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Science vs. Religion: Finding Harmony in a Disparate World

For centuries, the relationship between science and religion has been a topic of intense debate. Some see them as locked in an eternal struggle, with scientific discoveries constantly chipping away at the foundations of faith. Others believe they occupy separate domains – science concerned with the “how” of the universe and religion with the “why.”

Points of Contention: Where Science and Religion Clash

Historically, some of the most heated clashes have occurred when scientific explanations contradict literal interpretations of religious texts. The theory of evolution, for instance, challenges the creation stories found in many religions. Similarly, scientific advancements in areas like cosmology and geology can raise questions about the age of the earth or the origins of humanity, which may contradict some religious beliefs.

These clashes can lead to a sense of disillusionment for those who hold both scientific and religious views. It can feel like a choice must be made between reason and faith, a situation that can be deeply unsettling.

Finding Common Ground: Why Science and Religion Can Coexist

Despite these potential conflicts, there are compelling reasons to believe that science and religion can coexist peacefully, even complement each other. Here are some key points to consider:

  • Different Domains of Inquiry: As mentioned earlier, science and religion often address fundamentally different questions. Science seeks to understand the natural world through observation, experimentation, and evidence-based reasoning. Religion, on the other hand, focuses on questions of meaning, purpose, morality, and the existence of the divine. These are not inherently contradictory pursuits.

  • A Universe Full of Wonder: Scientific discoveries can inspire a sense of awe and wonder at the universe's complexity and beauty. This sense of wonder is often a cornerstone of religious experience as well.

  • Science as a Tool: Many religious individuals see science as a powerful tool for understanding God's creation. Scientific advancements have allowed us to care for the sick, protect the environment, and improve our quality of life. These advancements can be seen as expressions of humankind's capacity for good, a capacity some attribute to a divine source.

  • Faith as a Guide: Science can explain much about the universe, but it cannot answer all our questions. Religious faith can provide comfort, purpose, and a moral compass in a world that can sometimes feel overwhelming.

Reconciling Faith with Science: Approaches to Harmony

There are several approaches that individuals can take to reconcile their scientific and religious beliefs:

  • Non-Literal Interpretations: Many religious scholars advocate for non-literal interpretations of sacred texts, allowing for the incorporation of scientific discoveries.

  • Focus on the Core Message: Rather than getting hung up on specific details, some believers focus on the core ethical and spiritual messages of their religion.

  • Theology and Science: A growing field known as theology and science seeks to find common ground between religious and scientific perspectives.

The Importance of Open Dialogue

Ultimately, fostering open dialogue between science and religion is crucial. Scientists and religious leaders can work together to bridge the gap, promoting understanding and mutual respect. Individuals can also engage in their own exploration, reading about both science and religion and reflecting on how these two aspects of human experience can inform their worldview.

A Universe with Room for Both

Science and religion need not be seen as adversaries. They can be seen as complementary aspects of our human quest for understanding. Embracing the wonder of scientific discovery alongside the depth of religious faith allows for a richer and more meaningful experience of the world around us.

Alan Raju John

Lose the Battle, Win the War

Reflecting on the legendary battle at Thermopylae, where 300 Spartan soldiers faced insurmountable odds against the Persian army, one cannot help but admire their courage and sacrifice. Despite their eventual defeat, their actions paved the way for the ultimate victory of the Greek forces in the war against Persia.

The memory of the brave Spartans inspired the Greeks to persevere, even in the face of overwhelming opposition. This historical event teaches us a profound truth: sometimes losing a battle is a necessary step towards winning the war.

Dear readers, let us pause and contemplate the paradox of losing a battle. While it may seem counterintuitive, there is beauty in embracing defeat for the sake of a greater victory. As Apostle Grace Lubega eloquently preached, we must learn to lose battles to achieve the grander vision of winning the war.

Consider the everyday battles we face in life. A young man may win a trivial argument with an elder but lose the opportunity to honor and respect wisdom. Similarly, fleeting gains obtained through deceit or conflict often result in long-term losses of trust and integrity.

Imagine the joy of indulging in immediate pleasures, only to realize the cost of sacrificing long-term blessings. These stories serve as cautionary tales, reminding us of the importance of discerning between temporary victories and enduring triumphs.

For instance, let's reflect on the scenario of a young man who carelessly argues with an elder over an issue in which he is technically correct. Yes, he may win the battle of the argument, but in doing so, he loses the deeper respect and wisdom that come from honoring one's elders. The principle of respecting elders, often touted in various cultures, is not merely about winning or losing arguments but about nurturing relationships and gaining invaluable insights for the future.

