Tag Archive for: blessed

When Your Breakthrough Is Not Coming

One of the greatest and most powerful prayers you can pray to God is: “Lord, Help I'm Stuck!”. How many times when we were children our parents came to rescue us immediately because we cried out to them in our stuck positions and some of those stuck positions were really funny and some parents seized the moment to catch it on camera before saving your day! (Forgive them haha). I know it is not an easy thing at all because I went through stuck moments when it felt like remaining forever. Especially when you are dealing with an everyday pain that is unbearable, that's another story!

When you are in a stuck season, when your breakthrough doesn't feel like coming to pass, when you don't even seem to see that “little hand-sized cloud” this is when you are most vulnerable to the lies of the enemy and to a cycle of questions that some times is tormenting and many are challenged in their faith. Today, would you check with the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Truth, what lies you may be believing in this season? God wants to readjust you into powerful positions of faith again! Without faith, it is impossible to please God. (Hebrews 11:6)

Before the woman of the issue of blood received her breakthrough from the Lord, she had to press in through the bombarding big lies of the enemy. The fiery darts of the enemy were falling on her like rain, she was overwhelmed by those wicked arrows and if she believed just one lie of the bundle of lies offered to her, she would be harmed, injured, discouraged, and disabled from continuing her pressing in toward her long awaiting divine breakthrough.

The only thing that kept her going harder than the lies of the enemy is her faith in the goodness of Jesus. I don't know in what situation you are in today, only God knows but I am sure many want to give up on reaching their peace and wholeness in God but don't you do it! It gets darker before dawn!

No one is promised the timing for their breakthrough, it devalues the attempts of faith and God wants to give you the FULL reward of your faith. Jesus didn't receive a tidbit of comfort at the cross because he was after the fullness of our redemption. When I was battling hell in my health years ago for 5 years, I was believing the Lord for my miracle and breakthrough. The only thing I had back then after so many prayers is the peace of God to press in and NOT to go for surgery and I assumed God wanted me to press in for a miracle. The only miracle I got is my perseverance and endurance and my ability to serve God and remain fruitful as much as possible. In the end, God blessed me with a smooth surgery, with no pain but 2 years almost of recovery. Talking about someone learning patience here!

I was so disappointed that God didn't perform a miracle and that I had to go under a knife but after I saw that my years of suffering came to an end, I rejoiced anyway and thanked God he came for me, whether through a miracle or another natural mean blessed by the hand of the Lord, who cares. It looks like I was assuming that if God gave me peace to press in without surgery then he meant a miracle and that's the danger of assumption in the prophetic.

I learned so many lessons, I carved realms of authority in different areas, and I got victories beyond comprehension over my attitude and devils, it was a big battle for me but the plunder is for a lifetime. Thank you, good Lord!

Today, focus on two things only, press in by believing God is good for you, and let him be God. Walk it out with him step by step according to your measure of faith, just like when Abraham followed the Lord to a Land not knowing what he was doing and what is his next step. You may not be given what is to come and how it is going to end but you can have those confident “one step of faith at a time” and at the end it is going to be glorious for you!

Oh by the way I forgot to tell you, my battle was big because I was also fighting for a generation.

Tony Francis

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Changing the Culture of the Spheres of Influence through the Beatitudes

Changing the Culture of the Spheres of Influence through the Beatitudes y Lilian Schmid – Strategist and Prayer Coordinator for The Prayer Strategy Spheres of Influence International 


How can we use Jesus’ Command to “love one another” (John 13:33-34) change the 21st century culture which is affected by sin: every sphere of influence in our society has been corrupted and affected by the ungodly activities which are operating to destroy humanity. Modern life has become multi-faceted and hectic with the following spheres/domains dominating and competing for ours and our families' time, money, affections and ambitions. These spheres or domains are:

  • Business and Finance
  • Government and the Military
  • Law and Justice
  • Faith and Philosophy
  • Creative Arts
  • Education
  • Charity and Not for Profit Welfare
  • Health and Science
  • Media and Entertainment
  • Sport and Recreation

In the Old Testament God promised to mend that which had been lost in the Fall by reinstituting peace on earth. Through Ezekiel, the Lord looked forward to such restoration for his people:

“And I will make a covenant of peace with them, an everlasting covenant. I will give them their land and multiply them, and I will put my Temple among them forever. I will make my home among them. I will be their God, and they will be my people.” (Ezek 37:26-27).

