Tag Archive for: power

Embracing Faith in a Modern World

In a world obsessed with data, algorithms, and the tangible, the concept of faith can feel antiquated. Yet, this very modern world, with its constant barrage of information and relentless pace, is precisely where faith becomes most crucial. It's the bridge between the seen and unseen, the anchor in the storm, the source of courage that compels us to take that critical leap forward.

The Call to Adventure

The Bible is replete with stories of individuals taking leaps of faith. Abraham, the father of faith, uprooted his entire life based on God's promise of a new land (Genesis 12:1-4). Stepping out of his comfort zone, he embarked on a journey that would shape the course of history.

Similarly, we too experience a call to adventure, a yearning for something more. It may be a nudge to pursue a dream career, a prompting to mend a broken relationship, or a whisper to finally start that creative project. This inner voice, often described as a calling, can be faint at first, but it grows stronger with each passing day. Proverbs 27:18 reminds us, “Whoever walks with the wise becomes wise, but the companion of fools will suffer harm.” Ignoring this inner voice, this intuition, can lead us down paths of regret.

Faith is a Muscle

Taking a leap of faith isn't about blind recklessness. It's about calculated risk, fueled by a belief in something bigger than ourselves. It's the entrepreneur who pours heart and soul into a new venture, the student venturing abroad for the first time, the artist finally sharing their work with the world. Hebrews 11:1 beautifully defines faith: “Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.”

This “confidence” isn't passive; it requires action. Just as a muscle needs exercise to grow stronger, faith flourishes when we take those initial steps. The Bible is filled with examples of this active faith. David facing Goliath (1 Samuel 17) or Esther approaching the king (Esther 4) – both took action despite the odds stacked against them. Their faith wasn't a guarantee of success, but it propelled them forward.

The Tightrope Walk of Fear and Faith

Taking a leap of faith doesn't negate fear. Fear is a natural human emotion, a primal instinct that keeps us safe. However, we cannot let fear paralyze us. 2 Timothy 1:7 assures us, “For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power and love and self-control.”

Think of faith as a tightrope walk. Fear is the wind that buffets you from side to side, threatening to throw you off balance. But faith is the pole you grasp tightly, the anchor that keeps you tethered. It's the unwavering belief that even if you stumble, there's a net to catch you, a force propelling you forward.

The Unexpected Gifts of Leaping

The greatest rewards in life often lie on the other side of our comfort zones. By embracing faith and taking that leap, we open ourselves up to a plethora of possibilities. We discover hidden strengths, forge new connections, and experience the exhilarating joy of personal growth.

Perhaps the leap leads to the dream job you never dared to pursue, or maybe it strengthens a bond you thought was lost. The beauty lies in the unknown, the element of surprise that life throws our way.  Isaiah 43:19 tells us, “See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.” Taking a leap allows us to witness these unexpected gifts, the new paths God carves out for us.

Faith in a Modern Context

In a world that prioritizes logic and reason, faith can seem out of place. But true faith isn't blind belief; it's a deep trust, a knowing that there's a force for good working in the universe. It's the belief that even in the face of uncertainty, there is hope.

This faith can translate into various aspects of our modern lives. It's the trust we place in a friend even when they make mistakes, the unwavering belief in ourselves even when faced with setbacks, the hope for a brighter tomorrow even amidst global challenges.

Alan Raju John

I Have Never Sinned, Can You Believe It?

Have you ever thought about the cross of Jesus? Have you considered what He really did for you? I've always struggled to fully grasp, both simply and deeply, how the blood of Yeshua wiped away my sins and atoned for them. I sing songs about the blood, read scriptures about it, and thank Him for redeeming me, but I've never fully grasped the enormous, life-changing mystery of the Son of God's sacrifice for me and for you!

How do you understand the atonement of sins? What does it really mean for God, you, and the enemy? Does the shedding of Jesus' blood for me mean that I have never sinned? JUSTIFIED, JUST IF I'D NEVER sinned before God and men? Or does it mean I sinned, but God forgave me of my past and is not recording it anymore for my judgment because Jesus took it and paid the price for me? Which scenario is the right one? In Christ, and before God, did I sin or never live a defective life?

To simplify it for you and give you the answer before revealing a huge, life-changing revelation, approach, perspective, and activation: YES, I sinned, and Christ died to redeem me.

