Tag Archive for: power

Give God your best

By Martine Kiwan

“A son honors his Father and a slave his master. If I am a Father, where is the honor due me? If I am a master, where is the respect due me? Says the LORD Almighty… But you ask, ‘How have we shown contempt for your name? By offering defiled food on my altar… By saying that the LORD’s table is contemptible.” Malachi 1:6-7

When we do not offer the Lord the best in everything we do, service/worship/giving… we are despising Him. Love is the key to honor the Lord and by accepting his unfailing love, we cannot but to offer Him our best of best!

Father, I pray that your love fills us, and that everything we do for your glory we do it from all our heart and power. Let us offer you our best service, ministry and worship. Thank you Holy Spirit for your work in Jesus name, Amen.

Manifestations – What do they mean?

By Kathie Walters

The Holy Spirit always wants to demonstrate what God says. “God confirmed the word with signs following” and in Hebrews chapter 2 it says, “How shall we escape if we neglect such a great salvation – which at first began to be spoken by the Lord and was confirmed unto us by them that heard Him. God ALSO BEARING THEM WITNESS both with signs and wonders and divers miracles and gifts of the Holy Spirit … according to His own will.” Well we know for sure that God wants to do signs and wonders and confirm His own word because it just said so.

I don’t know why some Christians think is it so spiritual to say, “I don’t need signs and wonders.” Well Jesus actually relied on signs and wonders and manifestations. He went out of the way to make sure the Holy Spirit had an opportunity to demonstrate the words He spoke. Jesus said “I am the bread of Life” and fed the 5000. He said “I am the resurrection and the life” and He raised the dead. He said “I am the light of the world” and He opened the eyes of the blind. God always wants to do what He says The Apostle Paul said. “I came not to you in word only but in demonstration of the Spirit and in power (1 Thess).

So God talks to us through in different ways. He talks through the Bible which contains the word of God. He talks to us through the Holy Spirit who brings us life. The Bible was quite dead to me until the Holy Spirit showed up and made it come alive. Then the Holy Spirit started to speak through preachers, and prophets. Remember when Jesus was answering Satan? He said, “Man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.” (Matt 4:4) you don’t just take any scripture and use it – you have to discern what God is saying to you NOW – TODAY. The proceeding word, the word or scripture that is coming to you now, today.

That is why signs and wonders are important… They are a part of what God does and says and we should pay attention to the manifestations of the Holy Spirit because GOD IS TALKING TO YOU.

Years ago well-meaning churches would preach the gospel message of salvation every Sunday night – even through the congregation of 50 had been saved for 20 years at least. While it was in the Bible it wasn’t the proceeding word to those people. They didn’t stop to listen to what God was saying today. That would have moved them to the next place God had for them. Instead they stayed where they were and “froze” in time.

When God is moving by His Spirit it is in order to demonstrate something or tell you something. The signs and wonders are not meant to entertain us although I must say it can be very entertaining… But we should take note and listen. Many people are smelling the different Aromas in the meetings (and out of the meetings). Each aroma is God speaking to you. I have a great book called “The Spiritual meaning of Aromas, flowers, trees and colors.” Many people have dreams and visions of different flowers, trees, colors etc. – but in all those things GOD IS TALKING. For dream and vision interpretation get a copy of THE DIVINITY CODE…

For example – aroma of strawberries means friendship with God. Apples – The Beloved’s breath smells like sweet apples, Jesus is breathing on you. Peppermint – refreshing and so on. They are in my book.

Signs… If you preach healing – the Holy Spirit will heal people because He will confirm the Word. Sometimes the anointing comes on someone and God uses them for a sign to say something.

One time when my husband David, was ministering in Florida the Holy Spirit was moving on people at the end of the meeting. One man was on the floor unable to move for a long time. He kept trying to get up – you have probably seen the same thing. I saw an angel sitting on the man’s chest. I said to him, “God won’t let you up until you listen to what He says.” After a while he did listen and then the angel got up and then he got up- a bit shaken. He told me later that he thought the power of his mind was as strong as the power of God Well I don’t think he thought that again.

