the Lamb. Jesus is God’s extravagance that only pleases Yahweh.

Lord, help us take down intruder altars in Jesus’ name. Amen

Tony Francis

Back to the Heart of Worship

The Lord has put this on my heart to share.

This last year and a half has been a hard season. It has been a wilderness season to say the least. Before moving to utah, I was involved in ministry, and worship, and was surrounded by such a beautiful group of women and people. In that time we experienced hardship in our marriage. Just months later, We moved to utah being uprooted from everything—every security I felt, and thought was going right in my life-to literally the desert. I experienced every emotion possible. We moved during covid, we weren’t able to go to church for a while, we didn’t have any friends, no family close by-just us and Jesus. I remember saying “oh, I will NEVER homeschool” and Wes saying, “oh, I could NEVER work from home-there is no way it would work with what I do”.  Well, you guessed it-With covid and other circumstances I was being led to homeschool, and yep, Wes started working from home. I remember thinking, alright God, you sure do have a sense of humor. Never say never-write that down! But humor aside, God was showing both of us that our ways are not His ways. There were days where I sobbed, and I wept, longing for connection with a church body, feeling isolated and alone. Absolutely, God was with me, but when your in the thick of it-all I could focus on was me and how I was feeling at the time. God was growing us in ways unimaginable, and certainly ways that I didn’t want to be stretched because it was uncomfortable.

Fast forward, churches opened, we tried one , and we tried another, then we bought a house in a new area, and tried another. It was hard after all we had been through, to not compare it to what we had before. What a unhealthy place that can be when we live our lives looking back not leaving room for God to work in the present. Finally, I came to a place where I let it go. I surrendered that to the Lord, realizing that the more I try to control the situation, the less I am trusting God to work all things according to His purpose, His will, and His plans for MY GOOD and HIS GLORY! And hey, what do you know? A  few weeks later, He lead us to a church where I couldn’t have hand picked it if I tried. This was the hand of the Lord. It reminded me in many ways of the church we were involved in before we moved. Oh how He wants to give us good things, but to trust Him in this process and let go of MY wants, MY control, and rest was such a lesson.  Funny how we always see in hindsight what God was doing-why do you think that is? But, God was still dealing with me, putting His finger on another area. After several weeks of attending, knowing this is where God had led us-My flesh was getting in the way when I saw people in ministry positions that I once was in. I think more so than anything I just missed the connection and involvement. But I knew in my heart I wasn’t supposed to get into ministry/serving right away, because I really just want God to lead me, and not step into a role just because I am familiar with it or want it. (Or have a “title”) So, still struggling with a few things, trying to figure out where I fit in, my purpose, who am I, What does God want me to learn? Then Bible study was soon to start, and the study is on our IDENTITY IN CHRIST. Whew. I just need to gather myself for a moment. 😭 HE KNOWS. I knew-but my flesh!!! I was being fought in even going to the study- with all these things going through my head and He’s gently saying ok Katie, are you ready to give me ALL of you?!? I have stripped you of almost everything you have put your identity in. It’s not your spouse, it’s not your marriage, its not your control, it’s not your kids, your family, your friends, your hobbies, your position in ministry, your home…IT IS ME. WHOLE HEARTEDLY ME. Apart from me you can do nothing! My burden is easy, and my yoke is light!!! Trust ME, walk with ME, Abide with Me. Heck-he even used my kids to speak this into my life-ON A BAD DAY I MIGHT ADD. This journey, this wilderness season has come down to this. Which has been a PROCESS!!! When I am stripped away of everything-what anchors me then? It HAS to be Christ-he is the ONLY firm foundation, and refuge for the poor in spirit, the broken, the lost and the saved. As I was thinking about all this and being stripped away -It reminded me of an old worship song-that I  Ioved-but never really understood or full grasped until now when it says “I am coming back to the heart of worship”

In being completely stripped, it is quiet, just me and the Lord, that is when I can offer him something beautiful in the mess of life-Something that will bless his heart-because he has searched deep into mine-I can come back to worship with a humble heart-where it truly is all about Him, and not of the things I WANT TO MAKE it about. Whew. Man is the Lord ever good to love me(and you) so much-to show me(us) these things. 😭❤️🙌 He is shakin that orange tree and trimming those vines!!!! 😜

Sometimes I think that we can get so wrapped up in someone else’s identity, someone else’s spiritual journey, that we forget when we die WE will be judged for the things that WE have done with Gods word. NOT that persons this, or that. We are to teach, and to train, to pray, to love and to speak truth in love ALWAYS. And no this is not always easy-But, we are to let go, and let God be God. (Daily) Yes, I have let things go, AAANND then taken them back because-well it’s just not happening the way I WANT it to go-which totally defeats the purpose of TRUSTING and ABIDING. But his Grace. His mercy. Oh has it met me more times than I deserve.