Peace will come by God’s effort. The result will be material blessing and, most importantly, a mended relationship between people and God. The prophet Isaiah brought a message similar to that of Ezekiel: How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of the messenger who announces peace, who brings good news, who announces salvation, who says to Zion, “Your God reigns” (Isa 52:7).  God’s peace is integrally related to his salvation, to the restoration of his reign on earth. When God saves, he will restore his kingdom so that those who live under his rightful rule will experience the fullness of his peace.

Jesus entered the world as the one who would fulfil the mission of the Suffering Servant, thus bringing divine peace. Even before Jesus was born, one of his relatives proclaimed what God was about to do: “By the tender mercy of our God, the dawn from on high will break upon us, to give light to those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the way of peace” (Luke 1:78-79)

How the Beatitudes will Bring Change to the Spheres of Influence in Our Society

“The beatitudes reveal to us eight qualities that bring God's blessing: meekness and mercy, poorness in spirit and purity of heart, mourning and hunger, peacemaking and persecution. Jesus highlighted these to offer both encouragement and instruction on living distinctly as his followers in a world with values much different from God's. As we study these qualities and integrate them into our lives, we will receive the blessing Jesus promised to his followers then and now”.
(The Beatitudes: Developing Spiritual Character by John R.W. Stott)

Looking at the Beatitudes as a kind of ladder, an ascent, we can discover some amazing things about spirituality and its fundamental relationship to the world. The Beatitudes have intense significance in a world where many Christians want to change others and the world from the top down, through forced conformity rather than genuine conversion. The Beatitudes are the essence, the lifeblood and beating heart of authentic, ancient and living Christianity. They are (from Mt 5:3-10):

Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

Blessed are they who mourn, for they shall be comforted.

Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.

Blessed are they who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied.

Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy.

Blessed are the pure of heart, for they shall see God.

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called children of God.

Blessed are they who are persecuted for the sake of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

The Beatitudes express the idea that peace comes from peacemakers who are characterised by their poverty of spirit, their ability to mourn for the world, their lack of attachments or clinging to personal rights, their hunger for the healing of the world, their extreme mercy extended even towards their worst enemies, and their purity of heart. Peacemakers, according to Christ, are the instruments who bring peace to the world because they exemplify these characteristics. Change comes from the inside and moves towards the external. Peacemakers are persecuted because they present a challenge to authority which compels from the outside but cannot penetrate the interior.

Jesus' Sermon on the Mount begins by talking about the kingdom of heaven. A kingdom has a king, subjects, a place, and the ways of the king and his kingdom. It is where this particular king is reigning. So when Jesus teaches, He is not just advocating rules or giving advice. He is talking about a place or, more accurately, a realm where the ruler is God. And what is God’s kingdom like? What is God like as a king? Who are His subjects? And what are the ways of God? You can see that Jesus speaks about all these things in the Beatitudes. We learn about who the subjects of this kingdom are: the poor in spirit, those who mourn, etc. The true King of this universe is the One who gives the kingdom, who comforts, gives the earth to His children, and so on. Jesus is telling them about the wonder and goodness of living under the reign of God. The creator of this universe is the king of every sphere of influence, Jesus is the author of these spheres and we are the witnesses to bring real changes into them by proclaiming God’s kingdom on each one of them.

How the Kingdom will manifest its Power in the Spheres

First of all Jesus is speaking about the kingdom as a present and future reality. We can truly possess the kingdom of heaven here and now on the earth. We can enjoy the truth of this at least to some extent. The people of the kingdom are blessed. The word “blessed” always implies that the one doing the blessing is God. To be blessed is to be favoured or honoured by God. “Blessed” is a passive term. The one who is blessed is receiving from God His notice and favour. We can bring blessing to others that we meet within our sphere of influence.

So who are those who are blessed in the kingdom of heaven? And why are they blessed? In looking over the Beatitudes, we are immediately struck that Jesus is saying the unexpected, to say the least! The qualities of the blessed on Jesus’ teaching are not at all what we think of when we consider those we believe to be blessed.

To be blessed is to have value as human beings from our (Government), to have good health (Health and Science), to be secure and protected (Law and Justice), have great success in one’s endeavours (Business), creative and artistic (Arts), athletic (Sport and Recreation), freedom of speech and ideas (Faith and Philosophy), rich in Knowledge (Education), helping others in need to live (Charity and Not For Profit Welfare), spreading Christian values through technology (Media). These are the qualities we tend to associate with being blessed.

