Tag Archive for: beautiful

So How Did I Start Prophesying? 

For those of you who know me, you know that I am very active in prophetic ministry and I love it! For those of you who don’t yet know me, I want to tell you that I am a Jesus freak first and prophetic freak second. How did I come this far? It is all by the grace of God of course but it started years and years ago.

After I met this new “Jesus” that a Pentecostal friend told me about, I gave my heart to Him and became born again. This is when I started to really live; it was the new beginning I was longing for. There may be two reasons why people don’t experience salvation. The first reason may be the lack of someone telling them about the Lord, and the second reason may be some wrong misconceptions, doctrines, and teachings about this GOOD and beautiful Lord, this new “Jesus” who I met. Anyway, just after I became born again my eyes opened to the Bible, this spiritual book, in a new way I’ve never experienced before. The Bible has become the place I run to every day to meet the lover of my soul, learn more about him, and lay hold of his blessings to me that seem more accessible after becoming his. Not that unbelievers can’t receive from Jesus this is not what I mean! But as a son, the inheritance of my heavenly Father has become mine in Christ.

One day, I was reading in 1 Corinthians 14 these words:

But the one who prophesies speaks to people for their strengthening, encouragement and comfort. Anyone who speaks in a tongue edifies themselves, but the one who prophesies edifies the church. I would like every one of you to speak in tongues, but I would rather have you prophesy.

I parked on that verse and started a conversation with myself by acknowledging that I already spoke in tongues so I was halfway there. I felt the invitation of the Holy Spirit to ask for the gift of prophecy because I wanted to be an encourager, comforter, and edifier to others. So, I prayed these words, “Lord, your word invites me to ask for the gift of prophecy to encourage others and edify them and I want that. It is also written that if I ask, it shall be given unto me and as I believe that I have received, it shall be unto me. I do ask you Father to give me right now this gift of prophecy in Jesus’ name. Amen”.

As soon as I finished lifting my prayer and sealing it with the amen, I knew the gift of prophecy was mine. Little did I know that God delighted so much in my prayer that it excited him to a point of giving me a tangible manifestation that I wasn’t expecting. I felt what appeared like HOT OIL coming down on my head, very hot to the point my head started itching so hard. It was a dramatic commissioning moment I won’t forget all of my life. I didn’t ask for this dramatic fiery hot oil anointing to be poured on my head but it was another gift on top of the gift I received. I know that the truth of the word of God is far greater than physical manifestations but Abba’s ways of encouraging us and defining our moments with him are amazing and so confirming!

The next day I woke up so excited because I knew I could prophesy to people. From that time till now, I have never stopped prophesying the love of God to people. What a journey it is with Holy Spirit and I trust him for greater things to come! The gift of prophecy is a grace to hear from Holy Spirit for others to encourage, edify, and comfort them. I believe this gift is a mix of faith and boldness because it takes faith to hear what God is saying and boldness to deliver it.

If the Lord is inviting you to partake in this gift, bring your dish now and fill your plate and if you feel him inviting you for something else, follow him. Whatever you’ve been given in the pages of the scriptures glorifies Jesus. Steward your gift well, invest in it, and live on the wings of risk, thrill, and eternal enjoyments. There is nothing more beautiful than to give someone dear to Jesus a GOD ENCOUNTER and you are this one!

Tony Francis

In the Present Moment with Jesus

By Nancy Johnson

Before I was saved, I went through 14 years of sickness and hopelessness that ended in critical care at the hospital. It all changed when I gave my heart to Jesus. He came bounding in and made me a brand new creation. Jesus told me: “Nancy, you are brand new, you have no reason to even consider the old identity or your past anymore. I can turn this thing around! I am a present God. Right now, my heart beats in your heart and my breath flows into your lungs. You are now living, moving, and having your being in Me.” (Acts 17:28)

A brand new life seemed impossible to me. But God! Every day He took me on an incredible journey. This meant He was with me in every moment. “Trust me,” He kept saying, “I can do this! Even though you are afraid to let me have your life, I can do it!” And I can tell you the past would torture me horribly, and so would the future. The only safe place for me was to lose myself in worship and to think the thoughts of God. And His thoughts were way out of my box. But I continually traded in my ashes for His beauty moment by moment.