As I have felt led to share and post this, I feel like it is that last thing the Lord is wanting to rid me of. The looking back and living in the past and all it entails-because what is to come is SO much better, even in a broken world. Friends, you are known, by the ONE who created YOU, YOU are HIS masterpiece-and no matter how hard the season is that you are in-lean into Him. He is there. Trust Him in the process. He is growing you, stretching you, And He is making something beautiful out of YOU. It hurts, I understand-BUT GOD! Maybe your good, and you don’t have these exact struggles-or you struggle with something else-or maybe you have been here and know all to well what I have shared with you. Ask God how He can use you to encourage someone else. He uses our mountain top moments just as much as He uses our valley moments and he will continue to do so. I have been told-when you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change. Maybe you just need to take a step back, find a quiet place, pray and ask God to give you His perspective and His peace in the PROCESS! ❤️❤️💐 hugs!

Conversation With God

“What is on your mind child?”

“Oh, I don’t know, I feel a lot of unresolved conflicts inside that produce stressful thinking and I can’t make them subside. I don’t want these destructive feelings destroying me or my day.”

“Well, you are on the right track by recognizing the problem, and wise to consider the choices you have to resolve it.”

“Yeah, I know. But it’s still a battle to redirect your adrenaline rushes onto something way more worthwhile, something that is life-giving instead of life-consuming. It’s like the bad news always invades my peace and stifles my ability to stabilize it back to normal. I feel I need to change this pattern.”

“What have done so far today to reverse these stressful thoughts?”

“In my mind, I want to sit down and immerse myself in your Word to start off my day, but in reality, I fall prone to distractions, as if my worrying will change the outcome. How foolish of me to obsess like this. It’s a glaring weakness I have. I even go so far and believe it’s in my nature to be taken captive, that I’ll always be predisposed towards anxiety, and that I will have to work harder to eradicate it than most people.”

“Are you sure about that? Last time I checked, the entire human race is still under siege, taken hostage by strongholds that can only be torn down by my Word, which, by the way, is the same for everyone – it has the same mighty working power for every set of circumstances, not just yours.”

“I know your words are truth Lord, and I vow right now to stop making excuses, and to exercise the authority you have given your followers to cast down these vein imaginations and make them obedient to your word. I am deciding right now, that after this conversation, I will put on my full armor and stand up tall, empowered in your truths, and confident I will succeed because you are on my side.”

“That’s my girl. See, we just needed a little refresher talk. I haven’t changed. I am the same Lord who walks with you through every trial you face. What makes the difference is when we walk together.”

“God, I will never not need you. Every waking moment I live and breathe is a reminder of my desperate need for you. I can’t move into the next second without your presence. Thank you for your steadfast unwavering love for me. I want you to be glorified in my life today. Thanks for standing by me as I pondered my dilemma on how to proceed from here.”

“Carry these words with you today and reflect on them often – He will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast on thee. That’s a promise. Hide it in your heart, and rejoice that you are free when you are close to me. It’s a part of my redemption plan for you child. I love you unconditionally. I will be interceding for you today.”

To be separated from Love

When I think about High things, I think about:

  1. God – the Highest of high things
  2. Principalities  and Rulers of the Kingdom of Darkness

Principalities and dark spirituals forces are pulled down in the authority of the name Jesus. God can never be pulled down. If the authority and power lie in the name Yahweh, can He ever be cast out by His own name ?! Who is higher than High? Yet, He came off His throne to redeem mankind.

It's one thing to be pulled down (against one's will) but it's another to use one's will to submit to a livelihood of humility unto death for the sake of saving a treasured creation that came from dust.