Jesus brings a new dimension to human life through the Sermon on the Mount. In the Beatitudes he teaches us the quality of life that we are hungry for. Every sphere of influence needs these kingdom qualities to be proclaimed in them. The qualities He includes are actually what we would normally consider indications of someone not being blessed! The person who we naturally think is blessed is favoured to have the kingdom of heaven now and a future fullness in comfort, inheritance, satisfaction, mercy, etc. The blessing then that these people receive is not to be poor in spirit, mourning, or meek. Rather, the presence of these qualities is thought to be a sign that the person is not cursed, but actually blessed. Paradoxically in Jesus teaching one can be called blessed when they are poor in spirit because being poor in spirit is a sign that she/he is looking for the very thing God the King is giving: His kingdom. You can see that there is a connection in the message of Jesus between the person who is blessed and why they are blessed, where every person who is a witness to Christ in the Marketplace can bring a blessing to these domains or spheres.

God our King desires indeed to bless us, to bless our families, our church, our work. Through our mission we can transform our society by applying the teaching of the Beatitudes through each one of us. We can be a part of bringing the reality of the kingdom of God on earth as it is in heaven. To understand that to be blessed here and now is to find we are being made ready to receive all these things forever.

Jesus is telling us about His kingdom. We see that God greatly desires to bless His people in a full and complete way. God is not going to give sparingly – just some comfort, or a small inheritance. And what God is doing in His people now, when He is blessing them, is that He is making them able more and more to hope in, receive, long for, the very riches He is giving. If we are in Christ we are a new creation: “Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.” (2 Co 5:17).

So as blessed people:

  • Let us be rich in God’s Kingdom who is the provider of all richness in this wor Colossians 3:16
  • Let us be comforted to be free, Jesus gave us freedom the moment he gave his life on the cross. Galatians 3:1-14
  • Let us inherit the earth because we are sons and daughter of God’s Kingdom. Psalm 2:7
  • Let us be righteous and let God’s light shine through us. Matthew 5:14
  • Let us receive mercy and grace, and be merciful to others Matthew 8:14-17
  • Let us have Jesus’ heart and receive His unconditional love to love others as He loved us. John 3:16
  • Let us be peacemakers and bring unity across the body. John 13:35
  • Let us handle persecution with perseverance; then we may understand the fullness of God’s mercy and grace. John 25:20


Prophetic Word for the month of Tammuz 5783 July 2023

June 19th, 2023 we entered a new biblical, divine, Godly, and Hebraic month of Tammuz! It is always exciting to do life with the Lord because guess what? His times and seasons are always for us and always good.

This is what I believe our Heavenly Father is saying in this month:

I see in the spirit the big giant grape held by the mighty spies of Moses back to their place as a foretaste of encouragement from the promised land.

This is what I believe the Holy Spirit is saying to us, in this month of Tammuz 5783 / July 2023 you will be carrying my goodness enlarged after you've been carrying weighty sorrows, trials, and tribulations. People have seen you going through, some mocked your faith, others mocked your God, and the devil with his elevated nose of pride tried to convince you that you are destined for cycles of pain, rejection, hurt, and sicknesses and that you will never see a breakthrough or the dawn of an expected end.

By the authority of the Holy Spirit, the Lord of times and seasons I release you into your answered prayers, your persistent decree of “I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living”. I usher you in Jesus' mighty name, it is God's timing, his perfect will and some of you need thoughts adjustment to get out of “being used to samo-samo” Less you will miss this alignment with God. I understand we can go through long cycles in which we lose hope and we lock ourselves sometimes in a certain perspective that is not of faith and belief. Make sure you are hearing the Lord, your healer, passing by your room of affliction notifying you it is your DAY OUT! Don't stay there.

You might need others to help you carry your enlarged blessings as well, pray this into existence. You are blessed to be a blessing.

Let's pray: Lord, I connect my faith with this word and I align myself with your agenda for me this month and on. Help me be and live in your fullness in Jesus' name! It is my time to shine and be overtaken by your GLORY. I decree it is my new day in God, amen!

If you feel sowing into Healed Nations Ministries this month, feel free to do this below. We pray for our partners, celebrate and honor them, and their love and support!

