When the Prophetic Knocks on Your Door!
“And the day came when Elisha passed over to Shunem. And a great woman was there. And she laid hold on him to eat bread. And it happened, as often as he passed by, he turned in there to eat bread. And she said to her husband, Behold now, I see that this is a holy man of God who passes by us continually. Please, let us make a little room on the wall.
And let us set a bed for him there, and a table, and a stool, and a lampstand. And when he comes to us, he shall turn in there. And the day came when he came in there, and he turned into the room and lay there.” (2 kings 4: 8-11).
The prophetic can pass by you to stay or to leave, you choose! This book can be another book you read or a life-transforming message.
Do you have a little room in your heart for a prophet, the holy man of God? Do you have a place for the prophetic in your church? Build one!
Invest in stretching your territory to make room for the prophetic anointing because you will be blessed. This woman was rich not only because of her wealth but because she discerned a greater wealth and attracted it by honoring and welcoming the prophet.
You may say, I am rich, I am satisfied, so I don't need a prophet to pass by me. This woman didn't think this way, although she was rich, she was poor in other areas, she was barren, and money couldn’t give her a child.
She didn’t know by investing in the prophetic and sowing seeds of honor that she was opening the gates of heaven over her and making a room for life in her womb not only on the wall of her house.
There is always what we call the rewards of honoring a prophet. After she had built a room for Elisha, he wanted to bless her.
“And he said, what then is to be done for her? And Gehazi answered, truly, she has no child, and her husband is old” (2 Kings 4:14).
Elisha could have said what can I do to a wealthy woman? It’s me who needs her help. Had he thought this way, he would have hindered her blessing and turned off his gifts. But Elisha, who was wealthier because he was rich in the Lord and had access to things this woman didn’t have, he prophesied a son to her.
A prophet enriches your life when you think you have it all, even when your bank account is full.
There are always things you don’t see or hear that God prepared for you to release in your life. Just make a little room for him! Your honoring seed triggers the prophetic anointing and puts a demand on it.
Your wealth may be in your pocket like that woman, but the wealth of a prophet is in his mouth.
The seed of welcoming him, building him a room and blessing him with meals of hospitality triggered heaven to answer back. You can’t sow into heaven without triggering it to responding to touch your life.
I am not limiting your seeds to money only; it is not about what you give it is in the heart of honoring.
It may be money, room, a place to rest in, or maybe inviting a prophet to your church, etc.
In a nutshell, welcoming a prophet is the greatest form of honor you can give him whatever the expression of your giving is.
You can’t welcome a prophet and not embrace the supernatural. You step into a realm you’ve never walked in before when you touch a prophet’s life. Are you ready for some supernatural experiences to take place in your life?
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A Redemptive View of African American Struggles and Their Purpose Revealed
Throughout history, many groups have endured targeted violence and genocide. The Armenian Genocide (1915–1917) saw 1.5 million Armenians killed in the Ottoman Empire. The Holocaust (1941–1945) claimed 6 million Jewish lives under Nazi rule. Other atrocities include the Rwandan Genocide (1994), with 800,000 Tutsis massacred, and the Cambodian Genocide (1975–1979), where 2 million people died under the Khmer Rouge. In Sudan, the Darfur Genocide (2003–present) has targeted non-Arab ethnic groups. Additionally, the Herero and Namaqua Genocide (1904–1908) in German South-West Africa, the Yazidi Genocide (2014) by ISIS, and the enslavement of Africans during the transatlantic slave trade are stark reminders of human suffering.
In this article, I focus on the atrocities against the Black community in America.
We cannot fully understand events without viewing them through a spiritual lens. Ephesians 6 reminds us that our battles are not against flesh and blood!
Africans were brought to America through the transatlantic slave trade to fulfill the demand for cheap labor in agriculture, particularly for crops like tobacco, sugar, and cotton. They were forcibly captured, dehumanized, and enslaved, driven by racist ideologies that justified their exploitation.
African Americans endured immense hardships throughout history. During slavery (1619–1865), they faced brutal physical abuse, forced labor, dehumanization, and family separations. After emancipation, during the Reconstruction Era (1865–1877), they were subjected to economic exploitation, racial violence, and voter suppression. The Jim Crow Era (1877–1965) brought segregation, lynching, and systemic racism, while the Civil Rights Era (1950s–1960s) met resistance to desegregation and civil rights advocacy. Even today, African Americans face challenges like mass incarceration, economic inequality, and racial profiling, reflecting the ongoing struggle for justice and equality.
The Bible tells us of the Jews who endured over 400 years of slavery in Egypt, targeted by Satan due to their destiny as the lineage of the Savior, Jesus Christ which is the highest of calls. Similarly, Satan targets tribes and communities with great destinies to twist and destroy their purpose! This pattern of spiritual warfare reveals how significant these groups are in God’s plan. Hatred fuels such atrocities, but it also highlights the enemy's fear of their divine calling.
While the Jews’ destiny was salvation through Christ, what about the Black community in America?
I believe African Americans are called to huge servanthood, mirroring Christ, who came to serve, not to be served:
“For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many.” Mark 10:45
Servanthood is divine, but the enemy corrupted it into SLAVERY. If the black community doesn't heal right, they can't wholly and fully connect to their original design. The enemy traumatizes you to hate your pure gifts and callings!
The Black community thrives in service, demonstrating extraordinary zeal, strength, and humility. The enemy sought to tarnish destinies through oppression, mockery, and injustice!
Jesus taught that true greatness comes through servanthood. African Americans are marked for greatness, authority, and promotion by God, and their suffering stems from the enemy’s attempt to distort their glorious calling which is SERVANTHOOD TO MAKE OTHERS GREAT JUST LIKE JESUS.
So, how do we redeem what black people went through? By connecting to the truth of the matter that:
If you are a Black person, remember: you were always a servant of God, never a slave! Teach this truth, model it, and open portals of humility in your community through the destiny you've always been living knowingly and sometimes forcefully.
God desires to redeem us all. When we see through redemptive eyes, we discover the truth, and the truth sets us free!
In this life everyone needs someone TO BE GREAT! I need you, you need me.
God bless you
Tony Francis