Dust. We stopped being merely dust the moment he breathed life into us because, at that point, we became an extension of Himself; a God that can never die. If He can never die, then all the extensions of His spirit in mankind would return unto Himself. It is impossible to let mankind perish with his very spirit of eternal love, remaining in them. He could have taken His spirit away from man due to sin, but He chose to remain in us, in fellowship.  He chose love, and love always desires relationship and companionship. God desires to save all vessels who desire to house Him. We are so precious to Him that He promises an incorruptible and imperishable nature that will not allow separation from love; His very essence.  To allow one to reject Him in favor of their will, would mean HIM extricating Himself from them. Dividing body from soul and spirit. A death far worse than just the flesh

You cannot live without God for He is life itself.


The Release of GREAT Finances, Discerning Times & Seasons

There is a time for everything under heaven and now is the time SET by God to release empowerment for kingdom advancement. Finances are one of the avenues and tools used by God to help advancing his kingdom. Faith and obedience remain the number one stream for kingdom advancement because the just lives by faith and not by sight.

Why do I believe it’s time for the release of GREAT finances? Because many of God’s sons and daughters matured through the years and are now ready to receive that which God intended to release in Jesus' name. It is an exciting day, not because we will see kingdom millionaires & billionaires like never before but because we will see the chariot of God’s kingdom advancing so strong!

What do you do when you discern times and seasons? You position yourself to receive and partner with God for what he is doing. If you feel the WITNESS for this word and want to engage with it, open up and let Holy Spirit touch you and deposit in you his empowerment.

Remember, GREAT finances are given for a reason and you need to be a good steward of it. Let everything praise the LORD, even printed papers that have an assigned value, money.

“that there were no needy persons among them. For from time to time those who owned land or houses sold them, brought the money from the sales and put it at the apostles’ feet, and it was distributed to anyone who had need.” Acts 4

Enlarge your bank account, money is coming alongside to help you manifest your kingdom vision. Glory to God! AMEN

  • Feel free to donate, click here. Thank you for your generous donation! God bless you in Jesus' name.
  • Purchase & download my eBook: “Blessed in Christ” how to live like a Christianaire Click here.

Tony Francis

Keep The Weeds Out!!!

By Susanne Drawe
Cultivating a Heart After God Day 1
Gardening is a beautiful thing. I love how God made creation to be cultivated, His Life is never ending and it reminds me that I have that continual abundance of His Life in me! It is a beautiful reminder of His Love and Provision for us! But He also reminds us that Life still needs to be cultivated, grown and maintained. God created seed to be reproduced so we in the world can receive God’s best for us. As I work in our garden, He gently reminds me of Proverbs 4:23: Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life. He reminds me of how vulnerable my heart is, and how precious it is to Him. As I am physically maintaining my garden on the outside, I am constantly searching for weeds in my own heart. Making sure there are no weeds of unforgiveness, out bursts of anger, bitterness, bad attitudes, bad thoughts that I have allowed to take or try to take root in my heart to keep me away from The Giver of Life. And as I go along my garden my Precious Lord reminds me of His Love, Grace, Mercy, His Blood, and His Word that can wash me clean. As I pick out the weeds of my heart, I am filled with gratefulness that He has His Word to take root in my heart. Ephesians 3:17: That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith; that ye, being rooted and grounded in love. My heart overflows with joy knowing that when I set my thoughts on Him, His Word and Love for me that the washing of His Word is filling those weed holes of pain, sadness, unforgiveness, out bursts of anger, bitterness, thoughts of the enemy which produces wrong words and actions. He gently reminds me of Colossians 3:3: For you died (to this world), and your (new Life, who I am in Christ) life is hidden with Christ in God. Galatians 2:20 AMP: I have been crucified with Christ (that is, in Him I have shared His crucifixion); it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body I live by faith (by adhering to, relying on, and completely trusting) in the Son of God, Who loved me and gave Himself up for me. I do not ignore or nullify The (Gracious Gift of the) Grace of God ( His amazing, unmerited favor), for if righteousness comes through (observing) the Law, then Christ died needlessly. (His suffering and death would have had no purpose whatsoever)!!!! He has made everything available for us to keep up with repentance and to continually have a beautiful relationship with The Father, Who gave His own Son for us. Glory to God ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