I am a sinner, and I need a Savior, just as you do! Now that I have received Christ's wonderful, surreal yet down-to-earth redemption, I have become a new creation, a righteous being who never fell into sin from the beginning. WOW! (We can celebrate right here).

Let me illustrate it with this example and then do an activation with you that is a SHOCKER to your flesh, which is always at war with the spirit.

When a judge stamps a paper to declare someone who was guilty now clean, it means the judge has officially erased the person's criminal record through a process called expungement. This decision makes it as though the crime never happened, allowing the person to move forward without the past conviction affecting their future opportunities, like employment or housing.

This is too much to grasp, right? I know but it is real yet earthly still. Continue reading because what is coming is greater than that and let's invite the Holy Spirit to help us taste God's unfathomable love for us in Christ Jesus.

In Christ, you never sinned before God! Don't freak out now; you can keep thanking God and you should for Jesus, who saved you from your sinful nature. YES, you can and should tell others your testimony of how Christ transferred you from darkness to light and transformed you. I am not telling you to forsake this awesome part of redemption. We will always be grateful and worship the Lord for this INTELLIGENT TECHNOLOGY that no eyes have seen, ears have heard, or hearts grasped what God prepared for those He loves. No one ever saw this coming, not even the devil. It is not a GOD move if you can perceive it or the devil.

What am I really saying here in the presence of the Lord? I am locked in the realm of thanking the Lord for being my Savior, yet I have come to a place where I am more focused on my righteousness in Christ than my transition from sin.

Many Christians dwell on the cross only and never lock focus with their newly restored nature of righteousness. The cross of Jesus was the door, the entrance to a relationship with God through this righteous nature in Christ Jesus, but many remain at the door. Imagine if I invited you to visit my mansion (I don't live in one and I love small houses) and you remained at my beautiful big gate, thanking me for the invite, contemplating the gold ornament, the bigness of it, etc. Would you be considered sane? The cross was the door and we will forever BE THANKFUL for the entrance, yet it is the inside realm of righteousness that you must awaken to that will revolutionize the way you live before God and men. In Christ right now, you never sinned. You were never a sinner! Jesus became sin so that you may become His righteousness. What part of YOU ARE RIGHTEOUS can't you understand?

It grieves the Lord when you stay at the door and never get acquainted with the inside realms of righteousness that many Christians are not awake to.

In Christ now, you were never GAY! You were never a PROSTITUTE! You never cheated on your wife, and you never killed that neighbor. Look, I understand this is too much to grasp, and it doesn't make sense, and if it does, then it is not a GOD technology. You may tell me, “But Tony, I do feel like I am gay (since this is the greatest now), and I engaged in homosexual experiences with men. The sensation was real, the images, the feelings, the sounds, the touch… I can't get it that in Christ, I was never gay because I was, believe me.”

Thanks for asking! haha. I will answer this one:

You were gay before Christ, indeed, and Christ did save you not just from being gay; actually, He saved you from something bigger and greater, which is a sinful nature. After being saved and entering the door (Christ's Sacrifice), Heaven stamps you as NEVER GUILTY! Can you understand the power of that or what? I sense the power of the Holy Spirit writing this, and I know He is greatly delighted that I am unpacking it for you because it changed my life!!!

NOW, IN CHRIST, you are not considered GAY anymore, and you can't renew your mind if you can't establish your identity first as clean. What do I mean? Glad you asked, again. The Bible exhorts us to CONSIDER OURSELVES DEAD TO SIN and alive to Christ and righteousness. In simpler terms, you should never think again of those past things, and you can SANELY and BOLDLY rehearse day and night: I WAS NEVER GAY, I never went through it, I never did this or that, you name it for yourself, whatever you engaged in before.

The enemy will TRY TO ANNIHILATE the work of the cross by making you sin-focused and not Son-focused.

Jesus took your sinful nature and mine on the cross, and in Him, it was never ours. He paid for it; it doesn't belong to us anymore. Jesus didn't only redeem your nature but your time too because in Christ now you never were or did those things, which means you never lived this lifetime of sin. You had a righteous life from the beginning.