Even though all of us live in a battleground, I believe we can live in the fullness of His life and more life. I believe through our hunger and desire for Him, we can constantly engage our powerful Savior. In our praises, we are saturated with Him. In our prayer, we are saturated with Him. It’s walking in awareness and focus. It’s a place where we are no longer conformed to this world but are transformed by the renewal of our minds. (Romans 12:1-2)

I believe God is telling us, as His sons and daughters, that we can trust Him to answer our prayers and to make our paths straight. The carnal mind constantly tries to create death (Romans 8:5-11). But we can renounce that and simply choose life. We can drop down out of our heads, and start to live out of the eternal love in our hearts. Love is powerful and timeless. When you engage with the heart of Jesus, you are in the NOW! It’s a choice to live a life with Love. In that sweet place where your heart is abiding in His, you forget all about your self.

My beautiful family, it’s only Him that we need after all. Right now and present.

By Nancy Johnson

Author of Ask for Your Miracle


Keep The Weeds Out!!!

By Susanne Drawe
Cultivating a Heart After God Day 1
Gardening is a beautiful thing. I love how God made creation to be cultivated, His Life is never ending and it reminds me that I have that continual abundance of His Life in me! It is a beautiful reminder of His Love and Provision for us! But He also reminds us that Life still needs to be cultivated, grown and maintained. God created seed to be reproduced so we in the world can receive God’s best for us. As I work in our garden, He gently reminds me of Proverbs 4:23: Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life. He reminds me of how vulnerable my heart is, and how precious it is to Him. As I am physically maintaining my garden on the outside, I am constantly searching for weeds in my own heart. Making sure there are no weeds of unforgiveness, out bursts of anger, bitterness, bad attitudes, bad thoughts that I have allowed to take or try to take root in my heart to keep me away from The Giver of Life. And as I go along my garden my Precious Lord reminds me of His Love, Grace, Mercy, His Blood, and His Word that can wash me clean. As I pick out the weeds of my heart, I am filled with gratefulness that He has His Word to take root in my heart. Ephesians 3:17: That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith; that ye, being rooted and grounded in love. My heart overflows with joy knowing that when I set my thoughts on Him, His Word and Love for me that the washing of His Word is filling those weed holes of pain, sadness, unforgiveness, out bursts of anger, bitterness, thoughts of the enemy which produces wrong words and actions. He gently reminds me of Colossians 3:3: For you died (to this world), and your (new Life, who I am in Christ) life is hidden with Christ in God. Galatians 2:20 AMP: I have been crucified with Christ (that is, in Him I have shared His crucifixion); it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body I live by faith (by adhering to, relying on, and completely trusting) in the Son of God, Who loved me and gave Himself up for me. I do not ignore or nullify The (Gracious Gift of the) Grace of God ( His amazing, unmerited favor), for if righteousness comes through (observing) the Law, then Christ died needlessly. (His suffering and death would have had no purpose whatsoever)!!!! He has made everything available for us to keep up with repentance and to continually have a beautiful relationship with The Father, Who gave His own Son for us. Glory to God ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤

The seasons have changed!

By Cheryl Shepherd

This past season has been a whirlwind of ups and downs, wrongs and rights, perhaps a search for a deeper meaning or just prayers for the strength to hold on and navigate the stormy waters! 

Through all of the confusion of this past season, I won’t pretend to understand the purpose or meaning of it all,  but what has become clear is the many things that seem to have overshadowed the former peace and security we once enjoyed as a nation. 

As we grasp for understanding of the meaning behind it all,  I can’t help but feel the heavy weight of the shadow of darkness that has permeated our society.  A darkness that no one has escaped and has touched everyone on some level. 

I woke up this morning with a strong message to SAY GOODBYE!

Say goodbye to the past in preparation of a new and better tomorrow! Better, not in that it will be perfect or the same as the past but in preparation for what lies ahead! 

To everything there is a season and any attempt to hold onto summer in an effort to prevent the fall from coming is futile. I know because I’ve tried! 

Fall has come and there is no way to turn back time and go back to the fun and frivolousness of summer. But with the changing of the new season brings new experiences, new growth and a strength that can only come from completely letting go. Moving into and embracing the change instead of trying to hold onto the previous season is key to the fulfillment of our new journey. 