God bless you

Tony Francis

The New Breed

John the Apostle addressed in different parts of his epistles the dangerous gnostic ideology that basically preach that the flesh is evil and only the spirit is good, thus Jesus didn’t come in the flesh. Gnosticism is not my subject here, I want to show you how that sect focused on the spirit realm only not understanding deeply God’s heart to redeem what was corrupted and lost by sin. On Earth as it is in Heaven!

The Lord Jesus Christ is God’s plan of salvation for everything that was baptized in death after the fall of mankind. God is the God of spirits and flesh. When he created us, it was very good! Sin corrupted everything and we allowed it through Adam’s light stewardship of the creation. Sin is bad, not the flesh! God provided the answer, the antidote, the solution, the way out through his only begotten Son Jesus Christ.

We are all born in sin, inheriting the sinful Adamic nature. The Bible says in Romans 5:12-17

“12 Therefore, just as sin entered the world through one man, and death through sin, and in this way death came to all people, because all sinned— 13 for before the law was given, sin was in the world. But sin is not counted where there is no law. 14 Nevertheless, death reigned from the time of Adam to the time of Moses, even over those who did not sin by breaking a command, as did Adam, who is a pattern of the one to come. 15 But the gift is not like the trespass. For if the many died by the trespass of the one man, how much more did God’s grace and the gift that came by the grace of the one man, Jesus Christ, overflow to the many! 16 And the gift is not like the result of the one man’s sin: The judgment followed one sin and brought condemnation, but the gift followed many trespasses and brought justification. 17 For if, by the trespass of the one man, death reigned through that one man, how much more will those who receive God’s abundant provision of grace and of the gift of righteousness reign in life through the one man, Jesus Christ!”

What is righteousness? It is making things RIGHT again (RIGHTesouness). Many Christians are not Gnostics as they believe in the incarnation of Jesus Christ but focusing only on the spirit realm and believing that this corrupted flesh is beyond repair till we die, is pretty close to deception. We read in the verse “How much more will those who RECEIVE God’s abundant provision of grace and of the gift of righteousness reign in life through the one man, Jesus Christ!” Where do you REIGN? HERE and now we understand why it is so hard to RECEIVE correction, adjustment, and righteousness to what sin corrupted in us, it is a battle, for we war to reign! The huge provision was given to us by Jesus, the battle is now on the receiving end and the devil wins this by inspiring us with deceiving doctrines. Like for example, why do you need to repair your cursed inherited DNA, one day God will fix everything and will EVEN give you a glorious body in Heaven, but hey don’t worry, the Lord will give you grace as you battle sickness, diseases, and curses. Is not this so subtle and sneaky like a snake? I wonder how many of our inheritances in Christ have we lost to that kind of thinking. The delayed victory!

God’s DNA overrides your DNA if you are born again and the gift of righteousness of Jesus Christ lives in you! Just as you received your eternal salvation from hell and condemnation by faith, you can allow God’s correcting power to come over your DNA and bring redemption to what is needed. You don’t need to die at age 51 because your dad or mom died at that age from a certain disease! If sin preprogrammed your death in your own genes, God has programmed LIFE to you. Only a higher authority can override a lower authority. Life trumps death!

Yes, not many will be able to receive this truth and live their miraculous nature because “righteousness needs to reign in this life” and that’s a battle and not many are determined to be heroes in the faith!

For believers who broke in Jesus' name the curse of sin in your bloodline, outlived your ancestors, or lived healed and healthy and separate from the sickness/curse history in your family, congratulations! You changed the report by faith. “I have believed that I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living”.

Is this possible for you? Yes, only if you believe.

Let’s pray: Father God, thank you for the power of your righteousness you gave me through your Son Jesus. Help me understand the unending possibility of its wonder-working power, teach me how to apply it by faith, and let me be among those who change bad reports. You say I am blessed, and your blessing looks like something. Amen

Glory to God
Tony Francis

Prophetic Word for the month of Sivan 5783 June 2023

We just stepped into a new biblical Hebraic month, the month of SIVAN – JUNE and it is my birthday month (haha). I was born on June 7th, 1984 and the letter associated with the month of Sivan is Zayin which counts 7 too. I love number 7! I pray you will have a blessed month under the canopy of God's presence, blessings & APPOINTMENTS in Jesus' name.

I was praying for you, those who visit my website, and on my mailing list and this is what I believe the Holy Spirit wants to say to you about this new month.