Read this article 1000 times and BEG the Holy Spirit to reveal this dramatic truth to you that Heaven is eager to reveal to mankind night and day. Let me tell you this too before I activate you. If I were the devil and I knew in glimpses that one day you would be a great singer and you would glorify the Lord with this lifestyle, I would have done everything in my power to destroy this from your childhood. I would have convinced you that your voice is bad, you will not match up or improve, others are better, get another career, etc. Say you believed those lies and embraced them and wasted your life derailed from God's original calling and cursed yourself for decades saying I am a bad singer. Guess what? In Christ now, you can say I WAS A GOOD SINGER from the beginning of time and I am seasoned in this gift, but the enemy had me go through this lie experience because I was a potential threat to him if I awoke to that.

Same for you as gay! Your identity, manliness, fatherhood, and mostly authority threatened the devil that he had to create another scenario to derail you. He is a liar! In Christ, you were never gay, and you never lived this experience at all. Until you confess this and align with righteousness and DIE TO SIN, you won't experience this surreal glory yet available.

Each one of you has a story, identify with a sin, so apply what I am teaching you here, and mount to realms you never dreamt of. Next time you say God is good, let it be based on some understanding of what He accomplished for you on the cross. The devil hates the cross!

Let's do an activation here. So I told you in Christ, you are righteous because the bible says so, have a new nature, and time redemption, so rewrite your story in the pen of this truth now (you can type in the comment section). As for me, I will say this:

“I grew up in a godly house, and I have witnessed amazing love, honor, and respect between mom and dad that whet my appetite for godly relationships and surely a marriage and life of commitment. My mom never yelled at me, never ignored me, always there to love on me and comfort me. She always encouraged me and affirmed my identity as a growing boy. She signed me up for activities that built my character and self-esteem and was never controlling of me. She always encouraged me to be bold and serve others. I thank God that I lived in a peaceful home, with no sickness, no disease, no stress or drama. I had a childhood that if told in detail, nobody would believe me. I had a great life growing up. Never miss an opportunity to be served and to serve others. I never went through traumas, no child abuse, no fear, no stress; it was a happy, blessed upbringing.” Amen.

For those who don't get it yet, I lived the opposite, but I am acquainted today that in Christ, I was never guilty because He restored my good nature and lifetime. We lose you as Christians when we move from theory to practicality. Every Christian is excited they are God's righteousness now, but I think many will be offended when they read the practicality of it here.

Go do your activation, believe it, this is not fiction, not at all. “Let it be according to your faith!”

I dare you to share this with your friends and EVEN THEOLOGIANS!

God bless you,
Tony Francis

Changing your Focus Can Change Your Life

I'm reminded lately of the Power of Gratitude and spending Quiet Reflection Time and the impact it can have in our lives! In our fast-paced world, it's easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Between work, family obligations, and endless to-do lists, finding moments of peace and reflection can feel like a daunting task. However, incorporating practices such as gratitude journaling and quiet time spent listening to God (not just praying to ask for requests) can significantly transform our mindsets and spiritual journeys.

Gratitude journaling has gained popularity for a good reason. Not only does it remind us of what is meaningful in our lives, but it also helps shift our focus from what we lack to what we abundantly have. As Cheryl Shepherd from Balanced WorkLife recently discussed, keeping a gratitude journal serves as a constant reminder of our values and what truly matters in life.


Reflecting on gratitude helps anchor our minds in positivity and faith. When we write down what we're thankful for, we begin to see the world through a different lens. Suddenly, mundane moments are filled with grace, and we start to appreciate the little blessings that often go unnoticed.

Start by setting aside a few minutes each day (preferably before bed each night) to jot down three things you're grateful for. It could be as simple as a kind word from a friend, a beautiful sunset, or a moment of laughter with a loved one. Over time, this practice will create a tapestry of God's goodness woven into your everyday experiences. Then write down what you three goal or “big wins” will be for tomorrow. This will set a road map for what you want to achieve and what we think about is what we automatically move towards. 

In addition to gratitude journaling, spending quiet time with God is crucial for spiritual growth and inner peace. Cheryl Shepherd highlights the significance of resting in God's presence and surrendering control over our lives.

[2] In these moments of stillness, we can hear His voice more clearly and receive His guidance for our paths.

Set aside a specific time each day for this sacred practice. It could be in the morning before the rush begins, or in the evening when everything settles down. Find a quiet corner, free from distractions, and simply be still. Use this time to pray, meditate on scripture, or simply listen. God often speaks in a gentle whisper, and it is in these quiet moments that we can truly tune into His heart.