My husband and I were driving around a curvy narrow lake road when we came upon a baby doe wobbly on his feet, he must have been new born with his beautiful white spots reminding me of the stories of Bambi I loved as a child.  

It became disturbingly apparent that this little guy had no where to go as our car moved quickly toward him. There was only a tall fence between him and the car, and we knew he could never jump that high with his wobbly new legs. 

As we braced for the inevitable impact, my husband and I were in utter shock when we saw him go under the fence through a very small opening, no doubt I thought, called by his wise mother on the other side. 

We each have our own individual path. You may feel like during this season yours has come to an abrupt stop or you have hit a proverbial wall,  however I encourage you to look a bit further beyond this barrier…Is it impenetrable? 

I promise you, whatever barrier has been put before you, your Heavenly father has made a way through, around, below or above and He is calling you to follow His voice! Are you listening? 

Sometimes his voice is hard to hear through all of the chaos and confusion surrounding us, but he promises to guide you through his Holy Spirit if you just take time to listen. 

Quiet yourself and prepare for your new season! … Be still and know that I am God! Ps 143:8

It is with this that I say my final goodbye to this season. 

I embrace the inevitable change that the new season brings with it! 

I release and reject the soul wounds, strongholds and generational curses used by the enemy to keep me from moving forward in the assignment that has been given to me. 

I decree and declare God’s promise over everyone who reads this! 

My prayer for you is that you will join me in this “Goodbye Proclamation” and stand in unity together against the enemy’s plan to have ANY dominion in this new season!

Thus says the Lord, who makes a way in the sea and a path through the mighty waters, Who brings forth the chariot and horse, the army and the power. They shall lie down together, they shall not rise; They are extinguished, they are quenched like a wick.

Do not remember the former things,

Nor consider the things of old.

Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert. 

For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it? I will make a pathway through the wilderness. I will create rivers in the dry wasteland. NLT

[Isa 43:15-19]

Let’s move into this new season without fear, sadness, regret or remorse but with an acceptance of what was, a complete faith in the deliverance and release of any barriers keeping us from moving forward, and an excited anticipation of a new hope for what is to come!

May God richly bless you and your loved ones in this NEW Season! 

Dreams of Comfort for the Brokenhearted

By Cheryl Shepherd

Have you ever received a dream that you knew was from God for the purpose of providing comfort during a particularly desperate time? If you’re a skeptic, based on my studies in Psychology and Sociology,  I certainly would have agreed before my mind was changed by a very incredible dream.

I was recently reminded, while listening to a story told by evangelist Perry Stone, of how drastically my mind was changed.

Perry spoke of a dream he had about a child that he and his wife had lost lost due to a miscarriage and that reminded me of my own similar experience. In his dream he had a very vivid picture of this precious little girl waiting to meet him in heaven.

What was especially touching about this story was the fact that years later, he came across someone who had painted a picture of this beautiful little girl, matching the little girl in his dream in complete detail down to the ragged stuffed animal she clung to! There were many more facets of the story that were certainly miraculous and reminded me of a time that brought to life a scripture that has become very dear to me. Psalms 34:18 says, the Lord is near to the brokenhearted; He saves those crushed in spirit.

Twenty-one years ago I lost my son Billy’s identical twin brother Brandon, due to a rare condition called twin to twin transfusion syndrome.

While I can’t begin to imagine the grief experienced by a mother who has to say goodbye to a child at any age, the impact of this loss for me was a profound one in a different way, yet devastating just as any mother knows who has experienced never being able to meet or hold her unborn child.

At that time there was very little known about twin to twin transfusion syndrome or TTTS. It was explained to me that this was a rare condition that occurs only in identical twins that share the same placenta and transfuse blood through shared blood vessels.

While the prognosis was ironically slightly better for Brandon than Billy, they explained that there was no cure. While I could try to remove amniotic fluid to “buy some time”, (having done this immediately caused me to go into a premature labor), ultimately there was a 10 to 15% chance at best of either of the twins surviving.

At the time of my diagnosis of this rare condition I was about 5 months along and the prognosis for both twins was clearly very bleak. So much so in fact, it was strongly recommended that I abort both babies and “try again later for a healthy pregnancy”. This was not an option for me, so my husband and I returned home from the hospital feeling completely devastated and totally lost!