You can study yourself about the month of Sivan 5783 and even ask the Lord to give you specific words for this month but I am highlighting to you here what I feel the Lord wants to zero on and remember we prophesy in PART! So do your homework.

The corridor of this month that you are going to walk through is filled with roses and flowers on both sides. Once it was a desert for you, thorns and hardship and NOW you stepped into a realm of time where it is flowery! I see those laid flowers around you as blessings from the Lord and I see the blessing of HEALING highlighted to you in this month, among other blessings.

Those blessings are calling your name and if you don't take it personally and get serious about it, you may be missing them. God wants you to walk in blessings, “However you look, great blessings”. I feel like titling it the MONTH OF BLESSINGS & UNPRECEDENTED BLESSINGS! Some of you will receive their promotions in SIVAN-JUNE, a long-awaited desire. I feel the Holy Spirit highlighting Joseph in the Old Testament. God wants you to receive the blessings that were on his life, yes you can because in Christ you are grated and the blessings of our forefathers are down passed to us. LORD, I AM CLAIMING THOSE BLESSINGS RIGHT NOW IN JESUS' MIGHTY NAME!

Breakthrough, strength, and power will be the hovering banner over you this time. Power will be released with your spoken words so be careful to speak life and be under the submission of the Holy Spirit. It is going to be a great month in the presence of the Lord Yeshua, Jesus. Amen!

What is the Lord talking to you about this month? Feel free to mention it in the comment section below the bottom of the page. I will be reading your revelations and others will too.

Thank you for being part of this tribe, thank God for your love, faithfulness, and support and I thank God for the privilege and honor he gives me when I serve you in one way or another. You are not a number my friend, I value you and I bless you in Jesus' name.

Feel free to request a prophetic ministry, and check my digital store and my online Christian store for beautiful apparel & accessories (use the coupon code for a discount).

If you feel led to sow into this prophetic ministry at the beginning of this new month or anytime it will be a great blessing that will help us advance the word of God. Also if you feel like wishing me a happy birthday by sowing a blessing, feel free to do that and mention in the comment section after checkout that your donation is a birthday gift to Tony Francis. 

God bless you


The Book of Revelation

In the past I used to approach the book of Revelation with fear, with that feeling of uneasiness, anguish and gloom; trying to find the exact word to convey my exact state. I approached the book of Revelation in lowness of the spirit.

The book of Revelation I must say is one of the books that always send fear to the spines of many; believers and unbelievers alike due to the widely misconception of the book by people who lacked the knowledge of the mysteries of the kingdom of God or for the sole purpose of misleading the ones who have little or no knowledge of the Scripture.

Going through memory lane, the year 2000 was a very scary year and a lot of people thought the world was going to end in the year 2000 (New Millennium). Many sold their properties and gave the proceedings to the poor while many lost their possessions in fear yet we are here 23 years on. But in the positive shade, it helped many to return to Christ but we must not return to Christ for fear of the end time but for his love for us.

Having for the first time in my life read the book of Revelation with an open mind and with the help of the Holy Spirit, I was able to understand in detail the Revelations of the mysteries in every lines, verses and chapters of the book and I thank the Lord that at last the world will be judged for her wickedness.

Oh! How lovely to be at the marriage supper of the lamb! This is all I long for, to behold the beauty and the splendor of his majesty.

To know that there’s a set time for the enemy to be judged and destroyed is consoling. And to join all the prophets and the saints who were long asleep and those slain for the sake of the same testimony which I bear today is glorious and it’s a blessing to my soul.

No wonder the Apostle Paul wrote in Philippians 1:21 ‘for to me, living is Christ and dying is gain. And in Revelation 14:13 “And I heard a voice from heaven saying, Write this.; Blessed are the dead who from now on die in the Lord, ‘Yes says the Spirit, ‘they will rest from their labors, for their deeds follow them.’

The book of Revelation has blessed my life like every other book of the Bible. Although it’s the last book of the Bible, it’s the beginning of the new life in Christ. It brings an end to this fallen world and ushers hope for the new heaven and the new earth, it is soul refreshing.

It reveals the mysteries of the kingdom of God in its splendor and majesty and exalts God as the righteous judge He is.  And that which was revealed to the Apostle John but instructed not to be written, I am sure is our little surprise package when we see Him face to face.

In the beginning chapters, our Lord Jesus forewarned the Seven Churches in Asia and also encouraged them. He applauded their good works and exposed their sins and urged them to repent, reminding them of the glory that awaits those that conquered.