Combining gratitude and quiet time can create a powerful spiritual practice. As you reflect on what you're grateful for, take a moment to thank God for each blessing. This will not only deepen your sense of gratitude but also enhance your connection with Him.

Cheryl emphasizes replacing negative thoughts with positive affirmations, grounded in scripture and prayer, to combat anxiety and fear.

[3] Use your quiet time to reflect on God's promises and let them wash over you, renewing your mind and spirit.

Incorporating gratitude and quiet time into your daily routine can lead to profound changes in your outlook and spiritual life. As you consistently practice these disciplines, you'll find that your heart becomes more attuned to God's goodness and guidance.

Start today and watch as your life transforms with each moment of thankfulness and stillness before the Lord.

Cheryl Shepherd

[1]: Source: Balanced WorkLife Cheryl Shepherd , February6, 2024.
[2]: Source: Cheryl Shepherd's reflections, February 7, 2024.
[3]: Source: Full Circle Moments Discussion on positive self-talk and spiritual growth, February 5, 2024.

Blessings and Battles: My 40th Unexpected Birthday Experience

Many of you know by now that on June 7th, 2024, I turned 40. Yay! I just finished a decade and started a new one in the Lord. I wasn’t going to make a big deal out of my birthday, but I felt it was a big deal to end a decade, especially when it was loaded with challenges, sicknesses, and many lessons, and start a fresh new one. God celebrates us daily, monthly, yearly, and decade-wise. He cherishes our time on earth and considers it a valuable asset for His glory. I know a birthday is precious because it reminds us of God creating us, but I always thank the Lord for my second birth 20 years ago! Both are important.

So, my birthday is on June 7th, and this time it fell on a Friday, which is a Sabbath, entering the rest of God. Also, 7 means completion, and turning 40 is meaningful because it is the number of ending a wilderness, and it feels like that. Not only that, the month of Sivan 5784 started on my birthday!

The Lord has been talking to me a lot about rest and entering my promised land, and I couldn't wait for a fresh new beginning in the Lord. As many of you saw, I even created a webpage declaring and prophesying all those goodies. You can still leave me a birthday prayer there and enjoy my gifts for you. (Click here)

Friday came, June 7th arrived, and I NEVER expected that instead of experiencing the goodness of the Lord and the promised rest and freshness, waves of demonic temptations would bombard me. Oh my God, pressure from every side, sexual temptations, oppression, ups and downs, swirling emotions, and even the strong feeling of going back to Egypt, my place of bondage. My soul was in agony, confused, asking the Lord what was going on. I even told Him, “This is not real because I feel like 20 years of being on the potter's wheel feels like a waste.” Wow! What is going on, Lord?

I forgot that a new beginning and new levels are a threat to Satan. Forgot! I, who teaches the Bible and about the ways in the Spirit, was caught off guard. The devil was at the gate of this NEWNESS of Life to abort it and destroy it. To discourage me and compel me to hate it and expect nothing but death, pain, and curses.

Please read this carefully because you will learn something powerful here:

I am a free man. Not that I won't be tempted anymore—everyone will—but it took me years to establish my transformation and freedom in my character and mind, especially in my places of bondage. I greatly appreciate my freedom because sin was never fun and will never be. It was a tormenting cycle! Pleasant to the eye and feelings but deadly when you partake of it. This is how sin works! Remember when we all fell in Eden?

So when you feel a sudden urge to go back to Egypt after years of freedom and enjoying your transformation, KNOW that there is a demonic presence and oppression here because it doesn't make sense why there is this strong stirring in you to do something this strong you forgot about, prayed over with tears for long, went to conferences for freedom, read the books, rebuked the devils, etc. So when it is a sudden urge, discern that there is a demonic activity. But if you are still in your journey toward freedom, know that you still have strongholds and wrong mindsets that are not yet touched by the Lord or renewed. So it is natural to feel frequent desires to sin. Those urges can sometimes be demonic but not necessarily. It is mainly because you are not there yet and your flesh is still active.

This was not the case on my birthday—three days of oppression, entertaining sin, and old behaviors. Sometimes I made it, sometimes I couldn't. I never experienced a level of oppression like that before.