After crying out to God, I was contacted by a friend who told me about an experimental surgery that was being performed by only one surgeon in the world at that time. He was a surgeon from Venezuela who had developed a surgery that he was performing in Tampa, Florida. We were on the next plane to Tampa for this experimental laser fetal surgery.

The surgery itself went well however Brandon ultimately did not make it.

While this loss was was devastating, what was even more difficult was looking in the closet and seeing all of the twin outfits hanging side-by-side; wondering how I could ever possibly find the strength to take one of each of these outfits out of the closet to discard.

Even more difficult proved to be the required weekly ultrasounds. It was torture Putting on a happy face each week while we watched Billy growing and developing while seeing the lifeless little form of Brandon become smaller and smaller, slowing shrinking away along with all of the dreams of what life should have held for these precious twin boys.

The remainder of the pregnancy became a blur of anger, resentment, pleading, and bargaining with God for a miracle, followed by utter devastation as I reminded myself it was too late for a miracle! 

As Brandon became smaller in the weekly ultrasounds the void in my heart became larger and more encompassing. One day I couldn’t seem to keep from crying all day, I remember my husband sternly saying to me you have to stop this!! You have to be strong for Billy!! You can’t just keep mourning the loss of Brandon you have a healthy baby to think about!

I knew he was right and the guilt I felt was overwhelming! I didn’t know how to stop grieving! I knew I should be celebrating the precious healthy miracle I was carrying inside of me but how could I betray Brandon like that?

At that moment I cried out to God from a place of complete brokenness and asked Him to take away my grief and allow me to experience the joy of this precious miracle He had given me.

This is the moment I knew without a doubt that God was with me and His heart was broken along with mine! I could feel his arms of love around me; comforting me. 

I fell into a deep sleep and I had a dream that I know now, was a glimpse into heaven and the heavenly nursery of unborn babies that Perry Stone talked about in his video.

In my dream I looked through a window like you would see in a hospital infant nursery. What I saw brought about a healing that is hard to even put into words. I saw my sister-in-law Betty, who had tragically died years before, in a rocking chair holding Brandon and gently rocking him. When she noticed me there she looked up at me and had the most precious look on her face, I remember it like it was yesterday. 

Betty had been the only person I would trust with babysitting my older children. She had such a love for children beyond anyone I have ever known. I woke up with a clear image of the pure joy and pride Betty had in cuddling my little Brandon – a look that said he will be alright, I will take good care of him until you get here.

While it would be easy to argue that there was something subconscious or psychological that caused this dream, I know better! God came to me in my brokenness and my despair and He gave me a glimpse into heaven that I believe was very real and beyond just a simple dream.

On July 5, 1999 I gave birth to my twin boys. Celebrating my five pound healthy baby boy Billy, while saying my final goodbye to Brandon.

It was amazing to me that I had ever wondered if I would be able to look at my precious new little miracle without feeling this deep sorrow over the loss of the brother who looks exactly like him.  The truth of the matter is, I don’t believe I could have ever done this on my own.

Is God really there for the brokenhearted? You Bet He Is!!! I am living proof of this promise that he has given us all in His Holy word. 

I want you to know that if you are suffering from a loss today, and you feel there is no escape and no way out of your pain, loneliness, and grief, He wants to bring you comfort- all you have to do is cry out to Him. He promises to be there! 

Cheryl Shepherd

2020FullCircle [email protected]

Perry Stones’s story title “The unborn in Heaven” can be found at:


Between Fake and Authentic: a Lost Identity

By Roula El Azzi

I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. Psalm 139:14

As a woman living in the Middle East in a country called Lebanon, I can say it is very challenging to stay simple and natural. Plastic surgeries have invaded our society and the media has had a big role in promoting it. Today, our society is suffering from fake beauty, fake identity, and loss of confidence in God who wonderfully and fearfully created each one of us.

The beauty of the woman has always been considered an important measure of her worth in society. As a woman, this made me always wonder “what if I am not physically beautiful according to the fake criteria of beauty?” I wanted to stay natural and simple without relying on heavy make-up, plastic surgery, or clothes that do not reflect my personality.

For several years, my label was “the girl with the big teeth”. It hurt, but I persisted in fixing my dental issues without changing my authentic identity. Even when in desperate moments I tried to copy others in following the latest trends and fashions and failed, the question of what authentic beauty that amazes the soul and create a lasting print of uniqueness in life is has always been on my mind. I asked myself this up until the day my soul met the one who loved me unconditionally; “Jesus”.

