Tag Archive for: hashtag

If Jesus was a CEO

Jesus runs the universe in his perfect wisdom and authority and preserves everything by the power of his word. It is wide and abstract for us to grasp and understand God’s position as the ruler of the world because we don’t understand its mechanics. But it is easier for us to catch this concept if the ruler of the universe becomes a CEO of a company. His first position is an unlimited authority and reign over the universe, his second position is about a limited authority and reign over a certain domain. But sometimes if we can understand the small picture we can have a glimpse of the bigger one! Earth is a shadow of Heaven!

The first day came! Jesus woke up in the morning, spent his time with his heavenly Father in prayer as usual then put his clothes on and got ready not to go to Jerusalem, Nazareth, any small village or a synagogue to preach, heal and cast out demons, but this time he went to his own registered company somewhere in the city! The Son of God has his own company now and he can’t wait to reach his office to salute his dear employees and get the business done to bring more glory to his heavenly Father in the business field.

What could his goals be? Will he run his company the same way other CEOs do? Who is going to hire to be on his team? Who will be his right hand assistant? He surely can’t fail, success is guaranteed! After all he never failed healing someone and never failed resurrecting the dead, he will surely never fail running his new business! How is he going to run his company? The world is waiting and watching closely to see Jesus in his new position as chief executive officer CEO.

His employees are the luckiest ones because they were given the chance to watch the Son of God running a business for the first time, not a spiritual ministry! Many launched their social media apps to tweet, post and broadcast the first activities of Jesus on his first day at work! And for the first time these employees will hashtag proudly things like #ILoveMyCEO #HisWordsAreMyCommandments #Obedience #WantToMakeHimHappy #MyCEOIsAlwaysRight …

You may think I went too far in my imagination about the Lord. After all he can’t occupy this position, he is a spiritual leader! But my dear friend, this Jesus living in you wants to take over and live through you whatever your position is! You could be the first one to give Jesus the opportunity to run your business on his terms! It is going to be so exciting and of course … supernatural!

Glory to God
Tony Francis

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