Why am I sharing my vulnerability with you here? Because many of you are and will start a fresh NEW strong beginning for the glory of the Lord, and the devil is at the door, not just the Lord. You need to be aware of this, be watchful in prayer, and seek help, intercession, and a faith community to take out your giants.

We all want to enter the promised land, but no one wants to confront the giants. I was focusing on my promised land and forgot giants were waiting for me. But greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world. Even though you go through battles, the final say is the Lord's. Remember that the dragon is WAITING for the woman to give birth to kill the baby(Revelation 12) and tried his best and caused lots of trouble, yet we have read the last chapter and Jesus wins!

Don't feel discouraged because with God things will get better and right on track if you keep pressing in. I am writing you this in the belly of the whale, knowing that any moment now, with your prayers, love, support, and giving, I will experience resurrection life and power because it is my portion and yours in Christ.

God bless you,
Tony Francis

We'd love to hear from you! Share your experiences, new beginnings, and thoughts in the comment section below.

What’s Holy Spirit Saying For June 2024? Listen!

Tony Francis, author of Healed Nations Ministries, shares a powerful prophetic word for June 2024! Are you ready to hear what the Holy Spirit has in store for you? Prepare for a life-changing message to ignite your faith and reveal God's heart for the coming month. Prepare to be inspired, challenged, and empowered as you listen to this timely word from Tony Francis. Don't miss this opportunity to align your life with the Holy Spirit's direction and experience breakthroughs in every area. Tune in now and discover the incredible possibilities that await you in June! Share this with others. “Wherever you look, BLESSINGS”.

Pride VS Humility: What is the Difference?

I can't forget Rick Joyner's book “The Final Quest.” When I read it many years ago, I was glad it marked the beginning of my walk with the Lord. It significantly impacted my life, taught me a lot, and stirred questions and hunger in many aspects. Rick recounts numerous visionary encounters with the Lord, the spirit realms, angels, and demons in his book.

One particular encounter that astonished me was about the army of pride. Here's a passage that underscores the power of humility and being clothed in the grace of Yeshua:

“I was pondering how I was learning as much by descending the mountain as I had by climbing it when the noise from the battlefield drew my attention. By now there were thousands of the mighty warriors who had crossed the plain to attack the remnant of the enemy horde. The enemy was fleeing in all directions, except for the one division, Pride. Completely undetected, it had marched right up to the rear of the advancing warriors, and was about to release a hail of arrows. It was then that I noticed the mighty warriors had no armor on their backsides. They were totally exposed and vulnerable to what was about to hit them.

Wisdom then remarked, “You have taught that there was no armor for the backside, which meant that you were vulnerable if you ran from the enemy. However, you never saw how advancing in pride also made you vulnerable.”

I could only nod in acknowledgment. It was too late to do anything, and it was almost unbearable to watch, but Wisdom said that I must. I knew that the kingdom of God was about to suffer a major defeat. I had felt sorrow before, but I had never felt this kind of sorrow.

To my amazement, when the arrows of pride struck the warriors they did not even notice. However, the enemy kept shooting. The warriors were bleeding and getting weaker fast, but they would not acknowledge it. Soon they were too weak to hold up their shields and swords; they cast them down, declaring that they no longer needed them. They started taking off their armor, saying it was not needed anymore either.

Then another enemy division appeared and moved up swiftly. It was called Strong Delusion. Its members released a hail of arrows and they all seemed to hit their mark. Just a few of the demons of delusion, who were all small and seemingly weak, led away this once great army of glorious warriors. They were taken to different prison camps, each named after a different doctrine of demons. I was astounded at how this great company of the righteous had been so easily defeated, and they still did not even know what had hit them.

I blurted out. “How could those who were so strong, who have been all the way to the top of the mountain, who have seen the Lord as they have, be so vulnerable?”

“Pride is the hardest enemy to see, and it always sneaks up behind you,” Wisdom lamented. “In some ways, those who have been to the greatest heights are in the greatest danger of falling. You must always remember that in this life you can fall at any time from any level.”

“Take heed when you think you stand, lest you fall,” I replied. “How awesome these Scriptures seem to me now.”

“When you think you are the least vulnerable to falling is in fact when you are the most vulnerable. Most men fall immediately after a great victory,” Wisdom lamented.