Experiencing Jesus was a turning point in my life, and yet I kept struggling with my physical appearance for several years until one day, I was on my knees praying and crying to the Lord: Please Lord let me see myself through your eyes only, not mine, not the eyes of the people around me, not the society’s, ONLY through your eyes! Suddenly, I felt a warm hand on my shoulder, peace and calmness filled my heart… I stopped weeping, stood on my feet and looked at the mirror… In that very moment I felt like I was out of time and space, as if I was looking at another person, a beautiful charming woman full of life. I touched my face in wonder, asking in a loud voice: “Roula is that really you?! Wow!” I saw myself as the most beautiful woman I have ever met! Since then, I understood that my identity is in Jesus Christ, and that nothing in this world can make me more beautiful than how He sees me.

Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as elaborate hairstyles and the wearing of gold jewelry or fine clothes. Rather, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God’s sight. 1Peter 3:4

How does a woman living according to God’s call live in the modern world and remain an influence to others, a role model to follow who is not affected by the world? By wearing the righteousness of God and not the latest trends of the world, by reading the word of God and not the words of labels, by hearing the voice of God and not the voice of bullying, by knowing who she is in Christ and not in the opinions of the world. Jesus saved us and gave us eternal life, He gave us power over all of the plans Satan has prepared to destroy our peace and joy in the Lord. His precious blood shed on the cross is our worth, Let’s rejoice in Him!

I will rejoice greatly in the LORD, My soul will exult in my God; For He has clothed me with garments of salvation, He has wrapped me with a robe of righteousness, As a bridegroom decks himself with a garland, And as a bride adorns herself with her jewels. Isaiah 61:10

Satan’s goal is to destroy the holy image of the woman. He works on making her out as a commodity for sexual lust, a tool for seduction and a shopping robot. We all, as women of God, have at times fallen into this trap, but our Lord did not leave us without guidance. He gave us His words as a lamp to our feet and His Holy Spirit to guide us in every step.

We all have an invitation today to remember our identity in Christ, to embrace His love, and accept ourselves as He created us.

His light is shining upon our lives, revealing the truth and unmasking Satan’s lies. His voice is calling; let us wake up to our true mission, a mission to make life, to speak life, and to give life to whoever needs it. To be the bride of the groom, loved unconditionally, cherished and honored, while remembering His words: You are altogether beautiful, my darling; there is no flaw in you. Song of Songs 4:7

Dancing Between Two Emotions

You host your own emotions, I am not saying something new to you here, we all know that. Your heart is your deepest part, your core, your behind the scenes where the action takes place. It is where you closely listen to your emotions where it whispers to you the sadness, other times shouts the thrill of joy and hope, not to list all the other scenarios and discussions that your emotions throw at you even when you are not in the mood for a 2 ways conversation!

Nobody like strangers, if a thief enters my house I will kill him. We protect ourselves well from aliens. Your heart is your space alone and you are a master over it, sometimes! Emotions are God’s blessings to you that flow like waves in your inner ocean. Sometimes it is a peaceful wave, other times it is a force, a storm. You are made in God’s image and God has emotions towards you!

Have you ever stopped to listen to the heartbeat of God for you? He has a big heart huh? What a glorious experience, right?

When you accept Christ in your heart, you host God in you what the Bible calls it “the new birth experience”. You become the temple of Holy Spirit where he dwells. Behind the scenes now there is a unity between you and the Lord. You will cry at what makes God cry and God will cry at what makes you cry. You will laugh with him and he will laugh with you but never at you! You are now officially hosting more than your emotions and God will give you grace, wisdom, and maturity to discerning what is yours and what is not, his word will sharply divide and pierce all layers.

Prophetic vessels of God are quite something! They need to be studied closely in a lab. A prophetic vessel not only delivers God’s word but his heart as well. The Helper the Holy Spirit is the ancient of days maestro who will beautifully orchestrate and harmonize the instruments of emotions of yours and God to create a beautiful melody that the deaf can hear but you will live your life on … dancing between two emotions because you are hosting God.

Tony Francis

The Reality of Spiritual Substances

God is the God of manifestations, he simply is. He wants to reveal himself to you clearly so you can enjoy his tangible love, goodness, mercy, salvation, protection and all the good things he has in store for you. God’s glory is he who is and what he has and he poured it all over you in Christ! It can’t get any better.