It’s a wonderful feeling of safety to know that you have been saved from damnation by the blood of the lamb; your name is boldly written in the book of life and there’s nothing in this world that can pluck you from his hand… In John 17: 12 Jesus prayed ‘While I was with them, I protected them in your name that you have given me. I guarded them, and not one of them was lost except the one destined to be lost, so that the scripture might be fulfilled.

If our hope is of this world we are of all men most miserable’ Apostle Paul wrote. We have hope that transcends beyond time and season; our hope is in the Son. I encourage believers to have a clearer view of our inheritance in Christ. It’s awesome to know that there’s nothing on earth to be compared to the glory that awaits us in heaven and this alone encourages us to stand trials and temptations, it ushers the boldness to gladly lay down our necks for the sword; this was the strength of the Prophets and the Apostles those who were slain for the sake of the gospel.

At the face of death you see Christ standing before you to welcome you home into the joy, the peace, the fulfillment that life denied you of: that you’ll long to die.

The book of Revelation is reassuring, soul refreshing, consoling and comforting. No true believer would be scared or afraid of the end time, when God will pour out the cup of His wrath to the nations of the world because we have been redeemed by the blood of the lamb.

Having this understanding, I earnestly pray for God's judgment to be nearer because the blood of the slain saints are eagerly waiting for the holy vengeance of God and God in His mercy and grace have set an appointed time, waiting for more of His children to return home. If you have not, please make that decision now.

Lastly, the book of Revelation ignites the zeal for evangelism, to bring many to the saving knowledge of Christ like never before so that we all will be saved in the perilous time and to draw God’s judgment on the devil and death very near.

The expression of God's throne and the kingdom of heaven is more than minds can imagine and I can’t wait to behold it. I pray for the grace to hold on and to continue in His love till my last breath to sing Hallelujah with the hosts of heaven.

No true believer ought to be terrified by the words of the visions except they are not on the right standing and now is the time to make things right, tomorrow maybe too late.

Jesus said to the Seven Churches, I see and know your works, and I am coming with my reward. In chapter 22:14 ‘Blessed are those who wash their robes, so that they will have the right to the tree of life and may enter the city by gates.

I pray that the light of righteousness will shine upon you now and forever. Amen.

You Are Blessed to Bless Others

No man can receive nothing except it is given by heaven ( God ) . …john3:27. Whenever God blesses a man, he does it out of mercy and love. A blessed man is a channel for others to be blessed.

Proverbs 11:25-26 – The generous soul will be made rich, And he who waters will also be watered himself.

When you reach out to the less privilege with God's blessings upon your life, you are transacting business with God that would in due time bring a good reward in one form or the other.

Gods blessings upon ones live could be in several forms not necessarily in monetary form alone. Gods blessing upon some could be in the profession they are into. God may bless them with extra ordinary knowledge and success in the field of profession they practice.

Take for example, a doctor that would always be committed to his or her work to safe lives is blessing people with what he or she is doing. A judge that ensures that Justice is not manipulated or altered in favour of the wicked is also blessing others with his job. A police officer that is genuinely discharging his duty within the ampit of law with out being biased is a blessing to the people.
You could even be a farmer or trader that is not greedy always inflating the price of his food products just to make a sky rocketing profit at the expense of the consumers. Remember,

Luke 12:16-21
16 And he told them this parable: “The ground of a certain rich man yielded an abundant harvest. 17 He thought to himself, ‘What shall I do? I have no place to store my crops.’

18 “Then he said, ‘This is what I’ll do. I will tear down my barns and build bigger ones, and there I will store my surplus grain. 19 And I’ll say to myself, “You have plenty of grain laid up for many years. Take life easy; eat, drink and be merry.”’

20 “But God said to him, ‘You fool! This very night your life will be demanded from you. Then who will get what you have prepared for yourself?’

21 “This is how it will be with whoever stores up things for themselves but is not rich toward God.”


Prophetic Word for the month of Shevat 5783 / February 2023

Though every biblical month I get the word of the Lord, it has never become a religious routine for me, it is a divine discipline in Jesus' name. It is important and a great blessing to honor God's order and acknowledge his ways! Knowing him is eternal life. I pray that this prophetic word from our precious Lord, Yeshua, for this month will be a great blessing to you and position your faith and expectations to receive the good things he has in STORE for you.