“How can we keep from being attacked like this?” I asked.

“Stay close to me, inquire of the Lord before making major decisions, and keep that mantle on. Then the enemy will not be able to easily blind side you as he did those.”

I looked at my mantle. It looked so plain and insignificant. I felt that it made me look more like a homeless person than a warrior. Wisdom responded as if I had been speaking out loud.

“The Lord is closer to the homeless than to kings. You only have true strength to the degree that you walk in the grace of God, and ‘He gives His grace to the humble.' No evil weapon can penetrate this mantle, because nothing can overpower His grace. As long as you wear this mantle you are safe from this kind of attack.”

I then started to look up to see how many warriors were still on the mountain. I was shocked to see how few there were. I noticed, however, that they all had on the same mantle of humility. “How did that happen?” I inquired.

“When they saw the battle you just witnessed, they all came to me for help, and I gave them their mantles,” Wisdom replied.

“But I thought you were with me that whole time?”

“I am with all who go forth to do the will of My Father,” Wisdom answered.

“You're the Lord!” I cried.

“Yes,” He answered. “I told you that I would never leave you or forsake you. I am with all of My warriors just as I am with you. I will be to you whatever you need to accomplish My will, and you have needed wisdom.” Then He vanished.

End of Passage.

Pride made Lucifer fall from the glory and humility elevated us to be God Almighty's royal Sons and Daughters. Humility did that because we received the Lord's unmerited grace for salvation! Never forget that.

We don't worship humility; we worship JESUS always, and he makes us humble!

God bless you
Tony Francis

A Letter to Fear By Joyce Meyer

Dear Fear,

I only refer to you as “dear” because of our long-term intimate relationship and certainly not because you are dear to me in any way. In fact, you've been a tormenting influence from start to finish. You have told me lies and prevented me from doing the things I wanted to do and should have done. You are indeed a miserable, wretched companion, and one that I am no longer willing to be involved with.

I'm writing you this letter to let you know that from this point forward, I will not fear. Although I may feel your presence, I will not bow down to your demands. I have a friend whose name is Jesus, and He has promised to never leave me nor forsake me, but to be with me always. He is indeed a powerful friend, and although you do have some power, His is by far much greater than yours. You can come against me, but Jesus lives in me, and the power of the One who is in me is greater than you are.

Now, although I cannot prevent you from coming to visit, I do want to give you notice that you will be ignored from now on. I'm far too busy now fellowshipping with my new friend Jesus and developing an intimate relationship with Him to give any of my time to you. The more time I spend with Jesus, the more courageous I become. He's teaching me a new way to live, one that's exciting and adventurous, one that is fearless.

I also want to inform you that since I have so much experience with you now and know how self-defeating it is to listen to you, I intend to tell as many people as I can what a thief and a liar you are. The years I have wasted with you will be redeemed, and I will bear much good fruit. Thank you, dear fear, for driving me to Jesus. You see, you made me so miserable that I sought a way to be free from you, and Jesus met me where I was and set me free.

Now, should you decide to waste your time and try to visit me even after my letter, I'm letting you know ahead of time that you will be met by faith in God and determination that I will not fear.

Sincerely and determined,

[Your Name]

“Letter to Fear” is taken from Joyce Meyer's Living Courageously book.

Let us know in the comments below if you are struggling with fear now or had and how you overcame it. Also if you need a prayer for this, readers here can pray for each other, and as a ministry, we will pray for you! 

How To Obtain Real Faith? A Powerful Teaching by Kathryn Kuhlman


Volumes have been written and spoken about faith, yet we understand so little about it. Each of us desires faith, but it's not something we can work up or carry around like a handkerchief. It's a gift from God, a fruit of the Spirit.

When will the world stop its foolish struggles and simply believe? If you've been trying to manufacture faith, just stop. Faith doesn't come from our mental and intellectual gymnastics; it must come from God.

We are capable of belief but incapable of exercising biblical faith. This is why many mistakenly think belief is faith. Belief is cold, intellectual, and mental. The devil believes, but that doesn't save him. We need to understand this clearly: belief and faith are not the same.

Faith is living, moving, operating, and sweeping away the enemy of our souls. You only need faith the size of a mustard seed if it's God's faith. If you sincerely want faith, He will impart it to you.