In the same meeting a lady started running backwards. She ran backwards round the church. Then she ran backwards out of the door and across the parking lot. The elders very wisely decided to wait on God the next morning to find out what He was saying. God spoke to them and said, “You are not going forward in this move until you go back for the children.” The church had David come and bring all the children and youth into the revival and into the anointing. Then the whole church moved on in the move of the Spirit.

I got up to speak at a church a while ago… When I opened my mouth to speak it was as if my lips were glued together. I was not able to open my mouth. The Lord spoke to me and said, “My Lips are sealed.” We waited but then someone jumped up and took an offering so we didn’t wait to see what the Lord said by not speaking.

Sometimes when I am preaching my arm or hand or gets stuck – I have to wait until we “get it” before we can move on in the meeting. Tonight while I was speaking in the Gold Coast, Australia my left hand got “stuck.” My arm was slightly raised and my hand as turned downwards. It stayed like that for a couple of minutes while we waited to see what it was all about. Then my hand felt like it was resting on the head of small boy’s head, I could feel his hair under my hand I remember how Jesus blessed the children. In the original translation it means He laid hands on them to anoint them. The children are anointed too – they have the same Holy Spirit as any adult. Read some of my husband, David's material on my website. He has little kids praying for the sick and sees miracles happen all the time.

A pastor friend of mine in the Midwest once got frozen in the spirit in the front of a Dennys restaurant. She was putting her wallet back in her purse and the Holy Spirit came on her she got frozen with her hands half way in her purse. From past experience I know that can be 5 min or 5 hours so I stood by and waited. People came out of the restaurant to pay their bill and saw her. They asked me what she was doing and I told them she was talking to God. Well my friend stayed like that for 55 min and by that time a little crowd had gathered by the seat at the front of Denny’s restaurant. Eventually the anointing lifted and she “came back” so to speak. She noticed the crowd ( about 15 people by then_) I told her they had been there for 55 minutes so she went over and started ministering to them, She got a couple of people healed, and some saved and she prophesied over a few. She became a sign that made them sit there for an hour and wonder. So sometimes YOU get to be the sign and wonder. But God is talking! Listen and watch – don’t let things pass you by. God doesn’t always “speak” to speak. He speaks through signs and wonders and various gifts of the Holy Spirit.


Kathie and David Walters

God’s Bosom

“No one has seen God at any time; the Only-begotten Son, who is in the BOSOM of the Father, He has declared Him.” John 1:18

What heaven is really like? It is to be in the bosom of your heavenly Father. You can catch a very fade glimpse of something alike when you are hugged by your earthly father or mother. The bosom of your parent is the place where you want to be. The bosom speaks of a great intimacy; Jesus is in the Bosom of the Father and in Christ you are in the same place, are you aware of this? I don’t want to sit on a throne in heaven just give me some space in the bosom of my heavenly Father and this is more than enough to me. The bosom of the Father can contain all of his children yet it remains intimate for each one. The bosom of the Father is the very center of heaven, you are in the heart of God, you are in a place rich in love for you night and day. You are in a place of security, protection, freedom, revelation, power and majesty. No word can describe the glory of being in the Bosom of the heavenly Father.

God longs for intimacy with you, many can hear God’s voice or see visions of the throne, this is wonderful and I want both but I long for something more, I long to touch him, to feel him and to worship him closely that I can be lost at my daddy’s feet. I want to be able to say with John the beloved: “That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked at and our hands have TOUCHED–this we proclaim concerning the Word of life.” 1 John 1:1. In his bosom, you will be healed, restored and be made whole, in his bosom you will be victorious and stay victorious, in his bosom you will sense your great value unlike the prodigal son who reached the level of pigs and felt cheap and worthless when he abandoned his father. This place is so real to me and is so scary to the devil that he always tries to dethrone me out of it but no one can pluck me out of my Father’s hand but me John 10:29. Do you know this intimacy?

