3 Stages Of Marriage – Marriage Therapy Made Easy!
By Wayne Sutton
Where are you on the three stages of life in marriage? Are you ready to rebuild and get back to the romance stage?
Back to Authority
You were created by God to rule, reign and take dominion with him. Find out about your original calling!
Why Expelled?!
By Joe Tannous
When you mature in Love you start seeing and reading scriptures differently because now you understand more the nature of God and you interpret it well. Joe Tannous discovered more God's loving and saving nature in what you are about to read!
An Amazing Experience
By Joe Tannous
Joe Tannous has once a life changing conversation with the Lord about the serious limitations that sin causes. What did Joe hear from the Lord that changed his life? Read More …
The Bride of Christ
This devotion will stir your heart with so much passion and love and will connect you to the heart beat of your heavenly groom Jesus.