A couple of days ago I met by a divine appointment a group of amazing believers, two sisters and one brother in the Lord. They came from a different country for a few days and I had the privilege and the honor to spend some time with them. We shared lots of God stuff in my country and theirs. We were both so blessed to hear what God is doing among his church and we were celebrating that! One of the dear ladies called Lin opened her heart and shared with us her many amazing precious God encounters and oh boy how blessed and excited I was to hear it. I was amazed and surprised by the simplistic childlike faith she has and how the Lord lands on her kind of faith with signs and wonders! She brought with her many things and photos that backed up her beautiful genuine stories and I had the opportunity to witness it all. She showed my friend and me different colored perfect gemstones (as examined by a gemologist) that fell from heaven on many occasion and each gem has a beautiful story that speaks about our good good heavenly Father. I saw Angel’s feathers’ photos, oil from heaven, heavenly bread with chunks of gold and other cool stuff. I kept wowing with each story and was definitely caught by the thrill of seeing tangibly these good gifts from dad not to mention that I felt the anointing and the presence of God on some items!

Later after they left back to their country, I was thanking God for this opportunity to meet them and pondering the amazing things my ears and my eyes experienced closely. Then as simple as this is, the Holy Spirit interrupted my excitement in his kindness and corrected a major thing in my heart. He prioritized it all to me once and forever.

What I saw was so awesome and with a big YES you must remain open for God’s signs and wonders and we want to see visibly his glory and blessings. I want God to invade all my dimensions, the invisible and the visible. But remember that in Christ, you are a SPIRIT being of light and God wants your thrill to be first in the spiritual because this is who you are FOREVER! The spirit world for you must be your main focus before anything else. You are a spirit, with a soul living in a body. Yes, God loves to see your smile and joy when you receive his gifts in the physical realm but he wants you to be excited to spiritual realities first, to the invisible king and kingdom within you. We tend to think that if it is touchable then it is tangible and we get frustrated if we don’t experience glory in our mortal fleshly senses. But my friend let me adjust you as Holy Spirit did for me if it is spiritual it is also TANGIBLE and more real and remaining (Matthew 6:19-21).

God wants you to believe that what he gives you as spiritual things and substances is tangible and real. The experience of it may be different from the physical and the natural because you are operating in another dimension a supernatural one but it is real and tangible for him so it must be for you! The presence of the invisible Holy Spirit with you is something spiritual and he will never become flesh like Jesus, he will stay your invisible helper. But being invisible doesn’t mean he is not a real person around you. Holy Spirit is real and tangible and not believing this is a dishonor of Jesus’ promise when he said he would send the helper to be with you forever and lead you into all truth and he did.

In Christ, you are a spirit first so making the spiritual your priority is important but press in to see God’s glory in other dimensions as well. We want God to fill everything but first the spiritual.

Final note: After Holy Spirit met me and adjusted my excitement, I lifted my hands to heaven and asked my heavenly dad to give me a gemstone because he is no respecter of men, he favors faith, not people. I was sitting on my bed and I was waiting on him after I requested that from him and it is up to him to give it or not, you can’t force him. Then I saw in a faint image in my mind a blue gemstone dropped on my bed, it was not in the physical realm (the lowest realm) but in the spiritual. So by faith and with so much innocence and simplicity, I stretched my hand to grab it, although, in the seen dimension my hand is empty, yet I believed I was holding a blue gem in the spiritual. BECAUSE I honor the spiritual first and it is tangible for me. I can say I have a gemstone from heaven from a different perspective :} and it is up to you to believe it or not.

Toni Francis

She Was Caught In The Action

A Jewish woman was caught doing sex outside of marriage in the context of a prostitution lifestyle. I can’t imagine the emotions she went through when they caught her naked in a very intimate intercourse scenario. Maybe that woman went through her day as everyday feeling secure and safe that she will do her thing as usual, get paid and leave home. Little did she know that day was life-changing for her.

The reason she was caught in the action was to test Jesus Christ big time. Facing all the religious leaders and community back then, will Jesus contradict the laws of Moses by sparing her life or will he agree with them and kill the woman?