Similarly, consider the allure of immediate gratification at the expense of long-term consequences. Stealing a few coins from your boss might provide temporary financial relief, but it jeopardizes the trust and integrity crucial for sustained professional growth and advancement. In essence, the fleeting gains of the present can pale in comparison to the enduring losses of the future.

Furthermore, think about the dynamics of personal relationships. Insulting an adversary might offer a momentary sense of satisfaction, but it plants seeds of bitterness and resentment that can haunt us indefinitely. The power of words, whether used to uplift or tear down, carries lasting consequences that shape the course of our interactions and connections.

Even in seemingly trivial situations, the principle holds. Imagine the joy of indulging in a sumptuous meal on Christmas day, having slaughtered a cow for the occasion. However, in doing so, one sacrifices the milk and sustenance that the cow would have provided for the entire following year.

If you fought for ice cream with a young child, you'd get the ice cream with its sweetness and lose the Child with their love and trust.
These examples illustrate the trade-offs we face between immediate gratification and long-term sustainability in various aspects of life.

In conclusion, let us strive to adopt a perspective that transcends the momentary struggles and setbacks we encounter. By surrendering our desire for immediate gratification and trusting in the greater plan, we can truly lose the battle to win the war.

To delve deeper into this topic, I was inspired by a sermon preached by Apostle Grace Lubega of Phaneroo Ministries International at the 2018 annual Men's Conference themed “Eye Can See.” You can watch the sermon here.

Warm regards,

Bethwel Kiprono K.

Embracing Faith in a Modern World

In a world obsessed with data, algorithms, and the tangible, the concept of faith can feel antiquated. Yet, this very modern world, with its constant barrage of information and relentless pace, is precisely where faith becomes most crucial. It's the bridge between the seen and unseen, the anchor in the storm, the source of courage that compels us to take that critical leap forward.

The Call to Adventure

The Bible is replete with stories of individuals taking leaps of faith. Abraham, the father of faith, uprooted his entire life based on God's promise of a new land (Genesis 12:1-4). Stepping out of his comfort zone, he embarked on a journey that would shape the course of history.

Similarly, we too experience a call to adventure, a yearning for something more. It may be a nudge to pursue a dream career, a prompting to mend a broken relationship, or a whisper to finally start that creative project. This inner voice, often described as a calling, can be faint at first, but it grows stronger with each passing day. Proverbs 27:18 reminds us, “Whoever walks with the wise becomes wise, but the companion of fools will suffer harm.” Ignoring this inner voice, this intuition, can lead us down paths of regret.

Faith is a Muscle

Taking a leap of faith isn't about blind recklessness. It's about calculated risk, fueled by a belief in something bigger than ourselves. It's the entrepreneur who pours heart and soul into a new venture, the student venturing abroad for the first time, the artist finally sharing their work with the world. Hebrews 11:1 beautifully defines faith: “Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.”

This “confidence” isn't passive; it requires action. Just as a muscle needs exercise to grow stronger, faith flourishes when we take those initial steps. The Bible is filled with examples of this active faith. David facing Goliath (1 Samuel 17) or Esther approaching the king (Esther 4) – both took action despite the odds stacked against them. Their faith wasn't a guarantee of success, but it propelled them forward.

The Tightrope Walk of Fear and Faith

Taking a leap of faith doesn't negate fear. Fear is a natural human emotion, a primal instinct that keeps us safe. However, we cannot let fear paralyze us. 2 Timothy 1:7 assures us, “For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power and love and self-control.”

Think of faith as a tightrope walk. Fear is the wind that buffets you from side to side, threatening to throw you off balance. But faith is the pole you grasp tightly, the anchor that keeps you tethered. It's the unwavering belief that even if you stumble, there's a net to catch you, a force propelling you forward.

The Unexpected Gifts of Leaping

The greatest rewards in life often lie on the other side of our comfort zones. By embracing faith and taking that leap, we open ourselves up to a plethora of possibilities. We discover hidden strengths, forge new connections, and experience the exhilarating joy of personal growth.

Perhaps the leap leads to the dream job you never dared to pursue, or maybe it strengthens a bond you thought was lost. The beauty lies in the unknown, the element of surprise that life throws our way.  Isaiah 43:19 tells us, “See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.” Taking a leap allows us to witness these unexpected gifts, the new paths God carves out for us.

Faith in a Modern Context

In a world that prioritizes logic and reason, faith can seem out of place. But true faith isn't blind belief; it's a deep trust, a knowing that there's a force for good working in the universe. It's the belief that even in the face of uncertainty, there is hope.

This faith can translate into various aspects of our modern lives. It's the trust we place in a friend even when they make mistakes, the unwavering belief in ourselves even when faced with setbacks, the hope for a brighter tomorrow even amidst global challenges.