The Jericho Road without Jesus is just a road. With Jesus, it becomes a shining highway of salvation and healing. It takes the presence of Jesus to transform our lives.

The blind man didn't sit and say, “I believe I can see.” He cried out to Jesus for help. Jesus asked him, “What wilt thou that I should do unto thee?” The blind man wanted to see, and Jesus granted his request through faith.

Where did the blind man get this faith? Jesus gave it to him. Just like a watch given as a gift, the faith belonged to Jesus before He imparted it to the blind man.

Jesus is the author and finisher of our faith. It's His matchless grace and love. We are like tiny seeds that can grow into something noble and beautiful for God.

Once, a tiny acorn shed its overcoat and grew through the winter with Mother Nature's care. But a man placed a heavy rock over it, hindering its growth. The little tree didn't struggle to move the rock; it simply grew until one day the rock was lifted.

You and I are like that little seed. We can grow through the challenges of life. The power of faith can be manifested in us until men and angels wonder.

When the battle is over and victory is won, don't boast of your own accomplishments. Kneel at Jesus' feet and say, “Is it not wonderful that His grace and faith should be manifested in me?”

Beloved, I have no faith of my own. It's not something I can manufacture or send to you. Faith is a gift from God. It comes from Him and is a gift He gives to you and me.

By Kathryn Kuhlman

You can listen to Miss Kuhlman's original message “The Real Faith” on YouTube here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h4ShaU6Jqk8

Open Heaven & Breakthrough

Breakthroughs have timing; you may not know the hour sometimes, but you can discern the season. A pregnant woman, for example, can't believe for her baby's delivery breakthrough before the 9th month, or she will be delusional and may tap into hurt on all levels. No matter how hard her pregnancy is or how anticipating, she can't skip the growth and the process of her most precious child.

“Do I bring to the moment of birth and not give delivery?” says the Lord. “Do I close up the womb when I bring to delivery?” says your God.” Isaiah 66:9.

It is the same God who gives you strength to be productive and the SAME GOD who gives you pushing power. God wants to complete the cycle of your blessing; he is for you! No pregnant woman knows the day or the hour of her delivery, but she knows the season and lives all around that breakthrough moment she is awaiting and laboring for a long time.

“Ask the Lord for rain in the springtime; it is the Lord who sends the thunderstorms. He gives showers of rain to all people, and plants of the field to everyone.” Zechariah 10:1.

Ask for rain in the time of rain! You can't ask for rain when it is not the right time for an outpouring. Whatever this outpouring you are waiting for, a breakthrough in your business, finances, relationships, health, ministry, etc., God will reveal to you the season of your breakthrough. I know that because he wants you to be aware and alert so you won't miss the day of your visitation and have everything go in vain. He wants you to be fruitful; he is your helper, comforter, guide, and strength.

“Now as He drew near, He saw the city and wept over it, saying, ‘If you had known, even you, especially in this your day, the things that make for your peace! But now they are hidden from your eyes. For days will come upon you when your enemies will build an embankment around you, surround you and close you in on every side, and level you, and your children within you, to the ground; and they will not leave in you one stone upon another, because you did not know the time of your visitation.'” Luke 19: 41-44.

The Lord is so good; he will always announce your breakthrough season. The pregnant woman shows signs of a mature pregnancy and approaching delivery: Lightening, braxton hicks contractions, cervical changes, bloody show, nesting instinct, increased vaginal discharge, water breaking, stronger, more regular contractions, backache, loss of mucus plug, dilation of the cervix.

You can't ignore those expressions and signs unless you are spiritually numb, depressed, or prayerless. I am talking here of course about your spiritual signs for your breakthrough. Has the Lord shown you signs that it is your season of breakthrough and delivery? Ask him, position yourself, and prepare because joy comes in the morning.

It's your moment of great breakthrough and it is NOW in Jesus' name. Amen! I know for myself it is my time; the Lord has been speaking to me A LOT about it. The blessings of the Lord shall transform me from one state to another, elevate me from pit to palace, from hiddenness to glory, and at that time, I will have to reveal to you it is me because you won't recognize me because the Lord has done great and magnificent deeds for me.

By sowing into Healed Nations Ministries, you are sowing into a breakthrough ground. Make a donation!