The case is so clear, she must die, according to them. Jesus, what do you say? They want to catch Jesus in the action too, this time if he breaks the laws, we will kill him too along with the woman!

Jesus was silent for a moment. Pressure and intensity filled the atmospheres. All eyes and ears were toward Jesus. Religion was beholding Jesus not to change into his image but to change Jesus into their image!

… The final verdict was released from Heaven. Jesus heard his Father! It was the same life-giving wisdom that king Solomon operated in to spare the life of a newborn baby and gave him back to his real mother. There was greater than Solomon, WISDOM himself Jesus Christ!

“But when they persisted in asking Him, He straightened up, and said to them, “He who is without sin among you, let him be the first to throw a stone at her.” John 8:7

In this religious crowd, Jesus was the only one without sin among them. He could have stoned her to death easily after his statement to show them all that he is the righteous one, the lamb of God, it was his chance. But it was not about him, it was about saving and redeeming that precious struggling lady. If you had a big life chance opportunity to prove to others that you are so right versus promoting love and life, what do you choose? Knowledge kills but love builds.

“When they heard it, they began to go out one by one, beginning with the older ones, and He was left alone, and the woman, where she was, in the center of the court.” John 8:9

Wow, beginning with the older ones! It is a misconception to think that elders are holier than the youngsters. In this case, the older ones left the place of judgment. It is good that they were aware of being sinners but it is sad that they left quickly back to home with their sin. They too had the chance to repent, be forgiven and redeemed. Yet by holding to their sin, they stoned themselves out of God’s presence and mercy.

“Straightening up, Jesus said to her, “Woman, where are they? Did no one condemn you?” She said, “No one, Lord.” And Jesus said, “I do not condemn you, either. Go. From now on sin no more.” John 8:10-11

That day the Lord gave her another chance. Sinners will be the first to enter the kingdom as Jesus said. Not because they are sinners but because they met the Savior and responded to him. Jesus loves you and wants to redeem you and restore you to a beautiful everlasting relationship with him.  

Toni Francis

You can also watch this blog as a Vlog (Video Blog). Click here to watch it: She was caught in the action

A Sinner In The Hands Of An Angry God

To be honest with you, I thought innocently that God of the Old Testament behaved differently than in the New Testament because the covenant changed. This doctrine, that I am sure you also heard, has convinced me skillfully not to say deceitfully! I didn’t argue with it I just let it pass but deep inside I was not feeling good about belonging to “A GOD WHO KILLED PEOPLE” for a while until a better covenant came to pass.

This morning the Lord led me to read a certain passage in the gospels and the understanding he unfolded to me changed the whole formula and introduced me to the real God. What you are about to read here will wowy you and it will for sure bibidi babidi bou you!

In Luke 9:51, James and John wanted to call fire down from heaven to consume the Samaritans who opposed the journey of Jesus to Jerusalem. They said to Jesus with a religious zeal, excitement and “feeling right about it” attitude: “Lord, do You want us to command fire to come down from heaven and consume them, just as Elijah did?”

Cool boys, I am happy and satisfied you wanted to be scriptural and never do a thing not backed up in the book of LIFE. Before proceeding I just want to throw this for free, is not it strange and weird to bring death out of the book of LIFE? James and John were right about two things: they were in a relationship with Jesus and they asked him if he would like to barbecue some Samaritan flesh because of opposition and second they knew that only God would command the fire to come down from heaven! No man can do that!

BUT … Elijah never called the fire down from heaven to consume the false prophets but to demonstrate that God is a living God and THAT fire consumed the ALTAR he built by the leading of the Holy Spirit. I don’t know if at that instant James and John forgot this IMPORTANT detail because they were religiously zealous and angry!

Once again, Elijah by the leading of the Holy Spirit called down fire from heaven on the altar and the Israelites who saw it were marveled and could have turned back to God if they had a chance to. But we will see that Elijah after this good glory demonstration didn’t give them any!

But He [Jesus] turned and rebuked them, and said, “You do not know what manner of spirit you are of. For the Son of Man did not come to destroy men’s lives but to save them.” And they went to another village.

Religion wants to barbecue people, Jesus wants to unbarbecue you! … After I read that, my eyes were opened and I said, hmmm wait a moment! If God sent the fire using Elijah to demonstrate his presence to turn his people back to him, then he must have told Elijah to kill them all after that. Because Elijah was a prophet and he must be led by Holy Spirit to kill them all and slaughter each, after all, we have been taught that God of the Old Testament can do that easily because of “THE AVAILABLE COVENANT” back then!