Alan Raju John

5 Life Lessons From Colossians

Lesson 1: Chapter 1 – Christ is everything.

Colossians 1:17-20, “And he is before all things, and in him all things hold together. And he is the head of the body, the church. He is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in everything he might be preeminent. For in him all the fullness of God was pleased to dwell, and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether on earth or in heaven, making peace by the blood of his cross.”

It's easy to get overwhelmed in this world with which we live. It seems like there are competing philosophies and views about almost everything. But the words in the above passage hold amazing and transforming words. Jesus Christ means everything and as his followers we need to reflect that.

Lesson 2: Chapter 2 – Live in Christ.

Colossians 2:6-10 – “Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him, rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving. See to it that no one takes you captive by philosophy and empty deceit, according to human tradition, according to the elemental spirits of the world, and not according to Christ. For in him the whole fullness of deity dwells bodily, and you have been filled in him, who is the head of all rule and authority.”

Being a Christian means more than just assenting to a creed, or a particular moment in faith, or a public confession. We are to live in Christ.

Our lives are established and experienced in a daily commitment to follow the way of Jesus. He alone is the authority of our lives and he directs our path. Worldly “religion” and philosophy have no place in the lives of believers.

Lesson 3: Chapter 3 – Set your mind on Christ.

Colossians 3:1-3, “If then you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth.”

I don't want to be misinformed or uninformed so I try to keep up with the news reports of what's going on around me. However, in today's world that can still happen if you watch the news. We can get overwhelmed, confused, and at times thrown in despair. Too much of this world's information can take our minds off of things from above. Focusing on Christ, his mission, his priorities and his values helps us get things right.

Lesson 4: Chapter 4 – Walk wisely as witnesses for Christ.

Colossians 4:2-6, “Continue steadfastly in prayer, being watchful in it with thanksgiving. At the same time, pray also for us, that God may open to us a door for the word, to declare the mystery of Christ, on account of which I am in prison— that I may make it clear, which is how I ought to speak.
Walk in wisdom toward outsiders, making the best use of the time. Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer each person.”

I’ve seen two extremes in witnessing. Many say, “I don’t have the gift of evangelism and I’m not good at talking with people, so I’ll just live the Christian life, be an example.” That's a good start, but if that's all you do you’re going to have to live the Christian life better than Jesus because he not only lived the life (perfectly), he also spoke to sinners about salvation.

On the other hand, some Christians come across as what I call “throat crammers for Jesus.” These are the types who work in telemarketing and love it or just stand on a street corner screaming that everyone's going to hell. They have no problem accosting total strangers and shoving their message down the person's throat. And then the person who gets accosted makes sure they never go near another religious fanatic again. And unfortunately, those who are “silent” witnesses gain another excuse for why they don’t talk to others about Christ: They don’t want to be like those rude, insensitive “throat crammers for Jesus.”

There are two things here: First, there is the content of the gospel itself; then, there is how we share and discuss that content.

The Lord doesn’t want us to be “silent witnesses” or “throat crammers for Jesus.” He wants us to be wise witnesses who live godly lives and who take advantage of every opportunity to talk graciously to lost people about the Savior.

When Paul says that we are to walk with wisdom toward outsiders, he means that we are to live in line with God’s Word so that those who are not Christians will see the beauty of our lives and relationships that reflect Jesus Christ. They ought to be able to see the fruit of the Spirit in us, which should draw them to the Savior.

It should be noted that Paul asked for prayer so that when God opened the door, he would SPEAK the gospel. He was confined in prison, but he was still looking for ways to both live as an example of the gospel AND speak the gospel. That should be our mindset as well.

Jeff Hagan

The Word of the Lord For 2024: Birthing & High Hopes in Business

Jesus Christ is the center of times, and everything the heavenly Father does or proclaims is all centered around His glorious Son, Yeshua, because the testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of prophecy. The following prophetic word glorifies one person only and exalts Him on high because He is worthy!

What is God saying for the year 2024? HEALING.

I believe that the Holy Spirit dropped this beautiful one word in my spirit for what is to come and what the earth is stepping into. God is about the business of healing the earth of the many waves, tsunamis, turbulences, shakings, and storms it tolerated.

I feel in my heart the rise of the peace/shalom/wholeness of the Lord as a high and lifted-up banner over the earth, especially in the marketplace. Why the market?

The marketplace, or let’s refer to it as the business mountain, is on God’s heart big time because God loves services. Jesus’s ministry is all about being a servant to others; He said, “I came to serve and not to be served.” There is greatness in serving and being in lowly places to lift others to a better place of quality of life.