Glory to God
Tony Francis

The Truth about Prayer

In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express. And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints in accordance with God's will. (Romans 8:26-27)

It’s my firm belief that having a strong and a powerful prayer life begins with the revelation that I don’t know how to pray. This is what we just read in Romans 8:26 “we do not know what we ought to pray for” and scriptures always tell us the truth about ourselves. Bottom line, you and I don’t know how to pray God’s will. Then why would God tells us to have a prayer life if we don’t know how to pray? How can we respond to his calling and be successful in our prayer life as his priests?

I need HELP! Exactly! When you say: God Help! You are actually calling upon the name of the Holy Spirit for he is the Helper; he is your helper in your prayer life. One day, the disciples of Jesus woke up spiritually to the fact that they don’t know how to pray, thus they came to him asking to be taught how to pray, they wanted a prayer life like Jesus. So Jesus taught them by the Holy Spirit to pray the Lord’s Prayer according to their need at that time. I am not saying you can’t pray it nowadays, it is a wonderful pattern of prayer and we can learn much from it, what I am saying is that if you approach the Lord today asking him how to pray, I assure you he has something new to teach you by the Holy Spirit to pray forth. It is wonderful to pray the biblical prayers, but I believe that prayer is the outcome of a personal relationship with the Master; it is a personal encounter with the Spirit of Prayer.  If we only have written prayers to pray, then we don’t need the Holy Spirit. I believe in both, the Spirit and the Truth lifestyle. The time changed, the need changed, the prayer changed but the Holy Spirit has not changed. He is always here to pray through you, to birth prayers in you that will release the will of the Father on earth as it is in heaven. Let your attitude always be “Lord, what’s on your heart to pray? “ Prayer was never intended and designed by the Father for us to be done on our own, from one side. Prayer is a partnership with the Holy Spirit, it is being in agreement with him, and it is being tuned to his desires and his will. We don’t pray our will; we pray his will to be done. How can we know his will? The Holy Spirit knows God’s will and he reveals it to you. Heaven is waiting on you to stop depending on your resources and start cooperating with the Holy Spirit. Holy Spirit is your prayer partner, you are not alone. Trust him to pray his perfect prayers through you.

Romans 8:27 “And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit”, did you notice in this verse that God searches our hearts when we pray, not our souls or flesh? This tells us that our prayers must come from our hearts, our spirit man where Holy Spirit dwells. Didn’t Jesus tell us when we pray to go to our secret chamber and pray from there? Prayers that are cultivated in intimacy with the Holy Spirit in your inner man will be rewarded openly by the Father.

These 3 revelations will revolutionize your prayer life: First, know that you don’t know how to pray. Second, know that you need to partner with the Holy Spirit in prayer. Third, know that you need to pray by revelation, prayers inspired by the Holy Spirit. We read in Exodus how God commanded Moses to build the tabernacle according to the heavenly map he showed him. This tabernacle is full of symbolic elements. In the Holy, where the priests used to minister unto God, you see the candlestick, the table of showbread and the altar of incense. God commanded Moses that the oil of the anointing which represents the Holy Spirit must be made according to his formula not to men. So it is for the incense! Incense must be God-made not Man-made. Incense represents your prayers (psalms 141:2). Your prayers must be God-made when you minister unto him. You can’t fabricate your own incense; it is non-sense to God. When you pray, let the Holy Spirit download to you his own formula of incense. Exodus 30:7-8 “Every morning when Aaron maintains the lamps, he must burn fragrant incense on the altar. And each evening when he lights the lamps, he must again burn incense in the LORD's presence.” Aaron couldn’t burn the incense to the Lord before he lights the lamps first. It is a must to pray by revelation, by illumination, this is not only for the prophetic people in the church, this is the ministry of the priests to all and in Christ you are one! The Holy Spirit will reveal to you what to pray but you do the burning by releasing it in faith “The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.” (James 5:16)

Glory to God
Tony Francis

The Prison Of Emotions

Some people are in the prison of drugs, some are in the prison of alcoholism, some are in the prison of adultery and pornography, some are in the prison of depression and hopelessness, some are in the prison of selfishness but some are in the prison of emotional attachment and many aren't aware of it. Jesus came to release the captives free; his power is available to you today to get you out of this prison. It’s a new day of freedom for you in the area of relationships.