I am not here to defend God but my bible says that Jesus is the same today yesterday and forever. God’s nature doesn’t change according to James 1: 16-17 “Do not be deceived, my beloved brethren. Every GOOD gift and every PERFECT gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning.” God is good and perfect and this will remain forever no matter how much doctrines will say differently with a religious zeal! Jesus is always about saving souls even in the Old Testament.

Could it be that Elijah started in the spirit and continued in the flesh? Why did Elijah killed the 850 false prophets and not gave them a chance to be God’s prophets? It was a very good potential opportunity that moment don’t you think? But it was lost forever because he got religiously excited!

To be honest with you I don’t know why Elijah killed them all but I am sure that Jesus doesn’t want a soul to be doomed but to be given chance after another to turn back to God! How many chances these false prophets were given to repent after that glorious demonstration? NONE.

In my opinion, Elijah started ministering good but got in the flesh. The Law of Moses commanded NOT TO KILL and it is a GOD GIVEN LAW. When you get religiously zealous, you want to add to the word of God or take from it. Elijah could have thought in himself, it is OK to kill them all “Exclusively”. Maybe because the Law of Moses at some point was confusing and unclear.

Bear with me to clarify this point with you please. Moses got the laws from God but after a while and because the Israelites were so hard and unbearable Moses ALLOWED things. At some point, leading very hard people drove Moses to permit some things to CONTROL the crowd under the name of GOD! But did God say that? In the beginning, no, GOD had clear laws, but later on, MOSES PERMITTED THINGS. No wonder why Elijah could have been confused.

They said to Him [Jesus], “Why then did Moses command to give a certificate of divorce, and to put her away?” He said to them, “Moses, because of the hardness of your hearts, permitted you to divorce your wives, but from the beginning it was not so. Matthew 19

Moses permitted some laws beside the laws of God just to settle some issues to go have some good deep sleep. His church was a headache! BE TERRIFIED if you permit things that God’s nature doesn’t approve it.

Let’s wrap it. Yes, we read in the whole bible that the goodness of God issued some endings to wicked people and cities. So God in his sovereignty can terminate things. But in my opinion and understanding, God does this after he gives many chances because HE IS PATIENT, merciful and slow to anger. BUT when he finds that there is no more way to repent and that the cup of sin is full he takes some steps to demonstrate his goodness by cutting some things off. Doctors are good when they cut an infected organ in someone’s body if they know for sure there is no more option as hard as this is.

Did Elijah give chances to these false prophets? Was he long-suffering and patient with them? Let’s check our ministries if they are aligned with the nature of God or not.

Peter also got the “religious killing zeal” MODE ON for JESUS and dismembered the ear of an antichrist enemy in the garden of Gethsemane. Not knowing that Peter himself was an antichrist in this action. “Put your sword back in its place,” Jesus said to him, “for all who draw the sword will die by the sword.

James, John, Peter, and Elijah were all zealous religiously and did things they thought approved by God. They were trying to show some love the best they knew how. It is not a devotion to disfavor God’s servants and their weaknesses, we are no better in many situations.

Bottom-line, Jesus shows his heart many times that he is for you not against you. He wants to save you and not destroy you. “Have I any pleasure at all that the wicked should die? saith the Lord GOD: and not that he should return from his ways, and live?” Ezekiel 18:23.

You and I with a huge cloud of witnesses have misrepresented the true good nature of God at some point in our life. The Lord told me this morning: “When you understand my nature you read things right”. The Lord can forgive us all this mess and misrepresentation if we repent. God is always angry at sin not at sinners. Jesus was violent with sin issues and flipped the tables but never slapped anyone! Can we minister without chopping heads? Yes, it is possible if you know how loving God is!

A sinner in the hands of an angry God is the most beautiful experience at all. Because he lavishes you with his bounty goodness, unconditional love, many chances to be saved and redeemed to flourish beautifully before him for his glory. You will be undone by his beating heart for you! However, after experiencing his many goodness demonstrations if you decide to trample on the precious saving blood of Jesus and reject LIFE, whose fault is this?

Toni Francis