This area, the business avenue, suffered from the attempt to shift it from a place of serving to a place of just surviving fueled by fear and selfishness, and thus its original pure purpose becomes contaminated and moves far from servanthood. God wants and will bring healing to that in Jesus’ name!

The Lord will restore lost dreams, and broken businesses in 2024 and beyond. It is going to be like an explosion and the birthing of new hopes, networks, ideas, and companies, to a place of taking the pampering of humans to the next level. I see in the spirit a move of the Holy Spirit in airplanes and airports. God is going to bring such beauty, wisdom, order, renovation, revolution, and rest to the flying experience. Airplanes will indeed soar this year!

God will back you up in your business this year like never before. As you know, 5784 and 2024 are the years of the DOOR, which means entrance, opportunity, and the King of Glory coming in powerfully.

If God is urging you to start a certain business or upgrade, I don’t think there are better times than that. Let’s discern times and seasons and walk aligned with what Heaven is doing as illuminated people of God, walking in His wisdom, discernment, understanding, and boldness for the glory of the Lord. It is going to be very exciting; believe me, that you will be standing on your tiptoe thrilled with high hopes and the blessings of the Lord.

I totally see the Lord highlighting the business mountain this year, and He is going to land on it and use His Church in this arena in greater integration because what the Church carries from anointing, creativity, wisdom, favor, love, and values orchestrated by the Spirit of Jesus, no one carries!

God means business this year; let’s shake hands and partner with Him!


Blessed and Happy New Year to you

Tony Francis

You may also be interested in reading this article: 5784/2024 Year of the Kingdom Era Gates of Glory

The Book of Revelation

In the past I used to approach the book of Revelation with fear, with that feeling of uneasiness, anguish and gloom; trying to find the exact word to convey my exact state. I approached the book of Revelation in lowness of the spirit.

The book of Revelation I must say is one of the books that always send fear to the spines of many; believers and unbelievers alike due to the widely misconception of the book by people who lacked the knowledge of the mysteries of the kingdom of God or for the sole purpose of misleading the ones who have little or no knowledge of the Scripture.

Going through memory lane, the year 2000 was a very scary year and a lot of people thought the world was going to end in the year 2000 (New Millennium). Many sold their properties and gave the proceedings to the poor while many lost their possessions in fear yet we are here 23 years on. But in the positive shade, it helped many to return to Christ but we must not return to Christ for fear of the end time but for his love for us.

Having for the first time in my life read the book of Revelation with an open mind and with the help of the Holy Spirit, I was able to understand in detail the Revelations of the mysteries in every lines, verses and chapters of the book and I thank the Lord that at last the world will be judged for her wickedness.

Oh! How lovely to be at the marriage supper of the lamb! This is all I long for, to behold the beauty and the splendor of his majesty.

To know that there’s a set time for the enemy to be judged and destroyed is consoling. And to join all the prophets and the saints who were long asleep and those slain for the sake of the same testimony which I bear today is glorious and it’s a blessing to my soul.

No wonder the Apostle Paul wrote in Philippians 1:21 ‘for to me, living is Christ and dying is gain. And in Revelation 14:13 “And I heard a voice from heaven saying, Write this.; Blessed are the dead who from now on die in the Lord, ‘Yes says the Spirit, ‘they will rest from their labors, for their deeds follow them.’

The book of Revelation has blessed my life like every other book of the Bible. Although it’s the last book of the Bible, it’s the beginning of the new life in Christ. It brings an end to this fallen world and ushers hope for the new heaven and the new earth, it is soul refreshing.

It reveals the mysteries of the kingdom of God in its splendor and majesty and exalts God as the righteous judge He is.  And that which was revealed to the Apostle John but instructed not to be written, I am sure is our little surprise package when we see Him face to face.

In the beginning chapters, our Lord Jesus forewarned the Seven Churches in Asia and also encouraged them. He applauded their good works and exposed their sins and urged them to repent, reminding them of the glory that awaits those that conquered.

It’s a wonderful feeling of safety to know that you have been saved from damnation by the blood of the lamb; your name is boldly written in the book of life and there’s nothing in this world that can pluck you from his hand… In John 17: 12 Jesus prayed ‘While I was with them, I protected them in your name that you have given me. I guarded them, and not one of them was lost except the one destined to be lost, so that the scripture might be fulfilled.

If our hope is of this world we are of all men most miserable’ Apostle Paul wrote. We have hope that transcends beyond time and season; our hope is in the Son. I encourage believers to have a clearer view of our inheritance in Christ. It’s awesome to know that there’s nothing on earth to be compared to the glory that awaits us in heaven and this alone encourages us to stand trials and temptations, it ushers the boldness to gladly lay down our necks for the sword; this was the strength of the Prophets and the Apostles those who were slain for the sake of the gospel.