It is so good to follow Holy Spirit to watch and read what other prophetic voices are forth-telling about this biblical and gregorian month and every other month because we prophesy in part. I believe the Lord entrusted me with this specific prophetic nugget about this month because he is highlighting it for YOU because he knows you are on my mailing list or would be visiting my website. God is awesome in his wisdom and knows how to meet with you.

I believe the precious Holy Spirit, the third person of the Trinity, is saying this about the month of Shevat 5783/ February 2023. Many of you will be traveling this month, I believe both in the natural and in the spirit. God wants to use you this month and take you to new places geographically and in the spirit realm, to new levels in him. You will not meet his precious appointed people he wants you to minister to if you stay where you are now and in the level of influence, you are in.

Many are waiting for you to show up, and minister to them by the Spirit. The man from Macedonia appeared to the apostle Paul in a vision and begged him to come over for help and Paul responded as he witnessed that from the Holy Spirit. We are not led by visions but by the Spirit! Test the spirits, break for the needs of others and be compassionate but remember to follow Holy Spirit and get the green light of grace from him. Because Holy Spirit is true love and he knows best as Kathryn Kuhlman has said, if Jesus could trust the Holy Spirit, surely I can.

Many of you are willing to dance your way up and move with Holy Spirit, yet have questions about the provision to be able to do that. Traveling costs, let's face it, and be real. PRAY, says the Holy Spirit, and I will meet your need because I want it and desire it more than you do.

Don't limit God, and don't expect him to move in a certain way or rational way to meet your provision. It is never written in the bible to ask God for money to meet the need. The word says, let your request be made known unto him and he answers. If you need a ride, don't go rational and pray clichet prayers, Lord, I need a car for transportation! Just ask him for a ride because this is your need, he may give you a car, he may have someone pick you up, or maybe he wants to translate you supernaturally in the spirit. Let God be God!

Have a blessed and happy traveling in Jesus' name and may YOU meet those precious appointed people. Jesus stopped for the Samaritan woman!

Tony Francis

If you feel led to sow into this word beginning of this month to harvest your traveling provision, feel free to do that. I am believing with you in Jesus' name. After you checkout, leave in the comment the word SHEVAT TRAVEL. Thanks for your generosity. God bless you in Jesus' name! Amen. 

Blinded From the God Increase?

“The heart is deceitful above all things, And desperately wicked; Who can know it?” Jeremiah 17: 9

God gave the whole world his only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, to save us from sin and eternal hell and reconcile us to him and his glory. This great salvation was given thousands of years ago. It is rich and great; nothing tops it or can be compared to it.

Everyone is forgiven because God’s justice was satisfied and met by the Lamb of God, Jesus Christ. Therefore, everyone is forgiven, but not everyone is saved.

“For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast.” Ephesians 2:8-9

You have been saved by grace BUT THROUGH FAITH. You need to know, believe, and receive it to secure eternal life.

Many don’t receive this God increase, this immense holy salvation, because they don’t SEE themselves fitting in the category of needing salvation.

Everyone has their demonic doctrine and reasoning that BLINDS them to the fact that they need salvation. This blind spot of not needing salvation robbed that one of receiving this God increase. It is available but was lost for them!

Do you have a blind spot? I know you are thinking, come on, Tony, it is a blind spot. How can I see it? The one who sees you sees it. You can search your heart in God’s presence. I know it is not easy because most of us resist the exposure of a blind spot for some reason, mostly pride, but if we want to break free and deal with it to be in the faith, we need to do this step. You will be incredibly blessed when you humble yourself and have your eyes open to that blind spot causing you not to see the divine abundance available to you by your heavenly Father in Christ in Jesus!


Father, I am so excited about this one! Please open my eyes by the anointing because Jesus, the anointed one, makes the blind see. I don’t want to be blinded anymore to your glory and goodness. Whatever it costs, do it unto me, touch my eyes, and expose the blind spot(s) today. Amen.


God sees my blind spots and reveals them to me by his Spirit. Therefore, I will never walk blindly because the sun of righteousness rises for me with healing in its wings.

This chapter “Blind Spot” is taken from Tony Francis' new book “My Cup Overflows”- Devotional, Prayers & Decrees For Your Increase. Available in hardcover and digital formats. 

My Cup Overflows Book – A Devotional, Prayers and Decrees for Your Increase

My Cup Overflows Book: Devotional, Prayers & Decrees for Your Increase by Tony Francis