God bless you
Tony Francis

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Powers of Christ Death and Resurrection

Christ’s death has spiritual significance as well as physical significance. Christ’s death and resurrection is being celebrated across the world, especially in Christendom, in the name of Easter, but very few really understood the meaning of His death and resurrection, and it physical and spiritual impart.
Let’s really look at it, is it not absurd to tell a man ‘Christ died for you’, Christ who died by crucifixion more than two thousand years ago and the man probably his lineage has never been born by then. Pray, tell, how do you think it sound? Ridiculous, I suppose!

True, Christ death is for all human beings, living by then and by now, being born into the world by then and by now, and yet to be born. It was not just death on the cross, great power of God was released at his death, powers that completely put to destruction ‘special forces of Satan that were holding them world against God; serving as barriers between Him and man, subjecting the world into occult, sin and death. The Bible said, “From the sixth hour until the ninth hour darkness came over all the land … And when Jesus had cried out again in a loud voice, he gave up his spirit. At that moment the curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom. The earth shook and the rocks split. The tombs broke open and the bodies of many holy people who had died were raised to life. They came out of the tombs, and after Jesus resurrection they went into the holy city and appeared to many people,” (27:45-53, NIV).

Closely observe this passage, “…he gave up his spirit. At that moment the curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom. The earth shook and the rocks split. The tombs broke open and the bodies of many holy people who had died were raised to life.” If the death of Christ wrought such physical events, then think of what transpired in the spiritual realm at His death. Each of these has meaning, for people with understanding mind to comprehend. At His death, or the power of God that was released at his death, wrought great destruction to the powers of darkness in the celestial realms. Special forces (demons and evil spirits) of Satan the devil that enslaved the world (even though the world was ignorant of this, for this transcended far beyond the physical and natural world), serving as barriers between God Almighty and human being living by then and being born into the world by then, fell to destructive power of Christ death; as the barriers were broken. The temple curtain torn, a spiritual significant that the door to God Almighty is now open widely for every human being to come to Him with no barrier (except barriers made by humans themselves who loves sin and its vain pleasure than God and Christ). Hades and Death (the most dreadful and one of the most powerful plane in the kingdom of forces of darkness on earth and in heavenly places) lost their overwhelming powers as Christ death freed the dead that has fallen to their powers (few saints actually, with spiritual significant that death has no more hold on the saints of God, those redeemed by Christ through their willingness to come to God through Christ the only True Way). From the time of Christ death onward to our presence days and far into the future, every human beings living in the world and being born in the world is no longer under the powers of these ‘special evil forces’ (except through human-created medium through sins and evil practices) – this is part of the source of the saying that ‘Christ died for you and I’ even after more than two thousand years his crucifixion took place.

Christ Himself did not remained dead for ever, he resurrected from the dead. The scripture accounted that, “In the end of the sabbath, as it began to dawn toward the first day of the week, came Mary Magdalene and the other Mary to see the sepulchre. And, behold, there was a great earthquake: for the angel of the Lord descended from heaven, and came and rolled back the stone from the door, and sat upon it. His countenance was like lightning, and his raiment white as snow: And for fear of him the keepers did shake, and became as dead men. And the angel answered and said unto the women, Fear not ye: for I know that ye seek Jesus, which was crucified. He is not here: for he is risen, as he said. Come, see the place where the Lord lay And they departed quickly from the sepulchre with fear and great joy; and did run to bring his disciples word. And as they went to tell his disciples, behold, Jesus met them, saying, All hail. And they came and held him by the feet, and worshipped him. Then said Jesus unto them, Be not afraid: go tell my brethren that they go into Galilee, and there shall they see me,” Matthew 28:1-10. Glory be to God in the Highest, Christ Himself, whose death freed the dead saints from the powers of Hades and Death, did not remained dead for ever – He broke the power of death over him!

His resurrection completed the total defeat of Satan and his forces of darkness, now there is no other name than that of Jesus Christ that one can be saved from the wrath of God Almighty coming furiously upon the sinful world. Christ Jesus is the True Way, a burden bearer and a friend of all sinners who is ever ready to share in our sorrows, problems, pains and affliction. May God the Father be praised forever for giving His only Son Jesus Christ, who has redeemed mankind back to Him; reconciling the gap sin and its powers had wrought between Him and humankind.

Samuel Akinola