Tag Archive for: angel

The Angel & the Trumpet of Humility

Thursday 4 April 2019, I was spending some intimate time in prayer with my Lord Jesus at night as I usually do. These are my best moments ever when everyone is sleeping in the neighborhood and when it is quiet, I connect to Heaven. While I was praying, I mentioned by the Spirit of the Lord this prayer “the breakthroughs of Humility” and when I uttered this prophetic prayer, something happened. I saw in a vision an Angel in my room standing to my right blowing a trumpet. I kept myself engaged in this vision to receive what the Lord is doing and why he sent this Angel.

As we know from Hebrews 1:14, Angels are God’s spirit ministers sent to serve us in our inheritance. How often do you hear a faint thought from God or a vision and you ignore it? Well, if you engage with it long enough you will get understanding and open up to receive what God meant to give you. In the book of Acts 10, Peter kept thinking of the vision of the heavenly basket then the scripture says: “The Holy Spirit spoke to him”.

Thank God, I didn’t ignore this angelic ministry. I looked back at his trumpet and saw engraved on it the word “HUMILITY”. I stepped by faith and stood where the Angel was standing in my room. When I did that and stood in the Angel, the spirit of prophecy fell on me and started prophesying over myself great powerful words about me being transformed into humility more and more. I don’t remember all the words I spoke by the Spirit, I remember things like: “I will think humility, speak humility, look like humility … then I commanded PRIDE BOW DOWN, etc.”

The next day the Lord used me mightily ministering to others and prophesying great stuff over them. No wonder God released his power through me the next day after he secured and established me in humility the night before!

I am sending my prophetic experience to the whole church to release the activity and ministry of this angel for you because I feel doing this. May you experience the increase of Christ’s humility in your life … because great things are coming your way and God wants you to position yourself well for power & love on the cornerstone of humility! AMEN

Toni Francis

You can also watch this blog as a Vlog (Video Blog). Click here to watch it: The Angel & the Trumpet of Humility

Recruiting Angels

Have you worked with some professional employees on your team that amazed you and took your business to a higher level? Working with gifted people is amazing it creates in you excitement to be around them daily. Although your team is highly gifted they will go nowhere without your leading. You are the boss, you are in charge and you see the wide vision of your life. Your highly gifted team will stay gifted but unfruitful if you don’t orchestrate the symphony. Your authority empowers your team and ignites the fire in them. Your team will do nothing without you arranging the tasks and creating an action plan for each one of them.

This is a close example to introduce you to your team of Angels that are eager to be recruited by you. They know that Christ has given you the authority on earth as it is in heaven and they can do nothing on their own without you binding and loosing and operating in your authority. Your home servant will do nothing unless you command him, right? Although it will be nice of him if he does something never been told to do. But it is mostly not the case! Scriptures are full of keys and insights to teach you how to activate your powerful team of Angels. I am not discussing here those keys although I may do it in another devotion, I just want to make you aware of your invisible team of support and great help that are waiting to join forces with you to bring heaven on earth daily. You don’t worship your team when they bring you success, you just appreciate them more, same with Angels.

Why miss the chance anymore for being greatly empowered? Today open up spiritually to see this long queue of unemployed Angels that are waiting long enough to be recruited by you!

Glory to God
Tony Francis