What’s an emotional attachment? Emotions are a God-Given gift to us and it’s normal and balanced to experience a healthy emotional bond toward the ones you love and those you are close to, can you imagine a relationship without feelings? It’s dry, isn’t it? But it is a real problem when this emotional bond becomes bondage. It becomes bondage when you can’t live without someone and when this one becomes your source of every need and satisfaction and not God. The only person you can be slave to and remain free is God. Some people reading this can’t even live without the remembrance of people they loved but they lost, this too falls under the category of emotional attachment and you need to be free. Can you think of someone in your life today you can’t let go? Remember you don’t own these people they belong to God; they are his property so make sure not to put your label of ownership on what God owns.

I remember being tortured with this for years and years until the Lord dealt with me and healed my emotions and released me. Today my relationships are more blessed with these people that I used to relate to them without balance. Oh, I can’t tell you how beautiful this freedom is that God offers you in your relationships.  This freedom is calling your name today, come up!


Lord, for those serious about it I release your grace to touch their emotions with your breakthrough and freedom, and what they used to struggle with for years they can surmount now easily. Bless their relationships for your Glory in Jesus name. Amen! (I hear in the spirit the chains falling off and I sense that God will enlarge the territory of your relationships by sending more divine connections and people for you because now he can entrust you with more). Hallelujah, Glory to God!

Glory to God
Tony Francis

The healing touch of Jesus

“After Jesus left the synagogue with James and John, they went to Simon and Andrew's home. Now Simon's mother-in-law was sick in bed with a high fever. They told Jesus about her right away. So He went to her bedside, took her by the hand, and helped her sit up. Then the fever left her, and she prepared a meal for them. ” Mark 1:29-31

Have you by accident been electrocuted when you were a child playing around? You definitely discovered that plugging your fingers in electricity is bad and later you developed expectancy that touching electricity will get you the same results over and over again. Maybe you were ignorant the first time of such a thing and maybe you are ignorant today of the powerful healing touch of Jesus! I believe that sometimes the Lord treats us with Mercy the first time and heals us but as we experience this we start developing expectancy that if we touch him again his healing power will flow to us as it happened with the woman of the issue of the blood! She touched the hem of his garment expecting in her heart to be healed and she was! Glory to God!

I can imagine Simon’s mother-in-law sitting in her bed with some neighbors around telling her: “Oh did you know that Jesus the Healer is passing by you today because he got the news of your sickness?” hearing this caused her faith & expectancy to leap within her because “faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God” Romans 10:17. Her expectancy continued to rise with each closer step Jesus made toward her house and as the bell rang her expectancy continued to rise and as she heard the voice of the doctor of doctors in the next room asking: “where is she?” her expectancy continued to mount up with wings like eagles as she was waiting on the lord and hoping in him until it reached its pinnacle as soon as Jesus sat beside her and took her by hand and healed her!

What’s your bed of sickness? What’s giving you a high fever? What’s robbing your strength & health? Is it a physical disease? Is it a mental or emotional torment? Is it a spiritual sin? The name of your sickness doesn’t really matter because the name of Jesus is above every name (Philippians 2:9-11) and it doesn’t matter how bad your disease is because Jesus healed all your diseases (Psalms 103:3). Jesus the Healer is visiting you today through this word you are reading because he longs to show you compassion as you come to him (Isaiah 30:18) actually you are a step away of your healing because he is knocking at the door of your heart. Open the door of expectancy & faith to him and receive your healing NOW! It’s so easy.


Lord, you are so compassionate to heal me and those you touched have experienced your healing power and you are no respecter of man. Today I want to join this cloud of healed witnesses and receive my healing that cost you a very painful price on the cross. As you said when you pray believe that you received and it shall be yours! I decree: It’s finished, my sickness is finished in Jesus mighty name and healing is mine. Amen!

Glory to God
Tony Francis