At the face of death you see Christ standing before you to welcome you home into the joy, the peace, the fulfillment that life denied you of: that you’ll long to die.

The book of Revelation is reassuring, soul refreshing, consoling and comforting. No true believer would be scared or afraid of the end time, when God will pour out the cup of His wrath to the nations of the world because we have been redeemed by the blood of the lamb.

Having this understanding, I earnestly pray for God's judgment to be nearer because the blood of the slain saints are eagerly waiting for the holy vengeance of God and God in His mercy and grace have set an appointed time, waiting for more of His children to return home. If you have not, please make that decision now.

Lastly, the book of Revelation ignites the zeal for evangelism, to bring many to the saving knowledge of Christ like never before so that we all will be saved in the perilous time and to draw God’s judgment on the devil and death very near.

The expression of God's throne and the kingdom of heaven is more than minds can imagine and I can’t wait to behold it. I pray for the grace to hold on and to continue in His love till my last breath to sing Hallelujah with the hosts of heaven.

No true believer ought to be terrified by the words of the visions except they are not on the right standing and now is the time to make things right, tomorrow maybe too late.

Jesus said to the Seven Churches, I see and know your works, and I am coming with my reward. In chapter 22:14 ‘Blessed are those who wash their robes, so that they will have the right to the tree of life and may enter the city by gates.

I pray that the light of righteousness will shine upon you now and forever. Amen.

Kathryn Kuhlman: The Lord’s Healing Touch eBook

Kathryn Kuhlman who saw the Lord Jesus Christ healing and performing thousands of miracles in her services opens the topic of faith and healing in this book and teaches you solid revelations from the word of God about the Lord's healing touch that is still FOR TODAY and for you!

This is your day for freedom [Audio]

Are you struggling with any addiction? Depression? In this episode, you are set today for a lifetime miracle. Receive it. #addiction #depression #freedom #hope #liveagain #share

Related Resources For Your Growth:

Joyce Meyer’s book “Beauty for Ashes: Receiving Emotional Healing”. You can get it here: https://amzn.to/33Pext6

Let me know in the comment section below how this now prophetic word has blessed you, to pray and agree with you in Jesus' name.

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Thursday of Completion: Prophetic Zoom Event with Tony Francis

Speaker: Tony Francis
Type: Online ZOOM Event (video audio replay available)
Date & Time: Thursday July 7th, 2022 at 11 pm Beirut Time
Price: Any amount you feel led to pay a minimum of $7
Time: 2 hours 30 minutes

Prophetic Word for the month of JULY/TAMMUZ 2022

I am so excited to share with you what I felt I received from the Holy Spirit for the month of July/Tammuz 2022 that we are entering into. I am so excited because I know with God it is going to BE GOOD. Have you held to a book before where it is so good chapter by chapter that you can't let go of it until you have completed it? This is how a year rolls with our heavenly Father, it is so good chapter by chapter, from glory to glory, that we can't but LOOK INTO what he is saying, titling, arranging, and organizing for us now and then. July is another chapter of his goodness that I can't wait to jump into to do life with him under the umbrella of this holy timing and divine appointments! Glory to God.

“July, July, you are going to serve my purposes for my people, says the Lord.”

July is a month of great achievements, where things you left cooking for a while are about to be served deliciously. Many of you have felt the frustration of building things up, organizing, investing, planning, and expecting, and now is the time for your pleasant satisfaction because it is going to be served well. I actually sense in the spirit that God has assigned eloquent and elegant Angels of presentations. Doesn't look bad when you have a very well-prepared expensive meal but ends up with a bad presentation or outlook? Not many will be drawn to it, right?. God's BEST presentation will be the topping of what you've been building up recently. He will beautify your efforts, brand them with glory and cause his beauty to do the marketing for you and appeal others to it. It is going to be so good and awesome! Halleluiah.

July is a month for achievements, closed deals, finalizations, and grand beginnings. You are going to shine this month, believe this prophetic word, connect to it and you will see it come to pass. God is on the move, he has blessed your assignments and projects, the core and the skin, the inside and the outside are so beautiful in him, and YOU are going to sell, and sail. Amen!

Tony Francis

Feel free to sow at the beginning of July 2022 and as you sow your seed, thank God for his FAVOR hovering over you like a banner in this month, propelling you to ACHIEVE in Jesus' name! I am believing with you! Thanks for blessing and supporting Healed Nations' ministries! God bless you.

Thursday of Completion Zoom Event

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